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Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Feb 1935, p. 4

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Page Four LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dix have taken a trip to St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will join Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffrey. We are sorry to report that Mr, Albert Hall was taken suddenly ill last week end was removed to the hospital in Toronto. Mrs. John Ploughman, who under- went an operation at the Port Perry Hospital last, is reported as doing as well as can be expected. Hear the theme song of the General Information Club at the Women's As- sociation concert in the Town Hall, on Friday, February 22nd. The hit ot the season. Don't miss the Literary Society The engagement is announced of Elizabeth Irene, second eldest daugh- ter of Mrs. Doble and the late Norman Doble, Sunderland, to Allan Wright Crosier, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Crosier, of Seagrave. The marriage to take place the last of February Seek ity man of the Board. Uxbridge, who has been secretary of| Leonard Block, Port Farm Stock, Implements, ete., the ed SCOUT MEETING The following committees were the Board for the past four years,| Perry, about February Property of O. " * An organization meeting of the | chosen: covered the activities and financial re- 21st. Watch for further F resh and Well Made 2 ne 1% mil 2 i Pip y £08, Boy Scouts is to be held in the base-| Management--Mrs. Jackson, Mrs,|port of the Board up to January 16th announcement as to prices " Monday, Febri : 26th 7 aig ih, ment of the United Church on the} Orde, S. Farmer, (chairman), M, A. this year. Since that date the com- d : Vr ebruary . Terms Cash, . ; ' ' ' and variety of meats. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. evening of Monday, February 18th.|Gerrow. mission has been handling the affairs "Qualit 1 s i d J Every person who has an interest in| Finance--G. R. Davey, (chairman);|of the County in respect to old age uality; Service an id mi & H t hi B k : : Se the young boys of Port Perry is in-|A. B. Cawker, Dr. W. S. Harper, W.|pensions. The total number of pen- Ecadomy? e son un Cc nsonm, d ers IANO: j reunite Ds sompel the oY vited to be present at this meeting.|J. Anderson. sioners on the list to date was given PHONE upright to posal oL.B amen 2 Come with helpful suggestions. The| Property--W. E. MacGregor, S. A.|as 698. The number of deaths from ; 9, V = PORT PERRY us 8 a -- - iti i : n boys are worthy of our best co.| Wallace, N. Ewers, C. E. Beare. October 81, 1984, to January 16th, CARD OF THANKS Fre Fh % Bei ble party. operation. Some discussion arose as to the in.|1985, was 16, The number of deaths| Mr. and Mrs, A. Wallace and family Pry Ahi oy Star, o od stallation of an automatic stoker In[from November 20th, to 1929, to Oct.|wish 40 express their sincere thanks d THE YELLOW SCHOOL the boiler; but it was felt that the|81st, last year was 208. The total|to the friends and neighbours, and to Pasteurized Products A play and concert under the The. plav. entitled "Here. Comes matter had better be left until the [amount paid to the pensioners within |the Masonic e,. Port Perry, for auspices of the Women's Association 1 Charle Ls Yves tv the. Yellow School) ner holidays, when the work could | the county from November 20th, 1920 | their kindly words and acts at the of the United Church is to be given ob b % g y y rv. F r a be done without interfering with the |to October 8st last year was $628,114.- | time of bereavement in the death of in the Town Hall, on Thursday even- ramatie Club on ay, February 8,1,.1,56], In the meantime the Property| 50. The amount paid to the County Clarence Harold Wallace, ARE SAFEST AND BEST. Phone your orders ing, February 21st, at 8.15 p.m. : was attended by a large and enthus-| oor imittee was instructed to investl- | Treasurer on the 10 per cent. and 20| ------ ewes -- As to 288. We do the rest dD 7 jastic audience. Much of ihe SUCCSS hero to "| per cent, basis for. the same period DIED : { ------- | i! was due to the work of directresses. | ar. Anderson was appointed a dele- | amounted to $62,811.45. The amount MAHOOD -- In Cartwright Town brat Mrs. Willan and Miss M. Willams, and} oi; , the Ontario Seool Trustees' | paid to the county Asensurs by the ship, lot 21, Concession 5, Thursday,| PORT PERRY. DAIRY Fk STRFHENGON, RO li to the co-operation of the caste, Their services were much appreciated by the Club, rn ce ------------------------------------------------------------ HERE'S YOUR CHANCE ¥; doz. only 72 x 60 Rugs, at $1.76 Men's Heather Mixture Sox, pair 15¢. 2 prs. only Leather Top Rubbers, To clear at $3.75 1 only Round Hat Box, to clear, $3.75 1 only Wardrobe Suit Case, for $4.50 1 only Robe, brown, to clear at $9.00 We are agents for the neat, new and nifty Leather Neck Ties. Come in and see them. More Harness News next Week. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry CONCERT NEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING Caretaker--A, W. Allin, , a ESN BOARD OF EDUCATION At the first meeting of the Port Perry Board of Education, held on Wednesday evening of last week, Mr. Wm. J. Anderson was re-elected chair- and Ratepayers' Convention, i ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A, Minister 7 pm.--Evening Service. py - ee CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.~--Evening Service. ee re er eA P PPeereres © PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, February 17th-- after Righteousness." 1.46--Men's Bible Class and Forum. 2.46--Sunday School, 7 p.m.-- 'Buried Wells." Friday, Feb, 15th-- Thursday, February 21st-- W. A. Play and concert. 11 a.m.--Beatitude 4--Hungering The committee of Stewards will meet in the Ladies' Parlour at 8 p.m. REDUCED PRICES 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office HOCKEY Intermediate O. H. A. Last Thursday the Intermediates jdurneyed to Orono and played a ~~ favour of Orono. Suits. spopged and pressed 4 league game. The score was 16-10 inl # 638 PENSIONERS IN ONTARIO COUNTY The report of the Old Age Pension Committee of Ontario County pre- sented at the January sessions of the County Council by Owen Davies ot]. pensioners at the Your smile will guide the way. --Sadly miss by mother, Mrs, Thos. Hendry Announcement |} H. W. Boynton will open his butcher shop in the uge for February 7th, 1935, Joseph Mahood, in serviceable, Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) HOT WATER BOTTLES Excellent qualit; (guaranteed for one year) 69c¢. Defender (guaranteed : for two years) 69c. FRANK'S MEDICO PIPES--To lutely no juice. RIKER'S FRENCH BALM--For rough chapped skin, soothing and healing. Two sizes 26c. and 89¢c. DR. WEST'S TOOTH BRUSHES Selected oil- sealed bristles to give H you a brush that will not get soggy and is therefore much more 'H Stc.: .; Youth's 86c.; Adults' 50c. H CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS--Large size now $1.25. size 76¢. ' . OVALTINE--New low prices--38c., 58c. and 98c. BATH SALTS--Lavender, Rose and other odors. ' 6c. to $1.00. To clear at 49c. CANDY--Fresh, Fine Quality and Low p Chocolate Buds--29e, 1h. guaranteed. Roxbury, ve you a fresh, cool snoke, Abso- Guaranteed bowl, Assorted shapes. $1.00 Three sizes--Child's ; New small Large jars, regular A en iit Toes os 29¢. 1b. Assorted Toffee 29¢c. Ib. Cocoanut Clusters, ¥% 1b bag 19¢. rT uaa ou nuso a nsnnsnnnatnnsnrintontisssesatasasasnsnttnstn tis tiists ' the Sorrepending} pr vas sone. hia. i year, G. OWEN, Prono C3 Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Start the New. Year RIGHT By having our driver call to deliver your needs in Phone 238 © and : ROOFING 'We Carry a Full Stock of Lumber and Roofing Materials -- Frames, Sash and * Doors. mad W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON 'Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office AUCTION SALE 2nd SRE Store to-morrow, Friday, February 16. The Through the courtesy of Mr. R. G. Junior O. H. A. # + Mixed Chocolates 29¢. 1b. Salted Peanuts 19¢. Ib to order. - program, sponsored by the pupils of | Geen, of Oshawa,"a group of artists| ~ yp A protest was filed against Bobeay- 5 : N : Middle School, will consist of Shake- [from the motor city will put on a con-| THE YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS | geon by the local group, and the ex: -- = : Try us and get results speare's "As You Like It." We'll ex-|cert next Wednesday evening in the hey | ecutive decided that home and home pect you. Assembly Hall at the High School.| The subject discussed in the Bible} amos should be played between Bob-|#' -- A. M. LAWRENCE, I T------ The entertainers will include the Class Forum following the teaching of | caygeon.and Fenelon Falls, and Port|$ THE REX ALL STORE [ ] jes' i Mal _| the Sunday School lesson was: P hould play the winners. The ! i SOCIAL EVENING Ladies' Lyric Quartette, a Male Quar : yah erry should play On Tuesday evening. February 12th, | tette, Eduoard Bartlett, violinist and | "In view of the failure of Christianity |pasis of the protest was the over age - Phone 49 - - Port Perry the Independent on of A he Jack Bateman, magician. Mr. R. G. here, are we justified in Imposing it| of some Bobcaygeon players. : 1 entertained the members and their Geen Director. The admission fee will | upon the Eastern lands ?" The dis-| On Monday night the first home and adios to a Sat together Wp vd €I' be 25c. Proceeds in aid of singing |cussion hinged on these points: home game was played between Bob- : x oral dtp iol a lessons. 1--Christianity has not failed here. |caygeon and Fenelon Falls, the latter Sam N. Griffen i Sa ) Dos: Miss McIntosh Oshawa. and oo Rather it has never been rightly tried. [team being one goal up, the score Bro Stan Plough Th ? o- i 1 So called Christians have failed but|was 10-9. Goals count on the round. L b C ZoRii by ll 0 EE or DY that is not the fault of Christianity. Tuesday evening the return game um er 0. assisted by Bros. Dr. Rennie and R. R. 1 LUMBAGO 2--Even if Christianity has failed|was played between these two teams. Phone 240 Cockburn, was enjoyed. D, D. Bro. - partially in our hands, that does not| On Friday night Port goes to Bob- > Dyer was present with a few remarks. ATTACK THE CAUSE of rheu- argue against us giving it to the East, |caygeon and on Monday the 18th, Bob- PORT PERRY, ONT. After a light lunch was served by the A matism, Sciatica, Lumbago-- The early Apostles did not wait un- | caygeon comes to Port Perry. ) PS 4 committee, God Save the King com- , til the Homeland had fully appro- Rural League Standing BRYA pleted the oir ei ¢ 2. : MORRISON'S DRUG STORE priated Christianity before they| Monday's games gave the following : The committee regret very much|® sought to propagate it." They went|gcores--- ; thiol several of he. embers. re oh | RU M ACAPS everywhere preaching the Gospel,| port Perry 8, Myrtle 8 5 the sick list, but hope they will be o hence the richness of Christian his-| Utica 6, Seagrave 0. ily with us at the next regular meeting.} : tory. . Public School Games : Ri Es CONGREGATIONAL MEETING OF 8--Had early Christians and their The Port Perry and Brooklin Public b. = BROOKLIN MASONS VISIT port] PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH |suocsttrs Wo wi an Schial Faye hase wud Tenis GRINS, WITHIN THREE WEEKS Eyesight Specialist 5 PERRY. Last Thursday evening the annual wou 5 the aay or gnay od the At Brooklin the score was, Port Perry |. Ten A large number of the officers and congregational meeting of Port Perry lb a Ro 12, Brooklin 1; at Port Perry, Port § Bei riop Mdm > en pl i : ; ited Church held in the Sunday Perry 8, Brooklin 2. ; : ay 'Hvenings, or Nag Ae gerade hp bros ry The Women's pried 4--The East receiving Christianity |. : i itil COST--P. RICE--NOTHING COUNTS 5 "appointment at all' "timed, od Be Perry, on Tuesddy evening. Mount tion provided supper, and the business | shows its ability to apply. it in such} yxpRINGE SKATING RINK DISNEY BLOCK : 7 v, on y ous meeting followed, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth | men as Kagawa of Japan, Ghandi of DESTROYED BY FIRE The f h S| h eB . Osh : ion officer conferred the degree. At India" and our religious missionaries : ; € act: is we ave to c ose out t € awa = the luncheon {hich followed, Rev. W. | Presiding. The skating rink in Uxbridge town . | Opp. Post' Office, Phone 1516 i et Bie. eucst amesker, gave| The general tone of the reports from may be greatly enriched by sharing | wag completely destroyed by fire eatly business within - three weeks. So you a splendid 'talk on Irish history. In all departments showed that good | With others. | on Wednesday morning. It is report- il b. bl b his remarks Mr. Smyth threw a.new work .had been: done, and that the : The "boys" concluded that Christ ed that there was only $2500 insur- wi © a € to uy-- . light on the history of this old contro. | finances of the church were in good |ianity needs no apology and since We| ance on the building. a [I Patent versy in the British Isles condition. : believe our religion is the world's best re Tas : 4 ' i Election of Officers we ought to sell it in the world's _ IN. MEMORIAM GROCERIES L AW OFFICE i Roig d The following officers were elected | market. PRENTICE--In 1 ¢ olied hy n loving memory o GREER & HUMPHREYS | - LADIES! Dont forget the used|and appointments made: Till we meet again. Agnes C. Hendry, beloved wife of BO T . Sask book shower and tea on Thursday,| Recording Secretary--S. Farmer. i as ® - Alvin Prentice, who died February 17, 0 S SHOES RUBBER Barristers, Solicitors, - ete. . the 14th, in the I. O. D. E. rooms. Tea |Treasurer--Fred E. Reesor. 1934. LAY TRE pend : Money to Loan | 4 from 4 to 6 p.m. Treas. of M. & M. Fund--Jos. R. Baird What is home without a mother, B . 3 J | Session--A. W. Allin, Jos. R. Baird, J. Markets What are all the joys we meet; AT THE LOWEST PRICES BH. W, Enmeraon, pay Bik --_--_ oP -- -- . . ; H. Doubt, Wm. T. Dix, Rev. Wesléy (Quotations to Shippers) When her loving, smile no longer Fw Q Street 4 - SHORT COURSE FEATURES THIS| Ejliott, Samuel Farmer, Robt. Hunt- Grest tho coring Bf Bur. 1681, YOU HAVE SEEN Reon : ny K+ . You were true and very patient, Ph . WEE : er, R. M. Holtby, €. A. Honey, Law- BUTTER-- Through the years you struggled on, one 264 ° ' Tees 59 some ig eeluroy and son Honey, Samuel Jeffrey, James| Creamery solids, No. 1 vis wns 4 26c.] And those dear hands now resting, y Phone oie hours; 8514 emonstrations a e Agricultura Leask, J. F. McClintock, Albert Or- Seconds .......cieiiiiiienns 2434 Made a home that now is gone. shawa. Short Courses at Port Perry this week| chard, Jos. Peel, R. D. Woon, Clerk.| CHURNING CREAM Fa times wo Nave 8/RolME cherish Ber Come in and see what we have to which may be of interest to some not| sicwards (three years) --E. H. Purdy, ~ (fob. country paints) rrr oa ve wen JOT REX attending the classes regularly. . Chairman; J. E. Jackson, Secretary;| Special 25, No. 1, 23, No. 2, 21. chair; | Farm Women who aro interested in| FG, Taggari, . A. Pee, R. O'Nell| 5GG Sl Ak outed Foe oh ab E, Ask us about the store fixtures, scales oultry an ou ry owners generally Dr. Peterson, R. B. Smallman. Grade A large, 20. Medium 19. That's something to remember; \ : » are especially invited to the classes| (two yaar h-0, C. Jeffrey, Geo. R. es TE B 16. a A a A ii etc. they are for sale. : 6 for Monday afternoon, February 18th.| payey, F. E. Reesor, R. D. Woon, R<|* Grade C 18. Honourable and upright in all your ways, : Jbl : ~ Again on Thursday afternoon, Feb-| G. Gemmell, Robt. Harris, Stanley POULTRY. aA» Grade, olf Loyal and true till the end of your days, ruary 14th, the subject of Soils and Ploughman. 4 -~ rade, alive, You had a nature.one could not help loving, TT. J WIDDEN Port Perr : Fertilizers will be taken up. (One gear), Qralinrs, Goo, Ai Spring Chickens ...... ....8 to 18 And a heart that was purer than gold; : ° y Eyes Examined Accurately Lg The classes are being well attended ve y ' Broilers .......ciiiiiiiiiiiians 11| And to those who knew you and loved you : SPEEA g '| Rose, Robt. Somerville, J. C. Taylor, TAtbod TONE. oss Sranaiin ro 6 to 10 These memories will never grow old. F. E. LUKE & SON GIRLS' CLASS EXECUTIVE M. A. Gerrow, Chas. Rowland, A. Li 014 Roosters .....cotovencenn. af. mT isd by head ond Soins 4 Optometrists President--Miss Nora McMillan DO ehool_R. B, Small.| DUCKIES rover. 8 to 10 Sarnae : : 163-167 Yonge St, Toronto » Secretary-Treasurer--Miss G. Moase . i "| POTATOES--per ba i : - (Upstair: Sim : g civeen 40 to 46 PRENTICE--In loving memory of pstairs opp. Simpsons) Literary Committee -- Misses Doris man. ] " s : pimp hyd I oe , FEI n ty meme of CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS 2 ' '| Women's Association -- Mrs. W. H.| Hogs ((off trucks) bacon..... $8.00 | tice who died February 17th, 1934: BOYS' CLASS.EXECUTIVE Harris. Weighty Steers ...... $4.25 to $6.75 Sle iy srsvel oon and, ie IS EASY IF YOU BUY DR. W. 8S. HARPER President--Clarence Carter W. M. S.--Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Butcher- Cattle ...... $3.36 to $4.76 Bot fn rE aed gl of Graduate of Tejalty Medieal eal College and Sec.-Treas.--Raymond Fralick Evening Auxiliary--Miss G. V. Stovin| COWs .............e. $1.25 to $3.86] "Not lost but gone before" -- FROM -- Post Graduate tn 5 08 --- Vice-President--Fred Stevens. Y. P. S.--Roy Cornish Bulls .......oovveuen $2.60 to $3.26 |» God knows how much I miss you, Stew. Golles ud Polyel us Directors----Bert. Wannamaker, Jack | Young Worshippers' League -- Mary Fed Calves .......... $3.0 Oto $4.00 3 Be Sony Ne Jae) shes: , : London, Engisnd. Royal Ta f poradun Glasgow Holtby, Jack Stevens. Stone. Calves .......ocvvens $3.60 to $7.60 "J "ten ay M Office and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont, --_-- oa - Choir Leader--V. P. Stouffer Lone El REELS LIK id s 50 od yi So I'll ns ) BERT MacGREGOR Organist--Miss Helen Mellow, A.T.C. [-1-) + J 1.60 to And pray to God each day, . " ENGAGEMENT M, Ye ' i And when He calls me home to you CL i P ---- = RRR.

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