a "ticularly in the DeMille Ladies' "of Port Perry. Page Bight. MRS. FRANCIS P. STILWELL The .-funeral of Mrs. Frances Patience Stilwell took place on Sun- day, at 2 p.m. from the residence of her brother J. L. Byam, Millbrook. A large gathering of relatives and friends filled the homestead for the service. Deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Byam and was born at Manchester, Ontario, on Oct. 22nd, 1860. She received her high] several years successfully followed profession of a school teacher, pay- Col- lege, when it was located at Oshawa, and later at St. Catharines. When this college was closed, Miss Byam re- turhed to Millbrook where her parents had come to reside. school education at Port Perry vei] Following her marriage to the late Rev. Robert J. Stilwell, which took place on Christmas Day, 1922, the de- ceased lived at Monteagle, Tennessee where her husband was on the teach- ing staff of the Du Bois Memorial College tor student preachers. The destruction of this fine college by fire led Rev. Mr, Stilwell to return to the active ministry and he was appointed rector of the parish of Douglas, in Georgia, where they spent some happy "years, coming to Millbrook for their 111 health com- retirement in summer vacations, pelled Mr. Stilwell's 1929, - It was while Mrs, Stilwell and her husband were at their home in Lynn Haven in Northern Florida, where they had gone to spend the winter that his death took place suddenly on March 21st, 1930. Deceased was for years an active member of the former Methodist Church, faithfuly serving its interests through the Sunday School and other organizations, but upon her marriage was confirmed in the Anglican com- munion to which her husband be- longed. .Predeceased by her parents, the death of Mrs. Stilwell, which took place unexpectedly, on Friday, July © 21st, though she had not been in good health for some time, niarked the first break in the family circle of four] fo, \W._ Hodson children, the surviving members being | two brothers, John Wesley, of Lindsay and Jesse L. of Millbrook; and one sister Mrs. J. B. Graham, (Maretta) There are a number of stepchildren and nieces and nephews, and two grandnieces, the little daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Martin (May Byam), of Toronto. The pallbearers were six nephews: Lloyd, William and Jack Byam, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Byam, Millbrook, Courtney Graham, George Byam and Lionel Byam. Among the beautiful floral tributes laid in loving memory on the casket, in addition to those from.a wide circle of relatives and friends, was a basket of lovely blooms given by the mem- bers of the Ladies' Bible Class of 1910 of St. Andrew's Sunday School, which as Miss Byam, thé deceased had taught faithfully and, with results for several years, Interment was beside her husband in St. Paul's Cemetery, Fourth Line, Cavan, STREET DANCE AT BOWMANVILLE "The Bowmanville Branch of the manville on the evening of Friday, August 18th, from nine until one with Pete th viding the muSic and entertainment. An $80.00 Chesterfield suite may be aw. Myrtle Station for -the next two Sundays; but re- mémber that the Sunday School keeps up the good work. Come and join us at 1.46 p.m. The Women's Assocjation are plan- Mr. who was home over the week end, en- joyed a motor trip to Bowmanville and Cobourg on Sunday. Mrs, E. M. Perry and family, of and Mrs. Perry, here. Mrs. Long and Master Gordon Har- rison are visiting with friends in Sea- grave, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooper, of To- ronto, were visitors over the week end and holiday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Cook. Master Kenneth Scott, of Seagrave, of his uncle, Mr, C. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Lee,- Greenbank, were Sunday visitors of relatives here, Harvest work is travelling right along these days. Some of the farm- ers have already finished threshing for the season, "Barley and wheat crops are good. We had one good day's rain last week which will.be of benefit to the roots and corn. And the rain on Monday night was another welcome visitor. The Willing" Workers' Class are holding their annual picnic on Tues- day, on the beautiful grounds of Mr. 'Master Kenneth Cook was holiday- ing with relatives in Toronto - last week. } 2 The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society will be held next week, Thursday, August 17, at the home of Mrs. Clarence Harri- son, All the ladies of the community are cordially 'invited to come. Miss Margaret Armstrong, our Mis- sionary Lady, of Sault Ste Marie 'is spending her vacation with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs. John Armstrong. What might have been"a serious accident occurred here on Sunday evening on the highway, when a car went cover the C.P.R. crossing, axle broke and the right hind wheel came off and ran up on the lawn of Cook's garage on the left side. The cai was travelling north, but fortun- ately the driver was going 'steady: Had he béen reckless, as so many are, the accident would surely have been more serious; but as it was nobody was hurt. The car contained a family of small children--names unknown. The C.P.R. crossing. is in bad con- dition. We hope the company will soon repair it, and -make is more safe for the heavy traffic which goes along this highway. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chisholm visited in Mount Albert last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Austin, of To- ronto, were Sunday visitors at Mr. D. Leury's. Mrs. Emma Holmes, of Toronto, Canadian Legion is putting on a Street Dance on the Front Street in Bow- | o'clock Eastern Daylight Saving Time. George Wade-and His Corn Huskers,' fountain Boy, are pro-' cited for 26c¢. in the. lucky number: r - 'There will be no ¢nurch service here ning an afternoon tea on August 24th' at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. Luery. | Gordon Pilkey, of Hamilton,' Carleton Place, are visiting. with Mr.! is spending his vacation: at the home thej.. ACT L--] PEN UP the road map. 0 the way you can pass by the No-Draft Ventilation. Just cinating spot. Then point the nose of your Chevrolet towards it--and take off! , What does it matter if you must budge ¢ on trips? Half the thrill of owning a Chevrolet is stations--and the garages. Weather hot? That - doesn't matter either--for Chevrolet has Fisher whenever you like, and keep delightfully cool Archer Motor Sales BAS cmt «iL nd dd "Port Perry oily UMDRUM.... Pick out some fas- - gas pumps--the oil turn on the breeze, and refreshed, Roads bad? Who cares--when you're settled back in this long, full-weight, smooth-engined Six. A long way to go? Chev- rolet gives you power galore--pick-up aplenty ----and the secure feeling that Chevrolet Sopendsbiliey rides with you as you go. * Most of this year's car buyers are leading the \ a of Chevrolet owners--motoring smartly and economically in Canada's Great Sales: Leader] Low prices an ay. OMAC terms, ENJOY THE LIFE OF Al CHEVROLET OWNER Pa WHAT 30,000 MOTORISTS TOLD US The Tia SAutomchile Buyers Sine! tells about our recent you nig? find- obi in choosing your next car, free copy: Customer Research De General Motors Products' of Canada, Ltd. and provides information Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson. . | Mr. dnd Mrs. Chas. Pilkey motored to Sturgeon Lake, and visited. with Mr, Law, .of N<hawa, Miss Margaret Law returning with them. Miss Jean Chisholm of Toronto, io holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chisholm. Mr. Nelson Leury, of Toronto, lms been 'visiting his brottiels Mr. David Leury. A small portion of real estate changed hand last week, when Mr. R. Thompson bought a piece of land from Mr. David Ross. Miss Pearl Vance, of Bancroft, the guest of Mrs. Oliver Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Doubt and family of Peterboro, were recent visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Heron. An enjoyable time was spent on lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs on Monday evening, when about 40 friends attended 4 suprise picnic." The guest of honour was Mrs, C. Byers of Toronto, who has been visiting at the Briggs' home. for the past week. Mr. Wilfred Graham 'attended the Graham Picnic held at Oshawa on the Lake, last 'week. Mr. Graham's only surviving brother and his son, Alfred with his family of Itcha, N.Y. were guests from a distance. Some of the relatives. from nearby who "attended were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson and family, of Balsam, Mr. Will Bell is land family of Kinsale, Mrs. Robert Graham and family of Oshawa, Mr. spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Masters. . | "IHANK GOODNESS) "WITH ALL THIS IVORCE. EVIL -VALENTINES DAY \S ONE DAY OUT OF ™HE YEAR THAT DANNY CUPID CAN CLAIM AS HIS opi company that the thoughtful i builder can call his own. A re \ liable service that succeeds inf satisfying the exacting require ! ments of builders who want a dependable source of supply. 41 i] i tbe Sam N. Griffe Lumber Co. 'Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. fd! , with her friends Mr, and Mrs. Ducha- #1 min. tage at Musselman's Lake. 1 ers brother, Mr. Wilfred Graham. Mrs. Simmons, who has been visit- | ing with her brother Mr. D, Leury, left; last Tuesday for her home in Wain- "wright, Alta. Our Pastor, Rev. Mr. Totton, is { holidaying in the North, while Harold k'and Mrs. Totton, are at Stouffville. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. F.! Broome, on the gift of a son, which arrived on Saturday, July 22nd. Miss Elliott, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mitchell and Mr, and Mrs. V. Mitchell, last week, enjoyed a motor trip to Seabright and Balsam Lake, and tried their luck picking blueberries, Master Jack Thompson is spending his holidays with his aunt at her cot- Mr. John Graham, of Itcha, N.Y, and Mr. and Mrs. John Birkett, of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Wilson, 'and daughter, Hazel, of Balsam, and Mr, and Mrs. Will Birkett, of Clare- mont, were recent guests of the form- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson and family, of Toronto, on Sunday were and Mrs. John Birkett and family of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Will Birkett and family of Claremont, besides many others. Our Field Day last week was a great success. Good sports, good weather and plenty of wholesome refreshments. The committee wish to thank all those who so generously donated gifts, ete, which were of great benefit to the success of the day. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Price of Bow- manville and Miss Pauline Price of Oshawa Hospital were among the visitors on fiéld day. 5 Fire which broke out along the C.P.R. tracks north of Raglan on Tuesday morning caused a little ex- citement here when two phone calls were gent. out for help and many hands went to proteet the crops and hay stacks which were in danger when pasture fields caught fire from a work train, which with the high winds made things interesting for a time, till it was checked. Following is the list of Prize win- ners at the field day: . Horseshoe pitching, doubles, 1st Messrs. Russell McLaughlin and Roy McLaughlin, "2nd, Messrs, C. Whit- ney and E, Bemis. Singles, 1st Mr, McLaughlin. __Men's Baseball, 14t_Scugog. 2nd Oshawa, Ontario CH EVROLET 1 Address. C-21D the guests of the former's parents [Russell Fe ond Mp. Roy on July 22nd. Also to Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis Johnson upon the recent arrival of a baby girl. G. OWEN, Proprietor. a oo PASTEURIZED MILK - You Pay the Price--why not Get the Best? i Phone 235, Port bey at reasonable pr Phone C AWKER BROS. FT TR a Buy. and sell good meat. "Choice cals. ice. Phone orders receive prompt attention. 29 w. PORT PERRY FIR 'Grinding of all - EMBURY & SPENCER - SPECI ALIZE IN TONE TIR is Gas, Oil, Repairs on all makes of Cars => McCrea Plow Points Kinds of Feed LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - EMBURY & SPEN CER Greenbank, Ont. Port Perry. 'Ladies' Softball, 1st -Brooklin. Scugog. 'Public School, Scugog. 2nd 1st Myrtle. "2nd Races:- ; Bly 6-10, B. Maynard, ' M. igen, Sherwin. li 6-10, M. Painter, Joyce Bradley, E. Cross. Girls open race, Iva Milner, M. Hunter F, Rahme. Boys open race, A. Crosier, G: Luke, A. Roach. Boys 10-14, R. Painter, J. Marshall, G. Hood. Girls 10-14, M. Vipond, G. Lynde, E. Cross. Married Ladies, Hood. Men over 50, G. Hood, O. H. Deis. Men's open race, B. Ashenhurst, A. Crosier. Ladies Hunter. Tug-o'- war, Single Men, Married Men Three Legged Race, .1st, Miss Vipond and Miss Hunter, 2nd Miss Bray and Miss Bright, 3rd, Miss Grice and Miss Vipond. : Mrs. Heayn, Mrs. High Jump, A. Hood, M. a with friends here on Sunday. Messrs. D. Davies; Jim Duff, Jou Simpkins and Bert- Duff, threshed their fall wheat last week and report a splendid yield. The spring grain is now being harvested. Mrs. E. Slemon spent a few days last week with Dr, and Mrs. Slemon, of Bowmanville, Basing his text on * the biblical story on the parable of the Trees, Rev. Mr, Jull, of Brooklin, gave 8 most in- spiring talk here on Sunday evening. The male choir: consisted of Messrs. J. E. Beacock, George Holiday, George Painter, O. H. Downey, Ross Broome, Frank Booth, Roy Thompson and Rev. Mr, Totton, with Murray Spaulding, M.B., at the organ, rendered four selections which were so well given that the congregation hope to hear them again soon. Rev. Mr: Totton is leaving this week for a month's holi- days, Next Sabbath the services will be cancelled, On the following Sab- bath a former pastor Rev. G. Nickle, of Toronto, will preach in the SYSning, at 7 pm Mrs, Levi Tordiff has' returned from a month's vacation with friends at Dundalk and Palmerston. ' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, F. Broome, upon the ot of a baby boy, Single' Ladies, I. Milner, M. Hunter: Mi. ~Frank Booth had the roof of his house freshly painted and Mr. W. J. Cook, had his barn roof done by Mr. Charlie. Cooper's painters and deco: rators, last week. Mr. Christopher Vallentine, of Ash- burn, visited with Mr, and Mrs. R: Chisholm, on Sunday and attended ser- vice Sunday evening. He is- an. old 'Myrtle boy and former friends are al- ways pleased to have a visit from him. ~ PRETTY WEDDING AT CREEMORE St. Andrew's Church, Craemore, was very prettily decorated with summer flowers and ferns on Saturday after- noon for the marriage of Mildred Beatrice, daughter of Rev. E. C. Cur- rie and Mrs. Currie, of Créemore, and John Leonard Wilson, B.Sc., son of the late John Wilson and Mrs. Wilson of Owen Sound, The nuptial knot was tied by Reév.\E. C. Currie, father of the bride, assisted by Rev..R. J. McCor- mick, M.A, /of Hamilton. was very tharming in a pale blue costume of chiffon de soie' with shoes and picture hat to match and carried a shower bouquet of pink roses and lily of "the valley. The bridesmaid' was Miss Marion Shaw of Sault Ste Marie, Ont., very prettily attired in pale pink crepe with shoes and hat to match. The organist was Mrs, W. E. Hartwick Mrs. Osborne, of Oshawa, visited',¢ Toronto, who also sang the popular [wedding solo, "Because," accompanied by her brother, Dr. W. O. Godwin of Port Colborne, The pretty little flower girl was Miss Jean McLeod of Dune- din. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. E. Bruce Currie, B.Sc., of : Buffalo. The groomsman was Mr. Reuben Willis of Toronto. The ushers at the Church were Mr, Charles G. Currie, brother of the bride, and Mr. Harry McCormick, her cousin of Ham- ilton. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held on the lawn of the Manse- where the wedding dinner was served. . A number of the ladies of St. Andrew's church assisted very efficiently at the serving of the wed- ding dinner. The bride's mother, who received with "her, wore a flowered chiffon costume with picture hat to match, The bride was the recipient of many The bride |: 'I McBrien and Miss Julia McBrien, of 0: 'and Mrs, Casey and Tamily, of Phone 108 r 22.. $ If you have a . to money, 'wh 'moderate. 1" surplus of g60ds which you want to convert in- y not enlist the services of the Port Perry Star? Its advertising columns bring your market to you. will 'Our advertising rates are very Bell Phone 50. Mrs. Godwin and daughter, Port Col- borne, Ont.; Mrs. Helen Bailey and Dr.: Marguerite Bailey, Maple, Ont.; Miss 'Dorothy Brown, McKeesport, Penn. Mrs. Gordon Rass, Hawkesbury, Ont.; Mr, and Mrs. E. Brute Currie, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. Mrs, W. -E. Hartwick, Toronto; Rev. R. J. and Mrs. McCormick, Mr. Harry McCormick, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Betty Adamson, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Hogarth, Hamilton; Mrs. Frank Malcolm, Nestleton; Mrs. A. and Mrs. Annie Moore, all of Port Perry. iy a dls Prine Albert Recent visitors to the village were Mrs. James McBrien, Miss Lynette Ottawa, and 'Mrs. R. Young, of To- ronto, with Mrs, McBrien. Holiday visitors and week end visitors were: Miss Pearl Reid and Mr. Reid, Mrs. Andrews and. Miss Violet Bond, of Toronto, with Mrs. R. Bond; ronto, with Mr, and Mrs, Foley, Mr; useful and valuable gifts. The happy young couple left later on a honay- moon trip to Chicago and other 'west ern cities and on their return will re- side in North Toronto, where the|with Mr.*and Mrs, Raymer, Mr. and groom is on the staff of the Northern Mrs, Cox, of HumbersBay, Mr. and Vocational School. 'Among the out of town guests were: and Mrs, Passaiit and Miss Passant, of | the bride's grandmother, Mrs. (Rev.) | Burlington, with Mr, and Mrs. Ben] W-, Qowiay Londons Ds. W- 0, and] Suigh, sc: and Mrs. Gordon Burnett and familfy of Oshawa, with Mrs. Bickel; Miss Ball and Miss Howett, of Toronto, _with Miss I. Hiscox and Mrs, Ball; Mr, and Mrs. Barkey, of Stouftyille, A Mrs, George Webb, of Delta, and Mr. Reuben Willis, Toronto; |. A. J. Todd and son of St, Jerome, Que, | Williams, Mr. and Mré. Morley Moase, |. | Miss Young and her brother, and Master Norman. and Miss Miriam Esch, all of Toronto, are spending their holidays in the village. The Misses Holman who have been holidaying "at Lake Simcoe have re- turned home. lin, Thursday night to play the third game with the Brooklin team, atl - Bo gid cot Got your Counter Gheck Books from the Port Perry Star. in ret Aims CLERK'S NOTICE OF THE FIRST POSTING OF THE VOTERS' LIST Yoters' List 1933, Municipality of Scugog, County of Ontario. ; * Notice is 'hereby given that I have complied with Sec. 9 of the Voters' List. Act and-that I have posted up at my office: Scugog on the 28th day of July, 1933, the list of all persons en- titled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and for mem- bers of Parliament, and that such List remains there for inspection and I hereby call upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected accord- ing to law, fn last day for Appealing being' the th day of August, 1933. ated at Scugog this 28th day of July, 1933. ; THOMAS GRAHAM, Clerk. Oshawa Fair AUG. 22:23 The local football team go to Brook- P: Lo |