*. 2 7 jp Nflustestes were Mrs. Geo, i. EET a Five "COAL WOOD COKE "BLUE COAL" is cite mined in America. It is colored blue so as to be identified at a supply you with -- BRITISH COAL, HAMILTON COKE, HARD and Soft Wood, Cement, Lime, Lumber, Eto. £1 i cm YATRA glance. We can FRED E. Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 the best Anthra-. REESOR | == = [oon DON'T WORRY ABOUT Bl FIRE! Hands your property properly insured HAROLD W. at once EMMERSON Baar COAL COKE WOOD 'CEMENT - LIME - TILE When in need of any of the above give us a call. We have a full supply on hand to meet your needs. FAMOUS $ READING. ANTHRACITE--That Better. Petinsylvania SCOTCH GOAL, WELSH | COAL; STRAM COAL, CANNEL $e eo © HAMILTON BY:PRODUCT COKE, BODY HARDWOOD, HARD- ®%. . WOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. CEMENT--A fresh carload just arrived, - Also Fresh LIME and + PARISTONE, TILE. Your orders will receive our usual prompt and careful attention. PORT PERRY 'COAL YARD 'W. G. W. PYATT Phonés--94 W and 94J. 3 "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" : BUY NOW Made-to- Measire 'SUITS| 'and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are offering good values--860 different designs Worsteds, Grey in Tweeds, Fancy and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done W. T. Rodman MERCHANT TAILOR Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry CHICKEN PIE SUPPER AND CON- CERT AT SCUGOG CENTRE Supper will be served in the hall from 5 p.m. until all are served, This will be followed hy an entertainment given by Ralph Gordon, cartoonist and entertainer, with his funny drawings, musical monologues, humorous songs, . Ventriloquism, Impersonations, ete. Adults 8bc.; Children 16c. SCUGOG Rev, J. E, McKay, B.A, pastor of Dovercourt Road United Church will conduct Harvest Home Thank Offering " Services next Sunday, Oct. 1, at the Foot Church at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Special music is being prepared for the occasion. We hope to see a large attendance to hear Rev. Mr, McKay again, as he was very highly spoken of last fall, when he, was here. A chicken pie supper will be served in the Township Hall on Tuesday evening, starting at 6 p.m. After the supper, Mr. Ralph Gordon, of Toronto, will entertain you in the Centre Church, We are looking for to a specially good program. Supper and program for 3bc.--a bargain, Child- ren under 12 years 1Ec, The Women's Asociation held their Sept. meeting last Tuesday "at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Aldred. The Samells, rs. Beacock, Miss Reta Milner, Mrs. J. Aldred and Mrs. C. Samells, who has joined this group, A short pro- ~ gram was given, by Mrs. J. Demara reading the Scripture lesson, the Glat Psalm, Mrs. Geo. Samells gave a very choice reading of a diary of the Bible, «Mrs. Joblin gave a 'reading on the ambition of a young woman, but she found the most important was to help|. tees and workers for the "chicken pie supper. The meeting was dismissed by Mrs, Geo. Jackson. Then the call came to go to the dining room where the table looked very inviting with pink decorations and the usual fare of good things was served to about 60, which we enjoyed very much. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Collins, on the birth of another little son, on Sunday, Sept. 24th. An enthusiastic Rally Day Service of the three Sunday Schools was held in the Centre Church on Sunday. Chas. Samells, the Supt. of the Head Sunday School was the leader in-the respon- sive Scripture reading. The younger children of the Head Sunday School also sang a selection. Mr, Cecil Fra- lick read the 10th chapter of Luke, verses 26 to 37. Mr. Joblin gave the address--Serving Jesus To-day." It is always a pleasure to listen to Mr. Joblin, Then the younger pupils of the Foot gave an orchestra selection and a song. Mrs. Geo. Samells acted as organist. The roll call of each Sun- day School was taken and éach teacher with their class repeated a verse of Scripture, The attendance was about 1356. Let us rally to, Sunday School every Sunday and be ready for a bigger Rally next year, Don't forget the weiner roast at Stephenson's Point on Friday night of this week, Sept. 29, under the auspices of the Junior Institute. A cordial invitation is extended to all young pepple or 'those who feel young. Come and make it a success. There is no charge. Miss Myrtle Sweetman, of Toronto, vigited her parents a few days last week 'returning to Toronto Avith her brother Mr. and Mrs. A.- Sweetman H. Fralick returning home with them for a week. Miss Dorothy Graham visited with Mr, and Mrs. J, A. Sweetman over the week end. Mr. J. Burnham and Miss Tillie Lee visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Jones, at Brooklin, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, J, Johnston and Carrie, Mr. W. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs, J. Young and Isabel and Irvin Cranlin, of Mariposa, Mr. and Mrs. B, Savage and family, with friends, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Alex. Martyn, recently. . - Misses Ora and Eleanor Mawson, of Toronto, visited their friend Mrs. R. D. Burnham, a few days last week. A large number attended Lindsay Fair and had an enjoyable time, Mrs. R. Hood is visiting her sister Mrs, S. Ferguson at Cartwright, who we are sorry to hear is very ill. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. C, Heayn, John and Clara, Mr. and Mrs. A, Martyn and Harold, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. D. Hope. Mr. Geo. Jackson has purchased a new tractor for his farm work. Mr, and Mrs. F. Baxter and Burnice of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, R. Jackson. . We are sorry to hear of the illness of 'Mr, Luzerne. Sweetman. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Aileen Sweetman is "spending a few weeks in Toronto with her sisters. Miss Elva Elford, of Toronto, spent]. the week end with her parents at the parsonage. Mr, and 'Mrs, R. Reader and son Owen, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells, on Sunday. Miss Ila Reader and friend, of To- ronto, visited her. parents over the week end. | Township of Cartwright, "Miss Florence Wells, of Port Perr v, y was ~the week end guest of Mrs. Thomson. Miss Clara Miller, "of Toronto, oh been visiting her sister, Flora and other relatives here, resently. Cutting buckwheat and corn has been a busy time for the men and making pickles and canning tomatoes for the: women folk. OPP mre -- NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of William Hanna, deceased. All 'persons having claims against the Estate of William Hanna, of the deceased, who died on the 28th day of January, 1038, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before | the 14th day of October, 1933, full' particulars of their claims. Immediately after October 14th, 1033, the assets of the Testator will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Solicitors shall then have notice. Dated September 12th, 1933, HARRIS & HARRIS, Port Perry, Ont, Solicitors for William Hanna Sept. 28 Estate. ---- or NOTICE TO CREDITORS: in the Estate of George Cochrane, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of George Cochrane, of the Township of Darlington, deceased, who died on the 31st day of May, 1933, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 14th day of October, 1933, full par- ticulars of their claims. 1933, the assets of the Testator will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated September 12th, 1933. HARRIS & HARRIS, Port Perry, Ont, Sept. 28 Estate. Seagrave, Cont'd (Continued .on page 5) Mr. and Mrs, F. Grose of Toronto spent a holiday at the home of the later's parents, Mr, ®hd Mrs. W. Frise. Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Shunk, visiting relatives at Lindsay and took in thet: Fair while there. Mrs. O. Boe and two children have returned to their home at Bowmanville after an enjoyable holiday with rela- tives, 5 30 Friends of Messrs. J. Grantham, W, Stubbs and H. Gibson will be pleased to hear the boys &Fé enjoying their holiday in the West. An Object Lesson For some weeks a card has been hanging in the Star Office window, up- on which were attached two samples of wool fleece." One was badly spoiled by a number of burs. These bits of wool came from To- ronto Exhibition, They are part of a fleece secured by a wool buyer, who complains, not about the quality of the wool, which is good; but about the carelessness of allowing burs to grow, get into the wool of the sheep; and greatly reduce the market value of the wool, The cost of cleaning is too great to bother with such goods, if clean Tamadiately after Qatober the 14th, wool is available. 'Makers of FIVE ROSES Flour © ACOUNTY BAKING CHAMPIONSHIP 'Who's the best home baker in your County ? -Who's the best in 27 Ontario Counties ? pent rHoe the cooking your County. Try y making bread and cake with FLOUR, and help us find the champion bread and cake makers of 27 Ontario Counties! Hite is the plan! $1, 000. 00 WORTH OF PRIZES LOCAL PRIZE 'WINNERS The Five Roses Judge begins her tour on Oct. 31st next, and will judge, under the auspices . of various women's societies in a selected list of towns, Full Yecails and dates will be an. nounced later. Rules listed here must be followed. All local piize-winpers ae flowed to compete for the Champ onship Prizes next Feb. 27th, COUNTY PRIZE. WINNERS soon as the FIVE ROSES frei judge has fink on n each coun : ray two SILVER S18 rs one to 4 the best bread-maker in County, and one to the JUDGING will take place in 43 towns in the following Ontario counties: BRANT NORFOLK BRUCE NORTHUMBERLAND DUFFERIN ONTARIO DURHAM OXFORD ELGIN -PARRY SOUND ESSEX PERTH GREY PETERBOROUGH * HASTINGS PRINCE EDWARD JURON SIMCOE VICTORIA LAMBTON WATERLOO LINCOLN WELLAND MIDDLESEX ~~ WELLINGTON MUSKOKA « ° Watch local and farm papers for - anmouncement of the nearest judg- in fog to your home, and of the te, ~ FIVE ROSES FLOUR and baby, on Sunday. wl 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fralicl everyone she could and serve God. A short session of arranging commit. and Douglas, of Toronto, iss: father Mr. H. Fralick, on gun i i SEE announce October 31st, in sion, in 27 Ont reputation of our hand at FIVE ROSES Beginning on CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES The Champion Bread-Maker and the Champlon Cake-Maker of the final con- testy each get ASTERLING SILVER TEASET and A CHEQUE for $501 The Bread-Maker and Cake-Maker in second place, in the final contest, each get A STERLING SILVER BOWL and A CHEQUE for $251 . "RULES 1. Codtegrants must reside in one of the , 'counties listed above. z 2. Entries be made with FIVE ROSES FLOUR, Each contestant may eater both bread and cake in the contest or only one . . . white bread, or a plain layér cake. 3. Entfies must be brought for Judging to any one the centtes:) - contestant's amy, and must be accompanied sroger s 8 's sale slip ng pur ase Roses Flour, as a guarantee Ly this flour bas been used. i fication of the places. and dates t judging will be given later. BEG PRACTISING NOW! Milled by LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING COMPANY, Limited / ¢es at "Toronto, Ottawa, London, Hamilton, Brantford, Sudbury, Sault Ste, Marie, Ont.; and Montreal, P.Q. made with FIVE ROSES FLOUR will be judged. Then, on March 1st, in Guelph, will take place the final judging that will decide the CHAMPIONS, The RED & F. W. Brock & -- WHITE Store 5 Solicitors for George Cochrane f*= MINCEMEAT, Gold Medal' 2 Ibs for 29c. RED SALMON, 1 1b tin 19. PASTRY FLOUR; R. & W. 24 Ibs. for 59c. PUMPKIN, large tin, 2 for 23c. NEW CHEESE ....Per Ib 15c. BLACK TEA, Ib 33c. and 39c. GROCERIES ETC. i_% COOKING ONIONS-- No. 1, 10 Ibs for 25c. "No 2, 10 Ibs for 19¢. WONDERFUL SOAP, 8 for 25c. MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS, 2 Ibs for 27c. BULK COFFEE, ....... Ib 29¢. FALCON COFFEE Ib 39c. Dining Rooms, ete. The seconds Size 9x6 .............. Size 9 x 1014 Size 9 x 12 Size 12 x 12 Size 12 x 15 See tee ee Ses tees WINDOW SHADES, White or Cream, 36 inches by 72 inches Green, 36 inches by 72 inches .. Combination Colors, oil finish Oil Finished Shades, White, Cream, Green Paper Window Shades, Cream or Green Size 9 x TVa. ov vinnn. DE EE EE A SE DEER EE SR RR DRYGOODS DEPARTMENT HOUSEHOLD REQUIREMEN Is Seconds and Perfects Linoleum Rugs make a hard, long wearing surface for kitchens, have some small mis-prints but the wearing qualities are unhurt. PRINTED LINOLEUM, in 4 and 3 vard widths per sq. yard 75c. PRINTED OILCLOTH Seconds Perfect $4.95 $6.46 + + 5.95 6.75 . 8.60 9.25 9.95 10.75 11.50 15.00 18.00 ERIE Per square yard, 45c. (Slightly imperfect) A Ep Each 59c. Each G5c. pdm erly WEE Le Each 98c. PTY A Each 75¢. TITY «v......Each 18c. F. W. BROCK & SON 43 different towns in succes- io Counties, bread and cake CHAMPIONS Then, when judging has . been completed in all the counties listed, a final com- 'petition will be held to ind the CHAMPIONS of the whole area. Every local prize-winner will be eligible to try. for Grinding of all EMBURY & SPENCER 'SPECIALIZE IN FIRESTONE TIRES Gas, Oil, Repairs on all makes of Cars yp=pMcCrea Plow Points Kinds of Feed LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED EMBURY & SPENCER Phone 108 r 22. Greenbank, Ont. the final CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES, on February 27th, 1934. Fach will be told later exactly what to do. Judging of this final con- test will be done with the _ assistance of the Home Bconomics Department, MacDonald Institute, Guelph, Ont. on March 1st, | RADIO is Exjper'tly and Promptly done at Reasonable Prices JOHN FARMER Phones 85 & 50, Port Perry Y 54 COUNTY PRIZES -- silver cake and sandwich plates in different designs -- one to the best bread-maker and one to the best cake-maker in each county! vy 344 LOCAL PRIZES Eight prizes hi be given in every' cere fy wh wh ich Judging sal takes place -- four to the read-makers and four to the best cake-makers! accident on Sunday, Mrs. S. J. Sharp, 3 Lonsdale Road, wife of the founder of Sharp's Travel Service, died last night the Private Pavillion of To- ronto General Hospital. MRS S. J. SHARP DIES AFTER MOTOR - CRASH Wife of Travel Service Head had Broken Back. Her back broken in an autombile Mrs. Sharp was riding in a car driven by her husband near Hampton, Ont, and in some manner, the car left the road and plunged into a deep ditch. The | injured woman was dragged from the car. unconscious and brought to To- ronto by ambulance. "Mrs. Sharp was born in Port Perry, 71 years ago, she had been a resident of Toronto for more than 50 years, and was an active member of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. - Surviving are her husband, a daughter, Mrs. R. I. Vanstone, of Brantford; a TR Harold Sharp; a sister Mrs. C. Bender, Toronto, and a brother, Joti W. Platten, New York. [ARAL BAL Printing of all kinds well and cheaply done at the STAR OFLC, ed -- ST on 2, To SI Te v og Gf ri ------ 2 --r tL A - a ol Sk