oy i oe LER Sr ror pn = Ra oat SR de mied i 7 p.m.--Rev. A. M. Wootton, of x08 2 Street Dance at Port Perry, on LG piece orchestra. El oi for gon EI NC " ATS ot ae Fr ry { Page Four a -------- -- | Mr. = Mrs. A, J. McCombe (nee LUGGAGE BY Marjorie. Real), of Saskatchewan, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J, F. McClintock. They are enjoying their wedding trip. Myr. M. L. Ingram, of Montreal, is holidaying in town with his mother. : Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Somerville, ar- rived home from the West last week. They were accompanied by Mrs, How- sam. MONSTER STREET DANCE The Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society are sponsoring Wednesday, July 3rd. The music wil be furnished by Van Walker's nine Round and square dancing, Three prizes will be given in the Old Tyme Waltz Competition. Re- freshment booths on street. Admis- sion 25s. BANK OF COMMERCE CHANGES Mr. B. Elliott, of Penetangpishene, has been transferred to the Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, succeeding Mr. E. L. McLean, who has been appointed :to the Market branch, Toronto. Mr, McLean will be missed by many friends in Port Perry. We wish him success in his new position. COMING!--See F. E. Luke at A. M. Lawrence's drug store, Port Perry, on Thursday, July 11th. about your eves, ' nth is ar rm A RAR Fo 2m re ne SS Misses Alice Haydon and .S.S. Rooms of the United Church on Thursday afternoon of last week, by the ladies of the W.M.S. Tea was served from 3.30 to 5.80 The large number of ladies present the work of the Society. An excellent program was present- ed consisting of readings by Mrs. Wm. Real, songs by Mrs, Peterson, and by Mrs. Harold Honey, and a ' piano solo by Miss ValDe¢ Hortop. All together the tea was a pro- nounced success, and was much enjoy- ed by those present. > PP = A special holiday bill at the Strand Theatre, Uxbridge, July 1-2-8--The I i Tin-Tin, the wonder dog. Story by Peter B. Kyne. Thursday, Friday, 2 Saturday, Duke" with George Arliss at his best. It has class, style, and variety. Three Just a thought of sweet remembrance, | ¢ Just a memory sad and true, BY Just the love of sweet devotion Of those who thinks of you. --Wife and family. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH e Sunday, June 30th, 1935-- PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY : HOURS ; Monday ............ 7to9 pm" |T i Tuesday io. inne 04e 7 to 9 pm 2] Wednesday .............. closed = Thursday .......... 7 to 9 p.m. 31 Priday cou vvsvvsnns 7 to 9 p.m. 3 Saturday.. 3 to 5 & 7 to 9 p.m. 3 ------ tee oh | and shop worn baggage. about them, At Beatly's Store, officer, officers for the ensuing term: I. Past Master .. Junior Warden Treasurer Secretary Diof C. co... J. A. Hayden Senior Deacon Junior Deacon rain. ment scheduled for LANGMUIR Have you seen the new '"Mirapack". It's so "miraculously easy to pack." We have them in 18" and 20" at $4.60 and $5.00. Suit Cases at $2.00 "and $2.50. We also have some bargains in used Ask us "SOCK HIM KELLY" Come and see for yourself--Men's Fancy Sox, priced from 15¢. to 80c. per pair. We have Leather Neckties in Bows and four-in-hand styles at reasonable prices. WILLIAM 'WEBSTER, Port Perry OFFICERS OF FIDELITY LODGE INSTALLED The annual installation of officers of Fidelity Lodge No, 428, A. F. & A. M. was held on Monday evening of this week. R. W. Bro. J. O. Little, of Newmarket, was the installing The following is a list of the Worshipful Master...... J. D. Lucas ..Grant M, Gerrow ..A. P. McFarlane ir PE 0. C. Browne 4 oe € ati y win 4 A. B. Cawker % shins sue ind Geo. R. Davey Senior Warden Fr ima Bert MacGregor % Thora | Junior Deacon ....,, Thos. A. Blight y Kaufman have pased the Ontario Inner Guard .......... Frank Barker if Board of examinations for registered Tyler ............. ++..I. R. Bentley ABTS s] S. Steward ............. J. I. Coates : J. Steward ........... ..Fred Tarvis W. M. S. "HOSTESS TEA" o> A "Hostess T&"" was held in the NEW PAVEMENT IN TOWN A new strip of tarvia road is being built along John Street from Beare's Garage south to the railway track at the end of Ontario Street. was evidence of a lively interest in yu likely take a couple of months The work or completion, and is being con- structed under the supervision of the County of Ontario Road Committee. This new piece of roadway, which |: will give easy access to Oshawa, is made possible by certain financial 'ar- 3 collected from the municipality for angements, by which the amount oads by the County is returned to the municipality; but must be spent n the construction of roads. - For the past ten years this sum--$1326.86-- has been paid on the piece of - great thrilling Police story with Rinn- r b Jiges ob emmont oad that was laid down in town. Now all those payments are made, and new work will be undertaken fi of next week--"The Iron] time to time, gin gli LAWN BOWLING nights only--July 4-5-6, Popular price, tax extra. In spite of rainy weather, there have been some bowling events. For --_---- ee -- instance Port Perry bowlers brought IN MEMORIAM } home two prizes from the Peterboro MacGREGOR--In loving "memory tournament, June 12th. They were of William MacGregor, who passed in the Scotch Doubles. Messrs. A. P, away June 27th, 1933. Ingram and A. P. McFarlane captured econd prize, and Messrs. John Mur- 'ay and D. Carnegie, won fifth prize, This is very good in a contest in which forty-eight rinks competed. "Five carloads of Port Perry bowlers went to the Lindsay jitney recently; but only one game was played, the est were called off on account of Rain also stopped the tourna- Wednesday of last week. The bowlers went to Can- nington on Wednesday, but results were too late for this igsue of the paper, The big annual tournament is list- d for the last week in July. 10 a.m.--Sunday School {8 ! 11 _a.m.--Morning Worship, the ny. § 4 pastor will preach. Tyrone, will preach. Sunday, July 7th, the Communion service will be held at 11 a.m, ( o_o» ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. H. PURDY, DON'T DRIVE without Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. Take advantage of our new low rates. Fire, Accident, Plate Glass, Burgular insurance also written at reasonable | Repairs Phone 88 PORT PERRY. ates.) Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening Service Prag a> -- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, June 30--7 p.m. Preacher--Rev, A. Durnford. + It's Your Dollar! 7 | . Make the Most of it $ By Buying at BOYNTON"S (Leonard Block, Port Perry) fii i CHOICE INSPECTED © MEATS : We Deliver Every Morning, ; BELL PHONE FOUR suitable for outboard motor. auto trailer to carry boat. Star Office. FOR SALE No. 1 British Columbia Cedar Boat, Also Apply at THE LATE GEORGE FRANKLIN Mr. George Franklin, who died at Port Perry, on the 18th day of June, 19856, was born in Somersetshire, England, in 1846, He came to Can- ada with his parents when he was ten years of age. The family settled on the 1st Concession of Reach, and went to work at once to secure a home and living for themselves. Young George, who was little more than ten when he took his first job, was a worker, who throughout his life was busy making two blades of grass grow where there was one or none before, In young manhood he married Sarah Lamb. Seven children were born to the young couple, Three boys and four girls, Two boys died, one Thomas, survives his father, The daughters are: Mary, (Mrs. Robert Mrs, Somerville); Margaret (Mus, Wesley Page), Ida (Mrs, Howsam), and Ethel (Mrs, Howard Franklin). Mrs. Franklin died some four years ago. > Mr, Franklin first farmed for him- self in Darlington, Later he moved to Cartwright, where he cultivated|[ the Edward Bryne's farm. His next move was to Greenbank, and from there he moved to Saskatchewan. For a while he carried on out there alone, Later he took his son-in-law; Mr. R. Somerville, into partnership. raised wheat chiefly, although the first crop after the prairie' was broken would likely be flax, as that helped to rot the sod. One year the crop on the Franklin farm was valued at $18,000, and in two or three other years the crop ran at about $12,000. On his return from the West some years ago, Mr. Franklin settled in Port Perry, where he has been living quietly ever since. +m CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Somerville and family wish to express sincere appre- | y ciation for the kindness and sympathy | shown by friends and neighbours, at the time of their recent bereavement in the death of Mr. Geo. Franklin: : MYRTLE Mr. Blmer McTaggart and Miss Cora McTaggart of Toronto and Mr. Will McTaggart of Detroit called on friends here on Sunday morning. Mr. Victor Hudgins and daughter of Toronto visited Mrs. Hattie Hud- gins last week. Congratulations to Henry Perry, Roy Painter, Kenneth Cook and Frank Downey who were recommend- ed on their year's work and did not have to write the final Examinations for Entrance. Success to the other two candidates who are writing this week, Mr. and Mrs. George Hughson of Toronto visited Mrs. Hughson's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Leacqek on Sunday . Mrs. Charlie Taylor was called to Oshawa on Sunday owing to the ser- ious condition of her father, Mr, P. Parrott, who was struck with a car while walking from Oshawa to his home at Thornton's Corners on Sat- urday night and had his skull frac- CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON. D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LL.B. Offices 7% Simcoe St. 8., Oshawa Phones, 4 and 6 (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Phone 7 (Whitby) JE 0 Radio ELECTRICAL Phone to JOHN FARMER No. 85 STRAND Theatre, UXBRIDGE + Thursday, Friday, Saturday, (THIS WEEK), June 27-28-29 -- TWO B BIG HITS -- Buck Jones, in "MAN TRAILER" = ~ a thrilling Western. "WHIRLPOOL" Also Jack Holt, in and CARTOON. Chapter.11 of "DEVIL HORSE" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Ju 1-2- 3 Holiday Bill Tin, the wonder dog "PRIDE OF THE LEGION" A thrilling Police Story by Peter B. Kyne. Also chap 2 of Barbara a Moore, and Ria ~ "SHADOW OF THE EAGLE" Don't forget ge Avis In "Ti Saturday, next, July 4-5-6 George Arliss Wind IRON DUKE" They |. ---- = ---- tured and received other painful | injuries to his 'face. He was re- moved to the Oshawa General Hospi- tal and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr, and Mrs. Cridlin and family ot Columbus visited Mr. and Mrs. Pilkey on Sunday, PE Mr. Blake Dehart of Brooklin, has been mowing the grass along the shoulders of the highway, Since the heavy rains of last week the , growth has been very rapid. Mrs. B. G. Ross and her sister Mrs, Rancier entertained the W.-M, S. on Thursday afternoon of last week and although the weather was rather doubtful there was an attendance of sixteen. The president, Mrs. Hattie Hudgins, presided and after the open- ing exercises which were led by Mrs. Carmichael and Mrs. E. Holliday, a very interesting programme was given which consistéd of a duet by Mesdames Mitchel and Ross, reading by Mrs. Reid, temperance reading by Mrs, Chisholm, missionary number by Mrs. Honey, at the close of the meet- ""WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO- LECITHIN A nerve tonic of exceptional merit, . Per 1§ oz. bottle $1.00 ing a tempting lunch was served and (You Save With Salety at « © Rexall Stare) or Picnic 'NEILSON'S, HUNT'S and A. M. LAWRENCE : me Reagll sev PHONE 49 Your Fe or the Holiday NIAGARA MAID GRAPE JUICE, 25¢., 49c. MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE ........49. ANTI MOSQUITO CREAM ..........385c BETTY ANNE CHOCOLATES 1b 50c. AGFA FILMS .................26¢e, 30c. BATHING CAPS .............:16c to 50e. SUN GLASSES ..........25¢c, 50c., $1.00 'UNIVEX CAMERAS ................69c. ODORONO .................85¢. and 59. RIKER'S FRENCH BALM, ..25¢., 39¢., 50c. PORT PERRY a social chat enjoyed.-The July meet- ing will be at the parsonage. The Faithful Workers' Class are being entertained at the home of Mrs. A Armstrong this week. --_------ eo. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Machine ground, all kinds of light repair work done. Apply to S. Causley. Phone 228. tf, ER a a CR MAN WITH CAR Can place ambitious man, between 25 and 46, in' "own business" in nearby rural route handling Watkins' Fly Spray, Tonics, Spices, Extracts, Soaps and Medicines. Estabilshed 1868. Selling experience unnecessary, Farm experience helpful. Credit furnished How party. Write immediately, The J. Watkins Sompany, Montreal, Que,, Th Q- P-5 june27 - a aa | 4 FRIDAY, JUNE 28, A competent stylist will be in tacos to assist ONLY \/ ants J EE ---------- Sale of Suits & Dresses ONE DAY you In the selection of the Coat, Suit, or Dress most. becoming to your individual taste. SUITS $3.95 to $9. 95; *COATS $7.98 to Voiles, Pastels, Prints priced right, $14. 96 MRS. HALL, Milliner PORT PERRY © = ONTARIO EE #Rrise Action on Eight, De Luxe Six and some Standard Six models. 2 UBTRACT from Pontiac's low price the Foot liberal allowance we will make on your present car. The difference, most likely, is surprisingly small. To,simplify purchase still pe, factory, Oshaw. TE 936 (for the Standard Six 2-Pass, Coupe) Delivered, fully equipped at a, Ont. Freight and Government Registration Fee only extra Prices of 8-cylinder models pt . factory begin at $1149, Pri i OO more, you can pay the balance in easy, 16w- rate GMAC instalments, Meanwhile you get all the advantages of a brand new car.' Low first cost is just a sample of the motoring economy enjoyed ts © by Pontiac owners. You'll find the 1935 model a miser on gas and 8 : oil. Upkeep is way below average. Then, too, Pontiac is long-lived. Pe Nothing has been skimped in a husky construction that features solid tant point, Pontiac's re-sale value is invariably high! ci Look carefully at Pontiac's list of features, You can't duplicate them in any other low-priced car! See the Six and the Straight Eight, Drive them. This personal experience will soon wplein: for you why there are 80 many new Pontiacs, on the road, - = ro > x Q eo = = PONTIAC MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PORT PERRY steel "Turret Top" Bodies by Fisher. To mention yet another impor- RE Sh par and vi ha We Carry a Full Stock of Lumber and Roofing Materials -- Frames,' Sash and Doors mad to order. Tiy us and get results Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyesight Spoolalist Wednesday, Open Monday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times. DISNEY BLOCK ° ~ Oshawa. ~~ Opp. Post Office, Phone 1516 tad Mortgage Sale Under and. by virtue of the powers of Sale contained in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, at PUBLIC AUCTION, on FRIDAY, the TWELFTH DAY OF JULY, 1935, at the hour of two o'clock, in the afternoon, at the farm of Fred Bailey, R.R. 3, Sunderland, Ontario, the fol- lowing property, namely; : All and singular that certain parcel -| or-tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Brock, in the County of Ontario, and Province of Ontario, being composed of the North Half of Lot Number Twenty-three, in the Seventh Conces- sion of the said Township of Brock, dred (100) acres, more or less. On the said farm there is said to be '| erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. - The lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase monéy to be ' -|')paidrdown- at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to HARRY: W. PAGE, East Block, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO, Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. y Dated "at Toronto this twenty-first day of June, 1935. COMING! F. E. Luke, Yonge St., Toronto, Eyesight Specialist, may he consulted about your eyes for glasses at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, Thursday, July, 11th, : DR. W. 8. HARPER Graduaty of Trinity Medion Post Pig A Nesp sete and jd, Fe olvelinte, LTA port bh ky on Royal 5 nfirmay Office and Surgers--Port Po Perey, ont ont, nla. "W. A. Sangster so. DENTAL i, Offic Hours: 9 am. to 6 pm. Office Up-stairs, over Smmeuseny, Insurance Office J. 0. STEPHENSON, RO. at 8: M UG BTORE SRE int 92 810K ¢ contained by admeasurement one hun' AL x TE PA RS