? € <emil a ST ~ true, b § put you on no pedestal to<worship . from afar, ; I understand your weaknesses and Jove as you are; Your little faults I plainly see, my heart they'll often scar, And yet my love will last because I want you as you are, : * 8 0 You'd get tired of quail much soon- than you would beefsteak, Many people won't beli€ve that, but: it is ee ; Our idea of a fool lawyer is one who challenges a prize fighter who is called for jury duty, ¢ ¢ 0» Perkins--"I hear Jeffress died, Simpson--"Yeah, he killed himself trying to be an inventor, . Perkins--"How's that? Simpson--*"He was trying to get an idea and scratched out hig brains, *& °° The old-fashioned girl was educat- ed at her mother's knee--The modern miss! education would be more effec- tive if given over it, LJ > Irony--The Jefferson County Jail is on Liberty Street, and the work- house is on Payne Street, at Louis- ville Kentucky, ENS N Ba Ri) Friend--"Sandy, here's a story that will make your hair curl, Sandy--"Wait'll 1 get my wife, She needs a finger wave, Teacher--'Rastus, what animal is most noted for its fur?" : Rastus--'De skunk, de more fu you gets away from him de better it is fur you, * ¢ @ * The other night Mother told Father 'she hadn't taken a Wvacatlon since she had her tonsils out, ¢ & ¢ ' Thought on watching Heifetz tid- dle, Any job looks like a cinch when you see an expert do it, i \ ~. e & ® "The deep thought some persons say they indulge in, really ain't any dee- per than the other kind, 8 8 ® I" KRUSCHEN J es] If you suffer ", take advantage of ( this offer to try at NO EXPENSE "Sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica,' Jumbago, overweight -- try Kruschen at our expense. en has ols relief to millions of people scat- . tered over more than one hundred coun- tries the world, Kruschen vids the of all food refuse, of all poisons and ul acids which are the root of your troubles or which may some day bring these afflictions dpon you, Ask Du today for the Kru- Hind 15¢ package A FRE. one ' { [Y TRIAL BOTTLE, organs : functioning they should you'll find new health and new energy. 12] Kruschea today AT OUR ENSE but remember, yous druggist has only a limited supply. z FARM-CAMP FOR TRANSIENT MEN Plan to Rehabilitate 1200 in Pennsylvania Includes Raising Own Food Pittsburg, --Taking its own advice to go back to the farm," the Federal Government has established what is believed to bb the first farmcamp for homeless transient men on a 235-acre tract of land near Valencia, By en- couraging them to provide own food and shelter, the Government hopes to rehabilitate 1,200 'wanderers of the depression" for useful work in society with the return of better times, This is the first of three farm- camps which will be established in the Pittsburg dfstrict before Christ- S--n F So WN ns RRM CT AT © PE " know, is whether a boy likes his lov- _... husband of yours is a headache, eh?" - nails can endure red ears. __.ensdhe bell ringing, my man?" he asked Now that everything on the menu is ready to serve all a girl needs to ing, rare, medium or 'well done, ¢ ss Dearest Friend--'"So you think that Woman--*"Headache?' Huh! He is everything one of these patent me- ~~ dicine panaceas is guaranteed to cure, ss 8 oO Beauty experts advise that rouged ears will be all the rage for the lad- ies this winter, This arouses only a small. stir from this quarter, A pop- ulace that has endured lacquered toe Departing Guest--"You've got a pretty place. here, friend, but it looks @ bit bare yet," .- Host--"0Oh, {ts because the trees are rather young, I hope they will have grown to a good size before you come again, ¢ 9 0° Some men are so consistent that they always dress in their Sunday best before tuning in on the church service, ® 0 ° Teacher--"There i8 a direct and in- direct taxation, Give me an example of indirect taxation, Junior--"The dog tax, sir, Teacher--"How is that? Junior--""Thg dog does not have to pay it" 4 Oo The confectionery stores are intro- ducing half day suckers for the child- ren who have other things to do, * 0 King Solomon was fearfully late at| the office every morning, And so would you be it you had to kiss 700 wives goodbye, ' * 9 a Grocer--'I see where a scientist says that fish kill mosquitoes, Butcher--"Yeah, but who wants to keep a fish on hig pillow," Sixty Years in a Choir ----Albert A. Coulthurst of Fort Erie has entered upon his eightieth ear, -and jit is related he has a abit of counting ..his connection with various organizations by terms of years which are impressively long. He has' been. fifty years vestry slerk of St. Paul's church, He 'has been fifty years Sunday School superintendent of St. Pauls and St. Mary's churches. + For forty-five years he has been f member of the Board of Educa-| tion. For sixty years he has been a member of the choir of St. Paul's church, The tourist had : been. inspecting the little country church, "Why is the verger, as he was stepping out Ing the ropé," came the sour |: NAAN ~All ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, MOTHER Before You Give Your Child an Unknown Remedy to Take Ev day. unthinkingly. mothers + take o advice of unqualified persons -- instead of their doctors' -- on remedies for their children, If they knew what the scientists know, they would never: take this chance. - Doctors Say PHILLIPS® For Your When it comes to the frequently-used k of magnesia," doctors, for over 50 vy ave said "PHILLIPS Milk of agnesia -- the safe remedy for your child." - » child deserves it; for your own peace of mind, see that you et it jo vine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Also in Tablet Form: Phillips' Milk of Magnes arp aghin by ane Ll | Yoo tiny tab- f wp PHILLIPS' J. Milk of Magnesia. MADE IN CANADA mas, designed to enroll approximate 'y 400 homeless men each and to sup- plant' all other undertakings of the Federal Transient Bureau 'in this area, according to Mr, G, L, Town- send, state director of rehabilitation, The Valencia camp has t been moved from Alleghany County's South Park, where 225 transients have been perience of an" unemployed farm at Harmarville that the men acquire a realize they are actually raising their own food and building a roof over their heads, : ; H DEFINITE OBJECTIVE FOUND . NEED, . | "Work about the couniry park was useful, but did not show anything concrete when completed," he added, "These men are sensitive about the to be the best way of removing that belief', Federal relief heads in Washington are closely studying the new farm ex- periment as a possible solution to the transient problem, Mr, Townsehd sald, and may establish similar camps in other sectlons, By spring the Valencia project will be a communal village, equipped with seven barracks, a large mess hall, re- creation' centre, blacksmith shdp, woodworking plant and a general far- ming business, but for the present the men are living in army tents awalit- ing a shipment of lumber to begin thelr construction program, LIVESTOCK ALREADY ON "FARM" : : Already the farm has 50 head of cattle assigned from the Govern- ment"s purchases of cattle in drought-stricken areas, 200 hogs and 600 chickens, There are 300 barrels of kraut, 100 barrels of beans and several hundred barrels of other veg- etables in the camp's larder, When the crops have been harves- ted next year, the camp will have produced much more than enough food for its own needs and will dis- tribute the surplus to other relief agencies, Mr, Townsend said, When the day's work is finished, the instruction will be given the meh in various trades and studies in co- operation with the Federai Emerg- ency Education Relief Administra- tion, "I am convinced that it will be on a self-supporting basis by next year, and the men can rightfully fee] that they have earned their weekly money "grants --of from $1 to $3 in addition to their maintenance," Mr, Town! send said, "I believe this is the best way to meet this particular problem, both for the physical well-being of the men and their mental develop: ment," English Newspaper Serves All Balkans "BELGRADE, Yugoslavia--The Ball kan Herald, first newspaper in English to cover &ll the Balkan count tries, opened publcation here recent: ly. A. Terence Atherton, proprietot of the South Slav Herald which he founded three years ago, is editor and founder of the new paper, The aim of the Balkan 'Herald is gven as "to promote not merely intert Balkan co-operation, but even more importantly an understanding of the Balkans and the Balkan problems amongst the English-speaking peoples of Britain and America." Contributors to the first issue in- cluded Prof. Gilbert Murray, Lord Riddell, J. L. Garvin, Admiral Mark Kerr, H. W. Nevinson, Robert Byron ~and Brig.-Gen. Charles H. Sherrill.' When you get to know a fellow, know his joys and know his cares, When you've come to understand him! and the burdens that he bears; 1 When you've learned the fight he is making and the troubles in his way Then you find that he {is different than 'you thought him yesterday, You find his faults are trivial and there's not so much to blame, * In the brother that you jeered at when you only knew his name, he mineral salts in our food. PLUS values _ Bmulsion of Cod Liv Into the open again, "Cos I'm jo Ll The Bong Building Value of Cod Liver Oil P LU S ADDITIONAL: BONE BUILDING MINERALS Strong Bones and Sound Teeth are built of Cod Liver Oil helps our bodies absorb these minerals. Scott's Emulsion is doubly «effective--because it is an Emulsified Cod Liver Oil in a solution of bone building hypophosphites of lime and soda-- you receive in Scott's fe 3A living and working since last March,' Explaining the move, Mr, Townsend sald they were convinced by the ex- (articles: make an offer to you, Read new and brighter attitude when they, married for some ime, Be ---- What Does Your Handwriting Reveal? GEO. ST. CLAIR (Grapho-Analyst) All Rights Reserved (Editor's Note: To know yourself Is to understand, and understanding will enable you to make the most of your latent talents and characterist. .les, The author of these interesting this article and see how he can help you), - : Here is another letter this tinfe it is from a lady reader who'lives in the West, It is similar to many that I re- ceive each week, and shows the var- fed problems that béset so many peo- ple, : . "I have been going with a gentle- man friend for somg time, and we are devoted to each othér, When we star- "ted getting to like each other, my thought of charity, and! farming seems | friend told me that we could not get because he was living with his mother, who Is over 90 years of age, and he could not ask me to go and live with her, 'He has to look after her, and he is her sole support, She is helpless and can do nothing for herself, She rarely knows any of us, and is really merely existing, I feel terribly sorry for her, but it does complicate things for both of us, "I agreed to walt, but time Is going on and we seem no nearer marriage, We are both terribly anxious to get married, but my flance says we sim- ply cannot as things are, He is get- ting discouraged, and thinks he is bothering me coming around without having anything definite to offer me for goodness knows when--for he will not marry as long as his mother lives Neither of us like a long courtship, and he does not like the idea of kee- ping me on a string, as he says in this way, Can you help us, Mr, St, Clair? We are both in our early for- ties, I don't know just how you can help, but maybe you can make some suggestion, or offer some advice, that will make thp situation more bear- able for both of us," This is, without a doabt an unfor- tunate position for any couple to be placed in, Time is passing you both by, and you are missing the golden years of companionship that should be yours, . I have studied the writing of both of you, and find that you are both very ardent, affectionate people, Nel- ther of you is of the cool, dispassion- atg type, who can con.rol your feel- ings for a long time, Your fiance's mother is very old, but she may linger on for years yet, in which case the situation would be- 'come unbearable for you, Then there 'is the matter of children, The older you get, the more difficult will be- come your position, from several an- gles, - I understand that it is not a ques- tion of your fiance's mother being hostile to you, or laying down the law about having a daughter-in-law living with her, It seems to be mere- ly a question of your fiance's attit- ude that provides the obstacle, I am golng to be'quile frank, be- cause that is what you want, = You must put it up to your fiance that the situation cannot go on in this way for any 'length of time, Tell him that you much prefer to marry him, and live with his mother whilst she is alive, This {8 something which you will have to put up with but if you are prepared to do that, and apparently 'you are then it is better that you get can: make other arnmangements for married, When his mother dies you having your own home, But it is not practical to keep apart for a practically unlimited time, You arg both human, and a situation may possibly arlse which would leave you, as the woman,. in a disadvantageous position, You will understand what I mean without my going into further detail, I am writing you at greater length direct, Have YOU a problem in which Mr, St. Clair can help you? Handwriting tells the story of people accurately, sclentifically and without any frills, Do you wish to know what your friends are really llke? Send specl- mens of the writing you wish to be analysed, stating birthdate In each case, Enclose 10c coin for each spe- cimen, and send with 3c stamped ad- dressed envelope to Geoffrey St, Clalr 'Room 421, 73 Adelaide St, W,, Tor- onto Ont, All letters will be confi- dential, ~ CENSUS TAKING Full of Perils and Adventures Up North Ottawa,--Census taking In most countries {s a matter of routine, but in Canada it is always a complicated problem--sometimes a perilous ad- venture, Beyond the comparatively narrow ribbon of town and farm there is a vast hinterland of bush and barren lake and mountain and sea coals ex- tending into the Arctic, where the in- habitants are few and widely scatter- ed and yet must bg included in the "population"; Here the official cen- 'sus taker is helpless and the Federal Government must call to its aid not only its own Royal Canadian Mounted Police and agents of the Department of India Affairs, but fur-trading com- panies and church missions In the Far North, The time and patience required to collect such data in far corners is seen in the fact that although 1931 was the last census year, the infor- mation is stil] incomplete and reports are still trickling in, The latest report, recelved by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics from Moose Factory, tells a thrilling story, It was written by the Rev J, Emile Saindon, a missionary, who was en- gaged to take the census along the eastern shore of James Bay, "I must say," he writes' "that the canoe trip gave me a good deal of worry as I had never made that trip in such an unsafe means of convey- ance, "The run is 600 miles along the shore, which means a batile with the elements: rain, snow, winds, ice and heavy fogs, Furthermore, we have to cross three bad spots, namely, Han- nah Bay, Rupert's House Bay and Cape Hope Bay--all wide and deep. Everything is fine in good weather, but when it is stormy the trip is very dangerous, Only once did we find ourselves in a storm of that kind; fit was in Hannah Bay, It looked as if the sea was going to swallow us, The canoe would be riding on the crest of the waves, and a moment later plunging into the trough, My gulde gave proofs of his marvelous skill in dodging and cutting through the waves, Our canoe had air-tight com- partments; it measured 20 feet - in length and was covered with a very strong waterproof fabric, I carried two outboard motors in case one should fall" 12 Miles Up Earth Looks Like A Warped Checkboard Says Photo- grapher. WASHINGTON. -- The rarest of photographs -- a picture that looks something like an old warped check- erboard--has just been developed al the National Geographic Society. It is abit of earth, as photo- graphed from the record height of almost 12 miles. It was snapped 61,- 800 feet above the ground by Capt. Albert W. Stevens during the ill- fated stratospheric flight of the National Geographic-Army Air Corps balloon Explorer. The picture shows a section of Nebraska about 10 miles square, over which the balloon was soaring when the bag ripped and started the fast descent that forced Captain Stevens and Major Kepner to jump. Small hills and ridges appear like ripples on the surface of a pool or like an astronomer's photograph of the moon, edges of the picture are foged because the film was par- tially exposed to light when the gondola crashed. This photograph and others taken at 'lower levels, should help natural scientists make a more accurate ad: justment of barographs, instru- ments that measure altitude, By comparing the length of an object in the picture with its actual length. Tho exact height of the balloon can be figured. The focal length, or distance from focus to lens of the camera, also enters this calculation. World's 'Oldest Flea' Rouses Staid Times i . { LONDON,--An editorial in the usually staid Times reveals that 'the oldest flea" recently was unearthed in East Prussia, The petrified granddaddy of all fleas is about 5,000,000 years old, the Bim said, and asks: "What heights of experience and cunning would he not have scaled by now? If he could speak, it is certain he would pour conventional scorn on the pampered lives of his descendants, contrasting them with his ramifica- SATAN <p Enjoy areally fine hand/mads clguretts +4 : rolling your own wi GOLDEN VIRGINIA ¢ ALSO IHADE UP iN PIPE C Issue No. 46--'34 tions into the woolly hides of mam. moths, and the impenetrable thick- nesses of the skins of brontosaurs or plesfosaurs. : "Such soft garments and softer flash were not revealed by heaven to 4 5 | him." LESS THAN 1¢ WORTH OF MAGIC MADE IN CANADA "WHY RISK FAILURES WITH DOUBTFUL BAKING POWDER. MAGIC MAKES A FINE BIG CAKE. AND YOU ARE SURE * OF SUCCESSFUL RESULTS." "says MRS, CLARRY HUNT, Chlef Dietitian ; for Gillett Products, Toronto AGIC costs so little! Just think--it actually M takes less than 1¢ worth of Magic to make a delicious layer cake, Why take chances with doubt- ful baking powder? Bake with Magic and be sure! "CONTAINS NOALUM." This statement on every tin ls your guarantee that Magic Baking Powder ls free from alum or Nga any harmful ingredient. TA BAK IN POW DEF vw > Mail Rocketed Ship to Shore Tryout Near Calcutta Proves Successful--Service May Be Installed Calcutta, India, -- Ship-to-shore rocket mail delivery was tested successfully today in the estuary of the Hooghly River near Calcutta. A small steamship rocketed mall 1,000 yards, obviating the necessity for a landing In the dangerous shoal infested waters. Post Office. and military authorit- fes conducted the test, Post' Office officials hoped for a quicker and cheaper mall delivery by use of the rockets, particularly in some areas where mail steamers lose days be- cause of winding rivers. Military authorities were Interest- ed because of the possibility of us- ing rockets to send dispatches on mountalnous frontfers, TEST SUCCESSFUL, Trieste, Iialy.--A steel tube was rocketed from the side of a moun- tain near here and landed updam- aged In a valley 214 miles away, with a cargo of 1600 letters. The demonstration, testing a PREVENTS MINERAL DEFICIENCY Phosphorus Deficiency i STOP LOSSES Mineral deficlency doesn't stick out Ilke a more thumb to help you recognize it ofthand. Chances are that some anl- mals you own, healthy enough looking but not so good producers, are borden line cases. The right minerals are your, key to profit right now. Feed one o these C-I-L Mineral Supplements dal) to promote thriftiness and productivity. Rich In digestible calcium and phos phorus and nutritionally balanced, they) glve results with real economy and pro, ~ C-I-L NUTRI-MIN 100% Available ana Digestible. DI calclum phosphate, (bone derived), th wholly digestible, naturally balanced] concentrated calclum-phosphorus salt combined with other minerals supply Ing iron, sodium and chlorine, C-I-L SOLUBLE MINERALS The entire mineral portion of pone] specially processed to secure dlgesti- bility and balanced with other i minerals. Contains phosphorus, calcium, {odine, sodium, chlorine, iron and aul phur. Take no risks of mineral 4a ficiency. A Write For Free «df Literature Today CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Montreal Windsor Toronto LE JEAR OIL FOR DEAFNESS & HEAD NOISES A soothing and penelraling combination that bas fm.' oped the Hearing and lessened Head Noises of many, {ot putinthe Earsbut Rubbed Back of Earsand Inserted in Nostrils. Leonard Ear Oil hasbeen on the market since 1007. Made in Canada; $1.25 at Canadian druggists. Descriptive circular sent on request. A. O. LEONARD, INC. 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City CHAPPED SKIN § Dilute Minatd's with one-half . or cream, Aoply co a TA For Prost Bite use the Liniment freely and undiluted, No frouble, Very healing! NARD'S LINimENT speedy means of transporting mail between nearby points, was termed a success by Its inventor, Gerard Zucher, Stroudsburg, Pa.--When Miss Ann Johnstone wed EN Travis she sald nothing about it because she wanted to keep her job, She travelled constantly as a re- presentative of a public utility cor- poration, He ran his hardware store In east Stroudsburg, Their friends ne- ver suspected, A few days ago they agreed it was time to let the world know they were married, At a dinner they announced the ceremony was performed In the state of Maine and gave the wedding date: 1919, Classified Advertising PATENTS N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of wanted inventions ang full Information sent free. The Ramsay Oompany, World Patent Attutnevy 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. CLIPPER PLATES Dull clipping plates of ALL MAKES can be made equal to new If gent to our T'oronio Fuc- tory to be properly sharpened, Quick service and all Work guir- anteed. Pair Horse Clipping Plates; each 400 .. iii visvnrannnn 75¢ Barber Clippers or IFetlock ClHpPersS ovo vesestsssscs ge Sheep Shearing Plates 36¢ Cutters, 100; Combs, 450 Send plates parcel post, Mark | package with your name as well as ours. Mail Letter of instruct. fon and Include return postage, FLEXIBLE SHAFT CO. LTD. 347 Oarlaw Avenue, Toronto, Ont: Makers of the famous STEWART Clipping & Bhearing Machines Get Rid of Disfiguring BLOTCHES AND ALL SKIN RASHES WITH Dr. D. DD. Dennis' Liquid Prescription, made and guaranteed by the makers of Campiana's Italian Balm. = Trial bottle 35c at your druggist. 18 Your Liver's Making You Feel Out of Sorts Wake up your Liver Bile --No Calomiel needed When you feel blue, depressed, sour on the world, that's your liver which isn't pouring its dally two pounds of liquid bile -into your bowels. Digestion and elmination are being slowed up, food Is accumulating and de-~ caying inslde you and making you feel wretched. Mere bowel-movers like salts, oll, mineral water, laxative candy or chew- Ing gum, or roughage, don't go far enough. You need a liver stimulant. Carter's little Liver Pills Is the best one. Safe. Purely: vegetable, Sure. Ask for them by name, Refuse substitutes. 26c at all drugglsta, 52 BUSINESS | EXPANSION WANTED--An executive to join a going concern to {ake charge of one or more depart- ments on a fifty-fifty pariner- ship basis, An investment will be required, this investment to pay interest and is returnable at a date suitable to all parties concerned. | N] (VENI Send a three cent stamped en- velope for full information, Ideas Unlimited Thirty-Nine Lee Avenue, Toronto, Ont, a rR . - Fa EL) ~ ~~ - ot a na i pa i) rd rR {ay grr _ 0 VE Eder La SR IA wp