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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Oct 1933, p. 8

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Page Right ray A . 51% TA . _-- ------ BLACKSTOCK (continued from page 0) a reading "Ihe Ongin of 'I'hanks- giving", Miss Mabel VanCamp, a read- mg, '"Lhings to be Thankful For" and Mrs. Gordon Strong a piano solo, 'the members of the Victorian W. 1, held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Stanford Swain and had as their guests the members of the Nestleton Branch, After the opening exercises the necessary business was dispensed with and the remainder of the afternoon devoted to the following program by Nestleton 'members and - a social time during which a contest was held and lunch served by the members of the V. W. I. Program-- instrumental by Miss Clafa Porteous, a reading by Mrs. P. Philp, "In a Shoe Store"; a reading by Mrs, M, Emmerson, "Our Bill"; a reading by Mrs, O, kdwards, "Neighbours"; an instrumental by Miss Clara Porteous, a recitation by Mrs, Geo. Nesbitt, "A Story of Pioneer Days." Mr. Henry Thompson and sister Ethel, Mr, F. W. Bowen, M.P.P.,, and Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Rendham, Ottawa, Mr. Jas. Wilson and niece Gwen, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Hooey. Messrs, Roy and Burney Hooey with their uncles Messrs. Jas. and Cecil Wilson and .Herman Samells motored to Elmvale Fair calling on friends in Barrie, Midland and Wasaga Beach. They also visited the Martyns' Shrine near Midland, and thought it was one of the most wonderful sights they had seen. On Thursday, Sept. 21st, there passed away at his late residence at Blackstock, a life long and highly re- spected citizen of the Township of Cartwright in the person of Mr. Robt. Parr. For the past five years he had been in failing health and for three months previous to his death was ¢on- fined to bed. Deceased was born in Cartwright 'on May 3rd, 1862, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Parr, In 1886 he married Miss Annie Lati- 'mer and they spent all their married life on their farm in Cadmus until 12 years ago when they left the farm to their son Clarence and moved to Black- stock. "The late Mr. Parr was of a quiet, * unassuming disposition and his chief interest centred in his home and his church of which he was a confirmed member and a warden for a number of years. For over twemky years he was a Director of the Cartwright Agri- cultural Society. On Sunday, Sept. 24th, the fumeral service was held at St. John's Church, following a short service at the house, and was conducted by the rector Dr. C. E. Whittaker. were: Messrs. John McLaughlin, S S. Jeffrey, Jas. Mahood, Levi McGill, Wallace Marlow, Norman McNally. The church was more than filled with relatives and friends who camé to pay their last respect to the departed, testifying to the love and esteem in which -he was held as did also the beautiful floral offerings which were tributes from Mrs. M. Weldon, Mrs. Fanny Lummis, Mrs, Huggins, Mrs. Noble, Miss Laird, Buckley and For- rester, Mrs. Russell Spinks, Mrs, E. Darcy, Miss Emma Henders, Mrs. Cook, Miss Birdie Fallis, Mr. and Mrs. G. Campbell, Mr. Harry Muproe, Mr. So NEVER HAVE MUCH TROUBLE FINDING SOME- BODY TO WNOUK THE. | CHIP OFF YOUR SHOULDER * The man who Pretends to know J} building materials is apt to meet discouraging building results, Our advice is sought even by builders of experience, Builders who seek better building buy metal lath here. Sam N. Griffen ~ Lumber Co. © Phone 240 | PORT PERRY, ONT. : Rémember the Hot Fowl Supper on Tuesday, Oct, 16th, at Seagrave, - The pallbearers, 1... Jas. Parr, Mr. Wm, Parr, the con- gregation of St. John's Church, the Division Officers of the Bell Telephone, and the family. 'Among those from a distance at- tending the funeral were: Mrs, F. Lummis, and Mr. and Mrs, Howard Lummis, Wyebridge; Mrs. Mark Wel- don, Uxbridge; Mr, and Mrs, George Lattimer apd daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Riddel, Mrs. Noble, Mrs, Sharp, Mrs, Clark Lattimer and son, Mr, George Nesbitt, Mr, Russell Nesbitt, M.P.P,, Mr, Jack Lattimer, Mrs. Nichols, Mr, and Mrs. S. Cook, all of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Fair, Bailiboro, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Parr, Port Perry.' The deceased leaves to mourn 'his passing, his sorrowing widow, two daughters, Florrie at home, and Eva in the Bell Telephone employ, at To- ronto, and one son Clarence on the homestead at Cadmus. Also two sisters and three brothers: Mrs, Mark Weldon (Sarah), Uxbridge; Mrs. Fanny Lummis, Wyebridge; William of Port Perry; James of Blackstock; and Albert of Grandview, Man. One sister Mrs. T. Smith (Mary), of Win- nipeg, predeceased him some years ago. To these is extended the sincere sympathy of the community. RE --. SEAGRAVE (continued from page 4) taught singing lessons in the public school during the past season, having won many friends here, the groom is also well known. Best wishes for future happiness. Misses EB. Graham, Una Sleep," Alma Frise and Mr. E. Mitchell of the teach- ing staff have returned to their duties after a pleasant holiday at their re- spective homes, Remember the Hot Fowl Supper on Tuesday, Oct. 15th, at Seagrave. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon of Toronto were recent vistors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. Rogers. Mr, Clifford Fostor attended Mark- ham Fair on Saturday, Mr. Howard Fostor- spent Friday last in Toronto. Aniversary Services will be held at the United Church on Sunday, October 16th. Service at 11 a.m., Rev. F. W.| Newell, B.A. of Blackstock and 7.80 p.m. Rev, P. L. Jull -of Brooklin, will be the speakers for the day. Special music by the choir at both services. On Tuesday October 17th a hot roast fowl supper will be served in the basement of the church from 5 to 8 followed by a concert of musical ro- mance "The Joy of Life" given by}: Oakwood choir, Admission: Adults 40c., Children 25¢, Chairman F. H. Watson, Rev, B. F. Green, minister. MANCHESTER * Mrs, W. C. Wilson and Miss Doreen who have spent the summer at Long Island, New York, are spending a few weeks here, | A number from one aticoded the Fair at Markham on Saturday. - =Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lush and family of Oakville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb, on Sunday. i Miss Bray of Pickering, called on]: friends here last week. Mrs, N. D. Chambers, Miss Dorothy and Master Donald, have returned to " F-- their home in Toronto for the winter. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Pelch and fam- ily, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his sister Mrs, Jas, Masters, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Moon, Dorothy and Billie, of Raglan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Crosier, on Sun- day, s Mrs. A. Crosier pent a few days in Oshawa, the guest of<her sister, last week. Miss 'Mary Wall, of Tottenham, is visiting her sisters: Mrs, Fursey and Mrs, I. M. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells, and Mr, Walter Samells," of Scugog, Mr. and Mrs, Jabez Crozier, of Port Perry, and Mr. Wm. Crozier, of Lindsay, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Crozier, on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Wilson, who spent the summer here has returned to her home in' Toronto. The Community Club met in the Hall on Thursday' evening, Oct, bth, when the following officers were elected for the coming year: President--Mrs, Fred Lamb. Vice-Président--Melvin Tyndall Secretary--Mildred Crosier. Associate Sec.--Mrs. F, Johnson. Treasurer--Earl Mitchell * Pianiste--Miss White. Asst. Pianist--Maunsell Gerrow. Auditor--Sam Masters. Recording Secretary--Helen Crosier, Finance Committee--Don., Ferguson, Fred Lamb, Cecil Ptolmey. Flower Committee--Mrs. Gerrow, Mrs. Cooper, John Johnson. An intepesting program is being prepared for the mext meeting, Oct. 19th, by the-following committee: D. 'School Fair on Thursday. Ferguson, Sam Masters and Maunsell Gerrow, Mrs, Shae, of Buffalo, with her sister Mrs, Jos. Mitchell, Mrs, Jas. has left for Chicago, to spend a week with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Howsam. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Webster, of Wick, called on Mrs, Chas, Gerrow on Tri day, «Mr, and Mrs. Howard Dobson' and family also Miss Helen Crosier; at- tended the Markham: Fair on Satur- day. . Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Taylor 'and fan- ily, of Ashburn, with Mr, and Mis. Chas, Gerrow, on Sunday, The anniversary services held here on: Sunday last, were well attended. Rev. Mr. Newell, of Blackstock, took charge of both services. The Holden Concert, Co., of Oshawa, rendered the music in the afternoon, and the Port Perry choir in the evening. They were both very much appreciated. On Monday evening the ladies' served a fowl supper, and the Holden Concert Co,, again entertained. The proceeds were around ninety dollars, (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and daughter, of Oshawa, spent Sunday h with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. "| Moore. ~ § Mrs. Attwell, of Prince Albert, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Masters. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Christie and family, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Roy Thompson, of Myrtle, with Mr. and Mrs, A. Crosier, also attended the Mr, C. Farrow and friend, Sarnia, = subscriptions Holders of Vicks the coupon due open, tender more ma 100% of their pa 8ix-year 4% Bonds. 1004 % on or before 16th October, and 100% No accrued intérest on the riew bonds will be charged on refunding subscriptions if effected on or After that date accrued interest from 15th October will be charged. Holders will recelve in cash the difference between the surrender value of their Victory Bonds before 16th October. The proceeds of this Loan Subscriptions Chartered Bank and by Recognized Dealers, Jorms and copies o, GOVERNMENT OF "THE DOMINION OF CANADA 1933 REFUNDING LOAN The Dominion of Canada offers for public subscription Two-year 314%, Bonds, due 15th October, 1935 Issue Price: 99.60 and accrued interest, yielding 8.769, to maturity. Six-year 49, Bonds, due 15th October, 1939 . Issue Price: 99.00 and accrued interest, : yielding 4.19% to maturity. Twelve-year 4%, Bonds, due 15th October, 1945 Issue Price: 96.60 and accrued interest, ~ yielding 4.38% to maturity. Principal payable without charge in lawful money of Finance and Receiver General of Canada at Ottawa, or a General at Halifax, Saint John, Charlottetown, M Calgary or Victoria. Interest payable half-yearly, 15th April and 15th October, in lawful money of Canada, Chartered Bank, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Denominations p Two-year Bonds, $1,000 Six-year Bonds, Twelve-year Bonds, $100, $500 and $1,000 "Cash Subscriptions Cash will be received only for the Six-year 4% Bonds 49%, Bonds. Al cash subscriptions will bessubject plan of allotment, delivery of interim certificates against $500 and $1,000 1 ect to alloiment. Following payment in fill for the bonds allotted be promptly effected. Refunding Subscriptions ovember next, may, for the of their par value on subscri Loan 514% Bonds due lst November, 1933, . after detaching 1 during which. the puis Bnd lists are RL bonds in lieu of cash on oe peed for a like par value of bonds in one or turities of the new issue and receive allotment in full with prompt delivery. The surrender value of the Victory 514% Bonds will be as follows: go value on subscriptions for the Two-year 3)4% Bonds and the ptions for the Twelve-year 4% Bonds if effected of their par value after that dal and the cost of the borids of the new ime, p, » The dmound of this Loan is limited to $226,000,000. The Loan 18 authorized under Ac of the Parliament, of Canada, .and both principal and inierest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. maturing 1st November, will retive 8169,971,850 Dominion of Canada bite Bonds 1938, and 8/0, 000,000 short-term Treasury Bills. The balance will be used for the general purposes of the Government, the official pros Loan. Applications will not will be received and receipts issued by any branch in Canada of any from whom may be obtained ined appl fication clus containing complete details valid on forms other printed by the King's Printer. The-eub lists will . 10th October, 1933, and 1 close on or before 84th rin lr ry Ost, 1983, ike or without notice, ab v Deng on Prd om, Minister of Finance, : TE Res ol Canada, at the office of the Minister of t the office of the Assistant Receiver Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Bonds and for the Twelve-year the fonclncentnt el of the and refafriing ® will : CAWKER BROS. visited his sister Mrs. Grant Christie Ta bo sold far 8 ARAN Mr. and Mrs, J, W. Crozier attended the anniversary on Scugog last Sun- in an day and the supper on Tuesday. Mrs, Jes. Flewell was in Lindsay | of one day last week. Mrs. Russell Wilson has returned to her home in Peterborozafter spending a week with Mrs. C. Gerrow. a Ee a us : EET ERT Pri day of December, 1983, at. two TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND ' FOR TAXES, COUNTY OF ; ONTARIO By virtue: of a warrant issued' by the Warden of the County of Ontario, bearing date of the '1st day of Sept, 1938, the list of lands now available shall be necessary to pay. suck stress, 3 Waethier with the Shargen E. A. McKay,' County Treastirer. : Dated at Whitby, this 18th day of September, 1983, Dee. 20 Port Perry Dairy "PASTEURIZED MILK "You Pay the Price--why not Get the Best? G. OWEN, Proprietor. Phone 238, Port Perry Buy and sell § ood meat. "Choice cute at reasonable price. Phone orders receive prompt attention. pa Phone 29 We PORT PERRY COAL WooD COKE "BLUE COAL" i is the best Anthra- cite mined in America. It is colored blue so as to be identified at a glance. We can supply you with -- ; BRITISH COAL, HAMILTON COKE, HARD and Soft Wood, Cement, Lime, Lumber, Etc. FRED E. REESOR Phenes: Office 73 w; Res. 73 DONT WORRY ABOUT oe URIREE - Have your property properly "insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON Thay BUY NOW Madeito-Measare SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. * We are offering good valuehes80, different designs in Tweeds, Fancy _ Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges, Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done ~~ MERCHANT TAILOR Ww. T. Rodman Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry HIHIHHIHRIRHAREHEHERARSSS Itt ILI II Port Perry | Coal Yard FOR"ANYTHING IN THE LINE: OF FUEL GIVE us A CALL = FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--No "doubt about "heat satisfaction when you order the "Best Pennsylvania Hard Coal ¥ Every load the same uniform good quality. Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE--Nut and Range sizes. SCOTCH COAIL--Always in stock. : WELSH COAL--A Jom car loads" Welsh Cobbles will CANGh un, this weeks \M COALS. NO, y 1 BOD HARD. WOOD, H HARDWOOD SLABS » LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE I ~_ carload of St. Mary's cement just re d, : the last one this season. Do. not Rogech hat peel ORT PE COAL YA w. G6. Nr ATT Photies--94 W and 04.

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