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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Sep 1933, p. 5

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% Loti, BARA {5 ya wt Er J RAEI > Ess {il ha a) wi or att ah ~ Page Five ht -- -- _ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1033 -- N-- SCUGOG || Important Notice Emon si dy Sens R ADIO F. W. Br ock & Son meeting at the home of Mr. and Mis, Joblin, next Tuesday afternoon, the ; : We wish to announce that our|" te an. al The-RED & WHITE Store A our store will be kept open on the orbits Jet Friday Svening for 8 R E P A I R I N- G DRYGOODS DEP ARTMENT ~~ following evenings: : [tonouss ow 10 wore well anell. go py pertly and Promptly UO VL a "Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Port Perey ais on Saarday. Hore done at Reasonable Prices " NEW FALL DRESSES : % in order. that our out-of- town cus- hong. hol iis. ot th i BY 7 Rind ol sides for Fall at Attractive Prices. Ask to see tomers may have the opportunity was held Tosi 44 i tee jr 655 NOW» Iman : : ) PRINT DRESSES--Made { rood lity prints in attracti « of obtaining their requirements at nig AE J OHN F ARMER colors. Sizes 36 to 44, Priced at Tac. and $119, rey En ; hobby collection and woodchuck tails |] WS 19S Pach : . NEW SILK DRESSES, assorted colors, at $4. 95 LEA i : real bargain prices. caused a lot of interest. Clara Hardy Phones 85 & 50 Port Perry > 5 TH in: Po : won first in the hobby collection with ; ' 3 NEW FALL JERSEY CLOTH DRESSES Made up in a combina- ky ' , SL . rer---- weed séeds. Leonard Hope won first i tion of colors. Priced at $2.50 and $2.95. ety . for woodchuck tails, getting the 10 Ibs . Ta dles FERGUSON BROS., Port Perry M honey. donated by Gordon Collins. : ; y See These Special Values RS ; : i .eonard having 147, Orval Heayn . 4 : ; . / Wednesday afternoon, September 20, BF CLETTE--Spec J ) : 2 ny : won second with 111 tails, and Nelson ; Tio, '0, WHITE FLANNELETTE--Special Values ! SUCCESSOR TO JAMES McKEE ; Reader third "with 08 tails. There BLACKSTOCK i My be Oi werd i" 1 28 inch, for this week only, 13c. yard. 35 inch, 17¢. yard. i . te i o.|by his. excellency the Lieutenant- oe Ng 3 ? were 350 tails altogether. Jean Hood Recent visitors to and from were: Baia Dr: Terhirt Truce. BIRD'S WHEELING YARN, Re. Ib. . i won first on apple pie, Edna Samells, | Mrs. Albert Werry with Mr, and Mrs. Last year's price for 2 and 3 ply. Colors Black, White, Gre 3 first on tea biscuits, Leona Prentice|S. Swain, Mrs. Cooper and family, A roast fowl supper will be served Heather. Cardinal and Blue. % b sheng, 29¢ a ' ¥ A first on Orange Sponge Cake, Joyce |of Toronto, with Mrs. R. Mahood, Mr.|by the ladies of the United Church in lini © ) ' CORA ; Tetlow first on darning, Elsie Reader |and Mrs. Herman flooey with friends] the basement of the church to which BOYS' SCHOOL PANTS--Sizes 28 to 32. Prices $2. 35 and $2. id ii first on wash cloth, Murray Clark first [in Beaverton, Mrs. Wilbert Archer and the admission will be adults 30e., -- iy on hand sewing, Clara Hardy first on| Mrs. T. Samells, in Toronto, Mrs. J. children 1bc. . 'M S Sp 1 G N 'i 9 f|embroidered pillow cases, Allan Carter | Forder with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tin-| In the evening under the auspices oney- aving pecia 8S in roceries bh "BLUE, COAL 1s the best Anthra- first on 'Medicine Chest, Gordon Tet-|ney, Cavanville; Dr. and Mrs. Whit- of the Agricultural Society a program MUFFETS, special, 3 pkes. for 25¢ CROWN TEA. Ib 39 x low first on Milking Stool. These are | taker, Mr. Wm. Crawford and Harold, | will be given in the Community Hall COFFEE G ou M dal y fo Lal 11 Ib ti ii3y 1 c. 3 i cite mi di in America. Iti 18 colored just the: first on real work by the|in Oshawa, Rev. and Mrs, M. Sander- consisting of a play entitled "Closed BRUNSWICK SARDINES ny Lah RUSE EET LL : per. {in oe: oe, NS 3 pupils. The pupils looked smart in|son and Roy, of Toronto, with Mr. and} Lips" by the Albert St. _Chur&~ Dra- Aoi i IS st . i A : blue "80. as to be identified at a their paper decorations-- the Head | Mrs. Cliranve Marlow; Mr. and Mrs. | matic Soeloly of Oshawa. They will guy 2 Pony pio IR, (cash dd SOAP, 2 for Je i Rife School had blue and white, the C 8. 1, 0s , with his|also furnish the * betwee ts. Juri y \ i hla ih dy «| glance.. We can supply 'you with -- [|Schetind tue mi shi tho Contr. 1. eet of Cabs with bjt furs the muse between nts pUCATOR CHEESE THINS 001 pie. Lic, : ! ' iy 8ls . ] '| -- . "ALC SALMON, I's ..0..........« 2 Aine for 25¢ and blue. The Centre School received [and Mrs. F. W. Newell; Mr. and Mrs. N , a PAT \ qs . : BRITISH COAL, HAMILTON COKE; HARD a set of horseshoes for their singing. Géo. Forder, Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, M rtle Station JLONURIZAL SALMON, 8 as ere eed 3 wl jn ind - ) and Soft 'Wood, Cement, Lime, Lumber, Etc. Gordon Hood won the public speaking Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers, with Mr. y ' 3 RASPBERRY OR STR AWBERRY JAM G ad M ol 1 Hy ar 3 bh pha contest and got the mouth organ.|and Mrs. Jas. Byers; Mr. and Mrsi|. gapyie .q ; : ed Edo ING ng Soda £3 02, 20; Fs ; : : Service, next" Sunday. will bé at Tf AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS 2 Ibs for 25¢ Cri : Grace Hood won first for recitation. |€erald Hill and family, of North Bay,| pm We would like to see a good [SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR, per pkg. ...... ETT ser ' Ba won first on his stump with Mr, and Mrs. John Jobb; Mr, and attendance as we expect a spec ial RE iD & WHITE B AKING 'POWDE R 16 OF. "Gin rhe ht a : iy hE FRED E. REESOR - 1 spetch. 'In the game of softball be-| Mrs. H. Galbraith and Marjorie and singer in the person of. Miss June FLY COILS, 4 for Toe. ! ' CE RTO, "per be tle 29. tween the Head and Ceritré, the Centre | Miss Violet Dever, with Mr. .and.Mrs. Shields, of Caven. doxo CUBES, 2's---2 for 21c. 10's 26. P&G. SOAD, To f ° foe. || were the winners and played off with|T. Patterson, Oronio; Mrs. R. Mahood, | "My. Gordon Ailkey of Hamilton was, GOLD MEDAL MARMALADE, 10 AR a > 32 Phones Office 79 Ww; Res 73§ the - Foot and the Centre won. The | Mrs. R. Areher, Mrs. C. Smith and a visitor at his home here over thet CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS large tin 14¢ L] * Le Centre boys were also winners in the | Miss Norma Hooey, with Miss M.| (ook end. QUAKER CORN FLAKES an as arn 2 3 kr: ; | 15 ' | i i ; tug-of-war. The Head girls won the|Hooey and Miss' A. Hoey, Pleasant!" py. Kenneth Houston and his friend | PINEAPPLE JAM BISCUITS 71177100 Nr 120. Fe pee =| tug-of-war for girls, It was a splen-| point. of Toronto were visitors, with the for-| NATIONAL. MATCHES .............000000 3 boxes for 25c. x a so ..___|did day of sports for both old and| pfisces Phema Hooey, Florence Me-|{mer's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.| : lo y *3 5 young. We were glad to see the fol- 11. yohlin and Ruth Marlow, have re-lBeacock. - ---- : > lowing visitors 'at the fair: Mr. Hl ,.h04 to Toronto, where they are alll Mr. and Mrs. Dymond, Mr. Beatty painful accident last week when apboxes" this time. All the quilt tickets 2 DON T WORRY ABOUT Collaonenslr, Br-Jackan, Vn. Telod the teaching staff. Miss Hooey|and Mrs. Wall of Toronto also Mr. ladder fell from a tree and hurt herlare requested to he Drouin in at this high Wallace and Hilda, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. | ont two months of the vacation with|and Mrs. Trip of Audley were recent|leg badly. Fortunately it was not time. ~ FIRE! - J | fa Jackson and Edna, Mrs. W. Mark her brother Mr. Leslic Hooey and -his| visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chisholm. broken, although it was badly bruised.| A large number Son here are at- : + : ae 2, Korth, Ein K. ile, ra and daughter, at Seattle. Mr. Norman Gray of Toronto spent She is improving nicely. tending the School Fair held at Brook- 1s. errow,-all of Rort Perzy; w i ; re at hi Ve © Goorre ; : ~~ 1lin on Tuesd - : "1 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Byers, Mrs. O.}a few days at his unele's, Mr. George Mr. and Mrs. Robt... Chishglm on 0 on 'fuesday. Have your property Sronesly gD SENT Ws Doe Wright, Mr. and Mrs. A. VanCamp, Painter, this week. ~ 7 Sunday were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. a * Phy "insured at once 2 "1 Sil dh ill b y 2 and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, were in Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pilkey were] David Broom of Kinsale. : . : Eh Jhon She tilistved at" ig on Saturday attending the-funeral of visitors with Oshawa friends on Sun- October 15th is the date set for the AUCTION SALE WITHOUT ii Ww. EMMERSON . ' . end 6fthe School fairs. Mr:2¥VanCamp's hunt the. late-Mrs. J: day. Seems sill i i pi " m He Bra - ig I , RESERVE * : Ty Miss Helen Carter was one of the Burk: : - Mrs. py and ab ors, Evelyn Untiec wrch ranksgiving Service| (oorge Cochrane Estate, on Sept. a Jigs ot Brogltin Schon] Bale this The regular monthly meeting of the' and Phylis spent a few days over the Rev. W. E. Hazzard of Toronto will 22nd, at 1 p.m, on farm three miles wee A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Church was|weck end at Owen Sound. be the speaker at both services. J on of "Raglan, comprising horses, CC OAL ( OKE -- WOOD [Rey Me Plfond wig Aisin Geiiew Weld in the Connmdty Hall, on Wed- Mr. Hilton Lamaman of Oshawa The W. M. S. will be held at the 'eattle, implements. kyo also offered - Visited byes on: Monday, nesday evening last with a fair attend-| was a vistior of Mr. O. Lane on Tues-|home of Mrs. Cross next week on "with reserve bid. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, Mr. and ance. The speaker of the evening was | day. Thursday, Sept. 21st. "All the ladies! Marris & Hes, Port Perry, Mrs. C. Graham and children, were ; 5 . . I ETE ¥ mite] : i Miss Barbara Bright met with «a 'are invited to attend. Bring your mite Solicitors for Estate. CEMENT - "LIME - TILE guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Dusty at Rev. Mr. Spencer, of Bowmanville, and Ws lagrhara 2 ' : ny To vo i ~ : . Port Perry, on Sunday. he chose for. his subject: "The Ad- . ---- "When in need of any of the above give us a call. We have a full| Mr. and Mrs, Norman Aldied and |"e0iures of Youth." His address con- > 0 Lh N t tained many fine truths and sound ad- our need . sons s. P ps 2 supply. 4 on hand to meet ye u 8 ( , and Mrs 'owers; of Toronto, ico + the In people and was rt FAMOUS ReADI ANTHRACITE That Better Pepnisylvania Fh pi) tig brother: Mr. -J.1 Led with a number of amusing in-| - t i © aL ard Coa « *e--pr-- cidents. It was very much enjoyed Ty . Mi Sweet " 2 SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, STEAM COAL, CANNEL Los Alle shaman) wig bovi all who were fortynate-cnough to be a ¢ : 'Mr.-and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman were Drasent, Ths yo part ok uy pre HAMILTON BY- PRODUCT COKE, BODY HARDWOOD, HARD-| ov #79 Ms: fico. Sweetman Wore | gram consisted of two contests wor o> © WOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. man, Sr., on Sunday. by Miss Evelyn Devitt and Dr. C. LE. ) CEMENT--A fresh carload just arrived. Also Fresh LIME and| Mr. S. Chandler and Miss Reta SADT a She AE of Tonos : ht } HAA Tie onlin e Septembe it : 2) PARISTONE, TILE. Milner visited the Toronto Ex. 'one Women's Institute was held at the| 5 lay las A 3 Your orders will, receive our usual prompt and careful attention. |day last week home of Mrs, Jas. Strong, on Wednes- | " 2 : 'PORT PERRY COAL YARD Rn Teron day afternoon, Sept. 6th. In spite of =] Q, [Bq J ® = ® 1. re here' was an 7.00 viculars later. the inclement weather, t {Gr 5s ol WG. W. PYATT Miss -Greta Foster, of Toronto, is attendance of thirty-three, : Yrs X; : : ---- Cot St Hall, of Bowmanville, visited this] - : ' , PRY or \ ' " nl and 947. 'Reliable Service and Better Fuels" | visiting her sister Mrs. F. Crozier, for| celing and gave a very interesting in a few days. 3 " te : : e : : Mr. and Mrs, 8. Brooks and. family, and ihstirsietive talk, Garden Lover's ) J Bir-Str 2 & =» HE = . Paes x of Bowmanville; . and* Mr. and Mrs. Club." A oper way Thy 4 A rl BE REN ® BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS | emi, of Torono, wire Sonday| Porton "Ercrise of Tact ne 2 i et a " eh : ing by Margaret Swain, "Nina Moore 14 ibd . © | guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader. + y COATS at Low Prices. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gerrow, of Port Jamieson', a reading by Mrs, A.Vor 3 an : ] 1 {Tal ] . . no Perry, and Mrs. R. Reader and Owen, Camp, oni yol Flos and a = = % 7 We are offering good values--60 | were guests of Mg. Wannamaker on eontest ora omange a N= : { differbnt. designs in - Tweeds, Fancy - | Monday. out by Mrs. Jabez Weight. he nl O v Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. "Mr. Glen Hood was the guest of Ya Yum ppl by. "My Favoriie WITH N - ! : 0 pper Dish. x : Pressing ad Dry Cleaning Done .:: Me. Milton Deyiara an Smday, The Women's Association of the VEN Mr. and Mrs, O. Jeffrey, Clem and a . ' MERCHANT TAILOR Lois, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lote Chueh held is popular. mest. (0) man Ove the Telephone Office, Port Pe W. Mark, of Shirley, on Sunday. ing at the home of Mrs. Jas. Marlow, r 0 rry ' J i : : Miss Elva Elford returned to To-|" Tucsny Syening: bit WE wi bo2 Coop eg segs 2 | ronto on Monday, where she has se- [2° 1 BCE Of cured a position of the teaching staff. visitors. Plans were started for the 1 -] | | ) making of the annual bale, it being 0 i T EEE Y/ NR ---- TR Wt Port Perry Dominion Store Mr. Victor Aldred spent a few en- thought wise to get the knitting start- IE - f-- ---- - joyable days at the Ex. last week nit + cee | €d in. good time. The program was i ad Ey i : : pr poe A \ R FALL FAI SPEC ALS | ----------=o@esr------ - [in charge of Mrs. Tennyson Samells ------ a so : [SUS ee oe onto ie FA A i Pa, ---- land consisted. of a reading by Miss 3 Look here folks! . As we have to make room for a large shipment Ferga Johnston, a talk by Miss Ruth i RR of Fall and Winter Goods, arriving in a few days, and needing money Marlow. on her summer vacation and = i : i: EN i \ which we have invested in summer goods, we are going to clear out 2 48lk by Rev. Mr. Newell ou his two © 'all our summer Goods at Sacrifice Prices. Come and convince y : Ne f 2 ! =) S) A "yourself. Only a few specials 'mentioned. Many more bargains omelrls weeks stay in Montreal where he took --- \ | ) £4 BR are waitin for you in our store. ' doit a special course and he and Mrs. it GIRLS' MERCERIZED SOCKETTES, regular 2c. for ......156. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Newell and family enjoyed a holiday | : RB SR PA Bt Bt ai or Be rat an i | ~Yo } 2 , regular je, OF ov unann ee e0BC, : : \ LER = LADIES king SRE NL i '5° Ws ves - aif Ie Eyes in Modern Life 7 Sunday I BR ' 1% ; LA regular $1.45 ...... or Suc. Specializing exclusively in || *a¢ Malcom and. famuy,.. Ie : 30,000 Motorists Told Us 2 y MENS UNDER WEAR i per garment 39. muscle lishng,_e eyesight and with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright; PRODUCED IN CANADA What 30,000 | ods Guide" tells 3 { : MENS J00D ORK SHIRTS, double shou dor Ves vena is Ste. glasses, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Henry and Gertrude ; about our recent survey among Canadian OR 2 Ere BOYS" GOOD SCHOOL BOOTS, regular $1.99 idan sil iY Sneben Gv iE Thursday and || with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Gibson. motorist 24 Yahuae in choosing ars RN 4 sia We wish to announce that we have the agency of reliable manu- aturday .eyenings Mrs. Brandon is enjoying a visit | . next car. Send coupon for free copy: : iy % HA facturers of Mer's ind Ladies Far Coats. These conta ll be gold Disney Block Opposite P.O. with Mrs. Culey in Toronto. ARCHER MOTOR SALES Sn Tota Products ' NA i ib at very low prices. Your old fur coat can be re-modelled to loo OSHAWA, ONT. Mrs, Vi d Mrs. Nicholls of Osh- of Canada, Limited, Oshawa, . Rh X J 4 as oad ag new at very low Price, For information, call Alix. ink PM visiting their Ne -. g PORT P ERRY, ONTARIO 3: ~~ Gilboord Phone FAL Port Pe 1616 -- Phgne -- 1516 ' ) iv [Cy RB NOTICE TO MERE Wo ave some food grain bags to to clear : ; Darcy. : c-240 =F at only 60. hE This is a real buy. op price pa for Fowl Blackstock , Fair will be held on| , : --_---- Co i | i : Shik = ; : 2 be i : ; » . . * : Leg : i

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