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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Nov 1933, p. 4

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a py i A agin eh Er ee ms So - ra, i fg, 8% ~ Perry street. 4 LOCAL ITEMS COMING--F, E. Luke, Optometrist, Eyesight Specialist at Lawrence's drug store, Thursday, Nov. 23rd. Mrs, H, E. 'Hitchman, of Toronto, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. J. C. Cockburn. Miss Hazel Cockburn was in To- ronto for a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. White, of To- ronto, spent the week end with friends in Port Perry. Rev. Mr. Carpenter and Mrs. Car- penter, of Bobcaygeon, are visiting with Rev. W. J. H. Smyth at the Parsonage. £ g Mr. Laverne Martin, who is now at Port Perry Hospital, is doing as well as can be expected; but it will be some time before he recovers from his recent injuries. --_------ ---------------- MANY CHANGES OF RESIDENCE HAVE BEEN MADE IN TOWN DURING THE WEEK OR SO. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Densham have moved to the Orchard house on south Lilla street. This house has been much improved in appearance by new rock face siding. Mr, and Mrs. Mulligan have moved to the Oke house on Crandell street vacated by Mr. Densham, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reid have moved into the Penhall house on Crandell street. Mrs. Maud Boe and Helen have moved into the house on South Lilla street vacated by Mr. Reid. Mr. and Mrs, G. Bruce have moved to the double house at the corner of John and Queen streets. Their brick house on Queen street is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gemmell. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hooey have moved into the Rundle house on Mr. and Mrs. Boynton have moved into the McLean house on North Street. ------------------ LO. D. E. On Wednesday, October 25th, a very delightful bridge and tea was given at the home of the Regent, Mrs. "G. A. Woods, to raise funds for the work of the Order, the hostesses be- ing Mrs. G. A. Woods, Mrs. W. H. Harris, and Mrs. F. W. Brock. The first and second prizes were won by Mrs. Robt. Levia and Mrs. Malcolm Beare, respectively, and the travelling prize by Mrs. Ronald Peel. On October 17 and 18, the Provin- cial Chapter, Fall session, was held at the Royal York Hotel, and was at- tended by Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Brock and Mrs. Nind. Mrs. Harris gave an interesting ad- dress, and congratulated St. Thomas on patriotic work, saying "Patriotism must grow for Canada and the Em- pire." Speaking of Chapter work, Mrs. Harris said, "Many members join only for the social part of our programs. Their indifference and apathy are our greatest problems". The regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter, I.0.D.E. will be held on Monday, November Gth, at 3 p.m. in the Chapter rooms. BA. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. -R ---- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN - CHURCH 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister aa ao J - -- J. HH STEPHENSON REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at Morrison's Drug Store the second and fourth Thursday of every month in the afternoons. GLASSES AT REASONABLE PRICES ------------ The Young Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Presbyterian Church will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Wm, Day, on Tues- day, November 7th, at 3 p.m, PORT. PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Last Friday night, October 27th, the school held its annual fall party in the form of a Hallowe'en Dance. The spirit of the season was stirred up by a very spooky ghost story which was related by Mr. Robert Har- ris. There was an excellent crowd in attendance and as a whole the party was a decided success. * We are sorry to report a serious casualty which occurred to one of our students, Lavern Martyn, on Friday last, . He had the misfortune to fall while helping at home and is now suffering from a broken leg. Do not forget the second meeting of the Literary Society which is to be held in the school auditorium on Nov. 10th, at 3 pm. The program for this meeting is under the direction of Middle School students. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all visitors. MARRIED PEEL--HAMILTON A picturesque autumn wedding took place Saturday afternoon, October 14, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William Hamilton, Uxbridge, Ontario, when their only daughter, Hattie Marie, became the bride of William Henry Peel, second son of Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Peel, Port Perry, Ontario. The Rev. P. Thornton Meek' of Chamber's church officials. . Ferns, dahlias and autumn leaves decorated the home for the occasion, Miss Frankish played the wedding music and during the signing of "the register Miss Gould sang "O Promise Me)". The bride, given in marriage by her father wore a gown of Alice blue lace, blue felt hat and pink lace mittens. She carried Johanna Hill roses. Miss Eveline .Clough, of Toronto, attended the bride, wearing a gown-of cinna- mon brown with hat to match and carried yellow "mums, Mr. Oscar Beare, of Port Perry, was best man. After the ceremony a reception was held, the bride's mother receiving in a gown of blackberry transparent velvet, matching hat and corsage of roses. The groom's mother was be- comingly attired in black velvet with velvet hat and corsage of roses. Fol- lowing the reception a buffet luncheon was_sqrved .to sixty guests." Later the bride. and groom left on a motor trip to Quebec, the bride travelling in a French blue knitted suit, blue hat and black accesories. On their re- turn they will reside in Port Perry. Out of town guests included relatives from Peterporo, Lindsay, Seagrave, Port Pexry, Taronte; Richmond Hill, and Gormley. --_--eoer-------- THE WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Executive Committee of the Oshawa Presbyterial, met at the On- tario Ladies' College, Whitby, on Wednesday afternoon, October 25th, with the following members in at- tendance: Mrs. C. R. Carscallen, of Whitby; Mrs. P. L. Jull, Brooklin; Mrs. Frank Stinson, Burketon; Mrs. Roy Bird, Oshawa; Mrs. M. S. Chap- man, Pickering; Mrs. N. White, Myrtle Station; Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Newcastle; Mrs. A. C. Elliott, Brook- lin; Mrs. D. A. Scott, Claremont; and Mrs. G. L. Wagar, Bowmanville. The guest speaker was Mrs. A. L. Rich- =r "On the Shores of Scugog." Growing Interest is being shown in the gathering of of material for the new edition of our local history. Please send in any items of historic interest. DO YOU KNOW that twenty-five different tugs and steamboats did business on Lake Scugo coal] gin the early years? That one steam tu four loaded scows? That a scow hi carry, Lin sixty to eighty full cords of wood? Perry was a ship ing the ig market - navigable at one time? That" Port point for square timber for That the Nonquon was Do you know more facts ? We shall be pleased to see them at-- THE PORT PERRY STAR EC -ards, Whitby, who gave a very help- . a ful devotional télk, based on the 139th Psalm, Reports were received from the Secretaries present 'and the treass urer announced that the new alloca- tion for this Presbyterial is $11,660. It was suggested by Mrs, Carscallen that Auxiliaries take "Lady Fourth Daughter of China" as their study book, as it is written along the same lines as "Living Issues in China" and will be more interesting to the gen- eral membership. "Living Issues in China" will be useful as a supple- mentary book. Suggestions were received for the programme for the annual meeting to be jeld in January, and a committee appointed of the President, the two -| vice-presidents, and Recording Secre- tary, with the president of the enter- taining Auxiliary, As yet no invita tion has been received for this meet- ing, The Committee ERY Tenis the kindness of Mrs. Carscallen in entertaining them to dinner after the meeting, The Nominating Committee met in the morning to plan for the election at the annual meetifig and were "in- vited to lunchiby Mrs. Carscallen. MILK REPORT Report on milk samples received from Dr. Harper, Port Perry, on the 23rd of October, 1933. - y . Butter Bacteria Fat Solids G. Owen 30,000 4.1 A. B. Woodley 15,000 3.9 S. Lambkin 70,000 2.95 8.09 D. Scott 1,000,000 3.6 F. Dowson 90,000 4.2 A. L. McNabb, Director of Laboratories. The number of bacteria per cubic centimeter is an indication of the care in handling the milk, the length of time which has elapsed since milking or the temperature at which the milk has been held. Bacteria multiply rapidly in milk stored at a tempera- ture above 50° F, Milk should contain at least 8.25 percent butter fat and 8.56% total solids exclusive of fat. - 'The Medical Officer of Health is publishing the foregoing report in the interests of the Public Health, Educational Convention at Beaverton - On Friday, November 10, the Town Hall, at Beaverton will be the scene of the semi-annual meeting of the Ontario County Educational Associa- tion. All ratepayers and trustees of the county: are invited to attend. The convention will be divided into two parts, the afternoon meeting com- mencing,at 2 o'clock taking the form of a competition between the winning pupils of school fairs in the county in recitation, public speaking, im- promptu speaking and instrumental music. This part of the program was formerly carried out before the Coun- ty Council in Whitby. Between these numbers Mrs, Cameron will lead in community singing. The evening program should be of great intérest to trustees and rate- payers when many school topics will be discussed by the following. speak- ers: Mr. M. A. Campbell, secretary of the Provincial Trustees' and Rate- payers' Association, whose subject will be "Religious Intsruction in the Schools"; Miss Mary Power, director of Health Education, Provincial De- partment of Health, will speak on "Medical Examinations in Public Schools"; Mr. S. Farmer will speak on "Duties of Trustees"; Inspector R. A. Hutchison will conduct the question drawer. A : During the evening a programme of drills, dances and musical selections will be presented by talent under the sponsorship of Beaverton Women's Institute. Much of the. talent for these numbers will be taken from the schools of the County. V. P. STOUFFER PIANO TUNING Overhauling -- piano actions aired, motion taken up, sticky and bh ig i paired, moth oth-prooting cleaning and Ens a specialty, Al fudrantesd, hone 80, Port Perry. « oe - od PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 5th, 1933-- + 11 "am--Morning © Worship con- ducted by the Pastor. 7.00 p.m~--A sermon series on the "Life of Christ" Subject--'The corns, warts. Ask A, M. Lawrence, Drug- gist, Port Perry, ONLY CRESS SALVE -- removes calluses, ingrown ' toenails, MANCHESTER (Too late for last week) the anniversary services at Myrtle. win, of Toronto, the hospital. ¥ Mrs, Arthur Crosier and daughter Mildred spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson and also attended Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Gerrow and son Maunsell visited Mr. and Mrs, Bood- ~~Mrs. Les. Lambe and L. G. visited her niece who is in Miss Annie Rees and Miss Dolly Rees spent Sunday with friends in Torontp, Mrs, Shea has returned to her home in Buffalo after spending a few weeks Club, we could not let this. oppor- tunity pass without expressing 'in some way, our gratefulness to you be- cause of your generous support of our team. Your presence at each game was. always looked forward to and your encouraging advice was of great benefit to the team in general. "Although last 'season we were not successful, we trust that with your eager support we will gain the League title. next year. In this new and happy married lite of yours, we, as members of the Club, wish to you good health, inspiring success and long life, and ask you to accept this lamp as a small token of our appreciation. Mr. McCarthy gave a very suitable reply and stated that he yet had a great interest in the Myrtle Club, and wished it success next year. Mr. Wolfe, Hon. President of the [ with her sister Mrs. Jos. Mitchell. and Mrs, McKenzie. Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mitchell over the week end. Mrs, Islington recently. Mrs. Watsoy, of Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. John Moore and Mr, Baird in Oshawa one day last week. Geo. Shanppy, of Buffalo with her parents Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie visited friends atl ON ° Myrtle Station Owing to anniversary services at Prospect next Sunday, there will be no church service in our church. Sun- day School will be at the usual hour, A large number from our village at- tended the -anniversary services at Raglan last Sunday and felt well re- paid for their effort, Many others at-|' tended the anniversary at Ashburn on the same'day. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Sikcey of Osh- awa, on Sunday, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Armstrong of Club, was called upon for a few words and greatly upheld the sportsmanship of the team, and: referred to an in- cident in a previous League game, where sportsmanship on the part of the opposing team was lacking, Mr. John Miller. addressed the party and thanked Mr, and Mrs. McCarthy for the splendid time give and Mr, Edgar Heron also approved. = The homeward journey was a happy one, Ys] | with 'singing and joking, each person inspired 'by the Srening just 'spent. : -- v UTICA = Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Miller avtended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Geo. Thompson, of Markham, pathy of the community goes out to Mrs, Miller. The sym- Sorry to report Mr. Gordon Bentley is seriously ill at the time of writing. The Hallowe'en concert and dance held by the teacher and scholars last Friday evening in Memory Hall was very successful, Keep: in mind the Free Will Offer-| Proceeds about. $38, Oshawa were visitors of Mr. and. Mrs. Luther Mitchell on Sunday. : to Toronto last Thursday. J also attending night school. 'ton. and dancing, and prizes were awarded the winners, luncheon was served by the hostess. The members of the team presented the newly married couple with: a beautiful lamp, . + with _ the following address: "Dear Mr. and 'Mr. McCarthy,--As | # a group, we have assembled in your|§ beautiful home as your guests. But in the interest of the Myrtle Ball REDUCED Suits sponged and pressed Mrs. Long and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Harrison and Gordon, on Sunday, were visitors of 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Squelch, of Mount Carmel. Mr. David Grant has gone to To- ronto for the winter, where he has secured a position in a dairy. He is Mr. Joe Simpkins spent a few days of last week visiting friends in Tren- _ The Ladies' Aid held a Hallawe'en Tea in the church basement last Thursday evening with a fair attend- ance-and a good supper was served. Arrangements were. made for some- thing special to be held in November. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pilkey, Brook- lin, were visitors to our burg on Thursday last. Last Friday evening was a gala occasion when twenty-nine members and supporters of the Myrtle Ball | Club journeyed to the.home of Mr. and McCartney, in Toronto. A bus was chartered for this purpose which left Myrtle about 7 p.m. and arrived in.Toronto shortly after eight. The evening was spent in games Affer a very dainty PRICES 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C.P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of Eyes in Modern Life Specialising exelusively in ing' Services in the United Church on | Sunday next, Rev, Mr. Green. of Sea- Mrs. Robt. 'Chisholm was a visitor grave, will be the: speaker at both services, with the young people and children of the Sunday School in the choir at 2.30 and Seagrave choir at \7.30 pm, A number from here attended the See them and be convinced. GRAY'S BALM--The wonder he duced prices." "8Yc. 'and '69c." in vitamins. Easy to take. all ages. 95c. and $1 60. off disease. . very small dose is reqyired." AYERST'S DRI- YEAST--A 'form. Biologically tested. capsules $1.66. Phone 49. THE REXA | With GOOD SERIVCE OFFERED Why not t leave yo Lawrence's Drug Store News "(You Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) BULBS-- Finest quality Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Iris, and Crocus. OVALTINE--The great tonic beverage. WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT--The year-round tonic. KEPLER'S MALT AND COD LIVER OIL--A tonic and builder for AYERST'S 10D COD LIVER OIL --To bu uild up resistence and ward . Excellent for babies_an Vitamin- active Dry Yeast in capsule A.M. AWRENCE : - with Gerrows?: 'Our aim. is to PLEASE BF PARTICULAR PEOPLE !! GERROW'S | BAKERY Bakers and Confeotioners, anniversary services and supper at Ashburn this week, On Friday evening, November 10th, the hockey club will hold a dance in Memory Hall. Good nrasle will be provided. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millman and family with: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry last Sunday. Muriel McKercher over the week end. | Mr. Richard Harper is improving in health., Mr. Jos: Wilson, of Epsom, visited our Sunday School last Sunday and gave a very inspiring address.: Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Wagner Sr, aecom- panied him. "=Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson in Oshawa on Friday. - Something to Think Over = (Peterboro Examiner) W. G. Robertson, general manager of 'the Ontario Motor League, has been " : delving into the automobile accident record for the past fifteen years and studying the details of some 100,000 accidents to some purpose, "His findings should be of interest to every person who drives a motor vehicle. rat It is commonly recognized that cut- ting out of the line of traffic is; a risky practice but most drivers will be surprised to learn that by indulging in this move their chances of having an accident are multiplied by 50. The driver who tries to .pass an- other car-on a curve increases his chance of meeting with a mishap 26 fold. : Passing another car on a hill makes it ten times more likely that you will have an accident, while the motorist who refuses to give a signal that he is about to turn or stop multiplies the possibility of his getting hurt by five. Those figures carry their own lesson to every man who thinks, Incidental- ly it would have been interesting if in making his investigations, Mr. Rob- ertson had calculated the increase in: the chances of accidents to cars which might be-forced off the highway by another motorist cutting ouf, passing on a curve or on a hill, 5 EY "Three sizes, 45c., 67c., $1.09 aling cream. Now at .greatly re- i: (formerly 50c and $1.00) Rich Per bottle $1.00. small children as only a 16 ounce $1.69. 4 "ounce 69c. Two sizes: 28 capsules 60c. 100 LL STORE Port Perry ur baking worries Port Rory, Kepler' 8 Cod Liver Oil, with malt extract Just the thing to put you in proper shape to ward off the colds of autumn and $1.60 each. = cular rheumatism. OLD ENGLISH HEALTH S ~nussle anomalies, oyosight and glasses, : ge oron Tusaday, Thursday and ria Disney Block Opposite P.O, : OBHAWA, ONT. _ ~ 1516 -- Phone -- 1516 Years of Silence." than two minutes, 650c. THROIL--something new for neuritus, selatica and mus- $1.00 per box. duced to 89c. a-large can. GILLETTE and AUTO STROP SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Now. half price--26¢ and 50c. - PASSMORE'S BRONCHIAL MIXTURE gives relief. in less winter. Two sizes $1.00 and ALTS--rogular 60c. now re- per: package. . per bottle. RAT-NIP for! rats--35c. a tube. Morrison' 8 Drug Stove Port Perry i 3 Phone 16 _ Ontario Miss Lizzie Sims visiting with Miss| {Cows .... fi) or i (Quotations to Shippers) £14 iy Creamery Solids, No. Too. 10% Seconds. . Pee ry "a Cohen 10% Churning Oream-- Special 18 No. 1, POULTRY AN D. EGGS EBEB. si i vriavsaresssre 20 10 40 Poultry--(A) Grade--Alive Spring Chickens, wrnenenn id to 12 Broilers Caras ra RR ANAS A Sasa Fatted Hens ...........:...5 to 9 Old Roosters- EEL GH POTATOES-- am No. 1 90 1b bags ,........ ..80 to 90 LIVE STOCK-- a Bacon Hogs (f.o.b.) An Fed Calves ............$4,00 to $6.60 Ciaiaented $2.00 to $2.25 Steers... .. +4:$2.00 to $4.00 Lambs.. .. ....!....$4.50 to $6.25 ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) Wheat.. Ji vviiiitainianys,00 to 63 Oats ....... versranitenees 20 to 27 Rye ...iiiiiivnivinnnses.40 to 42 Buckwheat .......... /,,...88 to 36 sas ese LAW OFFICE "GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan 54) Now located in the office of H.W. Emmerson, Purdy Block,' : Queen Street & Phone 264 . Phone after hours: 8614 Oshawa. Io Ww. on "HARPER EEE SA 17, No. 2, 16, : ni Office and Surgery Port Perry, Ont, &« --~to-@-o»- _- "The Creamery IS PAYING 19¢c., 18c., and 16¢c., FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make 'more money by sending your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors W. A. Seametor DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § pm. Office 'over Nelson's Store. o-oo Chiropractic ses D. E. STECKLEY, drugless. pram tioner, has taken over J. A. H. ington's practice in Port Perry, is continuing in the same office. - Chiropractic treatment, Electro. Theropy and special attention given to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments. Consultation and examination free. Hours 9 to 11 a.m. on Toeday, Thursdays and Saturdays. : COMING! : F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St., Toronto's able eye- sight™ specialist \may be con- sulted at Lawrence's drug store, Port Perry, on Thursday, Nov. 23rd. Eyes tested accurately, glasses supplied at right prices. F. E. LUKE & SON. OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) TELL THE PEOPLE What You Have : to Sell '% through the columns of The Star - i ¥*

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