Page Bight Waving Children's Hair Cutting, a Specialty. UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walker at- tended the funeral of her uncle, at ea Brougham, last Friday. Mr. Alfred® Clark purchased the stray steer, sold at Mr, Jos. Ward's, on Tuesday. Master Murray Gilbert, of Oshawa, the banks of the day evening, Dec. 8th, in Memory their annual Christmas Tree and tea The seen on Friday, Dec. 15th. have been exhauste The United Sunday School will hold |" have help. Not for Jiches, hor for: their Christmas Tree in Memory Hall oven 10 UY ipi 5 chante Foremeans to carry on this great life-saving work, these hospitals are Glen Major young people are presents largely dependent upon the girls of warm hearted friends. they can do is limited only A the r "nh. | money in hand. Mrs. Wm. Philp has been in To-| ! Wil you send your gift to George ronto the last two weeks. A. Reid, Treasurer, on Wednesday 'evening, Dec. 20th, ing their .play. Stress, Toronto 2 Mrs. Cann was in Toronto for a couple of days last week. PORT PERRY CHRISTMAS FAIR 'WILL-BE. HELD, TUESDAY, December 19th : «| ize the importance that the cin- 1933 HR ENTIRE ema has assumed in the lives of "PRIZES FOR BUTTER, "POULTRY, HORSES BUTTER BUTTER, 5 1bs., plain wrapped prints ...... $2.00 ° POULTRY : TURKEY, MALE, 1933+ erry: 2.00 TURKEY, HEN, 1933. ........c.ov van, v2.00 GEESE, Display nT TRIAL LEE. 3.00 GEESE; Pair .........c00iiiiiiniiins 2.00 CHICKENS, Display .....c.cviniiiiiitn 3.00 CHICKENS, Pair spr ing goa era arm 2.00 DUCKS, Display AE Bal SPO ERNE. 3.00 DUCKS, Pair ..... PEARY dA wean a nS . 2.00 HORSES HORSES, Agricultural Team .............. 7.00 (1500 Ibs. and under) HORSES, Road Class, open ............... 6.00 HORSES, Road Class, Farmers' ph AT .. 6.00 RULES AND REGULATIONS All entries should be made, and exhibits of Produce, in Town Hall, by 11 a.m. on the day of the Fair. No duplicate entries can Butter prints must be in plain wrappers, and must be the: bona fide property of the exhibitors. An entry fee of 50c. will permit you to make one entry in each and all classes of produce. An entry fee of $1.00 will be charged for All Poultry for Fair must be be made in any of the classes. cach entry in the horse classes. drawn. + ARTHUR BROCK, President. Sale willie ee hie sie Cali aie luis ibe Christmas Special in Permanent Try a new Paramoyit Combination Permanent Wave for Christmas, 4° Done with the new Paramount combination rods and the flat wind which produces soft plat natural waves with curly ends. best pads and lotions used. Everything complete, including hair- cut, 5 thinning, shampoo, permanent. and finger wave, . Price $3.00 or two for $5.00 . Make your appointment early. Phone 76 Port Tirry, | year. 1 the twelve-month the se Mulligan' 8 Beauty Shoppe I ee ome SRC Ee WEES Si JABS le stil eae "Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lakey attended Ladies' Night at the Masonic Lodge, Markham, on Tuesday evening. Sanctuary Up in Muskoka, in the land of A sparkling lakes and pure, fresh air, spent a week with his grandparents, | stands the Muskoka Hopital, On hn Q umbe Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Spencer. also an ideal location, jaro th : . Nr ueen ar 08 a Keep in mind the dance next Fri- TO A Re ray Who Dae been stricken with consumption. What pilgrimages they have seen Hall, of men and women and little child- ren who, on e verge o espal The Presby terian Church will hold have turned to them as a last resort. And still they come. 4 have fought a ainst, an un- oe until sung '| Most children spend longer at '$ .75| modern Fletcher might well say 2A] < [= = =A] << SS << DO ht DO ht OE bt ht fk ed pt ft cocooo ScToMo nto coooo COO OD@ i > << 2.00 E. H. PURDY, Sec.-Treas. REPORT OF THE BOARD OF( CENSORS OF MOTION PICTURES Loe 10uowing extracts irom the © "ANNUal Ieport or the board or vensors or Motion ric- Lures will give some. ldea of the €lecuve and necessary work or unis board, and the progress Iv 15 Nlakiug 1 rendering mouon piClures more' 'wuoiesoine . ana valuanie to 'the Canadian punlic. "ine ancrease ul Briusn mms umportea and -exmpited 1s the mose sigmicant, event or the numupel nas trebled as compared willl ne previous year, 'rhere 'are two Lahnadian companies or mXchanges which impore direct rom une united Kingdom Lor aistripucion here, une of these concerns was established a nttle more nan a year ago. Briush aiswributors now also include, in a measure, that by branches mere or the tum naustry in the united orates; the result or ar- rangements, reciprocal mm char- acler, made by New York head- guariers or the admission Of united Kingdom product to the American market. "Certain organizations or their supsiaiaries' have co-operated with leading universities or the united States 1n producing films 10r class room use. 'L'nhe sound 18 on aisc tor many or the films, Alter preliminary screenings with accompanying speech the motion pictures may be repeated silently so that the instructor may amplify or emphasize cer- tain phases" or portions. Such mms are being used in first year classes to demonstrate element- ary and fundamental principles mn general science. - These films are found to quickly establish a pack-ground 'which the average student coming up to university seems to be without, 1t is note-| worthy, that most of these films are made. under the auspices-of engineering -and other: concerns 'which are manufacturing equip? 'ment; for the making of films | rather than by recognized mo- 1 tion picture-producefs who c¢on- tinue to confine their output al- most entirely tq films for com- mercial amusement. " "The public, too, should Foals the children. Seven children out of every ten go to the picture theatre at least once a week. the cinema than they do at many. school subjects. Here is an in- fluence of first importance. A that if a man were permitted to make all the films he need not care who should make the laws of a nation." Some indication of the char- acter of the material reviewed by the Board is suggested by the following statement in a recent lication: "A distinct handicap of the 'American industry in the Eng- lish market at this time is due to many pictures dealing danger- ously with subjects destructive to the home, marriage, and in- directly the state. Of course the American industry is labour- ing under the same handicap in its home market, but* here the tendency does not receive the the check which is promptly ad- ministered to it in England. In England a greater number of American pictures would do bet- ter if they contained more of the American viewpoint and less of "thé Hollywod viewpoint." "or solve any puzzle. WRITE TO-DAY FOR PARTICULARS Write to-day for particulars 79 Clayburn Ave., St. Catharines ior prices and get your order in early. - WOULD You LIKE 200 BRAY CHICKS FREE The requirements are simple. You don't have to send any money BRAY CHICK HATCHERY NOTE--if you are in the market for early January Chicks, write us First hatch January 8th. "If a man were to come raging that he did not have to read it. family of 'adolescents, it is a very different story." a ¢ Will do the rest. | The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. £ vou, want it good, ring up Phone 72 W .MacGREGOR proprieties without timatum. customer is a nt American,| or a least a nation that wants to be decent in public." Eig publicity material distributed by txchanges tor the use of KEx- hibitors has increased," This material must be submitted for approval as well as the films for which 1t 18 prepared, 1t is with regret the board reports a heavy increase in the number of post- ers and newspaper cuts refused approval--almost three times that of the previous year, Most of this.material was suggestive and even salacious in character. in mény cases the advertiging in question conveyed little about (the. "film concerned, Often the words of the film title, particu- larly if one of the "box office" variety, were given a turn quite at' variance with the story. Tolerance of the practice of heaping up superlatives to de- seribe a "current release" can- not be extended to such adver- tising, as that complained of. Much of it actually misrepre- sents the subject. 'Chis is evi- dent from 'the fact that the Board rejected in too fewer films in the last fiscal year than in any similar period previously. What loss is entailed in the prepara- tion of this material banned here can probably be computed. The loss entailed, where it" was cir- culated and displayed, is beyond computation, 'It should not be a matter of. indifference to this great. industry that during the past year in 'many parts of the Motion: Boturen 'an issue of a New York trade pub-| into your office screaming about the dirt that he had read in a book, you might properly say But if the same man discovers that doing his best at a bit of motidn picture shopping he can- not on a given week-end find fit entertainment for his wife and "Just now there appear to be rewards -in sight for the pro- ducer who can be smart without smut and inuendo, and the license called 'frankness', smart enough to tell a Story 'within tie eing dumb. A proud industry cannot be proid of a condition which rought Mr. Hays to the state of mind which produced the verbal reproaches of his Hollywood ul- The problem is a merchandising "problem, od the The volume of advertising and world film censorship has been extended to inchide film adver- tising. 'As in the past the work of the board has not escaped criti- cism, If Matthew Arnold's dic- tum to the effect that the State was. of the morality of all-its citizens without the fanaticism of any of them is accepted, it should "have. particular applica? tion" to su ha creature of' the 'Stiite 'as a Boakd of" Cengony of 'The functions} of such' Boutds and similar sit ervising™ authorities in British]; countries continue" to 'be 'more 'widely 'understood. "~~ To quote again fromthe Report,of the Edinburgh Cinema Enquiry Committee, "the plea for a fuller development of, supervision of the films in the life 'of:the nation is not, merely the cy. of the in- terfering busybody. 7 Cat "MYRTLE 'Mrs. W. English, of Manilla, visited her sister 'Mrs. . Frank |] Shell last week. Mrs. English was one of the successful: prize winners in the" bread making contest that Five Roses Milling Co. put, on'at Uxbridge a couple of weeks ago, and won fourth prize in a large number of con- testants. She is now showing at Guelph in a similar contest put on there by! the same com- pany. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bryant and family who are on a motor trip from Saskatchewan have been visiting « Mrs. Bryant's father, Mr. Wilfred Graham, Rev. and Mrs. Totton, Mrs. A. Carmichael, and Mrs. E. E, Mole, attended the funeral' of Mrs. week. During the fey spell of last ed by Mr. Sanderson, of Peter- upset. The driver and another ened in until help arrived and the five cattle were hauled out their upset. THe truck rack was badly. smashed but otherwise ronto market, ! were in Toronto on Friday. : was reported here last week. neck. later. te Brush, Lomb and Mirror Set, prize filly foaled in 1933 in Cres- (Rev.) Nichol, 'of Toronto, last|g week, a truck ldad of cattle own-| Hi boro skidded in the ditch about|# a mile south of the village and |} passenger in the cab were fast- 8 by ropes little the worse for |f little was damaged arid the stock | were soon re-loaded and pro- ceeded on their way to the To- Mrs, Jack Kirkham and Betty Another cage of chickenpox Donald, the'two year old son of Mr. and' Mys. Albert Timms, | has been under Dr. Moore's care, | suffering from an abcess on his | § Robt. Duff and Son, who were i so successful with their horses at the Royal: Fair, have taken them to Guelph, this week, and will probably go on to Chicago Mr. Gus. Hahn and daughter, of Toronto, spént the week end at their summer home here. : MORE OUTSTANDING | AWARDS AT ROYAL Starting in captured their share of the} prizes awarded at the Royal Winter Fair.¢ Prizes came to horse, cattle and sheep eompeti- W. F. Batty, of! Brooklin, won second place in the class for| te brood mares foaled previous to ain with the be-| January 1, 1930, and Robt. Duff ginning of last week's judging|and Son, "of My rtle, won fifth on Monday, farmers of Ontario place in a class or mares foaled and Durham Counties again|in 1931. ; Sometimes it is advisable to begin this district particularly ih the love letters; "My dear sweetheart and list, on or beforé Wednesday gontemen of the jury." day of December, 1983, at two o'clock - A hi hd may be tr pe - upon : tion to me. In default of payment of arrears and costs as a on the sald the 27th tions, and were distributed over a large number of contestants. The Clydesdale horse classes saw Robert Duff 'and Sen, of class for stallions foaled in 1981, with Crinian Favorite." F. W. Batty, of 'Brooklin, had the th] cent May, and the Tth prize Ally foaled in 19382 in Crescent Opa In a notable class in the 'Tight Myrtle, win fourth place in the TREASURER'S' 'SALE OF * {LAND FOR TAXES, COUNTY OF ONTARIO _ 5 By' virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Ontario, bearing date of the 1st day of Sept, September, 1088, honed Dee 20 together, with the charges thereon. E. A McKay, draught horse section, that for six-horse team, Robert Duff and Son, of Myrtle, received second ribbon, - The same exhibitor had the second prize farmer's team. Lloyd W. Marquis of Sunderland won fifth ribbon in a class for two-horse teams, 1400, to 1600 pounds. in which W. A. Dryden, Brook- lin was the judge, John Miller, ing prizes: first two year old In the Shorthorn cattle classes, : Jr,, of Ashburn, won the follow- G. OWEN, Proprietor, BOSSA SONS § Port Perry Dairy. PASTEURIZED MILK You Pay. the Price--why' not - Get the Best? "Phone 238, Port -- dt bull, second junior yearling bull, first junior bull calf. Bertwin| ling - bull class for Aberdeen- ing the first and seventh steer or the fifth steer or heifer 800 Ibs. and under and also stood fourth in an Aberdeen-Angus class for four calves owned and bred by exhibitor. A. Ayre, of Hampton, as he heifer, 801 and 900 pounds, and}. A ttle. 1 th tioas fy the market, cattle, hav. Bey and sell ood meat. at reasonable price. receive prompt ,attention. Phone 29 W. CAWKER BROS. Sarid Blackburn, of Uxbridge, won Q gecond place in the senior year- RN, TUE Choice OS, PORT PERRY usually does, made a great sweep pot prizes in the Cheviot sheep ection, his awards being as bllows: first ram, two and over; 'second and fifth ram, one year and under two: third and fifth ram lamb; first and second year- ling ewe; first 'ewe "lamb; first flock, any age; third lamb flock, champion ram, champion- ship and reserve championship ewe. In Suffolk sheep classes, the fourth prize yearling ewe and the fourth prize lamb flock. Harold Skinner, of Tyrone, had the fourth prize yearling ewe in the Shropshire classes. In Tuesday's judging, 'John Miller, Jr.,. of Ashburn, contin- ued his success in the Shorthorn classes, particularly in the junior sections. 'The outstanding honor coming to him was the reserve junior. female championship, Beath: Farms, of Oshawa, had| A AMERICAN. ANTHRACITE "BLUE COAL" f & ain wns 41 The color 'guarantees 'the quality. etn anpargir ales SCOTCH ANTHRACITE, CANNEL COAL, STEAM COAL. _ COKE--Hamilton. Stelco Coke made in 'Hamilton by. Can- adians, is: .dustless, sootless, smokeless, every ton is' good value as it is loaded fresh from the ovens and con- tains the minimum amount of moisture when delivered to your bin. i WOOD--Hard body wood, Hardwood Slabs, Softwood Slabs. he A few cords of soft body wood we will sell at $6.00 a full cord. "x ; : ' FRED. E. REESOR Phones: | Office 73 wi Res. 735 which he won with Collynie Dainty. 'Baroness, which was the first prize junior yearling heifer. He also took first prize in a class for two junior yearling bulls, owned by exhibitor, and first prize in a class for three animals, get of one sire. In the junior heifer calf class, he won fifth ribbon with Anie-of Lancaster. In the ® Clodgsasls horse. class, : L DONT WORRY ABOUT FIRE! 'Have your property grovecly' insured at once HAROLD W.. EMMERSON of October. Copies of such list of ads" in the afternoon, I shall, at the sald hour, at the Court House, Whitby . - - | proceed to sell by public auction, the said lands or such portions thereof as shall be necessary to pay such arrears, bile Aa County Treasurer. Dated at 'Whitby, this 18th day of Phone orders ll WOOD COKE | LUMBER | Just arrived -- a carload of body wood -- 98% | maple. This wood is § choice, and the price is right. i We have now on hand { Semet Solvay-Coke-- § that better coke that cuts one-third off your § fuel bill. ! i Orders taken cate of § promptly. Sam N. Griffen | Lumber Co. hy "Phone 240 Het PORT reesy, 5 ONT. fai LH only $5.75 at ~ vania Hard Coal". " reach u CANNEL C B, oo carload of St, M the by ona thigs y BUY "NOW Measure SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. - We are offering good values--60 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done { W. T. Ro dm an MERCHANT SAILOR Over th e 8 Telephone Office, Port Perry Port Perry Coal Yard FOR ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF FUEL GIVE us A CALL FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--No- "doubt about heat satisfaction when you order "That Better Pennsyl- Every load the same uniform good quality... Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. ; HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE--Nut and Range sizes. ye / SCOTCH COAL--Always in stock. RLY WELSH COAL--A reeh: car load of Welsh. Cobbles will AL, Week, SM COAL, NO. 1 BODY HARD: DWOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS ALL PLASTER, INE, CEME 8 cement just received. Probab eon . Do not nogele that repr Jo :