Page Eight different designs Worsteds, Grev BUY NOW Made-to-Measure SUITS and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are offering good values--60 in Tweeds, Fancy and Blue Serges. I'ressing and Dry Cleaning Done MERCHANT TAILOR Ww. T. Rodman Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry insured HAROLD W. DON'T WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly at once EMMERSON SUNDERLAND The November meeting of the local branch of the Women's Institute was held on Thursday, November 16th, in the Council Chamber at 8 o'clock with a good attendance, The President, Mrs. W. T, Bagshaw, occupied the chair and opened the meeting with Community singing. Roll Call was answered with a hot supper dish. After a report from the treasurer it was decided not to apply. for the Legislative grant. After much dis- cussion it was decided that the ladies sponsor Progressive Euchre and dance to be held in Town Hall, November 80, at-8 p.m. sharp. Music to be supplied by Sunderland Orchestra. The novelty admission fee to be the size of your sock multiplied by 2 and a dime (10c.) Programme: Eleanor Wallace gave a splendid recitation, "The Price he Pea sizes. WELSH COAL--Cobbles and LUMBER, LATH, SHI - MARMILL FEEDS--for poul FRED E. AMERICAN ANTHRACITE-- 'COAL, COKE, WOOD, LUMBER "Blue Coal"--Stove, Nut and blower. SCOTCH COAL--Domestic and Blower. COKE--Nut and Range sizes. WOOD--Bodywood, Softwood Slabs, Softwood, mixed. NGLES, DOORS, ETC. try, hogs and cattle. E00 REESOR BO Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 J the meeting closed with the National paid", Ruth Mellow sang lovely, "The Bird of Heaven." ~ Doughnut making was ably demon- strated by Mrs. G. W. McKinley and Mrs. John Baker, using the following recipe: 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon of shortening, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, % tea- spoonful salt, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 2% or 3 cups flour and mixed fairly stiff. The doughnuts were very much enjoyed along with the cup of coffee. After a vote of thanks tendered to the ladies who made the doughnuts, Anthem. Mr, and Mrs. H. J. McMullen Sait the week-end with friends in Peter- boro. Mr. and Mrs. 'A. L. Veale and family spent the week-end in Oshawa. There passed away peacefully to rest on Saturday, November 19, 1934, one of Brock's oldest residents, Mrs. SNAPSHOT GUILI Your Own 'Candid Camera" A "candid camera" snapshot, replete with' the troublous sot hate of an unhappy moment. It tells the whole story. OME magazines and newspapers make a great to-do about "candid camera" pictures, so called because they portray the great and near- great in unguarded moments and poses, Many "candid camera" shots have been made at banquets, receptions, conferences and other such affairs. They show notables being thor- oughly human, unaware of the pres- ence of a camera, . Naturally such pictures have a lot-of appeal. For they show people as they really are-- cating, talking, worrying. These candid savin are usu- ally made with very small cameras, equipped with exceptionally fast Such cameras do not need brilliant light, and they can be handled so casually that they lenses and film. do not become conspicuous. But you don't need any such cam- "candid cam- Of course, you will not be able to shoot under ordinary room lighting--unless your camera has an £.3.5 lens, or faster--but you will find ample opportunity in era to make your own era' snapshots. places where the light is better, For example, do you have a pic- ture of Dad, or Uncle, or Brother lighting his pipe? Nothing could be ~ more characteristic -- and yet it's the Sort of thing you'll never find in an ordinary posed photograph. To get such a picture you have to be ready to take advantage of a fleeting opportunity. Some day, when you have your camera out for some shots around the house, your pipe smoker is quite likely to come out on the porch to waten you. Ma- - neuver so that he is in fairly good light, focus your camera for the dis- tance between him and your lens, watch for the moment he puts match to tobacco and then quietly turn and snap him. Chances are he - won't realize what you have done. And you will have a "candid cam- era" shot to enjoy. A whole section of your album may be very well devoted to such pictures. Certainly they are inter- esting; more than likely they'll be amusing, too. It is essential that you use the fastest kind of film for these snap- shots, for you usually have fo work under some handicaps. Modern su-" persensitive film is remarkable stuff; you should know it, anyway. Fast film, a clean lens working at its widest opening, a watchful eye and quiet, unobtrusivecamera work -- these are the only essentials for many "candid" snapshots. «+ JOHN VAN GUILDER: George I. St. John, widow of the late George I. St, John, at the home of her; son Mr, Percy St. John. Mrs; St. John was'a faithful member of the United Church and all organizations in 'connection with the church. The floral tributes were many and beauti-|: ful showing the high esteem in which Mrs. St. John was held. There are three sons dnd 'one daughter to mourn her loss--Wilbert of Victoria Corners, Henry of Sunderland, Percy on the Homestead, Mrs. W. Merrick, of Ux- bridge. Mr. H. E. Johnson and Mrs, K. D. Anderson spent Friday evening with friends in Sonya. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Toker, of Lindsay, were in town.on Wednesday attending the Hot Fowl Supper. Mrs. J. J. Ruan, Woodville, home with her brother on Wednesday last. J. L. Gordon and E. Doble and party of Hunters have réturned from South River, bringing home their allotment of deer. The Fowl Supper under the auspices of the Ladies' United Church of Sunderland, held on Wednesday, November 4th, was a huge success. Almost six hundred partook of the -bountiful supper pro- vided by the ladies. One hundred and ninety-two dollars were taken in. The program was put on by the Kirkfield Dramatic Club, which was a play, "Here Comes Charlie" and was well received. The hall was packed to the Moors and chairs were placed in the aisles. "The play was funny with plenty of laughs. The players acted their parts well . SCUGOG 1 Motor Picture shiv and H, R. Ge dance, last week. "| they have lived here but a short time Aid Society of the : 'Maple Grove. 14 Ivah Milner has been spending the past féw weeks with Mrs, Beacock, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis and baby, and Mr, J, Burnham were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, S. Sweetman, Miss Florence and Alva Elford en- tertained a number of friends with an evening of Crokinole, and enjoyed a social time together. Miss Eileen Sweetman of Toronto was home over the week end. Si -Mr. and Mrs, Orr Jeffrey, Clem and Lois; Mr. and Mrs. H. Ceriorlian; visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. W Mark at Shicley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, F. Baxter, of Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. R. Jackson, a few days last week, Mr. Geo. Fowler, of Coboconk, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Schell, rry to hear of the illness of Mr, Wm. Davey, of Port Perry. Te GREENBANK Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leask on the birth of a daughter, Mr. Bunker has sold his farm and will move to Oshawa. We are sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs. Bunker, although they have made many friends; Miss Margaret Rodd has retyrned home after several weeks visit with Dr. and Mrs. Petress in South Bend, Ind. Dr, and Mrs. Petress visited at Mr. Peter Leask's recently, Mr. Leask returned home with them. Mr. T. Sharp visited Mr. Norman Flewell in Peterboro Hospital on Sun- day. Glad to report Norman improv- ing, although far from being well. The Freindship Club have organized forithe season and had a social even- ing at the home of Mrs, Bunker, Thursday evening. The Young People gave Mr. And Mrs, Russell Till a shower on Monday evening. Mrs. McGavin of Toronto visiting a few days at Mr.-Sharp's. The . Women's Association 'will hold their monthly meeting at Mrs. T. Cragg's on Tuesday the 24th, i ~The annual meeting og the W.M, was held on Tuesday of last week; when the following officers were elected for 1985:- Hon. Pres. Mrs. J. H. Leask, Pres. Miss M. A. Blair, Rec. Sec. Mrs. E, Phair, Freon, Mrs. E. Leask, | ¢ ) PRINCE ALBERT Although a committee with Miss Laird, as convener, has been appointed to arrange for a Christmas entertain- ment, nothing definite "has. been de- cided upon as' yet, Messrs. R, and C. Heayn went hunt- ing as usual,' and each returned with a deer. Mr. and Mrs. McKerihan of Toronto, spent a week-end recently with Mrs. Reuben Bond. Mrs. McKerihan is a] bride of some weeks being tormeily Mrs. Effie Andrews. Miss Laird spent the Weel ihd at Miss Robina McCrea has returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. McGregor have re- summer at their home here. The meetings held by the Y. P. S. are very interesting and are. attract- ing many, some thirty-five being in logy : turned to Toronto after spending the of the tragic death of Mr. G. Welsh Jin his home here. Mr. Welsh was .a very quiet man and said little of where burden on another's shoulders, Pros Eo cagtination is a very poor help. A story is told of an insane person believing himself to be a great artist. Sitting daily with a dry painting on a vacant canvas, Nothing on the can. vas. When asked what the picture représented, replied, "Israelites cross- ing the Red Sea" Asked where thé Sea was, he replied: "That is rolléd back to let the Israelites pass." When was explained that "they had just passed over." And when asked "where dre the Egyptians?" Replied: "They will be along soon." Question: "Is your canvas:empty?" ~ (to be continued) ; SONYA The regular meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. D. Me- Phail on November 13th." The meet- ing was well attended and we had the come over in goodly numbers. Mrs. Stewart McFarlane presided, The meeting was opened with singing of a hymn. Mrs. Roy Morrison read the Bible lesson and explained the lesson. Mrs, Ernest Ferguson led in prayer, and a splendid paper on prayer was read by Mrs, Kennedy. After the de; votionals, a fine programme was given consisting of an instrumental by Mrs. Elmer Wallace, a solo by Miss Doris Wallace, an instrumntal by Miss Alice Lunney, a solo-by Mr. Kennedy. | Mrs. Ernest- Ferguson moved -a hearty vote of thanks to those who took part in the programme and Mrs. McPhail for the use of her home. Mrs, Milne spoke words of appre- kind invitation of Sonya Auxiliary for the kind invitation to this helpful and inspiring 'meeting, ¢ The meeting closed by -the singing a hymn and the Benediction by Mr. Kennedy. on Sunday. Mrs." Dure were guests' of Mr: 'and Rev. and Mrs: Kennedy were at Bob- asked to point out the Israelites, it] pleasure of having the Wick Auxiliary | ciation for the Wick Auxiliary for the} Mr. and Mrs. A. Mason visited bry the home of Mr; and Mrs, Ee Forgnsop > Mr. "and "Mrs. ~ 8. "McFarlane and Lovme Face Powder i 'Blended to enhance. Se natural skin tones-- ~~ Smooth'in texture, Flesh, White, Rachal fineincolor,delight- - ful in fragrance, gla- morous. Lov"me Face Powder, 'above all others, will make your face appear at its best. Incompar- ably finer, a clinging, all-day powder that gives perfection to, any type of skin, x If your dealer cannot sup- ply you send us his name. MEATS THAT SATISFY We have on hand at all times, the best quality meat in all kinds of cuts, Phone your order to: us and receive that good service we are noted for. » oh BROS: Mrs. A, Dixon; in Manilla, on Sunday. XE] Be 'caygeon, on Sunday, where Mr. Ken- nedy conducted services in the Presby- terian Church. The young people gave their ole "The Road to the City" at Manilly on Monday night. ! Some from here attended the Thank Offering services at Cresswell on Sun- day. : : i RY UTICA = Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Oliver, of Thorn- hill, with Mrs. Jas. Hortop, on Sun- day. ; Mrs. Tatty Harper is Spending a week or two with her mother Mrs. W. Graham, Epsom, who was seriously hurt on Sunday when the door of the car came open and she fell out. Miss Grace Mitchell visiting her cousin Mrs, L. Trick, Oshawa. = Keep in mind the play and danee on Friday night November 80th, under PORT PERRY COAL YARD Let us look after your fuel needs. We can supply you with all' different sizes and kinds of fuel' required. FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Peli. nsylvania_ Hard Coal--you can always be sure of get- ting uniform, good coal when you order ~ Famous 'Reading Anthracite--Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. COKE--Hamilton By-Product (now called Hameo Dustless coke), or Semet Solvay Coke. Nut and Range sizes. WELSH COAL -- SCOTCH COAL -- CANNEL 'COAL STEAM COAL BLOWER COAL--For your Blower. We can supply you with Welsh Blower or Scotch Blower Coal. HARDWOOD -- SOFTWOOD re - CEMENT --LIME--TILE PORT PERRY ( COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones--94 W and 94 J. "Reliable Service 'and Better Fuels" the auspices of the Bluebird Club. . * The community was shocked to hear last Friday, when he was found dead or when he was leaving home, for a With Good Service offered why MYRTLE Mrs. R, Long spent the week end with her cousin Mrs, Robt, Squelch of Mount Carmel. Mr. W. Weir, Roland, Man., called . on old friendg here last week, About t¥ Mty-five from here at- on Monday and visited her father-in- law Mr. Frank Bradley, who is con fined to the Lockwood clinic, Next Sabbath Nov. 26th, the annual Free Will Offering services will held here. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, of Port Perry, will have charge of the morning service at 10.30 and at 7 p.m. tended the: anniversary services at Rev, S. L. Toll, of Whitby, will preach. Raglan on Sunday night and had the pleasure of hearing and renewing old friendships with a former pastor Rey. Sabbath School will be at the usual hour, a quarter to two, as the service at the other appointments have been H. Latimer, of Wilfred, who preached a most helpful sermon and they were also greatly impressed with the Young Men's Choir from Scugog. cancelled for the day. Good congrega- tions are expected at these services. Mr. Philip Parrott, of Oshawa, spe the week end with his daughter Me Mrs. Hugo Bradley was in Toronto Charlie Taylor. at the Foot at the usual hour. Worship at 3 p.m. day evening. Everybody welcome. friends. full house. Mr. Geo. Samells, on Sunday. Mr, weeks, Mr. from Oakwood where he has been the past few months. : nochan to our community. Scugog was well represented at the Worship service and Sunday School The Head Sunday School at 2 p.m. with Centre Sunday School at 2.30 with worship at 4 p.m. The Young People's Society will be held in the Centre Church on Thurs- The boys' choir was invited to Rag- lan for last Sunday evening to help) PAY FOR VISION NOT BLINDNESS with their special service and were ac- companied by Mrs. Geo. Sweetman and Geo. Samells, as well as many They were welcomed by a Miss Myrtle Sweetman, of Toronto, was home with her parents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs." W, Crosier and sons} . Vyrtle and Archie, of Manchester, and Mrs, Mosley and daughters Clara and Muriel, and Mr, White, of | Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. Hood, Mr, and Mrs. C. Hood, L& | Donald and Bernice, of Toronto, and Mr, Glen Hood, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, J. Demara, on Sunday and Donald is staying there for a few Roy Hope has returned hora We welcome Mr. and Mrs. H. Car- They have moved into Ted Jackson's house, re- cently vacated by E, Fines. attendance last week. The attendance at the sale of the household goods of Mr, J.-Fowlie was fair. All the sale fans were there as well as a few home-lovers whom only a sale seem able to bring from their seclusions. Prices went fairly high considering the moderate attendance: -- By C. H, Tuck, Optometrist and Eyesight Specialist "Is Your Canvas Empty?" There are some people who never profit by experience. When times are good they ride the crest of the wave. When times are bad and a crash comes | they have no come back because they apparently have no experience or never profited by it. There is no back- ground for success. They had their own way from the cradle to the grave. When there is much to be done some people must cast their share of the "+ i{ discovered his light had not been seen bank, on Sunday. few days, but for some weeks he 1 on Sunday night or Monday morning and went to his daughter's (Mrs. Wil- bur Brown), Greenbank. Last week everyone thought he was there, but when Mr, Frank McGregor went back on Thursday he found -out he had not been there last week, but thought he might be working somewhere else. On Friday, on inquiring from some'of the neighbours who were able to his light had ther& been one, it was since Saturday. So Mr, C, Lakey and Frank decided to search the house and on doing so found his body lying head down on the stairsteps, partly clothed. The coroner was called and he said his neck was broken from the fall. Mr. Welsh, who was 66 years old, although very quiet and retiring, was a splendid neighbour and willing % help onyone. He was married twice, his second wife died about six years ago. Since that he has lived=alone in the village. He leaves one daughter Mrs, Wilbur Brown. Interment took place at Greenbank, on Saturday, the L. O. L: being in charge of the service, The pallbearers were Messrs. Geo, not leave your baking worries to 'GERROW'S BAKERY 25 . Bakers and Confeetioners, Port Perry. until December 31st. . per bottle. rheumatism. Ward, E. Kendall, A. Campbell, H, McKercher, R. Harper, and OC. Lakey. The sympathy of the com- munity goes out to Mrs, Brown. Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Lakey visiting Port Perry Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bunker, Green. 4 ATTENTION !--Your photo eight iiches by ten for 19c. See the sample in our window, then come in and we will give you all details. COD LIVER OIL--The world's freshest oil, extracted im- mediately the fish are caught at sea. and very potent in vitamin A and D. Very palatable Fifty cents RUMACAPS--a capsule giving quick and sure relief for neuralgia, headache, backache, lumbago, sciatica and The continued -use of these capsules ~ promotes the discharge of poisons from the system. : RUSSIAN OIL--A few 40 ounce bottles still left. . Morrison S$ Drug Store Phone 16 Ontario