de PSE ae" WIEST Sh EN 3 A a, / § Sx ee ee ee = es Home Treatments For Beauty and Grace A woman who is unable to go to cosmeticians, coiffure experts and ex ercise teachers for beauty advice should realize the value of home treatments and act accordingly, First, of course, she must bravely admit her defects to herself, figure out her needs and then be conscientious enough to stick to whatever routines she has planned, To begin with, there is that im- portant matter of weight, The girl who wants to be slender and supple should realize that home exercises are just as important as ones done under professional direction," She must use her will-power to keep from eating too many sweets and rich des- serts and to order a vegetable plate when what she craves are the starches and greasy foods on the#fitenu, She. must map out a careful daily beauty routine that will include com- plexion and hair treatments. If her skin is too dry, the wise woman will invest in a jar of tissue cream and use it every night before she goes to bed. 'She'll brush her hair each day and shampoo once a week and she'll get about learning how to push waves Into place. Each step, of course, will seem difficult at first and it will be months before her ways of beautify- ing herself even approach the per- fection of an expert beauty 'opera- tor's services, But it can be done and right now is a good time to start learning how. Gratitude Are we grateful enough for good things which we have on Earth? Do we not often think that the "other fellow" is getting along better, and getting more out of life than we are? If we would only stop and think for a few minutes, of the hundreds of things that we should be grateful for, and are not, we would indeed say, "what ungrateful people we are." It is the opinion of the Holy men of India, if children are not grateful to their parents they are thought very little of. We do not realize how easy it is to get into the habit of being ungrate- ful. Some people seem to find exceedingly difficult thing to thank you. It does not cost anything to say these two little words, or to do some little act of kindness to someone who has been kind to us. In this manner we show our gratitude in the finest way possible, ~ Do not do kindnesses to only the people who have been kind to you, but try never to miss being kind to anyone who needs and deserves it. Conscientious Dotty. Russian Egg Cup Hat Has Steel Pyramid on Top the this it an say, " Paris, -- Patou, in his winter fash. fon show combined the influences of Egypt, the Victorian age, Russia and the future, He launched a new onyx green and introduced crackled and antelope crepe, This wae an evolution of the sapphire blue, navy, black and green which Patou, "the color king" launch- ed in his spring show, Double brimmed hats with pleerust edges were another feature, There was also a Russian egg cup hat with a steel pyramid on top, A return to embroidery and cro- cheted jabots In angel wood thread ~-waa shown. Patou has been inclined more and more to fantasy in hats, In colors he is pushing black--solld black and black combined fittingly with slight touches of color, The black and white idea comprises what may bel called the uniform of the smart Paris. fenne, Bare Legs to Be Immoral in China Pelping, China,~--Bare legs, their ef- fect on morality and national econ. omy, {8 the grave question posed re. cently before Be, Chinese Natfonal government, . as The famous new life movement, with its "keep your clothes buttoned" and "don't split" slogans is the peg on which the hosiery makers in China have hung the question of bare legs for governmental consideration,' It the slim, lovely Chinesé girls and women of the treaty ports with their skirts slit nearly to the thigh don't go ~back to stockings the bare leg phase is likely to spread to the interior and bring abdut the ruination of the hos- fery industry in China, the stocking makers declared in petitioning the .Nanking Government to ban bare legs as immoral, ; DECADENCE OF TOMMY ATKINS, Keen observers -of the army are suggesting that British soldiers are losing their sex appeal, and you can't help feeling that the critics are right, ~ondon Sunday Chronicle, Speech Is too often not as the Frenchman defined ft, the art of con. cealing thought, but of quite stifling and suspending thought, so that there is mone to conceal~Carlyle, Q + 4 TURRET nas the UALITY thal counts | -and POKER HANDS, 7 / i AW IEE RSS N LEE EEE. EEF PEREIRETRERESR mE AESSE ETE EES ie BE aES ERS "ar EEE es Ea. -- LA REE BRE REEERS AREER EERE REE RRRER RE] AE EERE RERERERR ERE Be SEES ERREEREQERES ER EEE EEREREER It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO . We Recommend "CHANTECLER" or "VOGUE" Clgarette Papers FINANCIAL== ---------- J =f ------------------ ASHES Canada's place In the ranks of the world's mineral producers has prob. ably been the biggest single factor in the Dominion's recovery towards normal business conditions, Ranking first in the world In' the production of Nickel and Asbestos, second in Gold, Platinum, Radium and Cobalt, third in Copper and fourth In Lead and Silver, the grand total of over $220,000,000,00 worth of minerals was produced in 1933. If some forty years ago, someone had told you that the mineral output would reach thls stu- pendous figure about 1933, you would probably have thought that the pro- phet had lost his senses, and one could not blame him as, only a mat- ter of four decades ago, mineral pro- duction in Canada was a very small item in the business of the country. The growth during the past decade bas proportionately been much great. er than previously and appears to be gaining momentum as time goes on, Undoubtedly, the increase in the price of gold to about $35.00 per ounce,. has provided the stimulus which has led to the tremendous ac- tivity in old and new gold camps from coast to coast, and where there 'were some 216 active operations in | the auriferous quartz section of the gold mining industry in 1933, it is "probable that at the present time, the number is close to 300, In 1923, there were only 65 active operators in this field, at which time they employed $77,574.00 capital, hired b,- 524 men and paid about $9,000,000,00 in salaries and wages, while the cost of fuel and electricity used was $1, 497,000,00, In 1933 these figures had jncreased to $158,699,000,00 capital employed and 12,823 employees, draw- ing a total of over $20,636,000.00 in wages and salaries, while fuel and electricity. costs were $3,330,000.00, 1934 will undoubtedly see a further substantial increase in these figures, Classified Advertising BADIO NVESTIGATE our courses in radio television, sound, broadcasting, oper: ating, ¢., before seeking training elsewher8, Radio College of Canada Limited, Dept. "W.L.,"" 863 Bay St, To- ronto, Fall Wheat Fertilizer -- Order Now -- vee $35.00 $27.50 per ton per ton per ton per ton per ton per ton, ) rrr 32300 English Flsh Manure, $3 Terms, net cash. Freight pald on * orders of 600 lbs. and up, to points in Old Ontario. Agents wanted. 1 The Earle M. Grose Fertilizers West Toronto, Ontario : Write for prices on Atlacide Weed Xiller The Mining Industry Leads the Way as in addition to new operations, many of the older companies have expanded thelr activities, Not so many years ago, mining was looked on by the average business man as a vehicle for a-few promot- ers to make a living out of the un- wary, Today, the leading business and financial men {n Canada, United States and Great Britain have had torced on them the realization of the tremendous value of the industry to the Dominion. it 18 doubtful If the average person, Including those who purchase mining stocks from time to time, realize how much money is spent through the de- velopment of one mine to the produc- ing class, The Northern Micer in its recent annual issue, gives an example of this in Howey Gold Mines. Around this company's mine has been built a community of some 600 persons and in a carefully calculated estimate it is stated that some $850, 000,00 was spent by the Howey Mines, its employees and dependents fn 1933. Of this amount, some $120,000,00 was expended on local items, such as pow- er, coal, wood, water freighting, etc, In other words, some $730,000.00 was spent by these people at outside points, elther by mail or otherwise; It naturally follows that the largest part of this money found its way to manufacturing points, to the railways, to farming communities, to depart. mental stores, etc, When it is estim- ated that there are nearly eighty pro. ducing gold mines In Canada, some larger and some smaller than Howey, it does not take a great deal of Im- agination to realize the tremendous amount of new wealth which has been put in circulation in practically all classes of business through the pro- duction of gold alone, If producers of nickel, copper and other mineral pro- ducts are added to the list, it can again be readily seen the fabulous sums which are being spent by min- ing companies and their employees and families, From the above, it can thus be readily seen just what a tremendous asset Canada has in its mining in- dustry, On top of this, however, It must be kept in mind that outside capital As being brought into Canaua through the Industry, and that. the general public in the United States are rap- {dly becoming "Canadian mining con- scious," 1s indicated by the fact that only recently a group of people from Washington, D.C. sent a speclal rep- resentative to Toronto for the purpose ot looking Into the pos-ibilities from the viewpoint of the small investor, This representative happened to con- tact the writer, and, as a result of what was a very pleasant interview, it is likely that a group will come froin Washington in the near future 1ssue No. 35--'35 3 0200000 0 00.97070 0707070707074 16 [0 0747 XO LCA SOOOOCKIAI XEN XXX XARA dll JOHN WHITE & CO. | |: Yo 5) KS KI D(] be! : acrarlane Long Lac |||: 4 2) ne [5 WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO SUPPLY COM- a KS PLETE INFORMATION AND LATEST MIN- K3 % ING NEWS ON THIS PROMISING LONG LAC KS DEVELOPMENT, . 3 i INVESTMENT SECURITIES i x ; i i 100 Adelaide St. W. WA. 4816 Toronto | % ed OSB OOOOINEL EA SBD M X I IIIIK XX IRR RRXHAKIINNK) DOORS to visit one or more of the producing camps in Ontario, This is only one of many instances of American interest, whioh has been indicated during the past year or two, Canada has reason to he proud of the advancement made by the Min. ing Industry during the past decade. Poundmaker Makes Progress This company, holding about 700 acres located immediately north and west of San Antonio Mines in the Rice Lake Area of Central Manitoba, is re- ported as making good progress with it work, In earlier operations, a two- compartment -shaft was sunk to a depth of 325 feet with a winze to the 526-foot level. Independent engineers estimate that there is $450,000,00 in ore blocked out about the 325-foot level and that there is $1,000,000,00 In ore indicated to a depth of 525 feet, in addition to which there Is a substantial tonnage of commercial ore on the surface dumps, It is re- ported that there are some ninety tons of concentrates ready for immediate shipment, Dominion Motors Special Meeting A speclal general meeting of the shareholders of Dominion Motors Limited has been called for Septem. ber fitth, at leaside, for the purpose of considering the granting of author- ity to directors to sell the business in whole or in part on terms to be approved by the board, In the Notice to Shareholders, president J. A, Brand states that the company cannot re. engage In the production of automo. biles without being allied to a strong United States company, as rapld change In design and model of cars makes costs prohibitive for apn inde- pendent Canadian company, It is proposed to liquidate the busi. ness and realize something, if pos- -sible, on the investment of share. holders. MacFarlane Long Lac Gold Mines Stripping and trenching on the Numbers One and Two veins of this company's property are continuing and development efforts are meeting with decided encouragement, Pan. ning of these veins indicates good values and a wire from Mr. A, R, Far. rell, who is jn charge ot operations, states that shooting in Number Two vein hns resulted in opening up pro. mising-looking ore body, showing width of 10 feet with coarse, free gold showing on the north side, near the porphyry contact, It is understood that samples from both velns are be. ing prepared for shipment to the com. pany's head oflice in Toronto, and results of assays should be available shortly, MacFarlane Long Lac Gold Mines Limited holds a group of nine claims lying south and east of Long Lac Adalr Mines, in the Little Long Lac area. Company has an authorized ca. pital of 3,000,000: shares, of which ap- proximately 1,568,000 shares have been issued, Equipment Companies Antici- pate Business It Is understood that plans are un- der way for active resumption of 'manufacturing railway equipment in the near future, Some of the com- panies engaged in this business have kept open at a loss for several years, but unless orders appear shortly, it would seem likely that closing down of plants would be necessary, It is understood that before long, orders will be placed from Ottawa for new C.N.R. cars, along with other equip- ment, Companies that stand to bene. fit from the placing of such orders include Canadian Car & Foundry, Na. tional Steel Car and Canadian Bronze, while such companies as Dominion Steel and Coal and Algoma Steel, along with several other Industries, would benefit through call for raw material, . Blue Jay 3 Anne Altha Singletor. - Perhaps you are immoral-- A cannibal of birds-- Yet your blue is worthy A eulogy of words. A very scrap of Heaven Caught upon a tree: Cerulean robe and crown Make you wonderful to seel "There never was a good war or a bad peace,"--Benjamin Franklin, Have You Heard? ---- Here's the world's biggest gambler, the Farmer! He gambles with the weather, with the sofl, wih grass hoppers, with army worms, with grubs and a score of other offshots of the plagues of ancient Egypt, Every spring he takes a chance--a despe.ate and big chance. If he wins, as he does oc. casionally, he comes off with a big stake; if he loses, which he does more frequently, he bas a chance to try again, Happily he Is a good loser; or else the world would starve, "The Hick Town" A "higk town" you say? Now that is where | live, Wher we raise laters an' "flu", tans 0 streamline, new-fangled bus, And what you may call us we don't care a cuss, I'he hick town's the place where fer. tile brains grow, Where Edisons flourish you know; Where most of (the premiers thelr A B.Cs, Where many immortals grew up, if you please, A "hick town?" Why sure, but, may. haps, a "hick" From one of these towns shall wield the big stick; (for history proves such things come to pass, The fun-poking snob then wlll look like an ass, An' ride in , and Lincolns learn For (wo hours, at Intervals, the efficiency expert had been watching the man in the movle studio while the latter chewed on a pencil, Occasional. ly he would set something down on paper, but resumed hls meditation al. most Immediately. Exasperated the efficiency expert addressed the man: Efficiency lixpert--You are a writer in this studio, aren't you? The Man--"Yes," Efficlency Expert--"wWell, you write?" why don't Kissing your wife every day will en -- keep down the divorce habit, Give her a little spending money occasionally and don't forget to behave yourself, ind you'll trot through to the end in double harness, -- In this family there was a large vumber of small children, Little Wil. le, aged six, was taken in one norn- ing to see his father, who happened to be laid up with lutluenza, Little Willle was very quiet, almost rever. ent in the sickroom \When ii was time for him to go, he went up to bis {father's bedside, and sald: pop? - His Daddy--"Yes, son. Little Willle--Well, then, the baby? Men attract to them he positions that belong to them, A smal! magnet ever has the power to drag after it hig things, " ---- It depends on how your are getting along whether when 'he five o'clock whistle blows your pick up your din ner paid or your cane, A woman was trylng to be nice to the little girl whose mother was a great friend of hers, Woman--"1 hope you got along well at school last term, Now | wonder it you can spell horse." Little Girl--"1 could If | wanted to.: But don't you think it Is rather old. fashioned 7" ---- A citizen In a small town recently went into the office or the railway ag- ent at that town and demanded: Citizen--*1 want you to give orders that the engineer of the train that passes through here at 11.60 every day be forbidden to blow the whistle on Sunday mornings, Agent--"\Why that's impossible, What leads you to make such an un- reasonable request?" Citizen--"\Well, our preacher always greaches until "eg hears the train whistle blow --and that contounded train was 35 minutes late last Sun. day, Australia will spend $71,500,000 'on unemployment rehetl during the financial year 1931-35. "OH, YOU ARE GETTING FAT?" Woman's Action After Friends Remarks Now She's 49 Lbs. Lighter 1t you are one who hears remarks from friends about "getting fat," you will naturally be interested to hear this woman's story, Fortunately, it had a happy ending. Here is her letter: "} had put on weight gradually -- not noticing It myself -- until my friends kept saying to me, 'Oh, you ire getting fat.' '1 had myself weighed and nearly had a fit, 1 was 178 Ibs, and | am only 5 ft. 3% height, Then | saw an advertisement for Kruschen, try it, [ did so and today | weigh 129 lbs. and feel better, I continue to take Kruschen, as 1 find it [s still reducing me, and | wish to lose a little more weight, 1 am recommend. Ing Kruschen to all my friends." -- (Mrs) T, W. Kruschen Is an ideally balanced slend of six separate mineral salts. The formula represents the Ingredi- ent salts of the mineral waters of Carlsbad, Ems, Kissengen and other well-known European spas, which have been resorted to for generations by the overstout, Only in Kruschen can you get this precise combination of salts. The exact correctness of the and [ thought 1 would 5 os 53 Inches In... formula ol every batch ot Kruschen is checked by a staff' of qualitied chemists, belore no is passed for bot. tling. Kruschen -- the cause ol fat by assisting the internat- organs to throw off each day rose wusle pro- duets and poisons which, if allowed to accumulate will be converted by the body's chemistry into fatty tissue, I'hus Kruschen acts upon surplus fat only; if you. have no excess fat to lose, yon cannot tose weight with Kruschen, Krusehen Salts is obtainable at all Drug Stores at 45¢ and 75¢ per bottle, 8 See also today' CON, P.H.DEA COLONELT: tient -- a sof the Niagar? gthe stump an ationa first grain amc the Cana { their iohad barely wh > A has grown 4 Canada have oronrle, fie Hard ted pict Od paved the ir decades 2 agriculture ng with produc ard-ns le aders uccee ing nd pe stock ' cS ninsula W wn t h the © ultry, pigeons wl \Jrure can Prov NE ition. orses, PO . dern agricy als, featuring Bah tad blooded for valua he Fit the very bent se Show an and Speed iw ¥ 1xhibition. orchard to 1y $100, reatest ding events § wi rize list of appro re ovinces: are Br two of ident i "bi ig year OOD A. HUGHES: fon Ont sie and Society's 6, quipment and m achinery: EL eral Manager the Standart ad in farm ¢q 3 z > o > z ORONTO AUG.24-TO-SEPT.8 Little Willie--"1 blo good, ain't I kin I see