reais ~~ Ea Farmers! Notes | It 18 corn roast time in Canada, one of the twe yriacipal outdoor festivities in the Dominion with which the pass- ing of the ears does not seem to inter. fere. The other is "sugaring off" at maple sugar time in the early days of spring. : Farmers Must Produce To the man ib the street, any at- tempts to increase production in'these days of depressing world surpluses ieem a waste of time, or even worse, He forgets, says Mr. L. HF. Newman, Dominion Cerealist, that the problem of the individual farmer differs vastly Irom that of the nation as a whole, in that the capacity of the farmer to arry on and pay his way is measured 'n no small degree by the yields he realizes per acre. To the farmer, the acre is his unit of production. If his icreage yields per acre, whether con: verted into milk, mutton, or beef, or iisposed of in their law state, are not sufficiently high to enable him to meet bis obligations, he must either suc- sumb entirely or be forced to adopt a standard of living which removes "im |. as an important factor in the problem of keeping the wheels of commerce moving. A bright feature of the egg market "Is that this year promises to be the | heaviest egg-exporting season since © 1926. 3 ! Good Bulls in Demand Lately, a very definite increase in the demand for registered Holstein bulls, with creditable backing, has be- come apparent in all parts of Ontario. The movement in this direction has ~ been particularly noticeable since the new Premium Policy went into effect in June, ' As a result, prices have been | strengthening and even higher values are likely to prevail this Fall, accord- 'ng to breeders, ' Limited Ocean Space "The volume of livestock export this year is considerably greater than that _ of last year," said Garnet H. Duncan, | livestock investigator, Ontario mar- keting Board, "and a comparison of sales, in Great Britain, discloses that top prices have been received for cat tle of 1150 to 1300 pounds." - Mr. Duncan sald that Ontario feed- ers still have a considerable number of cattle available for export, and lack of ocean space seems to be the only factor restraining even greater ship- ments, : For the present, prospective individ- ual shippers should communicate with livestock agents in Montreal , with a view to securing any space which may be offered from time to time. BE Canadian Root Growth Canadian field root crops, both in yield and quality, raised from Cana- dian-grown seed are in many cases superior and in all-cases equal to crops of the same varieties grown from im- ported seed, However, previous to the Great War there existed a conception in the Dominion that field root seed grown in Canada was not capable of producing as good crops as seed of the same varieties imported from Eur- ope. Until that time the amount of field root seed a Canada was neglig- ible, the bulk of the seed used being imported from 'Europe, supplemented by small quantities from-the United States, During the war imported seed was not available, and it was of growing seed in Canada or cutting down the acreage of crops. The De- partment of Agriculture led the way, and since then ample proof has been given, particularly through the exten- pive tests by the Experimental Farms and Stations, of the continued stability of Canadian-grown seed, --_---- Prairie Soil Superiority -- The essental or distinguishing char- acteristic of the Western prairie soils is the possession of a large proportion of vegetable matter and its concomit- ant nitrogen, It is {y this act unques- tionably, says the Dominion Chemist, that these soils primarily owe their re- markable fertility and lasting quality. For the most part, .they certainly con- ain abundant stores of tho mineral ele- ments of plant food, but in this respect they do not differ from many soils of less productiverdess in other parts of the Dominion. It is the larger per- centage of nitrogen-holding humus- forming material and its'intimate cor- poration 'with the sand and clay that give to these soils their superiority, chemically, physically and biglogically. Lastly, there'is the winter with its in- tense cold practically locking up the stores of plant food from the autumn until the season opens again, Waste rom' leaching, such as occurs in coun- tries in which the winter is mild and open, is thus prevented, ee fe ~~ Will the Beard Retuin? Through the eighteenth century beards waxed and waned in the world's fashion centres although first "records appear to start around 1100, and there was a changing vogue in beards as well as in style from 1480 to 1600. At the beginning of the 19th the bushy style of beard-dressing came pack. A beard five feet two inches .ng on an envoy sent to his Court, go fascinated Ivan the Terrible of Russia that he asked permision to run his fingers through it. Great men have succumbed--Dick- ens, Tennyson, Swinburne, Rubens, Carlyle, Brahms, :all wore beards, Augustus John and Bernard Shaw are "two later day celebrities, still faithful to the fxshion of yesteryear, z ' 'don't take them with the 'idea that ST -- -- ae FAS RY PF Bud y FOB Ev. MRT Tes +s SEER SA 'GOLD MINES | The Most Prosperous Canadian Industry Earnings of leading gold mining companies are at record levels, and : + although gold is at a premium of over 509 the shares of the leading Canadian gold producing companies have appreciated only moder- ately in value in the past six months, assured. Re-valuation of gold, with Sansequent perpetuation of all or most of the premium is practically E OFFER ON REQUEST concise analytical studies of all Canadian gold mining companies of any Importance, including =) " all the following: DOME . SISCOE BRALORNE - NICOLA LAKE SHORE TECK-HUGHES -- WRIGHT-HARGREAVES MACASSA G50 i SYLVANITE ; o The position of Gold In the world's economic structure, analyz- dng and making clear its Dussling out in our booklet "Gold, the features, has been carefully set ey to Conditions." -- -- -- CUT OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON -- -- -- Without obligation on my part, please forward me your booklet, "Gold, the Key to Conditions," also report on the following mines: Fy Name. fouiveinssinnspasnrinns FREER T. H. McCWHIRTER EDERAL BUILDING AQAress. iv iiiverian ereeereany COMPANY Limited TORONTO Too Much "Party" Last Night Too Much Food, Late Hours. Smoky YET--This Morning No "Acid Headache' ~No Upset Stomach Scientists say this is the QUICK- EST, SUREST and EASIEST vey to combat FEELING TH .EFFECTS of over-indulgence--the most powerful acid neutralizerknown to science. Just do this: . TAKE--2 tablespoonfuls of Phil- lips' Milk of Magnesia in a glass of water BEFORE bed. In the morning take 2 more tablespoonfuls with the juice of a WHOLE ORANGE. That's .alll Tomorrow you'll feel great! Or take the equivalent amount of - Phillips' Milk of Magnesia tablets, Each tablet is equal to a teaspoonful of the liquid. ¥ Get genuine Phillips' ANEW Milk: of Magnesia in the familiar liquid form, or ¢ the new, marvelously convenient tablets. Be sure it's PHILLIPS'... the kind dagctors endorse. OR LIQUID FORM MADE IN CANADA Jane Austen's Firs tk Given to Oxford Library Oxford, Eng.--A number of small manuscript notebooks of Jane Austen's containing scraps of verse and prose all written before her eighteenth year have been acquired by the Bodleian Library, Oxford, These fragments have been presented-to the library by an organization known as "Friends of the Bodleian." They include a dramatic sketch, some poetry, and a collection of short stories which resemble potted novels, They are said to be ahsolutely value- less in themselves, though possessing great interest as the first efforts of a famous writer, They have been pub- lished at Oxford, under the title, "Vol- ume the First." SPEND, S-- should study conciseness in speaking; it is a sign of ignorance nc" to know that long speeches, though they may please the speaker, are tor- ture to the hearer.--Feltham, Ry ---...y$a§_"§yrg Pride is of such intimate connection }, with ingratitude that the sctions of ingratitude seem directly resolvable into pride as the principal reason of them.-- South. } OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE FUR 7 TU 50 |. "|51¢ 52 | EG 56 57 [61 = je ; if P Tobacco . . . lasts }§ MORE SMOKES That's what you get when you buy Plug smokes, cuts 34 off smoking cost. DIXIE ONLY 20°¢ A BIG PLUG longer, gives }4 more ...SMILES... Le a lS One of Life's Little Jokes The child of our neighbors has eaten, from birth, Just the things that he wanted--from dkles to earth. Now our child has eaten the things which he should, } Regardless of whether he thought them so good. : is 111, : And we're always paying ~ on some doctor's bill. Foreman--"How is it that the ather boy makes such a very thin joint with his mortar?" : Bricklayer's Apprentice--"Habit, s" +, He's been working in a sandwich shop." Man--"There's a decided uniformity in the contents of my mail this mora- ing, Julia." His Wife--"How do dear?" Man--"About all my letters begin with the same word--'Unless'." you mean, "Why are you rushing about like this on a hot day?" - : "I'm trying to get something for my husband." . . "Had any offers?" -~Fly Fisherman--"Did you catch all those trout with nothing but worms?" Boy--*"Oh, no! Ther was brains at the other: end of the line." God created the world in six days, and the nature of the job is shown by the fact that it has taken men cen- turies to wreck it. Sergeant--*Say, Top, how would you 'like to lend a friend a flve?". : Top Sergeant--"Buddy, I'd like it, but I haven't a friend in the world." Great Expectations The commercial traveller was antici. pating dn interesting event at home and gave .instructions for a telegram to be sent to him as soon as it happen- ed. He was, however, scarcely pre- pared for the following: "Twins--boy and girl--arrived this morning. All doing well. More to fol- low." An explorer was speaking at a din- ner given on his behalf before he left on a long journey into the heart of Africa. In concluding his remarks, he said: SHE LOOKED FAT-- AND FELT IT Now Getting the Pounds Off Takes Hot Water, Lemon Juice--and Kruschen Salts: Atew surplus pounds of fat can make a'lot-of difference. A woman who has taken 11 lbs, off her 139 lbs, says she . "feels so fihe and happy." She writes: "Two years ago I suffered with pains in my arms and shoulders, so I decided to try Kruschen Salts, seéing in the papers what it had done for others. Although I only weiglied 139 Ibs, 1 l160ked very fat and felt it." But after taking a spoonful of that' wonderful Kruschen every morning, in hot water and lemon juice, I went down to 128 1bg.,, and I must say I feel a'lot better for it, I have no signs of any pain whatever. I am not quite sure, but I think this is my sixth jar. I feel 80 fine and happy that I had to write and let you know what Kruschen Salts have done for me. I have a friend here that has started taking it, and she has reduced from 138 Ibs. to 132 1bs'=~(Mrs.) BE. B, Start taking Kruschen the common-sense w ts--that's to reduce--but they possess 'reducing qualities In themselves. This is what they do-- they.clean out the impurities in your blood by keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver in splendid working shape, and fill you with vigor and tireless energy you'd almost forgotten had existed. : And after two weeks your excess flush starts to go--you'll know it--feel it~ see it. The scales will tell the story. Kruschen Salts Is obtainable at all . Drug Stores at 46¢. and 75¢. per bottle. Yet the child of our neighbors seldom 45--Finish 47--Actual Horizontal 1--Muse of history 5--Crustacean 9--Cry of cow 12--Assistant 13--Stockings 14--Unit of work 55--Unruly 36--Common carrier (abbr.) 4--Poetic: 41--Southern state (abbr.) 42--Spoke 44--Harvests 49--Dosition 50--To stupefy 52--0strich- 54--Greek letter 3--European fish 8--Babylonlan god } 9--Intermediate objects| 62--Note of scale 10--Conjunction 11--King of Bashan 17--Whether 19--Type measure -21--DBorders 23--Glided 25--S8acred writings 26-- Watery 27--Fruits like bird crowd 15--To exist «b7--Light device 28--DBeds - 4 16--Outbreak 59--Sun god 30--Period of time 18--Conducted 61--Winé cup |, 33--Close 20--Chaldean city 63--Flower 35--Cravats 22--S8uits - 65--Terrifies 38--Whart 24--Title 67--Possessive pronoun 40--Chief 27--Pertaining to ears 68--Tidy " 43--Flower of aster 29--To depend 69--Not so much family 31--Card ] Vertical 46--Famous French 32--Fruit 1--Vehicle x author 34--Food regime 2--Officer 48---Smallest bl--Negative & above b3--Part of "to be" 37=Part of foot 5--Group of singers 56--Box 39--Former title of Jap- 6--Decayed 58--Crony anese military chiet 7--While 60--Donkey 61--Exclamation 64--Prefix: again 66--Pronoun Answers to Last Week Puzzle | c OA S D|O BIE|R 0|S|E 8 i) -- Bl I<) |= UlPIIIN ElA|R|N "I thank you for your kind wishes re- garc.lg my welfare on my dangerous journey," and want you to know that when I am far away, surrounded by ugly grinning faces, I shall certainly think of you." : 3 "Police Notice: "Locate airplane flown by young woman of high wing monoplane type with green fuselage and orange nose." Respect or appreciation does not al- ways go to the man who most deserves it. Mr, Dumm--"It doesn't take much t> turn a woman's head." Miss Smartie--"That's right. just turned to look at you." One Simple Truths Never take a- man's last dollar; he's liable to turn around and borrow five from you, Women don't mind dieting themselves but they hate a man around the house on a diet. An am- bitious wife is many a man's self- starter, Many matrimonial bonds are of short term variety. We don't hear 80 gnuch about the wolf at the door nowadays; maybe the beast got in and starved to death, As wise men do not need it and foolish men will not take it, we keep our advice tightly corked. Mid pleasures and palaces though we roam, we still like to raid the ice box at home. Young Autlipr--"The art of telling a story consists of knowing what to leave unsaid." " Married Rounder--*"It doesn't make any difference, my boy. My experience is that she finds out, anyway." "I know what you're thinking about," he said. "Well, why don't you?" she whisper- ed. "Nobody's looking." r3 Fair Collects Millions Chicago.--In four months the Cen- tury of Progress exposition here has taken in $27,000,000 from its 17,000, 000 visitors, who have spent such enormous sums as $1,000,000 for sou- venirs and trinkets, $200,000 for pop- corn, $186,000 for dough.auts and $1,- 870,600 for rides and amusements, Out of the total receipts reported, approximately $6,600,000 wes for ad- mission tickets and the remainder was money taken in by-concessions. As all the concessions do not report, there was more money spent than is includ- ed in these figures. The Skyride, which carries visitors height of 200 feet, took in $600,000, a ross the lagoon in cable cars at al | It's a Queer: World! For the best 500-word essays on "How 1 Would Cure Unemployment," written by unemployed men, the Lord Mayor of Nottingham, Councillor H. S. 'Whitby, has offered four prizes, 4 Of the 4,000 official life-guards on duty in England this summer, more than 1,600 were women, ; A free lending library for toys and games has been opened in New York. The New York "toyery" is the first re- sult of a-national campaign to give poorer children toys. A man's death through being bitten on a finger by a lamb was the subject of an inquest at Pontrilas, Hereford, In Asia, which contains half of the population of the world, the mother and not the wife holds first place in a man's affections throughout his life. A peat fire at Ye Chequers Inn, near Osmotherley, Yorkshire, has been kept burning continuously, day and night, for more than 170 years. Dr. Alexander Cannon, author and scientist, claims to have invented a machine which, among other wonder- ful feats, will record unmistakably whether two people are really in love. "Earth smoking" is not uncommon in countries where smoking materials are scarce, as in the Kalahari region of South Africa. The natives lie on the ground with their mouths over a small hole that leads to the bottom of a pit filled with burning leaves--and use the earth as a pipe. "The poorest man in St. George, Ber- muda, llves alone in one of the best 'houses in the town--the poorhouse. This establishment is a mansion which commands a fine view of the sea. He is the only inmate. SI LIFE A FRAGMENT Lite is a riddle, because it is a fragment. We are only able to read one volume of a story that extends to many volumes, We see one act of a drama the scheme of which re- quires many acts to unfold its plot and purpose. We are like workers at some large piece of tapestry with our attention fixed on ome part, and that a small part o. the pattern. We are like mechanics who see only one portfon of the great engine or subtle plece of inechanism at which they are laboring, and never see the com- plete machine. In a word, we know in part and consequently prophesy in part.--Dean Butcher, CHILDREN grow up only once. The health giving Vitamins in SCOTT'S EMULSION helps them grow; pro- tects them from disease; makes strong bones and : teeth. 15-33 SCOTTS EMULSION: and the Belgian village, $481,000. PLSHANAVATANINGS \ Four out of five people have acid stomach whether they know it or not. Pains after eating, belching, gas, and bloating are all signs of too much acid. A spoonful of Bisurated Magnesia after meals will overcome this condition with- in three minutes. Any druggist will tell you that. Try it and see. FINE REMEDY FOR | ACID STOMACH Classified Advertising | el AGENTS WANTED. GENTS WANTED---BIG PROFITS -- used in every house. Polish Manu« facturing Company, 1884 Yonge, Toronto. ne _ HOMES WANTED POR CHILDREN. REE HOMES WANTED FOR BOTH { Protestant and Catholic boys from four to ten years of age. Y.rk County Children's Aid Society, 9 Toroato Strect, Toronto, 3 MEAT SLICERS. --- v- September In Australia Grey winter hath gone ilke a wearl some guest, g And, behold, for repayment, September comes in with the of the west, o And the spring in her raiment! The ways of the frost have been filled of the flowers, While the forest discovers Wild wings, with the halo of hyaline hours, And the music of lovers. wind Septembef tha maid with the swift, silver feet, She glides, and she graces : The valleys of coolness, the slopes of the heat, With her blossomy traces. Sweet<month, with a mouth that is made of a rose, She lightens and lingers In spots where the harp of the eve- ning glows, Attuned by her fingers, . The West, when it blows at the full of the moon, And beats on the beaches; Ie filled with a tender and tremulous tune That touches and teaches; The stories of Youth, of the 'burden of Time, . And the death of devotion, Come back with the wind, and are themes of the rhyme In the waves of the ocean... High places that knew of the gold and the white On the forehead of morning, Now darken and quake, abd the steps of the Night Are heavy with warning! Her voice in the distance is and loud, Through its echoing gorges; She hath hidden her eyes in a mantle of cloud, - And her feet in the surges! Jofty Oh, season of changes, of shadow and shine, September -the splendid!' My song hath no music te mingle with thine, And its burden Is ended; But thou, being born of the winds and the sun, By mountain, by river, May lighten and listen, and and run, With thy voices forever. loiter Clarence Kendall, in " --Henry "Leaves from Australian Forests. < The Cold Frame Autumn id the best time for the amateur gardener. to erect a cold frame. A cold frame is much like a hotbed in appearance, but is without manure. It is used in the spring either tor seeds or for growing plants taken trom the hotbed before they can be set out In the open, or it may also be used by flower lovers who start plants in the house and who cannot get or do not desire to use manure. According to the directions "of the circular of the Dominion Department of Agriculture on how to make and use hotbeds and cold frames, the frame should be made with sides and ends of twelve-inch boards, preferably two inches in thickness and placed on a slopee go that the back part of the frame is six inches higher than the front, By getting the cold frame ready before the winter sets in, considerable time will be saved in the early spring when it would be impossible to erect the frame owing to the frost jh the ground. Lg Little joys refresh us constantly, like house-bread, and never bring disgust; and great ones, like sugar-bread, brief ly, and then satiety.--Richter, YOR SALE--MEAT SLICERS FOR Butchers, Grocers and Restaurants. New and factory rebuilt as low as $50.00. Write Berkel Vroducts Co, Limited, 126 York Street, Toronto. PATENTS. 2 ~ OFFER TU BEVERY INVENTUR A 1st of wanted inventions and full formation sent free. The Ramsay Com pany, World Patent Atturneys, 213 Banl Street, Uttawa, Canada, The Safe, Sensible Way TO REDUCE WEIGHT irkl INDIANS LIVER SALT nplete elimination To In TINS--25c and 60¢ 21 IATA WN {cl 0: Tod g {4 300} I The Friend of Every Mother Who Lg ad Cove" Values Her Children's Skin Health Price 25¢. TIRED AND IRRITABLE? Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound It steadles the nerves and helps to build you up. You will eat bet- ter . . . sleep better ... . look bet- ter. Life will seem worth living again: Remember that 98 out of 100 women say, "It helps me." Let it help you too. Liquid or tab let form, as you prefer. SOURED ON THE WORLD? --THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile --No Calomel necessary Man le who feel sour, sluggish and Wei Drehehed take the mistake of taking salts, oll, mineral water, laxative candy os chewing , or Toughase which only move the Domes nd ignore the liver. What you n is to wake up your Hvee bile, Start your liver pouring the daily two pounds of fiquid bile into your bowels. Ges your atomach and intestines working ne they should, once more, ) Carter's Little Liver Pilla will soon fix you up, Purely vegetable. Bafe, Bure, Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 250. at all druggists. 61 Qo? -------------_ rll tA io i Caked Udder Cleared 2 fenced dairymen find Minard's Lisi; good for treating caked udder, lumps, bruises, colle, ete. Keep bottles in stable and house, ol And All Skin Diseases Overcome White specks on your coal collar mean oply one hing. Your scalp is diseased; Get D.D.D, Prescription at! once: Millions of peg have found quick, bappy release from Dandruff) and all sorts of frritating skin troubles gince Dr. D. I). Dennis developed th D.D.D. formula for his own privat practice; D.D.D. Prescription is n made and endorsed as a dependab quick remedy for skin and scalp d cases by the chemists who Compols talian Balm: pope I Giarmnand to give instan en Ne So PA pe NE AAA LE OE LPN Sn oh 1 nal Np od Wop r-- i rk, "» oi re ATES ) Te Fy et tor Cen