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Ontario Reformer, 11 Nov 1922, p. 4

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"a NAD rn ee SER T IT fA oa ------ Ee a Cutt mn AD aT td | DERRY TAD STE A i A Nap SC ET p 1 ¥ = -- -- VAUDEVILLE AT NEW MARTIN, For the first part of next week at the New Martin two vaudeville acts will be billed with Hoot Gibson's stirring picture, "The Bear Cat." Billy Cumby, a versatile colored comedian, will bring many a laugh with his flow of ready wit. The second act is a musical eartoon nov- elty by Austin & Cole. FILM OAMERAMEN : ROUTED. BY. B Many Thrills During Filming of "The Valley of Silent Men" A bear hunt and a subsequent scramble of cameramen, was an un- expected event during the filming for Paramount of the new 'Cosmo: politan picture, "The Valley of Sil- ent Men," featuring Alma Rubens which took place recently in the wilds of the Canadian Rockies, where the company was "shooting" the exterior scenes, Frank Borzage, the director, with an eye to the realistic, asked for some real mountain bears. Camera- men and prop boys went bear hunt- ing. "You know how to get 'em boys, don't' you?" asked Borzage, "Just smoke 'em out, you know." Hours of searching brought the men to a lair on the side of a steep mountain near Field, B.C. Accord- ing to the game laws of Canada, it is permissible to shoot a bear, but only with a camera. The smoke quickly induced the bear to leave her hole, But when she did leave, it was upon the heels of the camera- men. And .to' their consternation, a couple of cubs followed, Prop boys and cameramen melted into oblivion. Finally the cubs climbed a tree, where they were shot from all angles, including the "coveted close-up" although they displayed no great exuberence at being thus honored. All ot which goes to prove that bears lack entirely any desire to shine before the public eye on the screen of the motion picture. 'The Monday, and the cast generally is best. ¥FEZU, FAMOUS GUIDE Praises Alma Rubens' Work in "The Valley of Silent Men" tan company "The Valley of Silen fore politan company. tribute to 'Rubens, 'screen actress, for peaks. Miss Rubens as "Marette," a French Canadian mountain took her pick and "dug in" right with the men during the filming on the peaks, -"She's the pluckiest .girl 1 ever met," said the old guide. the feature at the Regent theatre day. It is a Paramount picture of the finest grade, Grace Cunard, the serial queen, comes from her thrilling throne to play the role of Marietta, the wife of a jealous policeman, in 'The Girl in the Taxi," a First National produetion starring Mr, and Mrs. Carter DeHaven, which will begin an engagement at the Grand Theatre for three days beginning Monday next, ag Those who have seen the screen version of "Twin Beds" made by Mr. and Mrs, Carter DeHaven, the incomparable farce comedy team of, the screen, will.soon be offered an- other comedy gem by the same couple in their latest First National photoplay, "The Girl in the Taxi," an adaption of the musical comedy stage snccess of the same name, which comes to the Grand Theatre, Valley of Silent Men" will be the feature at the Regent theatre next|M onday, Tuesday and Wednesday. (REGENT ADWAYS BEST The Last Appearance of THAT SENSATIONAL VAUDEVJLLE ACT The 5 Ma SOHEDULE: Doors Open at 6.45, 1st Second Show Starts atv , Magpies Appear, 2nd DON'T MISS THIS Mon. - Tues.|- Wed: |, LR, LA ------ "FAMOUS PLAYERS ~ LASKY CORPORATIO, ! PRESENTS | LATEST NEWS | LAST TIMES TONIGHT AT7P.M. &90P. M. / Show BIG ATTRACTION . COMING: THURS., FRI & SAT. JANE NOVAK ANION PICTURE TO HE SPOILERS" IN THE Tuesday and Wednesday. Liew Cody plays opposite Miss Rvons of ihis beat. of the Edward Fezu, Swiss gulde who piloted members of the Cosmopoli-' Men" in the Canadian Rockies, is thie man who found the body of Dr. Winthrop E. Stone, president of Per- due University, who was killed while | exploring virgin peaks in 1921, Fesu knows every inch of the' mountains thoroughly and was there- indispensable to the Cosmo- He paid high the courage of Alma: her' bravery in climbing the ice-crusted girl, "The Valley of Stlent Men" will be next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- tion, ent coal which your committee pur. chased, Mr, Trick?" "The DeHavens have spared neither time nor money to make their latest screen offering one of the best farce comedies they have ever appeared in. Stanislaus Strange wrote the story, and Lloyd Ingraham directed the production, ~ In "Sky High" now playing at the Grand, Tom Mix is shown in one The feats performed in and around the Grand Canyon are film" masterpieces of daring. and randenr. And the scenery? The Meart of the "Grand Canyon" and its surrounding country. Nuff said. | It's a real picture. THE MAGPIES t The "Magpies" at the Regent last evening made a real hit. They arc a -live, snappy quintette and their numbers are full of fun 'and laugh- ter. Yet 'when they: really sing, they have well trained musical. voices which Blend splendidly. 13 "The ""Kiok Back' as' feature 'is \good and the 'Harold Lloyd" comedy is the usual thriller, It's a godd show to see. : Coal Price to (Continued from page 1) Trick's non-appearance at the meet- ing on Tuesday evening to the effeet that the pair were afraid. If the Council desired the name of the dealer Reeve Morris stated that he would supply it. 'In reality Council- lor Trick and Reeve Morris were away on their trip of investigation 'I to the mines. In part Reeve Morris said: "There is ample coal at the mines. I was informed by a man who knows. The reason we are not getting the coal here is because the recent rail- way strike in the United States has left its effect. It would be much bet- ter for the town to buy coal even if a silght loss were suffered than that any home should be without coal. 'I have every reason to believe erate with the fuel committtee, How- olution to that effect. 'I don't religh is satisfied, I'll stick to the job." Should Be 'Endorsed Councillor Burns arose and stat that he did not think that the fu committee had been criticized a expressed the opinion that the cou cil should heartily endorse the over the holiday was ample pr that they had the best interests the town at heart, At this juncture Conncillor Pre here had cost the committee. cillor Trick replied that it had c¢ $15.85 per net ton laid down in Osh awa, Delivery to householders meant that another 60 cents would be tacked on to the cost, which meant a loss to the town of but 45 cents per ton. Councillor Trick ex: plained, however, that he expected coal shortly that would cost but $15.20 to bring it here, thus enabling the sale of it practically at cost by the town. Preston Again "The dealers are not on trial for past sins, if any," said Councillor Preston, rising again, "What I'm interested in is the present situa- Was it Line coal or Independ- "I don't think an arcswer to that question is necessary," replied Coun- cillor Trick, "If 'Cobourg ean get more Line company coal than it desires, why can't Oshawa get some?" inquired Reeve Morris. "The coal dealers must-make a profit on the coal they handle to cover overhead," said Councillor Preston, "You must remember," said Coun- clllor Trick, again taking the floor, "that the dealers plac2 their orders in the spring, and can get the price right. That's why we can't get coal at the mines at $8.15 per ton as the dealers 'could have done earlier in the year. Furthermore we inter- viewed operators who bave received orders from Mr. Fowlds and Mr. Lander and we made it plain that we were desirous that they should get all that they could. This man said that both dealers would get plenty a little later on." .Councillor Johnston then arose and asked Councillor Trick if any of the local coal merchants were . get- ting any Old Line company .coal. | Councillor Trick replied that they were undoubtedly getting some. .He expressed the opinion that it was strange that an individual could buy coal for $11.25 per ton and bhiing it here for $14.64 enabling him to sell it at $16 per ton if the dealers could not do the same thing, t Ellis Fair Deputy Reeve Hill got into the discussion with the remark that if the price set by Fuel Controller Ellis was not fair to the dealers then that gentleman should resign from his position. He added however, that fectly fair. "Did Ellis make an actual inves- tigation = here?" asked Councillor Stanton. Councillor Trick replied to the question as follows: "The Town Clerk notified all the dealers that a meeting had been called by the fuel controller of all dealers the matter in Toronto. The dealers siderably weakens their ease. I councillor quite heatedly. remarked Mayor Stacey. cussion ends?" asked Mr. LAST DAY! : ATURDAY will be the last day of this great introductory offer of a limited number N] of the new "York" model genuine Console Brunswick Phonographs at $200.00, with the special terms and privileges extended this week. Just read the list of unusual privileges and see how easy it is for you to get a Bruns- wick; how we have given you every advantage; every security; every protection, not only to make the PURCHASE easy, but to insure LASTING satisfaction and security against loss. . TR Special Privileges The low price, special cash payment and easy terms are not the only attractive features of this offer. To insure absolute and lasting satisfaction, we are offering fur- ther advantages and protection for you. Six Day Trial Keep one of these new Brunswicks in your home for a week. If you find it Deferred Delivery If you are not ready to WA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 ----. -------- -- S ---------------- A A A I Sh I pe tp enn pode cp a When you consider that you not only get a genuine Brunswick Console Model with all the Brunswick patented features for $200.00 (something never pos- sible before), but you get it for only $25.00 cash, with the bal- ance spread over a whole year, and have all the special privi- nut, Features of This Model . 34 . 22 inches wide. 3. 35 4. Equipped ULTONA that plays all properly. 5. Has the all-wood oval horn, 6, Guaranteed Brunswick Motor. 7. Throat-tone control. 8. Automatic stop. 9, Genuine Mahogany, Adam Brown or Wal- that the coal dealers will not co-op- ever, if the council is not satisfied all that it has to do is to pass a res- the job, hut as long as the coungil he thought that the price was per- | to discuss refused to go to Toronto which con- || that all members of thie council will stand by the order," concluded the ! is not all we claim--if it does not meet with your entire satisfaction, return it and we will refund every cent you have paid. Exchange . » Privilege Moreover, if at any time within three months you decide you want a larger model you may return the one you'have and receive full credit for every cent you have paid, on the pur- chase of any other phono- graph in our store, of greater value. ductory offer, are only a few more to be last day. this model. Let your ears be 8 this offer closes! Saturday w Be sure to call and get a phonograph yet, but intend getting one later, and wish to make sure of getting one of these under these favorable conditions, you can pay the $25.00 now and we will hold one for you for delivery at any date up to Christmas, 1922, Guarantee These models carry the regular Brunswick Guar- antee, 'backed up by our personal guarantee of sat- isfaction, Moreover, the springs in this phonograph are guaranteed for one year. half time. / ONLY A FEW LEFT Almost all of the "York" models which we had set aside for this great intro; have been sold. There old. Then ill be the inspect the judge. leges ADDED, you will realize that this offer presents the great- est PHONOGRAPH VALUE IN CANADA. Partial Payments If through sickness or unemploy- ment you ments when payments Free Delivery This price and these terms include: Free Delivery to any home within fifteen miles of this store. 10 Fully guaranteed, springs. inches high, inches long. with the famous records Brunswick excluSive Brunswick cabinet in including cannot meet the pay- due you may make for a reasonable Only with Also a Few. of the aFPmous Model BRUNSWICKS at the new ° Reduced Price are Also Included ip this Offer, all the Mahogany or Oak; OVAL HORN, Ultona, Brunswick Motor, Modifier, etc, and is fully guar- anteed for ane year. "No, 200" Upright, $135 $25.00 Cash Payment, with privilegés and Genuine is equipped ALL-WOOD the famous Automatic Stop, Tone- D. A. TAIT ~ SIMCOE N. THE JOHNS PIANO SIMCOE .N. " TORE can get Old Line coal only in five and six carload lots which is not more than as many days' supply. It would be better if the fuel committee and the dealers got together on this thing." - "We called a@ameeting of the deal- ers and they failed to attend," shot hack Reeve Morris. Pertinent Questions. Couneillor Trick also took up the cudgels, "Why didn't the coal men accept Mr. Ellis' invitation to go to Toronto?" asked the councillor, "Why didn't you ge' us an auto- mobile to take us down to Toronto," queried Mr. Fowlds. '"Becauge we didn't have to," re- plied the chairman of the fuel com- mittee defiantly, Councillor Preston then queried as to whether it was illegal to rescind the order of the fuel controller. People Are Satisfied Councillor Brown then arose and said if the council were to be defeat- ed that it should be defeated honor- ably. "The dealers were satisfied," he said, "when we decided to ask the fuel controller to fix the price of coal here. I for one am not going back on my word, We dJid the right thing in asking the controller to fix the price of coal and tke people are satisfied, too." At this juncture the Mayor ruled that the discussion should end. The report of the beard of works was then read by Couneillor Trick. One of the dealers, Mr. Hen- ry, endeavored to have the discus- gion reopened, He threatened to close up shop. Mr, Henry wanted to know if the council would prevent the coal dealers from selling above the price fixed by the controller. Reeve Morris advisel Mr. Henry not to ask too many questions and refused to answer the question. "Un- til we receive am answer to that question we'll close np shop," the dealer said. however, and the order of the fuel No action was taken, |, controller stands as it is. Those present at the meeting were: Mayor Stacey, Reeve Morris, Deputy Reeve Hill, and Couneillors Trick, Burns, Hubbell, Johnston, Alger, Hawkes, Stanton, Preston, Brown and Hall. A large gallery of heard the debate. ratepayers Serious Charges (Continued from page 1) F. J. Baumgartner, of Oshawa, a native of Bukovinia, living in Can- ada for five years; Joseph Chernofsky of Cannington, born in Kiev, but an inhabitant of Canada for nine years; John Gerald, a Russian Pole, living in Canada ten years; Florian Mer- ringer, of Oshawa, a Russian Pole, in Canada for nine years, and Isaac Stein, a well-known resident of Whitby. Cases of Rex v. Harriet (libel) and Rex v. Harriet and Irene Jack (conspiracy) are to be left over until the next Assizes, no bill having been presented to the Grand Jury. In the case of Rex v. George Fowler, the Grand Jury brought in a present- ment of "No Bill" Bulezak v. Kalenka was a case of libel in which Mrs. Bulczak, of Oshawa, sued Kolenka, also of Osh- awa, for damages. Mrs. Bulezak claimed that Kalenka wrote a letter to her, accusing her of prostitution and selling liquor. Kolenka denied lapsed when Mr. Kennedy, actipg for the plaintiff, had mo way of proving the handwriting in the let- ter to be Kalenka's.. Justice Smith dismissed the action with costs. J. F. Grierson, of Oshawa, acted for the defendant, Grand Jury Presentment To His Honour Mr. Justice Smith: Sir,--We take great pleasure in congratulating you on your appoint- EE -- Toy FATE 4 ~ bt "No further diseussion needed," May I say a word before the dis- Fowlds, GRA - Wednesday A Very Clever Society Tangle It is both thrilling and also that measures up to the "GRAND" standard writing the letter, and the case col-' ment to the Supreme Court Bench of the Province of Ontario, and we hope you may be long spared to fill the office honourably with justice and mercy. We have disposed of all the cases submitted to us by the Crown and were sorry to find many degrading cases placed before us. We have visited the gaol and find it clean and well kept and comfort- able, and found no complaints from the prisoners. We also visited the House of Ref- uge and found it clean and well kept, which reflects great credit on Dr. Lavery and the Matron. We found sixty-seven inmates theréin and upon our questioning them, they had no complaints to make of the treatment they received or the food served to| them, and they looked clean and | comfortable. Mr. Lavery drew our attention to some improvements made by the County Couneil, which adds greatly | to the usefulness of the building and the health of the inmates therein. In closing our report we beg to asknowledge the assistance and courtesy extended to us .by the County Crown Attorney, Col. Fare- well, in all matters submitted to us for our consideration, All of which is respectfully sub- mitted. James McKenzie, Foreman. Grand Jury Room, Whitby, November 8th, 1922. The special O.T.A., officers have been forbidden to carry firearms. Probably because there was danger of both being loaded at the same time.--Peterboro' Examiner. The tariff commission has found ' that the tariff benefits sugar grow- ers and wool growers. Amazing, isn't it--how these things are learned! --Buffalo Commercial. i F ast and F urious! That's the pace:this dafpiing young Western Star sets and he never gives yoy a moment's rest! He's always ridin', fightin', or making love in the most whirl-wind fashion you ever saw. f ia 4 A NEW MARTIN The Home of Vaudeville Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday See him in this wonder pic- ture of the Old West! He's a new type of hero, differ- ent from any kind of West- ern hero you ever saw! \ SELECTED COMEDY VAUDEVILLE BILLY CUMBY Vv » AUSTIN & COLE Musical Cartoom Novelty USUAL PRICES TO-NIGHT The Great Racing Picture "The Belle Of Alaska" USUAL PRICES who proceeded to address the coun- fi cil without waiting for the neces- sary permission. He said: "It seems the council is satisfied it can get| plenty of Line company coal.

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