X ef < & Mr i x. EERO S Sa I "gi GF. MANNING, President. ire &T ¥ G GO Fite obit ++:8.00 a.m, . © Arr. Roches er, , 1,45 pm. . . . ADULTS 28o. ._ Government Tax be. . A seers Sarees sasereaiaaeecsanirraarane See u eau area nN NSS 888888888888 088080ss sss) UTICA The Crozier picnic will be held on the Church grpunds on Sat. July 6th. The Mitchell-Ward picnic on Wed, July 10th. A splendid crowd attended the Me- morial Services on Sunday. e -Next « Sanday - evening, June 30th, the L. O. L. will attend services at the ! United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell of North Bay with Mr. and: Mrs, Jas. Swan. Remember the dance in Memory Hall, on Thursday evening, June 27%. Good music. Admision 26¢. Mrs. Alpin Christie entertained the Blue Bird Club at her home on Thurs- "day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard and daughters visited -her brother au Waterford over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. E. Skeratt entertained - at their - home on Saturday in honour of their thirtieth wedding anniver- sary. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lakey at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mec- Kinley, Sunderland, on' Friday even- ing in honour of their silver wedding. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley were present. ed with a floor lamp from the family. Sorry to hear of the serious ac- "cident of Mr. Phillip Parrot in Osh- awa on Saturday evening. BARGAIN TTT COBOURG. TO ROCHESTER, N.Y. 5 - MONDAY, JULY dst" ONLY $1.25 RETURN on, 40881 rs Steamer Schedule--Standard Time EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA ON BOARD FOR DANCING LOW PRICES FOR MEALS ON STEAMER "Breakfast 50c. Lunch and Dinner, 75¢c. each. Lunch Counter Service. ' ample free motor parking space at steamer Purchase Tickets from Local Canadian National Agent or at rd ~ ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY £ Cohouty Rockaster Stesmship Route Talking Pletures | in the Town Hall PORT PERRY, Sat. July 13, 8. 30 sale CROSS EXAMINA TON STARRING H. B. Warner and Sally Blane : ~ Greatest Drama of Tothor love since Madam X |} Under ¢ auspices of Business Men's Association : Deny Davis--Mausical Review and Travelogue : t Disney--Silly Symphony and-Cartoon RETURNING Lve. Rochester 5.45 p.m. .Arr, Cobourg ..11.80 p.m. dock at Cobourg. _.. CHILDREN 180. -Tax Free Istittitrtetteaeted Mr .and Mrs. W. O. Bennett, Dr. and Mrs. MacDonald of Oshawa, with 'Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lakey. Miss A. Miller home for a week's holiday. ? Miss Jessie Walker spent Tuesday with her cousin, Mis E. Gilroy. MARSH HILL Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Kelby, of To- ronto, spent a few days visiting at Colin Lomimer's. Mr. and Mrs." Alfred Sharpe and son, of Baltimore, spent a day visiting at Edwin Langstaff's, 7 We must congratulate Master Ed- gar Lorimer, on being allowed the Entrance standing on his year's work, which speaks well for him and his teacher, Miss Pugh. ! Miss Irene Swanick was a recent visitor at William White's, We congratulate Mr. Wilmot Swan- ick on securing Honor Standing in the recent examinations at the University of Toronto. Mr, and- Mrs. Roy Morrison and sons, of Sonya, spent Sunday at the home of- Russell Acton. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gibson and children, of Greenbank, spent Sunday at the home Mr. W. White. \ * Wrestling Mateh "WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR" BOUTS 9 . of the greatest and most exciting-game in the - : 'world, with flying tackles, scissor hold and _aeroplane spins, in the. Port Perry Skating Rink FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1935 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE JUNIOR HOCKEY CLUB. fA 123 hs--Ted McKinley, Ontario and Dominion Champion nap vs. Muggsy McDonough, Toronto Champion. ry hs~--Benny Engblam, Champion of Finland ! 2 va. Joe Schleinmer, Canadian and Br. Empire Champion. Main Bout--Jol nie Mirray, flying Scotchman v8, Evans, Olympic and Doniinion Champion. See Marvin Nelson, World Champion, in person, 1st Bout at 8.30 sharp. | ADMISSION--Ladies and children 26c. Ringside seats "0c. General * admission 86c. (Government tax extra.) A. CAWKER, Secretary. Auspices Pt. Perry, Reach, & Scugog Agrl. Society Wed, July 3rd. 9 pe. Orchestral ROUND and SQUARE DANCING. old Time Waltz Competition. : Frank Shepherd, Pres, Admissien 280. . Ewers, The Province of Ontario, one of the richest areas of its size in the world, with great per capita resources of soil, mineral- bearing rocks, forests, lakes and rivers, homes, farmsteads, factories, cities, towns and villages, now comes to its share- holders -- the people -- with the soundest securities that can be offered -- the bonds of your 6wn Province. THE TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO offers - $20.000.000 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 2% and 37 Debentures (Non-Callable) 234% Debentures, dated June 15, 1935, due June 15, 1937. 3% Debentures, dated June 15, 1933, due June 15, 1940. Coupons June 15 and December 15, Definitive Debentures registerable as to principal only . Principal and Interest payable in lawful money of Canada at the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the Cities of Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Halifax and St. John, Canada, or at any Province of Ontario Savii:gs Office, at the holder's option. Ly DENOMINATIONS 8200: Be C0: and $1,000. These Debentures are a direct obligation of the Province of Ontario, authorized by act of the Legislature of the Province, and are a charge as to principal and interest upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Province, and are issued under authority of statutes of Ontario, 23 George V, Chapter 50. /' (Legal Opinion of Messrs. Long and Daly) ISSUE PRICES 2384/9, Debentures, due 1937--100 yielding 23{9%, to maturity. 3% Debentures, due 1940--100 yielding 39), to maturity. Plus accrued interest in each case. WHERE TO PURCHASE BONDS Applications for the above loan will be received by any Branch of the Province of Ontario Savings Office or may be made direct to the Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. Interim Debentures in bearer form will be available for delivery on or about June 20, 1935. "The proceeds of this issue will be utilized Jor the purposes mentioned in the said Act including Government Services such - as Old Age Pensions, Mothers' Allowances, Hospitalization, Unemployment Relief, Education and General Administration. "I believe this to be a most attractive issue and am sure that the confidence shown by purchasers will be amply rewarded. Let this be our watchword for progress: 'BUY THE BONDS OF YOUR OWN PROVINCE." TR 2s flor Prime Minister and Provincial Treasurer DEPOSIT SAVINGS VOLE LCT SY BTEC OFFICE -- 21), ISIAH ENY.Y SP INTEREST ALLOWED 8'prizes Sec'y F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE GROCERIES BANANAS ........ dozen 25c¢, C. & B. CATSUP, 14 oz While they last ....2 for 25¢. CHEF BEANS, 30 oz. ....10c. ANGLER SALMON No. 1 tins ........ +2 for 25c¢. PREMIUM FANCY RED _ SALMON, %"s STRAWBERRIES this week. : - FRESH GROUND COFFEE Per 1b, 27¢c., 33c., 39c. SILK HOSIERY Monarch full fashioned pure thread silk in gervice weight. Popular shades. 69c. pair, or 2 pairs for $1.29 PEANUT BUTTER, 26 oz. 25c. LADIES' DRESSES White Crepe Dresses - '$2.95 Figured Angelskin Dresses - 3.98 Repp Dresses, $2.28 and $2.80 House Dresses, $1.19, $1.25, $1.36 Men's Ready-Made Suits Grey for Summer wear in the 'Club Clothes' Brand. Several styles. $18.95 A popular line in Brown; Blue, or Black, with stripes. Special value. $13. 95 Phone 13 a ERI i D Coal Wood Lumber The time is slipping by when you can buy your next winter's coal at a saving. If you have not already done so, let us fill you bin with coal that will insure you real heat comfort next winter. The coal with marked quality-- "Bl ue. "» : hod 3 LUMBER--We have a godl stock of Jumber on hand and can fill almost any kind of a bill. B. C. SHINGLES, ASPHALT and METAL ROOFING. BODYWOOD, Hardwood and Softwood SLABS. LIME, CEMENT, TILE, MARMILL POULTRY FEED. LRH J FRED E. REESOR - Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73] : | year. We learn that Reta Munro and MANCHESTER / Ruth Mitchell have obtained their Don't forget the Sunday School|lintrance to High School without picnic on Saturday, to Oshawa Lake- writing. Mina Dobson and Marion view Park. The truck will leave the| Franklin have been promoted to Sr. x ig] IV on their year's work, g h at 12 o'clock. Everyone is : y wn Miss Gregg of Sunderland with welcome, ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon and child-| Miss A. Barrett vedently. ren, 6f Raglan, Mr. A. Roach, of Hali- SA SLE M 1 Mrs. W. Crosier, of burton, Mr. ane y Select Films will present a new Seagrave, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Crozier recently. Mr. Cliff Farrow, of Port Huron, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Christie on Sunday. Miss Verna Masters, of Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Masters. We extend our congratulations to Miss Grace White for her successful work in the school during the past program of talking pictures, starting Saturday, July 13th, and every second Saturday, thereafter. EE Mm ------------ FOR SALE A 1927 Chevrolet Car in first class shape, newly ducoed. Also brooder house in good shape, 10 x 14, Can be seen at Frank Franklin's, Port Perry. especially meats, FOR THAT PARTICULAR TASTE This is the time of the year when one's taste is very particular-- Our meats are so tasty and delicious that the most fastidious appetites are satisfied. Phone your next order to CAWKER BROS. Phone orders to 29 w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery