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Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Nov 1934, p. 2

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hy ---- A$ Et § onc A YE FRETTED AND FUMED AT SLUGGISH DRAINS A secnsec aust! It dissolves clogging grease --never harms the plumbing WwW HY beannoyedbystopped- up drains? It's so easy to keep them clear and free-running. Simply sprinkle Gillett's Pure Flake Lye down each week. Use it full strength--it will notin any way harm the enamel or plumb- ing. It cuts right through all clogging matter . . . kills germs and destroys odors. ' It'seasytobeyourownplumber this workless way, and you've no unwelcome bills to pay after- wards! Get a tin of Gillett's Lye from your grocer today. It will save you hours of unnecessary . scrubbing and rubbing all over "the house. Never dissolve lye in hot water. The ac- tion of the lye itself heats the water. FREE BOOKLET--The new edition of the Gillett's Lye Booklet gives doz- ens of practical hints for saving time and work with this powerful cleanser and disinfectant; also contains full di- rections for soap making, thorough cleansing and other uses on the farm. Address Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Avenuc& Liberty Street, Toronto, Ontario. GILLETT' LYE som i| brance of the -------- C--O i ih 17 & Len CRY SRN IV ENS Pn S------- { TUDOR. SYNOPSIS Michael sorde, 4¢ unmarried, born and bred In a Binninghuin slum, is now a wealthy motor manufacturer. One day he visits the countryside around his old home and rescues Daphne Eden from a menacing tramp, He falls fio love and proposes. Daphne accepts and introduces him to her father, who greets hlin with the words "Get out of here you cur -- you ruined my home -- stole my wife -- curse you!" Daphne's father dles and she disap pears. Michael explains to her friend. Mrs. Gregory. that he was misrepre sented. He buys the old 'I'udor House owned by the Hamill-llardy's. Mrs. Gregory promises to mall a letter from him to Daphne arranging a meeting Daphne does nol appear, On the way home Michael collides with a car driven by Diana Hamlill-Hardy. n-- Daphne was holding her hands tightly, but she gave no other sign that the news had broken her com- posure, First her father, and .now Lorna Gregory, the only friend she had in the world, All at once remem. spray of blossoming hawthorne came back, and Mrs, Mea- dow's distress, "put it outside. You'll bring death } into the house," she had cried fran- tically. Now news of death reached: her, "Oh, Denis," she sald, in a low volce, 'this is dreadful, Thank you tor coming, though, You are right, 1 should have worried, indeed 1 have worried, over not getting any reply to my last letter. 1 thought" she turned away and her eyes fell upon the illustrated paper. The thought had entered her mind that, knowing of this engagement, Mrs, Gregory had not written, for in her last letter to her, Daphne, for once, had revealed a little of her un- happiness, "Come in here", she said, opening the door that led to the farmhouse parlor. "Mrs. Meadows won't be long 1 expect, Come in here and tell me all about it." Two cretonne-cushioned wicker chairs beside the open window look- ed inviting, and Dahpne sank into one and motioned him to the other, 2hen she looked at him frankly. i me what you know," she said quietly. "Of course this is a shock, but she was never strong, so I ought to have been prepared," Instead of speaking at once, he laid his suitcase on his knee, and opening this, took from it.a folded newspaper, "It was this made us feel you ought to know, although we don't know that it has got anything to do with Mrs, Gregory's affairs", he said. "But there was a gentleman down from London, and Mother thinks he may be her lawyer. Just read this, Miss Eden," and he passed the newspaper to her, where, heavily marked, lay something in the advertisements: "Miss Daphne Eden, late of Tren= kills Farm, Fairburn, Warwickshire, is requested to communicate with Messrs, Bennett, Downing and Dow- ning, of Galloway House, Portman Square, London, W, 1, where she will hear of something to her advantage. Any person knowing the whereabouts of the aforesaid, if commuincating with Messrs. Bennett, Downing and Downing, will be suitably rewarded," "That has appeared several times," he said, 'Mother said she and I must not do anything without your consent, but when it kept on appearing, I thought it was better to come and see you," "You mean," she asked, "that this has something to do with Mrs. Gerg- ory's death?" "Well, it might be worth while find. ing out, Miss Eden," he said. "At any rate, it commits you to nothing, and you may be better oft through it," Toney EAlmond CREAM The . By MRS, STANLEY WRENCH (Author of "Sing for the Moon" "Strange Lovers," etc). ACK ICICI ICIOICIICICI CIRC ICI SOIICICI ICIOIK HOUSE She nodded, asked a few questions about the chicken farm, learned that it was being carried on the same &s8 usual, and Daphne Eden looked very thoughtful, Those paying pupils were efficient girls, all of them, but with no one at the head of things, it would be impossible to carry on, She sud- denly made up her mind. After all, Michael Borde was noth. ing to do with her now; .there would be little llkelihood of meeting him; she would go back to the 'cottage, and at the same time make an appoint ment with Messrs. Bennett, Downing and Downing, and find out what the "advantage" was, She looked across at Denis Birch with a smile, "Thank you for telling me about this, Denis", she sald, "I shall go to London tomorrow," and she rose with an air of dismissal, He got up, too, but his face was flushed, he seemed hesitant, and al- though for & minute or two she was not aware of this, gazed at her with shy adoration. 3 "Miss Eden .... Daphne he be- gan, and then stopped short, for she was not looking at him, and her thoughts seemed far away, WHAT THE LAWYER SAID, | In spite of their address, Messrs, Bennett, Downing and Downing were old-fashioned, and the little room, in which Daphne waited smelled fusty and as though jt were seldom used. A lanky-limbed, elderly clerk with face like parchment, came in and lighted the gas:fire, glancing at Daph. ne almost reproachfully. "You are ftve minutes ahead of time, miss," he said, "Mr, Downing will see you in a little while," Later, he led her through another room, bulging with tin cases, files, ponderous volumes, and from their ancient, high desks, two grey-haired clerks glanced up as she passed. Da- phne was reminded of a graveyard. It seemed to her as though this room was the repository of secrets, buried hopes, a cemetery of scandals, The baize-covered door leading from this connected the outer offices with the newer building, and here light and more harmonious conditions reigned, The room into which she was ushered might have been a mod- ern business office, and the low lea- ther chair into which Mr, Downing waved her, after shaking hands, was comfort embodied. "You have seen our advertisement then, Miss Eden?' he sald, seating himself at the leather-topped table, "As I assured my partner, that is by far the most speedy way of reaching a client, likewise far more dignified than employin a private enquiry agent, That of course," and he plac. ed the: tips of his fingers together, smiling at her benevolently, "may be a matter of opinion, but I feel sure 'you will agree, ........ " » . She bent her head, caring little whether Messrs, Bennett, Downing and Downing employed one method or another, . "You wanted to see me... " she began, but he was not to be hurried, and Daphne had to wait whilst he carefully sauntered through a pre- amble of arranged conversation, slow- ly arriving at the point to which he wished to direct her attention, "Our client, Mrs,. Gregory, made a will two years ago," he said, "As possibly you know, she was a wealthy woman," Daphne did not know this, but gave no sign that the news surprised her, "When her husband Captain Greg- ory died out in Kenya he left every. thing to her, but since then thé es- tates have been managed under our supervision and under our advice," he continued, "The property in this country too has been left entirely in our hands, Mrs Gregory being con- tent to draw what interest she wish. éd from the income of the various properties, "As perhaps you know, the chicken farm she ran at Trenkills was a mere hobby with her, and was never seriously regatded as a 'paying proposition." : Again Daphne, not aware of this, Fe-- rr -------- i ---- | Fresh from' the Gardens gave no sign, beyond the merest in. clination of her head, "Two years ago our client made a will in which 'you were named as legatee," he aid, eyeing her close: ly "The chicken farm, the freehold of the estate there, and a certain sum of money, invested properly and un- der wise surveillance, was left to you," Daphne flushed then. . "Iwas not aware of this," she sald in a low voice, 'Mrs, Gregory nevet spoke of this to me," He peered at her over his glasses, "So I understood when she called me in again, the day before her death," he sald, "It may appear that Mrs, Gregory had some premonition of what was to happen, for although I went down to 'Trenkills, at a time when I understood you were absent, she was most insistent that the new codicil should be added and witness. ed without delay, As it turned out," he bowed towards her, "so far as you are concerned, my dear"young lady, she was wise, for unfortunately that night she died in her sleep, Heart failure, of course, She had suffered for years, So what it means is that you are heiress to her estate, and are sole legatee, That means you inherit all personal property and monies, which are considerable, as well as certain investments which 1 will go into and describe." Daphne gazed at him, too bewilder. ed for a moment even to voice a ques- tion. "Assuming, of course, that you will desire us to continue to act on behalf of the estate, I have prepared a rough statement here, and have likewise made arrangements, which will re- quire only your signature, and a pro- portion of the money, say one thous. and pounds, will be transferred. auto- matically to your private account, Of course this represents only a small portion of the estate, but assuming that you may be glad to have com- mand of some ready money, this can be secured, if you, desire, this. morn: ing." > "Do you mean," she asked in a low volce, "do you mean there is actually more than a thousand pounds to come to me?" Mr. Downing waited & whole half- minute for the significance 'of his next remark to reach her, - (To Be Continued,) CONSERVATIVE, A sports writer says there are 300 kinds of games played with balls, There's more than that many kinds played with golf balls alone. That Depressed Feeling Is Largely: Liver Wake up your Liver Bile - --Without Calomel You are "feeling punk" simply be- cause your liver isn't fonting its daily two pounds of liquid bile {into your bowels. Digestion and, elimination are both hampered, and your entire system is being polsoned. ' What you need is a: liver stimulant. Something that goes farther than salts, mineral water, oll, laxative candy or chewing gum or roughage which only move the bowels--ignoring the real cause of trouble, your liver. Take Carters Little Liver Pills. Pure- ly vegetable, No harsh calomel (mer- cury). Safe. Sure. Agfk for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 26c at all druggists. MAKE YOUR FALSE TEETH HOLD FAST Eat, talk, sing and shout and never fear embarrassment. Your false teeth stick all day long when you sprinkle on Dr; Wernet's Powder--they fit snugly--comfortably-~they can't slip. Prescribed by world's I fig densisia --they know it's the best! ts but TRADE MAHAR REGISTERED, IN CANADA EpwARDSBURG N BRAND 'CORN SYRUP The famous energy sweet- an easily hil ren, and enio ed by the' -producing gested foo able for infants, growing ' whole family. little--any drugstore. Bread Mother Used To Bake Always Had Heavy - Streak in It NEW YORK---Isabel Ely Lord, noted cooking expert, flouted the sentimentalists who long for the old- fashioned cooking of their mothers, "There has never been better home cooking than there is today," | she said, "Remember the pies that mother used to bake on Saturday to last the week? Today women bake them to order, i "Remember the fried steaks? No one would think of frying a steak to- day. They broil them instead. 'Remember the home made bread? There was always a heavy streak in it somewhere." College-Trairied Secretaries Go Far "College-trained secretaries are pre- ferred by banks, insurance companies advertising firms department stores, publishing houses, brokerage and othér offices," in the experience ' of Dean Tristram Walker Metcalfe of Long Island University, "It is esay enough to obtain secretaries without the cultural background afforded by a college education or to obtain col. lege graduates without adequate se- rétarial training but to find young men and women adequately trained in both fields 1s still comparatively dif- ficult, Rp tiem fr SAE Sees hut ate td a6 B® y 'Blue' Spells Reduce some women to the petulant shadow of their own smiling selves. Others the Vegetable Compoun when 'they feel the "blues coming on. It steadiés quiver- ing nerves... helpsto tone up the general health...givesthem more pep'. « « more charms LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND EASIER TO HANDLE AND NO WASTE. . IN THE DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET ONLY K¢ Chanteclord CIGARETTE PAPERS None Finer ever made 57 JUV ~L 7 ( gy I Remember the Jeibies below when rou want fast relief from pain. emand and get the method doc- tors prescribe--Aspirin. Millions have found that Aspirin eases even & bad headache, neuritis or rheumatic pain often in a few minutes! In the stomach as in the glass here, an Aspirin tablet starts to dis- . solve, or disintegrate, almost the instant it touches moisture. It be- gins 'taking hold" of your pain - Few Minutes Eases " Neuritis Pains Now! - DISCOVERY BRINGING QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN TO MILLIONS J Ld pfactically assoon as you swallow it. Equally important, Aspirin is sdfe. For scientific tests show this: Aspirin does not harm the heart, Remember these two péints: Aspirin Speed and. Aspirin Sa: And, see that you gef ASPIRIN, It is'made in Canada, and all druggists have it. Look for the name er in the form of a cross on every As $n abit; vl . et tin of 12 tablets or economical bottle of 24 or 100 at any druggist's. ITNT RYN a) b-- - grating. An Aspirin tablet starts to disinte-' grate and go to work. Why Aspirin Works So Fast Drop an Aspirin tablet in a glass of water, Note that BE- FORE it touches the bottom, it is disinte- IN 2 SECONDS BY STOP WATCH |. these Sloss our stomach--ASPIRIN "taking hold" of pain a few minutes after taking. Jat happens in h, i tablets star T When in Pain Remember These Pictures ASPIRIN Is the trade mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, a d Agriculture is linked and vigorous figures of work os mtecedigted in 3 i "7 Canadian' Industries anada's font position am dan ational Exhibition, :luding invitations to vlace it on view in - ominion; very modern in treatmen and Agriculture, Inspiration of Huge New Mural with industry in thé 84-foot canvas, "Canada Builds a Great , depicts Canadians, as a race of builders, emerging from the hand ! it | ' Swiss. the world's nations at the present time, the mural was an outstanding success and New York and London as a symbol of this country's present-day progress, was 'by 'the 0 idea shown above, whi ps of depress ated with ds 0 e HS n rhe been red in 2 thiwith ite 26 striking gd HH s o English Feminism Eng Has Made Goal EY LITICALLY AND SOCIALLY -- NOW ARE JUST IRONING OUT MINOR INEQUALITIES, < - . At -- London. --Feminism in England has . The campaign for women's rights is & movement which has achieve mibst of ith objectives. So feminism, ab an 1g8ué stirring @ crusading feal fn women, -i8 petering out, A mop-up squad of alert women is still. active irofine out some slight inequalitiés. An effort is being made to win for women the right to enter Great Britain's diplomatic service, and feminists foresee tite day when Eng. land Will send its women to foreign lands to serve His Majesty's' Govern- ment, On another front women are campaigning for abolition of the pres- ent law under which English women who marry foreigners lose their Brit. {sh natjonality. : Women may, and do, sit fn the House of Commons. One woman has served in the Cabinet, The House of Lords still sticks to the ancient tra. dition of being a man's institution, But apparently women. are satisfied to allow the House of Lords to cling to its hoary tradition because go many powers are being stripped from. the dignified upper chamber that femin- ists do not care to crash its august gates, ' SIX POINT GROUP, The average British woman is wéll _| satisfied with her lot, politically and socially. But to make triumph' for their sex complete the so-called 'Six Point Group", founded by Lady Rhon: dda, carries on for the attainment of equality politically, occupationally, socially, morally, economically ahd legally, The days of the window-breaking crusades of the late Emmeline Pank- hurst are only memories. Her daugh- ter, Christabel, has turned her atten. tion to religious affairs, Sylvia, an- ,other daughter, for a time was a thorough-going Communist and now is an active anti.-Fascist, The last real battle engaged It by women in attainment of their rights took place when the famous Emmeline '| learned that the soldiers' and sailors' franchise bill of 1919 was not going to mention women. And this after a front and elsewhere, had performed noteworthy service,~ Mrs. Pankhurst had only to threaten a revival of militant suffrage activities, "God forbid," Lloyd George wes quoted as saying when Mrs, Pank. hurst confronted him in person with her threat. The result was the fran- chise bill gave all women' more than 30 years old the right to vote, The full franchise bill of 1928, in the Baldwin Conservative regime, re. duced the age limit to 21 years, and added 7,000,000 women to the pciling lists. : ' Women's Clubs Must Co-operate Closely "Read a Little Less Browning and Promote Community Stability," Says Editor of Iowa Clubwoman. . New York.--Mrs. Frederick © W, Weitz, editor of the Iowa Clubwomah, says that recovery might be hasten- ed if women's clubs read a little leds "| Browning and co-operated more close- ly with business, - : "For years we have heard of the potential power of America's millions of clubwoiiien," she sald, "It is time they realized that they must ex- ert fit, 3 "American women are considered the brainiest and most efficient fn the world, Much of the credit for this ig due to the club training of the last 60 years, which has beeh to many the equivalent of a university . extension colirse, "This. developed mentality must 3 now be applied where it is most need. '| ed--In promoting community stabil. ity, and 'in supporting 'business' pro- jects." : ! ; 'Tiny Bible on Exhibition ; smallest Bible 'in existence, with pages about one.third the size of a postage stamp and a thickness of only one-quarter of an inch, has been viewed by more than 3,000,0000 vis. ftors at a Century of Progress Ex. position here, The Bible was printed by David Mryce & Son of Glasgow Scotland, in 1895, ! It Won't Be a Stylish Marriage ------ Baltimore, Md.-~On a bicycle built for two, a young Baltimore couple | rode to the church to become one." . In other words," Adam Preisinger nd hid bideea be, Miss Frances 10 rode to. church on a:tan- Rt I Not'only' that, the wedding Paty cAmld pe \th "thee BRITISH WOMEN SATISFIED PO- ' shoved the ball across the goal Tine war in which British women, at the' With Business Chicago--What is said to be the : peaitibg | mony with

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