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Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Mar 1934, p. 8

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Page Eight A SHOWER On Friday evening, February Zora, a recepuon was held at tne home or mr, and Mrs. wimer © Llarke, Scugog island, in honour OI ner eiluer daugnier, lidna, . Who recenuy became the bride OI Mr, roy domerville, son of mr, and irs, kont. Somerville, «OIL Fort rerry. 'I'he happy gath- ering inciuaed about 81xvy neigh- pours and Iriends, gave evidence to the high esteem 1n which the popuwiar' young. bride 1is- held. CAasdwsted py tne groom, and the briaesmala, Miss vera Clark, the briae, attractively attired in her weuaaing gown, a beautiful and becoming creation of peach geor- geuwte, tauored In long fiowing unes with capelet emect, and wearing the giit of the groom, a white gold wrist watcn, re- ceived the guests, A couple or social hours were spent in progressive euchre, at the conciusion of which, the groom was called upon to pre- sent the winners with suitable prizes... Mrs. R. D. Burnham, winning the honours for the hign lady, receiving an attrac- tive-looking cake plate, and Mr, Cecil KFrahck tor the gentlemen, |: a deck of cards. . Miss Irene Heayn' and Mr. Clarence Carter shared the honours for the booby prizes. A dehghttul lunch was then served by the young ladies of the community, all partaking of the "bride's cake which was passed by the bride and groom. After lunch, the guests gath- ered in the spacious dining room where the bride and grom were presented with the following ad- dress, read by Miss Inez Fralick: On behalf of the friends in the community I extend our greet- ings through these verses to you, Edna and Roy. A few days ago, a shy young - pair, Free from worry, and from care; But' pleasant, happy, fond and good, In God's name, before the altar stood. . They vowed in this life of pleas- ure and toil Always to be steadfast, true and loyal, For marriage means, to every- one, Loves' pathway made of shade and sun, / O'er which two hearts may wander, "Of each other growing fonder. You may find as you go your way The blue skies may turn dull 'and gray; - But when together you may bear them ~ Cares grow sweet when lovers share them And, if to each other you are "honest and true No sorrow or bad luck will come : to you, Though soon your honeymoon of beauty Will bring the clouds of. home : and duty. But if you tine to stand to- gether Through both fair and cloudy weather, And do the things that are just and right Love will bring you to the light. And now, as a token of sliection 80 true, These little gifts we present to you, May they convey our wishes fond and sincere For happiness and joy through- out each year. May ou always be happy, good d true, 'May good health always abide h you. ~ This is our wish, our hope, and : our prayers As together you climb "Life's Golden Stairs." Signed on behalf of your friends of Scugop Island. A large basketful of gifts was then presented to the - happy couple who untied the wrappings 'of each parcel, this procedure 'being Ee with much i glory ment and friendly banter. % room on behalf of his bride 3 ang mself expressed their ap- preciation and thanks for the many beautiful and useful gifta presented to them. The tables which the gifts were display- d one aliogt Lo ith Fowler has secured work. which all joined in wishing the Young couple a long and happy e. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Somerville expect to motor to their new home at Bechard, Sask. about March 16th. Myrtle Station The weather was s0 severe last Tuesday, that the pancake supper was postponed until tonight, and as it is a beautiful day, we won't be sorry. The Prospect young people are giving the programme and by "what we hear it will be interesting. Mr, and Mrs. O, LE. . Thompson and baby, of Toronto, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson. Mr. D, Leury spent a few days of last week in Toronto attending the Good Roads Convention. Mr, and Mrs, C. Harrison and Mr, Jos. Simpkins, were visitors to the city on Monday. Mr, Dave Harnden, of Port Perry, was a visitor to our town last week. Mr. Oswald Gascoyne of Toronto, and Misses Bertha and Myrtle Gas- coyne, of Brooklin, were Sunday visitors of their sister Mrs, Frank Harrison. The 9th concession was well. filled up with snow last week and it took a gang of men almost five days to dig tunnels through the great drifts from Raglan to Ashburn. While west of Ashburn will not be opened to car traffic for a week or two yet, although the old fashioned "Dobbin" and. the sleigh is still going strong, ' wy SCUGOG The young people are holding their League meeting this week at the home of Mr. J. Milner on Thursday. = The subject "Getting money in a Christian Way" will be in charge of Miss Ivah Milner. The Lake Scugog Yunior Girls' In- stitute will hold their March meeting on: Saturday afternoon, March 8rd, The main topic will be "Books." The motto: Some books to be tasted; some to. be swallowed, some to be chewed and digested, will be taken by Marion Stephenson. Roll' Call: "The, book I have recently read and enjoyed and the author. The address on the life of a Canadian author by Inez Fralick. Music by Clara Hardy. Demonstra- tion on knitting by Mrs. O. Jeffrey. A three minute talk on a book by Peter McArthur by Leona Prentice. Community singing. Hostess Miss Edna Madgett. Mrs. W. MacGregor spent last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robt. Jackson, Mr. Glen Hood and sister Audrey visited their cousins Reta, Ivah, Ray and Ralph Milner, on Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Beacock visited her father Mr. Robt. Wallace in Port Perry, a couple of days last week. Mr. Geo. Samells visited in Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. R. Carter is visting her sister Mra. Brummell at Highland Creek for a few weeks. Mrs. W. Milner and daughter Edna and: Mrs. R. Henders, were guests at a quilting at Mrs. Geo. Jackson's, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fowler are mov- ing to Ebenezer this week where Mr. Their many friends wish them success in their new home. Mrs. C. Grahdm and son Vernon are visiting with friends in Oshawa and Toronto for a couple of weeks. The Head Sunday School contest social was held last Friday evening. A very 'enjoyable time was spent by all, in games, contests, and stunts, At the close hot dogs were served with other good things. Another interesting contest has started at the Head Sunday School be- tween the boys and the girls, so be prepared for a good time on Mar, 16. Scugog friends of Mr. Emmerson Fralick are very sorry to hear of his logs, when his house and contents were destroyed by fire last week. The weather man didn't give us much of a variety in February--just cold and more cold. I wonder what March will have in store for us--a lion or a lamb. Rural ak League P.W.L T, F. A. P, Prince Albert, .9 222 14 16 Greenbank ..%. 12818 16 Port Perry . 12214 18 Honeydale rh ny ess Ws > 7 7 6 6 -4 4 8 1 1 1 DAND EWEN = A= I [pa Fo REBSSSE HE -- py o| Watch for bills for Play-offs--start. ing y night otk ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH OF ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL March 3rd marks the snulver. sary of the birth 87 year a ago 1847 of Alexander Graha Paradise of the Common Man (Continued from Page 1) . who in 1874 at Brantford, Ont., | flowers and vegetables. invented the telephone. development as a month which much notable progress has been made. As example, it was cited that 68 years ago to-day Bell's tele- phone patent, No. 174,466 and the most valuable ever drafted, was allowed. 1t was in March, 18/8 that Hamilton's telephone exchange, the first in the British Kmpire and the second in the world, was opened. On March the introduction of long distance years earlier, March 10th, 1876, the telephone had acquired its first physical existence, The first long distance telephone line Charles Fleetford Sise, founder had met in Montreal with Thos. Swinyard of Toronto to open ne- gotiations for the purchase of the old Dominion Telegraph Co. In more recent years, March |k has been notable, too. On March 21, 1917, Dr. Bell received the Medal of Honor for distinguish- ed public service. What are now commonplace direct circuit long distance telephoning facilities were introduced March 22, 1925, while March 7, 1926, was the date on which was held the first public demonstration of two-way trans-Atlantic telephone service Europe. GREENBANK Several from here attended the funeral of the Late Mrs, Laura Camplin Cooke in Cannington on Tuesday of last week. Miss. Lambert and Miss H. Boe of Port Perry at Mr. W. Boe's last Friday. ' Mrs, Wallace is visiting her daughter Mrs, White in Toronto. Mr. Lawrence, despite the in- clement weather had a good sale last Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. McMillan is spend- ing some time in Toronto. Glad to report, Armour is improving after his operation. Sorry to report Mr. T. Gibson ill, y . Mr. W. Phoenix visiting at J well received and enjoyed Mr. J. Clarke's, Manilla, last Thursday. Mr..and Mrs. John Howsam entertained - thirty-five 'of their friends to a euchre party last in commemoration of the birth | treats sexual crime. or Ur. Bell, the "Blue Bell" en-{more a question for a doctor than a prison sign will pe flown on Bell Tele-|of 'detention are given more to effect a cure phone buildings throughout On-|vengence of society; and their length is determined by the su taro and Quebec on that day.|of the treatment. in connection with this eventful |run hospital, and had in attendance a staff of a psye day in the history of the tele-|. phone it is fitting to recall that|The regulations governing the administration of unemployment March has been outstanding heheh are syerer. shan in Eng nd. through the years of telephone|seeking work" is relentlessly app. gi the y J in|is not willing to work, he is sent to a place 'where t and labor is obligatory. there are no licensing restrictions, I saw no is a brave, though not particularly successful the arts, establish a National Theatre is proving a costly business. 26 of that year, Dr, Bell forecast |E telephone exchange service, Two|§ between Toronto and Hamilton|$ was completed March 16, 1881, 7 one year to the day after the late|§ of the Bell Telephone Company | | firm, 'cream «of beef Arom!gs between North America and ol Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. ¥ Are you getting real heat satisfaction for the mon . FAMOUS Whitehall - might well study, t00, the way that Denmark) mig The authorities look upon assaults as far My Jovertor, The institution that I visited w as like aw Yet the social services cannot be accused of encouraging sloth If it is tho The Danes are an extraordinarily happy people. enness, The Danes are not a bookish people, and an attempt ) concert halls, 'a church and little gardens where they can grow han to Senta tes hiatrists. ngland, The clause about "genuinely ht that a man there is no dole Though attempt to leer to When one surveys the world today, and sees its numerous " l DEPENDABILITY Our customers know that they can depend on our bakery products, It isa comfort to know that the bread Pin buy, rom us is always baked just as it should be. No need to worry about these matters, if you buy your. bread and pastry rom J CHAMBERS' BAKERY PHONE 95, Beef, besides being the most nutritious and largely consumed of all meats, is one of the few.foods of which we never tire.' There are many kinds, grades and cuts of beef, from which to choose, but choice beef is usually obtained from steers. It should be firm, of a fine grained texture, bright in color, and well mottled or marbled with SrenmiSolord fat. You can 'always depend ¢ on: getting. the: best CAWKER BROS. Reliable Service and Better F ill you spend on Fuel? If not try some of our Better Fuels READING ANTHRACITE, that Bett nsylvania Hard Coal. A ton of Famous Reading Anthra- cite is ful of of pur e hard carbon nuggets, super-¢gléaned by ing process that frees it from all dust and or gn Jal iyashing clean, safe, longer burn fuel, one ton will convince you. COKE--Hamilton By-Product or Semet Solvay Coke. SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL, CANNEL COAL, POCO- HONTAS, HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFT- Woop, LIME, CEMENT AND TILE PORT PERRY COAL YARD Phones--94 W and 94J. ° "Reliable Service and Better Fiiels" Friday evening. --r Miss Bessie Bushby, Toronto}; at her home here. : SEAGRAVE (Too late for last week) In spite of weather conditions and postponemept of last week owing to roads) quite a large crowd gathered the United Church S. S. room Monday evening under the auspices of the Women's Association, where an oyster supper and other good things were served by the ladies in charge. decorations were carried out in St. Valentine's motif: After all had done ample justice to the supper, a splendid programme ii intredused ye. Shairman, av, reen. 6 peo- ple presented their play ak arm" ~in a manner w. yal Selections between acts given by Misses F. MeMillan ot reenbank and Iva Reynolds, of Seagrave, were heard in a pleas- ing. duet, and the Glos Pld favored with a per "Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be." The following are ry ny | Braden, Mos en, 3 Sonley, Marj ore ston. We are pleased to report that nawy who have been on the sick hat are able to around a again, The| PORT PERRY Pen- s geonomeal : dictators, there seems more than ever to be said for little Den- Mrs, Northey of Lakefield is spending a few weeks with and Mrs. Babeock, ttle Joyce and Merrideth cKee of ester are spend- ing a few days with Mr, and Mrs, J. Evans, A Miss Hazel Pearson 'spent jue _| week end with her parents, Mr Mr. and Pearson. Miss T. Turner and Mr. Lloyd t | Hughson of Toronto spent the Wor end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. N, Hughson, : 1 A few from here attended the party at Myrtle on Friday night. |: All report a' good time, Mrs. J. Wilson 'spent Sunday with Mrs. Carl Avery. Mr, Huntly of Whitby spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs, 'B. Bryant, *e Mr, William Luke passed to his rest at his home here on . | Thursday, February 22nd. De- ceased who was in his 82nd year % | had been active and in his usual i# | health until a year ago. He was taken suddenly ill with heant | trouble and at times he was well enough to be out and around and apparently one would think he | was real well, but a few weeks ago he grew. weaker until the end came. In the passing of Mr. Luke, Raglan loses one of its oldest and highly respected | residents, A man of quiet, but kindly disposition who was al- ways' ready to give a helping hand to those in need. Mr. Luke had lived in Raglan and vicinity practically all his life. For many years his chief work #1'was building and carpenter work until a few years ago. His wife survives, with one daughter and four sons, Mrs. Latimer, Merey, jand Noah of Toronto, Charles and George of Raglan. The funeral was held on Sat- urday afternoon from his late residence to Groveside Cemetery '| and was attended by a large con- "Jeourse of relatives and 'friends. Prompt Delivery I Rev. J: 0. Totton conducted the | service. "- Thé family has the |p sympathy of the community in its bereavément. The Women's Association held a successful pancake supper. An enjoyable evening was spent in games. : (Too late for last week) Sunday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers and Miss Irene Graham'with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Wright; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Willan and family of Port Perry, with Mrs, Willan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and' Mra. Harry VanCamp, with relatives in Toronto; Mr, Harry Major and Mr. Jos, Bradburn, with friends 'in Toronto; Miss Gwen. Marlow with' Miss Helen Van- Camp. Miss Muriel Gahan' of Shir- ley, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hooper. Mrs. Robt. Parr and Miss F. Parr, are spending a few weeks sees | With the foringr's daughter, Miss With good service offered, not leave your baking worries with GERROWS? in. GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confeetioners, Port Perry. PARKE, DAVIS HALIVER OIL --One tiny capsule © drops) is equal in Vitamin A to four teaspoonful of Cod Liver Oil. Very easy to take. COLGATES GIANT SIZE RIBBON DENTAL CREAM Regular 46¢, for 89c. per tube. GIANT Size KRUSCHEN SALTS--With trail size, both or N oh NOXEUA A SKIN CREAM~Regulas 28e, a package for 16c. FACE PVD. Regula 40e. oath. Morrison' s Dees Store: PortPerry "Temi Ontario 'We aim to please Particular People Clearing at 290, : PATTERsONS FRESH PACK CHOCOLATHS at 50. ». /NORREE, 20¢. h. tory. Eva Parr, in*Toronto. 5 Messrs. Osmond Wright 'and Mervin Graham shipped a car- # | load of stock to Toronto on Mon- day by way of the C.P.R. During the Lenten Season, Rev. Dr. C, E. Whittaker, rector of St. John's Anglican Church will* hold a weekly meeting at] 'the home of his< parishioners. The first one was held on Ash|as Wednesday evening, at the rec- The second was he d the % WEWAPS PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, 1984 tiome of Mr, and Mrs, B. Darcy, on Wednesaay evening of 1a8L week. : We dre pleased to report that Mr. Mrs, Jas, mariow, who 1s spend- ing the winter with Muss suth Marlow, 10 'Loron ailer her recent | un Weanesaay atverioon, Feb. - Lawn, Mr, Juckle, Principal of the Fublic School and His pupils held 4 Valse party av which the L0UOW cadren a guests: Garry and Joyce VYenning, kalph- Newel, pyri Larmer, Koy Graham, Har. ola Hamilton, Lucile torder, Neil werry, sMerie 'Bailey. Atter a program by the pupus 'and an ex- 'change ot Valentines, lunch was seyved consisting of sandwiches, cake, apples, candy, popcorn and lemonaae. Needless to say ample Justice was done to all these good things. and a very happy arternoon 'was brought to a close. Mrs, Usmond Wright visited with relatives and friends in shirley last week, ! The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary So- ciety. of the United Church was 'held at the parsonage. The Bible study was taken by Mrs. Earl Dorrell and the Study Book Chapter, "Girls' Work in the West" by Mrs. I, Stinson. 'Mrs. (Rev.) Newell read a paper 'The Kingdom of God Movement" 'which was given by the ladies at Oshawa: Presbyterial held there recently. Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Jabez: fight favored the meet- ing with a piano duet and Mrs. Alex. ¥®hnston gave an jllus- trated out line of the years work expected of the W. M. S. Lunch was served, Miss Mabel Elford was convener of the = group .in charge of the meeting." A Pot Luck Supper and Crok- ~ inole Party was held on Friday evening of this week under the auspices of the WM.S. The World's Day of Prayer service 'was held in St. John's Anglican 'Church 'and was con- ducted by Mrs. Leslie Graham, President of the' Women's Aux- lary, assisted by Mrs. Dorrell, - 5. W. Archer, Mrs. R. Taylor, of the United Church, and Mrs. W. Crawford and Mrs. R. Parr, of St. John's Church, JR o-oo x FEBRUARY REPORT OF 8, S. NO. 2, REACH "Sr. IV--Helen Conlin, 78.7%, Lois Wilés 74.7%, Ernest Gilroy 67.8%, Maurice Edgerton 52.7% Jr. IV--Byron Holtby 68.6%, Buster Stevens 656.2%, Alex. Diamond 52%. = Sr. III-=Orland Wiles 71. 8, Ronald Vernon 58.6, Lloyd Ross 52.9, Ivan Gray 38. 2. ) Jr, Il ~ George Manderson (absent). II -- Beth Diamond 64.8, 'Stewart Wiles 68.7. Pr.--Lenard Gray. Leta Christie, Teacher. - > 'Auction Sale On Wednesday, March 7th, at C. N. Stainton's, 1 indle north of Sonya, lot 22, con, 8 Brock, Tp., auction sale of Farm Stock and Implements; Sale at 1 pm. Terms Cash. Ted J ackson, Auctioneer. DR. W. 8S. HARPER Graduate te. of Trinity ' Medical College and Post oan, ey Ualvrs, tes' College and Polvaltale, Fon North East London. Post Lgndon, n, England, Royal Infirmary, G! . ! Ges and Surgery Port Parry, Ont. Pastenrized Products ARE SAFEST AND 'BEST. to 238, We PORT PERRY | DAIRY 'Phone your orders. do the rest. THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS | 18 EASY IF You BUY TL --- FROM - fe BERT Mac Gl 0, 18 Nip Ig 5% Iitue non-school age 2 of adie Grats oR

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