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Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Feb 1934, p. 4

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ed "Two boys were quarrelling. "all you know about it. . eight o'clock sharp. Page Four "LOCAL | ITEMS SOMERVILLE-CLARK A quiet wedding was solemn- ized at the parsonage of the Port Perry United Church by the Rev. -W. J. H. bmyth, when Edna Margaret, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Clark, Seugog, be- came the bride of Roy Franklin, son of Mr, "and Mrs. Robert . Somerville, Port Perty. The bride and groom were at- tended by Miss Vera - Clark, sister of the bride and Mr, Arthur Somerville, brother of the groom. After the ceremony, a wedding supper was held at the home of the bride's parents. Mr, and Mrs. Somerville left for a short motor trip to Tor onto and points east. They will reside at Bechard, Saskatchewan. rl Mr, Forbes Nasmith, of Mar- tin's Siding, Muskoka, spent the week end in town. Miss Pearson, of Guelph, has returned home after a visit with Mrs. A. J. Davis and Miss Grace Davis. One said: "Anyway. you're a heathen. You have never been baptized." "Yah!" shouted the other, "that's 1 can show you the marks on my arm.now!" Hl ---------------- WW. C. T. U. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Tem- perance Union will be, held at the home of Mrs. John Cawker, on Wednesday, Febr nary 28th, at : 3 p.m, Watch for the announcement of the staging of the "Red-Head-! ed Stepchild" in Port Perry. CARD OF THANKS "Mr. Alvin Prentice wishes to thank his many friends and neighbours for their kindness and for floral tributes, during his recent bereavement. --_---- > - PORT PERRY UNITED : CHURCH Rev. W, J. H. Smyth, Minister Sunday, February 25th-- 11 a.m.--Public Worship. "7 p.m.--A Series of Sermons. ~~ Cameos from Calvary. Feb. 25--Judas--The Betrayed. March 4--Theé Wife of Pilate-- An. Unsuccessful Intercession. March il--Barahbas-- he Sub- stitute. March 18--Simon 6f Cyrene-- Shame Transformed with Glory. "March 5 The Crowd About the the Cross. et -------- - - - BORN To Mr. and Mrs. L. MacGregor, on Monday, February -19th, 1934, a son. --_-- Cuno) OF ASCENSION p.m, --Evening Service. Lenten Service, on briady, at 7.45 p.m. ) : --_------ > _ P-------------- ---- I. 0. D. E. Tuesday 'evening, RRS RIERA On Feb- - ruary 27th, the 1.O.D.E. Empire Study Class will be held at the home of Mrs. Samuel Farmer at The sub- ject wil be "The British Empire in Africa." rr rr Pee SORE BACK, 'RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO vespohd quickly to RUMACAPS-- Mor- rison's Drug Store, Phone 16. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister : 7 p.m--Evening Service. -------- etl AP ies J. HL STEPHENSON REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at Morrison's Drug Store the second and fourth Thursday of every month in the afternoo GLASSES AT REABONABLE "PRICES We pay the TOP PRICE for all 'kinds of Fowl, Wool, Googe Feathers, Horse Hair, Hides, and Farm Produce. For information call Special prices for geese and ducks. ALIX. GILBOORD Phone 177 ; Port Perry -| builders of Lindsay. Wednesday, February 21, 1934, |{fleeced and stranded in a strange John Cawker or Mrs. 8. Baird. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Roy O'Neill wgs hostess' to torty-nve ladies ot the. Bible! Class of the United Church at) her home on lriday, I'ebruary | 1oth, 1934, All had a delightful' evening, everyone "contributing toward the enjoyment in-_ her own way. We joined in singing a beauti- ful ola hymn, "Blest Be the Tie that Binas," Wive little girls, Phys Anderson, Lola Gerrow, md Dusty, Audrey DeShane and Irene Oke, sang several selections very beautitully. Miss Myrtle Bongard rendered a couple of readings, There was a musical contest which proved a real test of our musical educa- tion. 'Then we had some real tun puzzling over jumbled names. 1 think 1 may safely say some of our citizens would scarcely have recognized their own names, Of course, I regret time and space will not permit our mentioning them here. A delicious and dainty lunch was served by the February group assisted by Misses Dor- man, These evenings spent together tend toward 'a finer spirit of com- radeship and I think our motto 18, "A Helping Hand." Our teacher, Mrs. Geo. Davey, along with the members will be glad to welcome at any time visitors or members to our class on Sunday afternoon at 2.30. On behalf of the class I would like to extend our thanks to Mrs. U'Neill for her hospitality. oll Pe ae om JAMES BOXALL OF LINDSAY CELEBRATES 85th BIRTH- © DAY (Lindsay Post) James. Boxall, prominent and highly respected hardware mer- chant. of Lindsay, Thursday, marked his 86th birthday quiet- ly, at his residence, 65 Albert St. North, = Despite his age, Mr. Boxall is enjoying good health, and although - retraining from active social affairs, visits the hardware store, of which he is part owner, twice daily. Well known in every sphere of life,» Mr. Boxall, is one of the Through an active part in sécial, business and sporting affairs, he has gained a wide reputation -that has brought honour, not only to himself, but to this town.,, During a long and successful career, he has held important positions in every line of public life, and is respongible for organ- izing and supporting many muni- cipal enterprises that to-day are a credit to Lindsay and Victoria County. By his own'efforts he has gained a place in Lindsay's history, and certainly no one is more deserving of the heartiest congratulations and best wishes that Mr. Boxall has received from a wide circle of friends and acquaintances on the happy event of his birthday. iat DIED TONKIN--At Port Perry, on! Rev. Edwin Albert Tonkin, in his. 87th year. Private service at the resi- dence of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Jackson, on Friday, 23rd, follow- ed by a service at the United Church, at 2.30 pm. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. | ) te AP TO THE LADIES OF PORT PERRY 'AND VICINITY: The Travellers' Aid depart-' ment of the W.C.T.U. are' again asking for Surprise Soap wrap-, pers, also coupons. of Magic Baking Powder, or any coupons of Gilletts' products, | © With its system of preventive measures Travellers' Aid is: de- voted to the safeguarding of humanity. To guard against the girl being ruined, the boy apprenticed to shame or crime, and the man or woman left city by agents of greed and lust, is moral economy and sane' ex- penditure of money. Travellers' Aid is a measure based upon the principle of prevention. Every surprise Soap wrapper is worth money to the Union, If possible, we would like them sent in by April 1st. Thanking in advance those who help in this good work. LADIES' BIBLE CLASS HOLD | ployed as boilermaker. othea O'Neill and Mary Small- { Prince Albert. . Obituary a -- MRS. ALVIN PRENTICE On Saturday, February 19th, there passed away at the Port Perry Hospital, Agnes Cathie Hendry, beloved wife of Alvin Prentice, 8 Mrs. Prentice was born in 22nd, 1908. She came to 'this country with' her parents in 1912, settling in Vancouver. The family remained there for three years, they then moved to Trail, B.C., where her father was em- In 1917 the family returned to Scotland. In 1924 Mrs, Prentice came back to Canada, and spent some time in Toronto, going from there to Detroit, where she mar- ried Alvin Prentice in 1928. Mr. and Mrs. Prentice moved to Port Perry some two years ago, She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, two small daugh- ters, Barbara and Pauline, her father, mother and one brother in _ Scotland, one brother in Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prentice, Port Perry. The service was held at -the home of Mr, Geo. Prentice, Rev. T. A. Nind and Rev. Jos. Denny conducting the service. : Interemnt was made at Ken- dall's Cemetery, Utica. 'Messrs. Graham, G. Melville, R. Fraser, and G. Glendenning, of Toronto, Wm. Brown and. C. Cook, of Port Perry, acted as pallbearers. Teo -- ------ THE LATE MRS. FRANKLIN On Tuesday, February 13th, passed away one of the com- munity's most highly respected citizens in the person. of - Mrs. I'rank Franklin. : Some weeks ago Mrs. Franklin suffered a fall resulting in a fractured hip, to which, with ac- companying complications, she succumbed. "Born in Cartwright in 1861, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter. - In 1882 she be- came the wife of Mr. Frank Franklin. Until .ten years ago they resided on a farm in the Shirley community, since when they have lived in Port Perry. A Methodist and later a member of the United Church, Mrs. Franklin was known for her good works and quiet devotion in the Church Prayer. Service and W.M.S. and will be greatly missed by those among whom she served. . When on the form she was a greater worker in the Shirley Wonien's Institute. . Left to revere her memory, are her aged husband, three sons, Marshall, of Carroll, Manitoba; Howard, of Manchester, Ontario, and Austin, of Shirley; three daughters, Mrs. Byers, of Cart- wright; Mrs. Hocken, of Shirley, and Mrs. Weir, of Brooklin, Ont. Four brothers. Robert, Albert, John and Alvin Hunter, and three 'sisters, Mrs. Joseph Peel, Mrs. Thos. White, and Mrs. Chas. Glide. The funeral service was con- "ducted from her late residence on Friday, February 16th, by her pastor, Rev, W. J. H. Smyth. Interment being in Pine Grove Cemetery. LAR EEA CLR 4% 9 RURAL HOCKEY STANDING P.W.L T. F. A. P. 76 0 121 9 18 { Greenbank 8 6 1 12013 18 Honeydale 76 2 016 9 10 Port Perry ...7 4 2 11811 9 Myrtle ......:. 6 3 3 01216 6 Utiea™ 0. fey vs 72 8 2 913 86 'Scugog ....i.. +.b 2 3 0°13 16 4 3 Stars ........ 8 2 6 01729 4 "Nestleton $379 5 1 4.0 818 2 Seagrave ...... 6 0 hb 11218 1 Games played last week-- Thursday--3 Stars 1--Greenbank 4 Friday--Port Perry 2--Pr. Albert 3 Myrtle 2--Honeydale 1 LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ote. Money to Loan 4 Now located in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, - Queen Street' Phone 264 Mrs. S. Baird. Coupons may be given to Mrs.' ' Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. J mer tr-------- Renton, Scotland, on' December at her home in Port Perry, there DR. W. '8. HARP t London, England, oral To dus G ce and Surgery Fort Pury, dnl 'W. A. "Sangster DENTAL BURGEON =o IE Office Hours--9 a.m. to 6 PEL Office ovef Nelson s Stare. i Eyes em By + the most modern methods; accurately. "Prices lower than the lowest, quality considered." F. E, LUKE & SON. OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street, Toronto (Upstairs opposite Simpsons) UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. LECTURE A Trip Through Spain. Prot. 1. Cano, of 'Loronto Uni- versity, t00OK his audience in imagination on a delightful Journey through Spain. 'Lhe il- luscrations showed in a graphic manner the mountains, the gypsy caves, the wonderful buldings, and the -interesting people what compose the picture of thus little known country. Among the most interesting of the people are the Basques, who claim that they are the direct descendants of Adam and live, and who speak the lan- 'L'his may be so, as few people people, .. Because of the: invasions of Spain "ine $he early 'centuries 'there are evidence8'of the Ger- maiic people, the Goths having Moorish influences may also be noted in the southern part of the peninsula; but the Spaniards never intermarried with _ the Moors because of religious dif- terences. Indeed the Spaniards dred years to preserve Christ- ianity in the land. - of coal and iron in Spain, there is a growing industrial outlook; and in the years to. come that counfry will become a commer- cial factor. At present the life is simple, the chief industry be- ing agriculture, largely carried on in somewhat primitive style. The influence of modern life is making its way and there is a tendency to progressiveness-- some good, some not so good. Spanish people are kindly, and are inclined to be self-satisfied. Honesty and generosity are out- standing characteristics. = Trav- ellers who are not known to the in finding accommodation; but if they are properly introduced another difficulty arises--it is hard to induce the people to ac- cept pay for the service and hospitality rendered. A notable fact is that there are no Jews in Spain. When they were expelled in "1492 there was no bloodshed. The Jews would . not become Christians nor 'would they accept their re- sponsibilities as citizens for the country's defence, so they were asked to leave... The social structure of Spain has greater extremes than are known in Canada. The grandees are very rich and most of the peasants are very poor. This condition is righting itself, and the introduction of manufactur- ing industries id inducing the in- vestment of wealth, while steady work is raising' the standard of living among a people who were not inclined to take life too seriously in the matter of work. It is useless to try to describe the pictures, They were clear and showed the beauties and in- not be possible in any other way, ture many questions were asked, and the Shanks of the audience were' oy ressed to Prof. Cano for his i luminating address. -- voor : DIED PRENTICE---At Sort Perry, t Graduate of Trinity Medical Colles i | fo slaty BE North East dy guage of the Garden of Eden.| can understand this mysterious come in from the north, Some| % tought the Moors for eight hun- Because there is an abundance - people sometimes have. difficulty |. terests of the country as would]. 'At the conclusion of the lec-|. . skating 1 on Saturday, Fébruary 17, 1934, | 3 nes C. Hen Te oved wife Alvin Prentice, in her 29th liv ; LAWRENCE'S DR (YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY, gL diseases. which are 80. prevalent at i PURTEST COD LIVER OIL--A bottle, $1.00, | BRE + sasy to take. 50 tablets 75c.; capsules $1.40, (Also in ligui fants and young children. H and phosphorus in capsule fo i Oil base. --100 capsules $2.25. 3 sizes 96c. and $1,60, esecsscssccee covecsscrcoese PURTEST COD LIVER OIL TABLETS Convenient, effective 'and if AYERST'S CALCIUM A CAPSULES--Organically combined calcium KEPLER'S CoD LIVER OIL and MALT--Tonte and builder. sea ea ttt et ito ttt tttttittnisiitteititeetoetsitssessetiisstectess oo yo. NEWS | AT YOUR REXALL STORE) 8 A Ta pila: up. your F semmeonce's 'and guard against sotde and' other this time of the yesr, itis a good volley to begin taking & good tonic AT standardized product. . '16 ounce H 100 tablets $1.25. PARKE DAVIS HALIVER OIL--Extremely rich in' Vitamin A, 60 d form.) AYERST'S 10D COD LIVER OIL--Especially recommended for in- ; 4 oz, bottle 67c. 16. oz, bottle, $1.69. . rm with a concentrated Cod Liver § -* Two A WAMPOLE'S cop LIVER EXTRACT--The year round tonic, ° $1. 00 'A. M. LAWRENCE ~~ | SOR RRIIIIIOROIIIIIIIIOIIILS 3 seetisass Y her birthday can't tell her a=» and you' - Distance call now is = are--100 miles or 80 . WHEN ili) you suddenly realize it's. : « » and you you forgot it ~ Gettoa telephone wes d Long Distance call will 'make both of you happy. ; @® For forgetful husbands, and anybody else, the 'telephone is always ready. A Long talking across: the street. Look in the front of your directory and see how low the rates re miles apart: as simple and easy as : for as littlé as 80 cents. + ; ~ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson spent Sunday with her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. Smith, Uxbridge. Miss Hazel Grose and Mr. F. Grosesspent the week end with their parents Mr. and Mrs, A, J. Grose. "Mr. 'Arthur Ormiston, of To- ronto, spent Sund parents Mr, and Mrs." I. ton. Mr. and Mrs, Noah Luke spent Sunday with his ather Mr. Ww. Luke. . * 'Mrs. Latimer has returned to Toronto after spending a week| with her mother. Mr. W. Luke is not improving i fast as his friends wish to see im, "A number from Oshawa were tobogganing and skiing. A very enjoyable day was spent. Mrs. Penman spent an after- noon and evening with Miss R. Wilson. Mr. Chas. Luke and Mr. C. Miller, spent a day in Toronto this week. Ormis- 'Miss Hazel Pearson spent Sun- da Jit their parents here. George iston took a iolly. "sleigh load to Columbus ink. A very enjoyable Batterie Terchagel and r we will f fon MODERA RATE PRICE with his, Miss Violet Thompson and| you why, and evening was spent... We hope George will not be too long be- fore he takes us again. Mrs. Pilkey intends spending a week with her mother Mrs, May, of Goodwood. The Women's Association is holding a pancake supper on February Zlst. RANCH FOR SALE 350 Acres--Part Lots 20, 21; 22, 23--Concession No. 1 Cartwright, Apply to Harris & Harris, Phone 24, ; REDUCE D PRICES Suits sponged and pressed ~~ 80Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00" - " C. P. ROLPH Over the. Observer Office. |PORT PERRY BATTERY SERVICE| * COCHRANE STREET, One block north of Queen St, red.. If your battery does not "Bnei ING 1ororo MARK PRICES DAIRY PRODUCE (Quotations to shippers) Creamery iio Polis, No. 1, 26% . No. 27, canes 20%" # | Churning: Cream, spetia), 2 No. 1 26, asanr igen dis i : No. 2, 24. bs POULTRY AND EGGS ' Eggs . Trades ahaa vr 28:40 86: Poultry--(A) Grade--Alive Spring Chickens .. yr Ee ERTL [TD aa rae e.8 to 11 cea? AC AL ay POTATOES-- No. 1, 90 Ib, bags, . LIVE STOCK-- i Bacon Hogs (off tricks), 9.16 to 0.25 Lambs. .......0.00....$6.00 to $7.76 'Heifers ..... ceases :$4.00 to $6.60 Veal Calves .... ..$8.60 to $9.00 Fed Calves J ani gE a0 to $7.26. Butcher Cattle ........$4.10 to $56.60 Steers ....\....... vee: 85.00 to $6.60 ONTARIO GRAIN (Shipping Polrits) LUMBER GOOD' BODY HARD +. WOOD 95% Mople. - Price right. . I CAN SUPPLY Your Lumber Needs. | Sam N. Griffen | Lumber Co. Phone 240 ~~ |} PORT PERRY, ONT. The Creamery is PAYING 26¢c., 26¢., & 28c. for BUTTER FAT: You can.éave labor and' make more money by sending ~ your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors fn ~ NOTICE D. E Steckley, having discontinued . his Port Perry office, wishes to an- . nounce that following this date he will make residental calls. in Port Perry and district. For appointment, phone 224 Oshawa, or write to 16. Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. ----------, EPR AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, implements, ste '| the property of John Medd; N half lot 8, con, 5, Reach, 3 miles ---- '| west of Port Perry, on Thursday, Terms March 8th, at 1 p.m. | Cash. See. bills for list. Port Perry | 'Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. --------te Sr o------ FOR BALE Light wagon, good; about 85 Leg- horn hens, and a coal heater. This is a real good heater. Apply to Stephen Lambkin, Port Perry, [FLOUR MILL "FOR SALE (16 Barre) Capacity) Apply to Hartie & a Phone 2 A : at ysna 8 to 11 ff | Broilers ......cocoeniin 3 - ##| Fatted Hens. . i$ | Old Roosters aan teva $110 to sis 8 | Pathan ° a | 14

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