2 See 3 a XE LT NR SSSR, Page Four _ Miss .G. A. Purcell attended the funeral' of the late Mrs. Milton Welch of Roseberry Hill, Hope Township, on Tuesday, May 7th. rl A number of members of Old Eng- land, Sons of England, were n To- vonto on Sunday attending the annual church service of the Toronto lodges. About fifteen members of Fidelity "ndge, AF, & A.M, were in Oshawa WHY GO BAREFOOTED? This week we are offering you a bargain in Work Boots. A good solid shoe with Panco damp proof soles, all sizés at $2.50 per pair. These shoes are made by Gravlin & Bales, and have a special Panco sole, Come in and see them. We also have Underhill shoes for heavy work at $2.75 and $2.85 palr, These shoes have leather soles and n Sunday attending the Thanks-| rubber heels. giving Service to commemorate the If its leather Gloves or Mitts you 25th anniversary of the accession to|require, we have then at prices from the throne of His Majesty King]30c. to $1.75 per pair. George V: Some 450 Masons of the (7 1 District attended this service at St. WILLIAM WEBSTER, George's Anglican Church. At Beatly's Store, Port Perry A number of the ladies of the Port Perry United. Church attend the It's Your DOLLAR W. M. S. Convention at Myrtle, on - Tuesday, of this week. The reports Make the Most given by the different branches were ° very encouraging and was a stimulus of it NOW to the ladies to continue their good work. Mr. Eric Luke, of Brooklin, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Farmer. : ENTERING THE CONTEST There is to be a contest of local talent at Loew's Theatre on Thurs- day, May 16th (to-night). Our young townsman, Mr. Charlie Heartfield is among the contestants, and will be broadcast over CFRB at 8.10 standard time. We shall "listen in." Good luck. ---- GIRL'S SOFTBALL NEWS | On Monilay, May 6th, the Port Perry Girl's Softball team played in their first tournament of the season at Lindsay. The four teams expected were Peterboro, Fenelon Falls, Port Perry and Omemee. Port Perry drew Fenelon Falls, and = Peterboro and Omemee played the first game. Dur- ing this game, word was received that the Fenelon Falls team was not com- infr, and so Port Perry played the winners of the first game, Omemee. ______From the very first of the game the Port Perry showed perfect team work, and exceptional hitting. The final score was 46-13 in favor of Port. And thus the Port Girls are off to a good start; we hope they will be equally successful throughout the coming season. Your interest and support would be appreciated. --_---- eo The Young People's Society of St. John's Presbyterian Church held their closing meeting of the year last Tues- day evening, May Tth. The members of the Sonya Young People's Society were the guests of the evening, and the programme was in their charge. "The first number on the programme was a quartette, "On the Isle of Capri", and "Lullaby of the Quintup- lets." This was followed by a one- act play entitled "Ici on Parle Fran- cais", in which the portrayedathe trials and tribulations of a ily which has decided to take in boarders, preferably French. After the play, those present were divided into four groups, and each group had a duty assigned to them. Each member of the first group had to make up their own epitaph and one for one of their friends. When read aloud, these epitaphs proved to be more amusing than mournful. The duty of the second group was to present a radio programme, They presented the weekly amateur hour in which Miss Doreen Hood as "Twinkling Toes" was awarded the honours, Lunch was then served, and the Social evening ended with the singing of "They are Jolly Good Fellows." ppp ~~ AGENTS WANTED Our liberal cash commission sales plan enables you. to determine your own income. Canada's most lucrative sales proposition. A card will bring vou complete details of this money making plan. Box 29 Port Perry Star. ---------- Ri MABONIC CHURCH SERVICE The members of Fidelity Lodge, No. 428, are requested to meet at the Lodge Room, on Sunday, May 19th, Aor the purpose of attending Divine Service at 'the United Church at 7 _ All Masons of the district are invited to join with Fidelity members p.m. to attend this service. Choice Inspected Meats Buy where quality and economy Count. Try our cash and carry system. H. W. Boynton's 'Butcher Shop PHONE FOUR WE DELIVER SATURDAYS PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M.A,, B.D, Minister 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 1.45 p.m.--Men's Bible Class and Forum, 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School. 7. p.m.--Sermon to Masons. The Masonic Brethern of Port Perry and District will attend in a body. The public.are saffislly invited: -->P ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN FEL CHURCH LOCAL ITEMS, [JUST ARRIVED }* by buying at BOYNTON'S| -- -- aE STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE Extra! Extra! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 16-17-18 Grace Moore (Great Cast) in "ONE NIGAT OF LOVE" The most glorious musical romance of all time. Golden voiced Grace Moore in "ONE NIGHT OF LOVE" coming to thrill you. Also a Comedy--Cohens and Kellys, in "BACK TO THE SOIL" and chap. 5 of "DEVIL-HORSE" serial. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21-22-23 Elssa Landi and Ronald Coleman, in "THE MASQUERADER" $1 A great Mystery, Thriller and Comedies. | COMING--THURSDAY and FRIDAY ONLY--MAY 24-25 Myrna Loy and William-Powell, in 'THE THIN MAN" SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 26th SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 26th--ONE NIGHT ONLY Chester Morris in "KING FOR A NIGHT" This special was advertised in every Fiagszing so you know the com- ments on "The Thin Man Very Good! TI TH TTA rT {J 3 ' £3 ------ EERE ED VO exclusive local agents. Look over the merchandise, see a positive money-back guarantee. . the line: REXALL REMEDIES RIKER REMEDIES BOOT'S PREPARATIONS FIRSTAID HOSPITAL SUPPLIES KANTLEEK RUBBER GOODS KLENZO BRUSHES OPEKO TEA & COFFEE JONTEEL TOILETRIES PHONE 49 Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) "This is Dominion-wide REXALL-WEEK, marki of continuous progress since the organization of this great enterprise. For this reason we are showing in our windows this week only products of United Drug Co, of which we are proud to say we ard range of products are ene and remember every product bears The following is a partial list of the trade marks represented in A.M. LAWRENCE ae Rexall sore twenty- -five years the for yourself what a wonderful JASMINE OF SOUTHERN : FRANCE TOILETRIES GARDENIA OF SOUTHERN FRANCE TOILETRIES LANGLOIS LAVENDER TOILETRIES Mi31 DENTAL PREPAR- ATIONS 'PORT PERRY One Day SALE! of Misses' and Ladies' High Class Dresses, Suits, Lag! Coats. MopERATE LY Suits and Coats from $8.86 up. Dresses $2.85 up. Wed., May 22nd, all day and evening. SETHSEAT Ms. Hall's Millinery Shoppe FOR SALE Shelving re- Apply mayl6é New Wagon Box. movable. Price reasonable. to Sam Ray, Utica CAR FOR SALE Overland Sedan in good condition. Has not travelled 14,000 miles. Will AT LAST! OO I il m ome, sell cheap fo cash. Apply 'to Mrs. porn Swan, Port Perry. may23 'Cream Separators , USED, RE-POSSESSED, REBUILT, ! and NEW, including De LAVAL, RENFREW. and VIKING. Further ' particulars may be. had- from 0. HYLAND, - BURKETON, ONTARIO. Phone 111 r 5 Port Perry. may23 . OPENING SPECIAL: FINGER WAVE OR 'MARCEL 25¢. $a 'For One Week Only JOSIE NOTT ., , "Phone . 238: Owen's Dairy Port Perry NOTICE TO FARMERS hearts. We know full well the trouble we caused you. Our thoughtless, heedless mischievous ways must often have vexed you sorely; but patiently, kindly and, when necessary firmly, you led us in the right path all during | 8 our days of inrancy and childhood. We feel that this is a sacred and solemn day in the history of THe Brown family. It is mete that you should receive from us some little token of the love and gratitude which your children and your children's children hold towards you and' we would ask you to accept this little gift of gold and flowers in honour and symbolic of the fifty golden years | of your wedded life and of the love + and devotion of your boys and gifts SERA 'SCUGOG " Mother's 'Day' gérvices' last inde were well attended at all 'the Sunday School and the programs. were ¥ory : interesting. The boys of our softball Login a LUMBER and ROOFING © We Carry a Full Stock ; of Lumber and Roofing" Materials -- Frames, t Sash and Doors mad to order. Try us and get results ny | Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight Specialist Open . Monday, Wednesday, ..and. Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all .times.. DISNEY BLOCK 1. .Oshaws : Lb Opp. Post Office,- Phone 1616 - ed EY gfe "~ Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service > CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m.--Morning Service CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Gordon D. Conant, K:C., Allin F. Annis, County Crown Attorney. --. B.A., LL.B. Offices 7V5 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa: Phones 4 and 6 (Oshawa). At the Court House, Whitby (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 Whitby Markets BUTTER-- Creamery Solids, No. 1 25 to 26% Seconds .......0 iin 24 to 24% CHURNING CREAM-- (f.o.b. country points) Special 26, No. 1, 23, No. 2, 21. EGGS-- Grade A large 156. Medium 13 Grade B 12 POULTRY--"A" Grade, alive-- Broilers ......co0iveniieen 18 to 2b Fatted Hens .............. 6 to 14 Old Roosters ........ Latah 6 to 1U Ducklings ........covunnen 12 to 16 POTATOES--per bag wi 46 to 60 LIVE STOCK-- Hogs (off trucks) .......... $8.00 Weighty Steers ....$4.26 to $7.80 Butcher Cattle ...... $65.00 to $7.10 Butcher Cattle ...... $5.26 to $6.26 * COWS eu inssiainivin $4.00 to $4.60 Bulls ......ovevvunns $2.60 to $3.25 Fed Calves ........ $5.76 to $7.76 Calves ...oosniivess $3.60 to $7.50 Spring Lambs ....each $4. to $9.00 23000 4 Sara Wie AD $3.60 to $4.00 Sheep "GREENBANK Miss F. E. Phoenix, Mrs. Wren and Miss Ethel Wren, of Uxbridge, left last Thursday for Montreal where they were joined by Miss A. J. Europe. Last Saturday evening a party was grandchildren and friends, it bein her eighty-fifth birthday. Abou joyable evening was spent. SCIATICA RUMACAPS CLEANSE YOUR system of Urie Acid, relieving Rheumatism and Sciatica MORRISON'S DRUG STORE RUMACAPS Phoenix and sailed on Friday for|jg given Mrs. H. Love by her children, |® forty were present and a very en- = A real step' forward in permanent waving has oe been installed by H. H. Mulligan. This new De Graff Permanent Waver oiiines beauty with efficiency, speed, comfort and safety. - No excessive weight on thé.'head, no restriction to customer's move- ments; provides simultaneous steam-oil treatment. De Graff produces natural looking permanent waves with curly ends on all textures and colors of hair with an ease) and speed never before obtainable. See it operated now, then judge for yourself. This equipment requires hilly or no Finger Waving. = Mulligan' S Beauty Shoppe = Phone 75 Port Perry, Ontario. NRRE ERE RE TEE fl 0 71 I The Ferrmmrsmeseesesseeessnand THE LAST WEEK IN MAY This campaign on behalf of the children now under the supervision of the Children's Aid Societies of Ontario, is sponsored by our Provincial Government. We have aine lot of children in our care. Write or telephone O. M. Alger, Local Supt., Oshawa, Ont. Phone 336 P.O. Box 321 "ADOPT-A-CHILD WEEK" ----e FD 0 this eventful time and best wishes for Victoria Day--Bargain Excursion COBOURG TO ROCHESTER, N.Y. 3 FRIDAY, MAY 24th RETURN FARE . - : (Children 680.) 1 295 Steamer Schedule--Standard Time GOING RETURNING = Leaving Cobourg ....8:00 a.m. Leave Rochester ....5:45 p.m. ® Arrive Rochester ....1.45 p.m. Arrive Cobourg ....11:30 p.m. Excellent Orchestra on Board for, Dancing Low Y Jriges for meals on FRY, 50c., lunch : dinner 76c. each, Also Lunch Counter sérvice. Ample free motor parking space at steamer dock at Cobourg. Purchase Tickets from Local CANADIAN NATIONAL - Agent or at Steamer ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY (Cobourg-Rochester Steamship Route) : M HW OT City prices paid for all kinds of FOWL, WOOL, HORSE-HAIR and i FEATHERS. Patronize your home . town dealer and get satisfaction. A. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY" Phone 177 UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and Billie with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Swan on Sun- day. Mrs. Morrison and children of To- ronto, visiting her sister Mrs, N. 8S. McDonald. Mrs. C. W. Lakey spent last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks with Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagg.spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. M. Urquhart, at Zephyr. GOLDEN WEDDING On Sunday, May 12th, Mr. and Mrs. N-C. Brown celebrated the fiftieth an- niversary of their marriage. The wedding took place in the same house in which they were married but for a numher of years Mr. Mrs. Brown were living in other pa i and came back to the farm about four years ago. Seven children were born of whom six are living--L. G. Brown, Reach; Rowland and Russell, of To- ronto; Mrs. Cooper, of Wasago; Mrs. (Dr.) Newman and Mrs, A. Craig, of Toronto. They were with their par, ents on Sunday, also eleven grandchildren. The bridesmaid and groomsman of fifty years ago were in atendance also Mr. John Brown, of Toronto and Mrs. McGee, of Thames- ville. On Monday evening a number of 'the neighbours and friends spent the evening with them. The heartiest congratulations goes out to them at i t i ' many happy days together .yet. Dear Father and Mother: - Fifty years ago to-day you were married and founded your home. We, your children and your grand- children are gathered here to-day to commemmorate and to celebrate your fifty years of wedded life. Your sons and daughters have grown up and | gone out into the world and every day each one of them realizes the debt j that each owés to the parents who * brought us up in the way we Shouts] | go. Each of your children knows that 'any measure of suecess that he or . she may have attained has been due ' entirely to the loving care and thor- ough education both mental and moral which you gave to your children. * The memory of our childhood home, our parents, their words of love, their new sweaters. They are red, black and white, with "Scugog" across the front. They look pretty sporty. - We hope to report some good games this summer. . Mr. Ray Milner and Mr. Milton] Demara spent the week end with friends in. Toronto. Miss Hilda Milner and Mr. George Russell, of Oshawa, visited over the week end with her father Mr. John | Milner. . Mr. and Mrs. R. Wells, of Lindsay, were recent visitors of her sister Mrs. Pettitt. "Mr, Orville Druean spent the week | end at his home in Port Perry. Rev. Mr. Elford and daughter Miss Florence Elford, spent the week end with relatives"at Seaforth, and where Mr. Elford and family are moving next month, as Mr. Elford is retiring ; from the ministry after forty-three years of service trying to guide peo- ple in the right direction. We all are sorry to see Mr. Elford leave the Is- land, but our best wishes go with him and his family for a comfortable and happy retirement, "Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Prentice and children Kay and Eddie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerrow at Manchester. , Sorry to hear little Beth Fralick has the measles. We hope she wi soon be better again. are reported as yet. Mrs. O. Gerrow and daughter Ora, of Oshawa, visited with Mrs. A. Pren- tice one day last week. Miss 'Grace Moase of Port Perry, and Miss Aleta Reader were guests of Miss Leona Prentice on Sunday. , Mis Ivah Milner spent the week end at the parsonage. MANCHESTER Mr. Kutsey and family of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs, F, Crosier, on Sunday. . Mr. D. McDermid' 'in Toronto one day this week. Mrs. F. Wells with Mrs. Leslie Lambe on Sunday. . Mr. Douglas Oliff, of Oshawa, with Mrs. Seward over the week: end. Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor with Mp | jand Mrs. Joe Cooper, on Sunfay, i Mr, Joe Flewell is repainting oh] house and making things Took quite bright. : 'The Manchester Sunday School is holding anniversary services on May 26th." Rev. J. E. Glover, of Clare- mont, will take the services. The Blackstock choir will help at the No other cases warning and advice will never f from our minds but will: ever: enshrined as precious jewels in our afternoon service at 2.80 and Myrtl choir: at the evening service at 7.40. «1 We invite you to these services, AY 4 . lJ ill | North East London. F arm for Rent «Deacon Estate Farm --450 acres, Cartwright Township. 72 acres fall plowed. Apply to-- = Harris, Harris, & Wallace, Port Perry. Eyes Examined Accurately F. B. LUKE & SON 'Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St. Toronto (Upstairs opp. Simpsons) DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto, Post Graduate in Surg of Medical Gradu- ates' College and Polyelin London, England, Post Graduate College London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont 'W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours! 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office a kd REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged and préssed ~~ B80 Cents Dry Cleanéd $1.00 tC. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office J. 0. STEPHENSON, R.O. At Mo: 's 'Drug Store 7204 and 4 Fritary ot sah month, 4 1 i ot i