PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 18th, 1935. "as BIT 2 4 Shall -- - -- DIED turn visit later in the : ---- mr ---- year, The sum : \ . LEBAR--At his home, 356 Ontario | of $63.55 was realized. | Bensork and, baby Pasig ond Mie) 3 ee Street, Toronto, April 10th, 1935, Jas.| Sympathy is extended Mr. R. Gor- : a : ere gues's of | 1 : Edward, beloved husband of Phoebe] don and family in Ris of BG a and Murs, Geo. Schell on Sunday. | S P E C | A L N E X T WwW F. E K i _ LeBar, in his 67th year. wife and mother, whose death Oc¥ Rid Sree Moase of Port Perry (H i F WwW B 48 ed lot Non Ady TAY visited Miss Hil Reader on Sunday. {$f F EA | H D R P 1 | | OWS ° . ROC K & SON WANTED 13th, after a lengthy illness. C My i: } Saree i deg Miss | # i a op [Lrawiord, of Lige stock, Mr. and Mrs. | § i A Port Perry home in exchange for R. Tetlow and children were guests |$ Washed, Soft and Fluffy : RED & WHITE STORE an East Toronto house just north of of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearce on Sunday, | § i PE. rrr eermrer mre Danforth Ave. Apply H. W. Boynton, Mn SCUGOG lav *G in Jonas of Mrs. Pearce's birthday. 2 : 40c eac i EE I I II I IIS Port Perry. £ 'lease keep In min e play "Go} Mr. C. Reader and Mr. Geo. Cox [$i . 2 f 60 i ap Slow Mary" on Thursday of this week. | visited in Cobourg last week, { OSHAWA ' or C H GROCERIES FOR YOUR "Phe Woman's Association held their] Mrs. Fry of Oshawa is visit : LAUNDRY & DRY CLE } $ * ' ) x ; 0 " Mrs. s visiting her : CLEANING CO., Ltd. $ a : FOR SALE a April meeting last Tuesday afternoonlsister, Mrs. T. Redman, R Phone 143 (Mrs. Cooney Agent). We call and deliver EASTER TABLE pr oo Farm of about forty-five acres. Con- Jat the home of Mv. and Mrs. C. Hardy, Mrs. R. Fowler and son Alan of | $isststtesstststtsteees tHE 8TTILTELLLLLLLS i 2 ATVI TOR : yoy ny Jom seh gi ne ous 2 i ig bod Fhenerey visited her parents, Mr. and Ee NE " HEA b on ITUCE, fresh VEGETABLE SOUP, prove ay. | Jetirvey, Mrs. E. Clark, Mrs. F. Crozier | Mrs. 0. Reader for the Y and erisp i... 10¢ . . Excellent state of cultivation. Plant-fand Mrs. Hardy. There was u very) Mus. J. nib ity THERE IS STILL TIME C. & B. CATSUP, 14 oz CIR pi dogg ed to strawberries SA garden piss good attendance--b0, but a few of the]spent a pleasant day recently with Mr. to treat your cattle with 2 bottles for 250 wii > 1b A Immediate possession. Apply to G. D.Jregular attendants were unable to beland Mrs, J. Pearce and enjoy ~ COOPER! ol. 2 bs, 23c. : DCT joyed a reg ER'S WARBLE -- 3 TR 1 . , \ Conant, K.C., Oshawa. may 2| present. We were glad to have WE Ss Rg y g 4 FLY PONDER SHORTENING, ..1 Ib. 12¢. C. & B. TOMATO soup us Mrs. W. Ettey, Mrs. W. Wanna- \ Pa ° no guess work. RUM AND BUTTER 4for 25c¢. dozen 69c. TE hi maker, Mrs, H. Hope and Mrs. S. Hope GE - 139% yous local Cooper Dealer, or write . TOFFEE,...."; Ib, 10c. FRESH GROUND » MAN WANTED TO HANDLE of Prince Albert. The meeting opened UTICA Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited TOMATOES, choice, Ib 17¢. COFFEE, Ib. 27¢., 33¢., 39¢ WATKINS FLY SPRAY with Mrs. O. Jeffrey, president, in the Died 3 217 Bay Street - A - Toronto, Ontario sy De. * " . 3 'hair. Mrs. Geo. Jackson read the died in Toronto on Mondgy, April mm ee Local rural route available for re- ¢ x as 0 i : ) _| Scripture lesson. Mrs. D. Hope gave] 16th, 1935, Murs, J. Stevenson (Eunice ' ' jisbie i Ts Pua a demonstration of making a rug, us- Christie), 'in her "73rd year. Inter. 9 LADIES SHOE ne i ing sock yarn crocheted over binder [ment took place at Pine Hills Ww Stock and Poultry Tonics, Spices, mx: twine, which makes a very good rug Cemetery, Kennedy Road i: J : hye a large stock of new and up-to-date Shoes made tracts, Medicines, Soap, ete. Car| wine: Wel SHEE fon 0 Mrs. dus. E. Mitchell visiti in B. D. E. and EE lasts. Priced at $1.89, $2.49, $2.95, $3.95 2 . x Mrs. O. Jeffrey read a story of an] Mrs. Jas. E. Mitchell visiting m \ ~ se lubieehing Bd, $a.14d, 94.do, $3. needed. Credit furnished. Apply oyster making the best of everything. | Claremont recently. | | GRACIA SHOES for the better grades in B. D. and EE i i y /atki 3 3 3 1 rey : iff lasts at $3.9! 4.35 immediately, The J.B. Watkins: Ca, Mrs. C. Hardy then gave a demonstra- The Blue Bird Club will present § | s at $3.95 and $4.35. 2177 Masson St, Montreal, Que. tion on the oe don pe) quilt pattern their play "Mama's Baby Boy" at SONYA M J I'S "i RG Ca SE : 0 2 Les 2 ° y : y i. " ' Mrs. Jas. Munro with her mother a v ----a eo which is very pretty. Then we had a Dina on Tie evening April The deepest sympathy of this com-| Mrs. A. Ferguson in ie hex; LADIES' HOSIERY R in discussion on making quilts for sale, | 23rd, anc at Ashburn on May 2nd. munity is extended to Mr. Robert Mrs. J. Baird is visiti + whose Jervice wel i N " i will A farm and it was decided to make a couple Mrs. E. Heron and children have| Gordon and family in the death of | Mrs. Roy Morrison. siting he meee ee Weigh Hogloy ut She. Ny ei BB di } i a leben Seo the rie of fancy quilts for sale. "The surprise returned home after spending a few | Mrs. Gordon, who was a very highly Mrs. S. McFarlane attended the on at 85¢. and $1.00. Crepe Hosiery at $1.00. a standing on the Phas box was brought and presented to the weeks with her parents here. esteemed citizen. She was a devoted | Provincial meeting of the W. M. 8 TT EE a SB a pong Winn 1s mend To Plane next group. At the close of the mect- A number from here attended the | wife and mother, loved her church and | held in Knox Presbyterian Criiveli in MEN'S FELT HATS return the came" at once i 1.| ing all were invited to the dfhing room play at Manchester on Tuesday night. was a loyal member of St. Andrew's| Toronto last week. oe Suit eo < © O'Neill ci a 18 where the table looked very inviting Murs. H. B. McKercher is spending Presbyterian Church, where, as well Miss Helen Mason has returned New Spring Hats in Grey and Browns at $1.95, $2.50, $3.50. ' "| with all the good things to eat and the Sone time ith her mother, Mrs. | as in her home, her loss will be keenly | home from Oakville where she visited eg ee ee a ) --towor-- Faster decorations of -purple anda Worden at Prince Albert. felt. | friends. } MEN'S OXFORDS OATS FOR SALE yellow, also a basket of Easter eggs 3 By sure to fhetizs Tou ticket on the Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Beecroft and| Friends of Mrs. D. McLean will be ' A quantity of Siberian Oats and at each end of the table. All enjoyed | °! en fly 0 t fhe draw will be Miss Muriel Beecroft were in Toronto | glad to know she is improving after { Men's Oxfords of Black Calf in a neat appearing and well buckwheat for seed. Apply lot 9, con. the eats and the social time together. made some time in May. _ on Saturday. her recent operation. { made lines. $3.35, $3.65 and $4.35. . din | oe rl ene Co ars de ntais were asked P 'e i Py 4 : 3 ea : N READY-MADE - E- for the next meeting. a ' =1V E FRESH COWS FOR SALE Scugog folk have been afflicted with ' _ A line of suits in Young Men's models and also conserva- Apply to Howard Bartley, Phone | an epidemic of colds and operations. {i tive models in Brown, Black, Blue Worsteds with stripes. i 108-11, Port Perry Ont. apr.18| . Mrs. D. Cherrig is getting along ¢ $13.95 » i oy nicely after her operation. di fi 3 ET ET 3 Sai ) Mr. Donald Crozier was taken to the' : A 1 od Markets hospital at Port Perry and underwent ade di ¢ JOHNSTO MADE-TO- an operation for appendicitis on Wed- i . : } BUTTER-- : 23 nesday last week. } MEASURL. SUITS Creamery Solids, No. 1.....- 291 Mr. Neil Gardner, of Pine Point,' y A large assortment of styles and cloths made to your Tr Beeondy TEER Ree ees "2 | was also taken to the hospital last i; individual measure and guaranteed to fit. $19.75 $23.50 4 CHURNING CREAM-- week. We wish for all these patients 4 and $27.50. J ; (f.0.b. country points) . a speedy recovery. Ym ms ees Special 25, No. 1, 23, No. 2,251 Mp, and Mrs. Geo. Samels visited} ~ 1 Ph 4 Ranks Al 15. Medi = their friends Mr, and Mrs. McKnight ' . one 43 rade arge 15. Medium 1. at Epsom, on Sunday. EL TA TEE SO ORL EL ] interes - x : Spsom, ) he : PA TRE A TT THE ATT gi Grade B 2, by . Mr. and Mrs. W. King, of Oakwood, THR AST IR bis POULTRY A" Grade, oh tod visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. D. a e > rollers ..... cece 0 Hope, one. day last week. 4 Fatted Hens .............. 6 to 14 Mr. Roy Aldred of Little Britain, CHEVROLET offers ) ee § = OU Boyes wind fri gigs bins 2 os " is helping Mr. R. Pogue. NEE you Balanced Weight Bits meee " 1 BER INES 4 yussbas rar als ul Mr. and Mrs. A. Sanguine and their | e 0s + » POTATOES--per bag ....... 45 £0 50 yuughter Joyce, of Zion, were recent plus Enclosed KNEE- V ( e 3 : ny id $8.10 visitors of their niece Mrs. C. Hardy. ACTION for the fi 5° 1021 LPUCKB) sie eens nt? : Miss Florence Elford and Miss Rena 3 writ 0 Fine ve : I . . | (A Weighty Steers ...... $4.25 to $7.50 Hs oe 1, Laie, at Unosare Ultimate in Riding It is with a great deal of pleasure we offer to the buying {2 0 a friend of Mrs. D. Lewis, at Lacsarea N public, not only a service as nearly 100% ibl ' Butcher (Rte eis $5.25 to $0.25) on Sunday: : Comfort also the following high " 1 f : Is b AS Consiok, Dak 1% ; "4 B 2 ing rrade fuels ildi i Af COWS vere nnnnns $4.00 to $4.501 fics Helen Carter and sister Miss | ; g high grade fuels and building materials. 1 Ping + wae REE Saul pe in bs Po Florence, and Miss Grace Demara, Our leader in the fuel line is "BLUE COAL" AY ed Calves ......... ; . : ; rs cee spent a pleasant week end in Toronto. Coke--"STELC ORT mnie J 3% Calves ..........o... $3.50 to 650] fy. and Mrs. C. Graham and Mrs, is TELCO COKE" made in Hamilton, Ont. § Soe Lambs ....each iv o pi J. A. Sweetman, visited in Oshawa one xclunive i "JASPER HARD" Coal from Alberta. 3 (12) + EE ee a0, [4] . dav last ok. : i WY i : , . nl co A Crier Sod Loy (1313 YT UT TH ZT TL 3 FE Hii | We can also supply Blower Coal, and coal for stoker use. P > v ' R vi ; gus b: SEACRAVE Bobbie and Shirley, Mrs. C. Hardy, WOOD--Hard Bodywood, Hardwood Slabs, Softwood Slabs. Eo ; > j John and Clara, spent a pleasant even- LUE Rete lave Hoc 4 i. 3 i The play "The 'Eighteen Carat) ing with Mr. and Mrs. R. Medd, at | ¥ ¢ have a very good stock of White Pine, Jack 1 > - Boob" as presented by the Young| Epsom, recently. - - ) Pine and Spruce lumber on hand. B. C. Cedar Shingles. Sh People of the community in the United] Messrs. Anson Gerrow, Allie Mark ! LIME, TILE, TEN-TEST GIT TT " 1 yi SYS. ; ; ME, JS, TEN-TES and SHEETR( y Church on Tuesday evening last was Cecil Fralick and Ray Milner, visited - building hoard. ASPHALT Fp EK; the fepront 2 a decided success. + The large audience| in Peterboro on Friday. - RRET TOP . fr had many opportunities for a good| Mr. Leonard Hope visited his cous HODY BY FISHER MARMILL-CHICK STARTER. Pre laugh each time "Bud" so ably taken | My. J. Hardy, on Sunday. i for by Leonard Beadle, and "Kitty" the About sixty young people met at Fic ¢ » lithping maiden taken by Alma Frise,| the home of Mr. and Mrs. .J Reader 3 FRED E. REESOR £5 4 .- mT i | last 2 i - can tell that Knee-A ¢ Jia came on the platform. The commits last' Thursday evening and presented ell you that Knee-Action makes the back seat ride . 7 . tee in charge wish to express thei them with a lovely linen tablecloth just as smooth as front seat comfort . . . that it makes possible z Phones: Office 73 WwW, Res 73 J { sincere appreciation for Serbs who| and servettes, a pair of linen low shockless steering . . . that it is always smoothing the way on ' . K hip nr any Woy mks he ct cues and 0 wool bnkel ry an wl as 5a] ht 1 ko avery Jt en, ich : coached the ays is worthy of spacial i py en at and bounce out of your motoring. v £ bash, vg Bon nen, i a, Jay Jute ves Yiried, In the em¥ | But there is so much more to say about Knee-Action -- about 4) oe ON ny rr AY i hh JAemeted | Dh ove Chevrolet's solid steel "Turret Top" Body by Fisher, Blue Flame 4x selections between acts which were life of happiness together. a # Engine, Cable-Controlled Brakes and Fisher No-Draft Ventilation Ph : i ' . enjoyed. Proceeds amounted to $38.65) Mr. Joe Lucas has moved into the ----that the best thing to say is: "Come to our showrooms hone 26 . b Following is cast of the characters:|house récently vacated by Mr. and now, and drive . A Daisy Bell--Eileen Fishley; Alice] Mrs. D. Lewis. ' thio noir Master FOR REPAIRS AND SERVICE ON ALL \ Bisnetta -- Alma Clements; Cora-- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | Chevrolet for I ¢ Mrs. G. Mark; Charles--Neil McMil-| Earl Reader on the birth of a little yourself!" 2 PRIN '885 i the ay KINDS OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT bY - lan; Billy Kerns--Joe Grantham; Kit-| son, Monday, April 15th, I. : : GMAC T y -Pass. Loupe) AND RADIO EQUIPMENT y ty Darling--Alma Frise; Belle Sparks Don't forget the Institute on Sat- | : orms. Delivered, fully equipped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont. : i wliergarey Dordt fiaey Gages So urls, Ps Gd how. There will a i Freight and Government license only extra. FARM LIGHTING A SPECIALTY : Toy Std; ee Ba tivilio Sain > peda Bo Bo A gun Ri STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS $122 Ht H 3 / s and a half, 7 <i ~ Nh Netley; Anna--Ila Moon; Jack Mergy| Everybody come and have a good time 3 . HOPKIN S & FA RMER A «~ » -- Bill McMillan: together." r , We Tn i } 7 . } i The large audience that turned out| 'Well spring has been set aside for" } Dealers in Deleo Light and Westinghouse Products 'at . to hear the Carolina Jubilee Singers, | winter to visit us again as we had i 2 BH on Tuesday evening went away highly | quite a snow storm on Monday and 4 A : PORT PERRY 3 delighted with hearing the. melodious [again on Tuesday. We expected when | FISHER Ai voices of the colored folk as they the ice went out of the lake last bo. NO.DRAFT VENTILATION ; Ba rendered numerous folk songs, gouth- |it would be warmer, but we are hoping c95C H 1 FOR T LAR ern melodies, spirituals and readings, this is the last cold wave, as it is - REE A : BR : R s and all were thoroughly enjoyed. Rare very hard on the fall wheat, which HAT PARTICULAR TASTE indeed, is ne oppor of hi anes not look very good now. ; This is the time of the year when one's taste is very particular-- harmoniously blended together. 'he r. Ross Prentice has been appoint- q especially meats. Our meats are 80 tasty and delicious that the Reagrave Ppotle foe) BEN Bares ed £onnly Baad Manager for Scugog H. R. ARCHER, PORT PERRY most fastidious appetites are satisfied. Phone your next order to n having such a troupe of singers,|roads, we all W sh him success in his * - and are looking forward to their re-}new work. ' country folk to hear a group such as Miss Olive Schell and friend, Mr, W, F 0 R E C oO N 7) I C A Li T Rn CAWKER BROS. v ; P they are, with the wonderful voices so Smith of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs, | 3 HL d ' ANSPORTATION Phone orders to 39 w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery *. - i Te (Te? FRAT 4 i 3M Ry AE en LR Tale FANNER EONS EEA! $e i ' ERE FR Cran ain Ry