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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 May 1934, p. 5

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= a * VALUABLE CONNECTION FOR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1934 Fel s das Ed al oe Se RE Th Ths SLA Page Five Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your piers to 238. We do the rest. PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor. = Phone 238 COMING TO PORT PERRY | ~~ Well-Known European Herbalis ARAL of the : - 5 DR. THUNA BALSAM REMEDIES, LIMITED i will be at the SEBERT HOTEL, PORT PERRY, on SATURDAY, 3 MAY 26th. If you are ailing, see him when he is there, and get started on the Road Back to Health, OUR HERBAL REMEDIES ARE MOST EFFECTIVE IN DRIVING r SICKNESS FROM THE SYSTEM Full Information Free of Charge. DR. THUNA 3 BALSAM REMEDIES LIMITED \ Toronto, Canada Siege wie ae oaiies ie Sec Se SEES ies eles Sallie | FOR SALE . COURT OF REVISION - Several bags of Dooley Potatoes| Municipality of the Township of suitable for seed or table use. Apply Reach, County of Ontario, to Dr. G. D. McMaster, Phone 44," Public notice is hereby given that "Port Perry. a Court of Revision of the Assessment Be ------ Roll for the Township of Reach, will FOR SALE be held at the Township Hall, Man- Pianos $39 and up. All pianos re-| chester, on conditioned and guaranteed for ten| SATURDAY, the 2nd Day of JUNE, years. Apply to John Meagher, 92| at 2.00 o'clock p.m. to hear and con- Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. 'sider appeals duly filed against the Ey said assessment roll of the Municipal- LAWN MOWERS ity of the Township of Reach, for the machine ground. AN kinds of light| year 1934. repair work done. Apply to E All persons interested are requested : S. CAUSLEY, Phone 228] to take notice and govern themselves : : FOP accordingly. PRACTICAL NURSING W. F. DOBSON, = The undersigned is prepare d to do Clerk of the said Municipality. practical nursing at reasonable rates.| : Ane Have had hospital experience. FOR SALE MRS. D. GRIBBIN, Pianos--Heintzman & Co., Mason & (nee Frances Christy) Risch, Gerard Heintzman: and other Phone 179, Port Perry. makes always in stock, reconditioned -- <oewor-------- - | and guaranteed for ten years, ° All SEED POTATOES FOR SALE modern styles, very low prices. Apply to John Meagher, 92 Simcoe St. North, Dooley's. Apply to Arthur Taylor, 6th concession of Reach, R. R.1, Port Oshawa. Perry. : ; ~D-ai --_-- te ------------------ DON'T DRIVE FOR SALE Pleasure Launch, with Chevrolet motor. Apply at Star Office. -- > Without Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Take advantage of our new low rates. . (Fire, Accident, Plate 'Glass and Burgular Insurance also written at reasonable rates) THE 'RIGHT MAN mA EYES EXAMINED If you have any trouble with your eyes consult F. E. LUKE & BON Optometrists' 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto (Upstairs opp. Simpson's) An opportunity of earning a sub- E. H. PURDY stantial income is offered to a local Phone 33 Port Perry man of high standing who will repre- 3 sent a prominent Toronto Financial} RESET de crf BERR House in this territory. Please give FOR SALE experience and references in answer- ing. Write to "Financial Advertiser" TOMATO PLANTS, early variety, strong, healthy plants, per box 1bc. c/o A. McKim Limited, 320 Bay St., ; D. CORBMAN. Toronto 2, Ontario. : i WHEN you finally land the job you've been after . . » and things . look much brighter . » » and "you're feeling happy « « » Tell your family by Long Distance « x «it will make them happy too. @ Spread good news, get help, vanish lonesome- ness--by telephone. Long Distance takes you ° where you want to go, quickly, dependably, ) economically -- 100 miles or so for as little as 3 30c. See rates in the front of your directory. " TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders are asked for the building of a 'Public Library in the Village of Port Perry. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Star Office on or after Monday, May 21. Tenders to be in -the hands of the undersigned by Monday, June 4th, at 6 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contractor to furnish bond for proper completion of building within a specified time. S. Farmer, Secretary, War Memorial Committee. LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS - Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in the office of - H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264° Phone .after hour: 8514 Oshawa. "Buy F ast-Growing Chicks Chicks hatched in late May and June, have got to be extra-vigorous and extra fast-growing, if the pullets are going to give high-priced eggs in November and December. growing chicks at this time of year, you can't hope for much Fall SEg- money. BRAY "Foundation Grade" pullets from our earlier hatches weigh up to 8% Ibs. each at 14 weeks old. growth gives you fully-matured layers at 5 months old. Write us for full particulars and our reduced prices, or call on the manager of the Bray Hatchery in your district, : BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, 79 Clayhlirn Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. Bray Hatchery at Lindsay, corner Lindsay and Kent Streets. Eight breeds--Eighth Year Blood-Testing--Sizth Year Government Approval ou many If you buy slow- That kind of PHAIR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James E. Wilson, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estaté of James E. Wilson, of the Township, of Cartwright, deceased, "who died on the 20th day of January, 1934, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or be- fore the 10th day of June, 1934, full particulars of their claims, | Immediately after June 10th, 1934, Aes : E SED KNE .gYPE nov (A AWC Veawoe®? ot Ee GoRs WELTWA ve o! WWeo Poe Ra 20° nt <P Bo THE ECONOMY, SLING I ered at extra) beginat - - = ' Easy GMAC Prices of Pontiac cars, deliv- factory, Oshawa, $ fully equipped (Freight and Government license only 4 Terms K-Y SUPER FRAME STARTERATOR « ~ A General Motors 84 HORSEPOWER STRAIGHT 8 ENGINE OCTANE SELECTOR GREATER ECONOMY CROSS-FLOW RADIATOR __ BENDIX AIR-COOLED BRAKES { if Value DIGNIFIED FUNERAL SERVICE When bereavement comes, you desire a quiet dignified 3 funeral at the lowest expense possible. FUNERAL can give you this accommodation with modern equipment including Grave Chapel Tent. ; We pay long distance phone calls, "Phair's Funeral & Ambulance Service Successors to Nicholson & Seldon i : WHITBY, ONTARIO the assets of the Testator will be dis- Y F you want a Straight Eight for your money, get a Pontiac. It's not merely a beautiful automobile ... it's the second best-looking car of the year. First place being taken by a car costing over $3,500. Pontiac's lines are long, stately, per- fectly proportioned. Airstreaming is artistic - without being extreme. a car any man would be proud to own! SERVICE PHONE 35 tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. h Dated, May 6th, 1934. Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for James E. Wilson Estate. \ Here's the kind of Smoothness compares with smartness in this new model. "Knee-Action Wheels deliver a thrilling "Floating Ride" that levels out every bump! Extra weight, scientifically balanced, makes the car ride as solidly as a train. A Sway Stabilizer prevents dangerous rolling on the turns. And big, handsomely appointed interiors provide plenty of leg-room, head-room and old- fashioned, easy-chair comfort. In fact, through- ' out. its make-up, Pontiac is a big car, giving you all the important big car advancements at a comparatively low price. We've tried to tell you a little about this magnificent motor car. The rest you'll dis- cover by a demonstration. Drive the new Pontiac. . . personally. See if you don't agree that here is one car that answers the require- ments of the entire family. ' A > Produced in Canada © P.b4B H. R. DEALERS. ARCHER MOTOR SALES PORT PERRY F. W. BROCK & SON The RED & WHITE Store GROCERIES 2 for 23c. Ng Helmet Corned Beef pil GOLD MEDAL YELLOW LABEL COFFEE, per V2 1b 23c. CROWN TEA, 18 «..\vvunnenivrnerinesns sss per Ib 49c. FIVE ROSES FLOUR ........ ermine tie 49 1b bag $1.59 RED & WHITE TOILET TISSUE ........ 3 rolls for 25c. AMERICAN BEAUTY SHRIMP ........... tin 23c. PEARL WHITE SOAP ............ ..... 5 bars for 19c. Fluffo Shortening 3 lbs. for 27c. KIRK'S HARDWATER SOAP ............... per bar 5c. CLOVERLEAF SALMON, ¥2's ............. per tin 20c. HAWES' LEMON OIL ......ovvveivnnenn. per bottle 23c. 2-in-1 SHOE POLISH. Allcolors ............. 2 tins 21c. BENSON'S CORN STARCH ................. 2 for 2lc. WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE ......... .....per bottle 29c. Weston's G.S. Sodas 1 Ib bags 2 for 23c. GOLD MEDAL PICKLES ............cooo.n. per jar 38c. | WHITE SUGAR ...ovvveiiiiiannnnnn. 10 Ibs. for 59c. WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES ..........coooovnn. 2 for 2le. PUFFED WHEAT, pkg. 13c. ~~ PUFFED RICE, pkg. 15c. FALCON BAKING POWDER, ............. Per tin 23c. (and Tumbler free) : C. & B. Strawberry Jam, 32 0z. jar 35¢. / PINEAPPLE JAM BISCUITS .............. per 1b 15c. M VANILLA or LEMON EXTRACT, 8 oz. bottle ........18c. 4 SHREDDED WHEAT ............. 0h. 2 for 25c. | PILCHARDS ........ civ SY per tin 15c. 4 CHOCOLATE PEANUTS .............. 0... , 1b 12c. fi LARGE SIZE PEASOUP .............. 0000 per tin 10c. H SANDWICH PASTES ....cvviivveiiaronsann per tin 14ec. i SALAD DRESSING .............. 0... per jar 15c. i COOKING ONIONS ...... oi .2 Ibs. for Te. Phone 43, Port Perry [Shia Safin Sage SSSR NERC WEBS SEEReC NER Sa caine cea o COAL! WOOD! LUMBER! SUMMER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR COAL. © A car load of BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES has arrived at our yard and we would be pleased to quote you on your shingle and lumber requirements We also handle ASPHALT ROOFING MARMILL CHICK STARTER Again the Marmill Chick Starter is scoring a wonderful success among poultry raisers. We carry a line of Marmill Feeds. Saono ana] apron hw Tiamgpany a ® "FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are offering good values--G0 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done WwW T R d MERCHANT TAILOR ° ° (0) man Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry = ETT = = 13 DONT WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry Custom Hatching 21/, Cents per Egg Prices quoted on Day Old Chicks, Started Chicks, Se Six Week Old Pullets--ANY BREED PORT PERRY CUSTOM HATCHERY Leonard Block - Phone, Port Perry 42 Owned and operated by H. BROOKS and C. H. ROWLAND (i : { ke | a a - a ee, in nd ~ or apa - * en a PR Sm \ VT ETI ETP TA p v 4 br al CTL Tp Cir SW ALL Saar oe Wie al A LES bY NN dH WN d pA hepa r---- Merete, Gn I SAS aie Wm A wv eh ra pheL DR * 30 ny

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