White Light Grey =| € PUTS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY : TO SECURE YOUR PAINT | and VARNISH for Immediate I "and Futire Use. QUICK DRYING ENAMEL | Ivory Green Quick Drying Floor Enamel Yellow - Brown - Il VARNISH STAIN | Light and Dark Oak | GROUND COLOUR WHITE Quick Drying All Use Varnish, Clear On Sale One Week Only NOVEMBER 18th to 25th roving VW. IL. P, FLAT PAINT PARRISH HARDWARE ON A Knockout ale of Paints CHILDREN'S AID WORK OUT- LINED BY INSPECTOR. A brief outline of the work carried * on by the Children's Aid Society was presented by Mr. O. M. Alger.. It was statéd that four hundred cases had been. dealt with during the year. Eighteen children were "made tem- porary wards, fourteen were made permanent wards and eight were com- mitted to public institutions. Twenty-seven cases that came to the attention of the society came un- der the Unmarried Parents Act, while twenty applications were made { for adoption. Fourteen children were "released from the supervision of the Society, some of whom were over the ; Age limit set. Sd LN yh GREENBANK Miss Marjorie Phoenix visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Real in Uxbridge over 'the week end. " J Mr. Cuyler: Whitter - and family moved into the McDonald house last week. : My. and Mrs. T. Sharp, Miss F. E, Phéonix and Miss A. Harium in To- ronto on Sunday. Mr. Freeman and * Howsam visited = Mr. Unionville on Sunday. Mr, R. M¢Milan in Toronto for the week end. Miss Millicent C. Wyatte at -- > SEAGRAVE The birthday party put on in the Sunday School' room under the auspices of the Women's Association, on Friday evening last, was well at- tended. Twelve different tables re- 'presenting each month of the year, were. tastefully decorated. and well "Jaden with good things to eat, A very enjoyable program followed -the sup< per, the Clarke Brothers Male .Quar? | fette accompanied" by . their sister rs, (Rev.) Mellow, were very much enjoyed. Miss McFarland, of Zion, a talented elocutionist gave several pleasing numbers, Mrs, (Rev.) Green also favored with several well chosen readings, and Mrs. A. Snyder sang two solos that were well received. Miss Esther Graham very ably filled the role of chairman. The monthly meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. James Shunk, on Wednesday afternoon last, Nearly a full attendance of members! were present and a very profitable and social afternoon was spent. | Mr, Ernie King, President of the | Hockey Club, acompanied by Mr. W.! Keen, attended a meeting in Little Britain on Monday evening last, as delegates from the local club. Four teams have entered in 'the newly formed. league up to date--Little Britain, Valentia, Zion and Seagrave. By the feel of the weather the boys J| will- soon. be working out the kinks 'and will be all ready' to go when the first whistle blows. Mr, and Mrs. S. J. 'Wooldridge were host and hostess to our local baseball team; champions of the tri:county league, on Thursday evening of last week. A bountebus fowl dinner, with numerous good things added, was spread before the boys, and everyone hit .1000, no one struck out and there was not a thing went by any of them, The boys' voiced their appreciation in no uncertain manner to their host and hostess" for such an enjoyable even- ing, listening in to hear the Leafs take Boston Bruins .in the opening game. Mr, Jay Gibson and .Mr, 'Cliff McGill, of Port Perry,! were among the guests. The sympathy of the 'community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Moon in-the loss of their nephew Mr. Fred Wells, of New York City, who died very suddenly following 'a short illness. The late Mr, Wells was only a young man, quite prominent in financial circles in the Metropolis, his death coming as a great shock to his many friends. 'Mr, Wells was a son of the Inte Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Wells, formely of Seagrave, later of 'Coldwater, mov ing from there. to. California. The remains - were laid to rest in Pine 'Grove Cemetery, beside those of his parents on Monday afternoon last. He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow, also numerous near relatives. Miss Marion Heaslip, of Lindsay, spent the week end, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Wooldridge. ~~ Several from here attended the Memorial Service held in the United Church Port Perry, on Sunday last. Question: Why did the authorities' refuse to let the wreath bearing the inscription "In Memory 'of those who died in vain" be placéd on.the Ceno- ! taph at Toronto on Armistice Day." "Cry Havoc." ~ ------ eo -- WORK PLANNED FOR NEXT YEAR TO BENEFIT ALL "PARTS OF COUNTY report of the County Road Committee of the County Council, municipalities within the county may next season hope to benefit to the extent of many of their unemployed being put to work and in that way relieving the muni- cipalities of much expenditure for relief purposes. By adopting the re- port the County. Council authorized the County Roads Committee to dis- cuss a program of road improvement projects with the Department of Pub- lic Highways with a view to having these works included in the projected relief works scheme which will shortly. be submitted to municipalities by the Provincial Government. ! The Programme The report of the County Roads Committee as presented by Reeve John Rowe, of Uxbridge, set forth, as follows: ' "Owing to the curtailment of ex- penditures on the County Road system during the past season, many neces- sary undertakings proposed by this committee and approved by the Coun- cil had to be adandoned. Your com- mittee 'has reconsidered theke pro- posed construction projects. and know- ing the existing conditions at these respective' points, would recommend that. the following list - represents thosé projects which, we believe, the undertaking of the same during the THIS 18 NOT . PAINT; BUT OF GOODS MADE BY A WELL KNOWN MANUFACTURER AND .e FULLY GUARANTEED FOR WEAR- ING QUALITIES. X HOUSEHOLD PAINT for Interior or Exterior Painting, in assorted Colors. Specially Priced , for This: Sale. All w we say oi If you don't think thev did, . read g : townfine' south' of 'Part' ' Bolster; Road As the result of the passing of the|- ll| cost and all other costs - On 4 | centage' 'basis this figures out to--the Dominion: Goygrnerpnt assumes 16 peg éent. of 'the' togal e t, the Provincial Government, assumes 50 per ceht. ofa the total cost and the municipality or | | county assumes -84 per cent. of the total cost. "Your committee is of the Spinion that the conditions are practicable to apply this scheme onthe list of pro: fe graph, ; 3 "Your committee fucther Tecom-. cuss fully with the Department of Highways of Ontario the question of undertaking any of these construction projects' on a"day labor basis or. by contract with power to act in accord- ance with the rulthg of the Depatis ment, 42 ~To Purchase Crusher it The committee. also recommended eatin that a further supply. of snow fence amounting to. 3,800 feet be purchased to aid in the conveniences of winter |: driving on the County roads. The 'committee also set forth as follows: "Your committee has, considered the advisability of purchasing a: stone A SALE OF CHEAP an adjourning county which we can 'purchase at a reasonable price. We would recommeénd that your ¢ommit- tee be authorized to purchase this 'mission. to sell the preset. crusher to the best advantage to Ye county" » SCUGOG 'Next Sunday the Worship service at instead 'of ' 7.30. At other appoint-| ments™as usudl. * S. S. at usual hours. Last Sunday Mrs. Thomson lead inl the reading of the lesson and: Milton Demara asked the.. questions: ' Sunday Mrs.:J. Demara' will read the 'legson and 'Ray Myst will: ask the "Questions." ! Mr. and Mrs. CG. 'Graham' and Ver- Rodman . visited .in , Toronto * for. a couple of days last week. There was no school at the Centre on.Monday owing to the death of Miss Williams' grandmother, Mrs. Joblift, and sister-in-law of Mrs, J) Joblin, of Scugog.' Sympathy is. extended to the bereaved relatives, * : Mr. N., Stokes and Mr. Stewart Mark, of Shirley, Mr. A..Sweetman and son Amasa, left last Thursday for the north in search of deer. - We '| wish them success 'and a safe return. Mr. and Mrs. H. Samells and Violet, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells and Mr. W. Samells on. Armistice Day. Mr, and Mrs. R. Tetlow and family .| visited in Oshawa one day, last week. Mr. and Mrs.' A. Brunt:and: children Mona and Carl; of Enniskillen, were guests of her sister Mrs, 0. Jeffrey, on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Samells motored to Toronto one -day-«- 'last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deer, of To- ronto, called on a number of their friends here. recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader motored to Toronto one day last week, COKE LUMBER ol ust attived ~ig caridnd | of body wood -- 989% Hi maple. This wood is' choice, and the price y is right. . ; "HM § We have 'now 'on hand i - Semet. Solvay Coke-- that better coke that cuts one-third off your § fuel bill. 1h a Orders' taken care of § promptly. 3 coming season would-be_to the inter- 'ésts of the County and the users of our road system. "Rama Township--Road No. 20-- widening by cutting rock knolls from intersection of Roads 18 and 20, south east one mile; grading and re:surfac- ing opposite lot 16, con. 2--one. mile, "Mara Township--Road No. 18-- grading and widening from Markley's north to Monk"Road--one mile; Road No. 12---widening Byamp opposite lots 1 and 6: " Fy .4Thorah Townshiipr-Road No, 49-- cut. corner of; lots, 10 :gnd 11, con, 1. ! 1"Brock Township-Road No. 7-- grading: and ditching: | i1% miles on No! '25--~exténsion: to; jarrow; bridge at*Jewell's, con. bi "Scott! Townihip--Road No. 26-- construction' of . two {bridges=opposite lots' 20" and 21, Cons. 7- and 8; Road No.' 10--extension to culvert opposite lots 6 dnd 7, grading and 'surfacing. . "Uxbridge Township--Road No. 8 widening roadway, grading and sur- facing through Con. 4. "Pickering Township -- Road No. 123--grading opposite portions of lots 18 and 19, Con. 4, cut corner, lots 18 and 19, Cons. 2 and 8. . "Whitby Township--Road Ne. 5-- construction of Dagmar. bridge. "East Whitby Township--Road No. 2--ditch hill north of C.P.R. tracks. = "Reach Township Road No. 2--cut corner, lot 18, Con, 1, grading and ditching Cons, 8 and 4. "Scugog and Reach Townships-- Road No. 14--widening ; Cartwright |} roadway, .% mile and a portion of | E Scugog roadway." The report further stated that the] committee had been in communication with the Department of Highways for the last month in connection with the relief work scheme which is shortly to be submitted to the municipalities. |} A brief outline of his scheme Is as follows: < "The : Dominion Government con tributes % of the man labor cost; the Provincial Government contributes of the man labor cost and the Depart- Sam N. Griffen | Lumber Co." Phone 240 ; } PORT PERRY, ONT, a. ment of Public Highways contribute = | 50% of 'the. balance of 'the man labor| i | jects 'described in a 'preceding para- | mends that they be authorized to dis: crusher of a greater capacity than: the = one now owned: and we "have found o there is such a crusher available 'ng crusher, side conveyor and bin at.af price not to exceed $1050 and ask per- { the Centre Church will be at:4 pm.f ° Next} non, Mrs. L. v. Savage and Mrs. S.|. a vania Hard Coal". 1938, the oR of lands now available to be sold for arrears of taxes in the [County of Ontario 'is being published in an advertisement in. the Ontario Gazette on the 28rd and 30th days of September and the 7th and 14th days of October. Copies of such list of ad- vertisement may be had upon applica- tion to me; In default of payment of arrears and costs as shown onthe said list, on or before Wednesday the 27th " |day of Deceniber, 1933, at two o'clock in the afternoon, I shall, at the said 4 hour, at the Court House, , Whitby proceed to sell by. public auction, the | said lands or such portions thereof as shall be necessaty to-pay such arrears, together with the charges thereon, "BE. A McKay, : County : "Preasurer. Iford and: Mx J. Buri: 4! Toto. one day re: : He sh oe dé, els visited 3 parents and Mrs. W. Crozier f Manchsnter, ast. week. Miss Dorothy Fines. visited her friend Miss: Grace Demara on Monday. Atinivérsary services will be held in the. Head Church on: November 26. More 'particulars later, : ew an TREASURERS HATE | OF LAND FOR: TAXES, COUNTY OF ah JONTARI 0 'By virtue' of a warrant issued by : the Warden of the County of Ontario, Dated at Whitby, this. 18h day of bearing. date of the: Ist day of Sept, September, 1988, «+ Dee, 20 ' x it p £ Port Perry Dairy PASTEURIZED MILK You Pay the: Price--why not . Get the Best? Phone 238, Port Perry 7, ol Ra G. OWEN, Proprietor, Er (ER BROS. "|Buy and sell g ood meat. Choice cuts at reasonal le price. Phone orders receive. 'prompt attention. "Phone 29. w. . he C CAWKER | BROS. _ PORT PERRY COAL W00D COKE "BLUE COAL" is the best Anthra- - cite mined in America. It is colored "blue so as to "be identified at a 'glance, We can supply you with -- BRITISH" coal, HAMILTON COKE; HARD and Soft Wood, 'Coment, Lime, Lxiibaty Etc. CF RED E. 'REESOR " Pines Office 73 w; Res. 73) I - = DONT WORRY ABOUT "FIRE! Haye y your property properly ve insured at once of HAROLD w. EMMERSON. L he a orn Ty = { BUY NOW "Made. to- Meaeors SUITS and OVERCOATS at: Low Prices. We are offering good values--60.. yon different designs in Tweeds, Fancy : + Worsteds, 'Grey and Blue - Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning 'Done : W. 7. R d ~~ MERCHANT TAILOR ; (8) man Over the Telephone Offs; } wt Port Perry Coal Yard FOR ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF FUEL GIVE Us | A CALL FAMOUS 'READING ANTHRACITENo doubt about heat satisfaction when you order "That 'Better Pennsyl- Every load the same uniform d sr Ploy Nit anu Pou nice - Nut and R , "SCOTCH COAL--Always in stock. ange sizes ANS, a. AML AL, co NO. 1 BODY HARD- ; WOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFT SLATS. HARD LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, CEMENT. A fresh to, * Probably catload of St. Mary's cement just receiv the last one this season, ' Do not negelct t at repair job, "PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT. Phones--04 W and 943, "Rell Srvion and Better Fula" WELSH COAL--A fresh car load of Welsh Cobbles will (7% £8 Bi ¥.