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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Sep 1933, p. 4

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2 Ral XN NA me 5 ERE RY Eich "vp a - -- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14; 1933 Cr ---------------- ~ Page Four ~LOCAL ITEMS COMING--F. E. Luke, Eyesight 'Specialist, at Lawrence's Drug Store, Thursday, September 21st. Mrs. T. H. D. Lundy.and Miss Helen Lundy, of Vancouver, have returned after a visit with Dr. and Mrs. Lundy. Mrs. Norman Ewers, who has been ill, is improving slowly, and we hope she will soon be around again. Dr. Blackwell and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Roderick, of Penetanguishene, were guests of Mr. aud Mrs. E. Hayes on Sunday. i : We were pleased to have a visit from "Bob" Moray, of Sudbury. While in Port -Perfy he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer. Bob is work- ing in the nickel mines and is doing well there. Mr. Nelson Foster, of Toronto, was in town over the week end. We are pleased to see Storey Beare out again after his illness, ~~ oop BABY CLINIC A baby clinic will be held at the Port Perry Hospital on the first and last Thursday of cach month, from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m, BORN NEWELL--To Mr. and Mrs. Newell of Port Perry, on Monday, Sept. 11th, 1933, a son. < a ad WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT © Don't overlook Our Special Meal for , Fair Day. Sandwiches made to order, fresh and ' -rTTup-to-date--= Walter Cook, Proprietor. ------ do ---------------- An old Lindsay boy, William Wil- cock, of Boston, Mass. accompanied] by his sister, Mrs. Nicholas Ingram, of Port Perry, visited friends in Lind- say, last week. It is some forty 'years since Bill Wilcoak left Lindsay, at that time being onc of the members of the 45th Regimental Band, when the late Col Deacon and Sir Sam Hughes were in charge of the regiment. Mr. Wilcock was greatly pleased with the many improvements made during his absence and called on some of the old boys, notably Jack Milburn, Jimmy Lauder and "Brunnie" Bates, with whom he worked in the old Hamilton Carriage Works. Mr. Wilcock is one of the leading building contractors in Boston, and his many old friends were greatly pleased to meet him. -- Lindsay Post '1 B z _-- eo ®---------- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. ---------- > J. HH STEPHENSON REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be -at Morrison's Drug Store the second and fourth Thursday of every month in the afternoons. HARVEST HOME SERVICES AT CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION here for some twenty years, Mr, Me- Intyre will be remembered as a dry- . goods merchant. - Part of his business Last Sunday the congregation of career was spent in partnership with the Church of the Ascension celebrated | yy, E. R. Dunk, who died a few "Harvest Home" in special services, months ago in Edmonton. ~ During morning and evening. The church was . the remainder of his stay here, Mr. tastefully decorated with vegetables, | yroynivre carried on business in his flowers and fruits, « own name. The speaker for the occasion was In. the social life of the community Ven. Archdeacon Warren, of Toronto, ! py. McIntyre was a most welcome who gave two timely addresses on i unit. He was musical, kindly, and of present day conditions and their re- a happy disposition that made friend- lation"to Christian people. The speak- ships readily; and that brought happi- er warned his hearers against false !iess into the lives. of other people. hopes as to the removal of the de-|mhere was sure to be a good time in pression, and urged them to find their any party where "Mac" was present. greatest satisfaction in personal in-| Naturally he "belonged" to various tegrity. This true Christian living organizations. * He was a Past Master which carries with it a sense of work | and Life Member of Fidelity Lodge, well done and conduct without blemish," A Fr. & A.M., Port Perry. He 'vas would be a real source of peace and g150 a member of the C.0.F. at Nestle- happiness that would not. be depend-!ton and the Sons of Scotland at ent on varying fortune, Orillia. The next important thought that! He gave a very valuable service in was emphasied was that God's bless- the Presbyterian Church as choir ing rested upon civilization in all its leader. In' the local band he was a proper developments. The richness valued member. That this service of life that did not impoverish the life of others was the intention of the Divine power that made and ruled creation. . Still another thought that should re-| ceive serious consideration was the idea that the time has come when the | chufth should make definite pro-| nouncements against wrong doing. It, is. time that a real stand should be made for righteousness, and unmis- takable condemnation should be made was appreciated was evident from the following address which was present- ed to him at the time he left. { "Dear 'Mac.' You have so long been an active part of our band, that it is hard to realize that in a short time you will leave us, and we shall miss your smiling face, your ready wit, and your unfailing helpfulness. Yet we know that these changes must come and we must make the best of it. Of one of such evils as watered stock, bribery thing we are all very glad, and that of the people for political purposes, ; is that we have had the pleasure of undue and unfair control of business! your companionship, and we - assure by those who render no public service --racketeering. ~ un I The. choir gave good musical leader-, ship to the services, and beauty and inspiration were added by the excel- lent solos by Mrs. E. Hayes at the morning service; and Dr. Blackwell at the evening service. <> F. W. Mcintyre The funeral of William Frederick McIntyre, R.R. 2, Freeman; Ont,, took place on Sept. 8th, 1933. Mr. Strome conducted the service at the chapel and graveside, and Harry J. Allen, presided at the organ. The following members of - Fidelity Lodge No. 428, A.F. & AM., Port Perry, met at the chapel and graveside and gave the last rites of the order: R. W. Bro. H. G. V. W. Bro. Geo. R. Davey, W. Bro. E. H. Purdy, and Bro. S. Farmer. The pallbearers were: W. Bro. J. A7Lind- "| soy, Bro. F. Hunt, W. Bro. W.-Mallett, W. Bro. L. Kerns, R. W. Bro. H. A. Graham, Bro. J. Smith, of Burlington Lodge. Interment took place in the Hamilton cemetery. ~~ = : % . --Hamilton Spectator. Mr. McIntyre--or "Mag" as he was better known .among his numerous friends in Port Perry, died ~While visiting friends in Caister, near -Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs: McIntyre left GLASSES AT REASONABLE PRICES _ having been much respected citizens may be secured in two w 'A big profit in PROFI a Pes] in two ways a lump sum, or-- A big profit in several small sums. The latter method is called "quick turnover." It is the com- mon way of doing business to- day; but to be successful in this method the people must know what you have to sell. ~ It is no use taking it for grantéd that the people . know what you have to sell--they must be told. The -merchant who persistent] the news of his store, tells the public secures the business, and makes the "quick turnover." "The Port Perry Star can tell the people your store news. | The same thing applies to any other advertising --The Port Perr you have to sgl], be tar can tell 'the people what it large or small. 25¢. want ad. will often give surprisingly quick and good results. Try advertising, keep it. going steadily, and.there is little doubt as to results if . moderate. the goods are marketable. . : ; ¥ Our advertising rates are very | Hutcheston, R. W. Bro. A, B. Cawker, | ATTRACTIONS SATURDAY, SEPT. 16th 2.28 Trot--Purge $100.00 : b to enter, 3 to tart. 8% to enter and 5% of the winnings you that the memory of the good times we have-had together will be treasured. : f We know that life has had its dif- ficulties for.you as it has with all of us, and we heartily wish that. the future may hold much happiness and prosperity for you and Mrs. McIntyre. As a token of our esteem and good will, we ask you to accept this.purse of gold, and ask that you not only remember . your fellowbandsmen, but that you come to see us whenever you can, always sure of a hearty welcome from your many friends," Mr. McIntyre's health has been*fail- ing for some years, and, though the end came somewhat suddenly, it was not unexpected. He. is survived by his wife, two brothers--David, of Victoria; and Thomas, of Winnipeg; and twp sisters--Mrs. E."A. Sandham and Mrs. T. W. Milne, of Toronto. The sympathy of the many Port Perry friends is extended to Mrs. Mec- Intyre and other bereaved relatives. "MYRTLE Barbara, the six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Roy Bright met with a painful accident last week, while playing around an 3ople tree, a heavy ladder fell on her and frac- tured her leg. She: is now bedfast for a few week and under Dr, John Moore's care. It is so unfortunate and disappointing for her as she was already to make her first start to school on Tuesday. Mr. Herb Brent, of Montreal has been holidaying with his sister, Mrs. Norman Hughson. : 4 Miss M. Ross of Toronto is visiting' her sisters here, 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCartney and family of Brooklin visited MTs." Me- Cartney's grandmother, Mrs. R. Long, on Sunday. . Mrs. George Holiday is holidaying with her parents in Hamilton. A number of the Young Feople from here attended the dance at' Mr, Walter Trull's, Ashburn, on Friday night. : Mrs. Levi Tordiff, and Mrs, Ross- well Dobson and daughter visited, Mr, and Mrs, T. Dobson, Prince Albert on Sunday. - Robert Duff and Son who were so successful with their horses at the Canadian National Exhibition last week are showing them at Peterboro this week. hE Mr. Jim Lawrencey was in Port Perry last week assisting his brother in the book department of his store. - "Mr. Géorgé Blight of Whitby spent Sunday with relatives, here. Mr, Ed. Carmicheal, daughter and son-in-law of London visited the for- mer's sister and brother last week. Ray Downey came tenth in a class of over four hundred in the judging of horses at the C.N.E. last week. Farmers are busy putting. in their fall" wheat, although. prices are- not very 'satisfactory - they seem to. be like Harry Lauder optomistic 'enough to "Keep Right On". * Mr. Harold Totton has been visit- ing his grandmother at Stouffville, -- A bee was held at the church on Monday and the shed was jacked up and re-modelled.. This with the paint- ing and other-work that has been done around the church this summer has put everything in splendid shape. The sacrement of the Lord's Supper was observed here on Sunday after- noon. Rev, Mr. Totton based his subject on the Juniper tree and his sermon was most practical and help- ful. Service 'will bejat 7 p.m. next Sabbath when a soloist from Cavan will rendet special music: - You 'are cordially invited to be. present and also to the Sabbath™school-and Bible class at a quarter to two, ' EL Sl aE IIS ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN + CHURCH 3 7. p.m.--Evening Service. Rev." D. A. Ferguson, B.A, Minister CHAMBERS' Best 2 in 3. Once around $25.00 1st Prize $12.00. A real game in miles of 1st Prize $3.00." 2nd Prize $2.00. For Fastest Road Horse. Horses competing in race, barred. Must be three to start. Girls' Softball Tournament 2nd Prize $8.00. Only teams within 16 miles of Port Perry allowed to compete, Hardball Game Prizes to the value of 1st Prize $10.00. 2nd Prize $6.00 H orseshoe Pitching Contest $18.00 in Prizes : An entry fee of 25c., and teams restricted to radius of 16 BENTLEY TROPHY FOR HORSESHOE PITCHING . For annual competition for doubles : Pony Race--under 12 hands. 1st Prize $5.00. < 2nd Prize $3.00. 8rd Prize $2.00. Port Perry Band : ; All the above to take place Saturday, SEPT. 16th. - AL BAKERY TROT track. Hobbles not allowed. in Prizes 8rd Prize $5.00. store for the fans Port Perry CHILDREN, 15¢c. «! Bell Phone 50. ' ADMISSION TO GROUND--25c. 'AUTOS and RIGS, 25e. GRANDSTAND 10¢. . Sept 21, *4 -- = "MARKETS St . TORONTO MARKET PRICES ore News DAIRY PRODUCE-- Lawrence's "didn't think that last yéar's sets by an expert. fitted by him will tell you they ha (You Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) ADVANCE INFORMATION--Perhaps it is a bit early to think about Christmas shopping but we couldn't wait any longer to show you the new Jasmine and Gardenia Gift Sets. We are making ar- rangements to display them at Port Perry Fair, on Saturday, We we admit that we were wrong, See for yourself at Lawrence's booth. 'F. E. LUKE, COMING SEPTEMBER: 21st--F: E, Luke, one of Toronto's 'leading Optométrists, will be here, Thursday, September 21st. This is an excellent opportunity to have your eyes -examined A host of people in this vicinity who have had glasses SCHOOL SUPPLIES--If there is anything you require in this ! (Quotations to Shippers) Creamery Solids, No. 1, 18% to 18% Seconds .. ceaaes 180 18% Churning Cream, F.0.B. Country Points----Special ' 20, No: 1, 18, No. 2, 16 - be i : t now Bi could be improved upon but no POULTRY AND EGGS EES +veveresinssesss 10% to 18% Poultry-- (A) Grade--Alive Spring Chickens ...v........10 to 16 Broilers Fras erniase sll Fatted hens *........0.v0i...0 to 9 "es CRRA) ve received real benefit. All persons having claims against the Estate of William H. MacGregor of Port Perry, deceased, who died on the 24th day of July, 1933, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 7th day of October, 1933, full particulars of their claims. Immedjately after October 7, 1933, the assets of the testator will be distributed among the.parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. 1a Dated September bth, 1933. Port Perry, .Ont., Solicitors for' William 'H. MacGregor Est: ¢. MAN WANTED for farm work. Apply to Lawson Honey, Seagrave, Phone 189 r 13.. Sunday, Sept. 17th, ;1933-- line, call on us. We specialize in School Equipment of all kinds. POTATO us ntario No. 1, 90 Ibs., $1.36 to $1.65 3 EAE: : LIVE STOCK-- . A. M. LAWRENCE | Hogs, bacon (F.0.B.) .......%..$7.00 Phone 49 THE REXALL STORE Port Parry |] ocd Shee ors ve cs BR 00 10 S008 : COWS. ue iviany veer. 31.50 to $2.76 NOTICE TO CREDITORS PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Reirgns rererierransay ox ih Hp in the Estate of William H. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A, B.D. Fon "00000 $4.00 to $5.50 MacGregor, deceased Minister, anne .+..$1.00 to $2.25 11 a.m. -- Sermon subject -- "The ONTARIO GRAIN. (Shipping Points) Place of Passion in Religion." WHOA (oie vieseanrivnives ss 04 to 65 7.00 p.m.=Sermon-subject--""Ready iq : 32 3 Made Clothes." : Barley SHE 2 J : J 55 40 2 COME AND WORSHIP--Visitors and Rye .............000n ; strangers cordially: welcome at these: services. -- eed WO ------ PRRBGRAAY a cou. .45 to 46 AUCTION SALE i Auction sale of 25 new milkers and springers, ties : three Yorkshire sows, due time of sale, ten shoat pigs, fifteen two year olds, and yearlings, Durham stockers, five breeding Oxford ewes, one Oxford - ram. Sale Tuesday, September 19th, 1933. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o'clock, . (Standard Time). = Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer." - F. J. Clemens, Lot 7, Con, 3, East Whitby, R.R.2; Oshawa. Owing to a further increase We take this opportunity to CHAMBERS' BAKERY I Phone 93 and have one of our deliveries call, £1 A full line of delicious cakes. Wedding cakes a specialty. advancing our price of Bread to 8c. effective August_Tth. build up a flourishing business. If you are not using our an _ wholesome bread, give it a trial.. in the price of flour, we are" thank you for helping us to 1 sprit Jerseys, Holsteins, and' HARRIS & HARRIS, _Durhams, three good work horses, LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Fis Money to Loan Now located 'in the office of H. W. Emmerson; Purdy Block, Queen Street 2 Phone 264 Phone. after hours: 86514 Oshawa. - : a rn : 'DR. W. S: HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and ' Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclinic, London, England, North East London. Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port. Perry, Ont, ---- - The Creamery IS PAYING 19c., 18c., and 16e., FOR BUTTER FAT. Yqu can save labor and make=more money by sending your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY s A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors If you want it good, BERT 'The Peoples' Meat Market 'We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. 'MacGREGOR Will do the rest. - ring up Phone 2W re <i prey CoV oP W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 pm. ~ Office over Nelson's Store. % : Chiropractic ; tttttitttttittirtitittea ted [ttttitttsteeed Rh. With GOOD SERIVCE OFFERED | Why not leave your baking worries 'with Gerrows? tar 'Our aim is to PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE! GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confeotloners, * itttitetitttrttit ities Port Perry. Coupon Cards Scribblers and No « » ) your choice. The Wahl Pen good pen. Kotex Deal i Two packages Kotex and hi Port Perry Get yours now and secure that large size photograph of yourself ABSOLUTELY FREE. We have a very large assortment from which to make Either singly or in sets wi Morrison's Drug Store Phone 18 tebooks th the Wahl Pencil. It is a f~ one of Kleenex for 4c. Ontario. a sil SW 2 | 3 f , 3 : 4 D. E. STECKLEY, drugless practi- ington's 'practice in Port Perry, and is' continuing in-the same office, ° . Chiropractic treatment, Electro- to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments, ; / Consultation and examination free. 'Thursdays and Saturdays. * BN COMING _ F. E. Luke, Optometrist, '167 Yonge St.,. Toronto's able eye- sight specialist, may be, con- sulted about your eyes for glasses at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port: Perry, Sept. 21st, Thursday, F. E. LUKE & SON. _ OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) - a = -- HOME LOOKS GOOD AT 65 -- At.65 it is hard to go to work. ". ThS body craves ease. Plan _ now to make your old age inde- pendent with cSANARAN, oil ANNUITIES i ~ Write or telephone for descrip- ~ tive booklet to-day to your local : Postmaster. 5 3 Theropy and special" attention given. - Hours 9°to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, . 4 Old ROOStErs .....:veevesnsssnssesd ie 3 tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether-_

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