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Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Feb 1934, p. 4

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oF cr ~~ gt NAT EE re Wp a g # Chat oma te 3 oF ann a OM a - pr ye Ho ody cA nt eT Crete A Ry . ty lp "rive within the next few days. : HEE Ep + Page Four toe rs Sh ARNT hans Ee ie Eek et -- = --------( LOCAL ITEMS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION LECTURE The next lecture in the University Extension Course will be held in the basement of the United Church on the evening of Monday, February 19th. _ The speaker willbe Prof, J. Cano, and the subject will be--"A Trip Through « Spain" (illustrated.) Single admis- sion 26c. Everybody welcome, POT LUCK SUPPER The Women's Association of the United Church invite you to a Pot Luck Supper to be held in the School-, room of the Church, on Friday even- ing, February 23rd, at 6.30 vdlack, Admission 26c¢. RY Mr. and Mrs, Graham, Mr, and Mrs. Glendinning, and Mr. Melville, all of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. ov * Alvin Prentice. Mr. George Hendry is in town visit- ing his sister, Mrs. Alvin Prentice, who is very ill in the Port Perry Hos- pital. We hope for a speedy recovery. Dr. P. B. Thornton, former pastor of St. Paul's Church, Winnipeg, is visiting his sister Mrs, F. Sandy, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gemmell. -- - TEMPERATURES Thursday last saw a temperature of thirty-two degrees below zero in Oshawa and in. Port Perry. There were colder places in the Province; but Whose were cold enough. pra ~~ o> ALBERTA COAL In order meet the demand for a fuel to take the place of coke, which, owing to the severe winter, is almost impossible to obtain, excepting at a much increased price, we have order- ed a car of "Rosedale" Alberta Coal. This car is on the way and should ar- The price will be $11.00 per ton and we are hoping for your co-operation in our endeavour to create a market for this high quality Canadian Coal. Let us have your order to make delivery as soon as the car reaches us. PORT PERRY COAL YARD ---- AP PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H, Smyth, Minister. 11 a.m.--Morning service 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m--Evening Worship. ---- > -------- _Y. P. 8. VISIT OSHAWA The Y. P. Society of Port Perry United Church were guests of the Y. P. S. of St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa," on Monday night. Mr. B. MacDonald, presided. The Scripture topic was taken by Mr. Smyth, The main topic "Would Christ draw the Color Line" was ably dealt with by "Mr, Roy Cornish. Others contributing effectively to the program were the Misses Mary Walker, Enid Wallace, Hélen Mellow, and Nora McMillan. Oshawa Y. P. S. then led in several lively games, following which a dainty lunch was served. After the singing of Auld Lang Syne the happy 'group from Poit Perry journéyed home through the blizzard, feeling that a, very happy contact had been made with St. Andrew's Young Pooghy) 8 So- ciety. a as A a CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION *7 p.m.--Evening Service. ------eeetl > "-- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN | CHURCH ev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. J. H STEPHENSON REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at Morrison's Drug Btore the second and fourth Thurigay 1 every month in the GLASSES AT REASONABLE "PRICES We pay the TOP PRICE for all kinds of Fowl, Wool, Goose Feathers, Horse Hair, Hides, and Farm Produce. For information call = Special prices for geese and ducks. | ALIX. GILBOORD ~ Phone 177 Port. Perry V. P. STOUFFER| PIANO TUNING nr = -- LUCKY BREAK FOR THE LIBRARY | i Have you a leak in your coal bin? The caretaker of the Public Library stores fuel in a cupboard under the stairs. As some repairs were needed Mr, J. C. Cockburn was asked to look it over. 'When he entéred with a light he found a small hole in a far corner. After making the repairs he made his way to the unused cellar to see how many scuttles of black diamonds might have trickled through. He came back smiling, he had found two tons, with interest. Moral: A coal mine in your. cellar is worth a gold mine in your mind. Esther says she thinks this is a grand idea because she keeps her coal in the basement and when it leaks up stairs it ig lost. AAG Board of Education At the initial meeting of the Port Pérry Board of Education held in the school library on Wednesday evening of last week, Mr. W J. Anderson was elected chairman, succeeding Mr. R. B. Smallman, who held that office for two years. Mr, A. B. Cawker was elected Vice-Chairman. Two new members--Dr, W. 8, Harper and Mr. W. E, MacGregor, took their places after signing the declaration of office. Four tenders were submitted for the office of Secretary-Treasurer --Miss E. Alexander, Mr C. C. Kel- lett, Mr, David Dowson and Mr. R, D. Woon. : Mr. Woon was selected for the position, the salary to be $176. per annum, | "Mr. F. Shepherd was re-elected as School Attendance Officer, salary to be $16.00 per annum, Mrs. A. H. Rose was re-appointed on the Public Library Board. Mr. S. Farmer was appointed a delegate to the Easter Convention of the Ontario Educational Association. ~ Among the accounts passed was a payment of $5600 for the replacement of the roof of the school. This leaves $300 yet to pay, and it is intended to finish payment this year. The following committees were ap- pointed: Management -- Mr. S. Farmer, Mr. Gerrow and Mr, Anderson. Finance -- Mr. Smallman, (chair- man); Mr, Davey and Mr. Cawker. Property -- Mr. N. Ewers, (¢hair- man); Mr. Beare, Mr. MacGregor and Dr. Harper. The following motion was passed-- "That the Port Perry Board of Education records with deep regret the death of Mr. W. A. Christy, who for the past seven years acted with efficiency and fidelity as secretary of this Board. In .all matters relating to the welfare of the Schools and the best "interests of the ratepayers the late Mr. Christy proved himself to be a dependable and intelligent servant of the Board and of the Town. He kept his mind stored with the know- ledge so necessary for the smooth running of educational affairs, and was a reliable source of information on the conduct of school administra- tion. a : We shall preserve his memory with pleasure, and gladly do honour to his service. : It is further moved that this reso- lution be entered in the minutes, and HARD IRE RN al (chairman); Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Orde, | Bhs | 'that a ¢bpy "be "seit to Mrs. W. A. Christy, as expressing our apprecia- tive "estimate of . the late W. A. Christy." } BE PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL The Literary Society will hold their next meeting in the auditorium of the High School on Friday, February 16, at 3 o'clock. The program will be rendered by the second Form. Judging by the enthusiasm displayed by the pupils participating, the success of the play will need no recommendation. SI cid maa-- Life's Changing Outlook Have you ever thought how in- , secure are the hores and plans of the poor, who, dependen upon thelr dally earninj nd life's outlook 80 greatly c god when sickness «comes? ey bear a double cross, for In addition to physical suffering, + poverty stares them in the face, There Is one disease most dreaded by this class. t Is_consumption which, fostered J thelr, mode of life preys por Nourishing food, fresh afr, eit. the only known: cure, 18 beyond thelr means. What then is to be done? at ere Is no alternative, They e helped, The Toronto and us coka Hospi tals for Consumptives with thelr hew buildings, can glve 'better ser- vice now _ than, ever before Mi only handicap being lack of clent funds. There are but tow patients, who can pay. Br ing for Jada, thelr Nosose, ia. NO for whom the HA cost of maintenance 18 Ived: 'For the {fference, amount ng 0. many thousands. o ollar LL year, these institutions mist 00 *to you "and 59 You pious hea ni wn friends, nah 0 Geo Rel phat you 228 leks Brest, Toronto 2 TR A , <3 ne wf Ths Fr MRE La 4 Sh LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan + Now located in 'the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8514 "7 Oshawa, A ed DR. W. 8. HARPER Graduate o Wn College and n 'of M Gradu- Nori East London, i Los on 15% Infirmary, G Office and Surgery =Yort Perry, 0 W._ A. "Sangster DENTAL. SURGEON Office Hours--9 am. to § pm. Office over Nelson's Store. ------ AUCTION SALE Farm stock, implements, etc., be- longing to the estate of Christopher G. Valentine, lot 7, concession 1, Reach, 1 mile north of Ashburn, on Wed., February 21st, Real estate will also be offered at the same time. See bills for list, ete. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. ID GP Pn. AUCTION 'SALE NEAR GREENBANK Lot 10, con, 10, Reach, 1 mile west of Greenbank on the Ianson Farm, on February 20th. A large list of farm stock, implements, feed and furniture. Terms Cash. See bills for list.' Sale at 12,30 noon, Ted Jackson, AteluAaes, BE HOUSE FOR RENT Seven rooms. Good garden. Hard and soft water, Garage. Apply to Robt. Somerville, Port Perry, Ont. Feb, 22 a IED FRANKLIN--In Port Perry, on Tuesday, February 18th, 1934, Mar- garet Hunter, beloved wife of Frank Franklin, in her 73rd year. Funeral service will be held at the family residence on Friday, at 2 p.m. The Carnival Blocked roads and stormy weather kept many people from attending the Carnival, -Townspeople turned :out well and the event was most enjoy- able. There was plenty of spirit in the two hockey games. The twelve- year-olds battled -for -fifteen minutes, but the best they could do was a tie. The event of the evening was the game between the Intermediate team of 1924 and the Junior O.H:A. team of 1934.- The play was fast and furious for fifteen minutes and to the joy of 'the old fellows and the surprise of many the score stood 5-2 in favour of the 1924 aggregation---at the end .of the fifteen minute struggle. Of course that may have been all that 1924 could stand; and it is possible that the tide might have -turned in favour of the ro Lu full time. But what is the use of speculating--the - game was won by 1924 and the young. fellows doubtless learned a 'iew of the tricks of the game. : Rennie, Miss Spooner, and Mr. H. G. Hutcheson--had a busy 'and pleasing task. A few of the costumes are de- serving of special mention. Foremost among these was the "Scarecrow" . impersonated by Mrs. I. R. Bentley. 'That costume was a piece of real art-- nobody recognized. the "inner spirit" of the scarecrow; but everybody a- greed that it was the best comic cos- ! tume on the ice. [ crow". No use trying to desgribe the stuffed, stiff, staring bag of excelsior that appeared to the eye. You should have seen "The. Scare- Next came "Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Mouse" -- characterized by Mrs. A. McFarlane and: Miss Marion Switzer. They looked the part but one of the mice was complaining that she could not blow her nose. "Jasmine" a dainty figure in blacks and greys (Miss Mary Stone) earned the com- mendation of the judges, and was a- warded 1st prize for Best Costumed lady: The Prize Winners Girls' Race, 10 years--1 Doris Mac- Gregor, 2 Audry DeShane. Girls' Race, 18 years--1 Ruth Car- negie, 2 Mary Pyatt. SE Boys' Race, 18 years--1 Glen Me- Master, 2 Bruce Beare. Boys' 'Race, 10 years--Arthur Brown, 2 Geo. Stone, : Men's Race--1 Gordon Kidd, 2 Sid Smallman, Ladies' Race--1 Grace Switzer, 2 Marion Switzer. ~ Couple Race~--1 Sid Stallman and Merle Switzer; 2 Jerry. Williams and} ! Grace Switzer, Largest Group--Beare's.~\ : Oldest Man on skates--F'. Shepherd, yonugsters if the game had run to Eyes Examined By the most modern - methods accurately. "Prices lower than the lowest, quality considered." I F. E. LUKE & BON. OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) Switzer and Mrs. A, McFarlane, (as Mickey Mouse); 2 Mrs. Elton Wright 'and Leighton 'MacGregor, (as Old Couple.) Best Comic Couple--1 Marjorie Pyatt and Virginia Nasmith (as 999); 2 Chas. Sutcliffe and Bert DeShane, (as Hoboes.)' Best Costumed: Lady--1 Mary Stone (as Jasmine); 2 Minnie Hayden (as Old Lady.) Best Costumed Girl --1 Norma Ewers, 2 Lucille Harrison. Best Comic Costume--1 Mrs, Bent- ley, (Scarecrow); 2 Donald Campbell (Cat.) Best Costumed Gentleman--1 Don. McMaster. Best Costumed Boy --1 Burgess Beare, 2 Jack Tinsley. . Best Couple Skating-- Don. Camp- bell and May Hall. The Markham- Port Perry Game. The general opinion was that the home players were too confident of Monday night last, The score stood 3-0 in favour of Port at the 'end of the second period. But when the final bell rung Markham had piled up five goals to Port Perry's four--goals count and Port lost. ex Fenelon Falls Wins Group 3 - Fenelon Falls won Group 8, as the game with Cannington resulted in a win for Fenelon' Falls. i |Shake Hands Toronto paid tribute to her "Ace" Bailey and extended forgiveness to Eddie: Shore as a crowd which taxed thescapacity of Maple Leaf Gardens cheered both players last evening. prior to the game in which the Maple Leafs defeated the National League All-Stars by 7-3. Not since the un- fortunate incident in Boston which ended Bailey's career had the former right-wing star of the Leafs faced Shore. Last night he assisted in the undertook to present the medals and windbreakers which each man who played in the contest received, -The second player to step up for his me- mentos . was Hddie Shore. It was a tense moment, and instinctively that vast crowd hushed its hubbub. Shore advanced, Bailey extended his hand, and a cordial handshake gave mute evidence of Shore's regret and Baildy"s willingness to forgive. signal for a cheer éven more resound- ing than those which had greeted the two men individually---the approval of a crowd of sportsmen 'and sports- women of the healing of the breach which had opéned wide in Boston on December 12th, His Toronto 'appearance was the would regard Eddie Shore. other cities had received him warmly, 'but until last night he had not skated : on Toronto ige where "Ace" Bailey has always beén a hero. i Toronto has always been regarded a8 a city of sportsmen; and Toronto is Sng, ' success in the game with: Markham on}; opening ceremonies of the game and| It was the Best Costumed Couple--1 Marion | § NHS 80 ans ts stats sttnstntesetannintnntentntnnintnittooeht bobbi shit itvatistisssiitonisnasanstnstatants iss) A | LAWRENCE'S DRUG STORE NEWS | TO ro TO THAT COUGH--we carry all the standard and proven cough eines and are in a position to recommend . a suitable preparation ig for your Barticolar requirement. ; Beep this alphabetical | list for : Teference, = : Gah : 4 3 re 2 uf : J te : ; . : Ayers' Cherry Pectordl 4+180c. Pertussin. ..... vase ness bbe, § Buckley's Mixture, ...40¢, 76¢. | Pinex ......i..i. fern 50c. . if Chamberlain's: Ry. ........26c. | Ranson's Hive Syrup rea 40, Chase's Linseed and Rexall Baby Cough Syrup . .26¢. Bl Turpentine "aaah 800, 69e. "Rexall Bronchial Syrup ,.. 60¢. : Four Ts 'Cough Remedy . '| Rexall Cherry Bark, i Lawrence's Spedial Cowal : 3bc., | 60c., and $1.00 Ss BYPUD + essa oss uen BOC Rikers Syrup of Tar ......89¢. i Mesa 49 Cough Remedy, Robert's Syrup of Tar ....36c. 40¢c and 78c. | Rum, Honey, Cod Liver Oil, 50c. Nadruco Syrup of Tar ....86c. | "Shiloh .\....i... .+..80c., $1.00 # Nadruco White Pine & Tar 26c,. | Sip ...ii0uneeres. 406, 76e Owbridge's Lung Tonic . ...4bc. Wood's Norway Pine ......36¢, # Pectoral Balm ..... + vies 206, Veno's Cough Syrup ..85c,, 76¢. A. M. LAWRENCE : xy Bailey and Shore : final test of (how 'the hockey world |# Fans of| played its part last night. The past] ~Toronto Globe ui e000 iee HHH SREP EIEIIIPIIIRIRIIIIIIIS For Good Food and True Economy! ar Mrs, D. A. Doble, Sl Middlesex Cake Champion SESE INRIIRIIRRIIIIRRIRIIIS Mov, J. O'Dowilhy | Middlesex Bread Chemplon "Nothing truer was ever sald than that you can 't get more out, of food than you put into it, so I always feel that you're cheating yourself in some way when you try to gt good baking with second-rate ingredients. "We always use Five Roses Flour at home .-. . for cakes; pastry, bread, and everything else , . . and I am quite con- vinced it means economy in the long run, for it always ~ gives good results and such a satisfying and appetizing a: to foods that everyone enjoys them, "Five Roses gives a bigger yleld per bag, t00, oe "ordinary flours, so I treat my family to the best and save money at the same time." ~~ - ~ Mrs, John Murray, of St. Mary's, winner of a cake prize in the Five Roses Baking Contest, gave us this explanation of why she prefers Five Roses-Flour, and it sums up excellent - ly the opinions expressed by many other expert home-cooks. . he Dependable Quality Among the many who have spoken to us euiuslssticlly of the dependable quality of Five Roses and the rich flavour and greater freshness of foods made with it, are the Middlesex County Cake and Bread Champions--Mzs. D. A. Dobie, Glencoe, RR. 3, and Mrs. J. O'Donnell, : Strathroy -- both of whom have used Five Roses Flour : for all foods for many years. = Feb. 6 County Baking Champlons, Jan. 30 ELGIN--Bread; Mo 3 Cake: Miss M. Graham, Iona Station, R.R. 3, Bread: ys _Vidler,~ Simcoe} 'Cake: Mrs. T. W. SNR Je; Simcoe, R.R. 3, "OXFORD--Bread: Miss V. Robison, 45 Winnett St., Wi 3 Cake: Mrs. BE. Cuthbert, Curties, . R. 4 PERT: =Beaads Miss B. Buttery, West Monkton, R.R. 1; Cake: Rn D. Angers, Listow. 'FIVE ROSES FLOUR (For Cikes, Pastry, Biscuits, Rolls, Bread, etc.) | Milled by LAKE OF WOODS MILLING "co. Limited 'Offices at Toronto wa dod' Hamilton Brantford = Sudb: ; Se Pra ol aL, Ont.; and Montrealy P.Q. 8 a ( rinting of all kinds i is well done at the Star Office. We have good equipment Sere II II IIIIRIRIIIIISY Ralse More Pullets Sls fs "In g chick rearing contest last year, with total 2 of 50,000 chicks from 46 different hatcheries, 'more than HALF the prize money went to Bray chicks--1st, 8rd, bth, and several other * priges. That's a pretty good indication that ; Brey. chicks are SAFE .chicks to buy. Fewer losses. More pullets in the Fall. See the manager of our nearest branch hatchery. Ask him to . show you how THIS year's Bray chicks are STILL FURTHER " gatoguasdad against losses. 'By reducing your losses, you in. crease your profits. Or write tohead office for our FREE , booklet--"The Highway to Poultry Success in 1084" ma Hi Hatch i) 1) arin Ave, st. mE ; From Every 100 Chicks Bray Chicks are SAFE Chicks PR SAR Ber A A ET) er pl | _ TORONTO MARKET PRICES DAIRY PRODUCE-- X > (Quotations to shippers) Creamery Solids, No, Tair 0% 14] "No, 2, 23, ; g POULTRY AND EGGS 4 E BEB herrea cvinarieeenenddl to 26 | Poultry (A) GradenrAlive Spring Chickens . BIOUErs .cvsesvssansnsansanansslO Fatted Hens iEay or tiara 8 to 11 Old Roosters .,.........o0s Sars POTATOES-- No. 1, 90 Ib, bags, . LIVE STOCK-- | Bacon Hogs (fob) ..iivvre:8900 Veal Calves ......:...$6.60 to $8.00 Fed Calves ........:.. .$6.00 to $7.00 Butcher Cattle ..... . $4.50 to $5.50 rata dina $6.00 to $6.00 ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Points) | GOOD BODY HARD WOOD--98% Maple. Price right, i WE CAN SUPPLY i ~ Your Lumber Needs. SR Estimates C heer f u lly Given, 0 Sam' N. Griffen Lumber Co. | Phone 240 {| PORT PERRY, ONT. RIESE RIT The Creamery BUTTER FAT. Yon can save laber your eream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & 'SON, Proprietors --_-- tee : NOTICE D. E. Steckley, having discontinued his Port Perry office, wishes to an- nounce that following 'this date he will 'make residental calls in Port Perry and district. For appointment, phone St. N., Oshawa. - et UG LOST . Pair men's glasses and case. rims, blue case. bake shop. BR ---- Gold i r ba > FOR BALE = , horn hens, and a coal heater. : This {a a real good heater. Apply to Stephen 'Lambkin, Port Perry. Cah Le - DIED °° WATSON--At Seagrave, -on Thurs- in Nis 78th year, F LOUR MILL - FOR SALE _ (16'Bartel Capasity). No. 2 anarasasasrsriesesie. 26 Churning Cream, special 26, No. 1, is Caste Il .$1.10 to $1.16 Wheat .iiiyiinreniccinsse 17 to 0 Barley i. cieisveesssinis 48 to 46 Rye ..vouiiiis craraseeesns 4b to 48 Barley .....conissenenne. 48 to 46 COMM ,..vovusisssiisnesas 08 to 67 is s PAYING 26¢., 25¢., & 28¢c. for and make more money by sending: Reward at Gerrow's ; Light wagon, good; about 356 Leg- Avplyto Harri & a " Phone 02h Port, Perry 7 Fon 234 Oshawa, or write to 148 Simeos : day, February 8th, 1934, John Watson, » po, o fn =

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