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Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Oct 1933, p. 4

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er or = ", eS prt te . ER role LS os 2 " 2 SEE RS <i Ne ara ry az JX oo rao, 5 3 \ AE ( 3 ft } { Page Four -- Ee ee A emp-- LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. T. W. McLean, of Leamington, was the guest of Mrs. Wilkinson for ten days and left for Whitby on Wed- nesday morning. : Rev. Wesley and Mrs, Elliott, have returned home after spending some time in Parry Sound. Messrs. V. P. Stouffer and C. H. Nichols played with the Business Men's Bible Class Orchestra of Ux- bridge, on Sunday afternoon last. They report a fine welcome. Rev. A. W. Banfield and Rev. W. J. H, Smyth, were dinner guests of Dr. Lundy and family, on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Henry and Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Brown, of Orono, were visitors at the United Church and at 'the home of Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, on Sunday last. The Bay of Quinte Conference Young People's Biennial Convention will be held in Trinity United Church Cobourg, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 27, 28, and 29. Each Young People's Society is asked to send at least two delegates. Port Perry United Church con- tributed a truck load of apples and vegetables to the shipment which was sent by Oshawa Presbytery of the United Church for the dried out areas of the West. <> ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, October 29-- Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Mr. Smyth will conduct both services. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening service. * Rg BIBLE-SOCIETY MEETING Rev. A. W. Banfield of the Bible Society gave a splendid address on Sunday evening in the 'United Church, basing it largely on the gigantic task of making God's message known to a people whose language has no equiva- lent for the great words of the a "| vegetables, emblems of many, good MYRTLE Mr, Harry Hooke, of Toronto, spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. David Broome of Mt. Zion, visited at Mr, Roy Percy's on Sunday. Mr. Ed. Whippey, who has been working the Calder farm for some years, moved to one of the 'Conant | farms on Ritson Read, east of Osh- awa, on Monday, Miss Mildred Painter entertained a number of her schoolmates on Satur- day aftérnoon. } "I's just like it used to be" was the comment 'that was made on the large congregation that was present at the Free Will Offering services on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hazzard, of To- ronto, occupied. the pulpit at both services and his addresses were full of interest and. inspiration. The church was tastefully decorated for the day with autumn leaves, fruit, flowers and things one has to be thankful for at this season of the year. Generous offerings were received. Farmers are busy taking in their turnips. Some report a bumper crop, while others are rather small. LINDSAY PRESBYTERIAL A meeting of the Lindsay Presby- terial executive of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada -was held at Beaverton, with the President, Miss Minnie Gould, Uxbridge, in the chair. 3 Mrs. Burns led the devotional period and was assisted by Mrs. Morrison of Beaverton and Mrs, Wescott, Game- bridge. Reports of the different organiza- tions were given. Miss Gould gave a very helpful and inspiring report of the Provincial meeting, stressing that our most important mission is to help and comfort others. A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. Hall, of Lindsay, expressing ap- preciation of the Presbyterial to the Beaverton hostesses for their gracious welcome and delicious dinner and tea. --_-- PN READY FOR OCCUPATION A witty member of parliament, in the course of a debate on one occasion, sorely annoyed a member of the op- posite party, and the latter jumped to his feet and exclaimed angrily: "The honorable member for B ,; as everyone knows, has rooms. to let in his upper story!" The other member Christian religion. In this case one has to make a word in the foreign tongue out of several words in order to -produce a medium of speech to translate and continue the Christian idea. Mr. Banfield's 30 years in Africa has made him an adept in this matter, . he having compiled an African Dictionary containing 15,000 words. Following the regular service, a mass meeting was held at which Mr. Banfield gave an address. The following officers were elected: President--Dr. J. B. Lundy. Secretary--W. E. Webster Treasurer--H. G. Hutcheson. Committee--W. Wilson and D. W. Mec- Intosh, (Anglican); S. Switzer and A. P. McFarlane, (Presbyterian); J. H. Doubt and F. E. Reesor, (United.) Pe L > EXPERIMENT NO LONGER--It's costly. Use Cress Corn Salve. Sold at A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store. P) OS - J. H. STEPHENSON REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at Morrison's Drug Store the second and fourth Thursday of every month in the afternoons. GLASSES AT REASONABLE PRICES quietly, and with a smile: "True, I havd rooms to let, but there is a dif- ference between the honorable mem- i ber opposite and myself, Mine are furnished!" * "ONLY A DOG" "Only a dog," The Motorist said. "Only a dog," As he onward sped; Leaving the dog in the roadway dead. Only a dog--I had loved and fed. Only a dog, y We laid 'him away, Only a dog, : But I tried to pray; "Good-bye, old pal--," was all 1 could say. Only a dog--but I cried that day. Only a dog, But a faithful friend. Only a dog, And I could depend . On his love and trust to the very end. Only a dog--but you comprehend. Only a dog, And I know he'll be Only a dog, Waiting faithfully-- Waiting to welcome me gleefully-- Only a dog--for eternity. -- Prize verse in Our Dumb Animals. Wanted I Old documents a days. This opportunity is offere 1 take < Companionship with Jesus Sermonette by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth In His great Intercessory Prayer in the 17th Chapter of John's Gospel, our Lord prayed "Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me might be with me where I am that they may behold my glory." . ors There is Christ's final wish 'for His desciples then' and now: That they might be with him, and belief in the quality of His life. The uniqueness of Jesus is seen in his unhesitating challenge to men to Strand Theatr 4 . Uxbridge Four nights--Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday, = . OCTOBER 25, 26, 27 and 28. Ruby Keeler and Warren Baxter, in "42nd STREET" Megt the 200 most beautiful girls in the world. . . Two great shows in one with a star in every role. . . mighter than Broadway ever beheld, : . the show that set Broadway 4 sational show idea ever conceived in Hollywood, rine : 'Admission 26¢ and' 1Bc. (Coupons not accepted.) - ' be like Him. He was not afraid to the underworld asks that his seyen brothers be warned lest they endure punishment similar to his. But Jesus life is not a warning. It is an invita- tion, an example, come of Christ's life repeated. profitably "duplicated on the largest scale, What a' change would be wrought in every community. There is much talk of a revival on a spiritual awakening to-day. Such a life -ever throbs in the womb of time struggling to be born. Itg birthday will arrive when the Church itself is in earnest to be Christ like and to re- peat His life in spirit.and in deed. Let us cease trusting to magic. Spiritual awakenings are mysterious, as all growth is, but not things of magic. -They come as the natural outcome oI truth sown, impressions made, convictions lodged and great surrenders made to God who maketh all things new. ) That which is essential to our good is always within humanitys reach hprovided men are living in, such a fashion as to rightly receive and safe- ly and adequately use the gifts he- stowed. i Conv ention at Cobourg + A number of Young People from this District have signified their in- tention of attending the Bi-ennial Con- vention of the Bay of Quinte Young People's Conference, which is being held in Trinity Church, Cobourg, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 27th, 28th and 29th. on The present President of the Young People's Conference, Mr, Stephen G. Saywell of Oshawa, will be the Chair- man of the Convention, and the fol- lowing well-known ministers and lay- men and Young People workers will part at the Convention. Chas. D. Daniel, Peterboro. Harold B. Neil, Belleville, W. P. Woodger, Cobourg. ° W. P. Fletcher, Odessa. M. C. McKinnon, President of the Bay of Quinte Conference. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Port Perry. Rev. Roy Rickard, Oakwood. Homer Borland, Peterboro. Beverley Hancock, Port Hope Morgan S. Crockford, Toronto, Presi- dent of Toronto Young People's Conference. G. Cleveland Robb, Peterboro, Presi- dent of Peterboro Young People's Conference. : Bert Scott, Galt, President of Hamil- ton Young People's Conference. Aubrey Oldham, Sarnia, President of London Young People's Confer- ence. $3 J. Carroll Anderson, Oshawa, Past- President of Oshawa Young Peo- ple's Conference. i Rev. Rev. Rev.' Rev. Rev. . Among the prominent speakers will be Miss Isabel Griffiths, Secretary: of Woman's Missionary Society, Toronto; Mr. Homer Lane, Secretary National Boys' Work Board, Toronto; Rev, Geo. 0. Fallis, B.D., Minister of Trinity nd relics of pioneer 'the people of this community to help make the record of Port Perry history as complete .as possible in the forth- coming edition of -- fifty "On the Shores of Scugog." The other day a subscriber brought in the original deed of his farm, printed on parchment, and dated in 1804. Perhaps if you look around, you, too, may find some interesting documents. We shall be pleased to see them at-- THE PORT PERRY STAR d to, United Church, Toronto; Rev. James Endicott, West China; Rev. Manson Doyle and Rev. W. P. Fletcher. 'The programine of the conference is being varied this year by having dur- ing its session the final interim Pres- bytery Debate which will take place on Saturday afternoon between St. John's United Young People's Sosiety of Belleville and Cavan Young Peo- ple's Society of Peterboro, on the sub- ject--"Resolved that Capitalism pro- vides greater Happiness for greater numbers than does Socialism." Diane Sinclair and Lyman Williams, in ~ "DAMAGED LIVES" Separate performances--Monday and Wednesday for women only. Tues- day and Thursday for men only. No One likes to dream over the out-!one under 16 admitted. If MOTHERS: Your sons and daughters every Christian would bring his life 1 ould be protected. D d 3 to the touchstone "Would I want this | Ws prote are you deprive life of mine repeated?" And- then: modelled his life so that it could be them of this opportunity of learning about the fundamental facts of life. FATHERS: Is your_son acquainted with the facts of life? "Does he know those things the knowledge of which are destined to help him keep himself sound in mind and body? : HIGHWAY MENACE = Last Sunday, a citizen and his wife, motoring westward on the highway immediately west of Cannington, ap- proached a few pedestrians who were standing on the right hand side of the cement road. As they could not pass, owing to east bound traffic, the horn was sounded to avoid striking an ill- cultured teen-age chap who stood de- fiantly fully two yards in _from the shoulder of the road. "As they were travelling at a very moderate rate of speed they were 'able to evade hitting him. Shi da d In case of an accident the poor motorist is confronted with a serious charge notwithstanding the fact that he was trapped. We think the time 'has arrived when the law should at- trian, which no doubt would have a tendency of lessening accidents, re- sulting through carelessless. --Ratepayer. ta PORT PERRYHIGH SCHOOL We are very sorry to report.the ill- ness of Miss M. Harris, and her con- finement to her home. We all hope for a speedy recovery and to see her back in our midst in the near future. During her absence, her place is being efficiently filled by Miss Tully, of Markham. wild Our energetic boys. are practicing very strenuously every night after school under the able leadership of Jim Cockburn. If they keep it up, we '| feel sure-that they will have a win- ning rugby team. Every Tuesday and Thursday a crowd of girls enthusiastically throng to the gymnasium to train for the coming Basketball season. It may be hard to choose a.team--there are so many bright prospects. The following is the schedule for the Girls' Basketball league (Whitby, Ux- bridge and Port Perry.) - 'Nov. 9--Uxbridge at -Whitby. Nov. 23--Port Perry at Uxbridge. Dec. 7--Whitby at Port Perry. Dec. 14--Whitby at Uxbridge. Jan, 11--Port Perry at Whitby Jan. 25--Uxbridge at Port Perry. We would appreciate your, support at these games, RED U CE D PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents : Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST . Author of =: Eyes in Modern Life lights dancing again. . . most sen-| Him, H COMING -- Monday, Tuesday, Wed-| have His life repeated. Dives from| nesday, Thursday, Nov. 6, 7, 8, and 9. tach equal responsibility to the pedes- | © UTICA Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Lane at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H, Walker, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall and Mr, Mrs. Frank Kendall visiting in Orillia on Sunday. : Mr, John Medd and Mr. Ray Medd are attending all the plowing matches these days and have brought home several prizes. Don't forget"the Hallowe'en concert on Friday evening in Memory Hall. funeral of the late Joseph Ashton, Epsom, on Wednesday. Mrs. Bently and Mrs. Cann at the home of Mrs. Robert Goose, Ashburn, recently. z The United Church will hold their Thank Offering Services on Sunday, Nov, bth, Rev. Mr. Green of Seagrave will be the speaker at both services, 2.80 pm. and 7.30 p.m. with the. children in the choir in the afternoon Mr, w. Tennyson of Toronto with Mrs. Jas Hortop on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Smith of High Point was severally burned last Friday when a pan of grease took fire. ------e eee P-- N---------- ! DIED At Epsom, on Monday, October 28rd, 1933; Joseph Ashton, in his 66th year. en BORN At the Port Perry Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jackson, of Nestle- ton, on Saturday, October 21st, a son. A number: from here attended the]. and Seagrave choir in the evening.|: Il kinds is well done at the Star Office. We have good equipment for rapid delivery of your work, and the prices are right. ~~ 'Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE "Thurs., Friday, Saturday, Oct 26-27-28 Clive Brook, Geo. Raft and Alison "Skipworth, in "MIDNIGHT CLUB" Evenings 7.30 and. 9.30. Adults 25c, Children 16c¢. Matinee Saturday at 2.80. Adults 20c., Children 10¢ & be, Mon;, Tues., Wed; Oct. 30-31, Nov. 1, 'Marié Dressler and Wallace Berry, in " "TUGBOAT ANNIE" Evenings 25c. to all, "Matinee, Mon. at 4 pm. Tues, and Wed., at 2.30 4, WANTED Housekeeper, widow, permanent, ten monthly, quiet home with single middle aged man. Freedom like home of your own, Phone 76 " FOR SALE Circumstances: compel the disposal of my Heintzman Piano, cash or terms: If unable to sell will store with re- sponsible party. Write to Box 19, Port Perry Star. i 3 FOR SALE Delco Lighting Plant. Quarter h.p. motor; 7 h.p. Chapman engine and Massey Harris Gripder, 8 inch plate. Apply to Wm. Treneer, Cresswell. FOR SALE : About 26 Black Minorca Hens, good layers. 7T5c. each. N. Ewers. The Peoples' If you want it good, We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. - ° BERT MacGREGOR _ Will do the rest. Meat Market ring up Phone 72 W | Why not v With GOOD SERIVCE OFFERED leave your baking worries 'with Gerrows? Our aim fs to PLEASE PARTICULAR PEOPLE! | ' GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confeotioners,' TAtieres ANEREERTRAERERRRIIIIE "Port Perry. ' TORONTO MAR (Quotations to Shippers) : Creamery Prints, No.1... 010). 22 'Seconds sirssarseirsnranea ia 2114 Churning Cream--=Special 18; No. 1, 117, No. 2, 16. 5 i Se ; POULTRY AND EGGS ~~ ERBS + i 11421 1sssxssirraxasll to 88 Poultry--(A) Grade-Alive ns Spring Chickens 4... ..:.8t0 16 Broilers sriedsasnerseisfBores i Fatted Hens ...i:..aie.2t..0 to 9 L POTATOES-- © | No. 1, 90: 1b bags. ~.\.. v1.80 to 90 LIVE STQCK-- i: i i 44) Bacon Hogs (£0.5.) s.s1ssasss:86.10 Fed Calves ..... s+. $6.50 to $6.75 COWS lors isan ree 1$2,00 to $2.25 Steers ..cvvvsreessess+$2.00-to $4.60 Lambs ciieenseesnses $460 to $6.25 ONTARIO. GRAIN (Shipping Points) ° Wheat «.vueieairssssinsis 59 to 62 OBLS. +i iranrins tant iaasisdBito 27 RYe. sxe es vaeranaasid0 to 42 BuckWheat ....vsssvsssees 38 to 40 | LAW OFFICE . GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, - Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 3 Phone after hours: 8614 . Oshawa. = /° DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical' Gradus lege and: Polyclinic, London, England, North East 'London. Post Graduate College London; England,: Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, = --A OE GP. The Creamery IS PAYING 18c., 18c., and 16¢c., FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor your cream to the - PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON ) Office Hours--9 a.m. to § pm. Office over Nelson's Stere. LJ 4 [J Chiropractic D. E. STECKLEY, drugless practi- tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether- ington's practice in Port Perry, and is continuing in the same office. Chiropractic treatment, Electro- Theropy and special attention given to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments. : : Consultation and examination free. Thursdays and Saturdays. : Eyes Examined .87 years experience, all styles of frames (prices lower than the lowest quality considered). .. F.E. LUKE & SON: OPTOMETRISTS . 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) The lighter part of the programme pecialish 'oxclusivel in is to be the play which will be given Lpecie sng x 8 oy and in the Cobourg Opera House on Sats ren malies, oyanig urday night by the Young People's Dramatic Club of Knox Church, Peter- boro, entitled "Girl Shy." CHa The convention is to be concluded by a C. G. I. T. Pageant under the direcs Open Tueldsy; Thursday and _ Saturday eve SHE sad Disney Block Opposite P.O. | OBHAWA, ONT. tion of Mrs, J. A, McKone, of Peter~ boro. ; es the colds of autumn and $1.50 each. THROIL--something new than two minutes, 50c. Morrison's Port Perry Kepler's Cod Liver Oil, with malt extract Just the thing to put you in proper shape to ward oft y for neuritus, sciatica and mus cular rheumatism. $1.00 per box. ; ' D ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS--regular 50c. now re- duced to 9c. a large can, : GILLETTE and AUTO STROP SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Now half price--26¢ and 60c. per package. PASSMORE'S BRONCHIAL MIXTURE gives relief in less ; per bottle, " RAT-NIP for rats--36c, a tube. Phone 16 winter. Two sizes $1.00 and TELL THE PEOPLE Drug Store Ontario - What You Have through the columns of Old Roosters .....iiseesseryacessiB and 'make more money by sending . Hours 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, to Sell + A v The Star,"

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