bE hh gE eT A 2 f Sr " hy Ios -- at re res ] Page Eight -- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas Reynolds, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas Reynolds of the Township * of Cartwright, deceased, who died on the 13th day of July, 1934, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the "8rd day of September, 1934, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after September 3rd, 1934, the assets of the testator will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, | having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated July 26th, 1934. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for Thomas Reynolds Estate: . -- DON'T DRIVE Without Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Take advantage of our new low rates. (Fire, Accident, Plate Glass and Burgular Insurance also written at reasonable rates) E. H. PURDY Phone 33 Port Perry -- re ---- DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Burgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclinic, London, England, North East London. Poat Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office By C. H. Tuck, Optometrist and Eyesight Specialist PAY FOR VISION NOT BLINDNESS It has been an accepted fact for that a Lo ins BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. / We are offering good values--60 different designs in Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Grey and Blue Serges. Pressing 'and Dry Cleaning Done W. T. Rod nano... or eon, Perey. | DONT WORRY ABOUT FIRE! . Have your property properly insured at once | HAROLD W. EMMERSON = 5 and Pea sizes. FRED E. COAL! COKE! WOOD! We try to keep on hand at all times a stock of the following: COAlL--American Anthracite (Bin Coal) in Stove, Nut COKE--Hamilton Stelco By-product.--Range and Nut sizes. ALBERTA COAL--A car to arrive in October. order and hive it delivered off car and save money. WOOD--Maple Bodywood, Hardwood Slabs, Softwood. LUMBER--We do not stock every kind of lumber but have a very good selection to choose from. & SHINGLES--B. C. Red Cedar, Asphalt and Metallic. MARMILL FEEDS--For young chickens and laying hens. 'Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 733 Place your REESOR dersigned solicitors on or before the 3rd day of September, 1934, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after September be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated July 31st, 1934. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for Joseph Dowson Estate. pry ~~ some time, and statistics prove, there is a severe lack of seriousness' and a sad misconception on the part of | the gensrol public in "just buying © glasses." A commodity is sought and apparently very little importance is attached to the skill or thoroughness, "Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey. of the examination or diagnosis. In spite of the wonderful strides our civil- ization has made, to a big percentage of those seeking ocular sevvice and re- lief "Glasses is glasses' just as Irvin S. Cobb's "Pigs is Pigs." Fake and quacking at a time when the earning power of the individual is | lowered, is a criminal type of greed. With the health of the eyes involved, the public for a long time has been an' easy prey to cut price offers of bar gain price advertising of newspapers, come- on-bait advertising, house to house | pedlars and mail-order eye-glass con-" cerns. (To be continued.) ------ FOR SALE Farm of 1567 acres. 1% miles north of Columbus, '% mile west. Good buildings. Running stream. Immediate possession to plow. Full possession April 1, 1935. G. D. CONANT. K.C; Oshawa. -------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Amos Wright Campbell, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Amos Wright Campbell of Prince Albert, deceased, who died, on the 12th day of June, 1934, are hereby notified to send in to the under- signed solicitors on or before the 3rd day of September, 1934, full particu- lars of their claims. Immediately after September 3rd, 1934, the assets of the testator will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard. only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated July 26th, 1934. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for Amos Wright Campbell Estate, a NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Joseph Dowson, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph Dowson, of the Township of Mariposa, deceased, who died on the 6th day of July, 1934, are hereby notified to send in to the un- "day. SCUGOG | The Women's Association will en- tertain their friends next Tuesday afternoon, August 14th at the home of A good pro- gram is being prepared by the com- mittee--Miss Reta Milner and Miss Helen Carter. We hope to see another "interesting ball game 'between the married and single ladies. Everyone come and have a good time, We are glad to hear Mr. Raymond Fralick is doing fine after his opera- tion in the Toronto Hospital. Sorry to hear Mr. Donald Gerrow got a bone broken in his hand while "playing a league game of softball at Port Perry last Friday evening. We lave all very pleased with the good pA of our ball team. Ioveryone had a big surprise last Wednesday evening when the Port Perry Girls' softball team came down to play the last league game. As Port girls had never lost a league game this season our girls thought they would like to win one from them so they did. The game was very close, there being five runless innings. The game was fast and some splendid work was shown. Miss Leona Prentice, a young player made a sensational catch to finish the game. Well done girls! A large number of friends followed our ball teams to Port Perry on Mon- The boys won the softball tour- nament by defeating Manchester and Port Perry. The girls lost to Ux: bridge by a score-¢f 9-8. However, the girls have two field-day prizes to their credit this year, We congratulate. Marie winning the swimming race. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baxter, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Jackson. } Mr, and Mrs. A. Sweetman and baby Ann, and the former's sister Myrtle, of Toronto, were week end guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Sweet- man. : Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells and Mr. Walter Samells attended the degora- tion services at Nestleton, on Sunday. Mr. John Hardy has been busy re- pairings the Foot School yard fence, and redecorating the school. It makes a big improvement. A large gathering of young folk met Hood on at Stephenson's Point one evening last week and enjoyed a weiner roast and toasted marshmallows, Many games 3rd, | 1934, the assets of the Testator willl ro 1onto, visited the latter's aunt Mrs. were played around the bonfire. All are looking forward for another such evening. Mr. N. Aldred and Mr, W. Hadley, of J. A. Sweetman, on the holiday. The annual S. 8. and congregational picnic of St. Andrgw's Church was | held at Port Bolster on "Wednesday last. There were amusements for the young and old in the afternoon, Then about 100 sat down to a sumptuous repast prepared by the ladies. The evening was: spent in playing ball and having races for the children. Miss Christeria Thorburn is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison at Oakwood. Mrs, 'James McFarlane, of Port Perry, visited her son Mr, S. McFar- lane and Mps. McFarlane, last week, and attended the picnic at Port Bolster. \ Miss Bell and Miss McLean have been recent guests of Miss Marguerite Williamson. Miss Helen Ferguson spent the past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Luke attended the decoration services at Greenbank on Sunday. Miss M. Lunney visited Mrs. David Lunney last week, Myrtle Station We are glad to see the attendance at church is improving. We hope to see 'still more attend. Rev. W. E. Honey preaches splendid sermons. Next Sunday the service will be at 7 p.m. During the following week our pastor will be leaving for his vacation. the Grand Rally at Toronto last week end; Among them were Messrs; L. Woods and Frank Harrison, Mrs. Pharrell and daughter Gwen, also Mrs. Roberts, all of Toronto, on Sunday were guests of the former's uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock, also Mrs. Geo. Houston and son, of Toronto, attended the memorial service at Blackstock, on Sunday. Mr, Joe Ashton, of Detroit, was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Tordiff, on Friday. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tordiff entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Tordiff, of Barrie, Mrs. R. Dobson and Joan, of Oshawa, and Mr. Chas. Tordiff of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gray and daughter Mrs. Wyndsor and family, Mrs. Chilton and family, Misses Vera and Connie Farnden and Mr. W. Robins, of Toronto, were holiday guests of Mr.' and Mrs, E. Fines and Mr. and Mrs. P. Eyden. Mr. E. Fines attended the Soldiers' Y re-union in Toronto on Saturday, last. Mr. Fines was in the 116th. when in training but overseas they were the 118th Bn. He came home with a beret the emblem of the battalion. Ted met many a friend he was with in the months of battle in France. Mr. I. Trevail, of Oshawa, Miss M. Ashton, of Enniskillen, Mr. and Mus. S. Rodman, Miss Flora Miller, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Heayn, Jimmie and Douglas, of Port Perry, visited her father Mr. J. Milner, on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Elford exchanged with 'Rev. Mr. Denny, of Epsom, on Sunday. series iran SONYA Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meneely and family were in Galt, for the week end. Miss Mildred Prentice has returned home after spending ten days with her friend Miss Jean Wallaze in To- ronto. Fern, of Pontypool, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters. | Mr. and Mrs. David Broome, of Kin- sale, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Percy. | Mise Helen Graham, of Brooklin and », Russell Graham; of Detroit, were last week of Mr. W. Graham. Mr.'and Mrs. Frank Hall and grand- children, also Mrs. W. Lammiman and son Hilton, of Oshawa, were holiday guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. O. Lane. Mr. Wm. Dyer, of Columbus, called on friends here on Sunday last. Miss L. Stewart, of Oshawa, is holi- daying with relatives at the parson- age. ) A number from here attended the street fair and dance at Whitby laSt week and at Port Perry this week. The Women's Association are hqld- ing an afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. O. H. Downey, on Tuesday after- noon, August 14th. Everybody wel- come. | ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! {n the Port Perry Star. CAN IT BE DONE? = By Rey Gross Fe a a Ed ---- 45 -- 4+ + Pt ® Pe 6 47 el ee 4 0 a lr ¢ Jd ay, 14 dl -----r---- LADIES PURSE WITH DRAWER No SEARCHING THROUGH PURGE CONTENTS FOR CHANGE, LIPSTICIt, BTC., THIS SIMPLE DRAWER AT THE BOTTOM OR THE PURSE 1S EASILY ACCESSIBLE FROM THE { | CAN 17 8 DONE? ! | | { ; J Tn sind Do you think tau wen oy wp. acticnl? Write Hay Gross In care of this newspaper A number of our Veterans attended : _| missioner, Qur service is prompt, efficient and courteous. BOTTOM PRICES for high grade tires These are genuine Goodyear Tires-- Supertwist Cords. rugged "Speedway" Tread 9 months Prices susan - of other 39insth izes in defects. atid 8 SCR TI] proportion BEARE BROS. Port Perry FRESH WATER IMPORTANT When all classes of live stock do not have access to fresh water, they suffer considerably during the hot weather. The owner in turn suffers, as the animals, deprived of the re- quired amount of water, do not put on flesh 'or produce milk as they other- wise might. A good water supply is a necessity on every live stock farm, and provision should be made to niake it available to the animals. OE ESS Ontario Commissions (Whitby Gazette.) It may have come somewhat -of a shock to Ontario citizens to read that there are about seventeen government- appointed commissions operating in Ontario, and members drawing around $200,000 in salaries per year. Some of them are not full-fime employees but are allowed $15 'a'day for meetings but among the permanent boards and commissions we find the following: Minimum Wage Board, R."A. Stapells $3000, (part time); Margaret Stephen, $1515, H. G. Fester, $5,780; Mothers' Allowance and Old Age Pensions, Dr. David Jamieson $6,000; Civil Service Commission, Dr. J .M. McCutcheon, $6000; Board of Examiners of Oper- ating Engineers, James M. Brown, $3500, Wm. J. Scott $2400, Sidney G. Rose, $2400; Ontario Marketing Boara, W:-B. Somerset $4500; Agricultural Development Board, C. R. McKeown -| $8000, J. A. Ellis $7000, H, L. Cum, mings $1000; Ontario Securities Com- mission, Col. Geo. A, Drew, $10,000; Liquor Control Board, Stewart Me- Clenaghan and J. M. McNamara; T. & N. O. Railway Commission, George W. Lee, $7500; Board of Censors of Mov- ing Pictures, J. C. Baylen $3300,, Mrs, E. Phillips $2500, Edward J. Byrne $2000, Mrs. Pearl E. Thornloe $1900, Mrs. Eva Morgan $1900, J. B. Hard- wicke $1800; Workmen's Compensa- tion Board; V. A. Sinclair $14,000, Henry J. Talford $10,000, Geo, King- ston $10,000; Commissioner of Ontario Police, Gen. V."A. 8S. Williams $6000; Natural Gas Commissioner, Robert B, Harkness $4400; Settlers' Loan Com- F. Dane, $6000; Hydro- Electric Power Commission, Hon. J. R. Cooke $18,000, C. A. Maguire $8000, Hon, Arthur Meighen Cbsigacdy $8000; Teachers' and {reigned Superannuation, one member at $800, four at $660. + When one considers that these boards and commissions, costing about $200,000 a year in salaries, in addition to other costs of maintenance, are a part of the expense of carrying on the work of the Province, it brings a real- ization that we are over-governed. A glance at the salaries pajd to some of these officials would lead one to be- lieve that they are far from being pittance, and there may be reason to suppose that a good deal of the work could be carried on just as effectively as a branch of the government. J for face and throat. V. VIVAUDOU of Canada Lid., Toronto AVI 4 Mavis Talcum-- ased daily--is the sure and cerrain safeguard of the | loveliness of youth. It actually pre- | serves the fresh texture of the skin | and does not clog delicate pores or enlarge them. Absorbs perspiration and deodorizes. Mavis, in the familiar red conminer, is indispensable for men, women and children. : Use Mavis Talcum ALL OVER from ' shosiders dows. Mavis Pace Powder, i 55¢ $110 TALCUM POWDER We say our meat is GOOD. } Our customers say it is DELICIOUS We can supply you with the best cuts and at prices most reasonable. Phone your next order to us. We carry Fresh, Pickled, Smoked and Cooked Meats CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. A fresh carload of ST. MARY'S CEMENT just arrived. Also LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, etc, on hand. COAL - Famous Reading Anthracite that Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. You can always depend on getting the very best heat satisfaction COKE :-: HARDWOOD" :-: j 'when you order FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE. SOFTWOOD PORT PERRY COAL YARD - Phones--94 W and 94 J. W. G. W. PYATT "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" Prep-- Gerrow's Bread and Pastry are Delicious - This is the remark made by our customers... They are wholesome, too. If you are not a regular customer let one of our drivers call when on his route. You will be more than pleased with our goods and services. GERROW'S BAKERY . Bakers and Confeetioners, Port Parry. English Health Salts, 49c, per Large tin. _Dreskin & Italian Balm, Reg. 35c. each Introductory Price, both for 35c. Instant relief from Sunburn, 'greaseless & stainless. F lyocide-- preparations, Williams' Shaving Cream, Large size, & Williams' Brushless Shave,--70c. value Mr. J. H. Ste will be here on Regular 50¢. package for 20c: Kills flies and costs less than other Sold also in bulk. or 39c¢. henson, Eyeglass Specialist hursday afternoon, August 9th 'Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Phone 16 Ontario Prompt Delivery =a