i i i 1 Hi 3 ] | Page Four TE. LOCAL ITEMS J. O. Stephenson, the eye specialist, will be gt Morrison's Drug Store, on the afternoon of Thursday, July 27th, Miss M, Forman, of Whitby, spent the week end with Mrs, Wilkinson, Mr. M, E. Nasmith, of Montreal, is spending some time in Port Perry. Mrs. Orde and son Philip, have been spending 'a few days in Muskoka, Miss. Anne Farmer and her friend Miss Kathleen Miller, of Toronto, are spending theiy holidays at the home of Mr. and wf S. Farmer, Prof, Graham Christie, Murs. Christie and family, of Baltimore, are the guests of Mr. Peter Christie. 'Prof. Anson Walker, Mrs. Walker, and family, are enjoying a holiday at he home Prof. Walker's mother, Mrs. . A. Walker. The Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club < are holding a tournament on Wed- nesday, July 26th, commenciiig at one: pm. Rev. G and Mrs. Mason and. Miss Hutchison, of Bowmanville, were Wilkinson, last week. M. guests of Mrs. Mr, John Hayden, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has returned home from 'a pleasant holiday with friends in Western Ontario. He visited a number of centres in that locality, in- cluding Petrolia, Sarnia, Wyoming, St. Thomas, London, and Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor, of Markham, ave visiting with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, F. i. Reesor. Mr. and Mrs, R. M. Holtby have returned from a motor trip to Sas- katchewan, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesson. Rain came in good showers out West, and things are looking well there. Mr. Myron Tavish, L. T. G. M. of Toronto and Miss Anne Millington of Blenheim are visitng Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaufman, Messrs. A.B. Cawker, Robt. Somer- ville, HJ. G. Hutcheson, Geo. McMillan, Grant Gerrow and Geos R. Davey are attending the sessions of Masonic Grand Lodge, in St. Catharines this week. DO NOT MISS the Uxbridge and Port Perry Catholic Garden Party to be held on the church grounds at Ux- bridge, Saturday, July 22nd. Grand drawing for valuable prizes. Supper Concert and Dance. Adults 50ec. Children 25. "Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ashton, Tor- onto, Mrs. Lawler and grandson, and Miss Bowles and Leo. Lawler and wife of Greenbank, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Burke. A shower was held at the home of Mrs. E. A. Nott on Tuesday evening July 18th, 1933, in honour of Miss E. M. Howard who is to become the bride of Mur. James Irvine, on Satur- day, July 22nd. -------- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH "Sunday, July 23rd. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Worship Service, "Waiting Upon the Lord." © 7 p.m--Worship Service, "A Three Speed Gear for' Living." 5 Rev. W. J. H. Smyth will have charge 'of both services. Christian Port Perry Dominion Store CLEARING SALE Remember --SALE starts Thurs., July 13--Ten days only Guaranteed Sunfast Prints, 36 inches wide, good weight, only 15c. yard.] Ladies' Silk. Stockings, real bargain, 39c. pair. "Ladies Cotton Stockings, 19¢. pair. Ladies' Silk Vests .............. 19¢. Children's Socks and Stockings, 19c. Men's Fine Socks ..... JET pair 19c. Men's Work Socks =.......pair 15c. Men's Work Shirts, double shoulders, "good weight ...... 0... 65¢, Men's Good Dress Shirts Every artiéle in our store marked at ~ rock, bottom price. Come and see for yourself. PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE ux Gilboord, Prop. Phone 177 picnic. LAWN BOWLING Play-offs in. the Prgvincial Lawn Bowling Association for District No. 14, were held at Port Perry on Satur- day, July 15th, Results follow: Singles--Pea'cock of Oshawa, won from E. H, Purdy, of Port Perry, Doubles--Gaodman and Johns, of Oshawa, won from Lucas and Somer- ville, Port Perry. . : Rinks--™D, Carnegie won from C. C. Stenhouse, of Oshawa, by one shot. Carnegie rink--F, -C. Taggart, Wm, Graham Jno. Murray, D. Carnegie. -- re el PP A CLOSE CALL "Sonny" Turner, (son of Mr. Isaac Turner), had a close call on Monday night. He was driving his father's truck along the Tth concession of Reach when he struck some loose gravel. The truck was ditched and turned over twice. Two other young fellows who were in the cab with Sonny escaped without injury; but the driver was badly bruised and his-col- lar bone is broken. The truck is badly wrecked and the load of fruit and vegetables scattered everywhere. GIRLS' SOFTBALL NOTES! What! Did'l hear someone say the Port Perry Girls couldn't play ball ? Why, we've two new victories to add to our list this week; On Saturday, July 15, Port Perry gefeated Black- stock at Port Perry, the score was 2b "11 in favour of the good old Red Socks. We've got to hand it to Black- stock for good spor tsmanship though; and that's almost as good as winning. The same night Scugog defeated Brooklin at Scugog with a score of 0-7. "Then again on Monday night the "Old Reliables" made a flying t¥ip to Brooklin, each player determined to do her best--and they did! It was a hard battle, but Port Perry came out ontop to the tune of 26-16. (If you notice any of our players sauntering down the streét minus their hats, you'll know why, "Our hats are too small for us now.) That game with Brooklin leaves us ahead of our league by two games. Here's hoping we can stay there. We're still working hard to improve our team. (There's still lots of room for it.) August 7, Port Perry's Big Day, is still ahead of us, you know. We certainly have appreciated the way in which the citizens have sup- ported our last few home games, but aren't there still lots of you; who haven't turned out yet? - May we count on you, too, for our next home game which comes on Wednesday, July 26, when Brooklin visits "Port"? Also we'd be glad to see anyone enough interested in our team to ac- | company us down to Scugog on Mon- day, July 24th. Well, its time for the reporter to sign off for now, so Cheerio until next week, when we'll hope to have more good news for you. NENA. JL Eat DIED » *RAYMES--At Port Perry, on Fri- day, July 14th, Mary Jane Hope, be- loved wife of John Raymes, in her 80th year. : --------e > -- ---------- STRAYED To the premises of Lot 13, Con. 6, Reach, a Heifer. -Owner can. have same by proving property and paying "| expenses. BE li ah RP POSITION WANTED Practical Nursing, also domestic assistant.. Terms reasonable; Apply at Star Office. FOR SALE Refrigerator in first class condition, Apply to W. M. Letcher, Port Perry. I F-Rb--p..nn WANTED A quantity of carrots. Apply to Bay Clark, c-o Scugog Fur Farm, R. R.3 Seagrave Ont. 1 A PLEASANT AFTERNOON 'The young folk of Port Perry United Church Sunday School spent a pleasant afternoon at Stephenson's Point on Wednesday afternoon of last week, the occasion of their annual There were plenty of games-- including races, tug-of-war, baseball, cte. The crowning bit of fun was the boys." The boys (nobody counted pulled them where they would. , I el EM ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7 p.m.~--Evening Service CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.~--Morning Service. le os wb FRESH HONEY FOR SALE 1 Ash Street, Phone 131 tug-of-war between the men and the N - them) had the edge on the men and |R Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister. |W Apply to Jno, F. Gerrow, Port Perry, Wy V. P. STOUFFER PIANO TUNING Overhauling -- piano actipns - repaired, lost motion taken up, sticky and noisy keys re- paired, moth-proofing, cleaning and lubricating a specialty, "Al pion. guaranteed. 'Phone 80, Port Perry. . BE MARRIED BROCK--COBBLEDICK An evening wedding of wide interest had its setting in Hope United Church when Helen Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Cobbledick; was married 'to Dr, John Frederick Brock of Oshawa, son of Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Brock of Port Perry. Rev. A. I. Terr yberry, assisted by the Rev. A, J. Powell, conducted the service. The church was decorated with blue delphinium and Mr, Comer, organist of the church played. The bride given in marriage by her father, was gown-. ed in a robe of white cire satin, Her veil was of ivory tulle in cap effect. She carried Butterfly roses and white bouvardia. Miss Marjorie Cobbledick, sister of the bride, was maid of honour and the bridesmaids were Miss Ruth Johnston and Miss June Cobbledick, also a sister of the bride. All were in frocks of pastel triple sheer, the maid of honour in blue, and the bridesmaids in pink and green. Their hats were turbans in material to match the dresses and they carried clusters of delphinium and pink larkspur. The groom's twin brother, Mr. Arthur W. Brock of Port Perry, was groomsman, and the ushers were Dr, John W. Wor- rall, Mr. John E. Harris, Dr. A. W. Harding, all of Oshawa, and Dr. Ross Walters of Toronto. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents when Mrs. Cobbledick and Mrs. "Brock received with the wedding party. Later the bride and groom left by niotor for Lake Huron, where they will spend some time camping. The bride trav- elled in an ensemble of beige crepe with matching hat. WILLIAM J. NOTT, FORMERLY" OF PORT: PERRY, DIES ~ A: pioneer funeral director of Port Perry, Ont., William James Nott, died in Winnipeg Friday morning, follow- ing a brief illness, in his 82nd year.] He was born and educated at Port Perry and for over 30 years served that community as funeral director being one of the best known.and re- spected men in that part of the prov- ince. Four months ago he came to reside with his son at 226 Overdale Street, St. James. He was a member of the I. 0. O. F. and the Sons of England Benefit Society. He was also a leader in the former Methodist church in Ontario. : He is survived by.a daughter, Zella Nott, of Winnipeg, and four sons, H. A. and W. E. Nott, of Winnipeg, and Jessop Nott, of Medicine Hat, Alta, and Ivan of Toronto. ~ --Winnipeg Free Press --_-- tee STOP TAKING SODA! . FOR GAS ON STOMACH . Much soda disturbs digestion. For gas or sour stomach Adlerika is much better. One dose rids you of bowel poisons that cause gas and bad sleep. --A. M. Lawrence, Druggist. --_-------- BLACKSTOCK | (Continued. from page 1) Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Norton Van Camp. The regular dain meeting of the A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Church will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue on Wednesday evening of next week, July 26th, The program is "Authors" and will be in charge of Miss Mabel Argue and Mr. Percy Hamilton. Miss Vera "Clark spent the week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kellet at Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McBrien and family of Toronto. were Sunday visit- -- ors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Hamilton. \ Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Strong and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Chapman have return- ed home from a very enjoyable motor trip to the West. - Recent visitors to our midst were: Mrs. 'Hillman of Toronto and Miss Kemp -with Mrs. Robt. Crawford and son Geo, Crawford; Mr. Ford of Peter- boro with Mr. and Mrs, C, Smith; Mr, Thos. English of New York with rela- "tives; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. 'Brown with the latter's father, Mr, Wm Nesbitt. - Miss | Riith Maslow and her nieces Joan, Nancy and Patricia Marlow of Toronto are spending their vacation with Mrs. J. G. Marlow. " Miss Doris _Heaslip- of Toronto is visiting her aunts, Mrs. Harry Van Camp and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. ~ Mr. Wejr Swain and friend, Mr. Griffin of Timmins have returned home after enjoying a two weeks' holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Swain, Mr. Braithwaite and Miss Cora Braithwaite of Cavan were week ah guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry. Mr. Dempsey and son of x wos. are spending a few days with the (¥ ; Mrs. (Dr) John former's: daughter McArthur, or Mr. and Mrs, Fred Waterman and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson of Monaghan were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F, Willan. Mr, Geo. McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Corbett and family of Cobourg were in Blackstock attending the An- nual Orange Service and called on Mr. 'and Mrs, John McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steel and Mr, and Mrs. Ashton visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. R. Willan, Port Perry. Miss Marjorie Galbraith is spending her holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Montgomery. A number from here attended the Werry Picnic which was held at the 'homestead of the late Isaac and Anna). Marin Werry at: Elford, four miles 'north 'of Cambray, on July 8th, 1983. The Elford home has been, noted for genuine and: gracious 'hospitaliay; and the family sustained its reputation in a very practical way "as they opened their hame with-its, modern appoint- |. ments and to the bountiful provisions brought by the guests added wonder-|" ful homemade buns, raisin loaf and butter with a special for the whole company _of - delicious ice cream in generous servings. : The first Werry Picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Han- cock, Tyrone, sixty years ago. During the sixty years the picnics have been held at the homes of the late Thos. Werry and T. A. Wright, Blackstock, Wm. Werry, Solina, B. Werry, Salem, Peter Werry, Tyrone, R. T. Philp, Pickering, Wm. Philp, Cadmus, John Osborne, Bowmanville, J. H, Werry, Bethesda, Jabez H. Wright, and Albert W. Wright, Blackstock, Harry Philp, Cadmus, H. F. Werry, KedronFrank Orchard and J. A, Werry Enniskillen, Jas. Philp, Manilla, S. E. Werry, So- lina and Hampton Park. -The picnics have been held on more than one occasion at some of the above named places and it will be noted that some of the names are of sons carrying on at the homesteads. ' Many are the pleasant memories associated with these gatherings and the picnic of 1938 will go down in history as one of the most success- ful events on the list both in,atten- dance and entertainment. Many were missed, but new cousins were met whose names will mean more to us than hitherto. Mrs, R." A. Wright, Mrs. M. Moffatt, Mrs. Clarence Mar- low, Miss Effa Wright, Messrs. Mere- dith "Moffatt, Kenneth Werry, Geo. Werry achieved something worth while in their program of sports and distribution of prizes which made every minute of the afternoon interest- ing and winners of prizes happy. Exciting ball games were played, the youths outshining the married men, the girls also enjoying their win with Speci | Prices for Permanent A Waves during July - August 4 Special Spiral, Eugéne New Reverse Wind Method with Ringlet Ends, $3.50 $5.00, $7.50 Our regular $7.50 combination wave for $4.95 25% off all other waves from $3.95 to $10.00 Mondays only, from July 24th to August 21st, inclusive. ~~" For appointments phone 143w Local agent for the Oshawa Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Work called for and delivered every Monday & Thursday. Phone your orders to the _ Patricia it Boing hone Cag Por Perry 7 7 7 v1 RA RR y| J. H. Philp. The prize to the oldest. member of the connection 'went to Mrs. PN | Mrs. Ella Hockridge, Vancouver, B.C., 5 "You Save With Safety ~~ CREAM. Regular $1.65 value. GARDENIA FACE POWDER and © ING CREAM. Regular $1.65 va SEVENTEEN TOILETRIES. Wi ARMAND TOILETRIES, "FRENCH BALM. 23¢. and 39c. ITALIAN. BALM.» 29¢. and 49¢. SKEETOFAX.. For Mosquito Bite DR..SCHOLL'S PREPARATIONS Phone 49. THE REXALL | SPECIALVALUES inTOLETGO0DS JASMINE FACE POWDER and JASMINE COLD or VANISHING Toiletries amounting to $1.00 or over we give a $1.00 package of Seventeen Face Creams FREE, With each purchase of Afmand Toiletries amounting to $1.00 or over we give a $1.00 Package of Armand - Symphonie Face Powder FREE. ify LAVENDER MOSQUITO CREAM. help you with your foot toubles. A. M. LAWRENCE at Your Rexall Store" Both for $1.10 GARDENIA COLD or VANISH- lue, Both for $1.10 th each purchase of Seventeen Per tube 356. a, s. 'Per tube 35c, FOR FOOT AILMENTS. Let us STORE _ "PORT PERRY Chambers Now that the hot weather is for you. AND OUR BREAD IS BETTE Phone 93 and bring one of our Photie 23, py 0 ra -_- EN the kitchen and be cranky with your husband. Let us bake Our Cakes are Delicious our store, 2nd door from the corner-of Queen and Water Sts. She Sie Sa - i Bakery here, why get all het up in R THAN MOTHER MAKES. trucks to your door, or visit Port Perry, ont, : We sell everything you The Peoples' Meat Market palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. I you want it good, ring up Phone 72 Ww ; BERT MacGREGOR Will do the' rest. want in choice, clean, {| Buckwheat ......%..... ~ MARKETS _ "TORONTO MARKET PRICES DAIRY PRODUCE-- * (Quotations to Shippers) Creamery Solids, No. 1........ 20% "No. 2 Bd rains yun sata sai ¥e a 20% * Churning_ Cream, F.0.B. Country Points --Special 20, No. 1, 19, No.2, 16. | POULTRY AND EGGS * Eggs A A un Poultry-- (A) Grade--Alive,' ; Spring Broilers ............11 to 17 Fat Fowl .... frnarteii rns to 10 POTATOES-- "New, i qt. basket. ci. 40c to. 60¢ 90 1b bag .ooriinns $2.00 to $228 LIVE. STOCK-- Bacon Hogs (F.0.B.) Ll an Fed Calves ......... Veal Calves: ++. $56.00, to $6.50 ..$2.00 to $4.50 Cees earns COWS ...uvuun vere ees 92.00 to $2.60 Heifers ..............$3.00 to $4.75 - Lambs ..... Crease nss $5.00 to $8.50 Sheep ...vvvvrnenesses.b0c. to $2.60 Steers ......ue.itiee is. $3.00 to $5.00 ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) Wheat . v5 vi cavine Oats .i.... DR Ea) { 8 Fat ~ Uxbridge is to have another Street Dance on July 26h, under the auspices {| of the Baseball and Lacrosse Clubs. LAW OFFICE ' GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in the office of H.W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 : Phone after hours: 8514 ~ Oshawa. go: " DR. 'W. S. HARPER. : Graduate of : Trinity , Medical - College -and i 203 University, Toron a Post Graduate in Surgery of ~Medical Gradu: Bakers and Confectioners, Hot Weather is Here Again 'Why not leave your baking worries + + with Gerrows? | "Our aim is to PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE !! ! N : : ; ig 'GERROW'S BAKERY Port Perry. all such troubles as easy to operate, and - models. F; Port Perry Dr. Scholl's Fool: Remedies A full line in stock at present time. growing nails, crooked toes, weak arches, etc., etc. STATIONERY--Only a few of those 2c. boxes left. CAMERAS--The new Eastman is very attractive and very | HEALTH SALTS-- Large ¢ tin, 39c. WRITING TABLETS --a new line at 10c., Sik and gte., Morrison' 8 'Drug Store Phone 16 They cover corns, bunions, callouses, in- T costs no more than the older . Small tin, 16c. Ontario y ~ chosen sides. Officers re-elected were:- Pres.-- J. A. Werry, Secretary--Elva Orchard}. Treasurer--Albert W. Wright. . The new board of management--Mr. and Mrs, Milton Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Ww. Geo. Vice, Oshawa, 91 years of age; to the relative from the most distant point to Mrs, Ella Hockridge Van- couver, B.C.; to the youngest baby to Baby Worsley, Kilarney Bay] second prize to Baby Doris Larmer; Burketon, to the largest attendance by one family to the Elford "home; to the most recently wed to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Philp, Cadmus; and second prize to: Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright who lost the first prize by just two weeks. Among those front a distance were:- Mrs. Annie Hood, Verdun, Man, Mrs, T, F, Wright, Miss M f. Wright, St. 1 N | Ethel - Hockridge, Dundalk, Ont, Mr.| R, L. Wetry,, Monireal, Mr, and Mrs, Catharines, Master Herbert Wright, Ridgeville, Mr. L. H. Clarke, Howard and Helen Clarke, Brampton and many from Toronto, Oshawa, Bow- manville, Salem, Bethany, Bethesda, Enniskillen, Burketon, Cadmus, Black- stock, Solina, Kedron, Sunderland, Cannington, Lindsay, Cameron, Oak- wood, Ebenezer, Providence, Cresswell Woodville, Fenelon Falls, Kilarney Bay and other points, . Two games of ball were played by our girls team recently one on Friday night at Honey@dale the score being 43-8 in favour of Blackstock, the other game on Saturday night at Port Perry when the score was 19- 11 in favour of Port Perry. - Mark your 'calendars for August 12th when the Royal Black Knights of Ireland purpose celebrating "Derry Day" in Blackstock. Further particu- lars in next week's issue, FOUND Wall tent, near Utica, apply to Stanley Christie, Utica, Ont. ates' ge and Polyclinic, London, England, adil East London. Post Candonte College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office: and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. -- a The Creamery IS PAYING 19c., 18c., and 16c., FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and 'make hore money by sending "your cream to the : PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGHON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § pm. Office over Nelson's Store. o-oo | Chiropractic D. E. STECKLEY, drugless practi- ei 121078 cer 28 to 30. Barlgy ...... ives veeres i238 t0 40 Corn "auiiiiiiiieniiaee 60 to 65 Rye ...iivvinereiinnnsvn.r 48 to 46 .....81 to 38° tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether- -ington's practice in Port Perry, and is continuing in the same office. Chiropractic treatment, . Electro- Theropy and special attention given to foot troubles and resultant ail- 'ments. Consultation and examination free. 'Hours 9 to 11.am, on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. ; <r FOR SALE . Early Potatoes for sale. - Phone 107 r 22, Clarence Cook, Myrtle Station. ¢ Good Eyesight Don't delay any longer, If you are troubled with headaches, blured images, nervousness, con- sult at once F. E. LUKE & SON. "OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) L3 ------------eeel OD A PENNYLESS OLD AGE Do you realize what it is to be* friendless, unwanted? You chn F guard against all this with Canadian Government Annuities Write or telephone for . de- scriptive booklet to-day to Your Postmaster = * . wre' '