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Choose a Chevrolet and make sure you get the safety type of [CATON - -- ja av Delivered, fully equipped, Ont. Freigh Chevrolet Master Six Priced as Low as Chevrolet Standard Six Priced as Low as $710 at factory, Oshawa, t and government license, only, extra, Basy GMAC Terms H. R. ARCHER, PORT PERRY Myrtle Station The service which was arranged by the W. M. S. on Sunday proved to be of great interest. The Church was almost filled. Many came from Man- chester, Raglan and Prospect, whom we were glad to welcome. Our speaker, Miss Hilda Banks, returned|, missionary from India, gave & very interesting talk in a very pleasing manner, on her work in India. She - also showed some very interesting "views of her work and the country she works in. Our president, Mrs. Totton and vice president, Mus. ' Hudgins had charge of the first part of the service, and Mrs. Totton intro- duced the speaker. The bulk of the collections were in aid of the local branch of the W. M, S. A good number of our Church people journeyed to Raglan on Sunday afternoon to hear Rev. Mr. Smith, who is preaching for a call. We re- gret to announce. that our present pastor,-Rev. J. O., Totton is leaving us this year, and has accepted a call in the Hamilton Conference. An interesting circuit congregation- al meeting was held in the church last Tuesday evening. This meeting is to be continued this Monday eve, and promises to be very interesting for those concerned, further announce- ments later. 5 ; The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs, Tordiff on Thursday last, with a fair atten- dance, The meeting opened with a "hymn, followed by prayer and the reading of Psalm 121, read by the Dresden, Mrs, Hudgins gave a splen- did report of the meeting she and rs, Toton 'attended at Claremont re- efitly, which was most inferesting. Tordiff and Mrs, Luery sang a putiful duet, "There is hope at the end of the road", which was much enjoyed." Mrs. Cross then gave a paper about the third chapter of our study book, hymn 133 was sung, and readings were given by Mrs. Totton on "Strangers' Dept. Work", and Mrs. Chisholm on the "Temperance Work", Minutes were read nad adopted, roll call and collection, meeting closed with a hymn. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs, Tordiff for the use of her home. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. D. G. Ross. Miss Galilee O'Boyle of Oshawa gnd girl friends were Sunday guests of Mr. John O'Boyle and Miss O'Boyle. Miss Viva Briggs, who has been in Toronto, for the past ' Winter and Spring, has returned to her home here. Miss Olive Spencer of Perth was a visitor over the week end of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Percy were re- cent visitees with their relatives in Pickering. = Messrs," Wm. Martin and C. Har- rison were visitors in Toronto on Mon- day. Mr. Harold -'MceDarimaid of Ashburn called on friends on Sunday, Miss Irene Barker of Whitby spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Barker. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Scott and sons, of Seagrave were Sunday guests, of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Harrison and Mrs. Long. Mr. Chester Wheatly, who has been holidaying here returned to his home in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs, Warrener of Stouffville was 'the guest over the week end of Rev. J. O. and Mrs. Totton, who also en- tertained Miss Banks and Rev. Mr. Smith on Sunday, Mrs. Joseph Simkin was a \ Visttor with her children, Mr, and Mrs. Hag- old Simkin and baby son of Islingtoh for a few days last week. Many of our men folk attended the 'Oddfellows' service held in Brooklin on Sunday afternoon. Sorry to hear Mr. Innis Grant, who has been sick and under the doctor's care for some time, is now in a very serious condition. MYRTLE ' Mr, and Mrs. Louis M. Smith, of Bradford, Pa., have been visiting the former's nephew, Mr. H. Roy Bright. Mrs. Ernie Jones and David Grant, of Toronto, were called home last week owing to the very serious con- dition of their father Mr. I. Grant. A number from here attended the services in Prospect and Raglan on Sunday and heard the Rev, Mr, Smith of the Hamilton Conference, who is preaching for a cgll, Messrs, Charlie Taylor, E. Collard, and A. Perry, are working with the gang who are filling the ditches along the highway at Rice's Hill, north of 'Whitby. \ Constable George Brown, of Brook- lin, investigated but got very few clues that might lead to the identity. of the sneak theives. School was closed for a few days last week owing to the death of Mr. Moyer's father, Rev, Sylvester Moyer, B.A, D.D,, of Springville. Much sym- pathy is felt for Mr, Moyer in his be- reavement, Rev. Mr. Totton and son Harold attended the funeral on Sat- urday. Mrs, Warring of Stouffville, is visit- ing her daughter Mrs, Totton. Miss Hilda Banks, a returned mis- sionary from India, gave an interest- ing illustrated address on her work in the foreign fields, on Sunday even- ing, which was greatly appreciated by the large congregation present. The 'duett by Mr, and Mrs, Totton and the .| anthem by the choir were appreciated 'and enjoyed. Mrs, Rosswell Dobscn and daughter Joan, of Oshawa, visited the formér's parents Mr, and Mrs, Levi Tordiff, on Sunday. The frequent showers of late. have done a wonderful lot of good to all crops, but especially the hay fields | that were not making much progress. Congratulations were extended to Miss Sylvia Hahii who was so success- ful in her fourth year at the College of Art that she obtained the Governor- General's medal for general profiency. Mr. John Elson has been doing some repairing to his house. PRINCE ALBERT Rev. Mr, Green, of Seagrave, took the preaching service in this church last Sunday afternoon in the absence 'of Rev, W. J, H, Smyth. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Jeffrey and Miss 'Helen Jeffrey, of Weston, were Sun- day guests of Mrs. Worden and of Mr, and Mrs, John Jeffrey. Mrs. Vickery, of Port Perry, is visiting her daughter Mrs, Cecil Jeffrey. Mr, and Mrs, Temleck, of Toronto, spent: the week-end with relatives in this neighbourhood. = Mrs. Temleck was formerly Miss Jessie White, Mrs. R. Young, of Toronto, is open- ing up her mother's home in' prepara- tion for the arrival of Mrs. McBrien, Miss Julia McBrien and Mrs. Bates, 'from Pasadena, California, ronto friends last week and Mrs, E, Mrs. T. Wauchope visited with To- Hartry, of Scarboro, spent the week with her mother Mrs. T. Turner. A former resident, Mrs. Rhoda Hartry, spent the week-end visiting a number of old friends. Mrs, Van Epps, of Michigan, is the guest of her aunt Miss Tewksbury. We are sorry tp report Mrs. Ed. Williams 'and Mrs. T. Dobson, on the sick list; but are glad to report that Mrs, B. Smith' who was ill, is-Some- what improved in health. - Mr. L, Bond has been making some extensive improvements to the kolign of his home. Last Tueseday, after school, i spector R. A. Hutcheson, of Whitby, held a trustee meeting in the school to talk over arrangements for im- provements to the school building. The baseball game which was held last Friday evening in Hunter's field, between Brooklin and Prince Albert, ended with a score of 1-0 in favour of the visitors, aL Df. A. W. Campbell who is under the care of Dr. Peterson, Port Perry, is in a very weak condition of health. -SCUGOG Mr. Joblin gave an interesting talk in the Foot Church last Sunday morn- ing in the absence of Rev. Mr. Elford, as he was attending the funeral of Mrs. Elford's sister who passed away very suddenly at her home in Sea- forth. Mrs. Elford has the sympathy of her many friends on the island, in the loss of her sister. Mr. Maurice Fralick had charge of the Bible Class at the Foot Sunday School on Sunday and did well. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, D. Lewis on the birth of a little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fralick and children, and their niece Catharine Robinson, of Toronto, visited with his father Mr. H. Fralick, on Sunday. Last Wednesday: evening the girls reorganized their softball team with Mr. Milton Demara as manager; Miss Audrey Hood, Captain; Miss Ivah Milner, Sec.-Treas.; Allie Mark, coach. The boys have Ray Milner for their Manager and Secretary-Treasurer, and Anson Gerrow, for Captain, We wish these teams the best of luck during the coming season. Sorry to hear that Don Lewis was injured while working on the bridge last week. While using the crank of the dump truck, it slipped off and struck 'him on the face, cutting his cheek so badly that six stitches were required to close the wound. We all hope he will soon be better and able to get back to work again. The Lake Scugog Junior Girls' In- stitute held their May meeting at the home of Miss Helen Carter with an attendance of thirty, A splendid pro- gram of music, singing and a very amusing reading by Mrs. R. D, Burn- ham. Mrs. Geo, Sweetman gave a talk on the care and placing of per- ennials, There wag also a contest. The new officers elected were: President--Miss Ivah Milner 'Vice 'President--Miss Helen Carter. Sec.-Weas.--Miss Margaret Crozier, Librarian--~Miss Ivah Milner Organiat--~Migs Lillian Fralick . Scouta--Misses Irene Heayn and Florence Carter at the Head, Mrs, Geo. Samells and Miss. Marion Stephenson at the Centre; Miss a Luella Jeffrey and Miss Jean Hood at the Foot. We wish the new officers every suc- cess in their work, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Sweemtan vigit- ed with their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs, H, Williams, on Sunday. Mr. John Hardy was the guest of his cousin, Mr, Leonard Hope, on Sunday. Mr. Ray Milner was the guest of his friend Mr, Milton Demara on Sun- day. 3 Miss Lorna Dawson, of Nestleton, : spent the week end with her friend Miss Clara Hardy. : Miss 'Marjory Milner, of Toronto, is spending a week at her home here. 'Mr, and Mrs.' Geo. Samells visited with friends at Uxbridge on Sunday. Dr. R. T. and Mrs, Fralick and Mr. Crowson, of Toronto, were guests of 'the former's cousins, Mr, and Mrs, C. L, Fralick, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, L. Chamberlain, of Toronto; Lindsayf'and Mrs, C., Wells, of Reach, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jackson. 'Glad to hear that Mr. Bert, Wan- namaker is doing as well as canbe expected after an operation for ap- pendicitis at Port Perry Hospital. . We are having splendid rains these days which are helping the hay crop and grains. Most of the plum trees in this district were killed during 'the winter, as well as many' trees and shrubs. During the electric storm last week, lightning struck and fired a tree in Orr Jeffrey's woods, and did much damage to other green trees. Mrs. C. Fralick and Mrs. A. Pren-| tice motored to Toronto on Saturday with their sister Mrs. W. Nott, and her daughter. RAGLAN A large number were present on Sunday to hear Rev. Mr, Smith from the Hamilton Presbytery, preach a very fine sermon which was much en- joyed by all. Rev. Mr. Totton has- accepted a call to preach near Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Street and Miss B. 'Dring, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of-Mr., and Mrs, Frank Dring. a Mr. Cox of Blackstock, visited with Mr, Bob Bryant, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. Mason, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. McCulloch, Mr, J. Reesor, of Columbus, visited with Mr. and Mrs, O. Bright, one day last week. Miss Violet Champion, Miss Hazel and Mr, Frank Grose, all of Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Llyod Thompson, spent one day 'last week with Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Grose. A number from here attended the church service held at Myrtle last Sunday. Mr. Whitney, of Oshawa, visited with Mr, and Mrs, A, J. Grose, o over the week end. Miss Ila Wilson and Miss Ruby Wil- son, and Mr, Fred Cox, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brawn and sons, | Mrs. Kellington, all of Toronto, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs; Jack Kellington, Mrs, May, of Goodwood, is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Pilkey. The deepest sympathy is extended | to Mrs, Violet Knapp, of Westmount, in the death of her third daughter, Lois, who died in the Oshawa General Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pilkey were guests of relatives in Goodwood last i Saturday. ¥ Mrs, C. Avery was taken to Oshawa General Hospital where she under- went an operation. her a speedy recovery. GREENBANK 'Mrs. Bonnell and daughter of Osh- awa visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Boe. Mr. and Mrs, Gray and the Misses Gray of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. T, Sharp on Sunday, = Mrs. W. Phoenix in Toronto on Sat- urday attending the funeral of the late Mr. Purvis. Among the Sunday visitors were:- Mr, and Mrs, Norman Phair, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs, Colleran and Aldeen, 'Victoria Corners, Mr, and Mrs, Wil- bert St. 'John, Vietoria Corners, Mr, and Mrs, T. Brown and sons of Col- borne, HE Mrs, Wren and Miss Ethel Wren of Uxbridge, spending a few, days at the home of Mr. T, Sharps * Sorry to report Freddie Phoenix had the misfortune to be kicked by a horse one 8 day last week, r. and Mrs. R. Wells, of |- Face Powder for Sheer Loveliness '® To every skin, with every complexion, Melba Lov'me Face Powderlends petal soft perfection, The lightest * film of powder lasts for hours. It is unexcelled for fineness and delicacy. Brunettes Flesh sDark Rachel Peach * White 82¢ Melba Lipstick, indelible . 55¢ Melba Rouge, Natural Tones - 55¢ MELBA Lov'me Powder, ik If your dealer cannot supply you, - send us his name _ PARFUMERIE MELBA of CANADA, LTD. Se TORONTO CARE OF MEAT IN'THE HOME Meat, when received in the home, should be removed at once from the paper, placed in a clean covered dish, put in the coldest place in "the house. If meat is kept at a temperature of 40° F., with the air cir- + culating in the food compartments freely, it will keep as long as is usually required for home consumption. Té6 ensure the best meat | .~you should get it from' Ly ; .CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. 'Prompt Delivery - Coment A fresh carload of ST. MARY'S CEMENT just arrived. Also LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, etc, on hand. - COAL Famous Reading Anthracite-- that Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. You can always depend on getting the very best heat satisfaction when you order FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE. COKE . :-: HARDWOOD i=: SOFTWOOD _ PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W, PYATT Phones--94 W and 94 J, "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" We all hope for |§ Ge rrow' 8 Bread and Pastry are Delicious He This is the remark made by our customers. They are wholesome, too. If you are not a regular customer let one of our drivers call when on his route. You will be more than pleased with our goods and services. GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. "SEVENTEEN" TOILET PREPARATIONS are all reduced in price. Face Powder now 79¢. box. # EYE SPECIALIST--Mr, J. H. Stevenson will be here on Thursday afternoon, May 17th, PARACIDE kills fnoths, 1arvae or eges. Only 49¢. per : pound, LIQUID VENEER for Spring cleaning. 30c., and 60c. ] PATTERSON'S WEEK END CANDY. 20c. per Ib, .. .. .. .. .. RALNOLITE S8OAP--bc, per cake, Morrison' 8 Drug Store | Port Perry "Phone 18 Ontario