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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Sep 1933, p. 1

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% Ve T ¢ ~ ny Rahm, R EY Roy Ferguson, Richard Wall. "Mrs. R. R., Byers; Mrs. Edwards.~ Best team in harness, roadster or carriage--R. R. Byers, Lloyd Kennedy. A Fin Lloyd McKee, Mel. Skelding. Blakstock Fair Prize HORSES Tig dia Heavy Draught Brood Mare, foal by side--Arthur 'Welsh, Wm. Darcy, M. B. Vipond. Two year old Colt--Stanford Van- Camp, Arthur Welsh, Arthur Leighton One year old colt--M. B. Vipond, Stanford VanCamp. Foal by side of mother--Arthur Welsh, M. B. Vipond, D. McArthur. Team in harness--T. R. Hall, A. Welsh, Wm. Darcy. Light Draught ~~--_ = Brood mare, foal by side--Austin Beacock, Fred Gibson, Oscar Edwards, "Two year old Colt--Wm. Thompson, -Oscar Edwards, Roy Ferguson. "One year old colt--Wm, Darcy, Wm. Thompson. Foal by side of mother--Austin Beacock, Oscar Edwards, Fred Gibson. "Team in harness--Robert Vernon, : 8. Bragg; J. E. Leask. List ardson, 'Beath Farms, ¥ E. Leask. 2 Bull Calf under'1 year--Levis Rich- ardson, Beath Farms, J. E, Leask, Herd, any breed--Beath Farms, W. - Champion Bull----Beath Farms. HOLSTEINS--Pure Bred Cow giving milk or in calf--Richard Wall 1 and 2, Earl Dorrell 3. Heifer 2 years--Richard Wall. "HEREFORDS Bull, 2 years and over--N. C. Mar- low Bull, 1 year old--Lorne Bagshaw, Stanley Malcolm, Harold Macklin. Cow giving milk-or-in calf--N. C. 'Marlow, Harold Macklin 2 and 3, Heifer 2 years old--Lorne 'Bagshaw, Harold Macklin, N. C. Marlow. - « Heifer 1 year old--Lorne Bagghaw 1 and 2, N. C. Marlow 3. Bena Calf under 1 year--N. C. Marlow, Lorne Bagshaw, Stanley Malcolm. > PERRY STAR : Yorkshire * Boar--@. N. Graham, Carl Wright. Sow that has raised pigs this season --1 Earl Dorrell, 2 G. N. Graham. Boar over 3 and under 7 months-- G, N. Graham, G. H. Mark, Sow over 3'and under 7 months--1 and 2 G. N. Graham, ; Tamworth ' "Boar--Douglas Elliott, Jos. Forder. 'Sow. that raised pigs 'this season-- 1 and 2 Douglas Elliott, Boar over 3 and under 7 months--1 and 2 Douglas Elliott, * Sow over 3 and under 7 months--1 and 2 Douglas Elliott, Three Bacon Hogs, 170 to 230 Ibs. 1 G. N. Graham, 2 Earl Dorrell, POULTRY * Barred Rocks--Laying Strain Cock--REdgar Gibson, G. H. Mark, Hen--FEdgar Gibson, Richard Wall, Cockerel--1 and 2 Edgar Gibson, Pullet--Richard Wall, E. Gibson, 'Black Minorca Cock--Emerson Coad Hen--R. Wall, Ed. Williams. = | Cockerel--Ed, Willlams, T. Caesar. Pullet--1 and 2 Ed, Willlams, - White Wyandotte : : ; -- = A---- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1933 $1.50 per year in advance: GRAIN AND SEEDS { Bushel Fall Wheat, white--Ernest' Larmer, Wesley Page, Ed Armstrong.' Bushel Spring Wheat, hard--G, N. Graham, Roy Ferguson, Herb. 'Swain. * Bushel Spring Wheat, soft--FEdward Williams. Bushel Peas, 'small--Wesley Camp- bell, G. N. Graham, Herb, Swain. * Bushel Oats, white--G. N. Graham, Wesley Page, Herb, Swain. 2 Bushel Oats, black--1 and 2 R. C. 'Brown, 3 Norman Green, Bushel Barley, six rowed--G. N. Graham, Lorne Griffin, Herb. Swain. Bushel Barley, two rowed--G, N. Graham, Norman Green, Harold Bea. cock, White Hoans--2d. Williams, Mal. colm Elford, W, S. Bragg. Best 100 Ibs. Barley for malting purposes--Lorne Griffin, Malcolmn BY ford, Herb, Swaln, ROOTS AND YEGETABLES Jn un Gar = THE STRATFORD STRIKE Taylor, Austin Larmer, Fred Gibson. Potatoes, white -- Norman Green, Mrs. John Hamilton, Fred Gibson: Potatoes, red--Newton Taylor. Turnips, feed--Fred Gibson, Clar- : | CROWDS HURL Sunday Special At a recent meeting of the -Execu- tive of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Sunflay School Association it was decided to set aside Nov. bth, as Association® Sunday. The general plan is that each Sunday School shall appoint a visitor, w other Sunday School than his own on Nov. bth. The local Sunday School is asked to hold an open session upon that occassion, and the visitor will address the school. Each visitor will be provided with a card for securing the following information: Name of "School; Name of Superintendent and Secretary; umber on roll; Average Attendance; Number of Teachers; School Association ho shall go to some | Sunday graded, Missionary Department; Tem- perance Department, ete. These cards will be filled by the local secretary and will be returned by the visitor to the secretary of the "Asociation, Samuel Farmer, Port Perry. Each Sunday School superintendent 'is requested to have the visitor ap- pointed at once, and the name for- warded to the Association Secretary. This should be done without delay, so} that 'the itineray for November bth will be made. When arrangements are completed they will be published in the Star. ' Superintendents will please act kind of lessons used (international. or promptly. (Canadian P STONES AT THE POLICE AS CLIMAX TO DAY OF BATTLE AT STRATFORD |group of men out of the plant for ress Despatch) The riot at the packing plant started when the police were escorting a last week. Miss Bernice is preparing to enter the Kitchener hospital this fall to train for a nurse, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and family of Tyrone, visited at Mr. Hugo Brad- ley's on Sunday. Mr, Harold Totton returned to To- ronto on Tuesday to continue 'his studies in dentistry at the University, SEAGRAVE The Beauty of the Woods The next few weeks will bring to us, the beauty of the woodland, when the leaves will have ripened and be- come tinged with all the colors of the rainbow. Already there is sufficient color in the trees to make a trip through the county interesting. ;"Bunker Hill" is worthy of special mention, When you go out in your car for pleasure, or on business carry with you your memory of things beautiful and we are sure nature will soon fill your eyes with vision of beautiful pictures you will never forget. Rally Day was fittingly observed at our Sunday School on Sunday, with a record attendance, # G. H. Kerry. { PERCHERON Brood Mare, foal by side--William Brown, Lawrence Hooey, 'Lloyd Mec- Kee. Two year old colt--Donald Me- Arthur, M. J, Hepburn, Lloyd McKee. One year old colt--Donald Mec- Arthur, Norman Wilson, Mel. Skelding Foal by side of mother -- William . Team in harness--F. B. Glaspell, M. I Hepburn, Mel. Skelding. General Purpose Brood mare, foal by. side--Robert Werry. Two .year old colt--Herb, Swain, One year old colt--Lloyd McKee, + Roy Ferguson, Donald McArthur, Foal by side of mother--Everard Sanderson, Lawrence Hocey, "Joseph Forder. Team in hatnetemTitetor. Bowen, Everard Sanderson, Lorne Griffin. ; Roadsters Brood mare; foal by. side--Lloyd Kennedy, Everard Sanderson, Roy Brown, . One year old--Lloyd Kennedy. Foal by side of mother--George L. Leask, Lloyd Kennedy, Roy .Brown. Team in harness--Lloyd Kennedy, Isaac McMillin, Dave McMillan. Single horse in harness over 16% hands--1 and 2, Lloyd Kennedy, 8 Campbell Stone. Single horse in harness under 15% hands--Isaac McMillan, 2 and 8 Dave|" McMillan. I y Carriage Brood mare, foal by side--Joseph Forder, Norman Wilson. _ Two year old colt--A. B. Mann. * One year old colt--Wm. Brown. Foal by side of mother--A.B. 'Mann 1 and 2, Norman Wilson 8. ~Team in harness--R. R. Byers 1 and 2,.A. B. Mann 3. Single horse in 'harness over 15% hands--R. R. Byers 1, 2, and 3. - Single horse in harness under 153% hands--R. R. Ryets, A. B. Mann, Robt. Clemence. > Gentleman's aihothe danas Mec- Millan, Lloyd Kennedy, R. R. Byers. Lady Driver--Mrs, Lloyd Kennedy, Best Dairy Cow any breed--Richard Wall, GRADE CATTLE . Cow. giving milk or in calf--Geo. Leask, Jabez H. Wright 2 and 3. Heifer 2 years old--J, H, Wright. Heifer 1 year old--Stanley Malcolm, Geo. L. Leask. Calf under 1 year--J, H. Wright, R. Werry, J. H. Wright, Baby .Beef under one year--J. E.| Leask, Harold Macklin, J. H. Wright. Best cow any breed--medal donated by Hon. Dr. H. A, Bruce, Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario--Beath Farms. SHEEP--Cotswold - -- Aged ram--1 and 2 F.'B. Glaspell, 3 G. H, Mark, Shearling ram--1-and 2 F, B, Glas- pel], 3. A. B. Mann, 'Ram Lamb--1 and 2 F. B, Glaspell, 3 'G. H. Mark. ' Aged Ewe--1 and 2 F. B. Glaspell, 3 G. H. Mark. pell, 2 G. H. Mark. Ewe Lamb--1 and 8 F. B. Glaspell, 2 G. H. Mark. ; SHEEP--Leicester Aged Ram--1 and 2 W. R. Robbins, 3 Jos. Forder. 'Shearling Ram--W. R. Robbins, Carl Wright, C. N. Stainton. Ram Lamb--1 and 2 C. N. Stainton, 3 Jos. Forder. : Aged Ewe--1 and 3 Carl Wright, 2 W. R. Robbins, Shearling Ewe--1 and 2 W. R. Rob- bins, 8'C. N. Stainton. Ewe Lamb--Carl Wright, Jos. Ford- 'er, W. R. Robbins, 2 SHEEP--Shropshiré Aged Ram--1 N. C. Wotten, 2 and 3 Harold Skinner. Shearling Ram--1 and 2 Harold Skinner. Ram Lamb--1 Harold Skinner, 2 and 8 N. C. Wotten, - Aged Ewe--1 and 2 Harold Skinner, 3 N. C. Wotten, Shearling Ewe--1 and 2 Hild Skinner, 3 N. C, Wotten, Ewe Lamb--1 and 8 Harold Skinner, 2 N. C. Wotten. : Oxford Downs Clarke Williams Special--hest foal "sired hy Alvada, any hreed--Mel. Skelding, Willlam Brown, Norman . Wilson. Special Green Race, horse in buggy --farmers only -- Campbell Stone, Gordon Fisher, | HORSE RACE, open 1 Peter Oliver, Jack Noden, Orono, # Helen Patchin, C. Cowan, Orono. 8 The Great McKenny, Allan Brown, Clarke P. 0. : ; FARMERS' RACE 3 1 Jean Havenport, W. Reid, Clarke. '2 Jean 'Brino, Cecil Robinson, Clarke. 8 Sadie Direct, Allan Brown, Clarke. 'CATTLE--Shorthorns Bull , Farms, George 'Leask. . Bull 1 year old--W. 8, Bragg, Lewis . Richardson, J. E. Leask, Cow giving milk or in calf--Beath Farms, W. S. Bragg, J. E. Leask. + Helfer 2 years old--Lewis Richard- GR Jaber H. Wright 2 and 8. Heifer 1 year old--Beath Farms, Ww. 8. Bragg; J. E. Leask. Heifer under; 1 your---Lowis Rich- 5 2 years and , over--Beath Aged Ram--1 and 2 J. W. Balson & Son. Shearling Ram--1 and 2 J. W, Bal- son & Son. Ram Lamb--1 and 2 Balson & Son. Aged Ewe--1, 2 amd 3 Balson & Son Shearling Ewe--1, 2 and 3, Balson & Son, - Ewe Lamb=1 and 2 Balson & Son. tn tbat | Ls mis ¢ ! = Suffolk Aged Ram--1 Beath Farms. ~ Shearling Ram--Beath Farms, ~ Ram Lamb--1 and 3 Beath Farms, 2 Leith Byers & Son. Aged. Ewe--1 Beath Farms, 2 and 3 Leith Byers & Son." i Shearling Ewe--1 Beath Farms; 2 Leith Byers & Son. Ewe. Lamb--1 and 8 Leith Byers, 2 Beath Farms .- Market Lamb, any Breed 1 'Harold 'Skinner, 2 Leith Byers & Son, 3 N. C. Wotten.. SWINE- Berkshires Boar--1 G. H, Mark, 2 Beath Farms, Sow that raised pigs this season-- 1.Beath Farms, 2 G. N. Graham.' Boar over 8 and under 7 months-- 1 and 2 Wesley Page. Sow over 8 and under 7 months-- Shearling Ewe--1 &nd 8 F/ B. Glas- Cockerel--Jas. McKenzie. Pullet--Jas. McKenzie. White Leghorn Cock--R. ©. Brown, Jas, McKenzie. Hen--R. C. Brown, Isaac Whitfield. Cockerel--G. H. Mark, Fred Gibson. ~ Pullet--G, H. Mark, Fred Gibson. Rhode Island Red - Hen--Jas, McKenzie, Cockerel--Jas, McKenale, R. Wall, Pullet--Jas. McKenzle, Turkey Male--A. B, Mann, Wm. Wilsona- | Turkey 'Female--A. B.. bi? Stark. Turkey Male, 1933--Wm. Wilson, Jas, McKenzie. ! Turkey Female, 1033 Wai, Wilson, Jas. "McKenzie, 'Gander--Emerson Coad, E. Gibson. Goose--E. Coad, E. Gibson." ~ Gander;~1933--1-and-2 'E. Gibson, Gogse, 1933--1 and 2. E. Gibson. Drake--R. C. Brown, E. Gibson. Duck--E, Gibson, R. C. Browh*™ Drake, 1933--G. H. Mark, R. GC. Brown, Duck, 1933--1 and 2 R. C. Brown, DAIRY PRODUCE AND NOMESTIC 'SCIENCE 15 Ibs. Butter in pail or crock--I1 Mrs. Frank Crozigr, 2 Mrs. Cecil Hill, 3 Mrs. Earl Dorrell, 10 Ibs, Butter in prints--1 Mra. E. Dorrell, 2 Mrs. Norman free, 8 Mrs, Cecil Hill, 5 Ibs. Butter in' Prints] Mis x Green, 2 Mys. E. Dorrell, 3 Mrs, C, Hill. Loaf White Bread--Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. C. Hill. "Loaf Brown Bread--Mrs. C. Hill, Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. Jas, Parr, Half Dozen Buns--Mrs, Jas. Parr, Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs C. Hill. Half Dozen Biscuits; plain--Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. F. Crozier, Mrs. Leith Byers. Half- Dozen Cookies--Mrs. Leith Byers, Mrs. F. Crozier, Mrs. Frank Stinson. Half Dozen Amr Snaps -- Mra. Norman Taylor, Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. i : "ence Parr, Jas, Parr. Turnips, table--Newton Taylor, Jas.: Parr, D. Corbman. Carrots, white--Mrs: R. Wall, Miss Birdie Fallis, Grant Jackson. Mangolds, red--Robt. Hamiltan, Jos. Forder, Jas, Parr. Mangolds, any other variety--Alex. Johnston, Fred Gihsan, Grant Jatkson. Tomatoes -- Norman Green, Earl Dorrell, Mrs, Virginia Archer, Water Melons--G@Geo. Bickle and Son, D. Corbman, } Cltrons--W,; A. VanCamp, Fred Gib- son, Fred Gibson, Yellow Table Corn--Ed. Armstrong, Ed. Williams, W. A. VanCamp. Sheaf Ensilage Corn--Austin Bea- cock, Fred Raines, Jos. Forder. Collection Vegetables--Geo. Bickle and Son, R. C. Brown, Newton Taylor. 6 Carrots, table--Lorne Griffin, A. Larmer, Mrs. J. Hamilton. Cabbage, winter--D. Corbman, W. | A. VanCamp, I. Whitfield. Hubbard Squash--Alex. Johnston, "Gep. Bickle and Son, Ed. Williams, Largest Pumpkin--Gea. Bickle, Mra. Arthur' Leighton, Richard Wall. Beets, table--Murs. E. Dorrell, Geo. Bickle and 8on, R. C. Brown. Beets, long--Mrs. F, Crozier, Frad Gibson, Mrs. Grant Jackson, Onions, White--Thos. Caesar, Geo. Bickle and Son Onions, yellow--Geo. Bickle & Son, | Thos. Caesar, Jas. McKenzie. Onfons, red--Thos. Caesar, George Bickle and Son, D. Corbman, : FRUIT Northern Spie Apples--Isaac Me- Millan, Geo. Bickle and Son, W. G. Werry. . Golden Russets--W. S. Bragg, Geo, Bickle, and Son, W.. G, Werry. Snows--W. G. Werry, Isaac McMil- lan, Geo. Bickle and Son, Baldwins--W."S. Bragg, Geo. Bickle and Son, Ww. G .Werry. Mann Apples--Mrs." R." J. W. G. Werry. Ben Davis--W. Bickle and Son, W. S. Bragg. Talman Sweets--W. G. Werry, Geo. Crozier, Grant Jackson, ' Light Layer Cake, iced--Mrs. Fred Raines, Mrs. Grant Jackson, Miss M.' Swain, lace Marlow, Mrs. C. Hill, Miss Nollle" Taylor, Half Dozen Gems made with Gra- ham Flour--Mrs, A. Johnston, Mrs.' Jas. Marlow, Miss Nellje Taylor, ; Apple Pie--Mrs, Cecil Hill, Mra, P, VanCamp, Mrs. John Williams, Pumpkin Ple--Mrs. N. Taylor, Mrs, N. Green, Mrs, E, Dorrell. Collection Canned Fruits--Mrs. Jno. Elford, Mrs, F. Raines, Miss Louise '| Carnegie. Collections Jellies--Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. Frank Stinson. Collection Pickles -- Miss Louise '|'Carnegie, Mrs. Edgar Gibson 2 and 3. Strained Honey-- Ed. Armstrong, Miss Birdie Fallis, Mrs, Wilson Web- ster. Mrs. Frank Crozier, Mrs. Clarence Parr. 6 Ibs. Butter made by gitl under 20 years--Miss Ferga Johnston. . Best light cake made with Horn's XXX Flour--Mrs. E. Gibson, Mrs, P. VanCamp, Lemon Pie--Miss Florence Parr, Mrs. Alex. Johnston, Mrs, Cecil Hill, Salada Tea--Mrps, Edgar Gibson, Miss 1 G. H. Mark, 2 Wesley Page. Helen Stark. Dark Layer CaKe, iced--Mrs. Wal-' Maple Syrup--Miss Margaret Swain, | - Six Assorted Tea Biscuits and a cup, Bickle and Son, W. S. Bragg. . Starks--Geo. Bickle and Son, W. S. Bragg, W. G. Werry. Kings--W. G. Werry, W. S. Bragg, Geo. Bickle and Son. J Wealthy Apples -- Geo. Bickle and Son, Isaac McMillan, W. G. Werry. St. Lawrence--W. S. Bragg, George Bickle and Son, Isaac McMillan, Alexanders--Norman Green, Wesley Campbell, W. G. Werry. | Colverts--W. S. Bragg, Geo. Bickle and Son, W. G. Werry. Rhode Island Greening -- W. S. Bragg, Geo. Bickle and Son, W. G. Werry. McIntosh Red--Isaac M¢Millan, Mrs Frank Crozier, W. S. Bragg. Bartless Pears--Geo. Bickle & Son. Sheldon Pears--Geo. Bickle and Son. Collection of Apples--W. G. Werry, Geo. Bickle and Son, W. S. Bragg. ; LADIES' DEPARTMENT Afgan, wool--Mrs. Wilson Webster, Mrs, J. Carnegie. Baby's Bonnet, knit. ==-MiE." Frank Stinson, Mrs. J. M. Carnegie.. Baby's Bonnet, crochet--Mrs. W. C, Sonley, Mrs, Frank Stinson, = Stinson, Miss Louise Carnegie. Baby's Boottees, crochet--Mrs, F. ' Stinson, Mrs. Virginia Archer. Baby's Dress, fancy--Miss Louise Carnegie, Mrs. Grant Jackson. (Continued on page 8) G. Werry, George Baby's Boottees, knit--Mrs. Frank Temporary armistice was declared between Stratford's striking poultry workers and their employers, the Swift Canadian Company, but not un- til the strikers had staged their third brick-throwing sally of the day, and finally crossed the "no man's land" of Erie street before the passive resis- tance of a large cordon of police. Heavy stones were thrown again at night at the police, and injured .list increased to at least four officers. Then, under instructions, the police backed up to the walls of the factory and allowed the crowd in under the lights of the plant, Angered because they believe a grodp of workers were still inside the plant, the crowd demanded entrance. Finally an employee of the company, with a member of the Strikers' Com- mittee, was allowed inside. Through the refrigerators, behind cheese and butter boxes, the pair 'searched the place thoroughly with flash-lights, But outside of the police and officials of the company not a person was found inside the plant. Company officials stood on the load- ing platform outside the plant and in- formed the strikers they would dis- cuss th» question of increased price for plucking birds with the Strikers' Committee at 1.30 p.m, to-morrow, and indicated the strikers would be granted the increase rate of 3 cents per chicken plucked instead of two cents now paid, Furniture Plant to Reopen Quiet prevailed at the city's furni- ture plants, where strikes are also in progress. Six factories announced this evening that they were prepared to open the plants on Thursday morn- ing, when "adequate police protection" will be provided for those wishing to return to work. i lunch, and bricks were thrown freely. Later in the afternoon there was an- other brief outburst of violence. Dur- ing this a Toronto newspaper photo- grapher was attacked by the crowd and injured, He is resting in a hotel suffering from kicks about the body. Butter taken from one of the Com- pany's trucks was rubbed about his head and face as he lay prostrate on the ground. ~The malee opened with dramatic suddenness. One minute the crowd, estimated at several thousands, was standing on the far side of Erie street, gazing at the factory. The next min- ute the attack began. Police stand- ing in the lighted area just outside the plant, were casy targets, while they were unable to see the missiles coming toward them, They charged into the crowd, swing- ing batons, but apparently acting un- der instructions, retreated again into the lighted area and let the crowd swarm in after them. The rioters walked, ran and climbed upon the loading platform outside the building, stared curiously through the screened windows and milled about uncertainly. The police simply watched them, alert for further signs of diserder.- In all six persons were injured dur- ing the day's rioting, They are: A. Smith, Toronto newspaper photogra- pher; Constable Tom Mitchell, To- ronto; L.-T. Keeler,. Kitchener; and Jack Clark, Sarnia, of the Provincial forces; Constable Alex. Templeton, of the Stratford police; and J. Jessup, local youth. All except Smith were injured by the showers of rocks. Possibility of greatly augmented policé forces was seen tonight, as Joseph Sedgewick, representatives of the Ontario Attorney-General"s De- partment, surveyed the situation. MYRTLE Mr. Goode since coming here in the . summer from Nestleton, where he was Friends here received word last manager of the elevator there for a week of the serious illness of Mrs. * Geo, Nickle, of Toronto, a former pastor's wife. We trust a more fav- orable report of her condition may soon be received. . "Ray Downey, who was taken ill while assisting Duff & Son with their horses at Lindsay Fair last week, is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Murker-of Pickering, called on Mrs. Hattie Hudgins; last week. Mr. Murker taught here some years ago, and notes many changes, oh visit here, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Nighswander and son Reggie, of Green River, visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Booth, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hughson at- tended the McCartney-Wolfe wedding in Toronto last week. The Hahn family, who have been at their summer home here since May, returned to Toronto on Tuesday, where Mr. Hahn is resuming his duties on the teaching staff at the Art School. Mr. and Mrs, John C. Lawrence spent the week end with their son Dr, Lawrence, of Lindsay. 'Rev..J. O. Totton is taking anni- versary services on his former charge at Bridgenorth next Sabbath. The Rev, C. C. Miller, of that appointment will "have charge here of the usual evening service at 7 o'clock, Mr. Elwood Masters is moving from Mr. Thompson's house to Mr. R, Wiles' Mr. Mast- 'ers has been running the elevator for house on Railroad Street. number of years. Those from here who were in at- tendance at Lindsay Fair on Saturday, were Mr. and Mrs" ir Cooper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maw and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Carmichael, Miss M. Ross, Mrs. E. E. Mole, Mr, Downey, Mr. W. J. Cook, and a number of others avho report an unusally good Fair. Ag exhibitor from Newmarket suffered a heavy loss Saturday morn- ing when a $3500 Jersey cow died. Robt. Duff & Son won the cup with their horses while Frank Veh brought home the blue ribbons on hf team. At Blackstock he received the red ribbon. The annual Rally Day Service was held here on Sunday afternoon when the program assigned by the Board of Christian Education of the United Church was carried out. Special numbers were given by the choir, Mrs. Dave Leury read the story, "Truly Brothers", Mrs. Hudgins gave a read- ing "What Can a Little Chap Do" and by supplementing it with local illus- trations she made it most helpful. The Supt. Mr, Simpkins, gave a very excellent talk on "Practical Hints for Church and Sunday School Workers" which received much comment. Mr, the way to serve his country. A gen- erous offering was received, Next Sunday's session will be at the usual Tour of 1.45. Mrs. T. R. Price and daughters, of Bowmanville, called on" friends here 'K. Moyer read the story "Ko-sen finds ' The Superintendent, Mr. J. 'N." Mark opened the school with devotional ex- - ercises, carrying out the program ac- cording to Rally Day Leaflets. Secrip- ture reading by Glenn Moase; Story, "Truly Brothers" by Glenn Wana- maker; Recitation "What Can a Little Chap Do' by Morley Bruce; Story, "Ko-sen Finds the Way to Serve His Country" by Miss Marion Eagleson; School Address, "Serving Jesus To-day" by Mr. Anderson, K. C., of Lindsay. This interesting address was very inspiring and greatly appre- ciated by all. "Mrs. A. Snyder, then favored with a delightful solo. The program throughout was greatly en- joyed. Mrs, R. Scott acted as pianiste, Service in the evening was in charge of the pastor, Rev. B. F. Green, who preached an inspiring sermon to a fine congregation. The choir render- ed nice service, Congregation was held last week when it wag decided to hold Thanksgiving services on Sunday Oct. 15th, and a Fowl Supper on Tuesday evening, October 17th. Please keep dates in view. Further announcements later. A meeting of the Young Peoples' Society wil be held on Tuesday even- ing of this week, when arrangements to carry on the League through the Winter months will take place at this meeting. A good itendance is re- quested. Mrs. W. Frise will be hostess for the - October = Women's Association meeting. The coming fowl supper will" be the main business topic, a good attendance of the ladies of the congre- gation is requested. A large number from the Community attended the Port Perry and Lindsay Fairs, Recent visitors with relatives:- Mr. and Mrs, Earl English and son; Mr. and Mrs. H. Bright and baby of To- ronto; Mrs. N. Wilkinson, of Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs, A. Dowson; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Elliott and family, of To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt; Mr. H. McKnight and son of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott and family; Miss Norma Urquhart, Uxbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. McMillan. Mrs, Walter Moase and Miss FE. Graham recent visitors of Uxbridge friends. Mrs. Gordon Cherrie and little daughter of Scugog,; visited with rela- tives last week. Mr. and Mrs, F. Harrison and Gord- on, Mrs, R. S. Long, Myrtle Station, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott on Sunday, Mrs. Long remaining for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Aubrey Moon and family of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Moon. Mrs. W. Bruce of Port Perry, visit- ing relatives for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. T. Atking of Toronto week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Watson and family of Creswell, spent Sunday with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wooldridge of Little Britain, visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wooldridge, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson and Mrs, W. Moase, visiting with friends at Markham, last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown of To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogers. Miss Marjorie Snyder of Toronto, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Snyder over the week end. (Continued from page 1) ri A meeting of the United Church ~. ol a - vw ps i » - oes Se. | | SS I Pd So I

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