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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Sep 1933, p. 5

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. pid > PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, 1938 earing Out Sale Our Large Stock has decreased | considerably in the last few days. Those who have not had an 'opportunity to see these bargains should do so at the earliest possi- ble date. Prices have again been reduced. Store open n Tuesday, Thursday, and. Saturday nights, FERGUSON BROS, Port Perry tf DONT WORRY ABOUT SUCCESSOR TO JAMES McKEE - > COAL WOOD COKE "BLUE COAL?" is the best Anthra- cite mined in America. Itis colored blue so as to be identified at a glance. We can supply you with -- BRITISH COAL, HAMILTON COKE, 'HARD and Soft Wood, Cement, Lime, Lumber, Etc. --] FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 ~ ~ FIRE! Have: your property properly insured at once é AA es a L HAROLD W. EMMERSON COAL - COKE - WOOD CEMENT - LIME - TILE When in need of any 'of the above give us a call. We have a full supply on hand to meet your needs. FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. * SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, STEAM COAL, CANNEL co HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE, BODY HARDWOOD, HARD- WOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. CEMENT--A fresh tarload just arrived. © Also Fresh LIME and PARISTONE, TILE. Your orders will receive our-usual prompt and careful attention. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W.G. W. PYATT Phones--94 W and 94J. "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are 'offering good values--860 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning -Done MERCHANT TAILOR "W. TL. Rodman. Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry ~ PROFI may be secured in two ways-- A big profit in a lump sum, or-- A big profit in several small sums. The latter method is called "quick bn tiioad It is the com- mon way of doing business to- = + day; but to be successful in this method the people must know what you have to sell. tel ' El Prince Albert Rally Day service to be held on Sunday will be a union service of Church and Sunday School and will begin at two o'clock. A corn roast was held in the sghool yard last Wednesday evening. After roasting the corn, games were played. Mr. Webb is visiting his daughter Mrs. Ben. Smith. : Mrs: James Warren, of Oshawa: is spending a few days in the village. Miss V. Thompson, of Toronto, was '| the guest of Mrs. Greaves, last week. In, spite of the disagreeable weather quite a number attended Port Perry Fair' last Saturday, 'Those in Uxbridge on Saturday to see the Dobson-Ward wedding held in |the Anglican Church, were Mrs. B. Smith, Miss Wagg, Mrs. Wagg, Mr. Webb, Miss E, Smith; Mrs, Greaves, Mrs. L. Smith and Mrs. Ashton, of Epsom, . Rev, W. J. H. Smyth, of Port Perry, was calling at the homes on Church Street, last week.. Bond salesmen from Toronto are canvassing the village re-the renewing of the 1933 honds falling due soon. Sunday visitors were Miss P. Reid, Mr. Reid, and Mrs. Andrews, of To- ronto, with Mrs. G, Luke and Mr, and Mrs. L. Honey and Frank, with Mr. and 1 Mrs. Williams. rp. BLACKSTOCK Mrs, Jas. Hall, of Bowmanville, is visiting with relatives in Blackstock and vicinity. Mrs, John Trewin is the guest of her brother Mr. A. Beacock, of Bow- manville, Miss H. McVittie, of Toronto, and Mr; and' Mrs. M. C. Smith were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mrs. R. Mahood. : Messrs. Oliver Smith and Murray Byers were two of the judges at the School Fair at Enniskillen. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Douglas Taylor on winning sixth prize on swine judging, and to Mr. Oliver Smith, on winning sixth prize on seed judging at the recent C.N.E. A confirmation wag held at St. John's Church, Blackstock, by the Bishop of Toronto, on Friday evening, Sept. 16th, at which eleven candidates were received into the church ranging in age from 14 to 73, mostly the fruits of a Sunday School begun by Dr. C. FE. Whittaker two years ago on the First Line of Cartwright. The Bishop gave a helpful address to the candidates and to the congrega- tion on the text 'Press on to Per- fection" showing that confirmation: is only the beginning .of the full church life which should show no. slacking while life shall last. Rev. T. A. and Mrs. Nind, of Port Perry, attended: Mr. Nind reading the Scripture in the service. Dr. Lundy and Mr. Hutch- eson, the Wardens of Mr. Nind's church dlso attended with Mr. Wm. Wilson, an old Cartwright boy. Mrs. Owen, wife of the Bishop, accompanied him. They had their tea. with Dr. and Mrs. Whittaker at the rectory and returned to Toronto after the Con- firmation service. & Those confirmed were: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Archer, Mrs. Russell Spinks, Missés Josie Archer, Bessie Fee, Leona Devitt, Marjorie and Beatrice Whitfield, Lloyd Sterling, Billie Grace, and Roy Carter. Mr. Wm. Rutledge, of Bancroft, Mr. Emmerson McKibbon, Detroit, Messrs. Jos. and John Rutledge and Miss F. Fowler, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Archer and amily, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally and Verna were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright, on Sunday, Sept. 10th, Among our recent visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp and Merle: at Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright's, Misses Pearl and Dorothy Wright with Miss Verna McNally, Mr, and Mrs.. Percy Jobb and family, of Oshawa, with Mr, and Mrs, D. Gal- braith, Miss Kathleen Wright with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. 'Norton VanCamp and baby and Mrs. Glenny, of Elmira, with Mr. and Mrs. A. VanCamp, Mrs, M, Smith with her daughter Mrs. W. VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Dawson, of Windsor, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST . Author of * Byes in Modern Lite Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings Disney Block "Opposite P.O. OSHAWA, ONT. 1616 -- Phone -- 1616 "A and Mrs. Naysmith Henry apd family, of Janetville, with Mr. and Mrs, F, A. Bailey, Mr. Harry Major with friends in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Forder in Peterboro, Mrs. Sandy Dawson and Master Ross Bailey, in Toronto, Mrs, Wm. Barton and Mrs. Jas. Hall, with Mr, and Mrs. Osmond Wright, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Wright gith relatives in Bancroft, Mrs. S. A." Devitt with her sister Mrs. Hill, at Richmond Hill. We are pleased to know that Mrs, Harry VanCamp who 'has been ill in the Whitby Hospital, and Master Howard Trewin who underwent an operation in the Port Perry Hospital are both home and progressing favor- ably. The play entitled "The Red Headed Stepchild" put on by the Yelverton Dramatic Club under the auspices of the W.M.S. of the Blackstock United Church was very much enjoyed by all present as also were the musical se- lections between acts by Miss L. White and the Capstick Twins. The proceeds amounted to $40. Those taking part in the play were Misses L. White, L. Wright, E. Henders, L. Lawson, L. McGill, V. Barnstaple, Audrey Stin- son, Marjorie Stacey, Messrs, R. Jar- rett, Howard Malcolm, B. Stedwick, and N. Wilson. We are pleased to know that Mr. Arthur Rham who has been ill in the Bowmanville Hospital for the past six weeks is home again and able to be around. : Dr. and Mrs, C. E. Whittaker motor- ed to Toronto on Monday and intend remaining for the week. The Young People of the United Church "have started their weekly meetings after the holiday months. The topic on Wednesday evening last was taken by the pastor Rev. Mr. Newell. A solo was given by Miss Oliye VanCamp and suggestions for programes by Miss 'Susie VanCamp. Misses Grace Hooper and Mabel Van- Camp and Bruce Mountjoy were added to the Executive. Owing to the absence of the rector Dr. C. E. Whittaker there. will-be no evening service in St. John's Church. The morning service will be taken by young men of the A.Y.P.A. Rd Sunday services will be held in the Centre Church next Sunday morning, Sept. 24th, at 10.30 o'clock. The pro- gram will be given by the three Sun- day Schools. Let all be at this Rally service, The evening service will be in the Head Church. Mr, and Mrs. F. Clark and children, Mr, and Mrs. E. Clark, Vera and Earl, 'attended the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark, at their home at Norwood, last Tuesday, Sept. 12th. Congratulations are 'ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Clark from their many Scugog friends. We are sorry that Mr. Clark's health is not as good as we would wish. Congratulations to Mr. Edward Nesbitt on his 97th birthday on Sun- day, from his Scugog friends. Scugog people were well represented at Port Perry Fair last Saturday. Next Saturday many cars will be on their way to Lindsay Fair. Mr.. and Mrs. O. Jeffrey, Clem and Lois visited her sigter Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt, at Enniskillen, on Sunday. Miss Clara Hardy visited her cousin 'Miss Zella Hope recently. Miss Luella Ploughman, of Port Perry 'spent the week end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Samells, and Mr. W. Samells, her grandfather, and attended the Centre Sunday School: Miss' Aleta Reader visited her friend Miss Leona Prentice and accompanied her to Sunday School on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara, Grace and Glen, vidited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker, on Sunday, Messrs. Ray Milner, Gordon Jeffrey, Hubert Long, Roy Hope. and Milton Demara attended the wrestling match at Uxbridge, last Friday evening and they found it very exciting. Mr, and Mrs. A. Sanguine and baby Joyce of Zion, visited his niece Mrs, C. Hardy, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Curtis, of Oakwood, visited their cousins Mr, and Mrs. J. Demara, one day last week, Mrs. KF. Thomson and daughter Anna visited her friend Mrs. W. Mark at Shirley, last Sunday. Miss Jean Hood is attending High School at Port Perry. all wish her the best of success in her aim for an education. Mr. and Mrs. L. Chamberlain have returned home from spending the summer at Port Dalhousie and. are visiting her parents Mr, And Mrs. R. Jackson, Mr. W. E, Earl, Mrs. J. Bremrose, Mrs. W. Walker and Mrs. J. Robinson, of Toronto, Miss Rilla Finley, Mrs. C.! Finley and daughter Kathleen, of | Lindsay, were week end ii of Mr, H, Fralick. Mr. and Mrs. J, E.'Morrish and son Bill, were week end guests of her brother Mr. J. Aldred. Congratulations to Mr. Cecil Fralick in winning the beautiful Silver Tea Service donated by the Robert Simp- son Co, Toronto, for guessing the number of exhibits shown at Port Perry Fair. Congratulations to Mrs, R. Jackson and her daughter Mrs. J. L. Sweetman, 'on winning so many prizes at the Port Perry. Fair, We have been having very inter- esting Sunday School-lessons forthe last quarter, The next quarter will be on the life and works of Paul. Mr, 0. Jeffrey has erected a new garage. Some have reported of having a few. second growth green beans on their vines this fall. UTICA Miss Olga Lakey and Miss Vivien McKercher left on Monday to attend Normal School at Peterboro. Mr, and Mrs. Lockhart and daughter of Bowmanville, Mrs. Verner and Mv. Alex. McConnell, of Toronto, Mrs, J. Thompson, Ottawa, Miss Sarah Dafoe, and Mr. Hamilton, Toronto, recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall. Mrs. Cann had the misfortune to fall, hurting her arm very badly. Af. Arik. Alpin Christie and family, of Alliston, have moved to their father's farm. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Christie back to the Com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. "Sleep and child; of North Toronto, moved last week to the Sonley farm on the 6th concession. Mrs. C. W. Lakey spent last week with her sister Mrs. w. O. Bennett at Peterboro. The Bluebird Club held their month- ly meeting at the Clubhouse on Wed- neesday, the 20th. oe Breadalbane Presbyterian Church are holding their anniversary services and tea on October 8th and 10th. Mr. Catherwood is busy training the children for the school fair. Friends from Belleville were visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Ray, on Sunday. aed Afa. anu ans. PATA Myrtle Station Next Sunday is Rally Day at the Sunday School. Now, we want every- body to rally off to Sunday School at 3 pm. Church and Sunday School will be 'united for the occasion, and we hope to see a good attendance. part with our good friends Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pilkey, who are moving to Brooklin this week. To mark the occasion many of their friends gather- ed at the Community Hall on Monday evening and made them a presentation of a beautiful arm chair. A program preceeded the presentation. Mr. J. E. Beacock made an excellent chairman for the occasion. The program con- sisted 6f community singing followed by an instrumental by Lois Tordiff, recitation by Miss Cooper, reading by Mr. Hudgins, duet by Mr. and Murs. Beacock, a piano duet by Mrs. Totton and Harold. Then Frank Downey and Kenneth Cook dréssed in black gowns and tall silk hats which they carried on their arms, escorted Mr. and Mrs. Pilkey to the platform, where they waited until after the presentation and then escorted them back to their seats. Mr. Geo. Painter read the address and Mr. Jas. Cooper presented the chair. Mr. Pilkey gave a very suitable reply with regrets of leaving, but gave all a hearty invifation to come to their home next Monday even- "ing to house warming. Lunch was then served and the rest of the even- ing was spent in games and dancing. The following address was read to Mr. and Mrs. Pilkey: Dear friends--The people of this community have learned with regret that you are leaving us. We would not be fair, either to you or to our- selves if we did not tell you how much we have appreciated your excellent, services both in the community and the church, + Rural districts greatly need such workers as yourselves, and we must congratulate you on the public spirit that impels you to do whatever is in your power for the welfare of the community. -We trust that life may present many opportunities for fur- ther service, and that wherever you go friends may appreciate you as they do here. . As a slight. token of our apprecia- tion, we ask you to accept this chair. Signed on behalf of the community, George Painter and John Quinn. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hughson, on Wednesday, attended the wedding of , Carthie, of Toronto. i Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters and family spent Sunday with friends in Ponty- pool. { It is with regret that we have to] Miss Georgina Wolfe and Mr. . Murray : F. W. Brock & Son The RED & WHITE Store GROCERIES, ETC. Me NEW CHEESE, fresh and mild . Rg 2401 ns. for 25¢. GRAPES--This will be a big week for grapes.. Quality is good. Market Price. PASTRY FLOUR, Kissimi and Red HE White, . .24 Ibs. for 59c. BREAD FLOUR--We sell and recommend Perfection Bread Flour from Hampton Mills, 24°'s 69¢.. vin nn ves 98's, $2.49 PURE LARD, Schneider's, one of the best brands, 20 Ibs. $2.25 SUGAR--Redpath Medium Granulated ... .100.1bs for $7.19 DRYGOODS DEPARTMENT MEN'S WEAR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS--Made-to-Measure $19.95 . Guaranteed to fit. Several models. Fine Fall Patterns. UNDERWEAR--Men's Combinations in a good fall weight.. .Long sleeves, ankle length ......... : .$1.00 Men' S Merino Shirts and Drawers, Sizes 34 to 44, garment 85c. LEAT IO TIMNITI IN NIeNrr : ", nOUSEHOLD REQUIREMENTS SCOTCH FINGERING--Remarkable Low Prices, Black, Medium Grey, Buff, Heather, 4 ply. % 1b 25c. Pound 98c. BLANKETS--Flannelette, size 66 x 80, good weight in grey and white. Week end special per pair $2.19} TURKISH TOWELS--Colored, size 34 x 17 inches Size 18 x 36 inches. WASH CLOTHS--Assorted Colors. ..19c. .Special 2b5c. Special 7c. each, or 4 for 25¢. LADIES' FOOTWEAR LADIES' SHOES--Ladies' and Misses' Shoes in small lots, left ces ee eae from the Summer's selling. Sizes 3 to 7. Dongola, Patent, and calf. Regular $2.50 and $3.90...... cree Special $1.98 CHATELAINE PATTERNS, all sizes in stock. . A 15c. * F. W. BROCK & SON LAST EXCURSION OF THE SEASON Across the Lake Cobourg to Rochester WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th: 1933 Return Fare only $1.25 per adult (children 65 cents) Leave Cobourg....................8.00 a.m. Return to Cobourg .............. 11.30 p.m. Standard Time GOOD DANCE ORCHESTRA ON STEAMER. Purchase tickets from nearest Canadian National Agent or at steamer dock at Cobourg. Standard Time 0 N/T A R IO CAR FERRY: COMPANY Cobourg-Rochester Steamship Route (T-205) . Report state 'that police were on hand and listened to what the speakers had to say, but they raised not a stick nor did they fling tear gas around. Inside of an hour the crowd of 800 had reduced itself to about 400. No one had urged the folk to leave; they drifted away because they were not interested in what was being said. We suspect, too, that they left because the police were not going into action. No one was heing made a martyr in the cause of free speech. On whose order this experiment was madé we do not know, but the decision to let the man under the linden tree speak was a wise one. If his audi: ence of 800 dwindled to 400 on his first uninterrupted attempt, his Mrs. O. Lane and Mrs. Roy Percy Munroe, of Toronto, with Mrs. Mus; were visitors to Oshawa on Monday. on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. Ray Dow- Mpg, Bonell, of Oshawa, visiting her ney who was successful in winning parents Mr. and Mrs. Boe. first prize in the Junior Farmers' Horse Judging at Peterboro Fair, last week. This week he is attending the = Lindsay Fair. h Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Houston and Miss The Let Him McNally, of Toronto, were Sunday y visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock. Speak. Mr. and Mrs. Broom, of Kinsale, and Mr. Oliver Lane, were visitors to A speaker stood beneath a linden Niagara Falls on Sunday. tree in Allan Gardens at Toronto the Mr. Jesse Pike, of Toronto, is visit- other evening and about 800 people ing with old friends in this burg. were on hand. The rule has been to What might have proved a serious chase such speakers, and the crowd accident occurred on Monday morning, expected there would be something when a horse driven by Mr. Leonard to look at when the police arrived. Allen, got frightened at a hand ear, This time it was different. The which was standing on the C.P.R. oo ker under the linden tree was al- crossing west of Myrtle. The horse (iw. to speak. The crowd was allow- ran, turned into a field, breaking a 4 4 listen. The grievances of pegple wheel and throwing both men out. Mv. 5 pada, Cuba, India, and the United Barker got two nasty bumps and a 400 wore aired; capitalism was cut on his head, but escaped tithout assailed, but not a thing happened. serious injury. Leonard was unhurt. Our Church anniversary date has been changed from Oct. 16th, to Oct. 22nd, when Rev. W. E. Hazzard of Toronto will preach. Further an- nouncement later. wt ------------------- GREENBANK On Tuesday afternoon of last week several of the W. M. S. members at- tended a sectional 'meeting at Peniel. Mr. 'and Mrs. Lang, of Baillibury, visited at the home of Mrs. Jos, Stone, recently. Soveral from here attended the Dobson-Ward wedding in the Anglican Church, Uxbridge, on Saturday after noon. The Women's Association. will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas, Lee, on next appearance are not bright. The Tuesday, Sept. 26th, linden tree will not be called upon to Mrs. Leo. Mitchell and danghter,' cast its sheltering branches over many Scarboro Junction, Mr, and Mrs. R.|folk.--Stradford Beacon: Herald, chances for a large following on his . ~ pg ~ z A -- - A IC a Pn SS) IR fhe Aap ry gi FARA BER or 1s be SATE So

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