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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Jul 1934, p. 1

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"Public Library _ Public building that would be ef service, than a monument such as ~ for a special purpose and, if the War Memorial Library is not © built will have to be returned to the donors. 'paid by one year's levy. $1.50 per year in advance 5 cents single copy Watch your label; it tells when your subscription expires. : PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 12th, 1934 PORT PERRY STAR SAMUEL FARMER, Editor and Publisher 3 In order that the ratepayers may be properly in- formed regarding the proposed new Public Library building, the following description is given in a letter written by Mrs, W. H. Harris, Chairman of the War Memorial Library Committee: The writer was appointed chairman of The War Memorial Committee almost fourteen years ago, shortly after the War ended. Three thousand dollars have been raised by individual sub- scriptions, by annual donations of The Daughters of the Empire, by concerts, and entertainments. ] Public meetings were called, at the beginning, and it was agreed that it would be a much better plan to put the money into a many municipalities have erected. We can sympathize with our Council in their desire to save money, and keep down taxes. - This present proposal will not increase the taxes, but tend to diminish them. ; A Public Library is a legal institution, the same as highways, schools, Post Office, etc., and money is needed at once to put the present Library in condition fit to be used. - If a new building is erected the Council will get the benefit of the $3000.00 held by the committee. : ; : I may add that the moneys now on hand are trust funds given - SUNDERLAND Miss: Myrtle: Purvis, of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Purvis, i Miss Annie Gall and girl friend of Preston, spent last week with her aunt Mrs. H .Sonley. Mrs. Harold Clarke also Miss Beth Marchen, of Uxbridge, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Miss Marjorie Cunnyworth, also Miss Doreen Bell, of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with their cousin Miss Reta Gordon, Messrs. J. W, and R. L. Pinkham, of the Bank of Commerce staff, of Madoc and Brechin, also Miss Dorothy Bab- cock, of Lindsay, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pinkham. Miss C. Semple, of Toronto is visit- ing with her sister Mrs. (Dr.) Ross, Miss Calder of the Continuation School staff presided over the En- trance class in Sutton last week. The United Church Sunday School intend holding their annual picnic at Orillia on July 20th. Mr. H. J. McMullen of the Bank of Commerce staff, spent the week end with friends in Trenton and Belleville. The Library legally belongs to the Corporation. This helps to increase our annual grant from the Government for books and periodicals. If the building The Daughters of The Empire, the money could be raised by a mortgage but, being a municipal building, there is only one good | way to raise the money, and that by a debenture or a single grant If it were paid for by a single levy, it would require a levy of two mills onthe dollar, or a property assessment for a thousand dollars would pay $2.00. If the debentures were would requiré a levy of about 20c. on a thousand dollar property, with about .08c. interest. ; We beg to call your attention to the fact that the Library per- at Lindsay by Dr. Ross. forms a very valuable service to the Community. The schools are furnished with books of reference, supplementary reading, and, the Board have co-operated with the teachers in this respect. . ! It supplies over three hundred patrons with the best reading, and in the summer months many visitors make use of the Library, and this makes Port Perry a pleasanter place to come to. = - Almost sixteen years have passed since the war ended, and practically every place, and even small urban spots have their War Memorials. Port Perry should-not neglect carrying to com- pletion a memorial begun so long ago. : I would call your attention also to the amount of work supplied to Port Perry workmen, and the amount of Government grant that may be expected in that connection. Entrance Examinations at Port Perry. Port Perry Public School-- H. Conlin * Promoted on year's work. M. F, etchison Marion Brent G. Fines Jack Beare D.. Fralick Ruth Carnegie E. Martyn Dorothy Cliff D. Murphy Bert. DeShane b Ds tg L. Wiles Murray Holtby Dorothy Pyatt Passed the Entrance Examination Billy Beare Eileen Berkett Marie Hayden (Honours) Tommy Hayden Doreen Hood Glenn McMaster Luella Ploughman Mary Pyatt (Honours) Charlie Sutcliffe NOTE--We congratulate Mr. Cornish and his Entrance Class. Seventeen out of twenty passed, Editor. Passed the Entrance Examination. Margaret Bagshaw Charles Cann George Gallop Ernest Gilroy Anne Graham Aileen Harper - Helen Hortop ~ Betty Jeffrey Muriel Kerry Leslie Leighton Harry McMaster Fernie Moon Aleta Reader Dorothy Reynolds 'Beatrice Stokes Mildred Symes William Tripp Rural Schools-- Promoted on year's work M. Bray ho Francis Whitter H. Colleran Muriel Willan sentation, Mr. and Mrs. Sandison re- ghopded in a very suitable manner. he evening was spent in dancing. The sympathy of the community oes out to Mrs. Wright Crosier and amily in the death of Mr, Crosier, on Tuesday evening . Interment takes place. on Thursday at the United Cemetery here. Sorry to report Mrs. Jas. Bentley is - UTICA Miss Jean Miller at her home for the summer holidays, : About four hundred people attende the Garden Party on Tuesday evening, here, under the auspices of the United Church. , Everybody reported plenty to eat and the concert--the very best. confined to her ped. On Sunday both services were much Miss Aileen Harper is visitin in enjoyed and the weather both Sunday |Toronto and Midland for a ii 3 of belonged to a separate organization such asthe town. Miss Nicholson was driving issued and paid for in ten years, itjOliver. and Tuesday was all that could be desired. Proceeds $168.00. Miss Annie Christie, of Cleveland, is at her home here. ¢ Ondlialoriay evening, June 80th, a number of neighbours and friends of Mr, and Mrs. Sandison met at their home in honour of their 26th wedding anniversary. The bridal couple were _ . presented, with a pyrex pie plate and silver stand, besides many other pieces of silver from their family. Mr. Ro Corbman read the address while Mr. C. W. Lakey (the only guest who had attended the wedding) made the pre- weeks, Miss Dorothy Philp and Miss Grace Masters of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. Cann, | : Mr, Embury, of Greenbank, with Mr. and Mrs, E, Kendall, on Sunday. Kt STREET DANCE at- MANCHESTER A street dance will be held at Man- chester, on July 26th. Music will be provided by The Royal Canucks. 'In case of rain the dance will be held in the Township Hall on Friday, July 27. Miss - Mildred Nicholson, graduate nurse, of Toronto, and Mrs. Mel Bag- shaw, of Sunderland, were injured when their car collided just south of ! to Lindsay to attend a funeral. , While attempting to pass a car travelling in the same direction she collided head on with the Bagshaw car. She suffer- ed cuts about the face and had one tooth knocked out and was given medical attention at the office of Dr. Mrs, Bagshaw was badly cut about the arms and body and was re- eighteen years of age, and pete with local swimmers. are to be announced later. to be introduced at the dance and street fair. Civic Holiday at Port Perry. Last year Port Perry held a gala day on Civic - Holiday. Many people remarked upon the excellence of the day's sport. As things are shaping now, the prospects are better than ever. Just a little indication of this is the fact that a group of thirty girl swimmers are expected from Toronto. They range from six to are experts in this sport. They will stage their own contests; and will not com- Several new features are These Watch for bills. BLACKSTOCK The following is the report of the June Promotions of Blackstock Public School. Names in order of merit: Jr. IV to Sr. IV--Harold Crawford, Kathleen Taylor, Roger Dorrell, Roy Werry. . Sr. III to Jr. IV--Ralph Larmer, (Hon.), Pearl Wright, John Werry, Ross Bailey (Recommended) Jr. 1II to Sr. III--Gwenyth Marlow, Kathleen Wright, Helen VanCamp, Marion Hill, Roy Stinson, Marion Moore (failed) Sr. II to Jr. III--Verna McNally, (Hon.), Moretta Graham, Dalton Dor- rell, Lola Stinson (failed) Sr. I to Jr. II--Lois Larmer (Hon.), i moved to the Ross Memorial Hospital Provincial Traffic Officer, after investigating the accident, charged the Toronto lady with reckless driving. MARSH HILL Mr. and Mrs. Bert Washburn and: sons Donald and Bobbie, of Toronto, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Russell Glide. ' Co Mr. Wilmott Swanick and Mr. John Davidson attended the picnic at Port Bolster on Friday which was tendered the students of the Hth Form of Ux- bridge High. School by Mr. and Mrs. Byron Willis. | Mrs. Glide, Sr.,, and Mr. and Mors. Russell Glide, spent Sunday at Pick-' ering. i Mr. A. Hoover, of the Home Tele- phone Co., was a caller at the home of Robt. Swanick, on Friday. Mrs. Robt. Swanick and sons ware at Mrs. W. L. Doble's, West Brock, on Sunday. : EPSOM The Sunday School of Epsom is do- ing well these days; Last Sunday morning the attendance broke the re- cord when 74 were present. It even now seems possible that the number may reach 100. That could easily be done if all whose names are on the books would come. See what you can do next Sunday. Last Sunday night was the Utica Anniversary and so no service was held at Epsom. At Utica a great crowd gathered to hear the Rev. Thos. Laidlaw, a former pastor. Mrs. Laid- law sang and also the Bethesda Male Quartette. All of which was greatly appreciated. Next Friday night the Young Peo- ple's Society is invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millman, for a social time. These young people's gatherings have become very popular of late and the attendance is growing rapidly. Mrs, Cook of Uxbridge, visited over the week end with her daughter Mrs. Robert Clark. i (Hon.), Wilma VanCamp. Jr. I to Sr. I -- Jessie VanCamp Helen Moore, Jim Marlow, (Hon.), Edith Wright (Hon.), Dorothy jHcoward Forder, Merrill VanCamp. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.--Harold Forder, Wright (Hon.), Murray Werry (Hon.), Kathleen Woodard, = Arnold Taylor, Stuart Dorrell. : Beginner at_Baster--Jack Marlow. Eldon Iickel, Teacher. Sunday visitors were: Miss Elsie Venning and friend, of, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. John Rahm; Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally, Verna and Gren- yth Marlow, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Horn, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ford VanCamp and family with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ginn, On Tuesday afternoon of last week Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mrs. I, Bailey, were hostesses at a Silver Tea held at the home of the latter. In spite of a steady down pour a goodly number of ladies braved the elements and when all were assembled a hymn was sung. The remainder of the after- noon's program was as follows: solo by. Miss Susie VanCamp; an address on her work-among the Eskimos by Mrs. (Rev.) Whittaker; a solo by Mrs. G. Campbell; community singing and-a bird contest won by Mrs. R. Philp' of Nestleton and Mrs. Harry McLaugh- lin.. Lunch was served and a silver collection taken amounting to $4.35. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jeffrey have returned to their home in Melfort, Sask., after spending a short visit with relatives and friends here. They came East to see the former's mother Mrs. John Jeffrey, of Prince Albert, who was seriously ill and had passed away before their arrival. We extend to them our sincere sympathy in their sad loss. The June meeting of the A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Creighton Devitt with an attendance of 43 mem- bers and visitors. The meeting open- ed with devotional exercises conducted by the president who was assisted by the Rector. The program whieh was in charge of Misses Evelyn Devitt and Marion Argue, consisted of a paper I Mrs. Doblé of. Toronto, called on friends here one day last week. Mrs, Jos. Ashton visited one day last week with friends at Whitby and Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, Levia and family of Poit Perry, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Rogers. 'Mr. Richard Stevenson, of Brooklin, visited last week with his cousin Mrs. Jos. Ashton, . 4 N Quite a number attended the An niversary services at Utica last Sun- day. Bs i Mrs. Wm. Cook and family have re- turned home after camping for the . past week on'Scugog Island. Mr. Collins, of Scugog Island, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs, Stan- (ley Pogue, recently. ie by Miss Evelyn Devitt, "Cartwright"; a reading by Mrs. A. L. Bailey, "Fifty Years Ago"; a readitig by Mrs. Thos. Smith, "'Cartwright Centenary' written by Mr. R. L. Werry, a lawyer in Montreal and a former resident of Darlington Township; a contest won equally by Mrs. Ira Argue and Mrs, T. Smith,, Miss Leona Devitt and Mr. Cecil Hamilton. Tickets were drawn to decide the winners and the prizes were secured by Mrs, T. Smith and Mr. Cecil Hamilton. Lunch was served, We are pleased to see Wr F. Willan home and able to be afound again after his recent operation in thé Bow- manville Hospital, Mrs, 'F. Lamb of Manchester, has returned home after spending a week with her daughter Mrs. T. Smith, The July meeting: of the Victorian Women's Institute was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mount- joy, on Wednesday afternoon last with an attendance of 75 members and visitors, ~The meeting opened with the Institute Ode, the Lord's Prayer and the Scripture Reading by Mus. R. Mahood. The roll call was an- swered with: "Thoughts from the Dis- trict Annual.' Next month it is to be answered with "Why and How 1 Like Milk." The business session consist- ed of: The appointment of a commit- tee to look after the cafateria supper to be served on Field Day, July 20th, a letter received from Mrs. W. Craw- ford thanking the members for fruit sent to her during her recent illness. The proceeds from the dinner served at the District Annual amounted to $13.33 and from the supper served on one of the Centennial days, $26.65. The program for the afternoon con- sisted of a solo by Miss Reta Swain, AT.C.M,, LT.CM., of Toronto; a reading: by Miss Lela Mountjoy, "Worries"; an instrumental by Miss Evelyn Sanderson; a paper, "The Challenge of Youth" by Miss Susie VanCamp; an intrumental by Miss Muriel Mountjoy; a solo by Miss Ethel Carter, and community songs. Lunch was served by the group in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swain, of Grand View, Manitoba, are visiting with relatives. and friends in our village and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, T. Smith, Mrs. Lamb and Mr. Hiram Lamb, were in Ux- bridge on «Wednesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Me- Clintock, which was held from the home of her son Dr. Jos. McClintock, and interment made in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. of St. John's church will be held at. the home of Mrs, So McLaughlin, Nestleton, on Thursday evening, July 19th. The June meeing of the W. A. of the United Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham The opening devotional period was taken by the president. Plans were made for welcoming their new minister, Rev. I. Bell, formerly of. Hastings. The program consisted of: a talk on "The Making of a Serap Book" by Susie VanCamp; a vocal duet by Messrs, Bruce and Cecil Gibson, "When Its Lamp Lighting Time in the Valley"; a reading by Miss Lela Mountjoy, "Values". Lunch was served by those in charge. Number present 50. Among our recent visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Weekie, Qu' Appelle, Sask., with Mr. and Mprs, J. Strong; Mr. Alvin Bell, of Ottawa, with hig parents Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Bell; Mrs. J. Sanderson, Mrs. R, Werry, Mrs. II. Hooey and Mr. S. Sanderson, with friends in Cavan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor and family with friends at Lake Simcoe, Mrs. Mrs. M. Oster, Miss Marion Oster and Miss Mary Stone, of Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Id, Cain, Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rutherford and daughter, of Toronto, with Mrs. John Forder, 'Miss | Dorothy Stevens, of Toronto, with friends in our village; Misses Mabel Argue and Bessie Fee, with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Darey; Miss Dempsey, Strat- ford, with her sister, Mrs. McArthur; Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wright Devitt, of Arnand, Manitoba, with Mrs, S. A. Devitt; Miss Vera Forder and Eva, Brown with Mr, and Mrs, J. Dobson, of Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rey- nolds and Mr. Roy Reynolds with friends in Port Hope. Myr. 'and Mrs. S. Swain and family with relatives in Lindsay and Peterboro. Congratulations are extended to FISHING! A little better this week; thank you. Several nice muskies and quite a number of good bass were caught in Scugog Lake last week, But we can't all be lucky. The editor had a party of Toronto friends out fishing. But they caught nothing except the beauty of the scenery; the freshness of the air; and an enjoyable bit of quiet sailing. That's worth while to city folk. They were delighted. Proposed Cabinet Mr. Hepburn has made an announcement as to the composition of the Ontario Cabinet as follows: Prime Minister and Provincial Treas- urer--Mitchell F. Hepburn, Attorney-General -- Arthur W. Roe- buck. Provincial Secretary and Minister of Game and Fisheries--Hon, Harry C. Nixon. Minister of Agriculture--Hon, can Marshall, | Minister of Education--Dur, Leonard J. Simpson, Minister of Health -- Dr, J. Faulkner. Dun- Albert Minister of Mines and Northern De- velopment--Paul Leduc. Minister of Labor and Public Welfare --David A. Croll. Minister of Highways Works--T. B. McQuesten, Minister of Lands and Forests--Hon. Peter Heenan. Minister without portifolio -- &, Stewart Lyon, Chairman of the Hydro-Electric Commission. Director of Liquor Control Board-- i] [ldmond G. Odette. riding Motorcycle near Whitby Two well-known Oshawa boys, brothers, Thomas, aged 21, and James, aged 19, the sons of Mr, and Mrs, R. W. Wright, Elgin Street, East, were killed o'clock on Monday morning when the instantly shortly after cight motorcycle on which they were riding towards Whitby, came into collision with a Packard sedan travelling in the opposite direction, According to eye-witnesses of the tragedy, the motorcycle, travelling west at a high speed, passed a truck travelling in the same direction on the upgrade of Lick's Hill and came into head-on collision with the Packard, while still well over from the north side of the highway, on the western slope of the hill about fifteen yards from the crown, just opposite where men are employed by the Highway's Department: loading trucks for the filling of the ditches, The Packard, bearing an Illinois license and. driven by Thomas John Thomas, 2346 Geneva St., Chicago, Ill., struck the motoreycele with terrific im- pact in head-on collision, one of the boys being thrown with terrific force against the windshield of the car, both being picked up in a terribly mangled condition. * Mr. Thomas, the driver of the Packard, suffered two or three broken ribs, all the occupants of the car re- ceiving medical attention from Dr. G. L.. Macdougall, in Whitby, the three lady passengers receiving cuts and bruises and suffering from shock. --Oshawa Times. Miss IGvelyn Sanderson on obtaining | The Young People of the United Honours in Counterpoint and a pass in Theory in her recent music exams. Church have closed their weekly meet- ing for the summer months. The last Her teacher in the former was Miss {one was in charge of Mr, E. Eckle. The Winnifred Scott of the Whitby Ladies' College and in the latter was Mrs. Switzer, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Devitt, are enjoying a motor trip to Meaford. Miss Agnes Whittaker, nurse-in- training, in Oshawa Hospital, is spending a vacation with her parents at the rectory. | An induction service for Rev. H. J. Bell, formerly of Hastings, but now minister of the United Church here, was held on Friday evening, June 29. The speakers for the occasion were Rev, G. C. R. McQuade, President of the Bay of Quinte Conference, Rev. R. [.. McTavish, of Oshawa, and Rev. W. Rackham, Hampton. The meeting was closed by Rev. Mr, Bell, who pro- nounced the benediction. A reception was then held for Mr. and Mrs. Bell and family, when a social time was spent and lunch served by the ladies of Mr. Bell's three churches. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bailey and son Neil have returned home from a very pleasant motor trip to Montreal and Ottawa, Miss Edith Deyell, of Ottawa, is 'month with Rev. and Mrs. F. the guest of Miss Florence MeLaugh- lin. ° Miss Olive VanCamp is spending a Ww. Newell, at Hastings, Miss Phema Hooey has sailed for England and the continent where she intends, spending her two months' vacation. Mrs. Lawrence and Miss Lawrence of Brantford, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hall, A baptismal service was held re- cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Austin Larmer when their little daughter Doris was baptised by her uncle Rev. E. IL. Beech, of Oshawa. Among those present were Mrs. FE. L. Beech, Misses Mabel and Ada Beech, of Hayden and Mr. and Mrs, J. Lar- mer, of Blackstock. Bible study "Surrender" was taken by Miss Margaret Swain and the Topic on "The Evils of Idleness" by Mr, H. Shortridge. The program consisted of a solo by Miss Susie VanCamp, "Ivory Palaces" and a reading by Mr. Iickle "Little Batese." We are sorry to know that Mr. G. Campbell, Principal of the Continua- tion School is leaving us. He is at attending the Toronto Uni- while Mrs. Campbell and | Ronald are holidaying with Mr. Camp- [ bells parents in Cayuga. Miss Ilva Brown accompanied by | Miss Vera Forder motored to the Hormer's home in Owen Sound where Ithey spent a few days previous to Miss "Brown's return to Toronto for the {purpose of marking examination | papers. | present fversity, ! Mr. Eldon Fckle, previous to leaving for his home in Clifford, entertained his pupils and the pupils of Egypt to a picnic and an afternoon of sports. "The FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER' By ALFRED BIGGS Trickstors can't face a steady eye. * * + Harsh words always hurt the speaker, LJ LJ L Adverse criticism often is merely jealousy. LJ LJ * Mean people always expect most gen- erosity. LJ * LJ ] Some folk find happiness in being unhappy. * * * tiallties, . X LJ * LJ than to overcome them. and Public - Two Young Men Killed while No man ever realized fully his poten- It 1s easier to excuse our bad habits t 1 +L 8 : ; 1 ' Fd 2 XY by F) HV J Hy i ] f hl 1s £2 i Ha 0 RE : PS ERENT AS BY ith AS al) AF hi £ 3 Wh A a BT "3 : ony NR EX OR in RANA Re

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