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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Sep 1933, p. 4

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~ Page Four I. .NAGRUNOO Te gregation will hold their anniversary . Willard. i wx Mr, M. L.-Ingram, of Montreal, is < "MEMORIAL TO MRS. DICKSON LOCAL ITEMS COMING--F. E. Luke, Eyesight Specialist, at Lawrence's Drug Store, Thursday, September 21st. At the home of Mrs. G. H, Woods over the week end, there was a family gathering at which the following were present and enjoyed a happy visit to- _ gether; Miss Morrison, Toronto, (aunt of Mrs. Woods); Mr. R. H, Dickson and Mrs. Dickson, of Blair, Ont.; Mr. A. 8. Dickson, of Toronto; Mrs. Swift, and Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Woods, To- ronto, Mrs, J, F. McClintock is accompany- ing Mrs. McTaggart, Mr, Barton Mc- Taggart and Mr. Wycott, of Toronto, on a two week's motor trip through Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Mrs. McCaw and Miss McCaw have returned to St. Petersburg after spending tfe---summer_at their home here, Miss Betty Bland, of Toronto, was visiting Miss Dorothea O'Neill. Mr. Wm, Grant, of Toronto, and Mr. Douglas Nasmith, spent the week end with Mr. Ivan Wallace. Mrs. A. B. Forman and Miss Horton have returned home after an absence of some months. We are pleased to learn that they are both in better health. St. John's Preshyterian Ohareh con- tea on Tuesday, October 17. Reserve the date. Miss Muriel Cook, of Toronto, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart, Toronto, spent. Sunday with friends in Port Perry. Mrs. R. J. Harper, Calgary, is vigit- ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. - Wm. holidaying with his mother, Mrs. N. Ingram, Those having accounts 'against the Port Perry. Fair Board, please send to Secretary at once. ANOTHER ROBBERY 7 On Wednesday night, or early _ Thursday morning, thieves broke into the Carnegie Hardware Store. They effected an entrance by prying the lock off the front door. At time of writing the extent of the'losses is un- "known. This is the second attempt within a few days--this one successful to some extent. It looks as though a night watchman was needed, _ o> Spa CARD OF THANKS The family of the late 'Mrs. Wm. Brock wish to thank their friends for --the sympathy and kindness shown at the time of their recent bereavement. : a NEW RATES. FOR WATER : ACCOUNTS 'Under the new water-works by-law recently passed by the Council, the accounts for water will be sent out half yearly, instead of quarterly as in the past. There will also be a dis- count of 10% for prompt payment, Six-month bills for the term from July 1st to December 31st, will be mailed in a few days and customers dre re- quested to'note date of payment to] - secure the discount. H. C. Nasmith, od A -- VISITED LINDSAY -~ A number of the members of Fidelity Lodge, A.F. & .AM,, visited Gothic Lodge, at Lindsay, wire they presented the Jewett Travelling Square and Compass. They also ex- emplified the Second Degree. enjoyable evening was spent in this fra dfhal manner. <> An interesting little ceremony took place at the Church of the Ascension, last Sunday morning, when a hand- some set of embroidered hangings for the lectern and prayer desk, were pre- sented to the Church, in memory of the late Mrg. Dickson, by the mem- bers of her family. After the gift had been formally accepted by the Rector and Church Wardens, a short service of dedication was held with appro- priate hymn and prayer, followed by a beautiful solo by Mrs, Hayes. The members of Mrs. Dickson's family present, included" her sister, two sons, two daughters, three grandchildren. pa BORN WOODS--~To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods, a September 17th, Barbara Anne. 4 PIRNIEED Po0) J FTCA at Port Perry, on Sunday, CRESS CORN SALVE--just rub on. No need to bathe or bind, At A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store. Rev. D. A. Ferguson, 'B.A., Minister baking and to judge entries to the con- |cheque for \ Treasurer. A most] 1933, a daughter, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 p.m.--FEvening Service. A Home-Baking Contest "A home-baking tontest and lecture- tour of unusual interest to the women of twenty-seven Ontario counties has just been announced by the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, to- dis- cover the best home-baker of each county and the champions of the en- tire area, Every women who lives in any one of the 27 counties is eligible to enter either bread or cake, or both, in the contest and try for the valuable prizes that are offered. Local judging is to be done by & travelling Judge who is an expert dietitian and lecturer, and who will visit 48 different towns, under the auspices of various women's societies, to deliver public lectures on home- test. She will begin her tour on October 31st and eomplele it about February 16th, The Counties of Ontario and Vic- toria are among those listed for this County Baking Championship Contest, and it is likely that the judging cen- tres here will be Uxbridge, Fenelon Falls and Woodville. In evéry centre eight local prizes will be given. These will include badges, silver bonbon dishes and bread knives; and as soon As all cen- tres in a county have been judged, the county champion for bread and cake will each receive a silver cake or sand- wich plate. i At the finish of her tour, all the prize-winners will be eligible to try for the Grand' Championships. Prizes for these will consist of a- Sterling Silver Tea Set of three pieces and a $60.00; for the Grand Champion Bread-maker and for the Grand Champion 'Cake Maker. Those who stand second in this final contest in the bread and cake sections will each receive a Sterling. Silver Bowl and cheque for $25. -- For local judging, contestants will be required to bring their entries to a judging centre .in- the county in which they live. Only the leaders in the local contests will be allowed to enter the grand championship contest, which will be judged at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. For this final Championship Contest, the Lake-of- the Woods Company is undertaking to supply the 344. people, who will be eligible to enter, with con- tainers_in_which to. pack their bread or cake for mailing. Every entry for this must be mailed on February 27. The Judging will take place in Guelph on March 1st, and results will be an- nounced as soon after as possible, The only condition attached to the local and championship contests is that all entries must be made with Five Roses Flour. Full details of the judging dates for this county and of the women's or- ganizations that will sponsor. local judging will be announced shortly. ud % - > Ha > IN MEMORIAM LAMB--In loving memory of our dear father, Francis T. Lamb, who passed away, Sept. 20th, 1932, "A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps his memory always' dear." --Ever remembered by Wiferdaughter Mabel, and sons Russel, Howard and _ Charlie. --- too 0. B. A. A. The home game. of the intermediate baseball semi-finals played at Beaver- ton on Friday last, with the alert 22-0 in favour of the latter team. A few of our ardent fans who wit- that the Beaverton nine will not travel to Picton to suffer another similar drumming. - ° Blackstock Fair As we go to press the annual Fall Fair is in progress. The weather is not just what we would order, but while it was cloudy, it rained but very little, The Fair was opened by His Honor Lieutenant-GoVernor Dr. Bruce, who spent his childhood days in Cart wright. good and numerous, An unfortunate accident happened during one of the heats of the horse J, H. STEPHENSON 4 REGISTERED OPTOM 3 will be at Morrison's Sain nies the : ! second A fourth Thutsday of oa every races, when three horses got in a its back broken. It belonged to Mr, Cowan of Orono. / The Loss of Passion. in Religion. Sermonette by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. age. for what is not. Picton nine, resulted in a score of} nessed the game are of the opinion] While the attendance was not as large as usual, tha' exhibits were mix-up, two falling, one of these had|- Our age is a hungry . and wistful In the hearts of multitude whom no man can number there is a longing The age in which we live ministers to. us in so many ways that we pervert our appetites for the main and essential things. Like children eating between meals, we are "fed -up" but- not® really satisfied. Religion and all that it. should mean has not the major Place in life which it merits. 4 Some of the causes of the los of passion, which the Old Land as well as the new deplores, are probably: (1) A decline in prayer life. Elijah "prayed in our prayers". There isa difference between "saying" prayers and "praying in our. prayers. " The difference can be measured in the passion of souls, James the brother of our Lord was nicknamed "Camel knees,"--such a man of prayer was he. When they came to coffin him his knees were calloused by long hours spent in prayer. The posture of the body is not of prime importance but the importunate spirit of intercessory prayer is something to bé coveted and there is need to practise the presence of God. (2) Spiritual development has not kept pace with- intellectual develop- ment.-. Intellectual growth should not be detrimental to spiritual fervor. And intellectual suicide is not necessary in being a Christian. God gawe us ability to think and the noblest use to which the mind can be put is to think on matters religious. Keats said that "ihe rainbow never could be so beauti- ful again since science analyzed it." There seems then to be difficulty in keeping one's mind reverent and analytical at the same time. It is pathetic tha so many in religion get only what"dissection has to give and lose so heaviily on the side of spiritual appreciation, Paul had never heard of modern psychology but when he cried "Strengthened _ with _ power, through his spirit in the inner, man" he knew the power of prayer. To be able-to- "tell the time on a watch is fay better than to be able to pick it to pieces, but lack the unit to put it together again, The only religious knowledge that is really satisfying to life is that which is reproducible in life. Christ's life is beautiful to behold and wond- erful to preach about, but nether ad- miration or wonder is sufficient unless in"some measure we reproduce his life. (3) Our age is an age of action rather than meditation. It is a fine art to balance rightly in life meditation and 'action, and we needs must learn this art. This age grapples with great evils ignored by earlier genera- tions. None can gainsay that. The heroic endeavour to eliminate great evils and injustice stands to its credit. But all this activéd life does less than justice, sometimes to the devotional life which discovers the spiritual dynamic to carry action to success. (4) Again a certain professionalism has - erept into religious life on the part of both ministers and people, and we are in a measure paralyzed by the fear of emotion or anything that would break through the conventional crush in which we are all-more or less encased. We need experimental religion which is not afraid to break new ground -- ang experience with God which will $#&ver for lost passion and send us with zeal concerning the spiritual welfare of our -fellow- beings. "Let knowledge grow from more to more; But more of reverence in us dwell That mind and soul according well, May make one music as before." ra. Ry NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario, at the Township Hall, Manchester, on Friday, the 20th day of September, 1933, at 1. 30 o'clock in the afternoon, to hear and deter- mine any complaints filed of errors or omissions in the first and second parts of Reach for 1938. of September, 1038. W. F. DOBSON, ~ Clerk of the Twp. eee etl PPP Dries PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Sept. 24th, 1933-- ! 11.00 a.m.--Annual Sunday School Rally, 7: p.ms--Special Young People's Rally Service. : We hope to publish a list of the prize winners at a later date." Let us make it a real Family Day. "Thursday, 7.80 p.m.--Prayer Service. been given tg live so long, eventful and late Mrs. William Brock, who passed away at her home in Port Perry on. the James McBrien, Rapid transportation was unknown, country was new, of the Voters' List of the Municipality Dated at Manchester, this 18th day of Reach. a eared Sh - ! PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, 1088 MRS. WILLIAM BROCK To very few people has the privilege happy a life as that enjgyed by the morning of Thursday, September 14, 1933, in her 91st year. That state-|] ment does not mean that life did not have its share of trouble for Mrs, Brock. That came to her as it comes to. all, but her faith was serene, and to the very last of her long life she enjoyed a fine wholesome outlook. Mrs, Brock was born in Prince Al- bert on what:is now known as the Bongard property; Her father, Mr. Samuel-Barber, owned_ that 'piece of land, and the lots now owned by Mrs, He was County Con- stable in that locality, and life was a bit strenuous in his line in those days. and the transference of prisoners to Toronto was an arduous and some- times dangerous task. + There were three children in the Barber house- Lawrence' s Store News J (You. Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) Vashe Compacts-- We have just unpacked an order of the season's smartost, in double and triple,models, with cake or loose pow reasonably priced at 60¢,, $1.00 and $1.50 Langlois Lavender Shaving Cream And a 6% Foot Roll-up-Rule, both for 63c. (Regular 86c¢. value) Rolls Razors-- For the finest shave you ever had, not one day but every dy. for years to come. An investment in comfort. and real ssonomy, i Price $6. compacts er, Very Jasmine and Gardenia Face Cream free |} With each purchase of a box of Jasmine or Gardenia Face Powder, we give a bbe. jar of Vanishing or Cold Cream FRE, Both for fiold--Polly, Sarah (Mrs. Brock), and a half brother, Robert. Mrs, Brock's most constant companion was her cousin, who later became Mrs, Holden, of Whitby, and who 'died in 1927. When Mrs, Brock was born, the The wolves had not by any means given up possession, and their howling on lonely winter nigths was not a pleasant sound. But if there were wolves, there were also deer, and other wild game. One of the most remarkable of the game birds was the wild pigeon, which was so plentiful as to almost darken the sky at times. They were not so very wild either; for it is said that they were so thick that men could go out into the fields and kill them with a stick. Of course they became a pest and finally the farmers made war on them, and they disappeared entirely," This was partly due to the destruction of the birds and partly to a sense of fear that caused them to leave the locality. Fishing was a profitable oncupation | then when muskelunge were often caught that weighed between any and thirty pounds. 'There was endless work for he women in the homes of those early days, when everything had to be done --spinning, weaving, dyeing, tailoring, baking, canning, cooking, preserving, dairying, and a hundred other duties, such as making soap, piecing quilts, That round of ceaseless activity de- veloped fine characters in the women who had the capacity to endure the difficulties. Mrs. Brock was such a woman, There was a calmness and self-possession that stood her in good stead in the ordinary affairs of life, and when serious problems arose. Her judgment was good, and she was a wonderful helper of a practical char- acter in the work of the church. Her home was always open for anything that would forward the interests of the church, Ministers of the Gospel knew that hospitality awaited them at the Brock home. Sarah Barber was married in 1871 to William Brock. - He, too, was in- terested in church work, and the social life of the Brock home centred about the church. There were born to Mr. and Mrs. Brock six children--Harry (deceased), Ella, at home; Fred, of Port Perry; Harold, at home; Anna, (Mrs. Hughli), of Regina; (Mrs. S. E. Sangster) deceased. Mr, Brock died in 1915. 5 The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister of the United Church in Port Perry, of which Mrs. Brock was an honored member. . Interment was made in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. - In the passing of Mrs. Brock there are many friends who feel that a link with the past has been broken, But the memories of that well spent life will long be cherished with pleasure. It was a privilege to have known a character such as Mrs. Brock. ed : CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION [a p.m. Evening Service. All persons having claims agains the Estate of William H. MacGregor | of Port Perry, deceased, who died on the 24th day of July, 1933, are'hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the Tth day of October, claims, 1933, the assets of the testator will be distributed among thé parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims | of which the solicitors shall then have notice. ; : Dated September 6th, 1933. Sept 21. $1.10. (Regular $1.65 value) A. M. LAWRENCE Phone 49 THE REXALL STORE Port Perry NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Carload of Alberta Coal, stove and '| range size, also furnace coal, will' be ¢ at Myrtle Station about Sept. 25. Place [your order at Myrtle Elevator. H.H. Goode. Local agent Elwood Masters, Myrtle Station, Phone 119 r. 3 Port | Perry. . in the Estate of William H. MacGregor, deceased ~ FOUND. 1933, full pariicuiars of their : ; ! p Two pocket knives, owners may Immediately after October 7, paying expenses. Aply at Star Office "FOR SALE New Idea Washing Machine and Wringer. Apply at Star Office. HARRIS & HARRIS, Port Perry, Ont, 3 Solicitors for William H, MacGregor Est. HOUSE FOR RENT Seven room house for rent, centrally located. Apply to Mrs. Roy O'Neill. V. P. STOUFFER To -take over profitable Watkins route 'in. nearby 1écality distributing A necessities to established" customers. Must be 'under 50 and: satisfied with drying apples, all the processes of}. PIANO TUNING Overhauling -- piano actions repaired, lost motion taken up, sticky and noisy keys re- paired, Sa cleaning and lubricating a specialty, alty. work guaranteed. Phone 80, 0! MAN WITH CAR ° BE husking corn, making maple syrup.]|. earnings | of $22. 50a week at start. In DATES OF FALL FAIRS your reply' 'give age,' "type! 'of car. : Write J: R. Watkins Co., 940 Inspector | Agincourt .............. Sept. 22-23 St., Montreal, Que, "Dept, TO-P-p. |Beachburg ~ o.oo... - Sept. 26-27 oct 6 Bobcaygeon ..... HRI, "Sept. 29-30 Brampton ..... gown ....Sept. 22-28 "FOR SALE Lindsay "......... teens. Sept. 20-23 12 Yorkshire Pigs, 6 weeks old. Markham lhe praise niayey Oct. nt Apply to Garnet Wright, Nestleton Midland REEEE) i "e 3 tesa .Sept. 21-2 R.R,, Phone 196 r 7, Port Perry. SK Millbrook verses tress ses = Oct. 4- b Orono .:...... cevesse... Sept. 26-27 HOUSE FOR SALE - Rama (Indian) ...... ....Sept. 21-22 Rough cast house, six rooms, cellar [Sunderland ........ ..Sept 26-27 under whole house, good well. Cash AOI eevee iB aes Fav in ts .Oct. 3 sale. Apply to E. M. Williams, International Plowing Match. Oct. 10 Prince Albert. Phone 266j. ~ S28! to 18 at Owen Sound. "| \ 'The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, A palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W 'BERT MacGREGOR Will ll do the rest. Marion | 8 With GOOD SERIVCE OF F ERED Why not leave your baking worries with Gerrows? J Our aim is to PLEAS Pam] PARTICULAR PEOPLE !! GERROW'S v'S BAKERY Bakers and Confeotloners, Port Perry. have same by identifying property and | MARKETS TORONTO MARKET PRICES DAIRY PRODUCE-- (Quotations to Shippers) . Creamery Solids, No. 1, wiv .v00i0 18 Seconds isis rrr asvesrns 184 Churning Cream, F.0.B. Country Points--Special 20, No, 1, 18, No, 2, 6 : POULTRY AND EGGS BEES. vr asrnssrrrarrinnys 1210/20, Poors (A) Grado Alive Spring Chickens ........:...9 to 16 Brollers isi ve asa irs sss srsvrnsaslQ Fatted hens .......se00000.0.6 0 9 Old RoOSters ......v.ivereesessensB POTATOES-- : Ontario No. 1, 90 Ibs., $1.yb to $1.40 LIVE STOCK--: + Bacon Hogs (F.0.B.) ..$6.70 to $6.85 Fed Calves ..... vees i. $56.00 to $6.26 Veal Calves ......... ..$3.60 to $8.00 Cows ..... TORTI .$1.60 to $2.76 Heifers ....oevveeeeq..$2.00 to $4.50 Steers ..... veereen er. $2,76 to $4.76 Lambs ....% ceca se....$4.50 to $5.76 Sheep». veivivens inns $1.00 to $3.00 ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) Wheat ..... ®t ieee eaesis..03 to 65 Oats ood ties seness.80 to 32 Barley .. coe e 40 to 42 .....46 to 48 L.AD 44 42 ; 4 - ox LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, 'Solicitors, - ete. Money to Loan ~~ Now located in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. APP . > : : ~ DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto, Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclinic, London, England, North East London, Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgovr. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, The Creamery IS PAYING 19c.,, 18c., and 16c.,, FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor "and make more money by sending your cream to the PORT PERRY CRE RY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors ~t-TP-D> 7 Ww. A. Sangster - DENTAL SURGEON © Office Hours--9 a.m. to §- pm. Office over Nelson's Store. Chiropractic ~ D. E. STECKLEY, drugless practi- | tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether-. ington's practice in Port Perry, and {| is continuing in the same office. Chiropractic treatment, Electro- Theropy and special attention given to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments. Consultation and examination free. . Hours 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, 'Thursdays and Saturdays. ERIS 5 FR Sti i > COMING F. E. Luke, Optom®rist, 167 . Yonge St., Toronto's able eye- 'sight specialist, may be con- sulted about: your eyes for glasses at Lawrence's Drug Strand Theatre|[ "UXBRIDGE WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL SEPTEMBER 20th + Also Charlie Chaplin, in "SING STREET" a comedy. "FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22 and 23 OBEY THE LAW|| Don't miss it. Coming September 28, 29 and 20 GHOST VALLEY|| (Western) | Coupon Cards Get yours now and secure that large size photograph of yourself ABSOLUTELY FREE. Scribblers and Notebooks « Store, Port Perry, Sept. 21st, Thursday. ~ F. E. LUKE & SON. OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) --t oor We have a very large assortment from which to make your choice. - Sh The Wahl Pen : ¢ Either singly or in sets with the Wahl Pencil. Itis a good pen. Kotex Deal i 5 . Two packages Kotex and one of Kleenex for T4dc. ~ ~ Morrison's Drug Store Pork Perry. : ' Phone Ei Ontario -- HOME LOOKS GOOD AT 65 --, - At 66 it is hard to go to work. The body craves. ease. Plan now to make your old age inde- pendent , with . CANADIAN - GOVERNMENT ~~ ANNUITIES - Write or telephone for descrip- ~ tive booklet to-day to your local Postmaster, - wv Ly

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