& ~ WHEN you meet an old friend bin» and you haven't seen him for years ay. 'and you invite him, back to town with you. pei ia Better | play safe... call home's on Long. pi Distance and make sure of a welcome. o Long Distance keeps you in touch with friends * "you value, speeds up business, and aids in many emergencies. It is quick, dependable, economical. Rates in the front of your directory show you can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents, PHAIR'S rave Cha WHITBY, ONTARIO Mrs, Washington, of Windsor, is "spending some time 'with her father, Dr, Campbell, who wa are sorry to re- port, has not been as well as usual. Miss L. Sprague has returned to her winter at her home in Aurora. The Misses Mary and Flora Holman of . Toronto, spent the week end at their summer home here. Miss F, Hiscox and Mrs, Ball visited with friends in Lindsay on Sunday. Sunday - visitors in Prince Albert included Mr; and Mrs, Bruce Clark and family, of Bowmanville, with Mr, and Mrs. R. Butson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Thompson, of Manchester, and Mrs, Lawson Honey and family, with Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Williams; Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey; Miss Mary Nixon, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnstorf; Mr. Reid, Miss P, Reid, Mrs. E.. Andrews, Miss Violet Bond, and Mrs. Holmes, all of Toronto, with Mrs, R, Bond, and. Messrs, Howard and: Arthur Jeffrey, of Millbrook, with | Mr. and Mrs..John Jeffrey and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Jeffrey. 'DIGNIFIED FUNERAL SERVICE When bereavement comes, you desire a quiet dignif ~ funeral at the lowest pnb olet digaited : fan g give. you this Jethmmodation with 'modern Squipment ine uding Sie pay el Te atice 'phone' calls, " Phair s Funeral & Ambulance Service Se Successors. to e Nicholson & Seldon | summer home here, after spending the |. , zens Band. Midway: ; Dance at night. Admission to grounds Mr. and Mrs, Walter Webb, of Nor- e. FUNERAL SERVICE ~ PHONE 3 latter's pareiits, Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Hunter. Mrs. Webb and Jean remain- ing for a visit. Coletaatins at Uxbridge-- Thorley, May 24 THE PROGRAM Races at Elgin Park--Class 2.18 trot or pace, Purse $75.00. Class 2.2F pace or trot, purse $75.00 Softball games. open to boys and girls, Open Horseshoe Pitching. Uxbridge Citi- Free Parking. 15¢. Children 10c. Dr, Ed. Bailey, Secretary. gl ,. "Rabbi Eisendrath's address on 'The Human Family' was the finest address ever heard by the local Rotary Club." --Toronto Daily Star, Jan. 17, - Hear Rabbi Eisggndrath in Port home of -Mr, and Mrs, E. Darcy on Thursday evening the 17th, when a report of the annual convention held); "Fhe Lindsay Kiwanis Club has had § the privilege of listening to many eloquent guest speakers, but Rabbi Eisendrath of Toronto was the most brilliant and fascinating of them all." --<Lindsay t, May 22, 1931. ' Rabbi Bjsendrdth will be in Port Perry, Ma Oth; - BLACKSTOCK * (Continued from front page) ing by Mrs. Bailey "When the Car Was New", a paper by Mrs. T. Smith, a reading by Miss Frances Mountjoy and a violin solo by Miss Norma Hooey. Lunch was Served at the close of the meeting. A combined meeting of the W, A. and W. M, 8, of the United Church was held at the home of Mr. and Murs. of the W/A. The meeting opened with devotional exercises after which the business session followed and was de- voted chiefly to arrangements for the the United Church here. The pro- Olive VanCamp, "Heaven's .Gift to Woman", a reading by Mrs, Cecil Hill, a reading by Mrs. S. A. Devitt, and a piano duet by Misses Frances and Grace Mountjoy. Lunch was served by the group in charge, "The May meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Church will be held at the recently in Toronto, will be given by the delegates. Mrs. S. A. Ferguson, is seriously ill; L. E. Mountjoy on the regular night || Presbytery meeting which was held in| § gram consisted of a reading by Miss |} NOTICE TO. CREDITORS 3H Sth In"the Estate of James E. Wilson, "All persons having claims edatat 'the Estate of- James E. Wilson, of the Township. of Cartwright, deceased, who died on the 20th day of January, 1934, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or be-|' fore the '10th day of June, 1934, full particulars of their claims. ~~ ° BEE Immediately after June 10th, 1934, Sch BY 'the assets of the Testator will be dis- Fis tae ay tributed among the parties entitled © thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. - Dated, May bth, 1084. : . Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Perry, Ontario. = Solicitors for James E, Wilson Estate. - Mr. and Mrs, McKenzie, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Mec- Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs, Ww. Wilson were in Cavan one day this week. Sorry to report Mr. Sam Masters sustained a broken arm as he fell:from a horse recently, © Mr. and Mrs. Russell 'Graham and Mr. Thes. Graham, of Scugog, visited © with Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Gerrow, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lee of Toronto spent : Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James rhe . Masters. ES : i Mrs, Pilteh, Collingwood, * visiting with her. daughter, Mrs. Jas, Masters, Miss Margaret Johns, of Woodville, visited at her home here over the week end. Miss Hazel regi, of Kingston, is 'staying with Miss A, Barrett for a time, Mr. and Mrs. Ino. Masters and Miss ~ Ada Masters attended the funeral of Mrs.' Masters' aunt, Mrs. Innis, last 2 week. Gis = The Ladies' Aid held thelr meeting at the home of Miss Hopes: with a i good attendance. ©... Mrs, McMillan, of Toronto, was the 'guest of Mrs, Leslie Lamb, one day last week. While riding home from Port Perry ~~ High School .on his bicycle one night Ses last week, .Donald Christie, son of Ege Warden Grant Christie, was struck by "i .A car, causing a broken rib and a badly ; cut leg. Donald was watching a car phat) from behind and 'ran into the _ 'ath of the car coming toward, him, The bicycle was badly damaged.' Aliana cud CHAIRMEN OF WARDS 'The following are ward chairmen of "the South Ontario Conservaitve Asso- ciation ag ratified at the recent meet~ ing: East Whitby, South end -- Hector Stephenson, East Whitby, North end -- John SA i Pickering, North end--Geo. Scott. 'Pickering, South end--D. Milne, Whitby Tp.--Oscar Downey. Reach, North end--R. Brown. Reach, : South end--Grant Christie. Port Perry--A. B. Cawker. 'Scugog--Russell Graham, Oshawa--Ernie Marks. UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer and fam- ily, were in Epsom on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Taylor, of Claremont, with their brother, Mr. Russell Taylor, on: Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Prizeman and '| daughter and Miss Gwen. Akney at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Akney, on Sunday.' Mr. Jas. Hortop, of Mount Zion, was calling on Mrs. J. Hortop, on Sun- day. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Kerry and daughters attended the Birthday party of his aunt Mrs, Kurl, of Zephyr, on Thursday evening. The dance inthe hall on Thursday evening under the auspices of the Bluebird Club was a real success. All report a good time, : Mr, Maurice Winters is working in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Skerratt have 'rented the house on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr, and Mrs, Stewart are moving to the Boyce homestead in Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ashton visiting their daughter Mrs, Herman Kerry on Sunday. A number from here, attended "the funeral of the late David Ballard at 'Ashburn on Friday. Mr. Jas. Myers is sawing tumber for Mr. Allan Goode, Mrs. Ivan Spencer and children with her mother, Mrs, Geo, Payne, on Tues- day. Mrs. Geo. Smith, Maudie - and Marion, "with 'Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Lakey, on Sunday evening. There was an attendance of 56 at " Sunday School on Sunday, with & Mis- gionary collection of $2.46. It being Missionary Sunday, the program con- sisted of a missionary reading by Jack Hyde. - Next Sunday is Mother's Day with a special program. The Sunday School session is to be held as usual with the Mother's Day program in the church service following. It is hoped that there will be a good attendance at the service next Sunday. The Y: P. 8S. 'last week was in charge of Miss Lillian Murphy, with selections by the Junior Girls, a read- ihg by Gertrude Martyn, and a talk by Mr, 8. Farmer, of Port ort ' Perry, on | "Choosing our - Life's Work", which ! Lambert, a program consisting of two musical | was much appreciated by those pre-| : : sent. 1A : wood, spent the week-end with the | Perry United Church, on May 30. and little hope is held for her re- covery. _ : -t There are 5 cars to choose from in the low-price field . . . YET MORE THAN 10UT OF 3BUYERS _ yPICK NEW'31734 CHEVROLETS JNJATURALLY we are proud to have created Canada's most popular automobile, All the more so because ple are counting values--comparing quality--checking on delivered prices--as never before in automobile history. Cheyrolet has always been stronger on' proof of value than on mere "claims", People recognize this in Chevrolet's many exclusive features: Fully-enclosed, protected 'Knee- Action", Body by Fisher, valve-in-head six cylinder engine with Blue Flame head, Fisher built-in Ventilation, exclu- sive YK frame, to mention just a few. And just as long as motorists go on comparing, check- "ing and testing, Chevrolet will hold and éncrease its great : sales leadership. Because Chevrole: refuses to compromise on on quality. The industry's leading engineers + + « the great tors Proving Ground . . . and an organization with "an ear to the ground and an eye to the future"... take care of that, Low delivered prices--easy GMAC terms. f J. A General Motors Value ... Produced In Canada ACTIN: DEALERS = - . YOURSELF See the car-- check these features! FULLY-ENCLOSED "KNEE-ACTION" peer se. -- ae, WE < LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF .2:in-1 Shoe Polish, all colors, F. W. BROCK & SON The RED & WHITE Store CONGOLEUM LUCKY NUMBER CONTEST All you have to do is to guess the lucky number hidden in our window. (Between 1-and 5000.) 6 x 9 Rug FREL. BORDERLESS CONGOLEUM, ............ 59¢. sq. yard 9 x-6 Rug $5:25. 9 x 714 Rug $6.65. 9 x 12 Rug $10.50. ). 4D, , LINOLEUM Heavy Printed Linoleum, 4 vards wide, OILCLOTH Several attractive patterns, 2 yards wide, VEL FELT An attractive material for bedroom floors. per yard $1.65. RUGS--9 x 6, $3.60. 9 x 101%, $6.35. ..per yard $3.35 3 yards wide, 9 x TVo, $7.25. SKIPPER SHIRTS are popular with everyone this year. with roll or low neck in several colors. Children's sizes. MEN'S WORSTED SUITS Blue with a light stripe or black with stripe. Exceptional value, Two pant suits $19.95. One pant suits $15.95 WALL PAPERS Beautify your home with Sunworthy, Resistolite, Suntested papers at popular prices. A cotton sweater Men's, Ladies' or Each 98c. FRESH GROUND COFIFEE--Ground while you wait-- A good flavoured, pure fresh roasted coffee,.....coovvivennn. Ib 27c. A coffee you ave sure to like, Ib 33¢. One of the best coffees, Ib 39¢. COTTAGE ROLLS--Iresh every week, best quality, 1b 18¢. Gold Medal Yellow Label Fancy Rice ......... 2 Ibs 13c. Coffee, ..ovviniss, 12 1h 20c. Fancy Pink Salmon, tall tins, Crown Tea 2 for 25¢ i .2 for 25c. SE J C.o.....2 tins for 25¢. CHEF PORK AND BEANS .............. 5 tins for 25c. Peanut Butter, 26 oz. jar 25¢ PP & G. Soap ..... ..5 for 19c. Red and White Baking a Culverhouse Golden Bantam 16 oz. tin: hove 25¢. CON. ssiinnsvneers 2 for 25ec. Red and White Jelly Powders 1 for 25¢c...(and 1 free.) carer. deny rae 5 for 25¢. 3 tins for 25c. Chloride of Lime ... 2 tins 2lc. SOAP--Many flowers or Calay TOMATOES--Ialcon EIT RE BE RE EER BESS SEP Phone 43, | Port Perry file aie EE wo» ah CE a Te HT lac Sane ...per yard 96e. : PETIA -- Pe aS vn Si pape Ean il tt a ry T_T ne = w=. "a BLUE FLAME CYLINDER HEAD BIGGER, POSITIVE BRAKES STURDY, SMART BODY. BY FISHER "EXCLUSIVE YK FRAME BUILT-IN NO-DRAFT VENTILATION SAFETY GLASS IN WINDSHIELD AND VENTILATORS SYNCRO-MESH WITH SILENT SECOND GEAR OCTANE SELECTOR CLOSED MODELS WIRED FOR RADIO H. R. ARCHER MOTOR SALES : Chevrolet Master Six Priced as Low as......... $844 Chavrolet Standard Six 4910 Delivered," fully equipped, at facto Orla, . Ont, Freight and govérnment bani Mwigorivin PORT PERRY er WOOD! FR SUMMER. PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR COAL. . A car load of BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES has arrived at our yard and we would be pleased to quote you on your shingle and lumber requirements We also handle ASPHALT ROOFING MARMILI, CHICK STARTER Again the Marmill Chick Starter is scoring a wonderful success among poultry raisers. We carry a line of Marmill gg SihiraD IFeeds. ar) ais art "FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 j Ww. T. Rodman... oe and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are offering good values--60 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Giey and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done MERCHANT TAILOR DON'T WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS r the Telephone Office, Port Perry el] Port Perry Custom Hatching 21/5 Cents per Egg Prices quoted on Day Old Chicks, Started Chicks, and Six Week Old Pullets--ANY BREED PORT PERRY CUSTOM HATCHERY Leonard Block - Phone, Port Perry 42 . Owned and operated by H. BROOKS and C. H. ROWLAND