| 1 DR. T. C. CLEMENCH, DENTIST, Office over Andison's Tailor Shop, 1 ng St. West. Phone 231, "DR. T. §. TUCKER--DENTIST, OF- tice over Hogg and Lytle's store, Phone 948, 1-yr, | DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, -- DENTIST. Office over Royal Bank. Phone 959. | Residence 306, (4-1yr.) DR. JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFICE over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. Phone No. 97, DR, TREWIN, DENTIST -- EN- trance to office one door east of Detenbeck's Store, DR. W. J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe St. N, Gas for extraction, Phone 1243, DR. ARMSTRONG, DENTIST, OF- fice at his residence, 201 Simcoe St. N. 83-1t Medical DR, C. BE. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simcoe St, North. Phone 57, 110-1yr DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Victoria St., Oshawa, Phone 94, : DR. L. J. SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST., East, Toronto, will he at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m. for consulta- tion in disease of the cye, 12-1yr DR. D. B. NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND Throat. Diseases of children, Office over Dominion Bank, Telephone 11556, Hours 11--1; 5--6; 5--9; Satur- days 2--5; 7--9; or hy appointment. ! © 45-6mos DR. A. A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL- lege Street, Toronto, will ha at Jury & Lovell's Drug Store first and third Friday each month fromi 2.30 to 4 for consultation in diseases of the nose, throat and ear, ' 134-tf DR. F, T. BRYANS, OF 1¢0 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Miller's Arcade each Sat- urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul-|yN TO RENT -- 2 UNFURNISHED rooms with respectable family, all talion and treatment of, diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Legal -, WANTED -- SMART YOUNG MAN for delivering, one used to truck pre- ferred, . well acquainted with town. Apply E. F, Cawker, 46 Simcoe St. - N. 93-a | FOR ¢ SALE NEW WILLIAMS Piano, Solid Walnut Case, all in per- fect condition, further particulars apply Box Q., Reformer. 93¢ APPLES FOR SALE- SPIES, HAND picked; also winter vegetables. F. AGENTS--150% PROFIT, SELL the Airmeter! The air control for Fords, Makes starting easy--cuta running costs--increases efficiency. Quickly installed without removing Jarbupetar, Moderate price. Write |Shaw, Park Rd. S. 92-¢ or particulars now! Airmeter Man- |; : RU THE loge RAT ig A Sls! BIG SALL OF FURNITURE THE York St,, Ottawa, Ont. 92-1 WANTED--AT ONCE, AN EXPERI- enced bookbinder. One who under- carpets, rugs. Bed springs, mattresses stands ruling, Good prospects for |couches, cots--eribs camp beds, hall right party. Apply Intelligencer, racks, piles of tin ware at cost. Furni- Belleville, Ont 91-h | ture bought and sold. 84-1mo. Help Wanted--Male OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, Articles For Sale WHITE WICKER BABY BUGGY for sale. Good as new. 211 Ver- dun Rd. 93-a People's furniture store 17 Prince St. 15 stoves, ranges and heaters, side boards, dining tables chairs rockers, Help Wanted--Female |5ic SALE OF SECOND HAND TATELY BY THE |carpets, cheap, Lots of men's clothes, Wa A ' Schofield Woollen Co., experienced | l8dies stenographer. Must be neat and ac- curate. Apply in person. (93h) WOMAN TO DO WASHING AND re NEP dell ironing. Apply 462 Simcoe St. N,|FOR SALE ---FORD TRUCK, HALF in good running order, very cheap, storm sash, doors, cedar posts. Phone 1249J. 9 clothes, selling very cheap, Don't forget to call hefore Saturday. 442 Simcoe St. S., phone 117-1. M, Hannick, 92-1 (93a) | ton, WANTED-- EXPERIENCED MAID for general house work. Apply 166 ! gentre St. 93-2 |FOR SALE--ONE LARGE PARLOR WANTED--WOMAN TO HANDLE sale of Christmas cards on commis- i in sion. Apply at once. Reformer |poR SALE--PERSIAN LAMB COAT Sable trim, 40 inches long--just new 84-tf, WANTED--LAUNDRESS TO TAKE washing home, Apply Mrs, David-| gum son, 100 Centre St, 91-b (11 Muir Ave, Toronto. Phone Ken. WANTED--AT ONCE AN EXPERI- enced stenographer. Must be 1st | msn SAT WASHING MAC Til ee ert 315 "Apply | FOR SALE--WASHING MACHINE Box "E" Reformer. 91-h WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Appl Mrs. . 76 Elgin St, E. py Mrs Langley, chafing dishes, 1 auto hammock and HOME WORK--WIE REQUIRE PAR- ties to knit men's wool socks, ete, for us at home, either machine or hy hand. Send stamped addressed |upholstered in black leather, good as envelope for information, The Cana- | new, : dian Wholesale Distributing Co. | FOR SALE--BOY'S BICYCLE RE- Dept. 6, Orillia, Ont, 93-96-99-102 [cently enamelled and overhauled 5678. FOR SALE--1 HALL. RUNNER, 2 2¢ cook stove, in: first class condition, cheap. Apply 12 Mill St. 9-¢ --a sacrifice; Hudson Seal coat, 0pos- trim, almost new. Apply No. 91-h and wringer, cheap. Apply Mrs, A. Pratt, 40 Hilleroft St. N. 92-¢ hassinette combined, 1 crib, Apply 76 Elgin St, E. : 02-h FOR SALE----SOLID OAK COUCH, Call at 237 Mary St, 02h. Board and Rooms I'Apply 224 Mary St. 92-1 FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, SUIT- able for iwo gentlemen, with or without hoard, Apply 51 Ritson Rd, |= y. 02-h | FOR good Church St, 92-0 conveniences, heat light and water | FOR SALE--VICTOR RANGE. 202 furnished, Phone 1121}§, 03-c [Celina St, 02-¢ FOR SALE HORSE, HARNESS and wagon. Apply A, M. Farewell, phone nar W, Harmony. 92-h SALE--STEEL RANGE. IN condition. $12, Apply 117 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan, Office 14% King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 445, D. A. J, SWANSON---BARRISTER, Solictor, Notary Publie, Conveyan- cer, ete, All branches of Civil and Criminal Law, Loans arranged, Of- fice, King St.. Chambers (Formerly Oshawa House) King St. West, Osh- awa, Phones, Office 940; Residence 619], GRIERSON" & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, "ete. Office over Standard Bank, | entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13, J, F, Grierson, B.A., T. K, Creighton, B. A G. D, CONANT, B.A., L.L.B,.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete, Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on mortgages, conveyancing and gen- eral practice. Phone 63, H, E. MORPHY, B.A, --BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. Office 11% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Phones--Office 210, Res, 160, IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- practic Spinal Adjustments and get well. Examinations free at office, Dr. 8. M, Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Surveyors M. M. GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- minion Land Surveyors and Civie En- gineers, Whitby. Phone 231, Sne- cessor to late W. E, Yarnold, of Port Perry. - 73-41 Undertakers & Embalmers LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL directors, embalmers, private am- bulance; morgue and chapel in con- nection; picture framing; 11 Simcoe St, South. Phone 210. Residence 19 1 _jvision St. 26-1yr THE DISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE Office and Chapel, 21 King St., East, Oshawa. Finest Motor equip- ment apd Ambulance service, Phone 1082, Day or Night. (89-1 mo,) Tire Repairing Ideal Tire Repair Shop, over Oshawa Sales & Service, 99 Simcoe St. South, Tires for sale, Jamieson Bros., Pro- prietors. Phone 1162, 11-tf Storage FURNITURE STORED -- IN CLEAN LM PE ay one 55 ni w. rif org Bi 914t RIDOUT AND MAYBEE, KENT Bldg., Yonge Street, Toronto, Regis- tered Patent Attorneys, Semd for free booklet. | 20-tt ___ Aschitects SHARP & HORNER, 73 King St. West - Toronto, Schools, Churches, Public Buildings, etc. Economy in design, efficiency in adminjstration. 71-41 - mda Mu » {| HERBERT C. TRENEER, ATC. M., organist and choir master of King © Methodist Church, isfprepared to ~ pt a limited number of pupils in hire Volee Culture and Pipe Organ. For terms, ete, apply on Saturdays at King St. M Church or Phone 564). " - (651.1.) I AM PREPARED TO TAKE A limited number of pupils for music lessons. Apply Catharine Hutche- son, 97 Bond St. E. Phope 4j. 93-tf . Surgeon. Office and residence 36 'Division St. Phone 151. Dog hos- i oltal in connection. (77-3mes.) FURNISHED BEDROOM TO RENT, suitable for two young men, with or without hoard, Apply 318 Albert 8t,| 501 Ritson Rd, N. . 92-0} FOR SALE--A GOOD SEPARATOR and Daisy churn. Roy Terwillegar, 92-h | SWERT CIDER -- MADE FROM ROOM FOR A YOUNG WORKING | good sound apples, Any quantity. girl, to share room with another, Comfortable home. 143 Celina St. FOR SALE -- 25 RHODE ISLAND Phone 908 r 24, (60-t.1,) 92-¢ | Red pullets, bred to lay strain (thor- ROOMERS WANTED Tg ge gg gee | aughbred) ; also 1 heavy single wag- Boarders Wanted on | i (Craig make), suitable for coal ABOUT | dealer, and some window sash suit- five minutes walk from General|able for cellars, Apply Jas. A. Rid- Slate, ¥ ' G z- ate, Tile, Felt and Gravel oyshng. Phone 271. 75-2mos Gascoigne, 50 King St, E. Oshawa. | DRESSMAKING -- FANCY OR plain, also embroidering, All work done reasonable, 357 Centre St. HALL TO RENT -- HARDWOOD floor--heat light, Size 27x73. Al- . E terations to suit tepant. Apply to|SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO H. Engek 47-tf.| earn good Christmas money. Motors, Apply 276 Jarvis, 93-c| er, Base Line, 1% miles east of ROOM AND BOARD, 2 MEN. AP-! Brook House. (93a) | ply 223 Court St, (93a) WHEN HOUSE CLEANING, CHEER | . - up the home with a change in fur- Work Wanted niture, We buy, sell and exchange WHAT ABOUT THAT LEARY used Ir ...re High . ash price Roof, we do all kinds of roof work. paid for good Second band furni- | ture, DN. Dime, 56 King Street West les, Chimneys repaired. S Phone 1232, 89-tf. | B. W. HAYNES, WOODSTOCK, | WANTED LOAN $3,000 AT 87, storm doors, storm windows, win-| good Securities, first mortgage. General Wants dow frames, and cabinets built to| particulars, apply Box 98, Port order Hope, Floors machine sanded, Bronze SINESS FOR SALE _- weather strip put on, Prompt ser- vice, Reasonable prices. Phone 491 GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE. --161 King St. West, Always there | Owner giving up on account. of (93h) 7 to 8 a.m. 93-1mos | Health, Apply Box "0" Reformer, gs-f| LOTS FOR SALE -- ON PAVED FE - | street, with nice shade trees, one a To Rent | corner lot. Phone 1249j. 93-¢ (93h) Real Estate For Sale TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. 18% Simcoe St. 8, _ (93¢) | SoEoUNTS RENDERED AND GOL- GARAGE TO RENT ~-- APPLY 14 |ections made; Rowe St. a, 93-a | posted and financal statements pre- APARTMENT TO, LET. APPLY |pared; Room 7, 29% Simcee St., South, |adjusted; Bradley Bros. (93¢c) |ing systems installed; audits and FOR RENT HOUSE AND ONE | investigations made; authorized acre of land 1 mile north of Union |trustee in bankruptcy. Hugh KX. Mid- Cemetery. Apply 155 Elgin St. E., dleton, Accountant, Auditor, os Accountants Oshawa, 92n | 92% Simcoe St. North. St. E., furnished or otherwise. Phone 784-r-23. ; 92-b | 360 OFFICE TO RENT -- A BRIGHT, clear, up-to-date office 18 x 21 ft., in the , ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT | 12 Age to suitable tenamt. Apply to h i 86-41 SUITE OF OFFICES TO RENT. AP- ply 91 Mechanic $1. oh .| TO RENT -- WEBBER PIANO FOR $5 a month, practically new. Apply 146 Simcoe St. N. 92-¢ Situations Vacant HOUSE TO RENT--174 COLBORNE | ply at once, Reformer. (93¢.1.) MAKE MONEY AT HOME -- $15 TO weekly for your spare time showecards for us. No can- vagsing. We instruct and supply you yal Bank Chambers, immed-| with work, West-Angus Showcard A adjoining R. Moffat's law of-| Service, 23 Colborne g., Toronto, fice/ Hardwood floor, hot water 834.1 13 Houses For Sale A REAL NICE HOME, ON A NICE piece of ground, with fruit trees, and shade trees, with all conveni- ences, This can he bought right, and on very easy terms to reliable party. Phone 1249]. 93-¢ For books of accounts income tax reports prepared, general and cost account- Ap- ing. Will rent at a r n Bailes & Sons, Ilardware. LOST--Evening of November eighth Blads white cocker spaniel answer- Reward for return-to 169 Centre St. FOUND--A_ SMALL BUNCH OF keys. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad. at 42 Bond St. W. 82-t! LOST--WHITE YORKSHIRE TER: rier, black markings. Finder please return to or notify Mrs. Gallagher, 185 Arthur St. Reward. ~~ (92D) ing to name of Jaek. Child's pet. LUMBER--WE HAVE ROUGH AND dressed lumber, lath, shingles, doors and interior trim. F. L. Bee- croft, Whitby Lumber and Wood- Yard, Whitby. Ont. 5000 FT. NEW INCH LUMBER, $25 thousand, delivered. Apply A. CO. Cook, Alice St. E. 83-1 Lumber 69-41 MISS EULALIE BUCHANAN Medallist, London, Eagland Mattar Method of Piano Inshiiiin will aceept 2a limited sumber of in poe ve le Preparatory Classes for Children. For fees and further information apply : 58) AVENUE RD. TORONTO WE WANT 100 MEN Right now to train for big paying mechanical jobs, If you are" me- chanically jnelined and like working around automobiles and wactors, every day you put off coming to us, you are cheating yourself. Can You afford to do this? Never was there such a demand for trained men. A few weeks of your time, invested now will give you a trade that will mean independence for life. Learn automobile and tractor operating and repairing, tire videanizing, bat- tery building and oxy -acetylene welding by the Hemphill practical system. Our free employment segp- vice is at your disposal. Call or write for free catalogue. Don't de- lay. Get in line for the big pay and steady work. Do il now. iM Autv & Tractor seloel, ) , DODD'S KIDNEY od J NB HOUSE FOR SALE, APPLY 191 Celina St, 01-¢ 0 . vy NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF ELIZABETH HANCOCK, late of the Town of Oshawa, De- ceased: NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the "late Elizabeth Hancock, who died on or ahout the Twenty-third day of September, A, D. 1922, at the Town of Oshawa in the County and Province of Ontario, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, solici- tor herein for Leslie Hancock and The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, the executors under [the Will of the said Elizabeth Hancock, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. Pl AND TAKE NOTICE that after the Eleventh day of November, 1922, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets, of the said de- ceased, among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said exeen- tors will not be liable for the sai! assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. DATED at Oshawa, the Twenty- fifth day of October, A, D. 1922 G. ND. CONANT, Barrister, &e., Oshawa, Ont Solictor for the said exeentors. 87-96-97 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING I have a good stock of electrical appliances and _ will contract for any electrical work you have. Let me estimates on your next job. A. W. BRADLEY Phone 1083 301; SIMCOE ST. N. _ ASHBY The man that suits you in euss tom made clothes, 46 King St. E. Regent Theatre Building Alma Reubens in ATTENTION! SHOES REPAIRED QUICKLY, NEATLY AND INEXPENSIVELY Customers please note that T. Dalby has given up business on Athol St. West and gone into partnership with F. Barnes forming West End Repair Shop 44% King 86. West "Shoe Shine" ""THE VALLEY OF In your recreation hours visit our Billiard Parlor. New full AT THE REGENT MON, TUES, WED. Read Our Advertise "My Busine 10 Bother } isTooSmall ith Books" PERHAPS that is why it is too small Proper financing of any business, great or small, is not possible without systematic bookkeeping. And without proper financing no business is likely to grow. THE RETAILER'S ACCOUNTANT is an accounting system designed especially for the smaller Retailer who would find a full set of books burdensome, What the Retail Merchants' Association Says: MR. LEON FRASER, Secretary Peterboro' District Branch: "We have no hesitation in recommending the use of Mr, H. K. Middleton's Retailer's Accountant to any merchant who is desirous of securing a system, which, in use, will give satisfactory results to the user, both in its economy of time and labor, and simplicity in opera- tion." MR. JAS. KELLAS, Sccretary Alberta Provincial Branch: "We believe that your system will be most welcome to the smaller merchants who do not wish to keep too elaborate records." MR. J. C. DOYLE, Secretary Nova Scotia Provincial Branch: "We will do all we can to interest the merchants who come into our office from time to time," In efficiency of service when installed, in first cost, in the ease with which it can be kept up to date, with the guarantee of the services of an expert accountant at a very low rate, the Retailer's Accountant will be found superior to other systems offered; a smaller merchant installing it is on his way to bigger business and success, The Retailer's Accountant Bound in heavy black leather, lettered in $10.00 gold, sufficient pages for about two years, RETAIL BUSINESS SYSTEMS Phone 1262 521; Simcoe St. N., Oshawa sized tables, sanisary "Onli ions, e carry a full line of Cigars Ad s and Tobacco, Bar ber shop in connection, Sachlas & Alex 38 King Ty "i Oshawa $3800 will buy a 6 room brick, just off paved street, in lovely location. $6000 will buy a 7 room brick with all copvenienceés on paved street. This is a splen- did home, : ; de will buy. a.7 room brick" wit hardwood floors and garage, on one of our main streets and very convenient to Business Section, General Motors or Fittings. $5500 will buy an 8 room brick * with all . conveniences and hardwood ' floors down- stairs in North. This is a real bargain. : We have many more houses, also lots and farms. We write all kinds of insur- ance, OSHAWA BEAL ESTATE SALES ©O. i 61 King St. East, Phone 793. A. C. Lycett J. C. Young, Phone 625. "Phone 909]. 492.) Location Huron Cres. to End pres't sewer to Verdun Rd. to STORM SEWERS 93a. . LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa intends to con- struct as Local Improvements, Storm Sewers and Sanitary Sewers op the following Streets between the points mentioned: ex § . Owners Annual Rate per . foot } Size Length Est, Cost Front. Arthur Street 156" $623.00 $1370.60 be Eulalie Avenue 18" 1193.00 2982.50 Eldon Avenue 12" 1360.00 2920.00 Bond Street 15" 330.00 726.00 350 Ft. Bast 21" 350.00 962.50 230 Ft. West 20" 230.00 1265.00 Hilleroft 12" 1420.00 2840.00 Masson Street 18" 362.00 917.50 Mary Street 21" 370.00 1017.50 East End 24" 630.00 1953.00 Elm Street 15" 795.00 1749.00 N Olive Avenue 2 750.00 1500.00 250 ft. South ; 10" 260.00 500.00 Ritson Road 12" 500.00 1000.00 Eulalie 12" 400.00 800.00 Eulalie 12" 225.00 650.00 SANITARY SEWERS - "3. §./Lane 8 170.00" 306.00 Ge East End of Street gS" 462.00 831.60 130 Ft. South 6" 130.00 195.00 250 Ft. Nonth 9 250.00 450.00 190 Ft. East 6" 190.00 285.00 230 Ft. West 6 220.00 345.00 250 Ft. North 6" 250.00 375.00, 8. E. Nassau Street 12* 580.00 1160.00 350 Ft. West 9" 350.00 630.00 E.E. of Street | 120.00 216.00 FE $27,747.20 And intends to especially Assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly upon the The special Assessments to be paid in 30 Annual Instalments. A petition against any of the work will not avail to prevent its construction. Dated November 10th, 1922. ¥F. B. HABE, Town Clerk. IIR»... 4