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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Nov 1933, p. 7

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RTOS EPA -¥ 3 Ba pt ng a - - Worst Paiflsh_ R SINDEE ate] SS : "In Great Britain A. SIMPLE. QUICK After Years of Trmining the WAY 10 RELIEVE . English Nurse Receives |, ACID STOMACH . Small Wageg and Stand- A sy It Pays to "Roll Your Own" with Turret Fine Cut : py All packages now con- tain more tobacco, ing Professionally = | | HERE ARE THE siGNs: Phe 7 % Almost Nil Nervousness uent Headaches . "es! ice © i | i TA fu t | | j Recroutne h it He a SER, . More fobacen for Tha Yes! The price of Turret Fine A % I iki he interesting to know Indigestion 4 Sleeplssances " y of S Cut has been reduced so that whe 5 3 H Loss te . . er English nurses regard virtue § NTR APPetice South Addity } same money and you really save money by pur- '88 its own reward, . o aod : : p d, a1, if they realized Auto-tatosication chasing. this finer cigarette that this .was exactly all they would Keep pushing--tis wiser than sitting ¢ ce Sol - A , . ------ A A : e f >, ' i " 3 : get out of years of arduous training, WHAT TO DO FOR IT - dside, ! 2 GCL CI EAC EET tobacco and buying your own ES | : how many girls would take up nursing ! Iv: And sighing and watching and waiting ye SR ~~ papers! Io every package of > : ¥s a cargor, wiites Charles Graves In| L-2 feaspoonivle of the tide. 'os : 42 Ha ? Turret Fine Cut you get more of the same quality tobacco you ; ol on Daily Express. > : © nesia in a glass of water In tife's earnest battle they only pre- } : ¢ have always preferred--the clean, silky cut that will roll a- Nursing is, relatively speaking, the: TY ening hen you = vall, : a Borg, H : i cooler, more fragrant and more satisfying cigarette every time. > woral pald Poigssion in Great Britain, ! as ji 20 , minutes Who always march onward and never % ol d x 5; " e reason is not far to seek. Nurs. ' oo - say fall, H And remember--you can get 5 large booklets of "Vogue" A ing is & hangover from the old con : OR Take ihe row | -- ' or "Chantecler" uit ris yi in exchange oo i We : vent days when the extra daughters of Jhilips' Mull of Magnesia Friend---"Say, old chap, you'd best complete set of Poker Hands Jo : : England's aristocrat families, 'who teaspoonful as di- cut loose from that Jonés girl, She : a3 » new Moy had no chance of making a rected shove. bas a ferocious temper and so has her 0) oq Bd suitable marriage, sought seclusion! ress mother," ? 4 3 3 . bi nn' i Ney . | 1 a 3 } Ny] 4 & and took up good works, I you have Acid Stomach, don't Victim--*"Y-y-yes. But that's j-just E It p RY) sto Roll Your Own" w ith ie In those days they aid not have to! WOIry about it. Follow the simple | Why I dassan't cut loose from her." ; GDEN- Ah tax their mental ability, There were directions RT above, This small | ; SE u i B : i "no examinations of any kind to be| '40sage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia | Man--Is (bat uew watch do of VERPOQ A ] ; acts af once ta neutralize the acids | " X 'passed. They were honored by all! that cause headache, stomach pains: |° Co 2 #0Y E00d? Ae mankind as selt-sacrificing and splen-' 'and other. distress. Try it. You'll | Nelghbor--"Ill eay! If you hear a bi suspicious noise at night, you've only got to wake him and he barks." ! Cig did women who were serving God and | velieving 'the suffering of thelr fellow-! creatures, Now that they have 'o pass. very stiff State examinations as well as hospital examinations, they are para-| doxically regarded ag interiors. They' feel like a new person. But--be careful you get REAL' milk of magnesia when you buy--- genine PHILLIPS Milk of Ma - . See tha e nama! 57 Tg i ALSO IN TABLEY rorm: i FINE €UT CIGARETTE TOBACCO FA "Hallo, old boy!" cried Jones, ef- fusively. "I hear you're going to get married Congratulations." "You've made a mistake," rm Sein 4 SAVE THE POKER HANDS are treated as a cross between lschool-| Each tiny tablet is aun BAL Betting mathied)) - J [tapesial Tobacco Com fC. imi {rls and i : i. equivalent of a teas; "No? y rtier : pany of Canada, Limited 2 Lig raha | equivalent 8 teaspoon No? Ab, well, heartier congratula \ A Comparison | of Magnesia. ; tions sti Erm---- EE ee A ------ ee EE A SS " Compare the status of the E sh! - MADE IN CANAD, A 3 CROSS : 30 ai i nurse with that of oo Canaan wif Phill; ' ! iy A farmer vas. ksked the other day DUH FROSSWORD pULALL ps ¥ Classified Advertismg When she has finished her training, | illips Milk of Magnesia Bow Je fons ine Wome out at his 0) mn 13 0 ; 20 . TARMS WANTED. _ which is more like a college course, Fit Sutoids thre opie d h uss Soniced 1 : COLDS THAT FAA VEND y TO re : the Canadian girl goes out into the : il. se nd there it was. -- - -r HANG ON { (r Wt REL I IRE 4 world as a private nurse who com- On Your 1 The Sweet ¥ : I » 1 Wikte John Stark & Col, 383 Eghpun mands & good weeklv wage, whose 7 ¥ eyes Toung Thine Sites the Coughs that rack the eat Toronto ae -~ soclal status is on a par with a doc OFF-DAYS Evtripped Bie top keyuel ane 4 : > fio whole system -- PATENTS. i d wh 1 Ba ripped up to the handgdme young ' . - 3 IW ose longest working day You'll find' Sah ab (oe desk: < there's a job for A N QFPER TO EVERY INVENTOR urs, 2 0 1 : a QC & "L of wi "Lenton athe oil On the other side of the Atlantic renewed vigor in Sweet Young Thing (cooing) -- 'I SCOTT'S A A Wa a ve "Tne 'Ramsay hd 7 nursing is regarded as one of the best a sparkling { want a pet." EMULSION OF pany, World Patent Atcoriess 273 Bunk 2 professions 'a woman can tak: up. glass of ijl A iouby MA) Gall) Te COD LIVER OIL naw Tse WARES, Fomu GEES i] love to, but the boss is very strict." 13-33 BONDS AND CURRENCIES WANTED. Long Training 3 " MPEHIAL RUSSIAN AND GERMAN In England the heads of the nursing AN DREWS | A canny Scot telegraphed a pro- ¥ fi ad ey ids od ey profession are always complaining of posal of marriage to his sweetheart > - . wanted; previous prices are doubled. the selfishness of the modern woman, L | AY ER SA i of back in the country. After waiting all| : - 3 ; REA David Datis, 137 Queen Street West, : 'because she does not take up nursing by 'lday at the telegraph office for his re-] : : & : Ee RS eT SLE eet simply for its own sake, - Clear 8, ne SS ELCLUCIRB RLS TE ply, he received an affivmative answer PP pe D2 SC TT & Egotism and mumps are much alike, If she does, to what can she look 2 : : late at night, : except that the swelling shows in dif- i {t © forward? = "Well, it I were you," said the tele > 3 E MU LSION ferent places. Wy) . She should first of all have three graph operator who delivered the * RICH IN VITAMINS So goo 2 Bs you raining in a children's hospital. | Many More Cars message, "I'd think twice - before I : BC lai hb "Civilization is-not a natural pre = ; s she takes before the age of : ! . married 2 girl who kept me waiting s -} ST ze Vouar, Sint the vesull, of indie siie twenty-one. - At twenty-one she goes Bought By Italians long for an answer." - - . Ero road . - i ait Le and incessant efforts of humans well i into. a general hospital, where she|---Rome,--The number é6f motor vehl- "Ne, na," be replied. "The lass for Ancient Printing Press directed by human intelligence. '-- takes three to five: years' training, cles is increasing in Italy at the rate | me is the lass who waits for the night . - Still at Work Aldous Huxley. witha payment of $80 to $90 & year, | of about 10,000 a year. Between 1931 | rates." : . The oldest printing frm in (ie <= mmmmemes memm eeeee UR H % \ Yu end working up towards $160 a year, |and 1932 the increase wag nearly 20, world is undoubtedly the House of No Cold is a Fixture with Her hours are from seven o'clock in| 000. The total for motor vehicles of Nice Quiet Game = © . 48 Guasp at Palma oun the island of '-" ° the morning to eight o'clock at night, | all kinds is 453,995 up to the end of | Mrs. Robinson could never take her - Majorca, off the coast of Spain, Buckley S Mixture with two and a half or three hours off | March, husband's golt seriously,. She was one which has been presided over by 10 duty. Drring this off-duty time she| At the end of March. there were | of those people to whom all Hor \ -- i i y family No, sir. No matter how hard.and deep. seated ) ¢ . 1086 : games are| lorizontal 37--Number. 11--"70 bine with finid generations of the Guasp family. It ¢ i o Be BUCKLEY S has to attend lectures and do all her} 230,768 automobiles in circulation in [8 mystery. al |. 1--Digger 38--To lift 13--Eats was established in 1579, at a time| MIXTURE will conquer it in hext (0 no tims. studying. Italy, including public taxis. This One day she accompanied bim: to| 8--Boxed 39--Hindu weight 16--Heavy meatl when Spain dominated the world | ihe sery fist dove ge down fo business -- 19--To debate 20--The earth 22---Century plant 23--Murmur of wind 26---Animate figure is almost half the total of the automotive vehicles in the country. Milan has the n.ost automobiles with 27,000, which ig nearly es many as the whole region of Piedmont con- | Eleven Years After the general training, a good nurse will-take her Central Midwifery Board examination, which takes up another year of her life, and mean- 11--Mother ot Dionysos 12---Lessened 14--Outer garment 16--Worked hard 17--Note of scale the links. and followed him round, grumbling all the way. At last he landed in" a 'bunker, and spent some time floundering about in. the sand, His wife sat down on the top of the and prior to that time Gabriel Guasp had been a bookseller, but be decided to branch into the printing business and the old press which be started with is still standing and in daily 40--~-Compass point 41--Compacted fabrics. 42-- Otherwise 43--Discovery 46--RBegrudged Its lightning-fast aciion amaes everybody wiien they take it for the first time. Tf you, or any member of your family, has a cough, cold, "flu or bronchitis, try Buckley's and be convinced. Refuse substitutes, Buck: fey's is sold everywhere. tite, of course, it is better if she has| tains. The region of Italy with the i, Pens pars) and said, quite| 18--Blackbird 47--Rows 26--Balance use. It Is built of solid timbers, of had her training in a fever hospital. | greatest number of cars is LOM. affably, "You see, darling, I knew per-| 19--Active 48--Wanders 28--Piece of furniture rather cumbersome appearance and te To This lasts two or three years. bardy with 50,140, fectly well you could do all your play-| 20---Cask Vertical 29--~To shut slow operation. As a matter of fact Dr. Beacom s Eczema Remedy iives wonderful results in the treats 30--Trustworthy ment of all kinds of Eczeme, Ring- So altogether her training will come| Rome has 18,500 autos out of "a|ing in oue place if you wanted to, 21--French article the act of making the impression to about eleven years of. concentrated | total of 20,000 for the region! of tw -- '22--Follower of Arius 1--More miserly 31--To fly depends largely upon the strength of || worm, Piles. Itch and other skin dis- work. : Latium. ; . «} A man stepped up to a grocer's clgar| 23--Withered 2--Body of Kafir 32--EBsays the pressman. After inking the form || $85¢3 I2 youssDingaist haere st in Small Wages ---- \ counter and bought two ten-cent| 24--Hauled warrlors 33--Having grain spiked | he braces himself against a stand es they Beacorm Cistowe) Ont ; A Soar AI ote on- or © Twelve clgars, A Scotchman who was wait:| 26--Reads carefully 3--By birth ~ 35--Drops on the floor and pulling over a heavy TE " years' {raining, holding her C.M.B. Back of the Neck ing to be served pushed forward. 27--To praise 4--S8panish article 38--"To bring up lever brings a heavy block down to : 5--Answered t--Mound of stones J9--Slender 41--For shame! 42--Character in Uncle * Scotchman--"You sell those cigars three for a quarter, don't you?" 'Grocer--"Yes,"" 28---Sullen 29--0nion-like herb 31--0Ild war ship cover the type. 2 To Come Into View New York.~~Prices and wages and | certificate, fever certificate, and her Btate certificate, will start at $350 a AtFiret Signs of Pimples ~ ------ eet ee i--To ald - rear, and work up to $450 or $475 ; i i pees p $ § Da everything else are going up this fall Scotchman--*"Well, here's a nickel.| 34--Affection 8--=Sorrowful Tom = A farmer in the Middle west not Use CUTICURA If she takes up private nursing she so hair styles are, too, the New York I'll take the other one." 35--Meat 9--French conjunction 44---Jumbled type receiving eatisfactory returns from Aneiat with the Ointment. After 'will have to belong to a nurses' "Co- Hatigtosstss me Costco As- : 36---Exclamation 10--Of modest demeancr 46--Negaiive bis) leiogs, Rus Soineg Bay dah Sg Rieglastes lite wis he Sang Wnttrlt ld san od han hon sociation says. At the opening of the| Jerry--"So your grandpa has'a very| === == -- TE TE" fame preserve oid is, specialiung ne Rhee association's convention higher coif- Ointment 25¢. and 50¢. fures were shown. "Curis will be bank- ed on top of the head this year. "The upward movement plays the leading role in the season's coiffures," the demonstrator said. "The back of the neck hasn't really been scen for the past seven years. It disappeared in ring-necked pbeasants, He ig find- ing a ready sale for these to conser- vation departmentd and hunting ese tates. : ARE YOU TROUBLED Answers to Last Week Puzzle bad case of hay fever?" © Larry -- "He sure has. He even sneezes every time he passes a grass widow." , } Back Trimming on Latest Paris Creations What are you really doing about the fashion of going inetead of com- ing this year? Of all styles, this one is the most fun. No matter what you planned to put on the front of lodge in no great comfort, hut at least aave the satisfaction of knowing that aer "Co" will send her out on jobs and wake a very high percentage of her RY. } A The public normally pays its private is asurses from $16 to $256 a week, of which the nurses get, a. I say, only a ee eet]. STOMACH ACID BURNS LIKE FIRE Old Ragson Tatters fiom Brushville says: "There nro two kinds of people, good and bad. The classifying is usual ¢' Sr share, : Lip won e ears, Shick have been ly done by the good." your outfit--don't do it! Hang it on WITH NERVES ? -- 5 There Is a handful of nurses who| pol CO FEES PE LCL" ce tbe back instead. This makes It : Sometimes, stomach, Sold, price 00 wre attached to famous obstetrical sur- shall See the back of the neck once| The following fish story is going the possible to turn your back on the Bo vou. Sud it lard to:gote deep ab 3520 stop this quickly and get immediate seons, and these can get as much as| rounds: A man vows that uot long entire world, if you with. Main-t gin 3g you feel poorly rested in the os Mg] Pgeniion With a spoor- . $60 a week, and midwifery nurses can| S---------- -- ---------- ve ----e--rr -- pocher made a stunning long suit In| morning, "jumpy" all dey, and "'reg- tl of 'Bisurated Maguesia in half a V' i ater, Any dru store has be compared relatively -in-their-pro- black wool with metallic blousd and ged" by evening? glass of ig NE sate hes fession to the highest paid music-hall ~artists in the theatrical world, RC An AS Seek Air Service Between N.S., P.E.L New (lasgow, N.S.~--The Federal Government was asked In a resolution "> adopted by the Board of Trade to + establish an aerial mail and passen- ger service between Charlottetown and New Glesgow. The resolution proposed a service opening in the fall when the steam- er Hochelaga concludes fits run ncrogs the Northumberland Strait be- iween Charlottetown and Pictou, and toncluding 'in the spring. A similar service ig at present in operation be- : , Lween Charlottetown and Moncton, VE N.B. X eK MN \ Ne NT NY vo US. Navy Seeking Funds : to Replace Dirigibles Los Angeles, Calif, -- The United Ji States navy will seek funds immedi- ately to construct two giant dirigibles, larger than the Macon, now based at - Bunnyvale, Cal, according to Rear- Adniiral Ernst J, King, Admiral King, -who 18 on 'a survey of fleet aviation, N h* Thanks Kruschen for Return to Fitness Acting on his principle of "when you know a good thing tell your friends about it," a man who has had very bad lumbago writes as follows:-- I suffered from lumbago in my back, and for weeks could scarcely move in bed. I had treatmen:, but it did not ease the pain very much, A friend said, 'Why man! Why not take Krus- chen Salts? Take them every morn- ing, and you'll find you will get relief from that awful pain'in your back. So I have taken them every niorning. '| This is the second bottle I have had, 'and I am in Ait cofidition for my work again--thanks to the Kruschen, I will surely tell my friends about Kruschen Balte, I will never be without them in my house,"--0, B. Why is it that lumbago, backache, riieumatism. and Indigestion all yield so swiftly to Krusohien Salts? What is the secret of Kruschen's effective sald the dirigibles would. replace the Akron and the decommisgloned Los Angeles, : : ness against the whole armv of coms mon complaints? PINNED TO BED BY LUMBAGO| Scarcely Moved for Weeks 'Thd secret is an open qne. It Is re- vealed in the analysis onthe bottie-- for physicians and everyone else. to fee, Six vital mineral salts, That is the secret. The identical six salts that Nature ordains for your bodily well being, Each of these six ealts has an action of its own. Where one cannot penetrate + another can -- and does, fitomach, liver, kidneys and digestiye tract are all benefitted and toned up to a top-notch condition of efficiency. Kruschen Salts is obtainable 'at all ago, while on a fishing expedition, he gpied a snake which had just caught a frog. Desiring the frog for bait, he tried unsuccessfully by prodding and other means to make the snake re- lease its prey. Finally he pulled out a flask and poured a little liquor in the snake's mouth, The snake dropped the frog and slithered away. Some time later, the fisherman felt a tug at his trousers, and found the snake, looking up expectantly -- an- other and larger frog in his mouth. i bt th in lh st First Friend--"I wonder who invent- ed work, anyway?" Second Friend--"You should worry. You'll never infringe on his patent." | Its a good thing Romeo lived when he did, else he would have to learn the saxophone and how tu croon, ay "Cities to Get a Break," says a newspaper headline, It's & well-known fact that a good many of them are al- most or totally broke. : wt mm ce init Canada's greatest Industry fs pulp and paper manufacturing, The Do- minlon exports more pulp and paper than al) other countries in the world Drug stores at 45c. and 756, per bottle, f combined, hasque jacket with not a sign of fur in front, hut the entire back of leop- ard like a waistcoat. Vionnet throws her influence to the back in cow! drapes lke the monks wear, and Au- gustabernard inserted panels of color down the back, Even hats are roll- ing away from the face and joining the "flung-back" movements of new styles, which remands that we must be constantly going instead of com- ing if we want our clothes noticed. ee Mg ec "Left to itself, without advertising and selling, the public' drops into an 'animal-like existence, content" with a leaky roof, unwholesome food and rags for clothing.""--Roger W. Babson. HELP FOR TIRED WIVE Take Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound uring these hard Wives get 5h who fuer bear ERESERER in Se make best wich Toad LL) o it-o [|B you ard fired . . out +40 try Ly hn Bie Somipeand! What sos nee 4.8 tela Oo Of ee Aare benctied by this y tle m your mayo at watch the results. Then take Wincarnis. Here's a delic- lous wine, not a drug, that soothes nerves as nothing else can; that helps you quickly to sleep and floods your whole being with vibrent new energy. Wincarnis brings you ell the valuable elements of apes combined with the | highest nt ef and guaranteed malt extract, Almost as soon as you begin taking Wincarnis, you eel wonderfully Getter. This Is because Wincarnis enriches your blood, soothes your nerves and creates lasting re- serves of strength and energy. Over 20,000 medical men have proved in practice the value of Wincarnis in cases of jumpy nerves, insomnia, anaemia, debility and general indispo- sition. Get Wincarnis from Yh drug- ist.--Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co. Ltd.. Toronto. 10 . -- OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up your Liver Bile 4 «Without Calome} \ i Your liver's & smal) obgan it eer tainly ean put , ier Big irninative organs out of kilter, by refusing to pour out ite daily two pounds of liquid bile Into your bowels You won't completely correct such a condition by thing baka, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or pg gum, or tosghage. hen they've ved your bowels they're through--and Seed A liver etimulat, y hy Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon bring bach the sunehing into your life, They're purely veges table. Bale. Bure, Ask for them by name. Refuse wabstitutes, 20¢ at oll druggists. [*} \| rubbed it prove how quickly it works. SKIN BLEMISHES Vanish Before Physiclan's © Prescription Thote spots or pimples on your face --why let them go on tormenting youT 1ike millions of others have done, you can get rid of your skin trouble through the work of .a esas physician-- Dr.D. D. Dennis. Dr. Dennis' prescrip tion--known in many countries as D.D.D. and now manufactured by Campana's Italian Balm chemists-- will bring you relief at once, and quick- ly restore your skin to health, Al Mg gell D.D.D. Trial size, 86a: Guaranteed to give instant relief o2 money refunded. 1] DOCTORING YOUR DAIRY HERD Cows aren't machines, They can get sick or hurt, But Minard's Liniment makes it easy to care for, their ills, Mrs, Thos, Bulmer : Lardo, B.C,, found one of her with a lump in her udder, Minard's Liniment", 'she says, "and it soon got better. Minard's is best for Cuts, Bruls Colie, Distemper, ete, and equ good in stable or fn house, We named "King of Pain", 1" pr 1 ISSUE No. 45--'53 °° gp INS a 5 # gw pti i eros ot rEg

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