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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Jul 1933, p. 4

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: : EEN Cr fs fix be re ] : a fir 4 ft : i & pk bind Cage ¥ 3 57 ah Cae" : : ¥ : f 4 Hy 4g ot E ( ; : * eo 42 : } - * : ¥ * : > : 3 ; £ = a > 2 » h 2 /- # i 1 4 i ; ! 5 Tal Aas Voge Hout -- ~ eo hes gn PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, Jot 1 i ( I' © BARGAIN EXCURSION WATCH BLL a, att hon vn OR. SCHOLLS ADS for the FEET |! oADY Pho Uche last week. _Cobour fo Rochester N. Y. ' : (Quotations to Shippers) = 9 Port. Perry a Creasey Solids, No.1 ..iov.. 20% Mrs. A. W. Haskell and Mrs. J. P, ete 2 € eth edie "_..During the month of July we "are specializing in the treatment oft. : ENO Bien t ta rsa i 20% La McMillan, of Chicago, are visiting 'WEDNESD AY, JULY 19th Dominion Store foot, troubles with Dr. Scholl's preparations. These are products of * Churning Cream, F.0.B.. Country highest quality and we do not hestitate to_ recommend them. We i ial 20, N ; with their sister Mrs, C. H, Kellett. 4 q ya Points--Spec A 0; 1, 19,.No. 2, oe k TLR : "SENS ATION AL: 'have just completed Dr. Scholl's course of study on® foot ailments and ' 16. i b : : + Mr, Grant H. Gordon and daughter, Only $1 25 Return | ONLY | shall be glad to 'advise you regarding same. : rouLTRY AND EGGS-- f p Miss Toltle, of Bu. Hyauih, Qe fr ihade. MID SU M MER "MERE ARE A FEW,OF DR. SCHOLL'S PREPARATIONS: . - shins ET ER Miss Maud : ordon and Mrs Ale ° Steamer Schedule--Standard 'Time " SCHOLL/8 ZINO CORN PADS. 3 SIC UINCY. | {a Be th) Grade--Alive. ; - Crowell of Toronke, sallos on thle] - GOIRY RETURNING : SCHOLLS BUNION REDUCER. ee 'Spring Broilers ,.......o.. 11 to 17 = cousins} Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Kellett, on|f Leave Cobourg. .........8.00 am, Leave Rochester ..,.5.45 p.m. . CLE. RING © SCHOLLS FOOT BALM . Srandaianiohalin 7... 40e, Fat FOWL cn ssvnsssivsrps 8 to i0 @ Sunday. = Arrive Rochester ........ 1.456 pm, Arrive Cobourg ... "11.80 p.m. A y ! SCHOLL'S TOE-FLEX (for "crooked toes) cadaaen + T5¢. POTATOES-- : h : y SCHOLL'S FOOT POWDER .....%.....1 arid T Mr, J. O. Stephenson, the eye-sight . EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA FOR DANCING ° : FB, SCHOLL'S SOLVEX (for Athlete's ST hl RCTS $1.00 New 11 qt. basket +1. 40c to 60c specialist, will be here in the after- Low prices for meals on steamer--Breakfast 50t., Tenchi and 3 : SAI E SCHOLLS ONIXO (for Ingrowing Toe Nails) ...... : rSle, : bag, ...0o0000 $200 to $2.25 noon, July 13th, (to-day.) dinner 76c. each. Also lunch counter service. ] : b AL WALK BINDER (tor run-tver heels) pin "sl. 95 FA%E LIVE Toes (FOB) DON'T FORGET THE 'STREET ¢ SCHOLES BUNION LOTION iiiinsonannsnns .36¢ Bacon ogs dais ss asadO 10 DANCE AT UXBRIDGE, JULY 26th Ample free motor parking space at steamer dock at Cobourg. Shay TERY SCHOLLS LASTIC MIETATARSAL PADS ade $2.00 ||| Fed Calves ............$6.00 to $6.50 AT 9 P.M. Il. Purchase Tickets from Local Canadian National Agent or at Steamer. Prices Cut to Rock : ; 2 {Veal Calves .. ideas $2.00 to $4.50 Mod 1d time d N ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY ¥eam{ : : COWS +raverenrnessess $2.00 to $2.60 Soper 11 Jha tg: T-126 Cobourg- -Rochester- Steaniship Route : Bottom iE ; Heifers: ....coc000..2. 8300 to $4.75 Bh Lucky Number Dances. (T-126) R be SALE Tali : A. M. LAWRENCE i Lambs ,..iveser. ives: $5.00 to $8.60 Admission 26c. In case of rain the i HANGE OF TEACHERS . nt emem er 8 : oa || Sheep ......ooiiiiien. B00 to $2.60 Tb eid tn we nat, There A CH parts, after a wedding, and when the| co. ta Th Jul _ Phone 49. THE REXALL STORE = PORT PERRY {l Steers ....ovvvverres. $8.00 to $5.00 will 'De Baseball and Laugosss i the pong to the fas that Mr. Moven bride and groom return from their starts 1hurs.,, July ; ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) i " empsey received two very good ol- : ; pit! * i PE AGE = afternoon at bo p.m. ) fers to teach school in his home town, motor trip, there is a chivari. Well, 13- -Ten days only Saif ae Se Ey ; Wiest Cassa esass vase hranns Tato » A. -- | =oOrillia--he will not be returning to [Such Was the case here on Monday dh tirescesseiayeshineyes | Barley RR mee COTM .isvevecenssnssassssss060 to 66 RYO +uvverasnessesnvsnsees 48 to 46 Buckwheat SAREE to 83 GIRLS' SOFTBALL NOTES |Port Perry in September. night, when about seventy boys and} SPECI ALS for Well, here's the reporter back on.the Mr. Dempsey has proved imself to | girls, old and young, gathered in - N LJ job to tell you just how the softball bo 8 500d teacher and hag Joep a| front of Mr. Cook's home, and greeted First Three Days favorite with the scholars in Port : 2 : league stands at present. On June| : bis: Mr. and Mrs. E. T.- Cooper, with such oy Brocklin. defented Blackstock at Perry School. He has also gained the grand music, both vocal -and instru- Guaranteed Sunfast Prints, 36 inches Brooklin, and Port Perry defeated good will and respect of the citizens |. o,ta1 hoth loud and long, when the wide, good weight, only 15c. yard.|} dt weather is here, why get all het up in _ Now that the e cranky with your husband. Let us bake g kitchen and es : FOR SALE + A good milch cow, four years old, sort Perr 4 B i ; So ot Bei gh SI BO ee Baller Bt HL ee I Tanker ST Honiongs, vos! argue ¥ akes are Delicious «calf at side or will sell separately. Jocks fo a . i " ' f "thr . M A @ . | 2 ' own Red Socks defeated Brooklin here good wishes for his future success and 96 Cheers n, Colpier respindal Ladies' Cotton Stockings, 19¢. pair. | & AD IS BETTER THAN MOTHER MAKES. Quiet to milk, Apply to Sam Arnold, in a very pleasing manner and treated the crowd generously--and it was for the first time in history, but we Prince Albert, . intend to keep it up. On July 8th, Phone 93 and bfing one of our trucks to your door, or visit Ladies' Silk Vests ....... " ..19%¢. i our store, 2hd door from the corner of Queen and Water Sts. prosperity. : . . : The new teacher to take Mr, Demp- | « » Children's Socks and Stacidnd, 19¢: . ' Brooklin defeated Scugog at Brooklin some crowd. : ? ate] i > ER 5 So tac eys place is Mr. Gordon wind of The redler mesting of the W.M.8,| Men's Fine Sisk peers rool 30s. Phone 93, - - ~~ _ Port Perry, Ont. LAW OFFICE at Blackstock. On July 10th, Brook- Whithy, who comes ya recommended | yi) he held at the home of Mrs. O. Mews 4 png ene 3 e EP PS ie OLA AOS OT CEL oi / f 3% a \ ©7 "EE fin defpated Blackstock at Blackstock, | 2 OTC Who 8 interests in young Peo- | Lane, next week, on Thursday, July | M90 PEL FEE TEEEE RN STRAYED Qn ~ GREER & HUMPHREYS ba e and their - aay FN 1: TX ; ; and on Tuesday, July 11th, Port Perry 2 oh 20th, 2 2%) pm. All the ladies are Mén's Good Dress Shirts ........79¢. To the premises of Lot 13, Con, 6, V. P, STOUFFER ~ Barristers, Solicitors, ete. defeated Scugog at Port Perry to the : Si afi tied -+. | requested to attend. Every. article in our store marked at Reach, a Heifer. Owner can have] . PIANO.TUNING : .*. "Money to Loan _ tune of 9-3. This completes the first ° al 1 Reserve July 26 for United Church] rock hottom price. Come and gee for| same by 'proving property ang' paying Overhauling -- piano actions répaired, Toat Now located in the office 'of - half of the double schedule, leaving e Coa ield - i o : : | expenses. motion taken up, sticky and nolsy keys re- v Field Day at Myrtle: See bills for| yourself. Pp : oT mothprooting, cleaning and lubricati H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, o Port Perry and Brooklin tied for first rs : SN SA paired, moth-proofing, cleaning and Iabrieatits LRT is : : | : T program of sports. a specialty, AU work guaranteed. Phone 80, Queen Street ~ place. The second half of the double] NUT AND STOVE SIZES A ak ¢ i READ THIS FOR YOUR| ° POSITION WANTED Fors: Perry. : eo") schedule begins Saturday, and' let's a " NG : "OWN BENEFIT Practical Nursing, also domestic Re cnn oc SHET RPL Phone 304 have lots of support. ; Myrtle Elevator A ertrnoniais DIED Ls IR, ; | assistant. Terms reasonable. Apply |Book July 21st for Blackstock Sports|}. 3. Pune after Boutay 3 au. The Port Perry girls have certainly Se pices for inimediats del ph 3 : Bay; AN on SPECIAL: ANNOUNCEMENT at Star Office. Sad ©" |Day, under auspices of 'B.A.A.A. See i dens : disie Well, THis somion Heving Wok S| Suifior pices for immediate delivery riday, July 7th, , Joseph : ; a bills for particulars. we i Si , out of 12 games so far and being TERMS CASH. } Arthur Gerrow, in his 59 year. ' | For three days only--July 18, 14 . FOR SALE ARH SERS ; REN 2 > : SEE . ona ainl In five Jonge 5 dub of H. H. GOODE, Proprietor. Interment was made at Pine Grove |and 15, we shall have in our store a Refrigerator in first class condition. PE, six. - Hobever ig we EN Tots oe FA 'Cemetery, Prince Albert, on Mon- big sale of all kinds of Ladies' Hats,| Apply to, W.. M. Letcher, Port Perry. STRAYED Te liv, w. S, HARP E v. Hd room for improvement, and the girls | day, July 10th. Pa Coats and Dresses, at manufacturers' get to the premises of Sam Tummonds, on uate St Tosti Medial Collegy a " keeping at it steadily - Myrtle Station ~. ) clearing prices. This is a chance for the 7th Con. of Reach, a Hereford | Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Grad." are keeping at it steadily, practising CONSTIPATION SIX YEARS, t 50 the doll ol Wall tent--near Utica. Apply to| heifer, about 2 1d. O ates' College and Polyclinic, London, England, practically every night at the school : you to save b0c. on--the @ol@¥cu. uv - : eifer, about 2 years o wner can| North East London. ~ Post Graduate College ig Canis M , humbl Next Sunday church service will be TROUBLE NOW GONE.| - Come all--You'll not be sorry. Stanley Christie, Utica, Ont. 7 have same by proving property and London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. «cs. spec or pus. May we humbly suggest|,. 5 bn Sunday School at the usual| John J. Davis had chronic constipa- 345 paying expenses. - Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. oy the oy follow our example. hour. Come one, come all. tion for six years. By using Adlerika i : LOST, ES Phone 17. 2 sy nee Lhe Diaciice) Well, we'll| A ek from next Sunday evening, | he soon got rid of it, and feels like a | poRT PERRY DOMINION STORE A lady's white purse, containing a Sirti o DE ----------. : ii Bfpee sec everyone out at the| louie having a male choir. All the new person. Adlerika is quick acting. | Alix, Gilboord, prop Phone 177 sum of money and a driver's license.| ROSES-- SHRUBS -- PERENNIALS ; game here on Saturday night (July] folk who can carry a tune are|A7 M. Lawrence, Druggist, Port Perry. | = y es : Reward. Anyone finding same please| ROCK PLANTS--EVERGREENS . The Creamer 16) at 6.30, when Blackstock visits invited to attend practice in the ] ri ges ; leave at Gerrow's Bakery, Poxt Perry.| Canadian Grow--Three-Year-Old y: Ba) Pore, Sassy means a 10t| uve on Friday evening of EE AE : . A - FOR 'SALE : "Everything for the Garden"- IS PAYING 19¢., 18¢; and 16e., FOR to 293 Ag Th eiligens 2 ie week. _ b foot stakes suitable for staking Write for special price list BUTTER FAT. You can save labor i : g Mrs. "David Pilkey and dager tomatoes or dahlias, Each 2 cents. THE ARCADIAN NURSERIES and make more money by -sending ) Rose, and granddaughter Phyllis | Apply to D. Corbman. - "Islington, Ontario. : ~~ your cream to the spon oN Pilkey, of Hamilton, were the guests b Se ER ; CREAM] o! PORTER-SPOFFORD - of the former' s son, Mr. C. Pilkey, for : : FORY prnaY ERY A. GOODE & 20%, Proprietors Hot Weather i is Here Again W. A. Saagster Why not leave your baking worries | * DENTAL SURGHON A quiet wedding was solemnized at|a few days recently. the parsonage here on Sunday evening | Mrs, Geo. Chisholm, Toronto, was July 9th, when Mr..Harry Porter was |the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Robert united in marriage to Miss Annie| Chisholm, on Sunday. Velma Spofford, both of Claremont. ~~ Miss Evelyn Cross is visiting with] oo R relatives in Havelock. | tice i GREENBANK Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue, of Ty- "with 'Gerrows? | 1B of sm. to § pa. Mrs. Taylor, of Toronto, visiting |*°"® were week end visitors of Mr. : a Fi iy a oa Ti Sig ani Mrs Gus, Pilkey. = 2 Our aim is to PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE !! ; ~<a Messrs. Clark and J. C. D r iss Betty Chisholm of Toronto, 1s -------- visiting friends here. yer ave "| holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Luery. " Chiropractic Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Love, of Od Master Vernon McCarl, of Brooklin, awa, visited with Mrs. H. Love, on spent a few days of last week with Thursday last. his cousin Gordon Harrison. Dr. N. L. Phoenix and Mrs. Phoenix, Mrs. T. R. Price and family, last of Landis, Sask. are visiting with Wednesday, moved away to their new relatives here. home in Bowmanville, It is with re- 32 Qa AW _ D. E. STECKLEY, drugless practi- GERROW S BAKERY J toner, has taken over J. A. Hether. ; 'ington's practice in Port Perry, and Bakers and Contfeotioners, Port Perry. §|® Sentinuing In the samme Ses ¥ ropractic tment, ectro- Theropy and special attention given to. foot troubles and, resultant ail- it ttitiae eld Mr. and Mrs. -A. Nugent, Toronto, a pot A losing Hess ri ¥ SEH > ; ns visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Howsam. of ours from this community. 3 Th P | 9 M . M k : Mrs. Doble, Agincourt, visiting with Price has been our church organist e eop es eat ar et Consultation and examination free. £ II as a great : Hours 9 to 11 am: on Tuesday, - Mr..and. Mrs, John Beare, last week. | for many years, as well as a g a . . k th b h £ th - Thursdays and Saturdays. Mr. Ivan Beare is attending sum. | Worker in othet Branton © oo We sell everything you want in choice, clean wr £0 mer school at the 0.A.C., Guelph. 7 | church. The family also will be sadly : TR ; y Z y ice, y pera nel Mrs. H. Smith, Sunderland, at Mr. are i thay ny Jog hvine, hi - palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. $a voy SALEBsox Gatch ing Geo. Lee's, on Sunday. practically all their lives. wi . "T a . running order, 3 license, » Miss Sonley, of Orillia, visiting with remembered that before Mr. Price left ' } he telephone If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 wv Apply W. Bown, Phone 168 Port Perry Miss Doris Rodd. here last fall, their many friends here ; ' ar Sanat Mrs. Hughes, Toronto, at Mr. R. presented them Jan Gr, Sis, EE saved my corn' 3 BERT MacGREGOR . rent on Sunny. CT ey woe ho Wel © gaily in th 3 Will do the res. lil Good Eyesight 0 Nugent Prime way held ab Ye Ear the season, Fred Ben- : : = : fd Bolster last Saturday. join in 'wishing them all happiness . ' a, R Don't delay any longer. If you Mr. and Mrs. Bushby and Jean at- |and prosperity in their new home. Our a nett noticed a strange blight on ; ate: troatled' with: headaches, tended a wedding at Sandford, on loss is Bowmanville's gain. his' young corn. It began to vi : ; . ; . blured images, nervousness, con- ~ Sunday. - Mrs. Reynolds, of Rochester, N.Y, 'spread very rapidly. He had to D : S h 1r' F t R di sult at once. *" Reserve July 26 for United Church |® 4 Mos, Devitt, of SR hs something at once if he want- Dr. Scholl's 1I'00 emedaies N ent a few days as guests 0 r. an > : = F. x program ; ps pve rile. See bills for | TP 4 og an ed a crop. sy ~~ A full line in stock at present time. They cover BEES Sm. prog po Master Gordon Harrison is spending Fred was enterprising. He call- "all such troubles as corns, bunions, callouses, in- 163.167 Yonge Street; Toronto ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN - iis holies foil his granpussLs, For 80 cents o the government Experimental growing nails, crooked toes, weak arches, ete., etc. (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) . CHURCH ir, and Mrs ascoyne, of Brooklin, Wing Long Distance tele-- ' : , 4 Rev. D, As Ferguson, BA, Minister] Mr. avd Mrs, B, Masters, o of Ponty- : you ean telephone ly y The wt recognized STATIONERY--Only a few of those 25c. boxes left." : 7 p.m.--Evening Service pool, and daughters Olive and Vera, 100 op the blight from Fr ed's descri : : etre oa ot inintin moved to our village last Thursday. mile 8 p: . CAMERAS--The new Eastman is very attractive and very CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION _ | We welcome them to our community.) by making an "eny. tion, told him what to do, and | "easy to operate, and costs no more than the older k J 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. Mrs. Wm. Lammiman, of Oshawa, is ann wo 5.30 in a week the corn was safe. ~ models. : : A PENNYLESS OLD AGE 11 a.m.--Morning Service, spending the week with his niece Mrs. ; Sees of roe Long Dis WY K, d d ; .- Do you realize what it is to be pear. 0. Lane, > front otdireciory ng Distance is quick, Jepent= HEALTH SALTS Large tin, 80c. Small tin, 1c. ~~ - frlendless, unwanted? You can PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH | Miss B. Myers of Oshawa, was aj ~~ uble; easy to use -- and profit-~ ' guard against all this with Sunday, July 16th-- : week-end visitor, and Mrs Shawpet able. : : WRITING T ABLETS--a new line at joy 18, and 25c. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. and family and Mr. W, J. Lammiman, ¥ Canadian Government Ls : NS 11 a.m~--Worship Service, all of Oshawa, were also Sunday 3 ig uities 4 - Subject: "A God, the Unpredictable" guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Lane. ' Me D S : Amn 7 pm--Worship Service, Mr, dnd. Mrs, Chas. Pilkey are ris orrison' 8S rug tor e iv . Subject: "Thé Woman of Samaria." ]leaving on Wednesday by motor on a Pp 6 rite or telephone for de. : + Rev, W. J. H. Smyth will have charge | business trip to the United States, Port Perry 5 hone 1 At Ontario seriptive booklet to-day to "TRE of both services. . As is usually the case around these rr HEE Your Postmaster Sirs » : Y ' . L 7 ; ; : 2 5 » ' ' A: a ' > v A : = ~~ X L i : : ¢ ' 2, ¥ Gada. a oo 5 7 2 3 i £3 2 ; x : i i Hh ¥ iL ¥ ne ay % i ba i : ify Tor WE sctiti : x a8 * : : y PA fad an Ji de Pe OTT

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