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Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jul 1934, p. 8

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% oe ns Bea] [3 tin Jas h ; ; ; ony oud a; oe j oe some | SRE PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1984 -- Page Fight BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are offering good values--60 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Sarah Fursey, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Sarah Fursey, of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on the 19th day of April, 1934, are hereby "t notified to send in to the undersigned W. { --- ---- PRINCE ALBERT | Last Sunday tvo former pastors of , this church, namely Rev. J. Ireland, of Caistorville and Rev. Wm. Higgs, of Pembroke, assisted the pastor at the afternoon service. Mr. Wadland, of Toronto, gave the address. Next Sunday, Rev. A. R.-Sanderson, of 'Whitby, representative of the Tem- perance work of .the United Church, MANCHESTER Me and Samantha got arguing last night about this store here in Man- chester, we -couldn't recollect just when it was built. However, we final- ly argued each other quiet by saying it was around 1875 or 1880. The first fstore-keeper I remember "was Sam Christian, They're talking now of sélling beer by the glass, well, Sam Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done MERCHANT TAILOR T. R odman Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry solicitors on or before the 12th day of August, 1934, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after August a i sold all kinds of liquor. The store had ! 412th, 1934, the assets of the Testatrix}]i CS Sa ia 3 sort of a big verandah all along the will preach: During the Month of will be distributed among the parties front of it and we young coons, and August Rev. Mr. Donnell, of Saska- ¥ EX entitled thereto, having regard only tol | DON'T WORRY AB UT the 'older ones too, used to park Aare toon, will take the church services, : : : { 3 claims of which the solicitors shall | | / every night to' gossip. "You went into Last Tuesday night the boys' ball . A) then have notice. | | i | the building off this verandah and all| E51 between Honeydale and Prince 4 Mavis Talcum -- used dajly--isthe ; : Wo Dated, July 9th, 1934. FIRE! || along the right hand side were groc- Albert, resulted in a win by the local a 4 : 7) i SA ; i i team, the score being 8-11, sure and certain safeguard of the a 3 Harris, Harris & Wallace, H 1 eries of all kinds, The Post Office used ES Nod view : #i Pais Peg, Outino, ave your property proper y di Oe gh Dn, friends in Own Sound has ein] loveliness of youth, It actually pre i A Solicitors © Sar Fursey Est. hd gr . rth- i \ J Solicitors for Sarah Fursey | insured at once corner was where you went upstairs home. : 5" serves the fresh texture of the skin KE -- HAROLD W. EMMERSON | and all along the back was boots and Recent village visitors have been : : . DON'T DRIVE ' - | shoes. Then you bought drygoods and and are: with Mrs. McBrien, her and does not clog delicate pores or L TO EAR CEA -- | pots and pans up the left side and that daughter Mrs, Young, of Toronto, and Fr 4 = : - her nephew Mr. Hickey, of Detroit; enlarge them. Absorbs perspiration Without Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Take advantage of our new low brought you to the door again. N. B. Gould finally bought the stuff in the store and took it all down to his store with Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Yeo, of Woodstock, and Mr. W. and deodorizes. Mavis, in the familiar Holtby, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Barker, of Oakville, and Mrs.- Watson and Miss Fannie Parm, of Oshawa; with Mrs. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. C. New, of Toronto. Rev. J. and Mrs, Ireland, of Caistor- ville have been visiting friends in the village during the last week. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Williams, who has been ill, is much red container, is indispensable for men, women and childgen. Use Mavis Talcum ALL OVER from shoulders down. Mavis Face Powder, for face and throat. : ~V. VIVAUDOU of Canada Ltd., Toronto rates. (Fire, Accident, Plate Glass and Burgular Insurance also written at reasonable rates) E. H. PURDY 33 in Port, ] The place was empty for a spell then, and finally Mr. B. F. Hagerman comes from Zephyr and bought it. And after a while he sold it to Jim Munro It was while one of those two were there that the little Post Office room was used for a Clerk's Office, and the Post Office was just inside the store door. COAL! WOOD! LUMBER! SUMMER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR COAL. A car load of BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES has arrived at our yard and we would be pleased to qyote you on your shingle and lumber requirements We also handle ASPHALT ROOFING Phone Port Perry 55¢ $110 25¢ SR -- FOR SALE Farm of BTacres. 114 miles north MARMILL CHICK STARTER of Columbus, 'o mile west. Good Arthur Ferguson was the next own- improved in health; and that Mrs. x buildings. Running stream. Immediate } } er and during his sojourn the Clerk's Ww. Wannamaker, who has been in the : T A L C U M possession to plow. Full possession Again the Marmill Chick Starter is Office was moved from the building. Hospital, in Toronto, is home again. A April 1, 1935. G. D. CONANT. .K.C,, scoring a wonderful success among poultry In 1919 he sold to Frank Crozier. gh 3 : = PO WwW D E R Oshawa. ' Mes coy Sil raisers. We carry a line of Marmill Frank made the store smaller by put- - > : . . . ng ORS MAR Feeds. ting a partition across the back. Art MYRTLE ; : : ~ = Crozier was the next store-keeper and Ee : DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. NR ie he sold in 1931 to Fred Rabey, of Manilla. Mr. Rabey moved the back partition up- still further and turned the front of the left-hand side into an ice cream stand where he also sold tobacco and pop. Behind this stand he had some little tables and served hot or cold lunches. The old verandah was torn down, the store given a coat of paint and a gasoline bowser install- ed beside it. The following year our present store-keeper; Mrs. Seward, took it over and Samantha always takes the eggs over to the store and trades them off for groceries. Oh, I musn't forget about our street dance, it's on Thursday night and if it rains it's to be on Friday, don't forget, will you? And the Royal Canucks pipe up the music. Sam Masters is winding up the old arm again ready to pitch a ball game. We're all glad to see" 'Oscar' back on the ball diamond. And now I'll toddle off to bed. Master Allin Booth is holidaying We say our meat is { i with relatives in Toronto. - : GOOD. 2H Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. W. = Our customers say it is ( ) Burr and family, of Oshawa, in the y ; DELICI US death last week i : i cath last week of a loving husband| We can supply you with the best cuts and at prices and father. IL most reasonable. . Phone your next order to us Deceased who was in his eighty- 'Be : gy We carry Fresh, Pickled, Smoked and Cooked Meats fourth year, lived Just south of the}. CAWKER BROS. village here some years ago. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. . Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclinic, London, England, North East London. Post Graduate College FRED E. REESOR anion, Erin, owl hrm, Swen) Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 W. A. Sangster i DENTAL SURGEON = Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6b p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office Mr. Tommy Price, of Hanover, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. George Cooper, and other former school boy friends here. Mrs. Oakley, of Signal, Ohio, visited : her'niece Mrs. Frank Booth, last week. - . : . Mr. and Mrs. John C, Lawrence ; . : spent Sunday with their son Mr. A. M. Lawrence, of Port Perry. A fresh carload of ST. MARY'S CEMENT just arrived. Also LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, ete, on hand. Friends here were sorry to hear of] the death of Mr. and Mrs. James Me- Famous Reading Anthracite-- that Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. WHEN you're on a holiday . « «» and you're having & good time . « « ana your only worry is the children at home . . Prompt Delivery -------- eo NOTICE is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Township Council of the Township of Reach on the 7th day of June A.D. 1934, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $2000.00 for the purpose of rebuilding he school house for School Section No. 7, and that such by-law was registered in the Registry Office for the County of Ontario on the 18th day of July A. D. 1934. ANY MOTION to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the Kenzie's son, of Columbus, > Haying operations are now com- pleted for another year and the crop was much better than was expected the earlier part of the season. } Miss Bremer, of Toronto, was a week end guest of Miss Sylvia Hahn. Uncle Ebenezer. TAKE NOTICE For a limited time only you may receive 40% of the original cost of >> first publication of this notice, and your present Singer machine, if you . cannbt be made thereafter. exchange "it for one of the new "You can alwa : : . vo / ! : y . : ys depend on getting the very best heat satisfaction 'tl Dated the 18th day of July A.D. 1034, CoN Thee ji iy V. P. STOUFFER when you order FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE. - © | PIANO TUNING W. F. DOBSON, Clerk. For .information, apply to the SINGER SHOPPE 18 Ontario St., Oshawa, Phone 696 GOODY SPEEDWAY : COKE :-: HARDWOOD :-: Overhauling -- piano actions repaired, lost . rg SOFTWOOD motion taken up, sticky and noisy keys re- : paired, moth-proofing, cleaning and lubricating a specialty. All work guaranteed. Phone 80, Mr. Campbell MeMaster, of Port Perry, spent Sunday at the home of $ Mr. and Mrs. M. Prentice. | Mr. and Mrs. Milton Prentice motor- bY i] PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT iN "Reliable .Service and Better Fuels" Telephone heine . «« along Distance call every night will relieve your mind. Phones--94 W and 94 J. Sl Al ED, ed to Montreal for the week end where they met their daughter Miss Ilva Prentice who is returning home after spending nine months with Rev. and Mrs. Sharkey at St. Andrews-by-the- Q At home or away, Long Distance takes you places quickly, easily, economically. You can talk with someone 100 miles or so distant for as little as 30 cents. See the list of rates in the front of your directory. TIRES Gerrow's Bread and Pastry are Delicious Sea. Miss Mildred McPhail has returned iV: Wi to resume her position in 'Toronto, en } ss : < he after holidaying here and at Beaverton AND (Genuine H his, is the remark made by our customers. They are 8) Xi where she and Miss Jean McTaggart - Heavy Duty) : wholesome, too. If you are not a regular customer is oi ry Tod) nit Ayre METARESTD : : Jot ope of SUE. dei ory call when on his route. You - : 4 say, H { . } 3 w : . gd "Messrs Norman Palmer, Clayton 1 LY : | LY at tae : e more than pleased with our goods and services. 3 $ Hallett and Cragg brothers were pick- ! g . i \ ge. ing blueberries recently. : : - ' : 9 : } Miss Christian Thorburn and Mrs. \ * : - GERROW S BAKERY i, ] Jas. Munro spent a pleasant holiday 3 ? (7 \ + of Mr. «. W. Thor- : - ; ; oe i ict, , Ths MYRTLE Mr. Kometh Moyer is ioking a Balers and Gomootioners, . Port Perry. 3 4 Foun | ---- sets ull Pre WI Abig bain Wii Summer Course at Queen's University, ; } \ " 00000004004 40000008000 0000008060004 0 404000000008 000 800002042000 00000000000 0800824800421 : te iia ' ® Miss Heott 'onto 1s i i i ' ; : 4 7 Innis, were in Toronto on Saturday. [ith Mrs. John Leask Juring his bohdays. SIZE . $5 25 SIZE $6 40 , Hi . 0 4 " pi : " : » Mr. Stanley Nottingham of Oshawa, 4.40-21 . 4.40-21 * ; - } 78 i - Mrs. Miller, ©o ainy River, and|has moved to the corner store here E id / 1 ; : 8 ) 1 Mrs. Johnson, of London, spent the| which he recently purchased from Mr. ) n lish Health Salts 49¢ r i ih : MARSH HILL week end with their aupt and uncle,|Ivan Rodd, ®nd is opening up a general SIZE $5 90 SIZE $7 75 D 8 ki & CY ' ' pe Large tin. fie ' We must congratulate Miss Thelma here. grocery store and barber shop, the 4.50-21 j i 4.50-21 2 ; res mn q Italian Balm, Reg. 36¢. each ov, " Hood on passing the Entrance ex- Mrs. Will Ross and three daughters] latter part of this week. i i LEN Introductory Price. both for 35 5H amination this year. of Moose Jaw, Sask., are holidaying| My, Floyd Honey has been confined SIZE SIZE AY : Instant relief f 2 C. A hy Mr. Wilmot Swanick, accompanied |inith the former's sisters-in-law, Mrs.|to the house and under the care of Dr. \ 4 75-19 $6.65 . 4.75.19 $8.15 J i Prep-- ns! nt reliel irom Sunburn, greaseless & 7 the Sunderland baseball team to the] Carmichael, Mrs. J. C. Lawrence and|John Moore, with a painful attack of ' ; : pay stainless.. Regular 50c. package for 20c:. ¥ tournament at Claremont on Wednes- Mrs. Mole. "| mumps. ; . . ~Flyocide-- Kills flies and costs less than other a 7 day of last weck and played with Rev. and Mrs, Honey were at Wel- Miss Shirley Marshall, of Hamilton - preparations. Sold also in bulk an them. i. come last week where Mr. Honey] io holidaying with her cousin Miss ; ! 3 . ogy SOL ..e ti N BI be) 7 : Mr. Eddie Nokes and Mr. Robt. Bell|officiated at the funeral of a former| pa hara Bright - Figure out your saving on-'every tire at Hi1ams Shaving Cream, Large size. & y i A of Toronto, are holidaying at the home arishioner. : , 3 i i") Las ) A of Torants, axe holidayin at he Rome Congratulations to Miss Dorothy pag these low prices. It's a great chance to _Williams' Brushless Shave,--70c. value for 89c. ey - ji , ' * od =e | . y --- : 4 ' ] i 1 ¥ % yt heen tenstiig at pesos J¥ Mending Bogd and Remoth Painter, whose CARD OF THANKS get awhole new set. Certainly you linever Mr. J. H. Stephenson, Eyeglass Specialist (IR the holidays at her home here. names appeared last week among the get better value. : ' will be here 0 Thu d : ft ; 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Tunney and]successful Entrance candidates, this| Mr. Joseph Forder, Nestleton, and 5 en = 3 S0% ! n I8day alternoon, July 26th Je dilisen 3 Aotunksy spent Sundag pith the other two, John Maw and|daughter Mrs. H, Tinney, Cavan, wish Tires correctly mounted--no extra charge. fa : ' Sri AB + with her father Mr, 3eo. Merrick. Job Cross who were recommended onto thank their many friends and wy T : - ME, : Ey hi ' i 4 ai 18 : Mrs. Harold Western and children their year's work, are the four from!neighbours for their kindness, floral] " BEARE BROTHERS : gers M n : ' D S 9 P of Guelph, is spending a few days|this school to pass and reflects much! tributes" and letters of sympathy dur- Ph A : 4 i Lig Be lorrison 8 rug tore 77 vr with her sister Mrs. Russell Acton, credit to both the teacher, Mr. Moyer, |ing the illness and death of a loving one 130 ; Port Perry, Ontario Port Perry : Phone 16 Ontario 7 P Miss Luella Tomlinson, who has|as well as the pupils themselves. wife and mother. : od . : . nn 7 s ' : = oh : ' . : EE -- - J Soe "

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