Ro Ls Law" pals TS a a I : Ct ir Ltr Nz Ko Rep Ting np Ve Skea Ty" a : A begs PNA tn an SRA a ot ara 5 a] a Se en er wy Pw ns rs rtd a, yA T Eee IT LE, 2 Sy oS % cs ~-- re Seca ye Am i AES a a yt - Sak Page Four : s-- as i ------ a A LOCAL ITEMS | ov tons ressuvresay UTICA Missionary Rally Mr. Earl Sweetman, of Hamilton, is spending a few days with his par- . ents Mr. and Mrs. N. Sweetman. Mr, and 'Mrs. Wm. Nesbitt, of To- tonto, were in town on Sunday. Miss P. Cooney, Hairdresser, has arranged to be in Port Perry at her home," one day eyery two, weeks, be- ginning with Monday, Oct. 23rd. For appointment, phone 143. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth was in Ren- frew last week organizing a Young People's Society. Mrs. T. W. McLean, of Toronto, was in town this week with friends. Mr. Norman Stuart, of South Bend, Indiana, was in town on Wednesday, renewing old acquaintances, Mr. Stuart is looking well. --_-- we o-------- A HALLOWEEN BAZAAR under the auspices of the Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension + will be held in the Parish Hall, Port Perry, on Thursday evening, Nov. 2nd, 1933. Many articles suitable for Christmas Presents, Fancy Articles, and Apron Booth, Samples and Home- made Candy. Doors open at 4 p.m. A Chicken Supper will be served from 5.30. Admission 40c., Children 2b6c. _---- PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL The Literary Society of Port Perry High School has again organized for another very eventful year. The new executive are showing great enthus- jasm and with the co-operation of each and every student, the records of 1933- 34 will go down in history, not to be forgotten for some time. The Literary Society is holding its first meeting in the auditorium of the High School on Wednesday, October 26th, at 3 o'clock. The programme is under the direction of Fifth Form pupils, entirely. . A cordial invitation is extended to any of the public who "wish to attend our meeting. Practically every night at four o'clock we find our many athletes in action on the campus. The basketball girls are going strong and as for base- ball 7-- : On Wednesday last a game was held 'between Middle School and Lower School girls. Splendid spoFt8MANSHIP | was shown throughout the whole game which ended in favour of Middle School." Credit should be given to Lower School girls who put up a hard and steady struggle. There is a rumour about our Fifth Form girls challenging = the Middle School champions. We 'hope it is in the near, future. , ee? BIBLE SOCIETY The annual meeting, of the Port Perry Branch of the 'Upper Canada Bible Socicty will be held in the United Church, on Sunday, October 22. Rev. A. W. Banfield, for many years the Bible Society Secretary in West Africa, will be the speaker. Mr. Banfield will preach' at the regular church service and will also address a mass meeting "of all 'the churches after the evening service at 8 p.m. The Society's collector's will call on you for your subscription shortly, re- ceive them kindly and help to raise the objective of $100 this year. D> AP J. HH STEPHENSON REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at Morrison's Drug Store the second and fourth Thursday of every month in the afternoons. GLASSES AT REASONABLE PRICES 7 p.m--Evening Service, Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A, Minister i. ; CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8. a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. --- EY BSE hd cm Presbyterian Church Anniversary The - congregation of St. John's Presbyterian Church is to be cen- gratulated upon the success of their anniversary services, which were held on Sunday last; with the entertain- ment following on Tuesday evening. Services were conducted _by Rev. P. Jones, of Oshawa, both morning and evening. Special mention should be made of the music under the leader- ship of Mrs. Orde. Many knidly com- ments were made of the singing both by the choir and the soloists. The choir was assisted by these soloists--Miss Wolfe, soprano, of To- ronto; Mr. Farrow, tenor, of Sarnia; and Mr. Chas. Heartfield, tenor, A pleasing feature was the beautiful floral decorations contributed by Mr. W. H. Harris, and which were much appreciated. & The supper was a delicious feast and a real credit to the ladies who cooked and served it. On Tuesday evening the following program was given by the Riverdale Presbyterian Church choir, and thor- oughly enjoyed by those present. Soprano and Tenor Duet by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Carter; Piano Duet, Mrs. Alfred -Bright and Mr. M. Spaulding; Soprano solo by Mrs. W. Langford; reading by Miss G. MacLean; quartet by Mrs, W. Langford, Miss M. Dewar, H. Daws, A. Mutch; contralto solo by Mrs. S. Allan; humorous skit, The Laidlaw Sisters; baritone solo, Mr. A. Mutch; soprano and alto duet, by Mrs, W. Langford and Mrs. S. Allan; ad- dress, Rev. Alfred Bright; soprano and alto duet, Mrs. W. Langford and Mrs. S. Allan; The Mocking Bird, Mr. Cun- ningham; solo, Mr. Carter; Humorous Skit, The Laidlaw Sisters. . Rev. Mr. Ferguson officiated as chairman and in thanking those who helped to make the anniversary a success, made special mention of the courtesy of the United Church in withdrawning their evening service on Sunday. to DIED DEFOE--Early on Sunday morning, October 15th, 1933, at her home, 48 Dundonald St., Toronto, Jane Barry, beloved wife of the late Jacob Defoe, aged 91 years, } - Interment took place at Kendall Cemetery, Utica, on Tuesday, Oct. 17. Mrs. Defoe was for many years a resident of Utica. FOWLER--On Scugog Island, on Tuesday, October 17th, 1933, Isabella Wm. Fowler, in her 53rd year. <> NOTICE Ratepayers are reminded that the second installment of taxes is due on November 6th. Payable at the Treasurer's Office 019 BR > PUTTING CANADA back on its feet. Use Cress Corn Salve. At A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store. Wanted! Old documents and relics of pioneer days. This opportunity is offered to the people of this community to make the record of help Port Perry history as complete as possible in the forth- coming edition of -- "On the Shores of Scugog." The other day a subscriber brought in the original deed of his farm, printed on parchment, and dated in 1804. Perhaps if you look around, you, too, some interesting documents. We shall be pleased to see them at-- THE PORT PERRY ST may find AR T. Campbell, beloved wife of Thomas | Pleased to report Mrs. A. E. Spencer is improving after being, ill some weeks. "Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron and baby with Mr. and Mrs, A. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and son, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H. ! United Church was held in the 8. S. Wagg. Utica, is going full swing. Anyone' wishing to compete in the coming con- | test must be present at the Bluebird Club Room next Friday evening. Come and enjoy an evening of real sport. Practice 'on Friday night. There passed away in Toronto on con- | Sunday morning, Mrs. Defoe, wife of | "the late Jacob Defoe, in her 92nd year. was a resident of Utica. conducted by Mr. Denny, was held in the United Church, on Tuesday after- noon. Interment took place in the Kendall Cemetery: The pallbearer were Messrs, Géo. Ward, Wm, Brooks, E. Kendall, Jas, Lakey, A. E. Claugh- ton and'A. Quinn. Mrs, Defoe leaves four daughters and one son to mourn her loss. : Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker and family visiting at Wilfrid, on Sunday. On Sunday, November G&th the United Church will hold their annual Thank Offering services at 2.30 and 7.30. Rev. Mr. Green, of Seagrave, will be the speaker, At 2.30 the music will be provided by the young people, and at 7.80 the choir will be in charge. Messrs. C. W. Lakey and F. Mac- Gregor, in Gravenhurst, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Ward and Jean at Manchester on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry -Skerrett in Port Perry on Sunday. A splendid crowd attended the dance in Ducette's pavilion last Friday night. & Mr. D. Catherwood and scholars are holding a Hallowe'en Concert and dance in Memory Hall on Friday, October 27th. Everybody elcome, proceeds. in aid of hot lunch. Miss Jean Miller home over the holiday. = Miss E. B. Hosie spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. C. W. Lakey. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer and family visiting her sister at Kinsale on Sunday. : Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. Hodgson, Kinsale, on Monday, October 9th, a daughter. Sorry to report Mr. N. S. McDonald is confined to his bed. <> SEAGRAVE Special services were held at the United Church on Sunday, with two thoughtful and inspiring. messages by visiting ministers. At the morning service Rev. Mr. Newell of Blackstock, was the preacher, and in the evening Rev. P. L. Jull, of Brooklin. Both services were well attended. Special music by the choir again featured the services. In the morning under the direction of Mrs. R. Scott, a very fine rendition of "All Hail Emmaneul" and "Praise the Lord" Messrs, C. W. Moon, E. Butt, B. Wannamaker, and R. Owles, were heard in a pleasing quartette. The evening music "Won- derful Grace of Jesus" and "Lead Kindly Light". Mr. and Mrs. C. w. Moon, Mrs. J. Harding and Mr. R. Owles, sang a quartette that was en- joyed. . On Tuesday night, a large crowd at- tended the fowl supper provided by the ladies of the congregation which was followed by a splendid concert by the Oakwood Choir, which was greatly enjoyed. Rev. B., F. Green acted as chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sleep and family | of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleep and family, of Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs. N.|* Moase and family, of Pleasant Point, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tremeer of Cresswell, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Luke, of Cress- well, Mrs. C. Butt, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moon and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sweetman, of Pleasant Point, Miss Gertie Martyn, Prince Albert, Miss Grace Moase, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pollock and family, and Mr. W. Pollock, of Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. O. Shunk and family, of Lindsay, Mr. D. Sharpe, Oakwood, were among those visiting with rela- tives and friends on Sunday and took in the anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs, J. McClough, Mr. and Mrs. D. Holmes, of Ballyduff, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, L. Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Piper of Toronto were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dowson, on Sunday. Mrs. English who has spent the summer here accompanied them to the city. a ---_r PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, October 22nd-- Services at 11 am. and 7 pm, Rev. Mr, Smyth will conduct both The Old" Hickery Checker Club, of! reading by Mrs, Orchard followed, and A number of years ago Mrs. Defoo| The service, ! The Missionary Rally of Port Perry room on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 11th. The attendance was most gratifying, over eighty being present. The President, Mrs. Farmer, opencd the meeting with prayer, Scripture prayer by Mrs. S, Jeffrey. After the Roll Call a short business session was held. : ' : Miss Dunoon, a well known worker in Lindsay Presbyterial, was the guest speaker of the afternoon. In her talk she stressed the import- ance of missionary work, both at home and abroad, and the real need in this work of the help given by the women's missionary societies. The speaker used the 8th chapter of Nehemiah as the basic idea for her talk--the sharing with others of our Gospel krowledge is the privilege and duty of Christian countries--""Send portions unto them for whom' nothing is prepared." She also read the first chap, of Melaghi to prove that God expected our best rather than our left overs. As the little boy in New Ontario could tell when his molasses jug was full only hy the over flow, so outside nations judge -of=our- christianity by "the overflow of love and service which reaches them. * The speaker told of the work being carried' on in 'foreign fields and at home, and concluded with an earnest appeal to the older generation fo in- spire the younger, not only by precept, but by example--not "Go ye," alone, but "come ye." 2 With the assertion "mission work is not an option, but an obligation to all," Miss Dunoon concluded a very forceful address, : X The remainder of the programme consisted of a very. pleasing duet by Mr. Tom. Harris and Miss Hazel Jef- frey, and a piano solo by Mrs. C, C. Jeffrey, which were much enjoyed. ° ~ A vote of appreciation was tendered Miss Dunoon and a social half "hour followed: Tea was served'by Mrs, McClintock and other ladies of the September and October groups. <a Pa > FAMOUS CHOIR COMING TO ~ UXBRIDGE - St. Matthew's Church choir, of To- ronto, will be heard in a recital of Choral music in St. Paul's Church, at Uxbridge, on Wednesday, October 25, at 8 p.m. Silver collection. This choir has won in the past ten years, 19 first prizes and 9 for solo boys. Tar ---- a era -- 'Next ~ * FOUR BIG This is the original Rexall Major Rubber Goods, Phone 49 Lawrence's Store News - One Cent Sale Week DAYS_--WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY such well-known and reliable products as Rexall Remedies, Puretegt Household Drugs; Klenzo and Jonteel Toilet Goods; Firstaid Hospital Goods, fine selection of such lines as Stationery, For details see bills or next weeks Star. dates--October 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th. A. M. LAWRENCE THE REXALL STORE ONE CENT SALE, featuring as well as a Candy and Sundries Remember the Port Perry STRAY CATTLE at the premises of the undersigned, lot 13, con. 6, Reach, four red steers, and one red heifer, Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. G. Crandell. to -- AUCTION SALE Mr. James McKee, is holding an rear of the Superior Store, on Friday, October 20th, Sale at 1,30 p.m. Safe,( J. & J. Taylor, good as new, can be examined at G. McKee's Store), Nickel Show Case, 6 ft.; Cupboard, Coal Heater, 2 tables, Folding Desk, Oval Show Case, electric; Chemical Closet; Light Delivery Truck (Ford) with 30 inch extension; Auto Knitter, Office Desk, Quantity Stock Food, number of Paper Cutters, different widths; 2 Washstands, Hand. Vacuum Table, combination desk and bookcase, 2 Easy Chairs; Coal Heater; Box Stove. of 2 al BP PPX ie WANTED Cook general, references. "Apply to 447 Simcoe St., North Oshawa. rT ea CEN ee o-oo - = ad LOST between Post Office and Gilboord's store, key ring with a number of keys attached. Finder please return to Star Office. Suitable reward. auction of the following goods at the| Cleaner, .2 Beds with springs, Dining} - Room Table; 6 Chairs; Lounge; Oval]: FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE = ° LS Ford Coupe, 1927 model T, $36.00. Or will exchange for pump gun. = Geo. R. Davey. Port Perry. < SA Mother Forced to Leave Fatherless Children : hl EE 3 me LE Ee ore to ia or A : if Gok acter ne Was 7 100" was it Yor 0, he 45: no 1 RA ne a o fron alr 4nd patient {hath Foe SE oh wor fn ~only be continued FA EE tO V. P. STOUFFER PIANO TUNING Overhauling -- piaho actions repaired, lost motion taken up, sticky and noisy keys re- cleaning and lubricating paired, moth-proofing, guaranteed. Phone 30, a specialty. All work Port Perry. ----e So ------------~ FOUND - Four head of cattle were placed in chester, on October bth. They con- sist of two heifers and two steers, three with white faces, and one pure Be Te white. They are part Hereford, £5 | Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Thurs., Fri, Saturday, Oct. 19-20-21 "Black Beauty" from the novel by Anne Sewell. Evenings 7.30 and 9.30. Adults 2bc., Children 15c. Matinee on Saturday, Adults 20c., Children 10c and 5c.. Monday, Tues, Wed. Oct. 23-24-25 Ganet Gaynor and Warner Baxter, in "PADDY THE NEXT BEST THING" Evenings 7.30 and 9.30. Adults 25c., Children 1c. Matinee Monday at 4 pm. Tues. and Wed. at 2.30 p.m, Adults 20c., Children 10c, R EDUCE PRICES Suits sponged and- pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 .C.P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office. >> EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ° Author of Eyes in Modern Life 8 zing exclusively in musela anomalies, eyeaight and glasses. : Open Tuesday, Thursday and Sajyrds ov y Dia oy ook Opposite P.O. OSHAWA, ONT. 1616 -- Phone -- 1516 The Peoples' Te If you want it good, We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. - BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. Meat Market ring up Phone 72 W N pound at Wm, Munro's farm, Man-} Satan sireNsR tase eRAREsERRIRIRIEeS | With GOOD SERIVCE OFFERED i Why not leave your baking worries . with Gerrows? Our aim is to PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE !! - GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. "the colds of autumn and $1.50 each. cular rheumatism. than two minutes, 650¢c. Port Perry _Bervices, ' " oy wi Kepler's Cod Liver Oil, with Just the thing to put you in proper shape to ward off 'winter, Two sizes $1.00 and THROIL---something new. for neuritus, sciatica and mus- $1.00 per box. OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS--regular 50c. now re- duced to 89c. a large can. +7 GILLETTE and AUTO STROP SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Now half price--25¢ 'and 50c. per package. PASSMORE'S BRONCHIAL MIXTURE gives relief in less RAT-NIP for rats--36c. a tube. th : : AA vii ig JR : ue 5 | Morrison's Drug Store Phone 16 malt extract per bottle. Ontario ~ MARKETS - TORONTO MARKET PRICES DAIRY PRODUCE (Quotations to Shippers) Creamery Solids, No. 1..2.:.....18% Seconds ears aapaasenanis esa lBY Churning Cream, F.0,B. Country Points--Special 19; No. 1, 17, No. 2, 16. es 7 POULTRY AND EGGS Eggs Eaters srs 10 10:80 u ' i Poultry--(A) Grade--Alive i Spring Chickens .i.....:.-+..8 to 16 Broilers ...csssetsssaavessrnaasar10 Fatted Hens ........c.00000b to 9 Old RoOSters ......voveveasnseesnsd POTATOES-- . No. 1, 90 bs. ..ovsveenenss.70 to 85 LIVE STOCK-- Bacon Hogs (F.0.B.)..........$6,60 Fed Calves ......i.«+4.$5.00 to $7.60 COWS .. sseessassssss:$1.60 to $2.60 Heifers .......o000..:$2,10 to $4.10 SLEETS ..vvserseasserss$LT6 to $4.60 SHEED +r rsesessnss $1.00 to $2,60 Lambs ...veeecisesss:$4.60 to $6.00 ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) Wheat ...... ties sssasneas bb to 68 OAS verse resesaannsnnsss28 to 26 FRYE vvsssrng rinse nervaese sil toq Buckwheat .\,.iveeiassesas.38 to 40 Baad on LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS, Barristers, Solicitors, _ ete, Y Money to Loan Now located in the office of | H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street : ©' Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. ' DR: W. S. HARPER .. Graduate of Trinity' Medical College and ; Trinity University, Toronto. : . "Post Gratin Lian if "Medical Gradu- North Eas a The Creamery -- ao | IS PAYING 19c., 18c., and 16¢c., FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor. and make more money by sending ~~ your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A, GOODE & SON, Proprietors <i prey Bei CE oun DENTAL SURGHON ~ Office Hours--9 a.m. $0 5 pm. Office over Nelson's Store. a > ° . @ Chiropractic D. E. STECKLEY, drugless practi- tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether- ington's practice in Port Perry, and is continuing in the same office. Chiropractic. treatment, Electro- Theropy. and special attention given to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments. Hours 9 to 11 am. on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. Eyes Examined 37 years experience, all styles of, frames (prices lower than the lowest quality considered). F. E. LUKE & SON. OPTOMETRISTS "163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) TELL THE What You Have 'through the columns of ates' College and Polyclinic, gridon, 'England, ndon.: 'Pqat Graduate College London, Enatand, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. - Office and Surgery---Port Perry, ont." - W. A. Sangster Consultation and examination free. PEOPLE 'to Sell * The Star*