RR iC rae aa SG Te me ly A Te Cea Ny _ Page Four LOCAL ITEMS | Rev. Dr. Endicott was the guest of Mrs. Geo. Jackson, on Sunday. Mrs, J. B. Lundy has returned from spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs, B. F. Jackson, in To- ronto, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, and Mr. S. Farmer are attending Conference in Brockville, this week. Mr. Franklin Allin, of Oshawa, with his brother, Mr. A. W. Allin, for a few days this week, Mr. Gordon Howard, of Toronto, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs, A, E. Howard. Mr. Harley Balfour and Mr. Mac McGuire, of Uxbridge, were the week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Balfour. HALF HOLIDAY Starting Wednesday, June 6th, the merchants of Port Perry, will ¢lose at 12.30 noon, and continue during June, July August and September. DIED SAVAGE--At Port Perry, on Tues- day, May 29th, 1934, Robert Arthur Savage, in his 67th year. Funeral service at the family resi- dence, on Friday, at 2.30 p.m. COOKING DEMONSTRATION Attend the Cooking Demonstration on Coleman Instant Gas Ranges, at the Parrish Hardware, on Saturday, June 9th. I. 0. D. E. On Monday, June 4th, the regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter will be held in the rooms at 3 p.m, Also on Thursday, June 7th, the annual Decoration of the Soldiers' Graves will be held at Pine Grove Cemetery. . Members of the Chapter are re- quested to meet at the Town Hall at 7 p.m. sharp, where there will be cars to provide transportation to the ceme- tery. Ituis hoped that as many mem- bers as possible will attend this ser- vice on Thursday evening. --_-- eee - NOTICE RE STREET OILING The Council, under authority of the Local Improvement Act purposes to pass a by-law providing for the an- nual oiling of certain streets within the Municipality, one half the cost to be paid from the general rates and balance to be assessed against the properties to be benefitted. Petitions for one or more stated blocks should be sent to Council before date of next meeting. ' H. C. Nasmith, Clerk. -- eo -- LAWN BOWLING The first Men's Bowling Tourna- ment of this district will be held on the Claremont Bowling Green on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 6th. The draw will be made at 1.30 p.m. Standard Time. The Green is in ex- cellent condition, and there are very valuable prizes offered. ------r---- - CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 10 2.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Holy Communion Ei bin erent PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 3rd-- 11 am.--Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles, Chancellor Emeratas of Victoria University. 7 pm.--Rev. H. L. Partridge, B.A, of Greenbank. -------- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH rev, D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Port Perry Fair is to be earlier this year-- Sept. 11 and 12. THE CHRISTIAN S A Daily Newspap (t gives all the constructive wotld news making, Gardens, Education and Books. are of especial i The Christian Science Publishing Soci period of One year 8 Bo, Bix months @ . ' f iy Peg a, Breet. .ieuiiviiisiininnins Ys, : 5 % hh On sh an an an an an aa an an an an on ool 9.00 bh EEE EE ET es CIty. cian nrinv siveisniins AA AA 40 Ah 40 A 40 40 4% 4d ad 42 ad 44 4 22 J Ih AAA Sh A040, dh A040 £0 4 43.40 (0 40 £0 d00 YOUR HOME IS YOUR CASTLE Admit only clean, constructive news by. reading Has interesting feature pages for all the family on Women's Activities, Home- Folks, Vigorous editorials, an interptetation o Nations" Column and "Watching the World Go By" 107 Falmouth Street, Boston. Massachusetts y Please 'enter aid subscription to The Christian Belente Monitor for a srivians I TE TT LLL TTI LTT <4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 itt debt tt EE Pp PA RA casase 4 4 4 4 4 < 4 4 4 PAUACA LALA RDAs Aad oi adil s Asi adha do Bi Aad Aa cas atia -- _-- --- Pr - | 3 FRIDAY, DRESSES in the latest styles SPECIAL CLEARING SEE THESE PORT PERR ONE DAY SALE ALL DAY AND EVENING : MISSES' and LADIES' 2 Summer Dresses, Suits and Coats Every dress different at attractive low prices. SOME AS LOW AS $6.50 These are coming from Toronto for the one day only. f MRS. HALL'S, Milliner JUNE 1 and fabrics for Summer wear. Sizes 14-50. OF COATS and BUITS, VALUES AT Y, ONTARIO NOTICE TO USERS OF ADVERTISING 'COLUMNS Customers. will readily see that it will not pay to send in- voices for amounts under $1.00, therefore users of the advertis- ing column of the Star will please take notice that all ad- vertisements amounting to the sum of $1.00 or less are to be paid for before insertion in the paper. If copy for advertising is mailed, remittance must ac- company it. If advertising is accepted by telephone the cus- . tomer will kindly forward the amount at once. Rate: 1c. per word, per issue. Minimum charge 15¢c. per issue. WANTED © Girl or woman for general house work. Sleep in. Apply to Box 20, Port Perry Star. - ' -- eee LAWN MOWERS machine ground. All kinds of light repair work done. Apply to S. CAUSLEY, Phone 228 ---- FOR SALE © Pleasure Launch, with Chevrolet motor, Apply at Star Office. EE At, Sli ee, B FOR SALE TOMATO PLANTS, early variety, strong, healthy plants, per box 1bec. D. CORBMAN, reciente fre AGAR Gri orem LOST A bag of Chicken Mash on Port Perry bridge or Scugog hill, on Sat- urday night. Will the party seen pick- ing it up please leave it with Hogg & Lytle, Port Perry. Puede WANTED A competent girl for house work. Apply to Box 15, Port Perry Star. 6 -------r---- -- -- COURT OF REVISION Municipality of the Township of ' SCUGOG , County of Ontario Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the -assessment roll for the Township of Scugog will be held at the Township Hall, Scugog, on MONDAY, the ELEVENTH DAY OF JUNE A.D. 1934, at One o'clock in the afternoon to hear and determine ap- peals duly filed against the said as- sessment roll of the Municipality of the Township of Scugog for the year 1934. All persons interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Dated at Port Perry, May 28th, 1934 JNO. W, CROZIER, Clerk of the Township of Scugog. CIENCE. MONITOR er for the Home but does not exploit crime and scandal. for the Children and Young news in the "March of the Also pages nterest to men, ety Three months $2.25 One mont 80 RR TERT LIT IRI II tered anianiinniee. State... gii0ii0, f . NOTICE Painting and any kind of work done , at reasonable prices." ED BALFOQUR. RE eS DON'T DRIVE Without Public Liability and i Property Damage Insurance. Take advantage of our new low rates. (Fire, Accident, Plate Glass and Burgular Insurance also written at reasonable rates) E. H. PURDY Phone 33 Port Perry -- oy NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Annie Maria Fergu- son, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Annie Maria Ferguson, of the Township of Cartwright, de- ceased, who died on the 10th day of May, 1934, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 18th day of June, 1934, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after June 18th, 1934, the assets of the Testatrix will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled of which the solicitors shall notice, n Dated May 15th, 1934. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for Annie Maria Ferguson Estate. -------- a. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO in the matter of the Mechanics' and Wage Earners' Lien Act CARNEGIE VS. CALDER Pursuant to the judgment and final order for sale made in this cause there auction in one parcel, with the appro- bation of the undersigned: Local Master, by William Maw, Auctioneer, at Graham's Hotel, in the Village of Brooklin, in the Township of Whitby at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon (Standard Time) on Monday the FACTS ABOUT EYES AND VISION thereto, having regard only to claims|- then have | will be offered for sale by 'public|" ° By C. H. Tuck, Optometrist and Eyesight Specialist About a generation ago experience was at a premium. It has been esti- mated that it would take a man six weeks to make a wagon. He was its creator, took a great joy in its mak- ing and pride in his achievement, To- day 600 men may make a wagon in nineteen minutes. The man who had the pride in the making of one wagon worked 16 hours a day. Any of those contributing to -| the one produced in nineteen minutes played so small a part in the in- dividual article produced that he gets very littl& joy out of what he does and I doubt very much if he would recog- nize his own work if he saw it again, We cannot be blamed if we stop in wonder at this mass production pro- gram and wish to see what we can gain thereby. What .a great change is seen, The old generations chased the bread from the plow to the oven, wool from the sheep to the backs of the family. Now we get our bread in waxed paper and our clothes in a labelled package. Pay for vision not blindness, efficiency not inefficiency. (to be continued.) Reduced Prices on Seventeen Toiletries We are new in a position to offer you this excellent line of of toiletries at greatly reduced prices: Face Powder .....,79¢. Single Compacts ...69¢, Double Compacts . .98¢. Rouge. Compacts :..49¢c. Compact Refils ....39¢c. Face Creams, ..49¢.-79¢. Hand Lotion ......49¢c. Perfume, ...39¢ and 97c. Toilet Water ......97e Dusting Powder ...97c, Brilliantine ........49¢. 'Mascara ..........79c. Talcum Powder ....26c. a PESLLLLLPLLLILLDELLIMISIMOSDSDIS 0S These prices include Excise Tax and make "SEVENTEEN" one of the most economical lines on the market. "A M. LAWRENCE "THE REXALL STORE" teres sssssressrtnrtes Phone 49 Port Perry tite Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders to 238. We do the rest. PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor. Phone 238 7 lands and premises being in the Town- ship of Whitby, in the County of On- tario, and being composed of the North half of Lot Number Twenty- One (21) in the Seventh Concession of the said Township, save and except that part of the said North Half of said Lot occupied by the Provincial Highway, the Grand Trunk Railway, and that portion of the North West corner conveyed to one. Willian Jef- frey by deed registered as No, 4913. a farm of ninety (90) acres more or less close to the Village of Brooklin and adjacent to the highway, on which is said to be erected a house and barn and a good well. : subject to a first mortgage securing $2600.00 principal money, with inter- est thereon at 6% per annum from the 9th day of October, 1933, said interest being payable yearly on the Oth day of October and the principal falling due on the 9th day of October, 1935, which mortgage shall be as- sumed and paid by the purchaser, and also subject to a reserve bid fixed by said Local Master. The purchaser shall pay to the Vendor's solicitors on the day of sale 10% of the purchase money and shall pay the balance of the purchase money into Court with- out interest within 30 days after the date of sale. Adjustments to be made as of date of sale. The purchaser shall search expense... ~The vendor shall. not be bound to produce any abstract of title or any deeds or evidence of or control, tled by the undersigned. Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Harris, Harris, and Wallace, solicitors, Osh- awa, Ontario, Dated at Whitby, May A.D. 1984, ~~ Local" Master at itby. 11th day of June, 1934, the following The premises are said to consist of | The property will be offered for sale | - the title at his own] title other than those in his possession | In all other respects the! conditions of sale are the standing conditions of sale of the Court as, modified by the conditions of sale set- this 8th day of © Signed-- "J. E. Thompson" 3 C-114C (CHEVROLET gives you fully-enclosed, protected : "Knee-Action", Chevrolet offers you safety glass in the windshield and ventilators of a// models, ~ at no extra cost. Chevrolet has a strong and solid Body by Fisher. Chevrolet's braking system is bigger : and mote powerful than ever. Chevrolet pioneered . the Starterator -- the controlled automatic start. ing system that eliminates dangerous "stalling", Chevrolet is pioneer, too, of the YK frame -- the strongest, most rigid in its class. And Chevrolet's headlights are the famous twin-beam, foot con- trolled type--with new, pre-focussed bulbs--pro- : us more light and a safe passing beam, No other low-pticed car has all these outstanding safety features: No other gives you the additional beajth-protection of built-in Fisher Ventilation. And only Chevrolet gives you dependability--tested and proved by thousands of Canadians--that insures safety 'and economy long after the car is "old". hanspoilation | wae FULLY ENCLOSED "KNEE-ACTION' - - The safety type of Knee- . Action. Fully protected against wear-and-tear --unharmed by dirt, mud, ice, water or flying stones, 2 SAFETY GLASS In windshield and ventilators of all Chevrolet models at no extra cost. Does not discolor or "blister", . STURDY, SMART FISHER BODY . .. Strong as modern coacheraft can make it. Beautifully stream-lined. Designed "and built by the world's largest makers of automobile bodies. ; kJ, ad BIGGER, POSITIVE BRAKES ... Greater reas bfake<lining area than a ever for greatest safety. Air-cooled drums for free- dom from warping and repairs, "Soft," easy foot : Ja.) pressure. , EXCLUSIVE YK FRAME . .. A new kind of car-foundation, pioneered hy .Chevyrolet. Many times stronger than any other in its class. Built like a bridge " ~ for strength and rigidity, fei PRICES BEGIN AT 844 Fain sg - EALER A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE . . . PRODUCED IN CANADA 'H, R ARCHER MOTOR SALES Delivered, fully equipped at factory, Oshawa, Ont. Frei phat Art ped extra, } Hasy MAG tern et - a £09 PORT PERRY i: and GOOD BODY HARDf WOOD--98% Maple. % v Price right. WE CAN SUPPLY Your Lumber Needs, Estimates Cheerfully § Given. 1H Sam N. Griffen I. 5 Lumber Co. § Phone 240 ) PORT PERRY, ONT. }§ MARKETS (Quotations to shippers): BUTTER-- Creamery Solids, No. ............21 Seconds ........... ... CHURNING CREAM-- (F. 0. B. Country Points) ; Special 21; No. 1, 20; No. 2, 18 EGGS--. Grade A large ...............17c. Grade A medium FETTER PRA 1TH Grade GC... 000 oni Biiade, POULTRY--Grade A, alive 1c 7 Spring Broilers ............. .8 t0'18 Fatted Hens ............, Old Roosters ........... ree isirnedl White Ducklings ..... PERL 12to 16° LIVE STOCK-- . Weighty, Steers .,....$4,656 to. $6.35 Bacon Hogs (off trucks) ......$8.60 Butcher Cattle ........ $4.50 to $5.50 Heifers .............. $4.76 to $5.40 Cows'....v.. 00 nil $1.25 to $4.00 2 Bulls. oo 0000 AFP $2.60 to $3.50 : ania, $6.00 t0.$7.00 Store Cattle ........... Cena e.$3.50 Calves ....... oe via, Ta $3.60 to $7.00 rE TT $1.60 to $4.25 $7.00 to $12.00 EA EN AAT ST SPI Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and 'Friday Evenings, or by- appointment at all times. ~DISNEY-BLOCK: : Oshawa ; Opp. Post' Office, Phone 1516 REDU CE D PRICES a Suits sponged and pressed 50 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office. DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical 'College rinity. University, Toronto, sud London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. : Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, "W. A. Sangster ~ DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office The Creamery IS PAYING 22. 21c. and 19¢. FOR BUTTER FAT. You ean save labor 5 Aud, de gn by sending LX oir to Ay