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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Oct 1934, p. 4

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oh ' en a . fe We il Lo NE i nS 5; on e on SO a gh a eh AIRE icy i ara ren, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving Page Four LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stonehouse, of Larimore, North Dakota, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Collinson, of Minneapolis, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L: G. Hall. Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Rose and child- week-end with his parents Mr." and Mrs. Geo. Rose. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Price, of Wel- land, spent the week end with Mr. ana Mrs, P. G. Morrison, ---- Pee, APPOINTED JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Word has been received of the ap- pointment of Mr. Allan Wallace as Justice of thé Peace for Port Perry. We congratulate Mr, Wallace on his appointment, RI CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jas. Hortop and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and be- reavement of Mr, Hortop. --_-- RETURNS FROM WORLD TOUR (The New Outlook) The Rev. P. Bruce Thornton, who a few years ago resigned from the pastorate of St. Paul's, Winnipeg, to undertake a world tour, has returned to Canada and proposes during com- ing months to lecture on his travels, Dr. Thornton visited Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Japan and Egypt, and has many slides and motion-picture films of the places visited. With his well-known power of description and fine platform ability, his lectures should prove ex- ceedingly popular and instructive. Dyring his travels he paid. particular attention to work amongst young peo- ple, taking part in youth conferences in many lands. He has returned with a profound admiration for the work that is being carried on in this realm of Christian activities in various parts of the world, We were pleased to know that he found "The New OQOut-}. look" warmly welcomed at the head- quarters' oflices of various churches he visited. A ra." AUDITORS' STATEMENT We have audited the books of the Port Perry Business Men's Assocla- tion, and have made our report there- on to the executive. The accounts were found to be in order and verified by proper vouchers. The gross receipts from the annual sports day and dance held on August 4th, 1934, amounted to $964.60. The expenses amounted to $833.86, leaving a net profit on the day of $120.64. Audited as of Sept. 1st, 1934. G. W. Manning and R. J. Harris. --_------ to -------- ---- THANK OFFERING SERVICES AT PORT PERRY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Thank Offerng services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. at St. John's Presbyterian Church next Sunday, October 14th. The special speaker will be Rev. W. G. Smith, of Glenarm, o pray REPORT OF 8.8. NO. 3, SCUGOG June examinations. Hon. 76. Pass 60. Entrance class--Earl Clarke, Clara Hardy, Jean Hood. Jr. IV--Douglas Crozier 58. Sr. IHHI--Murray Clark 85, Robert Crozier 85, Joy Hood 68.5. Jr. III---Woodrow Edgar 64, Ernest Edgar 61.5. Sr. HI--William David 75, Helen Clark 70. Jr. II--Owen - Reader 179, Crozier 62, Leonard Clark 61.6. Sr. Pr.-- Doris Clark 68, Willena Goose (absent.) Jr. Pr.--Shirley Elliott. Keith Crozier, Ruth Hazel V. Akney, Teacher. ASSESSMENT ROLL The Assessment Roll of the Cor- poration of the Township of Reach for the year 1934, having been adopted by the Council as the Assessment Roll for the said township for the year 1935, and upon which the taxes for the year 19356 will be levied, has been returned to me as of the 1st day of October, 1934; and any appeals against assessments therein must be made to me in writing on or before the 24th day of October, 1934. A 'Court of Revision to hear appeals, if required, | will be held at the Township Hall, Manchester, on Saturday the 8rd day of November, 1934, at two o'clock in the afternoon. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk, Township of Reach. EE tect cm ---- ------ ---- PRINCE ALBERT Last Friday was a school holiday owing to Miss Laird attending the teachers' convention at Guelph, Mon- day being Thanksgiving Day the pupils enjoyed a long holiday. Rev. Mr. Mckee, of Little Britain, preached here last Sunday afternoon as Rev. Mr. Smyth preached the an- niversary sermon at Valentia, At the meeting of the Young Peo- ple's Society held last Wednesday evening, Miss Laird was again chosen as President, Miss Margaret McCrea, as Secretary, and Mr. Wm, Lyle as Treasurer. Misses L. Murphy and G, Martyn and Messrs, R. Lyle and C. Clarke were appointed heads of the different departments, We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. L. Smith, but wish to con- gratulate Mrs, Sellers on reaching her ninety-first birthday last week. Mrs. E. Farquaharson of Toronto, is the guest of her cousin Miss Tewkesbury. Mr. and Mrs, T. Dobson motored to Alliston last week, with their son Mr. H. Dobson, of Toronto, to visit their daughter Mrs. Stump. Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams and son of Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with their father Mr. kd. Williams. Mr. and Mrs, L. Thompson of Man- chester and Mr. and Mrs. L. Honey and children also visited Mr. Williams on Sunday. } 1 7 SUNDERLAND Mr. Edwin Harrison, of Toronto, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrison over the holiday. Mr. Jim Ross, of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents Dr. and Mrs. Ross. Misses Olive Wilson and Marjorie Harris spent Thanksgiving with friends in Whitby. Mr. B. W. Switzer spent the week end with his mother in Toronto. Messrs. J. W. Pinkham and R. L. Pinkham, of Brechin, both of the Bank of Commerce staffs, also Misses D. Babcock, of Lindsay, and Iva Brethour of Vallentyne, visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pinkham, over the week- end, Mr. Fred MecClary, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Frank McClary. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McMullen spent and Belleville. Messrs. Bruce Oliver, G. W. Clay, J. W,, R. L. and G. G. Pinkham, at- tended the championship lacrosse game between New Westminster and Orillia, held in Barrie on Monday. Mr. Jack Elliott of Brechin visited friends in town last week. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, at 8 p.m. Roll call to be an- swered by a Hallowe'en superstitution. This is an open meeting and everyone will be 'made welcome. A good pro- gram is being prepared. Refresh- ments served. eee The dance held in the township hall on Monday night under the auspices of Sunderland Amateur Athletic As- sociation was a decided success. The music supplied by Glen Wagor and his orchestra kept the large crowd in good spirits with excellent music, held in Sunderland on Friday, Oct. 5, with a large crowd and the weather was all that could be wished for. The following Continuation Schools took part: Beaverton, Sutton, Fenelon Falls, Little Britain, Cannington, Woodville and Sunderland. The meet was divided into two classes Senior and Junior. The results will be pub- lished next week: "The FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER' By ALFRED BIGGS * Nobody 1s indispensable, N LJ * * Never take love for granted, L * LJ History will call ours a dark age. * se Quick temper spells poor judgment, LJ LJ * Cheerfulness breaks down adversity, e+» Grief for the dead is a form of self-pity. * se Laws that clagh with common sense should be nullified - . LJ . ORDERS TAKEN. FOR WINTER | APPLES Apply to F. W. Bradley, Phone. 256J 3 . i You would think they expect to live forev, the week end with friends in Trenton The annual joint Field Meet was], By the way some folks go-aftor acrid) Beatty Electric ress eresd ONE DAY SELLE LRLLEG04440000 040000000004 rocoses ve Ladies' and Misses' Dresses iuits and Coats All Seasonable Styles and Colours AFTERNOON AND EVENING OF | SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 Mrs. Hall's Millinery Store, rorr perry SALE OF PPP rete eter tttettetettesteeetteteeeseety PESO PRI RR eesti ittteitetetsosnetottisd BOOP REI R OPPO Ra RO thr ttre a tit iiteeinitneetnttetsnesssss W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am, to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyclinle, London, England, North East London, Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, .Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, - -------- er PD CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 7 p.m.--Evening Service, a. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH icev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A. Minister 7 p.m--Evening Service, * PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE wishes to announce that we have a full line of Fall and Winter Goods, at prices to suit your purse, call in and compare our prices and merchandise before you do your fall shopping. It will pay you well, . We also pay top prices for Fowl and Apples For information phone 177 "A. GILBOORD, PROPRIETOR 2a PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A., B.D,, Minister. Sunday, October 14th-- Rev, F. R. Vanderberg, M.A., B.D,, of Sebright, will have charge of all services. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. Thursday, '8 p.m.--Prayer Service. ND Beeman "OUR HERITAGE" Being the Poplular Report of The British and Foreign Bible Society for 1934, by the Rev. John Pat- ten, M. C, M. A. Literary Superintendent "The Bible in the mother tongue is the rightful heritage of all men." Around this principle the current Pop- ular Report of the British and Fo- reign Bible Society centres. Seldom has any useful information in regard to its activities, linked as it is with an historical survey of the progress of Bible translaton in the English tongue and the power this Book has had when translated into the mother tongue ot many peoples. The titles of the chapters are in- dicative of the contents of the report: "The Priceless Heritage of the Bible"; "Sharing the Heritage with the British Commonwealth"; "Sharing the Whole World"; "The Blessing of the Heritage in the Mother Tongue"; "The Cost". The booklet is well il- lustrated and beautifully printed and produced, the frontispiece represent- ing the last moments in the life of the Venerable Bede. A section, short of necessity, is devoted to Canada and the spread of Bible Society activities in the Dominion. ~ Each chapter is. prefaced by quotations from leading representatives of the various church- poets and writers, ancient and modern as diverse as Aristotle, George Her- bert and V. Sackville West. The cost of this world wide task of publishing and circulating transla- tions of the Scriptures is emphasized, and the need for increased support clearly indicated. In this respect the report concludes with a sentence from the 'late Sir Henry Jones, "How they are to be envied who, having the ability to do this kind of thing, have also the heart to do it." : This second report from the gifted pen of Rev. John Patten justifies the favour with - which his last year's report, "Tell the World" was received by the general public, and none can rise from reading it without feeling how great has been the influence of the Bible on the British race and all its institutions; how dangerous it will be if that race misuses or neglects that heritage; and how urgent is the call to make this Book the heritage of "all kindreds and peoples and tongues." ee tl Pee FOR SALE | \ Waster, new-+ guaranteed--for balance of pay- ments, Apply Carnegie Hardware. es, and some very apt quotations from]. ast Whitby, on Tuesday, Oct, 23rd, Po MARRIED At the United Church parsonage, Scugog, on Monday, October 8th, Mr. Raymond Nott, of Egmondville, was married to Miss Winnifred Kruse, of Seaforth, The ceremony was per- formed by the groom's uncle Rev, Jas. Elford, who in 1904 officiated at the marriage of Mr. Nott's father and mother. After a trip to points in New York and Western Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Nott will reside on the groom's farm near Seaforth. oo Markets (Quotations to shippers) BUTTER-- Creamery Solids, Seconds CHURNING CREAM-- (f.0.b. country points)' Special 19, No. 1, 18; No. 2, 16 EGGS-- : Grade A--large 27. Medium 26 Brade B--19. Grade C--16. f No. 1 POTATOES--Bag .......60c. to 65c. POULTRY--A grade, alive Spring Chickens ........ 12 to 17 Fatted Hens ...,..........8 to 11 Old Roosters ...... $3 nas vies «6 Pullets .....0eiivibervnessnniedd Ducklings ..... Sr ries 10 to 12 LIVE STOCK-- Bacon Hogs (off trucks) ....$7.35 Butcher Cattle ......$2.00 to $5.00 Heifers ....... vee $2.60 to $4.85 Cows ......uinn +000. $1.00 to $2.66 Bulls-.......v i ...$L.76 to $2.75 Fed Calves .........$4.75 to $6.50 Store Cattle ........ $2.26 to $3.26 Weighty Steers ......$3.00 to $6.00 Lambs 3..... 0.505. ...$5.00 to $6.00 Sheep ........ vee. $1.00 to $3.00 PERE = SE Again for the last time, Manager Shulman has procured that special picture, Marie Dressler in "Dinner at Eight". Mothers and friends your last oportunity to see "Dinner at Eight". On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 1, 2, and 8. No ad- vance in prices. bridge. niin. ui AUCTION SALES The undersigned has received in- structions from Mrs. H. McKinley, Lorne St.,, Port Perry, to sell by auc- tion .on Friday, October 12th, all her household effects, Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. * x4 On Saturday, October 13th, -there will be offered for sale the house hold effects of the late Mrs, Wm, McClin- tock, at her late premises, Borelia Hill; Port Perry. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctionéer, : * % % Of fine dairy herd, T.B. tested and high government milk test, Horses, Swine, and Implements, the property of E. W. Allin, lot 16, Broken Front, at 12.30 p.m. tioneer. Elmer' Wilbur, Aue- \ Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) - £ grippe, ete. OUR PRICES ON Wampole's Cod Liver Extract .............. $1.00 Puretest Cod Liver Oil 16 ounce $1.00 Squibb's Cod Liver Oil '(Mint or Plain) 50c. and $1.00 Ayerst's Cod Liver Oil (Plain) ...,....50c. and 8Yc. Ayerst's 10D Cod Liver Oil ; 67¢c, and $1.69 Kepler's Cod Liver Oil and malt EREREE 1 and $1,50 RESISTANCE--That an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is a very old proverb and nowhere is it better illustrated than in the taking of Cod Liver Oil and other products containing Vitamins 'A and D. Now is the time to build up resistence to winter colds, coughs, THESE ARE RIGHT Parke Davis Haliver Oil *, Capsulles ....... ra $1.40 Ayerst's Calcium A Capsules : Squibb's Adex Tablets ...$1.00 Puretest Cod Liver Oil : Capsules ......75¢c. and $1.25 Frosst's Neo-Chemical 'Food ! $1.00 Parke Davis Irradol-A Malt Co. .... EERE ER .$1.50 Phone 49 GETHER-z==a= Le One Tight ERAN Chm his shoulder; "DA A great educational picture. to her fellow soldiers. Coming --Marie Dressler in "Dinner (Remember the dates) ERE A M. LAWRENCE "THE REXALL STORE" Strand Theatre, Uxbridge | Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 11, 12, 13 Special Attraction, Claudett Colbert, Clark Gable and Walter Connolly in, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 15, 16, 17 Gloria Stuart and Ralph Bellamy in - "AIRMAIL?" The ace of all aviation pictures is "Airmail", It opens with a crash and closes with a crack-up. A cocky. pilot who carries the mail and a chip on a woman who is faithful to love but no one man; a reckless manager of an airport who is father and friend. See these people and the personal drama against the spectacular background of airmail service. With Gloria Stuart, Ralph Bellamy and Slim Summerville and comedies. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 18, 19, 20. Sybil. Thorndyke as Edith Cavelle in Cavelle, the nurse, risked her life for loyalty : Heroic war picture. Special matinee Friday afternoon at.8 p.m,, admission 10c¢, and 1bc. Time Schedule--Show commences every night except Saturday at 8.30 p.m. On Saturday, 2 shows, commencing at 8 p.m. and 9.45 p.m. Holdays and special pictures commence at 8. p.m. and 9.45 p.m, Port Perry "It Happened One Night" Together for the first time, Clark 'Gable and Claudett Colbert, the screen's most alluring woman. Glam- _orous! Enchanting! Divine! They give the best performance of their careers - still playing in Toronto theatres to "capacity houses. See it.|" "special at 25¢. and 16c. WN?" See it, October 18, 19, 20 at Eight", on November 1, 2, 3, {and IROOFIN { We Carry a Full Stock § of Lumber and Roofing § Materials -- Frames, § Sash and Doors mai to order. Try us and get results I Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 . PORT PERRY, ONT. § Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and. Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times, DISNEY BLOCK Oshawa. Celi Opp. Post Office, Phone 16516 'The Creamery IS PAYING 22¢. 21c. and 19¢. FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to PORT PERRY 'CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON. Proprietors LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in the office of H..W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street : Phone 264 Ss Phone after hours: 8514 Oshawa. Pr------ ' SE -- Strand Theatre, Ux- 5 THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY -- FROM --* - BERT MacGREGOR read PHONE 98, = - WE SUPPLY GOOD BREAD, and. Wholesome, appetizing Pastr CHAMBERS' BAKERY Pasteurized Products ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone | to 238. We do the rest, PORT PERRY DAIRY G. OWEN, Proprietor, is the STAFF | of LIFE... | - PORT PERRY Win fl your orders Eyes Examined Accurately F. E. LUKE & SON Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto (Upstairs opp. Simpsons) PRICES Suits sj.01ged and pressed ~~. 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 ~ C. P.ROLPH - Over the Observer Office FOR RENT 1100 acres, lot 24, con. 0; Cartwright. 65 acres tillable, remainder wood and pasture Apply to Mrs, David Heaslip, anetville Station. octll i FOR RENT 100 acres form land, Lot 9, Con, 2, Reach. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Tripp. Whitby, ¥ FARM FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 100 acres, good buildings, good soll, plenty of water. . Apply to R, D, Woon, phone 80j, ! tf. Phone 238 ewe CABINET MAKER | FURNITURE REPAIRING Faminong and Upholstering order. Car- penter work, Saw Filing, : "0. King, home Mrs. J. Ploughman > » ~ pe --- ES "a. REDUCED PPE

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