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Ontario Reformer, 30 Dec 1922, p. 8

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£RSONAL Fro slr or tne 5 Cell § ~-Mrs. Geotge Bower or 3 1 is spending the k at he in town. ie ~My. and Mrs, *, Howitt of De- troit, are visting at the home of Mrs. Hewitt's mother. Mrs."J. D.| Dalby, 154 Nassau t. They will remain. gver the ay, uf Ye --Mis8 Gertrude Jarell left today for Kingston where she will spend a few days at the homg of her par- 0 ickey MoNell left today on Micke to New York city. 'William Dunn spept mas at Bis home in Epeom. Miss ces Gibson, spent . Christmas at'her home in Newcastle. --Mr. Jodi Nolan spent the noli- | an r, ssél Lane spent Christ. wie. at his home in Utica. 3 ~<Miss. Theresa Morrow Christmas in Bowmanville. ~Miss Kate Allen spent Christ- mas with Owen Sound frietds.' Te 'B. L. Petley is spending the week-end in Toronto and Simcoe. ---Mp, 'Harry Palme vidited his home. in Picton over the holiday. --Mr. Art' Hawley is spending New Year's at West Hull. : ¥. Robert Hamilton is spend- ing § New Year's dt Port Hope. : ~~Mr. . and Mrs. Walter Ashton and Gordon spent Christmas in Ep- sont, ~Miss Mina Perguson was the holiday guest 'of her brother in Wick, spent ents. bs ~Miss O. Hamilton: of Pe Normal" .School ot, Petty 4 Christaing + at "her hote in Oshawa, -- Messrs, Harry and Leonard Palk- per of yn visited'their méther a4 - Suee Apartments, Over the nol tip Madeline and Berthi Hawley are spend ng New Year's iy their sister, ..rs. Deith, West ~--Mies Hazel Shipley, whe has been | visiting Mr, and Mrs. W. P, Knight, 30 Fairbanks Street, has returned :0 her home'in Confluence, Pa. ~--Mrs. Fred Roontz, 90 Fairbanks Street, has recently returned to Oshawa after a two months' visit at Confluénce, Pa. --~Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fetherston | spent the holidays with the latter's] parents, Mr. and Mrs. M_.C. Nich- ols, of Cobourg. ---Miss Eileen Sonu and Miss | Dorothy ariel, 2 Toronto, are | spending the hristmas holidays with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and | Mrs. Arthur Pierson. ~Mr. Nelson Baird aud family apent the holiday jm Wick where they visited with relatives. « =-Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins of 'Hastings, visited Yelatives in town over the holiday. ~=Mr, and Mrs. Wes Real of Green- bank 'were visitors in Oshawa this week. ~~Mr. and Mrs. William Nicolls of Greenbank were holiday visitors in town, , =+Mjss Catherine McEachern vis- Wer parents In Newcastle over thé holiday, ~~Mr, and Mrs. Percy Etcher and children spent the holidays with the former'y pirents in Port Hope. ~--Mr. slie Metd was a holiday visitor #t the home of his parents. in Picton. --Mvr, and Mrs. Gerald Whattam spent the holiday in Picton at the home vf the former's purents. --Mr. Gerald Cole of Bloomfield spent the Christmas vacation at the home of Mr. Arthur Cole; iss Gertrude Bowers spent the Christmas vaeation with relatives a* Consecon Lake, ~My. Harold McConkey spent Shriatigas with 'his parents in Hil- er ZMr, ahd Mrs. 'Ernest; Fritz of Hast Wellington were Holiday visit- ors; An town, : ph Joseph Fleteher of 'Bow- nyille was a Chrisimas visitor in shawa Y LaMrs, A. EB; Clemoneé; of Bow- mativitle, spent the holiday in town with' friends. --Miss Deora Mountjoy spent --Mr, Howard L. James of De-| troit, Micke, ad Mr. Howard A. Sher- idan, of the University of Michigan, | Ann Arbor, Mich., are spending their holidays with friends and rela- tives of Mr. Howard I. Columbus. --Friends of Mrs, [.. J. Taunton, will regret to learn thar she is confined to the Bowmanville General Hospital, having taken a stroke early Tuesday morning. She was taken to the hospital Wednes- day evening. The Reformer was in- formed today that she is doing as well as can be expected. ~Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuttle of Detroit, Mr. Charles Tuttle of New Albany, Indiana, are spending New Year's with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tuttle, 119 Colborne Street East. E Be a \ Secretary to a business executive. An ideal position for a young woman. The Shaw Sechetarial Course covers every needed * subject -- Shorthand, Type- writing, .Bookkeeping, Law, Bank- ing, etc.~~Personal instruction. Write for Prospectus to 5 P.' McINTOSH, Chief Principal. BUSINESS SCHOOLS TORONTO 30 Years of Proven Suacess James, at| | HE ONTARIO. REPORMER, SATURDAY, DEC. 30, 1922 -------------- mi one ld --iMr. and Mrs; ~R, A. Wright, Division Street, and Mr. 'W. H. Kir- by, 5 Road South, spent Christ- mas' with Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Pen- folind, Lindsay, ~--A pleasant social evening was spent at the 'hbme of Mrs. McDonald, Magson Street, last even- ing by about thirty mbugheps of Rebekah Lodge; No. Muse games, and dancing a "in ulged in followed by refreshments. The proceeds amounting to approximate- ly $10 were given to the Lodge. The € |gathering broke up about midnight, |?2 o Marriages JOLLOW--PHILLIPS On Saturday afternoon last at King Street Methodist parsonage by the Rev. A, 'M. Irwin, the marriage | was solemnized of Hilda Phillips? to Charles Richard Jollow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mitgheéll Jollow of | East Whitby. Mr. d Mrs. Jollow [will make their home in Oshawa. IRELAND--HOWARD At the King Street Methodis! the Rev. Saturday afternoon last the Rev. A. M. Irwin officiating Phu Geraldine, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Leslie Howard, Elgin | Street Vest, was united in marriage [to R: ert James Ireland, of Oshawa The bride wore blue silk with brown velour coat trimmed with | fur. The bridesmaid was Miss Irene Fry and the groomsman Mr. Georg: Is. White. Following the ceremony [= luncheon was served at the home the bride's parents after whicl young couple' left for Toront i They will reside i and Windsor. Oshawa. MELOIDS These marvellous little black pellets are invaluable to public speakers and singers, and to all whose duties compel them con- stantly to use the vocal organs. As a protection to the throat in, inclement weather, they are exceedingly valuable. On a'cold damp day, a Meloid, sucked slow'y, is a valuable antiseptic protection. It makes breathing easy and removes tickling from the throat. Cornish, i+ Sold in small tins con- venient for pocket use --2050 THE REXALL STORES F. W. Thompson RL Jury & Lovell Christmas with ker sister, Mrs Charles Garrard, of Hayden. ~The Misses Brindacombe of Bow- manville) were 'heliday guests of" Mr. and Mey, B. D. Suowden, ~~Mr. and Mrs. William Whitney and ; family spent Christmas with Mrs. Whitney's mother, Mrs, Tan- stell, of Jtndge. --~W; Jackson awd family, of Brock Rood, "weré Christmas Visit: ors intown: of ~--Mr. and Mrs. Lawry' of Bowheh bing spent: Qrisnas with friends, Josepli Fletcher Lol Bow- Fe WAS 8 day Viaoy with Osha -- i (AC go w, J. ta» vote Soliday visitors in | hore 4 and Mrs, Beverly Brown enjoyed the holiday, with. Bowman- . ville friends, . ~Mr. and Mrs. Bll Wilson. of Lib- arty Place, were Christmas visitors is Osbaws, s=Mr. ang Mrs. E. W. Rupdlg and were holiday: visitors in' Bow: manville. poliday | ~=Mr, Harry Kelso was a visitor 'at the home of hig parents fn Owen Sound. ~Miss Helen Southwell is spend- fog thé Christmas bolidays with rel- atives in 'Toronto. ~Mrs. A. Hawley is spending New Year's with her daughter, Mrs. Deith, West Hill, ~-Messis. John and Prank Hawley kre spending New Year's with their sister at West Hill, "--Miss Esther Hawley is spending Jew Year's with her sister at West ~Mr, and Mrs, James Williams 458 Doliday of ox fhe forme spent with the former's sie: ter, Mrs, Newb] ' y+ us Hewson were of the latter's parents, "Mrs. w. G' 'Gibson, Port --Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carter in i Grace-and Dor- ra ay were Fd . children and. othy Lowe, tors 'this week with Mr. and Henry Lowe, Nassau Street. HE fee Saving Inspires Confidencé ling of independence and self- respect which comes to one who has 'money in the bank is more than worth all the effort involved in accumulat- ing the savings. It is reassuring to posses a growing bank account which will enable you to meet the emergencies as well as the opportunities of to-morrow. oLaugh- hh ~ You are invited to a t pated open a savings account at our N. HENRY, Ma: F "WILSON, on E. C. CROSS , Manager A self-denial exertion -UP_ CAPITAL VE FUND OSHAWA BRANCH, P ¥ Achievement! ! Savings Bank balance built up by careful economy and satisfaction than an equal sum secured without difficulty or The advantages of such a. teserve are worth a genuine We welcome accounts, small or large, THE. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE will give you greater effort . $15,000,000 . $15,000,000 H. E. Tylor, Manager. '| of Canada' {s¥apidly gaining promi- PLE RL 5] province's ¥ The ninetee een ofgational "Blue | ook" Praises Oshawa | annual" edition of the Internationgl' Trade Developer, commonly knowd as the Internation- al "Blue Book" accords Oshawa a very fine write-up in their -latest volume. "Oshawa, the future 'Manchester nence and attracting attention to it- self as one 'of the thriving indus- trial cities of the Dominion. Its po- sition in the industrial world is daily becoming more firmly intrenched, and, although still in the formative veriod, as compared with the great city in the Mother Country which it now resembles in many ways and will continue to do to « greater ex- ent as time moves on, the embryo oresents such a promising appear- ince, and seems so well fitted to ake an important place in the world, that many manufacturers have already taken advantage of its pportunities and advantages, and nany others are beginning to turn heir gaze to the peaceful in- dustrial conditions, the transporta- tjon facilities, the natural resources ind the almost boundless future pos- sibilities which * characterize Osh- wa, ? "The population of Oshawa is ap- proximately 15,000, a figure which represents an - astounding growth from only haif that number at the time the last previous census was] taken. This growth is due, of SAMUEL DUNN Recent Deaths Hiram Gifford, ope of thel best. known. raisers of | faney stock, dropped dead this morn- | ing about 9 o'clock. Deceased was ppareptly in. Bs usual health and | had dressed preparing for a trip to | Columbus, He is a brother to Ly- man Gifford, who died recently. De- | ceased was in his 55th year. The sudden demise of Mr. Gifford has | come as a great shock to his many | friends. Besides his wife he is sur-| vived by five sons, William, of St. | Thomas; Gordon, of Toronto; Lloyd | of Oshawa; Wilfred, now attending | University of Toronto; and Lyman, on the farm. IN MEMORIAM BENTLEY>--In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Er-| nest. Bentley, died suddenly De- | cembeér, 27th, 1921. ! The blow was great, the shock se- | vere We 'little thought his death so | near; y those who have lost can { | | | { | Mr. | t f | And o The pain of parting without fare- | | | | ell, well, [ 113-a WIFE AND SON. HALLORAN-In loving memory of Margaret Kathleen, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Still the most for the money. | Oh, Father take them in Tline arms Halloran, who died Jan. 1st,"1920, aged 4 years and 9 months, also her dear grafdmother, died Dec. 6th, 1922, at Alexandria, Scot- land, aged 68 years. And let them henceforth be A messenger of love between Our human hearts and Thee. Father, Mother, Sister and Brothers, 146 Tylor Crescent. 113-a CARD OF THANKS Mr. 'and 'Mes. Fred Barnes and family wish to extend their sincere thanks to. théir friends and neigh- bors who! were so Kind to them dur- ing their recent sad bereavement, also those who, sent floral tributes. 113-a For the pant ten. days the Silver Band of the Salvation Army has been serenading the town of Oshawa and we have been greatly cheered and encouraged by the yery generous re- gponse accorded to us by ofir many friends and wellwishers. We say to one and alla very hearty thank you. We shall still continue to let our mugic and kong be heard in the streets of Oshawa to the' blessing and cheering of the people. We wish all, both rich and poor, a very bright blessed and prosperous New Year. L. PR SCOTT, L FRO 1D, + Offigers in Charge. On behalf of the Band: THOS, COULL, Bandmagter. 113-a ~ Something to Think About. A full page of inspiring thoughts by a great thinker and writer every sun- | day in the Magazine section of the Sunday. Detroit . Press. Local (agent, A-M, Germond, phone 724, 113-2 course, to the development of indus- tries, and as these coptinue to da- velop, the population will increase in proportion. é "The. industrial establishments in- clude steel w®rks, foundries, and manufactories of carriages, automo- biles, steam and gas fittings, malle- able irom, textiles, 'metal work, woollens, 'leather; pianos, contract- ors' and builders' materials, and white wear. "The individual companies which operate in the city include within | their number 'many whose names bear world-wide .reputations, and who are the leaders in their lines." The manager of the International Trade Developer in Canada is Mr. Samuel Dunn, one of the ablest sales- men and one of the best known ad- vertising men in the Dominion, A TENDER STEAK OR CHOP. COOKED RIGHT IS BOUND TO PLEASE YOowrR Woon JY APPETITE! EACH STEAK AND EACH " CHOP that leaves this store on its ap- petizing mission to. your tab'e is as choice a cut as can be founds in all meatland. Our meats par excellence will satisfy your de luxe appetite. H. A. SUDDARD . SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 517 x William E. Jones THE BIBLE MAN CAN SUPPLY Scofield Bibles Precious Promise Rjbles Oxford Bibles F Cambridge Bibles Bagster Bibles International Bibles Nelson Bibles Holman Bibles New Century. Bibles N Self Pronouncing Bibles Miastrated Bibles / Red Letter Bibles ¥_ Scout Bibles aii Testaments Emphasized Testaments King James Version American Revised Marked Testamenty Family Bibles a Pulpit Ribles Large Type Home Bibles { Pocket Bibles and Testaments Teachers' Concordance Bibles Scholars' Bibles Presentation Bibles +. JAN kinds of Testamenis Books Christmas Calendars Psalm Books Art Booklets Motto Cards' Bible Charts Teachers' Helps #3 Bigger Better You don't Better buy at homdlf we can't sell you good merchandis ronto prices don't deserve your trade. Wishing and yours # Bright, Happy of Prosperous New Year Thos. "blubbering" about low as or lower than To- iller & Sons INDISCRIMINATE ( Ottawa Journal: of earning his own dinne, he will be ¢ ners and find his self- served as well as his ment strengthened. To dependence should be ti sound philanthropy. An of that almost invariabl harm than good. * NOTHING LEFT It wouldn't do to abolish the flap- per, settle the prohibition question, pacify Europe, and clean up Holly- wood' all 4t once. .What would there .be left for us to talk about.-- (Border Cities Star) Ipntain- These attacks upon, women's col- leges must stop. There must bey some places where the girls can leagn . to play the ukulele. --Bostolt Shoe' and leather Reporter. CUTNTAT THRE, JR BAT A desire to thank teir hany friends for a successful Christmas trade, and wvishig retain their estened | a very Happy New Year, trust to friendship. CELINA ST : OSHAWA : ha E pth TL HR HLT LINN WE ) ART ek RE Responsive Readings Sacred Song, Re n Herald of Praise Make Christ King Hymns for His Praise Gospel Hosannas Methodist Hymn Books Sa na Fi ide by ompletely ch car and selling it with the regu- ew! car guarantee, They will also | automobile repair business, and as hducement to new customers; are kemove carbon and reset valves to New Canadian Hymoal Presbyterian Book of Preise Book of Commen Prayer (all Db ) ce Supplies Choir Music: and Books Tracts Bible Helps Tarbell's Gui Oxford 'Dictio Oxford Book of Zh Oxford tions of Poetry and Oxford Shakespeare Choose and Order Early.' See Jones gf Celina customers free of charge. Watch t for the opening date. Bert "has been connected with the rs for a number of years asa road tative, travelling all over Can- ¢ well qualified to fill the automo- needs: in Oshawa and' vicinity. eformer for the opening date and wark done free. Opp. po. Express Office If you want life, and 'action, read "Irish," a story "ef bp :| boxing match, in ext Su troit Fre& Press. Local Germond, phone 724: who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who LL DONALDS: fa t: 'Brier;

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