And ~ eV. SE A SN es oe TOR a 2 a a - + a a ry Sy > iv : bs ¥. tas AN AAI 4 RP A) ~ . re i ity sl EI nail G5 a in AM hes lt FS 'Re-Writing at Page Four LOCAL ITEMS Miss Yarnold, of Toronto, was in town 'over the week end, visiting with friends. Mrs. Wickett has returned to Whit- by, .after 'spending some time with friends in town. St. John' s Presbyterian Church con- gregation will hold their anniversary tea on Tuesday, October 17. Reserve the date. Miss: Olive Wallace returned on Sun- day to Sherbourne House Club, To- ronto," after a three week's holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace. Dr. Harris; of Copper Cliff, is visit- ing with relatives in town. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Graham, at Purple Hill, Cartwright, on Sat- urday, September 23rd, 1933, the gift of a daughter--Joyce Marie. YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD The Young Women's Guild, in con- nection with St. John's Presbyterian Church, will hold their regular month- ly meeting at the home of Mrs. Robt. Murray, on Tuesday, October 3rd, at 3 pm. ~~, A meeting of the Scugog Chapter, I. 0: D. E. will be held on Monday, October 2nd, in the Chapter's rooms. AS this is the first meeting of the fall season it is hoped there will be a large attendance of members present. J. H STEPHENSON REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST - will be at Morrison's Drug Store the second and fourth Thursday of every month in the afternoons, GLASSES AT REASONABLE PRICES |, "On the Shops of Scugog." It has been decided to re- vise and reprint '"'On' the Shores of Scugog." This book has now been out of print for a number of years, and frequent requests have been made for it. In order that the record may be as accurate as possi- ble, we are asking the help of the people of this com- munity. Many of the older residents have copies of the early edition of the book and may have discovered some error in the work, or noted the omission of some impor- tant fact. The editor would greatly appreciate any infor- mation that will add to the value of the book. Such in- formation will, of course, be most valuable if sent in at once. Delay may make it too late to be of use in the re- vision. The intention is to bring this history of Port Perry and vieinity as nearly up-to- date as is suitable. Several new chapters are being added including one on Early Social Life, and another on The Development of Agriculture. Mention will be made of the part taken by our young men in the Great War; the building of the skating rink, the development of the water front, the erection of the post 'office, and other evi- dence of progress: in this community. Announcement will appear later as to the date of publi; cation. Sl ie A small boy went into a grocery store for a box of matches. Presently he returned, saying: : "Please, mother says these matches won't light.' : "Wono't light," cried the grocer. "Why, look here!" and he struck one on the rear of his trousers. - The boy took the matches away, but presently returned with them once more, ; "Please, sir, mother gays she hasn't time to come to you to 'have her matches scratched. | Wm. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Rev. D, A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Commuion $ pm ~--sunday School Rally. rrr Nl fire PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, October lst-- : : 11 a.m.--Communion Service. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m. <-- Sermon Theme: Idols" Prince 'Albert -- 3 p.m, -- Communion service, Monday, Oct. 2nd, 8 p.m.--Meeting of Official Board. Tuesday, at 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. Thursday, 7.30 p.m.--Prayer Service. "Four Dr. Limer KF. Willard Word was received in Port Perry on Sunday, September 24th, 1933, of the death in his blst year of Dr, Elmer F. Willard, at his home in~Toronto. Dr, Wilard, who was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Willards of Port Perry, has not been in the best of health for some year or more; but was apparently recovering his health, On Sunday, however, there was a sudden turn for the worse, and in a very short time he expired. Dr. Willard spent his boyhood and young manhood in Port Perry, one of a group of the young men who at- tended the High School under Mr. Mec- Bride some thirty years ago. He went to Toronto University and the Dental College, and obtained 'his de- grees and experience necessary for his work as a dentist. He has practised in Toronto with Dr. Sam Graham as partner, - Dr. Willard was Fidelity Lodge, AF. & A.M., Port Perry. © He is survived by his widow, his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Willard, of Port Perry; his brother, Mr. Harry Willard, of Port Perry, and his sister Mrs. R. J. Harper of Calgary. "Interment was made at Scarboro Lawn Cemetery on Tuesday, Sept. 26. I AL SL Ww. M. S. HOLD MEETING The W. M. S. of Port Perry United Church met in the S. S, room on Thursday, Sept. 7th, Mrs, S. Farmer presiding, : Mrs. Dix read the Scripture, and Mrs. Orchard the devotional leaflet on Priscilla. After the roll call id ré5dihi of the minutes of the last meeting, a business session was held. It was agreed that. Mrs. Hortop should help Mrs. Vance with the "Mis- sionary Monthly" distribution, in Mrs. Figary's place. ' A committee volunteered to help Miss Stovin with the Missionary bale. The annual Missionary banquet was decided upon, to be held in November. Plans were made for the Rally meet- ing to be held the first week in Oct, For this meeting a speaker is to be asked, and a program provided, also refreshments served. . A publicity committee of four was chosen to see that everyone should know ' of this meeting and make it a real Missionary Rally. Everybody welcome. Come, and bring your friends." « seiner eel -- = NE -- TIE ON GUESSING CONTEST The results of the guessing contest for the Marshall mattress, given away by A. L. McDermott, closed on Sat- urday night. The exact weight of the mattress was 63% pounds. Mrs. H. O. Dobson, of Manchester, and Mr, Walter Cook, of Port Perry, are the two who guessed the correct weight to the ounce, and will draw to decide who gets the mattress. There were many who came very close, some only one ounce out and of course there was also the extreme the other way, as some' were only 156 pounds out, + te Congratulations Mr. Geo. McMillan is receiving con- gratulation upon his success at the Peterboro and Lindsay Fairs. At both he captured Silver Cups for Best Road Team. He also took first prize in the classes at both Fairs, and first on his team at Sutton and Oshawa We add congratulations. So long. as the McMillans deal in horses they will know the best. They, have a fine re- putation in this line of business, Pe Patrons come early to the Strand Theatre, Uxbridge, on Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday, October 2, 8 and 4, to see the "Sign of the Cross."]. Greater than the "Ten Command- ments', in all talking feature at regu- Har prices. a member of The Gosp Hi Avera to YOU Sermonette by Rev. W. J. H. Smith Yes! there is such a gospel. And every community has several versions and:-many editions. of such. "Example is better than precept" says an old proverb, And example is a gospel sometimes noble and at other times spurious. (1) There is the gospel of the man who opposes the Church, Carried to its logical conclusion his gospel would close every church and abolish all preaching. Does such a man realize that life and property have the safe- guards which they now enjoy because of the influence of the Church's teach- ing? The sanctity of life and prop- erty is expressed in law, Law is the crystallization of public opinion. In the nurturing of the public mind on matters moral, the prime agencies are the Christian home and the Christian Church, No man who values home can consistently oppose the Church, The Church has been the greatest con- servation of the home. =~ Now then Mr. Anti-Churchman in the light of your gospel if made uni- versal how does "the Gospel according: to you", look? (2) There is the gospel of the man who is indifferent to the Church. He could not be induced to openly attack the Church. He does not oppose, he ignores the Church. In some respects ignoring is as bad or worse than op- posing. Dante in his great "comedy" did not know where to place the neutrals. They were not fit for bear- ers and even hell was not appropriate for men who did not make up their minds. So he placed them in the vestibule of -the inferno. Numerically speaking the man who ignores is the largest problem with which the Church has to deal. The practical outcome of this man's Gospel, if accepted universally, would- mean the ultimate 'destruction' of the, Church and détriment to the home and all noble agencies growing out of the best aspirations of men. Do you want this Mr. Indifferent? And after some earnest thought on this matter how looketh "the Gospel according to you?" (3) There is a Gospel according to the 'man who is sincere and loyal. He believes that the things of the Spirit are greater than the things of the senses. priceless .and eternal - achievement within the reach of man. So that he sets himself by example and precept. Such men are the Rock upon which Christ's Church is always built. Such men are the bulwarks of civilization at its best. These men are the salt of the earth saving it from corruption and the Light of the World pointing the way of good life to a world whose vision is blurred by selfishness and greed and lust. Given enough of this pe of men the ills of society can be cured. The problems that fret and curse life can be solved. Every man can have his chance in life. And the anti-social man will be so dealt with. as not to pollute the stream of good life. Mr. Churchman! sincere follower of the Man of Galilee, we salute you in the name of goodness and commend "the Gospel according to you!" * Hant said, act so that your act may become a universal maxim. This is the Philosopher's text for 'the Gospel according to you." Let all ask which would be pe result if our way of living were versally repeated? ph Mrs. Turner, Sask., visiting at the home of Mr, Geo. McMillan, on Sun- day. Mrs. Nettie McMillan, Lockport, N. Y,. visiting her sister Mrs. J. A, Leask, on Sunday. Mr. Walter Pheonix left on Tuesday of last tveek to attend Normal School in Toronto. The Young People's Society held a Banquet in the Church on Monday evening. : The Ladies' Aid was held on Tues- day afternoon. at the "home of Mrs. J. A. Lee. Mr, and Mrs. T. Sharp were in Woodstock the end of the week. Rev, Mr. Cook of Cannington will preach the Anniversary services, morning and evening on Thanksgiving Sunday. .: FOR SALE Hereford Bull, 16 months and feed- ing cattle. Apply to 'L. Tonilinson, |lot 8, con. 18, Reach Tp, Blackwater, + ALF. ANDRUS. | TEACHER OF VIOLIN] Pupils given Orchestral Training if desired. ' That character is the one' | Lawrence. Strand Theatre Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday ' © Sept. 27-28-30 TOM KEENE IN "GHOST VALLEY" and other special attractions Theatre CLOSED Friday on account of holidays 3 LOOK 1 LOOK ! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, ; October 2-3-4 Greatest all talking 'Bible picture of the year -- . "SIGN OF THE CROSS" Evehy member of the family should see this, it played for weeks in Toronto 'at $1.50 a seat Remember the dates, October 2-3-4 2 at regular prices Coming Soon:- "42nd Street" "Damaged Lives" "Air Hostess" and other specials.,.Watch for dates. Jungle Jottings Question--What caused the big up- roar over on the Island last Monday evening ? . Answer--Oh, the Presbyterian Y. 'P. S. were having a nice quiet little weiner roast. Q--Weiner, weiner, who had a weiner ? A.--Everyone, certainly; but the number eaten by our genial president, Grant Robertson, remaing shrouded in mystery. Q.--Of what did the evening's pro- gram consist? A.--Cross tag and French tag, in which (1) Miss Winnie Causley lost twelve pounds (2) Campbell McMaster showed an astonishing alacrity in chasing a certain young lady in red; winded; sing songs and rounds, which Mrs. Bentley after infinite pains, got started and then couldn't get stopped; all this interspersed with determined |" searches for the missing weiners, And right here we pause to remark, --it is too bad the Canadian records for the high jump were made before Mon- day's outing, for you Should have seen Miss Alice Stout go around that bonfire! Q.--How many burs are there in the "Gully"? A,--There WERE 96045; the search party in the paper chase unwillingly collected 96044 of them. , Q.--Who was the quietest member of the party? ~ A.--Mrs. A, P. MacFarlane, without a doubt. My, how that-girl can yell! Q.--Did all enjoy themselves? A.--Was ever a party dull with Mrs, Bentley present? Q.--Where can one make a closer acquaintance with the members of this Society ? A--FEvery Monday evening at 8 p.m. they meet in the basement of St. John's Presbyterian Church. You will be made very welcome at their gatherings. ree OEP GPP Y, P. S. OF UNITED CHURCH The opening meeting of the Young People's. Society of the United Church was held on Tuesday, September 26th. The following officers were elected: President--Mr. B. McDonald. Vice-President--Mr. R. Cornish. Secretary--Miss Dora Reesor. Asst. Sec'y--Miss M, Smallman. Treasurer--Mr., S. Beare. Pianiste--Miss R. Willard. Asst. Pianiste--Miss E. Reesor. A program committee was elected to take charge of the meetings and a Social. Committee to look after re- freshments at the social evenings, It was decided to hold the meetings on Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. EYESIGHT BPECIALIST + Author of Eyes in Modern Life Specializing exelusively in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Open Tuesda Thursday and Saturday pn Ki Disney Block "Opposite P.O. OSHAWA, ONT. 1516 -- Phone -- 1516. a paper chase, which left everyone|: FOR SORE FOOT COMFORT use Cress Corn Salve--Sold by A. M, RELIEF INCREASING. AT. Wy y od : 084 tain is vs on relief in Oshawa, an increase of 16 Zamilios in the two weeks, il Lawrence' s Store News standardized Cod Liver Oil colds, etc. young children. Phone 49 (You Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) CRESS CORN SALVE--A new preparation for painless! removing corns, Easily applied and positively:guarant OVALTINE_A 'tonic and food beverage for young and old. In three sizes EERE PPR RRR LT 67c., and $1.09 pt AYERSTS 10D COD LIVER OIL--A very high quality of D. Wonderful for building up the resistence against Particularly recommended for infants and 4 ounce size 69e. WAMPOLE'S ANTISEPTIC--A particularly good anti- septic for gargle, mouth-wash and general usé. economical as'it may be diluted two or three times. 4 ounce 26c. 8 ounce 40c., 16 ounce 75c. A. M. LAWRENCE THE REXALL STORE Price Oc. + which is fortified with vitamin 16 ounce size $1.69 Very Port Perry . MAN WITH CAR To take over profitable Watkins route in nearby locality. distributing necessities to established customers. Must be under 50 and satisfied with earnings of $22.60 a week at start. In your reply give age, type of car. Write J. R. Watkins Co., 940 Inspector St., Montreal, 1 Q8e, Dept. 0-P-5, i oct 6 ORCHARD Including Mann, Wolf River, Spies, McIntosh Reds, Russets and other Winter Apples. Apply to Rev, W. P, Brown, Port Perry. ie CANARIES FOR SALE Number: of Canaries for sale, hen birds and singers. Apply to Mrs: Geo. White Port Perry. 2 "HOUSE FOR RENT Frame 'house known as the Mrs. C, Rundle property. Apply to Wesley Boynton, Port Perry. GARAGE SPACE FOR: RENT - next to cement highway. 'Apply to C: Switzer, Port Perry. Oct12 FOR SALE- New Idea Washing Machine and .|Wringer. Apply at Star Office. . HOUSE FOR RENT. Seven room house for rent, centrally located. Apply to Mrs. Roy O'Neill: HOUSE FOR SALE Rough cast house, six rooms, cellar under whole house, good well. Cash sale. APPLES 15c. A BABKET AT THE | FOUND Two packet knives, owners may have same by identifying property and ipaying expenses. Aply at Star Office = ; "FOR SALE . 12 Yorkshire Pigs, 6 aveeks old. Apply to Garnet Wright, Nestleton R.R., Phone 196 r 7,-Port Perry. ELECTRIC STOVE FOR SALE Two burner and oven.: Good con- dition, # For sale cheap: Apply at Star Office. : Two rival commercial travellers were journeying to the same village to solicit trade from its only merchant. The village was off the main line, be- ing reached from a junction about a half mile distant. The only convey- ance to the vilage for travellers' sample trunks was a hand propelled cart. On arrival at the junction one of the travellers hustled out and hired the cart ahead of his rival. "Unable to: obtain any 'other means of conveying his' samples, the other traveller in .| desperation' prevailed upon 'the "local undertaker, who lived nearby, to con- vey his trungs to the village" in a hearse. On the way they passed the push cart and its attendarts, ' On ar- rival at the merchant's store the first traveller was surprised to meet his friend leaving the store with the in- formation that the order had been secured, © . "How did you get here ahead of me?" asked the disgruntled salesman. "Oh!" said the other, "1 passed you in a hearse on the road in. I was in- side with my samples," "You were, eh!" was the reply in a (Quotations. to Shippers) - | Creamery Solids, No- ge Seconds xr TPT | 3 * Churning Cream, F.0.B. Country Points--Special 20, No. 1, 18 No. - 2, 16 POULTRY A AND EGGS Poultry--(A) Grade--Alive - Spring Chickens ............9 to' 16 Broilers Carrie eR ere es 10 Fatted hens ..oi: ss seissras:6 t0°9 POTATOES-- . LIVE STOCK-- ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) Wheat craves ansrsranas0Fto 68 Oats =. el Sev iver ail8; 10 30 Barley . i as ty 4 Rye vans to 48° Buckwheat ,.......i. Sr ied0 t0.42 LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS ° Barristers, Solicitors, - ete. Money to Loan tit Now located 'in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, ~ Queen Street Fenty Phone 264, = Phone after hours: 8514 "Oshawa." 1 RY hon d H BE LEE DR. W.'S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical Oollegé and nity University, Toronto. an Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclinic, London, England, North East London. Post Graduate College . London, England, Royal Infirmary,' Glasgow. Office. and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, toon "The Creamery IS PAYING 19¢., 18c., and 16¢., FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor | and make more money by sending your cream to the ° Apply to E. M. Williams, | disgusted tone, "Well I'll be dd, and PORT PERRY CREAMER' | Prince Albert... Phone 266j. S28 [lifted m yhat, tool" A. GOODE 8 SON, Pro ey The Peoples' palatable, nutritious If you want it good, Meat Marker We sell everything you want in choice, clean, ~~ BERT MacGREGOR will do the rest. | and satisfying meats. ring up Phone 72 w With GOOD SERIVCE OFFERED Why not leave your baking worries with Gerrows? i Our aim is to PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE !! GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confeotloners, ; Port Parry. your choice. The Wahl Pen good pen. Kotex Deal Two packages Kotex and Port Perry Coupon Cards . oi Get yours now and secure that large size photograph of yourself ABSOLUTELY FREE. 'Scribblers and Notebooks : We have a very large assortment from which to make Either singly or in sets with the Wahl Pencil. Morrison's Drug Store ~ Phone 16 itis a y one of Kleenex for Tae. Ontarlo Ww. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON . Office Hours--9 a.m. to § p.m. Office over Nelson's: Store. [] ° Chiropractic D. E. STECKLEY, drugless practi- tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether- ington's practice in Port Perry, and is continuing in the same office. J Chiropractic =~ treatment, Eleetro- to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments. Consultation and examination free. Hours 9 to 11 am." on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays, op Eyes Examined 37 years experience, all styles "of frames (prices lower than the lowest quality considered). F. E. LUKE & SON. 'OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) : 1 vn -- HOME LOOKS GOOD AT 65 -- At 65 it is hard to go to work. The body /craves ease. Plan now to make your old age inde- ~ pendent with CANADIAN A | GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES Write or telephone for descrip- tive booklet to-day to your local HRA Postmaster. rik Eggs,. ..; i isliivsanaaldto 23 i' Old Roosters ..i...cevesvnssriisaib Ontario No. 1, 90 Ibs. ..90c. to $1.10 Bacon Hogs (F.0.B.).:..:.....$6,65 Fed Calves ............$5.00 to $7.60 COWS iv vernsseeses.s 91.60 to $2.60 Heifers .. ...........$L75 to $4.26 Steers ....oveveeeses. 9176 to $4.50 Sheep .....v..vv...0 8100 to $2.76° Lambs-................$4.60 to $5.76 Theropy and spécial attention given Arig 3i5