41x a 3 Dd i £7 $A 4 44 a : 1%) Te SAIN SS [Fa ERE Vi ! 5 i Al CG iby ik TR gn. $1.50 per year in advance 5 cents single copy Watch your label; it tells when your subscription expires. T PERRY STAR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1935 POR ---- : = -------- rr -- ; . ; - A : { AMENDMENTS TO MUNICIPAL : : : . wd 2nd Vice President, Fred Brock; Secretary, J. E. STATUTES, 1935 enera ews an rroposes Jackson; Treasurer, Robt. Levia. Ballin No. 3 ~ ; . : ° 'ct The following are the chal men of i ip ses 1 " This Jule is og wo tag pox i i _H. R. Archer; Land Sports--R. B. Smallman; pose of drawing to the attention o 3 IF Six Nations Indians in Canada, reported eager to return to God Dis oSses Dances, Guftin ; Baseball. J °F hb Advertising--Walter municipal councils and their officials ih New York State, have the right to do so under the terms of two : Cook; Draw Prizes--Dr. Lundy; Street Fair--Orr Browne; Re- some of the important changes in the : treaties between the United States and Great Britain, Robert M. : : freshment Booths--M. A. Gerrow; Blanket Booth--Mrs. Hall and general statutes relating to munici- Codd, counsel for the Six Nations, said. . Hi . A Aad: Tarra: Rae Yer +4 palitie 1 at Ale t Sessi L " 3, 3 Recent events have proved the absolute futility of Mrs. Pyatt; Bingo Booth--Tom Ha) Bacon Rant, > Bost a 2 og passed a : rE Sess 2" i _ |Gregor; Pony Booth--Howard Stone; Horse Races--dJno. sawker ; | of the Legislature and which came in : Mr. Stewart Lyon,, Chairman of the Hydro Commission, al- programs which presume to control the forces of na Ti oi W. NM. 1cther force on April 19, 1935. Only a brief luded to an interesting experiment now in progress in Toronto, ture in the matter of food production. Man proposes, = Jutline of these changes is given in which seeks to make available for industrial purposes the hugel hut God disposes. aie n this bulletin, and if detailed informa- volume of power for which there is little use between the hours Official Opening of the tion is required & copy of the Statutes t of midnight and 6.30 a.m. It is Joneses, Js, sald, to ullizs this | Drought, dust storms, grasshoppers, floods and . . for 1935 should be obtained as soon surplus electric current to complete the electrolysis of water in| cyclones are quite competent to reduce production of - WwW M 1 L b d as they are issued, or this Depart- the production of nitrogen and oxygen gases and thus provide a food ve Hu nan WA erence. It a ta peal ar emoria 1 rary, an ment could be written to--Depart- . large supply of cheap power for us in metallurgical plants, in the y ° o f h ment of Municipal Affairs. smelting of ores, in the ceramic industry and possibly in the pro-| food surplus, why not let the Government take that De ication ofr the Commissioners for Taking Affidavits 3 duction of heat and the propulsion of vehicles. surplus and distribute itfor "relief" purposes? Py; 99 Act (Bill No. 41.) tut * se $ . ; % ore B k of Remembrance The Clerk of every municipality is a A $50,000,000 Federal Domestic Loan is announced to be 'There 18 no need to she crocodile tears over the 00 ° made a commissioner of affidavits for el sought at an early date. terrible condition of the pooy, and at the same time . - S T Be simipeley and guy 9 dis- i piney lessen production, and actually destroy great quanti- Friday; May 24th, 3.00 p.m. ( . J) en Lo PHBE iy vy 3 3 Drafting. plans which may call for doubling the home| jeg of food that might bring health and happiness to eis and Statutory declaebiong dor" ay strength of the Royal Air Force, at a cost of $120,000,000 more h d fering f £ that food ORDER OF CEREMONIES flats) $0 y ¢ kd than the increased air estimates already brought down, the Air thousands who are suftering Lor want of that food. } lly a Improvement Act (Bill 80) TA Ministry advised British "aircraft manufacturers not to ac Transportation could be managed. All that Parade of Veterans headed by Band of 34th Ontario Regiment { TEWEY HP , Xap cept foreign orders without consulting the Ministry, because of| 1 .04g to be done is to divert part of the money now and escorted by Officers and Guard of Honour fromi same Reg- Wedd Jusd Supusyvshion, is Tg the likelihood of a considerable demand on their facilities by the \ . A % iment (by kind permission of Officer Commanding). % ADy 4 by by-law and a copy ACER ma , ot " y : sent to the D t t S ~~ Government, : -gpent in buying food for relief," and use it for Arrival of Lieutenant-Governor. Royal Salute. Inspection' OE hy Joya: ner "wp porn ROR 4 "Compulsory air-raid drill may soon be a feature of the life of| transportation. It may be all right to curtail the out- | of Guard of Honour. nln t of tus Te YEN Britain 5a part of the comprehensive plans for protection of| put, of diamonds in order to keep up the prices, but if |, OFC MSIL 10 PEL SE Letther Fin sd satel opnliors \ 9-88 we do the same thing with the necessities of life, we Opening of Library and address by His Honour Lieutenant- Loci na suburban roads Fey ; Byidonce that Sviation in Genada 1s i Jevossingly are only robbing Peter to pay Paul. = What is gained |Governor H. A. Bruce. 5 Witch off Fined "Sy, 8 ry fhe 8! sale was shown In res compiled by the Civil Aviation' branc Iv hr 3 nal i 3 Dedication ceremonies of "Book of Remembrance -- Sal Minister' p E: : of the Department of National Defence on aircraft accidents dur-| 11 price will be paid out in higher taxes. People can | oC oT. A. Nind (Chaplain) N Siiststett approval before 81st of 3 + ing the last three years. a ah uh live without diamonds, but they must have food. Depositing of "Book of a and unveiling of Mem- Expenditure on town or village t, ; ss ® i 3 i, . Tard » : 1%. : - i i : 3H orial niche--Major-General James MacBrien. ae : 8 . The figures showed that in 1984 Canadian aircraft flew 6,- The foregoing statements are fairly familiar tous Last Post. Revellie ye cots from Ny ou qrovates bate to Rod 497,637 miles and that in 76,871 aircraft hours required: to- fly! _all; but there is a phase of this matter of crop reduc- Patriotic. and Empire Day "singing by Port Perry Public & 0 oof vouchers covering : a ove miles 12 Pores a 2 Injured EI Ws _ -tion that is frequently overlooked. ~~ What becomes of School i. - | the expenditures. : R0 VOIR DO. Gn eh BR RR TR re ek at "| "the lan i lie "4dle"?. In point of fact it wi 'Canada. - . y Townships have to s ! standers,. Seven pilots dnd 2 Assengers were hurt. =. the land that'is to lie "idle ?- In point of fact it will Presentation of relatives and next of kin of Departed Vet-] ownshiy have to submit to the : lots and = p! $o i i . : . ; : : : Minister by the 28th of February a In 1933 the total number of deaths was 25, including 12 pas- tiot 'be idle. Nature does not know anything about - {erans to the Licutenant-Governor, who will escort them into the [yooh he estimated ox. sengors and 8 pilots, Thirteen persons were. hurt, including 5| 'idleness. .She goes 'on producing something or other Library. Parade of Veleruis through the Library. penditures on roads for the current passengers. ~The aircraft miles flown were 4,638,315, almost' tt h t Tt : t take in th Inspection of Memorial by general public. . | sear to become entitled to the statn- 2,000,000 less than in 1934. In 1932 a total of 12 persons was| TNO mater w 2 pay na 1 ey a 5 ne Alem y This is the tentative program of the opening of the War | tory subsidy. : pics on) 18 injured, while the mileage flown was a little more) -. affair. Apparently all bran i of thistles, 'mustar ' Memorial Library. Port Perry is honoured in having two dis-| Townships are no longer to receive \ ¥ than ' 6 ; twitch grass, etc., are Nature's prime favorites, and {i ouished Canadian citizens to officiate at this important event. subsidies for road work done by tax- %; : The 1934 fatalities showed 1 person killed per 928,234 miles . . : g TE aerehant 1 citi Payers Who are hid : ov vith 11 Tr 2 28,232 miles] laws can prevent the wind from carrying the seeds It is requested by the Committee that the merchants and citizens | payers w paid by way of credit oy : flown, compared with 1 in 453,831 miles in 1933 and 1-in 571,141 I ested DY acs ln sl wi it Te nly "| on unpaid tax 5 : "honour the occasion by decorating their premises. It-is a splen- I axes, LL ; in 1932. One passenger was killed per 2,165,879 miles flown last| of these weeds from unused land to used land. In a {hon ; Chi Cour former oF Aw apphienss 5 i | 1 in 378,198 miles in 1933 and 1 in 1,623,044 miles th Pa y : . ' +did opportunity to show ou high esteem for our former towns pplications for county or town- iY | year, in 378,198 miles in and 1 in 1,628,044 miles the year| gin ilar manner insect pests will multiply where they |mpen--Hon. Dr. A" Bruce, Lieut.-Governor of Ontario; and | ship subsidies are to be accompanied 19 : Pre ses are not disturbed, and no laws can clip their millions | Major-General James H. MacBrien, Superintendent of the Royal BY hens wing Te zon ex- Ri A : | rend es on whic i EE cy Seemingly dead for five minutes, according to > Gooton al of wings. } : Canadian Mounted Police. Er e subsidy is 7s 5-year-old girl was "brought back to life" with the aid of adrenalin so ims : es (To be cortinged 3 a powerful heart stimulant. "It was the greatest thrill of my Crop reduction is not as simple as it looks to the win Sau. followed ny plier by Mi ns Sed) IE 51. entire medical career," Dr. A. F. Laird, an Owen Sound specialist,| casual observer. : . : PRO PECT © gs ] per = A wr : who revived the child, declared following the experience. "There In a world where hundreds of millions are striving . John Varcoe. Miss Mary Martin reac BL ACKSTOCK i is not the slightest doubt that the child was dead, and that the £ 1 in the sun. we cannot afford to lower the The Mother's Day service on May] the S. S. lesson to study for May 12th. fe adrenalin injection brought her back to life." or 4 piace In el id : 12th, was well attended, including | Mrs. Holliday and Rev. Mi. Honey Among our recent visitors were: i ' 29.9 ' / efficiency of our citizens by processes of idleness and many familiar faces of former days.| conducted an interesting discussion on Miss Annie Wright, of St. Catharines, : 3 4 Field tests of "real" television, looking to the day when sight destruction. Beautiful flowers decorated" the} the Christian Church. Mrs. Ewart] with her sister Mrs. John Larmer. : radio may be as common as sound, are to be started in the United x ! church. The S. S. sueprintendent con- Diamond gave an inspiring poem, "I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ginn, Mrs. Robt. 7 States as soon as the apparatus can be put into operation. Con- { ducted the service. Wila and Joyce| Can". Mrs. Geo. Smith read the | Crozier and son Arthur, with Mr. and ans struction work is to begin immeditely, David Sarnoff, President of ; . | Edgerton, accompanied by Mrs. R.| minutes of the previous meeting when Mrs. H. Ginn. Mr. and Mrs. John 4 3 yo 4 the Radio Corporation of America, told the annual stockholders' e ° | Somerville, sang "Something for | the election of officers took place, re-} Wright with their son Mr. Albert UY meeting, with the expectation that all equipment will be ready 2 Jesus". Horace Webster on he Sng 2 follosins Prose, Me G. Yosight. Ew Jean Byers with Miss ? i in twelve to fifteen months. - . : ree 1C Pp Scripture lesson. Maudie Smith, Mae| Webster; Vice-President, Mr. E. Gor- 'rances Mountjoy. Miss Hazel Eng- 8 1 : POPE SE and Beth Diamond gave read-| don, Secretary, Mrs. Geo. Smith, Asst. {lish with" Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright. : 4 One of the most unusual "mercy flights" in aviation's history : > : ings and the Mother's Choir sang] Sccretary, Mrs. Ralph Somerville,{ Mr. and*Mrs. J. Flett and sons Alex ; ] _ in the North was written into the records, with Pilot Herb Sea- an e 1 V er «My Bother's Bible". A pageant "No Treasurer, Mr. A. Orchard; Teacher, jand Henry, of Bowmanville, with Mr. We grim of Wings Limited the hero. , : : 5 Laurels on their Brows" was present-| Mrs. Holliday. Look-out Committee, and Mrs. Mervin Graham. Mr. and fr A 4 A woman was lying in hospital at Winnipeg, 850 miles south Ha to ed by Mrs. Ralph Somerville, Roy Mr. C. Wilson, Mrs. C. Wilson, Miss } Mrs. Ernest Larmer and family with f of God's Lake, seriously ill. An operation was imperative, but The Canadian National Railway is establishing a | Corbman, Marjory Bray, Br hi May Sorin Jos. dai Fine uy "y iy E. i Mr. Yo 3 her physician was unwilling to proceed without the assent of her 3 doz i roy, Ronald Vernon and Bet a-| Visiting-the-Sick-Committee, Mrs. E.| Wright with Mr. and Mrs. D." W. : husband, at a small lake north of God's Lake. free pick-up and ys betes Pont Poy mond. Burnsell Webster and Jack Diamond, Mrs, v «Gordon, Mrs. J. Bradburn. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ferguson 8 J Details were sent by wireless, but communication with the| and Oshawa. This will be a daily service (Sun YS Holtby received the offering which Barher, Roy Corbman, John Bray. |with their daughter Mrs. T. Samells, ' 'man was gomplicared by the fact ice conditions would not permit| excepted), arriving at around 11.00 a.m. and leaving will be forwarded to th Ontario i Details] Sapte, = Shue, ou Joe Eis ii Sa Vie ; landing of an aeroplane on the Lake where he was staying. Sea-| ,. 1 Ti tonti Lvialolis Baudaiion Covnell. Rev. 9. B.{ Mr. Goo. -MeClintock, Mrs. Holliday, | Bradinimn, . Mz, and Mrs, Fred Adam. bof sy grim volved the difficulty, : ye at 12. 00 noon, Standard Time. Rates on application Ty gave a short address. Wm. Holtby, Roy Corbman. Absen-|son and family, of Hampton, with Mr. i! 0 ' He dropped a message, asking if the husband wished the| by phoning No. 5, Port Perry. The new rate tariff is Wo hope that just as large a con. | tee Com.--C. Wilson, B. Diamond, B. and Mrs. John Carter. Mrs. Robt. i 5 operation fo be Proseded web, in signal by making a triangle of] much lower than formerly. grogation will greet Rev. Mr. Flin- Gordon, Mrs, Geo. McClintock. Pars and Flore ith Mrs. ": " hile ] three limbs on the ice of the lake. The signal was given, Seagrim ___ | dal, B.A., of Seagrave, next Sunday} Advertising Com.--Mrs. R. Vernon, | erson of Yelverton. Hr. an Ts. {NA 5 returned to God's Lake and the operation in for-off Winnipeg was LEY afternoon, Mrs. G. Webster, Mrs. A. Gilroy, Mr, | Howard Bailey and family, Mr. and successfully performed. ; GC ° T l | the recent visitors were: | C: Cook. Bin, Woke Meri and family with ) PEE) - Tr ; " i relatives in Toronto. rd » : : is Kath 3 Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. S ! Com.--Miss K. Orchard, Mrs. ) X . ; | . Land settlement or social disaster alone were the alternatives € t t 1 n g oget € Hi Holliday, Jack Holliday, Mr. Chas, Wilson, Mrs, Ralph 'Somerville, bow Ja Seth walk Mv. 85d Mra, STR facing Canada's army of unemployed, Mayor Camillien Houde told . ond Mrs. Ernest Smurthwaite and | Miss J. White, Mrs. I. Martin, Walalee Pascoe. : # the City Council. Forty-eight of the business men of Port Perry i" by, of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Bounsell and family \ The time had come when men in public life should take their 2 oye id Jean, and go Hosa, ¢ Guel th. | «A valuable new member has been | of Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. oA A litical fut in their hand d frank 1 enjoyed a banquet at the Sebert House last Fri ay Miss Jean eCln il PM added to the class in the person of Mr. |C. Venning. Rr political futures in their hands and frankly tell the mass where : : Dorothy Bray, of Green River, Harold [° : yor \ it stood, Mr. Houde said. Ii 4 night. Two ladies graced the banqueting table--Mrs. a of Claremont, Merlin Gil- Snider. Aftér the closing exercises Mr. Joe F erguson who has been at- hi Mr. Houde spoke before. Montreal's $50,022,341 budget for Hall and Mrs. Pyatt--who are in business here. It 15h of Whitby, Mrs. Wales, Miss M. a hearty lunch was served. tending Queen's University, called on 3 1935-36 was adopted. ' Aldermanic requests for works programs h occasion Mr. and Mrs. Weir had pre- | Wales, Mr. and Mes. T. Moore and| The Women's Association are meet- friends here on Sunday, on his way K2 i EE "to replace the dole' 'brought him to his feet. ; was. a appy : : ' : i family, and Miss Jean Ferguson, of | ing at the home of the president Mis. home to British Columbia, ; ing * : « 78.4.9 pared a delighful banquet and a most sociable spirit Oshivwn, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Walk- J. C. Barber on Wednesday afternoon. We are pleased to report the favor. % re The danger that flower pickers might destroy large quantities revailed Outstanding in the program was the step er and family, and Mina Dobson, of | All the ladies ave cordially invited to able condition of Master Murray 3 4 f 'white trilli h by the Ontario Horticul p * . } . ; whiosont, Werry who was operated on for ap- & 4 of 'white trillium--chosen by the Ontario Horticultural Associa: . MacG Lund d | Manchester, and Miss G. A. Purcell, be present. y who 1 A A ti s this Province's official fl ) Send f by J. B - dancing by Messrs. Rennie, aclregor, undy, an ' SO Te . = { pendicitis in the Bowmanville Hos- Hie dg 10n as C 14 owe was foreseen by J. B. Spen y : of Port Perry. or Miss Mae Barber spent last week| .: por \ cer, Vice-President of the Ontario Horticultural Association, in a] Reesor. Then there were songs by Messrs. Rennie, eal, or Holy Sn Sons SORE) end win Srieartn in tivo Zit? pital on Soudan, is pT at 3 ¥ : : : : «We WW at $ : Miss ate cLaughlin, R.N,, o 3 ¢ statement issued recently, _-_ MacGregor, and Harris, an instrumental trio by |aother's Day at the home of Som. Wl il a Peters is ponding o Lad ays HE Amelia Earhart brought her red monoplane across the 2100 Messrs. Stouffer, Rennie, and Glen Owen, a violin : Bevin, pet aig ong with o with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Ji I= Fo 3 | miles heigisen Mexico, DE 2nd Newark Airport, making the first] solo by Mr. Stouffer, and a reading by Mr. Letcher, hiv ysl V0 TE ae a Main Sunda Sohoo! % i on-sto m : y : . r, : : The Anglican Sunday School ser ! a" non p flight from the Mexican Capital to the Greater New York] (ho algo presided. The whole affair was delightfully end with his mother at Sandford. . a } 1 "ety informal. i Be Bony i ighboss '* Civic Holiday noon and the evening service in St. When Lord Baden-Powell tells his Majesty of the huge i i i i o and Mrs. E. Colin and family enjoyec John's Church were in charge of Dr. 3 bs. Soot Cl Tol A oon la hi j Ys huge Boy During the evening there was a discussion as t as oe ire yor at Sore 1a chonive of Dx 3} cout rally held at the Coliseum, in Toronto, on Saturday, there is h tivities to b dertaken by the Association. It t y AN « likely to be the echo of 16,000 young voices roaring out a great the activities to be undertaken by . cently. por S ay, absence of Rev. C. Harcourt, who FEA yt 1} ovation still ringing in his ears. - was understood, of course, . that the Civic Holiday | My gh, ss, Yas Dita] pd prescked in Je Jui {1s Freshy. { ; , 280 : S i 1 ig- family visited a e home o r. 3 erin urch a e afternoon an 234 orts Day, put on for the entertainment of this dis y M 5 : | French Army Officers said new tactics might be developed| - i t i hk P t # interest. The improvement of Arthar Orchard, recently. on. August evening services. | as a result of successful experiments with tanks which showed rict, 18 the centre o1-In res " e prov The Adult Bible class spent a Y The services for; use on Mother's i they could remain under water and ford shallow rivers. the water front was also discussed. pleasant evening at the home of Mr. THE BEST ET Day on Sunday, May 12th, was car- iq NRE : ' LBL Th lecti £ offi Ited as follows--Pres- l.and Mrs. Geo. McClintock, on Wed- . ried out by the United Sunday School Fo JERS XK Premier Hepburn intends to overhaul the taxing system in 86 ection of oflicers resu i " nesday. The president, Mr. C. Web-| oo qu opm: am: eames omg in the tianing,, 'The Soritule seating; " Ontario, and discover an additional revenue of $20,000,000 a year. ident, H. R. Archer;Vice-President, John McClintock; jo presided. Two familiar hymns : : A : : (Continued on Page B): - ?