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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 May 1934, p. 4

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PORT PERRY FAIR, SEPT. Wry "ment. Tt "'son of Mr, Alexander Leask, of Green- . and little hope is held for his recovery. Tuesday, May 8th, at 1.30 p.m. "been called "The Forum of the. Air" -week from those who have been im- LOCAL ITEMS DIED SUDDENLY Mrs. Walter Cook received word on Tuesday that her brother Mr. Frank Hewitt of Toronto, had died suddenly from an attack of heart disease. Mr. and Mrs. Cook went to Toronto on Tuesday evening. We extend sym- pathy to Mrs. Cook" in her bereave- tl PP I. 0. DIE. ® The regular monthly meeting of the Scugog Chapter, 1. 0. D. E. will be held in the chapter rooms on Monday, May 7th, at 3 p.m. ) eel OP It is a pleasure to note the return of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Parrish from California, where they have spent the winter; and to learn that the health of Mrs, Parrish is greatly improved. Rev. Mr. Carpenter and Mrs. Car- penter have returned to their home in Bobcaygeon after spending the winter in Port Perry with Rev. W. J, H. Smyth. We wish them a pleasant summer. : ; On Saturday, April 21st, 1934, an interesting event occurred at 710 Cox- well Ave., Toronto, the home of Rev. J. A" Miller, B.A., when Robert, third bank, was married to Aleta Mildred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fodsler, of Stouffville. .After honey- mooning in Eastern-Ontario, they will reside at 177 Queensdale Ave., To- ronto. ' Mr. A. R. Savage is seriously ill, Mr. Béverley Smallman is home for the summer from Queen's University, Kingston. : "The condition of Mr. Wright Crozier who is ser iously ill, is apparently un- changed. Miss Dorothy Davey is spending a couple of week's holidays with her parents. The annual inspection of the High School Cadet Corps will be held next : PRACTICAL Clergyman's Daughter -- Father's subject tonight is to be "Love Each Other. "Do you want to go Franklin? Franklin -- Well, dear, don't you think it would be better to stay at home and practice what your father is preaching? SP RABBI EISENDRATH COMING. "His radio addresses have happily and have resulted in bringing thous- ands of letters to his. desk every pressed by his addresses. We hesi- tate to use the often ill-used word, 'genius'. However, we can apply no other to Rabbi Bigendrath's 1 utter- ances. They are more than good speaking and good writing. They are lighted by the immortal park of genius and will live for more than a day." --Toronto Saturday Night Hear = Rabbi Eisendrath in Port Perry, on Wednesday, May 30th. CARD OF THANKS Mr. A. L. McDermott and sisters wish to express their appreciation of the 'kindness and sympathy of their friends at the time of their recent bereavement. - ' Port Perry Dominion Store Sensational Spring Opening Sale which started on April 26, has supplied many people with surprising bargains; but we have special bar- end, and it will pay you to visit our 'store'on May 3rd, 4th, and 5th Be' sure to come and be 2 convinced. fALIX. GILBOORD ~ Proprietor Phone 17 Port Perry gains again for this week|. ---- THE "RED-HEADED STEPCHILD" PLAY REPEATED This play has proved to be a very popular presentation both as fo the play itself and the personell of the cast of characters. : A packed house greeted the players when the comedy-drama was given for the third time in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening o flast week. Those who saw all three persentations (and there were quite a few) claim that the last was the best. = Two new numbers were in troduced last Wednesday evenipg--tap dancing by Miss Audrey Balfour and Mr. Don. Campbell, and a cork-leg dance by Mr. H. G. Hutcheson. Both these num- bers were excellently given and were received with enthusiastic applause, The Ww lin and the players did a good job, and have put the plan of renovating the stage well on its way. Withone Public TRE and |i BLOOD-TESTING OF CATTLE R. B. Faith, Director of Extension, for the Holstein-Friesian Association of Canada, who was the guest speaker at the annual spring meeting of the Parth County Holstein 'Breeders' Club held at Stratford, said that blood test- ing for the control of Bang's disease has been making remarkable good progress -in many parts of the Pro- vince since the work was first taken on by the breders in a serious minded way more than a year ago, and he predicted that before long every large breeding area would be engaged in it. Already nearly two hundred herds had been found fully negative under the Federal policy, while a' much larger number were undersprocess of being cleaned up. The view was ex- the pleasing numbers given by Mr. V. P. Stouffer, on his violin, and the vocal selections given by the Clover Leaf Trio, were much appreciated and well received by the audience. pressed by Mr. Faith that the day was | not far distant, when breeders whose herds were not under test, would find it more difficult than happens to be the case at the present time, to obtain p-- ONTARIO COUNTY FALL WHEAT CROP BADLY DAMAGED Abou eighty per cent. of the fall wheat in this distriet has been winter-! killed and will be a complete loss, according to a statement by W. M, Croskery, Agricultural Representative of the County. Mr. Croskery esti- mated that some fourteen thousand acres were sown last fall and that 80 per cent of it was now a total loss owing to the extreme cold of the win- ter and early spring and drying winds of the past few weeks. The destruction of this wheat by the frost will mean a loss of several thousand dollars to the farmers, and the situation is rendered more serious owing to the scarcity of seed grain. ~<a CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. A --.N. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 «p.m. --Evening Service. es, ~ - / <o-o-ov oY PORT PERRY UNITED - CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 6Gth-- The Pastor will be in charge of both services. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister ---------------------- MAPLE PRODUCTS UNKNOWN TO DUTCH Another country has been added to the list of those that do not know the delights of maple syrup and maple sugar which includes Scandinavian countries and Germany, namely, the Netherlands. To the Dutch people, states the Agricultural Department of the Canadian National Railways, maple syrup and maple sugar are practically unknown. In "compensa- tion" the Dutch have never adopted the chewing gum habit although chewing gum. is made locally, so that while they are not familiar with the expuisite flavour of maple tree pro- duets, neither chewing the product of the chicle tree. "The FIRESIDE "PHILOSOPHER By ALFRED BIGGS Would you have a friend? Be bne. * * * Evil shuns those who seek goodness. * * * - No satisfaction like that of work well done.' * * Better to read nothing than to read trash. : N * * * Don't speak well of others only -to be well spoken of. * * * Lite's greatest possessions cannot be measured in money. * * * It is easier to forgive those who bore us than those whom we bofe. _ Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment * at all. times. DISNEY BLOCK 7 edly Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 OPEN EVENINGS i| Filled with action and thrills. are they acquainted, with" the great American pastime of |- markets at profitable prices for sur- plus cattle which had to be rsold, whereas those herds free of the dis- ease would occupy a most favorable | position in being able to copitalize on their achievement, eee Printing of all kinds can be well and promptly done by the Port Perrv Star STRAND THEATRE UXBRIDGE ] 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MAY 3, 4, and 5 Special Feature Attraction Jean Harloy and Clark Gable, in "RED DUST" See this modern talkie that played in Other attractions Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MAY 10, 11 and 12 ~ Chic Sale, in "DANGEROUS CROSSROADS" Don't miss it, : Toronto for weeks. It's big--It's new? Damage Insurance... Take ad- vantage of our new low rates. (Fire, Accident, Plate Glass and Burgular Insurance also also written at reasonable rates). : E. H. PURDY Phone 33 Port Perry . HORSE FOR SALE . |§ 8 years old. Apply to Thos. Bartley, | # Con, 9, Reach Twp., Phone 113 r b. i FOR SALE Frame building at rear of the Church of the Ascension. For particalars pei to Dr, J. B. Lundy or H. G. Hutcheson. PROSE OSMMIOISSEDDES BEE SUPPLIES FOR SALE Ten frame Langstroth equipment. Apply to C. H, Rowland at the Port Perry Custom Hatchery. Phone 42 or 43, Port Perry. MORTGAGE FOR. SALE A new first mortgage on Cartwright Township property valued at $1500 with interest at 6% per annum, pay- able quarterly. Investors interested see the mortgage and be informed re- garding the title by calling at the office of Harris & Harris, Solicitors. FOR SALE Five Dorset Ewe Lambs 1933 stock, pure bred. Apply to R.. Lane, lot 19, con. 2, Reach, AUCTION SALE cscs eresssseser in an investment of this amount may |#§ Y u can n Sane with Solty af ot Resall Store, Mi 31 TOOTH PASTE and DOLL--For a limited time we are oftering a large 60c. tube of Mi 31 Tooth Paste and a real life-like un- | : _ breakable doll with jointed limbs. Both for 66¢, (Reg. $1.00) CEDAR FLAKES and GARMENT BAG--Elkay's cedarized Moth- proof Garment Bag (60" x 27 %") and a 26c, package of Rexall 'Cedar Flakes. Both for b0c. A 4 ; ~MOTH TOX--For effectively destroying 'moths, Larvae and Eggs. § ~ Reliable and Permanent. Per 16 ounce can Tbe, : AGFA FILMS--For best results you should use Aste: Films--clearer pictures at no additional cost. i Agfa Ordinary--No. 2, 25¢c. - No, 2A, 0c. : Fh | Agfa Plensehrome--No, 2, 80¢. No. 2A, Be. es A M. LAWRENCE "THE REXALL STORE" iE --- Port' Perry ahora e SE EEEEEsEEEssLssEsLLLLL Phone 49 dennis tis A ites tiie | WE OFFER = = BEST IN Cherry Cakes Cookies of all kinds Fruit Pies Filled Tarts Doughnuts Jelly Rolls : "and many other kinds of Delicious Baking' Try eur Brown and White Bread--It's Good: 18388888 LLe CHAMBERS' BAKERY PHONE 98, - ih PORT PERRY of Household Furniture, the property of the estate of the late Thos, Beare, at his late résidence, Port Perry, on Saturday, May bth,'at 1 pm. | The real estate will also be offered at the same tithe subject to a reserve bid. See bills for terms.and particu- lars, TED JACKSON," Auctioneer. HOUSE FOR RENT - -6, roomed 'house on John Street. Newly decorated. Apply' to A. D. Peters, Port, Perry. : si FARM FOR RENT OR: SALE 3 The Henry Deacon Farm, 490 acres in.the Township of Cartwright. Rent for season of 1934. Would consider dividing. Apply to Chartered Trust and Executor Company, 34 King St. West, Toronto, or Harris, Harris and Wallace, Port Perry and Oshawa. Mulligan' S Beauty Shoppe. no es Port Perry - Speclalizes in | PERMANENT WAVING, having all the ai latest methods 'and appliances. - : The néw PARAMOUNT COMBINATION PERMAMENT 'ends. We. give this genuine permanent wave as a. special offer for the coming season. "PRICE $3.00 or two for $5. 00. ~All the latest styles in Hair CUTTING, FINGER WAVING : and' MARCELLING. "H. H. MULLIGAN. Propfietor.. * Phone 75° WHY BRAY r pullets. averaged 23 eggs per bird are still laying heavily. .. grow better than average. finish. See the manager of your nearest request. Bray stock has extraordinary vigor and stamina. following. J. A. Leslie, Georgetown reports that this flock of 132 Bray in February--b58%% eggs per bird in 90 days of coldest weather--and Chicks from such stock naturally live and They're money- -makers from start to mation about these chicks from vigorous, winter-laying stock-- or for assistance with any chick-rearing problem. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, 79 Clayburn Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. Bray Hatchery at Lindsay, corner Lindsay and Kent. Streets. DF Eight brdeds-Wight Years Blood-Testing--Sixth year Govt. Approval CHICKS PAY last December, 20 in January, 16% [> Bray Hatchery for complete infor- FREE booklet on | LAW OFFICE. "GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, - Solicitors; ote. Money to Loan Now located in the "office of H, W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, COMING F. E. Luke, Eyesight specialist - may be consulted about your eyes at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, on - THURSDAY, . APRIL 26th. F. B. LUKE & SON. Queen. Stress ~~ OPTOMETRISTS --Phone 264 168-167 Yonge Street, Toronto Phong after hours: 3614 (Upstairs opposite Simpsons), || = Oshawa. WAVE, producing a soft, deep, natural wave | 'with curly §| POULTRY-- ~ WOOD---98% Maple. Price right. x i | wi CAN SUPPLY ; Your Lumber Needs. 4 Estimates Che ar f u ly Given. | > Sam N. Griffen 3 + Lumber Co. Sh Phone 240 ; | PORT PERRY, ont. Cr AOR MARKET Ss (Quotations to shippers). N | BUTTER-- = © Ga Greamery solids, No. 1. ith to 21% Seconds Civieeisonenn2 to 21% : { CHURNING CREAM-- a 'Special 23c,, No. 1, 2, No, 2, 20c. EGGS-- : 4 Grade A large Woo A Grade A medium ..........¢. 166 "Grade C ..i.icoviiaiiiayain de, vv... 10c. to 13c.- sees are nalee Spring Chickens ... Fatted Hens Old: Roosters .... White Ducklings ....... Bacon "Hogs (oF trucks) '5.. io. % Weighty Steers -. cians .$4.60 to $6.00 Butcher Cattle ....7.. ...$8.50 to $6.26 Helfors isos aves .$4.25 to $6,60 evevernisins $150 to $4.25 ; vai tai viii. $275 to $3.76 Fed Calves ver ..$5.25 to $7.00 Calves ..... Viasee.ds 94.00 to $7.00 Spring Lambs' ..... :1.$6,00 to $8.26 Sheep ef lriin ngs ls S10 to $4.00 V. P. STOUF F ER PIANO TUNING Overhauling -- plano Actions, 4 z rym 3 a . -- Waa 3 MAGAZINES N ewspapers and Periodical can be ordered at the Port Perry ~ Star Office. or 'of all kinds § is well done. af the ie | Sta Office: Wel ave e good Pastenrized d Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders to 238 Wedo the rest, : Fay PORT PERRY DAIRY Ic. OWEN, Proprietor. i THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY ro FROM fom BERT MacGREGOR : YOUR HOME Is os CASTLE - Admit only clean, constructive news by reading THE CHRISTIAN" SCIENCE So i ey | 'Daily Newspaper for 'the pi i i of Ha all the hs world a ho LEE nt 8. Al pages for all Phone 238] | 1s S$ PAYING ae, 200 taken up, sticky and | paired, moth-proofing, cleant Tas : a specialty. Al work LL REDUCED. "PRICES . [Suits sponged and pressed "60 Cents C. P. ROLPH Over the Cheerver Office. _ DON'T TAKE A CHANCE INSURE YOUR CAR. Get. the New Rates' from R.D. WOON = Fh yd Am, Insurance "Port Perry. DR. 1.4 5. RR Gradua Fire Phone 80 J. ( or Sd ; and' a aE TW. A. Sangster 2 DENTAL SURGEON - Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's " nt 'BUTTER FAT. or. ean i won | snd make More, (money by penting PORT PERRY '00D BODY HARDY Dry Cleaned $1.00 ~~ *

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