s ' 3 f 5 Pest 2 > 3 i x <" Ee' +2 Pol 54 i br & i =. 3 » . L] i a LA pa % oo ta DNR IE La eli Fp Fat ay ML P's Ts ; NREL SE EL Kota a. A) 52 TAAE ia 14 Hp Re hidey Fk YOU ARE INVITED TO| © JOINTHE TE TL TL LR LS Christmas SPECIALS at the RED & WHITE STORE NOW REGULAR ADVERTISERS IN THE Baking Su lies | NAVEL ORANGES |ppnietmac Candies California New Crop Sunkist : | ; 'SULTANA RAISINS. v2 Ibs. 29¢. Small size v Fo oF duis ' .dozen 21c. CHRISTMAS MIXED hadi Th 15e, CURRANTS, re-cleaned, ....1b 15c. Medium. Inne dozen 29c. SLE REEL EERERRER Ib Joe EL, Lemon and Orange, ih 23c. arge size ................ dozen 39c. APART ERBBAT ANN C. PEEL, Citron ...... 1b 38c. | Extra Large Size .......... dozen 47c, | MOIR'S CHOCOLATES, 2 Ib box 63c.. MINCEMEAT. ..........2 bs. 29¢. VEGETABLES ed] SHELLED ALMONDS ...... 1b 49c, OTHER FRUITS HEAD LETTUCE . 10c. 8 FANCY WALNUTS ..... ...Ib 49¢. |- EMPEROR GRAPES,.. 2 Ibs. for 25c. ! CELERY ....... .. head 10c. RED & WHITE EXTRACTS bot. 9c. | CRANBERRIES ............. tb. 19c. | SPANISH ONIONS 3 .2 tbs. 15c. SO NO TZ INT OMEN TL These Prices effective until Christmas. CT A TON LL ON TIL MEN'S WEAR ¥ TIES. Caan sve a fr nd 35c¢., 49¢., 75c. SHIRTS ...«.........co0. .89c¢. to $2.50 (4 SOCKS ..............t pair, 29c¢. to 75c. ; GLOVE SPECIAL FOR MEN { Lined Kid, in tan or grey ..... MEN'S PYJAMAS Broadcloth fancy stripe, $1.49, $1. 75, $2.50 lie URL WRC ies Cael Sele CSB dine 'ALL KINDS OF TOYS to please the Kiddies i TL DOLLS, 15¢., 25¢c., 50c., 75c¢., $1.00 " CARS, TRUCKS, DRUMS, GAMES «von. 15¢,25¢., 50c. Children's Picture ...... 7c., or 4 for 25c. Girls' Colored Border ....7c., or 4 for 25c. Boy's--plain white or border. ...each 10c. Men's Pure Linen ............ Each 15c, | Men's Initial .............. 25¢. and 35c. PICTURE BOOKS .. i HANDKERCHIEFS LOW RATES 25¢. per inch for single . advertisements. -- |Special rates for steady advertising. Regular advertising that is kept fresh and newsy pays the advertiser; LY On advertising rates and SALE Suit or Overcoat FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN Ladies' Pyjamas--one amd two piece 'CHRISTMAS FREE PANT Extra Trousers FREE 'with every suits, ......$1.60, Brassiere and Panty sizes 98¢c., $1.50 and $2. 35 Panties and Bloomers, S., M. and L. Sizes ......... cin 59c. and 75¢. Vest and Bloomer Sets .......... $1.00 Children's Pyjamas . $1.95, $1.98, $2.75 Sets, S. and M. ..$1.35 and $1.50 'Overshoes A full stock for all the Family : Goodrich Rubbers ; and Overshoes : PEE SI 1 buckle $1.75, 2 buckle $2.35 § 'B From December 8 to December 16, j Children's Vest and Bloomer Sets, : inclusi "$1.00 and $1.25 | Heavy Rubbers ....... ov .$2.19 'up | Basa Ladies' Silk Crepe Slips, adjustable ! Mens Pullover ......89c. and $1.00 W. R. Johnston & Co., Ltd. : shoulder straps, pink-and white, $1.79 ny "on Ladies' Black Overshoes. ...$1.95 up SPECIAL VALUE, $21.00 - ATT ow i ~ » > Fit 2 adies' Pullover Rubbers ....65c. up i} ROYAL Youu, 227.90 "Bell P Ji4né 4 43 Ladies' Rubber Overshoes ..... $1.49 y- SC ANS TE A I ie SE TE CL TE Te Hs BT TH TAT TERT ad er Te TTT Help Us. A reading "The Solvasion from the United Chasen, Port Torry. 1 The annual seating of the L. O. L. BLACKSTOCK The December meeting of the A.Y. P.A. of St. John's Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. A. L. Bailey, on Wednesday evening of last week with an attendance of 36 mem- bers and visitors. In the absence of the President, the meeting was con- ducted by the Vice-President. After the opening exercises the business session followed -during which $100 was voted 'to the rectory fund. Mrs. F. A. Bailey kindly offered her home for the annual meeting in January. The program was Missionary and consisted of an interesting address by Dr. Whittaker, on "The Three Ele- ments of a Missionary Call" taken up under the following heads: The Saviour's Command Go, the Spirit Conduct, The Sinner's Cry Come and Army in the East Indies" was given. by George Carter; a reading "What One Testament Did" by Billy Grace; a reading "A Lay Worker among the Mohammedans'" by Miss Florence Fair; reading "Poverty and Heathen- ism" by Miss Leona Devitt, and a reading, "The Civilization "Activities of the Presbyterian Mission in the Cameroons by Mrs. Howard Bailey. Lunch was served after which the meeting closed with the A. Y. P. A. motto and Auld Lang Syne. Mrs. Clarence Marlow entertained her Sunday School class, the Misses Mabel VanCamp, Grace Hooper, Lorna Trewin, Mildred Archer, and Reta Swain, to dinner and tea on Sunday last. On Wednesday evening last the young people of the United Church entertained about 50 young people Sesenas ALL rst esac snnnnnnnnnsy and cutting the prices, Port Perry Dominion Store i GREAT CHRISTMAS SALE | LOOK HERE FOLKS! offered stich bargains as we do now. We need the money; and to get it we are sacrificing the goods Never before have we you. pay you to gee our Unusual Bargains. 'Before you do any Christmas shopping it will It will pa Sale starts Thursday, December 14, and' will printing prices are low. 1} - continue until Christmas. We pay TOP PRICE for all kinds of Fowl, Wool, Goose Feathers, Horse Hair, Hides, and Farm Produce. For information call-- ALIX. GILBOORD : Phone 177, PORT PERRY ALIX. GILBOORD WOMAN WANTED for light ho Susework Apply to Mr. Hector Shortridge, President gave the" address of welcome after which the President of the Port Perry League took charge and a splendid program was given consisting of:- The Topic; "The Life of Paul and Our Attitude Towards Religion", by Mr. Owen Cliff, an address "The Ap- preciation of Music", by Mr, Stouffer, and two vocal. trios. The remainder of the evening was spent in a social time at the close of which lunch was served. The regular monthly meeting of the Victoria Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Leslie Gra- ham on Wednesday afternoon, the 6th, with an attendance of 40 mem- bers and visitors. The roll call was answered with a remedy for a cold, and will be answered next month by a beautiful thought in prose or poetry. The program consisted of: Two splendid reports of the annual convention held recently in Toronto by the delegates, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and Miss Norma Hooey, and the fol- lowing readings:- "The Cattle Stall", by Mrs. John Carter, "It Takes a Heap of Living in a House to Make it Home', by Mrs. W. Chapman of Port Perry, "Progress" by Mrs. Robt. Mahood, "The Stay at Home" by Mrs. L. Graham. Lunch was served by the group in charge of the meeting of which Mrs. C. Smith was a Mrs. Frank Stinson was the guest speaker at Ebenezer Church on the Sunday evening that the Courtice Mission Circle held their annual Sun- day evening service, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLaughlin of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey. Mr." Clifford Hyland spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Hyland. Mrs. (Rev.) Milton Sanderson of Toronto was a recent guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, S. Swain and her sister,+Mrs, Clarence Marlow. No. 133, Blackstock, was held in the Orange Hall on Monday evening, Dec. {th, when the following officers were clected for the coming year:- W. M. --L. Jobblin; Dep. M.--C. P. Devitt; Chaplain--Dr. C. E. Whittaker; Rec. Sec.----John - Hamilton; Fin. Sec.-- Henry Thompson; Treas.--Dr. Mec- Arthur; D. of C.--Cecil Hill; 1st Lec. --Herb Swain; D. Lec.--Stanley Williams. ~ . > OP REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 850 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer .Office. The Creamery IS PAYING 19c., 18¢c., and 16¢c.,, FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors --f > v W. A. Sanghier DENTAL SURGEON " Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over Nelson's Store. DR. W. S, HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto, ten' Ooflegs and Potyeiinle, Tomton: a ege and Polyelin! North East London, Y Post Graduate age London, England, Royal Infirmary, x Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Om. of Medieal Gradu.