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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Feb 1935, p. 5

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pars nh Aa + "PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1885 LE a ot AAT ck ials fia WL Ld TI si ns sR 58%, -- -- -- - -- -- > 3 gets out of kilter . . , or a pipe bursts . . . or the roof springs a leak . . , or the car gets balky and refuses to leave the garage . . . and you need skilled help in a hurry . . . call it by telephone, that ever-ready sentinel of safety in big or little emergency. You are never stuck when . you have a telephone. auc OF YOUR TELEPHONE IS JUST WHAT YOU MAKE IT" PEEP OIE IEINRtReRiteetete ered P0000 00 00000 etiesetieteetietneeeeieeeteettoteeeetsseostsnetetesesed May The dedicating of the gifts of Mra. Dundas is to be held in May, if pos- sible. : : In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Hazzle- wood, parents of the late Mrs. Dun- das, of Toronto, the estate donated, Raglan Church to hold Dedication in choir chairs, pulpit and chair, com- munion table to the church some time ago, and are now installing hydro in the church, The Raglan people are very proud of these gifts and will al- ways cherish the names of Mr, and Mrs. John Hazzlewood in whose mem- ory they were given, and the name of Mrs. Dundas, whose estate furnished the money to pay for the gifts. 1.7K Noxema, regular 25¢. jar now 15c. Bulk Assorted Candy, very special at - 39c. Ib. 7? Port Perry Crazy Water Crystals, large size now $1.25; small size 75c. Cooper's Dri-Kill, 75c. per can Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder, $1.00 Morrison's Drug Store Phone 16 Ontario "ling lunch. Admision 26c, ~~ Phones--94 W and 94 J. PORTPERRY COALYARD Let us look after your fuel needs. We can supply you with all different sizes and kinds of fuel required. : FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pen- nsylvania Hard Coal--you can always be sure of get- ting uniform, good coal when you order Famous Reading Anthracite--Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. COKE--Hamilton By-Product (now called Hamco Dustless coke), or Semet Solvay Coke. WELSH COAL -- SCOTCH COAL -- CANNEL COAL . STEAM COAL : BLOWER COAL--For your Blower. We can supply you with Welsh Blower or Scotch Blower Coal. HARDWOOD -- SOFTWOOD -- CEMENT --LIME--TILE PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Nut and Range sizes. "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" Mr. and Mrs, Geo, McCullough, Miss McKercher, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Bright Sr. Mr, and Mrs. Grose spent the week end with Miss Hazel and Mr. Frank Grose, in Toronto. ~ A number from here attended the dance held in Myrtle Hall on Wednes- day. All report a good time. g Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and fam- ily spent the week end with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs: Smith, of Uxbridge. Mrs, A, Miller, Marguérete and son Gordon, Mr. Grant Bright, spent Sat- urday with Messrs. Clarence and Clay- ton Miller, at Little Britain. Miss Una Sleep spent the week end with her parents Mr, end Mrs, Arthur Sleep, of Seagrave, Dr. McMaster, and son, Port Perry, were through this' district on Wednes- day, treating the horses for bot fly, Sorry to report so many are suffer- ing from colds. We wish for all a speedy recovery, The annual meeting of the Women's Association was held in the church, with a fair attendance. The ladies de- cided to piece two quilts, Each mem- ber to furnish two blocks. On Feb, 16 the Association held a pancake supper with a miscellaneous program, Miss Doris Bray, of Brooklin, spent the week-end at her home here. .. Miss Kemp and Mr. A, Ormiston, of Totonto, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Ormiston. y L ----n nlf AD Pm emi MANCHESTER Miss Murray and Miss Helen Crosier of Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Crosier, recently. Mr. and Mrs. McKensey, were in To- ronto one day this week. Miss Jean Ferguson, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks at home, The Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs, White with a good at- tendance, ; : 2 The Manchester people are putting on a play, "The Visit to the Oil Regions" at Utica Presbyterian Pie Social on Tuesday evening, Feb. 26, The Manchester Community Club is holding a progressive euchre and dance {in the hall on February 28th. orchestra. Club members are provid- ---- eee PGP Bee | FOUND Good pair of woman's leather gloves. Apply at Star Office, BE MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM Under the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on FRIDAY, THE 22nd DAY OF FEB- RUARY, 1935, AT TWO O'CLOCK in the afternoon, by Ted Jackson, Auc- tioneer, at his office, Queen Stree PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, farm an premises known as All and' Singular that certain parcel or tract of land Music will be provided by a four plece| 'when the Quadrata Girls' Club met at opening exercises. DON'T WORRY ABOUT ~~ FIRE! Have your property properly and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham and Province of Ontario, and being. composed of parts of Lots Numbers eleven, twelve and thirteen in the Seventh Concession of the said Township of Cartwright con- taining by admeasurement four hun- dred and ninety acres more or less which is more particularly described at the south- as follows: Commencin umber eleven; west angle of Lot Thence easterly along the southerly limits of the said lots to the south-east angle of the west half of Lot Number en; Thence north fourteen and u quarter degrees west forty-four chains seventy-two links more or less to land sold to one, Mercier; Thence south seventy-four degress west thirty 'chains and eighty links more or leas to | the Gravel Hoad; Thence across the Gravel Road and northerly along the west limit thereof to the north limit of the said Lot Number twelve; Thence westerly along the north limits of the said Lots twelve and eleven, fifty- seven chains thirty-two links more or less to the west limit of Lot: Number eleven; Thence southerly along the said westerly limit of t Number eleven, thirty-four chains fourteen links more or less to the Mill Proper- ty; Thence east ten chains; Thence south sixteen degrees east ten chains; Thence west ten chains to the said westerly limit of Lot eleven; Thence southerly along the said westerly limit < | We offer you good service, and it m # will pay you to leave your bakin worries to us. | M. A. GERROW your Bread and Pastry needs. G. M. GERROW #| Gravel Road thereon. e can supply a i to,8 raserve PP'y _ #1 of sale will i |and in the meantime ma i$ | from MULO I of said Lot Number eleven, twenty-six chains, four links. more or less to the lace of beginning, excepting the On the said lands are sald to be | orected a two-storey frame house on i$ | stone foundation, hot air heating ay : tem, two large frame barns, a driving i$ | shed, if | TERMS--10% of the purchase money i | to be paid $ | balance within twenty hog 'pen and henhouse. at the time of sale and the Ee The property to be offered subject price, culars and conditions made known at the sale be obtained CK, M N, CLARK Further Bag i Mortg | Da i$ February, A.D, 1085. 5 8000080040000 A MI RI EE RA ER HE ER IA A A HAA AR A LA A RL ER ER ERR III INI I I M4244 24104040 HEARS tA SA RASA SR A AE ERLE AER ARREST IN ERIS RNINTTNFRINNN NNN 4 ' REDMAN, 711 Dominion Bank Toronto, Solicitors for the , Or from the auctioneer, at Toronto this second day of SEAGRAVE The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Orval Stone for its regular monthly meeting on Thurs. day afternoon, February 14th with Mrs. Jas. Shunk presiding, and was assisted in the opening exercises by Rev. Mr, Flindall. Mrs. H, Eagleson read the Scripture lesson. After the reading of the minutes and roll call dealt with, various business items were discussed. It was decided to have an oyster supper and social even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Colwell in connection with the regular meeting on March 6th, Mrs, F. Wat- son favoured with a splendid reading and Mrs. E, Butt a guitar solo which were enjoyed and appreciated. The meeting closed in the usual way. The lovely supper served to about sixty guests was all that could be desired. The decorations in honour of St. Valentine, and the tables, looked very inviting to those who came through the pouring rain for the occasion, After all had done ample justice to the supper, progressive crokinole was played. Miss Ila Moon won the prize for the most points. Rev. Mr. Flin- dall extended a vote of thanks to Mr, and Mrs. Stone for the use of their home. All responded in the usual way. The W. A. are very grateful for nice sum realized. The school on Friday afternoon was a scene of a Valentine programme when about twenty-five visitors were present. The teachers Mises Graham and McMillan presided over the pro- gram. The choruses rendered and readings by the children were enjoyed. Rev. O. R. Flindall was the speaker, He spoke on the story of St. Valentine explained and demonstrated on solder- ing and welding which was interest- ing and appreciated. The Valentine mail box was a feature enjoyed. Miss Graham treated the children to some tasty cookies at the close of the pro- gram, Master Harold Scott acted ag chairman. . ST A meeting to organize an orchestra for the Sunday School was held re- cently with Mrs. Cephas Sleep and Mr. L. Scott in charge. We understand there are a number interested and we think it a move in the right direction. An event of interest was held on Wednesday evening, February 6th, the parsonage for their regular monthly meeting with new officers in charge. The president, Miss Norma Urquhart in the chair and led in the Mrs, Gordon Mark was heard in a splendid reading from a book entitled "The Manhood of the Masters" which was enjoyed. After the singing of hymn 145 and the roll call, quite a lengthy business seasign was transacted. ~ Plans were made for the supper to be held in the S. S. room on March 16th which will be fol- lowed by a program by local talent Mrs. Cephas Sleep was the guest speaker, taking for her subject "Good Neighbours and Unemployment" which was much enjoyed and appre- ciated. Meeting closed in the usual way. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess and a social hour spent A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Flindall for the lovely even- ing spent. The regular, weekly Young People's meeting on Tuesday evening, Feb. 12, was in charge of the president, Mr, Harold Jackson, with Miss Alma Frise convener of-the Missionary program.' The meeting opened by singing hymn 221 followed by Rev. Mr. Smyth leat ing in prayer. Mr, J. Grantham read the' Scripture and Mr. Reg.~Abraham conducted the Bible Questions. Rev. Mr. Smyth, of Port Perry, was the guest speaker, giving a splendid ad-- dress on missionary work, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. ' Owing to the illnes of Mrs. O. R.' Flindall and Mrs. E. Clements, who were suffering from a cold, the Mis. sion Band meeting to be held on Fri-| day afternoon was postponed for an- other week. Sorry to report the condition of' Mrs, Jas. Short and Mrs. C. McLean,' of Port Perry, still very serious. Both patients are under doctor's care. The Sunday School in the morning had an attendance of 106 with Mr. S. Reynolds presiding. Rev. Mr. Flin- dall preached to a fair congregation in the evening. The sermon, Founda- tion of Missionary Work" was listened to with interest, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Bertrum Wannamaker, who were mar- ried on Saturday last. | Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Clarke and Master Jack, accompanied by Mr. ang Mrs. Alf. Dowson, spent the week en in Toronto with relatives, Miss Iva Reynolds was home from Oshawa over the week end, I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds and F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE NAVEL ORANGES, Sweet and Juicy. Medium size 35c. hp dozen. Large size 19c. dozen. LEMONS, large size, dozen 23c. LETTUCE, large heads 10c. FRESH CARROTS, bunch 10¢. CALIFORNIA CELERY in this week. GRAPEFRUIT, Texas Marsh Seedless, 4 for 25c¢. Five Roses Flour Sale 7s 27c. 24's 79¢c. 98's $2.89 | | | ? >» Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour | 3 2 pkgs. for 29¢ pt 3 ~ . % of FREE--$9000 in Cash | i oa) Just for colouring a picture of Claudette Colbert. ; x Ask for entry blanks at our store. & Sliced Pork Squares, smoked, 22¢. Ib. af W. R. JOHNSTON SUITS FOR MEN b Made-to-measure--Guaranteed to fit. New Spring Samples 4 'in a fine range of patterns. Priced at $19.75, $23.50, $35.00 yi -- c-- psp sa Ao wd & Print House Dresses ) A large assortment of new patterns, all tub fast. 4 Prices--98c., $1.19, $1.25, $1.35 f ~ | W ------ om ao i, NEW WALLPAPERS i Staunton's Sunworthy and Semi-trimmed papers are cheaper he this year--and better. Sunworthy Papers 15¢. roll and up. oH Semi-trimmed Papers at 10c. roll and up. & P he Let a baby;--Misses Iva-and--Dorothy Rey ! nolds, visited with relatives at Scugog on Sunday, hone 43, Part Perry Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk and family of Lindsay, were Sunday visitors of relatives here. | insured HAROLD W. at once EMMERSON BUY NOW Made- and OVERCOATS at Low Prices. We are offering good values--60 different designs Worsteds, Grev Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done W. T. Rodman Over the Telephone Office, Port Perry to-Measure SUITS in Tweeds, Fancy - and Blue Serges. MERCHANT TAILOR -- | | AwiwARD roLDING AND UN WITH THIS SIMPLE POCKET SIZE L CAN IT BE DONE? = 8 Rey Gros Sg . NEWSPAPER HOLDER NEWSPAPER -- BEND AND FOLD IN ANY WAY DESRED. CAV IT BE DONE? -~ OF A NEWSPAPER COULD BE FLIMMNATED PAPER. BINDER .., SIMPLY ATTACH TO -- 1935 Service | | It is with a great deal of pleasure we offer to the buying public, not only a service as nearly 100% as possible, but also the following high grade fuels and building materials. Our leader in the fuel line is "BLUE COAL" 7 Coke--"STELCO COKE" made in Hamilton, Ont. : "JASPER HARD" Coal from Alberta. £4 We can also supply Blower Coal, and coal for stoker- use. iy WOOD--Hard Bodywood, Hardwood Slabs, Softwood Slabs. ! LUMBER--We have a very good stock of White Pine, Jack : Pine and Spruce lumber on hand. B. C. Cedar Shingles. LIME, TILE, TEN-TEST, and SHEETROCK, the fireproof building board... ASPHALT ROOFING. jet MARMILL CHICK STARTER. FRED E. REESOR 1 Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73} 5 ™ DO YOUR Radio, Vacuum Cleaner, 2 Fixtures, Heaters, or other Electrical appliances |° 5 give their best performance? If not, there is a % reason. We specialize in all these lines, and at Ai : : Hy the most reasonable prices. Don't let these in- 1 conveniences be a menace to your home, fx Phone 26 a HOPKINS & FARMER x Dealers in Delco Light and Westinghouse Products h > PORT PERRY Fr Do you think this idea Is pructicalt Write Bay Gross In care of this newspaper he Pe 8 We stock meats of the best grade. When you want quick, courteous X service, phone I CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery ¥

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