I ---- pe Se -- CG ation are hold- next Sunday church at 7.80. cry, is coming ssage. Let us t. and little Joan r parents Mr. , and Miss F. ge, for a few k and family, . brother Mr. . end and Mrs. ook charge of Centre Sunday rting a dandy ind Miss Joyce ,uests of their id Grace Hood. rey, Clem and ents Mr. and ay. d the Stock onday. i, of Toronto, { Mr. and Mrs. n, of Toronto, the week end. m visited Mr. man over the tman, of To- here over the visited in To- t'rank Gerrow, gain after be- the doctor and I*lorence Wells g with her for il hope for a lcome rain we Things are Rodman and :ader. back to spending the ner Mr. W. T. arce, Mr. and wghter Mary, R. Fowler, at ronto, were recent visitors of Mr,' and Mrs. Jos, Simkin. ° Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor, of Weston, spent Victoria Day, the guests of Mr, Will and Miss Mary Martin. Miss G. Brown, of Toronto, spent the holiday and week end at her uncle's, Mr. F. Brown. Mr. Harold Totten, of Freelton was a holiday and week end guest of his relatives at the parsonage. Mrs. Crawford is visiting this week with her daughter Mrs. Vernon, at Keene. Mr. Fred Moore, of Raglan, and Mr. C. Harrison, motored to Toronto for the holiday. Miss Doris Simkin and Miss Vera Masters were visitors to Lindsay last week. A number from here attended the Odd Fellows service at Brooklin last Sunday evening. The local choir provided the music for the Sunday School Anniversary at Manchester last Sunday at the evening service. Many of our citizens attended' the big day of events at Brooklin on the 24th and report a good time. Mrs. Roy Percy and Mrs. C. Harri- son were visitors to Toronto on Thursday. The Softball season is here once more. The home team are organizing this week and the first game of the season is to be played with Scugog at Myrtle on Thursday of this week. The same two teams played an exhibition game at Brooklin on the 24th, Myrtle winning by a score of 7-6. Mr. Stewart Bryant has sold his store in Toronto and has' purchased the "Davidson" farm west of Ashburn and the family have already moved in. Their many friends are glad to welcome them to the near neighbour- hood. There was an extra good attend- ance at the W.M.S. meeting held at the home of Mrs. L. Tordiff of Brook- lin, last week. The President, Mrs. Hudgins, was in charge of the meet- ing which opened with hymn 393 and prayer by Mrs. D. Ross. General business was discussed. A splendid reading was given by Mrs. Honey, on Home Mission Work, "Indians, yester- day and To-day in Saskatchewan", a pleasing duet was sung by Mrs. L. I PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 80th, 19356 -- Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) WOODBURY"S SOAP 10¢. cake 3 for 25c. : REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE 25¢. and 39c¢. OVALTINE--38c., 58¢c. and 98c. ,AYERST'S DRI-YEAST CAPSULES 50c. and $1.50 PURETEST BREWER"S YEAST 40c. and 75¢. : 8 oz! 28. 4 oz. 25c. WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALT 20 oz. 50c. 8 oz. 40c.. TABLETS 16 'oz. 5c. 50c. and $1.00 Box of 42 iin 25¢. A. M. LAWRENCE 0 Ranalls sure | PHONE 49 "PORT PERRY ian visited Mr. hawa, on Sun- ad his sisters rs. I. Rodman, C. Mackie at ent are plan- ce on Sunday, i the following culars. man visited in ay and attend- ere, pending a few Sweetman. n Stewart, of their aunts, ss Reader, on D 1 and family their Summer Hall, of Port and Mrs. A. Saturday in I1 be held at zel Mole, on Ladies of the lly invited to f Whitby, has Pavillion for s holding the May 80th. ° tion /ill be held at harge of Mr, n, will repre. 'ance Federa- 1.45 p.m VM. S. Sunday in charge of 'ormosa, who antz and the ntz, of To- ts of Mr. and ggs and Mrs. wa, also Mr, . of Toronto, week at the 'rank Briggs. isitors of Mr. vere Mr, and nd Mrs, Ed. and Mrs, A. and Mrs. S. Simkin and oung, of To- Tordiff and Mrs. Luery, "Go Home and Tell". Most interesting short readings were given by Mesdames Thompson, Luery, Armstrong, Hud- gins and Ross, also Lois Tordiff, "Falling Back upon God". Then a delightful piano duet was played by Mrs. Tordiff and Lois. The Meeting closed with hymn 190 and the bene- diction. Lunch was then served by Mesdames Rancier, Luery and Tordiff to whom a hearty vote of thanks was tendered. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Smith and sons and Mrs. McDonald, of Toronto, also Col. Percy Jobb ard Mrs. Jobb and daughters of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beacock. MANCHESTER Mrs. Angel and children, of Fergus, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie, Mr. Arnold Roach spent Tuesday at his home here. Mr. Seaward has closed the store and gone to Toronto. * Mr. and Mrs. Linton of Claremont, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, Myrtle, and Mr. and Miss Orchard, of Pros- pect, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Crodier. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerrow and Maun- sell, in Peterboro, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells, Scugog, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Crosier, of Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosier. Miss Verna Masters has secured a position in Oshawa. Mr. John Moore was in Oshawa this week, Mrs. F. Lamb, of Lindsay, is back again to her home here. We are glad to welcome her back. Par SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Ontario and Durham Softball League May 80--Scugog at Myrtle 31--Port Perry at Blackstock June 7--Port Perry at Scugog 6---Myrtle at Manchester 14--Blackstock. at Scugog 14--Manchester at Port Perry 20--Scugog at Manchester 21--Blackstock at Myrtle 28--Myrtle at Port Perry. 28--Manchester at Blackstock July 8--Blackstock at Port Perry b6--Myrtle at Scugog 11--Scugog at Port Perry 11--Manchester at Myrtle 19--Scugog at Blackstock - 19--Port Perry at Manchester 26--Manchester at Scugog 26--Myrtle at Blackstock Aug. 2-+Port Perry at Myrtle 2--Blackstock at Manchester . NOTE--To our patrons. same--25c. and 15c. Watkins Fly Spray repels flies not B = J = WATKINS FLY SPRAY "Six Reasons for Its Superiority B 1. KILLS. Watkins Fly Spray kills flies and other | insects. Reduces fly pest. - ® 2. REPELS. n- killed; keeps flies off stock. ] : 3. WON'T TAINT MILK. Use this sweet-smelling a spray in the milk-house and before milking. } i 4 LEAVES STOCK CLEAN. Will not dirty or i gum up the hair, or burn the hide, g 0. FULL MILK FLOW. m 6. YOU USE LESS. Y4 u re [| a Orr C. Browne [Phone3d Port Perry Fa FE 0 1 STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 30-31, JUNE 1 (Double Bill--2 Features) Ann Southern and Stuart Irwin, in "THE PARTYS OVER" a an "MAN OF ACTION" A thrilling Outdoor Western, and Cartoon MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3-4-5 Stan. Laurel and Oliver Hardy, in "BABES IN TOYLAND" N A thousand laughs and roars in this side-splitting comedy feature, and Shorts. On June 1st our price still remains the But an additional 5 cents for governemnt tax on each adult ticket, for relief purposes. LB BGT J I ---------------------- Cows eat in comfort. oz Spray for each animal. t LUMBER ROOFING We Carry a Full Stock of Lumber and Roofing Materials -- Frames, Sash and Doors mad to order. Try us and get results Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times, DISNEY BLOCK Oshawa Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 ed cCoy, in OT Ee Gd _------------- IN. MEMORIAM TREVARTON--In loving memory of my dear Auntie Mrs. Elizabeth Trevarton, who passed into rest on May 29th, 1932. God knew that you were suffering, That the hills were hard to climb, So he closed your weary eyelids, And whispered "Peace be thine". Away in the beautiful hills of God, By the valley of rest so fair, We pray God will help us strive to prepare To be worthy of meeting you again over there. } Ever remembered by her niece, Mrs, Lillian Hitchens. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publie Gordon D. Conant, K.C., Allin F. Annis, County Crown Attorney. B.A., LL.B. Offices 7'; Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Phones 4 and 6 (Oshawa). At the Court House, Whitby (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 Whitby PLANTS FOR SALE Good, strong, healthy plants of early varieties, the kind that produce results, 16 plants to the box fog 16c. Open evenings. D. CORBMAN, Port Perry. june6 WANTED Girl for general housework, Apply to Mrs. Arthur Carnegie, Port Perry. WANTED 3 Medium sized tent. Apply to Miss Pickard, Port Perry. may88 FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the Undersigned until noon, June 22, 1935, for lot 10, concession 5, Reach Township, consisting of 160 acres, more or less; 110 acres under cultiva- tion; balance wood and pasture, Good dairy farm; stream crossing farm; good house, large barn, and imple- ment shed. Situated one niile from paved highway and half mile from school. - Possession March 1st, 1986. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders to he sent to | James Smith, 918 Princess Ave., Lon- ; don, Ont., Executor for the estate of | the late Thomas Smith, JOINT ACHES ACHING MUSCLES AND 'JOINTS are quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS MORRISON'S DRUG STORE RUMACAPS DON'T DRIVE without Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Take advantage of our new low rates. (Fire, Accident, Plate Glass, Burgular insurance also written at reasonable rates.) Phone 83 E. H. PURDY, PORT PERRY. CEMENT and SHINGLES Fresh supply of Cement and Shingles now at MYRTLE ELEVATOR. Your order appreciated. Local Agent, ELWOOD MASTERS, Phone 20 r 6. june 6 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Machine ground, all kinds of light repair work done. Apply to 8S. Causley. Phone 228. tf. ? pon Srp TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE EALED Tenders addressed to the under- signed and endorsed "Tenders for Coal" bi be Suealved until Psy gt Mi ight saving), Tuesday, une , for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications And conditions attached can be ned the Purchasing Agent, Dept, of Public 'Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Architect, 86 Adelaide Bt., East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental spect. fications and conditions, The right to demand from the successful tenderer a deposit, not exceeding 10 per cent. of the amount the tender, to secure the reserved. proper fulfilment of the Sentra, is N. ' DESJARDINS, Bec Department of Pobiié Works, »Ottawa, May 14, 1985 By retary. z NOTICE Wm. Marquis, gives notice that he will sell by public auction at the garage of Messrs. Embury & Spencer, Greenbank, on Saturday, June 8th, at 2 p.m, one Studebaker car under lean of said Embury & Spencer for re- pairs, The car is a 1923 model Studebaker touring car serial No. 1061662. The amount due for repairs and storage is $48.25. x Messrs. Embury & Spencer. 163-167 Yonge 8t., '(Upstairs opp. Simpsons) Toronto DR. W. 8S. HARPER be Fo Ti N step) Oia Post Graduate FB RT Ey hn wk Rg at fon mon Fat Infirmary, free Office and aya Tata Perry, Ont, W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office i. REDUCED PRICES Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office TOO J. 0. STEPHENSON, R.O. 5