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Ontario Reformer, 30 Dec 1922, p. 7

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: st of wor g/ Amose, throat and ear, | -- = -------- Te ------ ------ ~ WANT ADS. . RE, CLOTHING, BOOTS oes wanted, in good condition. PH 1006w. B. Warner, 329 Court 107-1mos BR. T. C. CLEMENOCE, DENTI Office over Andison's Tailor Sho = King St, West, Phone 281, ou ToRem HALL TO RENT --- HARDWQOD floor--heat light, Size 27x73, Al- terations to suit "tenant, Apply to H. Engel, 4T-t1. or TUCKER--DENTIST, OF} ' BR over _ Hoss and Lytle's stord Phone 94 Lyn DR, 8, J. PHILLIPS, -- DENT Oftice over Royal Bank. Phone 95 (110tf) Residence 306. (4-1yr, #17 | DR, JAMES, DENTIST -- OFFI ; ; oyer Jury and Lovell's Drug St s . d Lt Phone No. 97. ' "4 LE -- BRINE CUCUMBER | DR, TREWIN, DENTIST .- EN: 16 qts. for $1.00. Will de- |. trance to office one door east of Write or call at 300 Courcel-| Detenbeck's Store, letAve. ARitaon Ra §., John Me-| b DR. W, J. LANGMAID, DENTIST, G! 112h | Office over Engel's Store, 16 Simcoe | FOSAL REB REAL GOOD | St. N. Gas for extraction, Phone|coversey, Holstein and Ayrshire, | 1248, hayd straw, 331 Centre St. DR 112-¢ | | . ARMSTRONG, DENTIST, OF- Bee at his residence, 2019Bimave | ae. NEARLY | h s #: Medical DR, C. B. WILSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Union Bank Building, Simece St, North, Phone 57, 116-1yr DR, McKAY -- PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Victoria Bt.,, Oshawa, Phone 94, DR. L, J, SEBERT, 73 BLOOR ST, East, Toronto, will be at Jury & Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta- tion in disease of the oye, 12-1yr DR, D, B, NEELY, EAR, NOSE AND Throat. Diseases of children, Office | ¥ %, ver Dominion Bank, Telephone 65. Hours 11--1; 5--86; 5--9; Satur- 8s 2-5; 7-9; or by appointment, | #3 45-6mos Y Nanted-- Male ¥ WA MAN WHO HAS DR. A, A, HALLIDAY, 143 COL-|Visiomnd {Ambition, 1923 is at lege Street, Toronto, will be at Jury | hand th itl 365 days of opportuni- i Lovell's Drug Store first and third] ties, yolready for yours. Come | Friday each month from 2.30 to 4|in anitalk |t over, between 10 a. for consultation in diseases of the m am 4 pim. with P. R., Eager, 134-tt ing, Qa 6|Standard Bank Build- : (112h) DR. F, T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR CIDER -- WE CAN SUP- throughout the winter. Any fresh from good L. W. Goodall, Har- SALE--CUTTER, nev 'Di + (1120) IN FERRIS 200-230 BGG | strgS, C. "White Leghorns, I pen| sevdaying gApril pullets. 1 pen 10 flings over moult and com- meme to lay, 17 choice June pul- letsPhis is all pure hred stock! impyd direct from Ferris Poultry Far{ Grand Rapids, Mich. Also! neapew up to date poultry house 16 48 ft.,, hinged perches and dropards, mash hoppers and foun- | taingBullt of 1 in, tongued and] groo} lumber, Cost over $100.00. | Mus Id as I need the room. | - 123 na t, Phone 1261 or 1044w | (112-b) | FORNLH-A CANADIAN ELEC: trie hter good as new, will sell | for hi prife. Apply 13 Simcoe Bt. North St, | so string of hells, Apply 142 © | 719w Quick Service. TO RENT/--TWO FRONT FURNISH- ed rooms, suitable for light house- keeping to couple with no children. Apply Box "T" Reformer, 4112a STORE AND GARAGE TO RENT in good lgcality, also cutter for sale. Apply John Wright, 310 Albert St. (112¢) Farm 'Wanted on WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER having farm for sale; give parti ulars and lowest price, John 2 Black, Chippewa Falls, "Wisconsin. 113-6-9 Board and Rooms WANTED TO RENT -- IN NORTH nd of town, 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms for young married couple, one child. Box "R" Reformer, 112b TWO PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping where part- ies could send hoy to school. Apply to Mrs, Florence Ramsey, Oshawa | P.O. 113-¢ YOUNG BUSINESS MAN DESIRES room and hoard, central locality preferred. Good references furnish- ed, Apply Box "F", Reformer. 113-a Notice Branton -& Kemp, Oshawa Mark- et are preparing to handle the choi- cest Christmas heef in town at a reasonable price, also pork, veal, lamb and poultry. We want your inspection. Give us a call. We de- liver to all parts of the town. Phone (110- 113) Lumber LUMBER--WE HAVE ROUGH AND dressed lumber, lath, shingles, sash, | doors and interior trim. L. Bee croft, Whithy - Lumber 223 Wood- Yard, Whitby, Ont. 69-tf * Street West, Toronto, will be at his pftice over Miller's Arcade each Sat urday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consul- talion and treatment of diseases of oH ELP WANTED ear, nose and throat only, s=== Legal /OSEPH P., MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- ister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- 'eyancer, Money to loan, Office t% King St. Bpet, Oshawa, Phone vA J, SWANSON BARRISTER, alictor, Notgry - Public, Conveyan- r, ete. All branches of Civil and 'iminal Law. Loans arranged. Of- 2, King Bt. Chambers (Formerly hawa House) King St. West, Osh- ] ry Phones, Office 940; Residence {IERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- ete, Office over Standard Bank, rance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J, Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, D. CONANT, B.A., L.L.B.--BAR- rT, Solicitor, Notary Public, ete. ce (entrance) 7% Simaoe BSt., h, Oshawa. Loans arranged on © gages, conveyancing snd gen- | practice. Phone 63, . MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER, tor, Notary Public, ete, Office Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Work Wanted XWELL ONE AND ruck in first class large body, enclosed a tires with rims, Would make fine e or furniture mov- 11, Oshawa, R. R. (104tf.) ones--Office 210, Res, 160, "OU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- ¢ Spinal Adjustments and get Examinations free at office. M, Jones, 86 Simcoe St, North, Surveyors GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- Land Surveyors and Civie En- 'civ, Whitby. Phone 231, Suec- )r fo late W. E, Yarnold, of oe Pekrr. 73-tt a 1206w. (111-¢) lease phone --A tre on Wed, neckpiece, or leave at 1 WHAT ABOUT ' THAT LEAKY Roof, we do all kills of roof work. Slate, Tile, Felt and Gravel or Shing- les. Chimneys repaired. 8. J Gascoigne, 50 King St. E. Oshawa. Phone 1232. 89-1. B w. HAYNES, WOODWORKER, storm doors, storm windows, win- dow frames, and cabinets built to order. Floors machine sanded. Bronze weather strip put on. Prompt service. Resonable prices. Phone 481--161 King St. West. Always there 7 to 8 a.m, 112-1mo. WANTED -- POSITION AS HOUSE- keeper. Bachelor or widower pre- ferred. Experienced. Apply Box "N"" Reformer, 112-c +. ema CO, -- FUNERAL ' 'private am- morgue and chapel in con- : picture framing; 11 Simeoe pve A Shore 210. Residence | WANTED-- Apply 24 E WANTED awa Hospital ent. on WOMAN TO WASH. Street, 113-a RD MAID FOR OSH- Apply-to Superintend- 103-tf GIRL FOR GEN- AIRS AT eral house k. Used as one of the family. JApply Mrs. Dime, 56 uty. Ring st, g .112¢ YOUNG wori, GIRL FOR Apply 156 (113a) TUBMATUM e: "John, you sim- stop mumbling in your I absolutely re- fuse to talk out loud. So there!" hove a good stock of appliances and CAYIC contract for any ll work you Let me estimate od rye a limited ns aircon, in Oshawa. Preparatory Classes Be For fees and further information apply 58 AVENUE RD, TORONTO DLEY 1083 E 8T. N. for moving. 105-1mo ---- Reformer Want Ads, | | | onto, aré holidaying at home. 4 News of Nearby Places | BROOKLIN Miss Evelyn Ellins is spending her Christmas vacation with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellins, of Co- lumbus. Mr. Hugh Pugh, of Claremont, 13 visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra. Charles Elliott, Mrg. E. Martin and two children, of Rowland, Manitoba, are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Vi- pond, Mr, and Mrs. (amily spent latter's parents, Gahey'. Miss M. Elliott is visiting friends in Toronto for a time, Mr. Ralph White, of Chatham, ana Mr. and Mrs. Russell White. and daughter, Marion, of Ottawa, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don White. Mrs, McCready and Mrs, Fleming, of Bowmanville, speni the holiday at Dr. James Moore's Misses Mary and Jean Dryden are spending their holidays at their home, Maple Shade. Mr. George Johnson, of Toronto spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs Johnson, Mr, Roy Britton spent Christmas at Mrs, Wm, Blight's, Mrs. Barclay and dauhter and Miss B, McBrien, of Toronto, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Morrjson. Mr. and Mrs. F. B, Prest, of Win- nipeg, visited last week with the for- y mers' sister, Mrs. Wm, Brown. A most interesting meeting of the Institute will be held in the Library on Wed., Jan. 3, at 12,30 o'clock. Mrs. George Jones will give a pape; on "Canadian Laws" and Miss Olive: "lon Longfellow's Life and Works i Mrs, Keith Lawrence will have | charge of the music. The roll will |he answered by quotations from Longfellow or questions. on Cana- dian Laws. Everybody will be made welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vickery, {of Toronto, spent the holidays with [the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Vickery. | A very pleasing feature of the ,Christmas entertainment at the Methodist Sunday School held on Friday evening last wai the pres- | entation made to Miss Mena Hall of {a beautiful case of Community sil- ver for the splendid services Albert Chinn ana Christmas with the Mr. and Mrs, Mec- dered to the Sunday School as or-| ganjst and teacher, Mr. and Mrs. John Croxall, of To- ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. 'and Mrs, Gilbert Brown, i Mrs, Wm. Tordiff and children, of Bariie, are visiting Mrs. | diff, Sr., for a few days. i Special song service will he tin the Methodist Church on Sunday | evening next, December 31st. Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Cross visited | relatives in Wingham over the holl- | day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green, of To- | | ronto, are visiting with the latter's! mother, Mrs. Haycraft Mr. and Mrs. C. 8S, Thompson and | ehildren motored to Sunderland and {spent the week-end with relatives | there. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hall and son, Douglas, of Brampton, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Spencer, "Sunny Lodge." Miss Dorothy Vipond and Hannah ng, of Toronto, Christmas at their homes here. Mr. Walter Spencer, of Durban, Man., is spending the winter with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Elliott are vrs- iting in Oshawa for a few days. The Christmas entertainment held in the Presbyterian Sunday Schooi was a splendid success. The first part of the program was given by the members of the school, following was the story of the "other wise man," illustrated by lantern slides. Santa Claus delighted the hearts of all the. younger members with his gift of candy and oranges. Dona- tions of fruit and vegetables were given by the school to the Children's | Shelter and the Llewellyn Home in | | Oshawa, | Mr. Charles Kerr, of Milton, visit- |ed his sister, Miss Minnie Kerr, for few days, H ia TT | TYRONE Miss Lola Richards of Oshawa is | spending a few days at home. Master Irving Clemens is home {from Campbellford for the holiday. Mr. Allan Annis, B.A., of Toron- to visited his father, Mr. A. W. An-| | nis, Mrs, Otto Virtue is visiting her parents in Peck, Michigan. Miss Elma Gardiner, of Smithfield, and Miss Florence Gardiner, of Tor- Miss spent Mr. and Mrs. Keeler and family are visiting friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Virtue and Mr. and Mrs. T. Findlay, visited Mr. and Mrs, J. Byers in Bowmanville. Miss Edythe and Mr. Harry Smith spent the holiday with their mother, Mrs Viola Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin visited her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Annis and at Lorne T. McLaughlin's. Mr. Cecil Sargeant, of Toronto, spent the holiday at home. Mr. Russel Studds, of Toronto spent the holiday season at Mr. Ray- mond Dovey's. Rev. W. T. Wickett and Mrs. kett visited Oshawa friends. Miss Elva Virtue spent the holi- | day with her mother, Mrs. W. J. ! Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davison, of | Campbellford, spent the holidays | with Mr. H. W. Clemens and family. | Mr. and Mrs. George Scott "and | daughter Florence, .spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner. Wie- | | Bring Results i Mr. and Mrs. Hooey, Mr. and Mrs. ren- | Wm. Tor-| held | | Awarded Prizes for Design Work at the] Byron Farell and Mr. and Mrs. Coul- ter, of Hayden were entertained at dinner at Mr, Wm Farrell's. Miss Grace Virtue was home from Orono for the holiday. Messrs, Cecil Aldred of Oshawa and David Aldred of Bowmanville, were home for Christmas and the week-end, Miss F. Virtue and Mr. Will Sta- ples were entertained at Mr, W. J. Virtue's at Hampton, on Christmas Day. Messrs, Willie and Wesley Little, of Oshawa, spent Christmas and the holiday with their grandmbther, Mrs. Little, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth, spent Little's. Congratulations to Master Levi Annis, on winning Prof. Squire's prize for highest standing in Litera- ture, K. Fraser and Mrs, D. Christmas at SOLINA - Among the happy family gather- ings of the festive season was a real old fashioned Werry Family Re- Union on the old homestead--*'Tose- landvale"--on Christmas Day when nearly a half hundred enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar Werry. For over 45 years this farmstead has heen very often the scene of happy assemblies of young- sters at the Christmastide, and the events of Monday last were similar to those enjoyed hy the generation that has passed on to establisi homes of their own--some "too far away to join in this reunion. But they were not forgotten in the gen- | eral rejoicing of the day, as the hearty singing of "Should Old Ac- quaintance he Forgot" and the join- | ing of hands round the chairman | imply testified. After a sumptuous | supper had been enjoyed Editor M. | A. James was voted, to the chair when this program was presented: | Solos--George Werry, Audrey Wer- ry, Wilma Werry, Marguerite Wright, Bernice Werry; Reading-- Grace Werry; Duet--Mrs. S. E. Wer- ry and Ernest Werry with chorus Anthems Kedron Orchestra; Speec ch- es--Miss Nora Werry, St. ines, Mr. Geo. W. James, ville, Mr. Fred L. Bray, Enfield, Mr H. Fletcher Werry, Mr. R. J. Luke, Kedron, Miss Florence Luke, Ash- burn Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Wer- { ry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. James | A. Werry, Enniskillen, Mr. N. E. | Wright, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Edgar Wer- | ry. "They are jolly good fellows | | was enthusiastically sung. Auld Lang Syne" and the National An- | them brought to a close a very happy social occasion. Of course, Uncle James gave the youngsters the usuzl scramble for nuts and candies--the | biggest fun of the day for them. Eldad Christmas Tree enter- | tainment on Friday evening, De- cember 22, was very largely attend- | ed, the auditorium being packed to | the doors. Mr. R. J. MeKessock was chairman and a very excellent program was splendidly rendered by the little folks whose efforts were fully enjoyed. Mrs. S. Edgar Wer- ry and Mrs. Norman E. Wright de serve the warmest thanks of the parents for the training of the! children for the singing; Miss Fran- ces Cryderman and Mr. Fred Crome for the recitations and Miss Lyda Taylor for the drill, for all were | splendid. Athol Street Mission, | Oshawa, rendered a tableau "Hark. { the Herald Angels Sing" which was {also well given and much appre- | ciated. The decorations under the |able direction of Mr. Fred Crome were exceedingly fine and showed good taste. Santa Claus was very generous with his gifts aad the little | folks will be glad if he will remem- | ber them again next year. The | children were admitted free and the proceeds were $36.40. One of the important features of the occasion was an address read by Mr. A. L. Pascoe while Messrs. S. E. Werry and John Baker presented Mr. W. T. { Taylor, who has been superintend- ent of the school for eleven years, with a beautiful fumed oak writing | - | of Solina, | and family anc The Olympia Candy Works wishes their friends and customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year The specials listed in last week's paper will be good till the first of the New Year. Try them. ry's; Mr. at Mr, A..J. N. McDougall, Frank Hockaday's; Mr. Somerville and babe, Misses Bessie and Mary Toronto, at Mr. John Miss Louie Annis, Toronto, Norman VanNest, Oshawa, homes. Reynold"s; and Mrs. BETHESDA Christmas week has passed pleas- the usual fam- antly, though quietly; ily gatherings. Mr. and Mrs. tained at dinner on Wednesday e Smith, | Smitn Hoar Werry, Mrs. J. J. and Charley and Mrs, 8. V. Miss: Hazel of Oshawa, were present. Mrs. Phare, Miss Roma Lance Phare gathering for Christmas Day. The Misses Cole and Mr. were entertained at Mrs. Robert ( lacutts' Salem, in honor of daughter, Mrs. Willard, of on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. guests of Mr. and maid, at Solina, Mr. and Russel Mr. ning; Messrs. and V. Mrs. Roy nile HE WAS THERE "0o's icky honey she softly cooed. bunch As he let go his hold on the steer- ing wheel to grasp the opportunity properly, the car lunged into a ditch. mud Crawling out and digging the from his eyes, he gurgled: Ooze." I Everett Hoar enter- Mr. arranged a large family c 'ol- her Toronto, Hoar were Lang- on Friday evening. is 00?" Russel Reynolds, Toronto, Mrs. John Bowmanville, at us Cherry be | Reynolds, { Reynolds; | and Mr. | at their | ve- | Lay Fill Scrape and Wax HARDWOOD FLOORS of all kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED G. F. TURNEY Write or phone 58 Elgin st, East Phone 488W Oshawa, ole "DODD'S KIDNEY Special for Holiday Season Pipes of all Kinds Cigars only the Best-- Tobaccos to suit every Fancy In your recreation hours visit our Billiard Parlor. New full sized tables, sanitary conditions Barber shop in connection. Sachlas & Alex Props. 38 King St. West Oshawa desk as a slight appreciation gf his Services, Mr, Taylor very fittingly responded thanking the people for the gift. . Miss Nora Werry, St. Catharines Business College, is spending her vacation with her relatives here- about and at Enniskillen and Bow-! manville. A dozen homes or more in community entertained on Day. Xmas visitors: Luke, Ashburn, at Mr. +A. L. Pas-| coe's; Mrs. W. CO. 'Werry and -Miss | Audrey, Oshawa, at Mr. 8. E. Wer-| this Xmas Miss Florence | FLORIST DESIGNS Wedding and Fumeral Designs on the shortest notice. Cut Flowers always fresh, National and Horticultural Exhibitions, Toronto WM. STACEY Grower of High Class Flowers NOTICE We have purchased the Shoe Repair Shop formerly owned by Mr. Dalby. It will known as the VICTORY SHOE REPAIR SHOP All work guaranteed. the best material workmanship. See us and saver money. Prices as follows:--Men's half soles, $1.35; ladies', 85c¢; children, according to size. Open to 8.30 every evening. VICTORY SHOE REPAIR SHOP 12 Athol St. West We use and best Inspection invited be | 12050 SS When We Test Eyes IT IS DONE PROPERLY LORE } JURY & LOVELL, Ltd. Phone 28 Phone 1101 i Greenhouses, 128 Arlington Ave. Phone 322W | if El i An Ideal Gift Give him the material for a Suit, and have it made after the holidays or when required. ASHBY THE TAILOR "The Man That Suits You" MACDONALDS CROWN BLACK CHEWING for

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