A Rad Eh a a aE Lon / » PAGE SIX OSHAWA, ONTARIO, BATHRDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1922 SOCIAL and .. PERSONAL | The Reformer invites the ~o-opera- tion of iis readers in contributing items to this column, Send us & postcard or 'phone 35. -----Miss E. H pth, of wr, Jed querade 1 ,ronto, last e --Mrs. J. her sister, ar, Muskoka. ---Mr. E. An the guest of rel week. --Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryderniyy Buffalo, were recent guests 0 and Mrs. J. Dyer. J ~Miss Ina Vigars, of Port Art is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Er Bruton, Simcoe Street North, --Mr. Lawson, of Lawson and Led: ger, King Street East, left recently for Florida where he will spend the winter months. --Mrs. A, J. Stalter will attend "the International Convention of the W.C.T.U.,, which will be held in Philadelphia next week, --Chancellor Staff Captain Cam- eron, of Toronto, will have charge of the services in the Salvation Army on Sunday. v -----Mr, G. E. Lillico of J. H. Roon- ey & Co., Toronto, is in town in con- nection with the audit of the Bishop Bethune College. ~--Mr. W. A. Spellman was a re- cent visitor at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Spellman, Hastings. --Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mar- tin moved to the Queen City yester- day, taking up their residence at 72 Cannon Ave.,, Kenmount Park, --Mr. Wm. A. Goodwin and daughter May who have heen visi- tors in town for several days have returned to their home in Lindsay. --Mr, Fred Gerrard; Brock Street East, has been confined to his home through illness since returning from the annual hunting trip of the Osh- awa Hunt Club, Miss BE, Lackner, returned mis- gsionary from Japan, who has been the guest of Rev, and Mrs, J. H, Me- Bain for a few days, returned to Kit chener yesterday. Pal IFABELLE M, MARTIN At the Oshawa Hospital Satur day morning the death occurred ver: suddenly of Isabelle M. Martin, wife of Mr. Thomas Ayres, 143 Colborns Street East. Deceased had been il ahout four days and was taken t« the hospital about three hours prio to her demise. She was born in th city of Galt and educated there. After her marriage she moved Sudbury and eighteen months ag« came to Oshawa, While her resi dence in Oshawa was chort she hac made a host of friends by whom she will be sadly missed. Service wa: held at the family residence Sunda® night by Rev, C. R. dePencier and on Tuesday the remains were taken to Galt where the funeral was held that morning, the service being con- ducted by Rev. W. Snellgrove. De- ceased was a member of St, George's Anglican Church here. She leaves a husand, who is an official of the Bell Telephone Com pany; two sisters, Mrs. W, Graham Toronto; Mrs. Kenneth Daniel: Sault Ste. Marie; her mother, Mrs jeorgina Martin, resides in Osh awa. One brother, Donald Martin resides in Oberon, Man. MRS. EDWIN DOWN AND FAMILY desire to thank their many friends and neighbours for their great kind- ness shown them in their recent ber- eavement, and also for their many beautiful floral tributes, (93a) SEE JONES OF CELINA To Buy a Willis 1S AN IDEAL A. These fine instru- ments are the last word in pianos. SEE JONES OF CELINA Who will demonstrate to pou The Wilis Pianos Intrinsic Worth and Outstanding Fea- tures, 64 CELINA 64 SEE JONES OF CELINA Talented Artists (Continued on page 6) lude and Fogue in C. Major, (J. 8. Bach); Vocal Solo -- "Babylon," (Adams) by Mrs. C. M, Mundy, ren- ered in a particularly pleasing man- 'er; Organ--'"Because'" (Serenade Ch Gounod); Vocal Solo--"Where re you walk," (G. F. Handel) by Ar. Maudsley, whose clear, rich, enor voice was heard to distinct ad- vantage; Organ--(a) Etude, (Stai- aer), (b) Liebeslied (Cadman Plant); Vocal duet--*I feel thy Angel spirit" (Graben-Hoffman) by _§Mrs, Mundy and Mrs. Smith; Organ-- 'O dry those tears' Riego); Solo -- Recite, Created Man"; (Teresa Del "And God Aria--"In Native Worth" (from "The Creation') Haydn; Vocal S£olo--*Abide with Ve," 'Organ and .'iano, (Liddle) by Mrs, Roy Bennc.t; Organ--'Even- wong" (Easthope Martin); Vocal iolo--Recit, "Comfort Ye" and Aria, 'Every Valley" (from Messiah) Handel), by Mr. Maudsley; Organ-- estival March', (Henry Smart); Save the King, Base Line (Continued from page 1) battle of words later in the meet- B. Councillor Brown also spoke to e question, urging that the coun- bil keep faith with the rdtepayers of the district affected and see that the sewer went through and not he a mere waste of the $70,000 now spent on the work. The report was then referred to the Board of Works. Board's Report, The Board of Works report adop- ted at Thursday's meeting contain- 2d the following items: Re bill from East Whithy Town- ship for building bridge on third (3) concession. We recommend hat the Town Engineer secure fur- ther details as to the cost of this ridge, including grading. Re application of the Ruddy Co for permission to erect an advertise- ment sign on the Wilson Farm, King St. E., we recommend. that this he granted. We recommend that a railing be weeted at the west approach of King St, Bridge. The Engineer to he instructed to have this work done at once, Re petition for asphaitic concrete 'avements on Bruce St. from Drew t, to Ritson Rd., in view of the late- ess of the season we recommend hat this petition be passed on to ext year's Council for their early onsideration. We recommend that sanitary sew rs be laid on the following streets nder the Local Improvement Plan. ohn Ave. from the North end to xisting sewer to 250 ft. north. Yonge St. from Athol to King St Athol St. from Yonge St, to 111 ast, Arthur St. from Yonge St. to 111 . east, Nassau Be ft. Eulalie Ave. from Ritson furon St. (Storm Sewer). Re Hall & Haines account of 3678.09, being draw hack on side- valk for 1921, We recommend that his account he paid. Bt. from Gibhs St. 8S. Rd. to Many Flowers Seen at Market, Few Eggs Offered The display of cut flowers at mar- tet each .Saturday attracts a good leal of attention but this morning 'he collection of crysanthemums, ecar- jations and various other kinds hy ar excelled previous displays. 'rysanthemums ranged in price from 2 for 25 cents to $2.50 a dozen, Car 1ations sold for 75 cents a dozen. Inly a few dozen eggs were offered, the price being 60 cents. Butter ranged in price from 35 to 40 cents 1 pound. Chickens sold for from 35 to 40 cents a pound while ducks sold it 40 cents. There is a story that Edison dis- overed that a magnet would separ- ate iron filings from brass refuse. The story is untrue; a Nottingham brass-founder in a small way of business found it out and told all his friends. He remained in a small way of business. 22h g mE ---------------------- | News of Nearby Places TYRONE Master Irving Clemens was home from Campbellford for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin of Bowmanville, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Annis. Miss Elma Gardiner of Smithfield, spent the holiday with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Lionel Byam and baby daughter visited Mrs. Byam's parents at Cannington on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Provi- dence, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H Mutton on Sunday, Messrs. Willis and Wesley Little, of Oshawa, visited with their grand- mother. Miss Mary Higgs who is at Ontario Ladies" College at Whitby, spent her vacation with Miss Roma Phare. Miss Mabel Walters, Messrs. John ind I'rank Walters, of Courtice, eal- led on Mrs, W. H. Moore. Corresponpents Wanted The Reformer would like to secure correspondents from the following «places: Cedar Dale, Courtice, Westmount, Harmony, Enniskillen, Solina and Hampton, If school teachers, ministers, or any other persons in these sections willing to undertake this work: would dommuni- cate with The Reformer we would he obliged, We pay correspondents space rates for all matter published in the paper. Address Editor, Re- former, Oshawa. Miss Lola Richards, of Oshawa, spent the holiday at home, Mr. Ed. Thompson, of Toronto, visited his son, Mr. Leglie Thonipson, Mr. and Mss. Fred Moore, of Bow- manville. spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, Misses Jean McPherson and Emily Ballard 'ame from Toronto and visited Mr, McPherson's sister, Mrs, Barr, and were entertained at Col. Lorne Me- Laughlin's, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibbs, of Eben- azer, visited friends here, Miss Irene Werry visited her cous- in, Miss Alma Werry, at Enniskillen, | Miss Ethel Skinner, of Toronto, it home, Miss Elva Virtue of Bowmanville, home for Thanksgiving, Miss Edith Smith, Mrs. Chas. Mut- ton and Mr. Harold Smith visited their mother, Mrs. Viola Smith. Mr. H. H. Trimm, wife and family are now moving to the Werry home- stead, the farm recently vacated by Mr. Milton Werry and family. Spinsters' Convention was well at- tended on Saturday evening. Madam Makeover", the President of the Women's Institute deserves much credit for her untiring efforts. Every- one of the 19 sustained her part well and added much to a ridiculous whole. Miss Roma Phare as President and Miss Mabel White as Secretary of the Single Blessedness Debating So- ciety are also worthy of mention. "Calamity Jane Higgins"; "Jerusha Jane Higgins", "Tiny Short", *'Re- hecea Sharp" and "Belinda Blue Grass" were all almost as clever as Mr. Will Staples, who certainly made the hit of the evening.. Space forbids us telling more of the good qualities of the charcters. Go to see it when repeated. Proceeds in aid of Community: Hall $71.00. Several from here purchased wood at Mrs. McLaughlin's sale on Sat- urday, Mr. John Moyse of Rochester, formerly a resident of Tyrone, pass- ed away at his son's residence, on Wednesday. His remains were brought to Bowmanville for inter- ment, Those attending Mr. Everett Vir- tue's shooting match declare that a lot of ducks were disposed of in short order, h A great gloom was cast over this vicinity when the message came from Campbellford that Mrs, A. W. Clem- | ens had passed away at the home | of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daw- son. The body was brought home on Wednesday and funeral on Friday was largely attended by relatives and friends. Many floral tributes, testifying the esteem in which the deceased was held, To know her | was to lov her. The pall bearers were | cousins viz--Mr. W. Annis, Dun-| barton, Mr, George Annis, Ebenezer, | Mr. Arthur Annis, Mr. Sidney Hoar, | Mr. Everett Hoar and Mr. Arthur] Brent. Mrs, Clemens was an ex- | ceptional mother. Her two daughters, | Misses Edythe and Geraldine and | sons Harold and Irving have sustain- | ed a great loss. Mr. Clemens too | will miss her sorely; it does seem | more sad when a young life is| taken, Much sympathy is felt for | both hushand and children. | Plan to attend Sunday School In-| stitute on Tuesday. { Mrs. Lick, Billy and Marion, Osh- awa visited at Mr. A. H, Brent's, |! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Annis of Dun- | harton were entertained at Mr, A. | H. Brent's. | A number of neighbors and friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Halfacre on Tuesday evening. The occasion heing a sur- prise and presentation for Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Werry, who are leaving for Oshawa. The community pre-| sented them with a beautiful hall tree and miror. Mrs, Goodman read |S address in which Mr. and Mrs. Werry were assured | that the best wishes of the com- | munity follow them. Mild weather is prophesied. In- dians read signs in sky and many believe on their accuracy. Beavers | and chipmonks are likewise making very little preparation. Here's hoping they are good prophets. BETHESDA Mr. and Mrs. White, Miss. Met- calf, Misses Helen and Luella White, also Mr. Russell White motored from Elizabethville on Sunday and! spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Everton White. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoar spent Sunday with Mrs, Hoar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith of Ennis- killen. Several of our young people at- tended the spinster"s convention at Tyrone and report the biggest laugh | ever, | | | J | a nicely worded Attend Mr. Garnet Mahood's sale | on Tuesday. | Orcnards have yielded fairly well in spite of hail storm. Canadian ex- | hibitors at Imperial Fruit Show, London, England, did well. It is gratifying to know that Durham County growers were among the/ prize winners, "BRINGING UP FATHER" PLEASES AUDIENCE Next to the Dumbells, which un- doubtedly played to the biggest house ever attracted by a road show in Oshawa, "Bringing Up Father" scored a decided success at the New Martin Theatre last night. Manager Ernie Marks also promises some of the best road shows will be at the New Martin before the season closes. At "Bringing Up Father" last night Danny Simons in the role of Jiggs Mahoney brought rounds of laughter from the audience. Dinty Moore, and Maggie, of course, also were prominent and with a fascinat- ing widow and a fake detective, Jiggs had a very busy evening. The house was packed to the doors, PRESENTED TROPHY The East End Tennis Club held its annual dance and trophy pres- entation last evening in Welsh's Parlors, dancing commencing at 8.30 and continuing until 1.30 A de- lightful time was enjoyed by those Plumbing, Heating and Repairs Boller Room Repairs a Specialty J. S. DICK At Purdy Co.'s Premises 82 Simcoe St, 8, ESTIMATES GIVEN Phone 042 present. Music of a high order was furnished by Cox's orchestra and that the dancers appreciated it, was shown by the hearty applause after each dance, During lunch, Vice- President Kennedy in the absence of President Stalter presented the club singles championship cup to Mr. R. B. Jamieson, the winner of the tournament. Mr. Jamieson won from Dr, Langmaid after five closely con- tested sets, This closing dance was the termination of a most success- ful year for the East End Club. Stainless Steel Knives A boon to those who like a sharp knife at the table. They can be sharpened on the steel or stone without the slightest injury, Acid, Lemons or Vin- egar will not tarnish them. No scouring or scrubbing with bath brick and cork. No tired arms and long hours of labour. Just wash them in the usual way and they are just as i bright as ever. Price $12 per dozen D. J. BROWN Jeweller and Optometrist Phone 189 10 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 00000 . . ANNOUNCEMENT The Mutual Life of Canada HAS APPOINTED WM. COCHRANE, Jr. As its Oshawa representative, and have opened an office in the Felt Building, Room 3, Simcoe St. Stop In To-night for a box of our Candy, always fresh and a large assortment. The Olympia 10 King St. E. Phone 405 Shaw Schools. Eleven schools in To- ronto--80 years' record of proven n Bureau. Start at any time. Write for Prospectus to 4 P. McINTOSH, Chief Principal. | SHAW crore In fact prices on Flour and Feeds have advanced We are selling Purity and Five Roses Flour, Bran, Shorts and Gluten at specially low prices Every line we handle is good and prices are low. We advise you to purchase your require- ments at once. Cooper-Smith Company Phone 8 16 Celina St. Just South of Post Office -- The | Superior Lunch SPECIAL SUPPER FROM 5P.M.TOSP. M, . SPECIAL DINNER FROM 11.30 A, M. TO 2 P, M. SOUP Cream cf Chicken Soup . Fried Trout & Butter Sauce Sardines On Toast Canned Salmon & Sliced Lemon Canned Shrimps Plain Lobster Sliced Lemon ENTREES Boiled Chicken & Cream Sauce Chicken Fricassee & Boiled Rice Fried Chicken & Bacon _ Chicken Stew Boston Style 'Hamburger Steak Spanish Style . ROAST Roast Spring Chicken & Dressing Roast Beef & Brown Gravy Roast Leg of Pork & Apple Sauce ... Extra Cut Beef & Green Peas : SPECIAL Pork Tenderlcin & Green Peas Sirloin Baco! Fried Pork Grilled Veal Broiled Lamb Chops & Butter Sauce Chicken Liver Musical ARISTOCRAT of Candies >» TODAY The Acknowledged Best Lullabys to the Palate Vani Cr Be TOR S027 &) REGENT Night MONDAY at 9 p. m. CONCERT BY THE Oshawa Symphony Orchestra ' SAM TREW, CONDUCYO! PROGRAMME ' . Omeomi +» +4» Powers . Thomas Overture Novelette ........ Fox Trot "...... wera Coal Black Mammy FEATURE ATTRACTION Alma Rubens, in "THE VALLEY OF SILENT MEN" ----