PORT PERRY, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 Page Five ~-- THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY -- FROM -- BERT MacGREGOR BLACKSTOCK @ On Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock, a comedy in three acts en- ¢ titled "The Three Pegs" will be put on by local talent under the auspices of the W. A, of the United Church, in the community hall. The cast of characters is as follows: Emily Weston--Mrs. John Hamilton; Aunt Cupelia--Mrs. C. Venning; The Three Pegs-- Marguerite--Viola Bradburn Madge--Mabel VanCamp Peg--Lorna Trewin = Lizzie--Mrs. Wilber Archer Mrs. Conti--Eva Graham Mrs, Barclay--Mrs. T. Samells. Music will be furnished between acts by the Hayden Orchestra. Ad- mission 25c., children 15c. Miss Jean Werry and baby Billie Werry, of Enniskillen, are staying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. : Miss Mabel Whittaker of Sault Ste Marie is enjoying a month's vacation with her parents at the rectory. . Mrs. S. A. Devitt is visiting her sister Mrs. Hill, of Richmond Hill. Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Jawl, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffrey. Among the Sunday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent with Mrs, Robt. Mahood; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ~~ Fitchette and Miss" Mary Montgomery, with Mr. and Mrs.. Leslie Graham. A very successful silver teh was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt on Thursday afternoon of last week with 54 present. The program consisted of a hymn, a reading by Miss Ethel Thompson; 'Paddy's Dream"; a read- ing by Miss Evelyn Devitt, and an "Old Saying" contest. Several out- door games were also enjoyed after which lunch was served by the group in charge of which Mrs, Nesbitt was convenor. The silver collection was e ®t wwe-- $13.06. BY : ; The August meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute which was held on Wednesday afternoon last in the Park, took the form of a picnic. The follow- ing races were run and prizes award- ed: 6 years and under--Winnie Swain; 7 and 8 years--Lenore Fallis; 9 and '10 year--Douglas Lamb; 11 and 12 years --Joyce Tetlow; 13 and 14 years-- Harold Crawford; married ladies' race --Mrs. C. Graham and: Mrs. C. Mar- low; Time Race--Mrs, Jas. Byers; Young ladies' race -- Miss Grace Mountjoy. A game of softball was also played at the close of which a picnic lunch was served. : Miss Helen Waldon, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home of her cousins, Smith Bros. Miss Susie VanCamp is the guest of Miss May Stevens, of Halloway. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Barton and sons Leonard, Tommy and Jimmie, and Mr. Thos. Barton, of Richards Landing, St. Joseph Island, are visiting at the home of Smith Bros. The annual Cartwright Decoration Day Service was held on Sunday last and was conducted in the Community, Hall and at the Cenotaph by Rev. Mr. Walker, of Janetville, assisted by Dr. C. E. Whittaker and: Rev. Mr. Bell. The Port Perry Band was in attendance and sounded the "Last Post". At the close the large crowd in attendance dispersed to the various cemeteries in which they were interested to decorate the graves of loved ones. Beautiful wreaths, sprays and baskets of flowers were placed at the Centataph by relatives and the various organizations of the Township. : See -- MYRTLE | Mr. Floyd Honey spent last week in Freelton, the guest of his fipdle Rev. J. 0. Totton. Mrs. Moyer, of Springiald, called on Mrs. Hattie Hudgins last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rodd, of Scugog, éalled on friends here during the week. » Stray dogs entered Mr. John C. f Lawrence's sheep fold last week and 3 worried the flock so badly that a lamb has died of wounds and others were quite badly torn up, Mr. W. Parish, of Brooklin, sheep valuator, was called and is making a report to the council: Miss Freda Hahn, of Ottawa, spent the week end at her father's summer home here, Mrs, Will Ross and three daughters, turned to their home at Moose Jaw, on Monday. Miss Laurine Bradley has been holi- daying with friends in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Al, Carmichael motor- ed to Muskoka with friends on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. James E. Beacock at- tended the annual memorial service at Blackstock on Sunday. Mrs. Greer, of Whitby, is visiting her brother, Mr. John Quinn. Mr. Russell Graham, of Detr oit, is holidaying with his father Mr. Wilfrea Graham. Mrs. Perey Pherrill and daughter Gwendolyn and friend Mrs. Robertson, are camping at her old home here. Mr. John Grant, our genial Post- master, attended the Canadian Corps re-union in Toronto, for the week end. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Frank Brown and family in the death of the former's sister-in-law Mrs. Williams, of Prince Albert. PRINCE ALBERT Rev. J. Donnell, of Saskatoon, re- placed Rev. Mr. Smyth in our pulpit on Sunday. Special interest was centered in Mr, Donnell when he told days here while attending Port Perry High School. During his discourse he stressed the need of a greater dpprec- tent by the people of this age of peed. ~~ - : Recent' village 'visitors: have bacn and are: With Mrs. Worden, Mr. and ronto; with Mr. and Mrs. Ramer, Miss Aileen Ramer, of Markham; with Mr. and Mrs. Luke, Mrs, Frise and Mr. Ben. Smith and son Earl, of Toronto; with Mr. and Mrs. A, Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb and little Jean, of Nor- wood; with the two Mr. and Mrs. But- sons, Mrs. L. Fox and two daughters,. Alma and Olga. Mr. and Mrs. W. Martyn and Miss last week. ed Mr. and Mrs. L. Bond enjoyed a de- lightful 'motor trip over the week end to points west, namely, Brampton, Guelph, Kitchener, London and Sarnia. The latter place impressed them by the prairie-like level of its surround- ing district. While walking along the St. Clair River they watched the large grain boats going and coming. The flower beds aloiig. che routerformed an impressive show of beauty. We are glad to see Mr. A. Woodley improving in health. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Williams and son Mr. E. M. Williams. We are pleased that Mr. Leonard Bond was the happy winner of the Electric Iron, at the Port Perry luck number contest on Monday. REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 50 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office . EE PETERBORO' EXHIBITION --The first big show of 1934. Generous Prize Lfst, Horse Races, H or seshoe Pitching Championship for East- ern Ontario, Special Features for Children, and the finest Junior to Farmers' Show in Cen- tral Ontario.. .General Admision 25¢. Write for Prize List. Come to the Electric City this year. EEN Children's Coupon EE This coupon and 10¢. will admit any} Child under 15 any day of the Ex- hibition. Extra Coupons are available from the Publishers. Peterborough Exhibition Board. pl LA esl eR AUG. 20 Gertrude were in Toronto a few days, us he had spent some of his younger iation of nature's beauties, which are]. {likely to go unobserved to a great ex-|- Mrs, W. Sonley and family, of To-|. ) Austin, of Toronto, are holidaying at|- CHEVROLET TRUCK OWNERS WROTE THIS AD! HAULS 1000 GALLONS 300 MILE RADIUS Loaded and ready to go! Photo shows new 1934 model Maple Leaf Heavy Duty Truck, leaving the supply tanks of the Great West Distributors, Limited, Calgary, Alta. This special tank job demonstrates Chevrolet's ability to stay on the job by carrying 1,000 gallons of gasoline per trip to service stations "CHEVROLET is the MOST ECONOMICAL" "I have driven competitive trucks for a number of years, but find Chevrolet the most economical," says Mr. J. R. Payne of Tillsonburg, Ont, "This truck (left) is drawing 7 tons of milk, 7 days per week. Milk must be delivered on time. That is why I chose Chevrolet . , ." Copy of Mr, Payne's letter ¢ Ye li may ta within a radius of 300 miles around Calgary. DRAWS 12 ton PAYLOAD Here is ruggedness and capacity for you! This 1933 Chevrolet Maple Leaf 2-ton tractor hauls a 12-ton payload, for Mr. Elgin Cronk- wright of Simcoe, Ont. "I have owned and driven trucks of various makes, and find Chevrolet the most dependable and economi- cal," says Mr. Cronkwright. F. W. BROCK & SON { The RED & WHITE Store price. the greatest value for their dollar Quality for Your Table at ~~ Lowest Prices Whether you operate within a budget, or have a more elastic system of buying, two things will dominate your purchase of food products-- their quality and price,Red and White Stores provide you with the opportunity of obtaining the maximum of quality at the minimum 'of Hundreds of Canadian families have learned that they receive by shopping regularly at our store. Large Tin of Tomatoes, per tin 8c. Ron pc RED & WHITE TEA, I's GOLD SOAP -- co. RED & WH!TE COFFEE, I's DEERE RE EE SE : 39¢. nw we nn te ow 1 Sn mom we non Bg in Ib 54e. = wh TAGE S188 RESI58 OIL CONSUMPTION NIL" PRODUCED IN CANADA A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE This 1934 Chevrolet Maple Leaf 2-ton Truck is owned by the Jas, McKenzie Cartage Ca., Fort William, Ont, In 5,000 miles service to date --no repairs--and oil consumption is practically nil -- the owners state. Hauled 514 to 6 tons per load on trip of 175 miles per day. The company says its next truck will be another Chevrolet, CT-54C CHEVRO L | § MAPLE LEAF H.R. Archer Motor Sales AND TRUCKS EPSOM The Rev. James Elford was much appreciated when he took charge of the Epsom circuit last Sunday. shall welcome the privilege ofghaving him with us on some other occasion. Epsom Sunday School had almost a record attendance last Sunday when 72 people attended. Epsom does not seem to be affected by the holiday sea- son. Everybody enjoys coming to their Sunday School. What is the reason for this record breaking at- tendance? There is a reason, and a mighty good one, the parents do not consider they have done their entire duty by sending their children to the Sunday School but they show an added interest--they bring them. RAGLAN Luke Celebration and Picnic The annual Luke picnic took place on Saturday, July 28th, at the beauti- ful home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron. It was also the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Luke, i family coming'to' Canada and this is the original homestead. The weather] was ideal and nearly one hundred gathered on the lawn. After a merry | chat all proceeded down the lane to aj cedar grove where everything was in; order for a gay time. Games and' sports for young and old were held and prizes given to the winners. The best sport was the eating of ice cream. At five o'clock the tables were set with good things and all sat down and en- joyed the splendid cooking. Speeches were then in order and Mr. Luke of Wel «pent one day last week in Toronto, who have been with relatives here, re- Tillsonburg, amused the crowd with his days with their grandmother in Ux- bridge. humorous jokes. People were present from Toronto, Kedron, Bowmanville, Tillsonburg, Oshawa, Whitby, Brook- lin, Raglan, Rachine, Wis, Courtice. At a late hour they departed for home and great praise was given Mr. and Mrs. Babcock is up and around a- Mrs. Luke for the use of their homel oh, We wish them both a speedy and grounds. It was voted the best; jand complete recovery. picnic ever held, and Mr. Luke gave . | Miss Jean Thompson has returned consent to continue holding the annual . : droit there poe after spending three weeks with : er aunt Mrs, A, J. Grose. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellington and| i ' : son Ronald, Mrs. Wm. Kellington, of ve and Mus. Humlily spot a day 1 * ' nae ' 4 ' Cl ee Toronto, spent the week end in Good- the city lagi wesk, wood. Mr. and Mrs. Miller spent the holi- Mr. and Mrs, Hignons of Weston day with her sons Clarence and Clay- visited at the home of Mrs. O. Bright, nn, a Tiude Briain. : on Sunday. Miss Ila Wilson, Mr. Fred Cox, of : Oshawa, spent S i > re Mis and. Mra; Ww. Wikion, of Osh Oshawa, spent Sunday with her pav awa, spent the holiday with Mr. and ents My. and Mrs. John Wilson, . Mrs. J. Wilson. Mrs, Davis spent the holiday with Miss Allie Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, fiends In Torawss, Bray and daughter Doris, Mr. Lloyd iiss Violet Thompson, Hazel Miller, spent Sunday with friends in Pierson, Hazel Grose, Messrs. Frank Oakwood. ' Grose, Charlie Fox, all of Toronto, Miss Ruby Wilson is spending a tow | SOON the weel: end here, days with her aunt Mrs. H. Stark, of | A number . Udora, street dance in Whitby last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Racham, of Toronto, repos, 4 good inte, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- i man Hambly. . Mrs. Worden, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, of Port Perry, spent a N \ day with Mrs. Wm. Bright, Sr. My, and Mrs. EK. Pascoe, of Brooklin, Mr y Mr. and Mrs, Balsam and sons, of r. and Mrs. Rozelle and family zion, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ormiston, of Enfield, spent the holiday with Mr. and Miss Daisy Bryant is spending two Mys, Avery. weeks with her cousin in Whitby. Little Dorothy and Billie Moon have A number from here attended the yeturned home after spending a week Mason picnic and. all report a goodl with relatives in Oshawa. time. Mrs, Stacey, of Prospect spent Sun- Pearl and Harvie Rozelle, have re- day with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Ww. turned home after spenitivg their holi- Babcock. Mrs. Carl Avery is not improving as fast as her many friends would wish to see her. Messrs. Ben and Lloyd Rozelle are spending some time with their aunt in Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ashton, of Detroit, from here attended the): i Kellogg' 8 Corn Flakes, 2 plgs. 15c. { | BOCKEYE SALMON, ¥'S ..o...oiiiiii ii, in 21. | MAZOLA OIL, Us ......... ooo... tin 29c. { VI-TONE, 12 0z. o.oo tin 47¢c. | | GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX, I's ............... tin 25c. WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE, medium bottle ............ 27c. § we i [) L ] . 4 Jewel Shortening, Ib. prints 2 for 19¢. , § SALTED PEANUTS Loo 2 1h 9c. § NOZINCRINGS ooo dozen 24c. || 3 WHIZ PLY SPRAY, S02. uti inunnivuaniiannns each 33c. \ | CHEF PORK AND BEANS, large .......... tin 10c. | GOLD MEDAL HEALTH SALTS... Ain le, { POST BRAN ...... 2 pkgs. 23c. } 4 MAJEAU JAVEL WATER ............. bottle 9c. ft "NUGGET SHOE POLISH ......... Sateen tam Be tin 12c. ¥ KOLONA COFFEE ............ 0. th. 29¢. ¥ JAR RUBBERS ..............0000.. "uss aan pkg. Ge. {! FALCON JELLY POWDERS ............. pkg. 5c. | 4 FALCON BAKING POWDER, (Tumbler free) ....tin 25c. 4 ¥ KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN ..... SOE pkg. 23¢. | sO PAROWAX 2 pkgs. 25¢. GOLD STANDARD SODAS, 1 Ib bag .......... 2 for 2lc. Fel Se i PEAS, Falcon No. 4, New Pack, 10c. Phone 43, pins aes ERE dR CHEE Cdl aie Seller She Port Perry TET EY Phone 201 N. EWERS & SON GENTS FOR MASSEY-HARRIS COY Reliable Machinery, a near home product for quick delivery. Also agents for Metallic Roofing Co. Products-- Galvanized Shingles, Siding, Sewer Pipe, Well Curbs, ete. Port Perry, Ont. Choice herds of R. W. open and bred Heifers, to blood test. food basis. HODSON, Catalogues on request, Miss Doris Bray is spending a few weeks with relatives in Oakwood. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ii. Luke, the week-end at the home of Mr, C. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday with Mrs, W. Luke. EARL CLEP SD 4 Te FIRESIDE PH" OSOPHER' By ALFRED BIGGS inppiness Is a state of mind. . * * Nature never duplicates. Tee A rich mind is better than a full purse, . * LJ After all, your's is only one point of view. LJ . LJ A day without a good deed is a day lost, LJ L] . A prosperous fool is a pain In the neck. . LJ L LJ Don't walt until he is dead before you pralge him. L LJ . The law assumes you're innocent until] you're broke. : J "we AUCTION SALE OF 40 HOLSTEINS 40 to be held at GLENHODSON FARM. BROOKLIN. ONT. FRIDAY, AUG All registered, fully accredited, and negative Never a reaction in our barns. YORKSHIRE SWINE A few choice Sows and Boars, Registered and Advanced Registry. Apply to Harris, Port Perry, agents for vendor. AN OUTSTANDING SALE R. White of Toronto, and Mrs. Shear, of Toronto, Mrs. from the West, visited over Rosebush, of Oshawa, on UST 17th, 1934 Brooklin, Fresh Cows, Springers, Bred on a profit for Harris & Wallace, R. W. HODSON. LOWER SCHOOL The following candidates wh owrote the Lower School Ixamination at the centre indicated were successful in the subjects stated.: Whithy-- Cameron, Clara--Eng.,, Grammar. Port Perry-- Bray, Doris--Geog., Zoology. Cochrane, Fdith-- Zoology Harper," George--Ilist., Geog., Bot. Lee, Kenneth--Gram,, Hist, Geog., 'Botany Malyon, Irene--Hist., Art. Till, Audrey--Hist., Botany. Till, Viona -- Gram., Hist., Botany. Slute, Merlin -- Zoology. Brooklin--- Clarke, Phyllis-- Pickering--- Andrew, John F.-- Richie, Walsh, Gertrude-- Geog., Hist., Geog., Art, on Hist. Arith, Frances B.--Arith. -Arith, et There is to be a double bill this week at the Strand Theatre, Uxbridge--on Thursday, Friday and Saturday-- Laurel and Hardy in "Beau Hunk" and "Broadway to Hollywood" ---- with Jackie Cooper. --vasiy el eC Sw Aen; og aa vg i oy te Hi! Neng em aA PR Re ATV EE % Y W 15 1) A {4 { 4 i a Ae . ya rr