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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Sep 1933, p. 7

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nod SE RS i Sader hited = poi vin bis napkin and left the "=" do. The power of suggestion works in 8 el Be 3 4 Es ee WR total number of new © go away again, + his mind was determinedly seeking the "of suggestion from Aunt Fran and it . simple words. : Sales of Motor Vehicles © - a retail value of $5,045,231, as 'com- "Dick, do eat your lunch." : "I'm not hungry." "When your mother cames home she will ind you all skin and bones, then she will think I've starved you." Dick regarded his aunt for an in- stant. She did not kpow it, but in- stantly his young head had done some quick caleulating, - Something like this, *It would be very interesting if mother came "home and found me pale and thin and sick looking, What a lot of attention and fussing 1'd get then." ble without changing expression as ildren do--Sphinx faces they some- limes lLave--and his péor aunt never guessed that she had definitely started something- that was to last through her stay. z = Even Dick didn't know in so many words himself what he had decided to riddles. But his mind had a plan drawn that would keep him occupied day and night from now on, "Dick! Dick! Where are you? Get Harold and do an errand for me, will you? Ob, there you are. It's only down to the store. What's the mat- ter? Swing sick?" : "I guess not, I'll go. I don't just - feel very well, that's all," Dick got up oft the swing like-an old, old man and reached listlessly for the money. "Heavens, Dick, it you take sick now your mother will never forgive me." Child's Mind Works Dick looked dismally at the petu- nias, although this was all cheering s»news, He likes his Aunt Frances well enough but he wasn't crazy about this idea of his mother and father going 'off on a vacation and leaving him at home with her. : "Aunt Fran, maybe a little ice-cream would cool me off and make me feel better," : f \Yes, do get some. Here's some -more money. You didn't eat your Jdunch and I can't have you starving." Dick walked slowly over toward Harold's, but when he got out of sight he ran. : h Now what followed may seem to be far beyond the ken of a child of nine, but that is just because we don't guess how children's minds often work. ~~ Moreover, please remember that Dick did not deliberately do this--but means to an end. It had the impetus was carrying on as hard as it could go. *"aDick knew that iced drinks, gulped down, pickles and chocolate ice-cream bad once made him sick. And now he got all three and ate them, ER He was slek. Doctor Wylie was called. Mother got a létter that Dick "hadn't been well" but was all right now, x ; She shortened her visit by three days and came home. Dick was per- fectly all right but he didn't smile when she came in. He adopted the role of dying cat-fish and lay all over the place. 1.3 "My darling!" His mother held his head to her breast. 'I'll never, never Fran, what did you do?" ; : Poor Fran had done nothing but sug- gest an interesting experiment by six There is a sermon in this story. The power of mental suggestion is terrific. It never does to dramatize a child's condition or state of mind to him, It leads to things. ; -------- 5 Richest Farm Manure Poultry manure is undoubtedly the richest produced on the farm.. Poul- try manure, however, ferments very quickly, losing, it left exposed, a large "proportion of its nitrogen as ammonia. This fact, the Dominion Chemist points out, emphasizes the desirability of cleaning off the boards beneath the roosts, a plan that also conduces to the general good health and thrift of the fowl. In summer, the manure, pre- ously mixed with loam to destroy "stickiness and facilitate distribution, may be applied directly to the land and worked with the surface soil--its best preservative. In winter (and at other seasons when the manure cannot be used directly) it should be mixed with a fair proportion of loam, dried peat, muck sawdust, together with a little land plaster or superphosphate to fix the nitrogen. It should then be packed tightly in barrels or boxes and stored protected from rain until required in the spring, Lime and wood ashes should not be used for this purpose as they zet free nitrogen, Poultry manire being essentially nitrogenous is par- ticularly valuable for garden and leaty crops generally, and the majority of poultry keepers will no doubt do well to reserve it'for this use. However, if the amount available permits, it can| be profitably employed for the cereals, nin roots and wr en - - Ava "Show Increase in July passenger. cars, truck and buses sold in"Canada in July last ws 5,140 with | pared. with 4,017, valued at $3,729, 211 in the corres ng month of 1932, says a report issu and boses 562,686, ns againat $467, #56 in the same month of last year, [COULD NOT DRESS 3 a report issued by the Do-| - nvinion" Bureau of Statistics, \. New passenger cars sold totalled |. 4,569, valued at $4,492,645 in July| bast, as against 3,473, valued at $3.-| 261, 766; in July, 1032, and the trucks} HERSELF Neuritis in Left Arm "For neuritis I am using Kruschen Salts," writes a woman of 60 years, "And they are a real benefit, for I could not dress myself sometimes, my left arm was so painful, I take Krus- chen every morning, and the pain has now gone. 1 was recommended by my doctor to take salts of some kind that suited me, and I find Kruschen is the best. In faet it is wonderful. I feel ever so much better, and I shall always take it. .1 am 60 years of age, and have not felt so well for years,"--K. P. The pains of neuritis and sciatica are a symptom of deeper trouble--the same trouble that causes rheumatism, gout and lumbago, They are a sign of an impure blood-stream, They show |. that poisons have crept into the blood. Kruschen is a combination of six natural salts, whic ensure intc nal cleanliness and keep the blood-stream pure. New and refreshed blood is sent coursing to every fibre of your being. Then, neuritis, sciatica and kindred ils all pass you by. aluable Hints To Dog Lovers An Expert Advises on the ABC's of Training Your Dog in Reader's Digest In- training a dog, it Is important above all to win his confidence and perfect obedience, From the start niake him rely on you and you alone, for everything, Later, when his character is formed, there will be plenty of time fof him to become a family dog. But' during the first months of education there must be nobody in the world for him but hig own master or mistress, Secondly, teach only one thing at a time, and don't begin any new in- structions until he has grasped each of the former ones go thoroughly that they are part of his nature. ~A dog more than two years old Ig more easily taught than the average puppy because he is more capable of understanding what you wish him to do. Many an intelligent dog is spoil- ed by too insistent efforts to correct minor faults in the early stages of his training. Hig spirit is broken before' he has an opportunity to learn. things worth while. - One of the first lessons he must learn is to come when called. To inculcate the idea of instant obedi- ence in this walt until the dog is especially hungry and then put on him a retainfng collar with little spikes on the inside, not sharp en- ough to harm the. dog but to give 'him a little discomfort when the leash is taut. Mister Dog is allow- ed to roam -at the end of perhaps 100 feet of strong cord or rope. The owner whistles or calls, at the same time pulling sharply on the long leash. = When the dog arrives, he should be petted and offered food, After a few trials, the dog obeys promptly without the spiked collar or other incentive. " This forming of associations may be put to many practical uses. I had friends whose dog wonld growl and show his teeth at their little boy. They let the boy feed him exclusive. ly for a few days, giving the 'ani- mal. no chance to get food elsewhere; At the end of a week the dog re- garded the boy ag his best friend. When about six months old a dog usually feels so friendly toward the world that he may follow anybody who stops to pat him. To break a dog of this habit I once hir.d a man to entice him away from home, and when about a block away to hit the dog in the face with hig glove. The next day the dog followed an- other man. This man hit him with a small switch, Thenceforth the dog didn't trust anybody who tried to coax him into following. A folded up newspaper makes the finest 'of all agents for correction. It ig perfectly harmless, yet the sud- den. report accompanying its sharp slap against hip or sides will scare a puppy every time, and will put more real fear into him than will a severe beating by other means. Common belief is that a dog may be cured of killing chickens by tying a «dead chicken around his neck, The trouble with this is that {he dog probably has no ,especial objection to a dead chicken, He might even regard it as a decoration of honor. -- OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 23--Vessel (abbr,) 24--Frets 35--Mound 36--Watch charm 1--Famous traveller 2--To lengthen 10---Quartzes 11--Word of sorrow PR Be 1] 10 [IT 13 4 3 (alg : 3 T 3 « ' ' [az (x) 46 Ci 52 fF 56 57 | N Horizontal 37--To pursue 16--Heap . 1--To assail with 38--Large evening party 17--To shed missiles 40--Tribe 20--Too 5 5--Hawaliian dish 41--Note of scale 22--Article 8--South American 43--To exist 25--Flower rodent hy 44--Country of Asia 26--Sor. ful 12--Mixture 45--Pronoun 27--To- harvest 13--~Away 47--Part of play 28--Vessel 14--Sea of Russia 49--Praises 29--To cut 15--Fortune b1--Jutting rock 31--Before 16--To pucker 62--Sin : 33--Poker pool 18--Greek letter b6--Demi god 34--False 19--Forward b6--Poetic: always 36--Burnable substances 20--Manners b7--Insects ) 37--Rank '21--Chinese general Vertical 39--Siberian rive. 40--Fruit beverage 41--Narrow board 26--To scorch 8--Alight 42--Land measure 28--O0ut of date 4---Preposition 44--Certain 29--Club ~ * 6--Rains heavily 45--Open for debate 30--Caustic substance 6--Pronoun 46-- eagles 32--Man's name 7--Possessive pronoun 48--Salilor 33--Seed container 8--Parent 50--'To mature 34--Fortune teller 9--Land Measure 61--Metal b3--Negative } 64--Symbol of samarium The only way to cure him of killing chickeng is to build up in his mind the notion that it works to his own immediate disadvantage, Ohe method: is to turn bim loose among chickens but tied with a plece of twine 50 feet long, and every time he chases a chicken bring him to a sharp halt with this leash, } Another 'method is to use a sling shot--an instrument too much neg- lected in e n ghould be a stout one, and ammuni- tion should be eight ovr ten pellets of number-six shot, . They sting but do no-injuré, The usual procedure when a dog is discovered in wrong- doing js first yell at the dog; then get hold of him; then punish him But often he is captured so long "after the crime that you are a bit uneasy as to whether he Is making the proper connections in his own mind. But suppose that just as he is- lcking his chops over a stolex chicken, he {is stung to yelping by a half-dozen number-sixee, The con- viction that man can punish even at a distance fs most , pe1suasive,, 1t your dog gets into a_flight and you can't step him. in any other way, roll up a newspaner into a long torch, light it aad pass it undurneath the dog's jaws. 1 have stopped some of the most viclous dog fights just that way without injury to the dogs themselves, , . To break a dog of running out to bark at or chase passing cars, fill a ter and ammonia, and have a friend drive past in his car and spray the dog in his face as he runs out to giuap at the machine, A couple of gach experiences are sufficient lo effect a permanent cura. - A training colltr with a long chec cord Is also most effective in break- ing this habit, Put the collar on the dog, cail the check cord up with the end tied to a post in the ground near where the automobiles pass, Hold the dog up close and when an auto. mobile "passes let him go. He will race after the car until he reaches the end of the chain, when he will promptly be yanked over on his back. About three doses of that will cure the worst automobile-chasing dog without breaking his spirit, - : A young dog's hablt of tearing up pillows, shoes and halts is best cured by sprinkling a little red pepper on the objects' to be protected. A few good sneezes and he will let forbid- den things alone forever, A dog's natural desire Is to show ro x] NX We are now advil ~ Trial subscri 1 MINING rion atoning BERVIOE, 1 n payment. of 1 enclose 00 In payment o Bend me telegrams on Special {Mark which service you d k 'to treat all your 1 ADDRESS .ivviivviis ormation "MINING INFORMATION SERVICE" ACME GAS AT 18¢ : THEY WERE ADVISED TO SELL AT 30c McVITTIE-GRAHAM RECOMMENDED AT 70c NOW SELLING AROUND 0c g the purchase of change which are already moving up, and we confidently prediet large pro- fits to those who get in before the good news is made. public, Mining Information Service Is now definitely established as one of Can- 'ada's outstanding reporting and statistical services. have realized large and consistent profits, and we_ invite while OUR* Sr=cIAL OFFER OF 1 MONTH'S TRIAL 18 érg also receive seml-weekly Bulletins" of the Industrial Information Service, which covers all New York Market. Sn BS -- Sw Ra Sot Gy S---- S---- w---- -- | month's subboription, 6 months' subs eription, 1588 0 BARING SwoRATION shinyicn. Infor 1. ire.) 'in confi BRE kal 2 I Ea ra ewe ves I RT errr two stocks on the Standard Ex Our subscribers ou_ to enroll TILL OPEN. treet, Toronto, Ont. Telegrams not wanted. i to be sent collect.) ence. EERE . pr garden syringe with a mixture of wa® Answers to Last Week Puzzle P| E| 8 S| Nj 0] 0] P SIA|T {AM Al ITIAIR{R|Y] [E[W|E sll c[ cl o| REA BIR Al c|E[D IRI Al C|B E|R R| O] S| YPA I|S|M A|lI|D|E E|R} A A|S|S|E|M|B|L|E|D All E|R|S GIAlY MIE RI E[ 7 1] c[u| L[A[RIE Pu] x SILI Dl slo PB s| [rs -- | BIL T{H|O|U| H| O} R| R| O]| R O|R|E|A|D|S AVE Tal rlaDile] [clu] u[alp] [s[alr[els] o[rlE hig affection by jumping up on you. How should he know the iniquity of muddy paws? If you thoughtlessly repulse his whole uprush of. affection by hitting him over the head you may teach him to cringe rather than mere- ly to forbear. It is better to hold his forepaws in your hands, at the same time stepping not too harshly on his hind paws. Then, dropping him: to all fours, spare a mom-~2nt to pat and make much of him at his own level, To teach a dog to follow at your heels use a leash with a choke col lar, keeping the dog directly behind you and dragging him along, glving him a rest once in awhile and a lit- tle 'encouragement, up quickly with the check, give the word "to heel" and pull him around where he belongs. Continue this lesson indefinitely until heris pro- ficient, Don't let him "get away with it" ever, . In fact, in all training never give commandg that yoy are not in a posi- tion to enforce. If you have told the dog to "lle down," see that he does it if it takes all of that lesson and all of the next, Here's where you may lose your' temper. Don't; be. cause It is a general rule thal the barder it is to teach a dog anything the longer it will take him to un- learn it. Incidentally, the best times to give a dog a lesson are the first thing in the morning and again late at night. The night lesson is the most important of the two because what a dog learns at night.he is apt to wake up wit. in the morning. The fundamental thing to remem- ber in, the dog's training is that, as a result of his very position in the cosmos, he wants to do what you desire. When"his actions runs as it seems to you, perversely the chances are many to one that it is merely because you have not made him un- derstand. Punishment is useful, but should be inflicted only with the one end clearly in view of conveying to his intelligence your idea in such form that he can grasp it, And punishment must be inflicted the mo- ment an offense is committed, Other- wise the dog will He cowed and will learn nothing from it other than that you are unjust, . iP 3 During the year ended June 30, 1932, the Inspectors of the Domin. fon Seed Branch under 'the Fertill- zers Act found on the market somé 833 different branchs of registered fertilizer, and 1,085 official samples were taken and analysed. Shipments of live stock from West. ern to Eastern Canada for the first thirty-one weeks of 1933 totalled 33; 946° as against 23,191 head in the corresponding period of last year. If he runs tof. | one side or ahead of you snap him Loo a oo a oo oS @ Why Dad's Nose Is Red Two foreign-looking girls, evidently domestics, were discussing their em- ployers, 'The missus is fine," sald one, "but her busband is very cross." "He Is?" "Yeah. But I get even with him, Every time he scolds me, I put starch in his handkerchiefs." And Mamma Was So Pleased "You must be pretty strong," said Willie, aged six, to the pretty young widow 'who had come to call on mother, "Strong? 807" "Daddy said you can wrap any man in town around your little finger." What makes you think Massacre of the Innocents A little girl, on seeing sawdust sprinkled' on the floor of a meat store, remarked to her mother: "Mummy, the man must have broken a lot of dolls!" ' Boys are waiting until after Hal- lowe'en before starting to wear the halos which they will have--more or less--until after Christmas, Man--"Quick, Dqc, fainted!" : lp Doctor--"What's the trouble?" Man--*"She showed me her new hat and the bill at the same time, and 1 didn't say a word." It may be possible to write a sens- ible love letter, but it would not be satisfying to tL: recipient, I'd rather be a has-been ) Than a might-have-been, by far, For a might-have-been has never been: But the has-been was an are, : Friendship that is merely an inter- mittent fever of fervor is not real friendship. Nor wind, nor tide, nor prosperity, nor adversity, nor joy, nor sOrrow, nor any material consideration sways or alters genuine -friendship, than which there is nothing nobler on earth, my wife has Woman--*""Before we were married you told me I would never want for anything." ) Her Husband--*"That shows how it. tle I knew of you then." Removing the teeth will cure some things, Ineipding the foolish belief that it will curé everything, Woman--"Nora, did you sweep be- bind that door?" y The Mald--"Yes, mum. everything behind that door, I sweeps Obnoxious Annie opines: "A boy re covering from a heartache is like the intoxicated person nurging a headache --he swears never again till the next time." Judge--""You say that your husband doesn't bu you any clothes?" Woman--~"No, Judge, If my tongue Py § SHOES 2+ Q RESOLED | Fully Guaranteed, Pays 'Agents up to §15 a day. vé-a-Bole, made In Can- Ada, spreads like butter In a minnte<-drles hard Mand smooth over night. A. real hard time seller. Bhoo ~ soles' need never swear out, Send 39c¢c for "full-size kit, free mample and agency proposition, #ON0 WORKS, Mermant Bldg., Toronto his | were coated it would have to be at my own expense," Joybell--"I've no use for that fellow Robert Cunn'igham." ~ Doroth--""Oh -- whats the matter with him?" _ Joybell--"He's the ort of chap that pats you on the back before your face and hits you in the eye behind your back." i Ever Try Cobbler's Wax.. Actor--"Yes, my friends, usually my audiences are glued to their seats." Friend--"What a quaint way of keeping them there!" Girl--"I can never be yours. I will return your presents.' Her Sweetie--"All right, but who's going to return those cigars I bought your father and the dimes I gave your little brother?" Most men confide their business troubles to .their wives, especially when the latter want to buy something. Tramp--*"Mister, give me a quater for a meal. I'm hungrier than a bear." Rich Dyspeptic -- "I'l $6,000 for your appetite, my man." SI 3 Jasper -- "Tommy Heitman gets along with his wife very well." Casper--"Why shouldn't he? His dad owns a millinery store." Quite often the mother-in-law 1s blamed when what is wrong is a poor son-in-law, --p------e September - Hall, month of early frost and short- ened days, Thou magic artist, who doth night by night With subtle brush .the maples all bedight Scarlet and gold; whose every hour displays Some new enchantment! - E'en while it dismays That all so soon the beauty must take flight, Now on the lambent air comes the delight . . Of autumn odours, and my loss allays, Though even now confer the migrant birds, And on the fields are stooks of gold- en grain, id Waiting the coming of the farmer's .wain, That tell of summer's going plain as words, Still do I know that this is not the end, And in my purse some beauty have to spend, . --George Frederick Clarke in "St, John and Other Poems." & Bishop Allows Women To Go Hatless to Church London.--Women may go to church without a hat, and you have the auth- ority of no less than a bishop for that. This is in the diocese of Ipswich, any- way. Rt. Rev. Dr. Walter G. Whitting- ham, Bishop of St. Edmunsbury and Ipswich, writes in his September let- ter to the diocese: "I have remarked oracular reproofs of certain clergy church, and have even noted a church where certain diminutive kerchiefs were provided at the porch that wo- men might put them on be¢fore they entered. : "I conclude the provision wis made on the supposition that Saint Paul's prohibition applies. St. Paul never dreamed of saying that women were not to appear in church without a hat. He had no knowledge of hats, What he said was they were not to appear in Christian astemblies wun- veiled, and that is a different matter. Women in England do not come to church veiled." One herring a day Is said to be suf- ficient to supply al Ithe protein'a man needs, give--you- from time to time on hatless girls in] RS ai) inate Classified Advertising PATENTS. N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Com- pany, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa," Canada. LIQUOR HABIT, 4QPHOIAL OFFER -- GUARANTEED +.) Rapid Liquor Home 'Treatmert for FIVE DOLLARS. Establ"shed quarter THYLA PRO..UCTS. D ELICIOUS THYLA "Nerves improved, bowels moving, sleep excellent," writes 76-years-old Mrs. I"redrikson, 6413 Bourbonniere St., Mon: back guarantee. 12 cakes 4c. THYLA PRODUCTS, Department 2 Box 2914, Montreal. . CANVASSERS WANTED. REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR RE- FINED women over 30 who want to make money; to demonstrate new iy ps of foundation garment; demand blgges In years; every woman a prospect; we train you. Apply Box 176, Wilson Pub. Co., 13 Adelaide West, Toronto. ima Sel Draws the Line When Robber . Demands Kiss' --Chicago.--It was all right when 8 robber took Miss Gladys Raymond's purse at the point of a pistol, And she-never objected when he re moved a $250 diamond ring from let finger. But when the same armed gunman asked for a kiss, she slapped him dow.' Lilac Tree From Quebec Makes Record in V/est Morris, Man.--A lilac tree, brouzht from Quyon, Que. 40 years ago, hag established a new record here. For 49 years it has blossomed consistently each Spring but this Fall hlooms ap- pear on it. ot EASILY EARNED 3% No capital required! Bell cur new, sriking, . Mine of pervonal Chelstmas cards a $1 00 per doen to your friends. Beautiful sample album supplied FREE containing folders, parchmients, B embossed and printed devigna. Stent NOW and oy sign up your fiends early. We pay BIG MONEY and bonus each year 10 sgpremive men and woman A o Regal Suuticaery Co, 13 Aditaide St W., Toierta ' FARM TRACTORS ww) See our stock of New and Used Tae tors; special price on overhauled a. chines, with or without fenders Woiite or phone Truck and Tractor Equipment Co, Melrose 5701. 670 Bloor Street West, Torcento. Gas In The Stomach Gas in the stomach. belching, sour water brash, pain after eating, ote, can be overcome within three minutes if you will take a little Bisurated Magnesia in water after you eat: The ordinary Ri- surated Magnesia which yon can get at any drug store will correct acid indiges- tion immediately. Try it and see. NERVOUS WOMEN Take Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "I am so nervous it seems as though ¥ should fly"! . .. "My nerves are all on edge" + + « "I wish I were dead" ... how often have we heard these expres« slons from some woman who has become so tired and run-down that her nerves can no longer stand the strain, No woman should allow herself to drift into this condition if she LAr) help herself, She should give Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound n trial, For nearly sixty years women have taken this wonderful tonlc to glve them renewed strength and vigor, 98 out of évety 100 women who report . to us say that they are benefited by this medicine. Buy a bottle from your drugs gist today . « « and watch the results, - " YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile --No Calomel needed When you feel blue, depromesd world, that's your liver hic ur oy th daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels, Di n and Mimipation | are being slowed I Ltd., Ye heeds ie dlmuant 's Lith 2 Tore. Auk rR ge don 350 a4 All Gr gis, X \ ISSUE. No. 58--'33 YEAST--- treal. "KEEPS INDEFINITELY." Money'

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